, -4' , t n 1 , I' V Y- PAGE TWO. THE ROXBORO COURIER. APRIL 11, 1917. ATLANTIC FLEET IS ON THE OCEAN TRAILING ENEMY But No -Word As To Disposition of Single Unit of the Fleet Will Be Given Out Until There is an Actual Clash Washington, April 9. The nation tonight settled , down to watch, the fleet as President Wilson and his lieu tenants and Congress prepared for the long drive to carry out the stu pendous war plans which have jbeen agreed upon. The first real wax news Washington believes, will come from "somewhere in the Atlantic' where the American grand fleet is under war orders shrouded in mystery. No word as to the disposition of a single unit of the fleet will be given out at the navy department, Secretary Dan iels said tonight, until there is defi nite news of actual occurence. The censorship will be rigidly maintained until an actual engagement of some sort has taken place, and even then the announcement may be delayed. Meantime America's naval force at sea and ready for action, whether it be against the submarine menace that strikes in the dark, or German raiders skulking in the byways of the seven seas. Navy Buzzes With Activity All day the offices of the navy de partment buzzed and sung with the activity that attends the direction of a war fleet. Admiral Benson, chief of naval operations, and his staff were at their desks throughout the day, and for a time Secretary DOaniels kept them company. The secretary said tonight that the department had re ceived no affirmative news of the ac tivity of a German raider in the At lantic. The secretary likewise denied a series of sensational rumors of the destruction of various American war ships which flooded Washington dur ing the day As the navy the nation's first line of defense prepared for action, the drive for super-preparedness went on with redoubled energy. The navy officials worked on the detailed plans of co-operation baf tween the American navy and the fleets of the entente powers, and com plete arrangements for putting the co-operative plans in effect were made. Financial Co-operation The plans for financial co-opera-tion with the allies were considered by . the President's advisors and it was decided to press Congres at once for the necessary legislation to pay for the great three and a half billion dollar military plans of the adminis tration and to extend a loan of two or three billions to the entente powers. The ways z.rA means committee of the house, and the finance committee of the senate, will get down to work at once under pressure from the exe cutive departments and the White House, on th? legislation to author ize the contemplated war bond issue of $5,000,000,000 and to finance the revenues of the government from tax es, in order to meet the stupendous war expenditures. Had Trouble' Four .'or Five Years No one appreciates good health like those who are ill. W. J. Furry, R. F. D. 2, Salem, Mo., writes: "I have been bothered with bladder trouble four or five years. It gave me a great deal of pain. I took different medicines, but nothing did me any good until I got Foley Kidney Pills. Many per sons suffer from kidney and bladder trouble when they can be relieved. Backache, dizziness, rheumatic pains, stiff or sore joints and other symp toms yield to Foley Kidney Pills. Mexican Trcops Move Toward The Border El Paso, Tex., April 5. De facto t::oo?s in the- state o .Neuvo Leon, Ccahuila and Chihuahua have begun a general movement toward the Am erican border, according to highly re liable information received here to night. The movement in these three border states has been officially re ported to Washington and is being watched closoly. Cut Thys Out It Is Worth Money. DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this slip, enclose with 5c and mail it to Foley & Co.,- 2835 Sheffield Ave, Chi cago, 111., writing your name and ad dress clearly. You will receive in re turn a trial package containing Fo ley's Honey & Tar Compound for coughs, colds, and croup; Foley Kid ney Pills, for pain in side and back, rheumatism, backache, kidney and bladder ailments; and Foley Cathar tic Tablets, a wholesome and thoroly cleansing cathartic, for constipation, biliousness, headache and sluggish bowels. ed to present them to the undersigned ' f ice for Person county' in Book 16, inn. 1 nnfp. nil.). auiuimauaiiii Mil VJ. ucivi uic OulU I i e: - . -- day of March, 1918, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This-30 th day of March, 1917. RUFFIN RHEW, Adm't'r. SALE OF TOWN LOTS This March 15th, 1917. N. S. THOMPSON, Sheriff. NOTICE Reuben Bowes vs. Ada Bowes; In the Superior Court. p n riirriiTrTTtmiijMi,il m nin iiiiiwi 11 agggj NORTH CAROLINA PERSON COUNTY The defendant above mentioned will take notice that an action en titled as above has been commenced in the Superior court of Person coun- Under and by virtue of the powers contained in a certain deed of trust executed on the 3rd day of January, 1 rt HiaanW th hnnHe nf mntri. 1917, by George W. Woody and wife mony existing between the plaintiff and registered in the office of Regis-1 and defendant, and the defendant ter of Deeds for Person County in wm further take notice that he is Book 2, Page 138, the bond secured I required to appear at the next term by said deed Of trust having matured V.p Snnprinr rmirt nf sniH rmin. I and being unpaid and the owner there- ty to be held on the 4th Monday in uiiiflvms icqucsicuu ai mc wer oi April, iyi7, at the court house ol sa.c contained -m said cecd of trust said county in Roxboro, N. and be exercised, I will on j answer or demur to the complaint in Monday, the30th day of April, 1917 I said action, or the plaintiff will apply at noon-, at the court house door in to the court for the relief demanded Roxboro, North Carolina, sell at pub- in said complaint. lie auction for cash the following des- This the 20th day of March, 1917. cnbed real estate lying in Person ( D. W .Bradsher, County, North Carolina, to-wit, viz: Clerk Superior 1 Court. . Two lots of land, adjacent to each 1 . other, lying in the town of Roxboro, ' y said County and State, being Lots ( mnnH 11 RWV A -shAnm Kv w I RESALE OF LAND 3 - MAGNIFICENT STEAMERS a The Great Ship SEEANDBEE? "CTTy OF ERjE "CITY OF BUFF a t rv BUFFALO Daily, May 1st to Nor. 15th CLEVELAND Lere Buttalo J:00 P. M. fi Easteeit : J Leave Clbvblakd . jS p if Arrive Cleveland 7:30 A. H. ( STAirDAan, Txtus Arrive Bxmxto . 7."m m Comjectlons mt Cleveland tot Cedar Point, Put-ln-Bay, Toledo, Detroit and an m " West and Southwest. Railroad tickets reading between Buffalo and 01eveiaPr,Hnt3 are cood ior transportation on our steamers. Ask your ticket agent for tickets via C. & B. Line. Sew Twirkt AatoaoMle Sata-S.OO Roand Trip with2daysretnrnllmlt.forcar8notexeeedlngl27tn.wlieelbage. Beautifully colored sectional pnzsle chart of The Great Ship ''Sbsandbee ,l T7 receipt of flvo cents. (Also ask for our 8-age pictorial and descriptive booklet frp The Cleveland & Buffalo Transit Company CIcTelaad. Ohio The Girit Ship "SES1SDCKE" the largest and mokt eottly pawenBr Stenan1 on Inland waters of the world. Sleepiaf capacity, 1600 passenger. fcx I e Vote $8,000 for Sidewalks Thomasville. A bond issue of $8, 000 for improving sidewalks on Main street of this place has been voted by the people of Thomasville. Nature Cures, The Doctor Takes the Fee There is an old saying that "Nature cures, the doctor takes the fee", but as everyone knows you can help Na ture very much and thereby enable it to effect a cure in much less time than is usually required. This is par ticularly true ,of colds. Chamber lain's Qough Remedy relieves the lungs, liquifies the tough mucus and aids in its expectoration, allays the cough and aids Nature in restoring the system to a healthy condition. Hurt in Auto Crash Albemarle. Will Milton, of this place was badly cut and Will Fun sustained a broken arm when an' auto they were driving crashed into a tele phone pole. Job work is our specialty Legal Notices, The Cburier $ 1 a year. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having this day qualified as the administrator of the last will and tes tament of J. S. Rhew, deceased, late of Person County, North Carolina, this to notify all persons indebted to dr holding claims against said deceas- vAVvfvT ffWHvy r i tv, l t-t NORTH CAROLINA. ui yi ujjci by lui uici uwucu u y o el- i ferson Farley, known as "Jefferson PERSON COUNTY. Farley Place, surveyed and platted under and by virtue ot an order of by James A. Clark, whose plat or map The Superior Court of Person County is on record in the olfice of Register ! made in that special proceedings en of Deeds for Person County in Book ! titled "D. F. Humphries et al vs. El 22, Page 392, which record, and also len Humphries et al," to us directed SnrW Far-6y as Commissioners, we will on safdTof April 21st 1917 at 12 M., part of this descrpition, i the court house door m Roxboro This the 30th day of March, 1917. ' "1C " ! A V i 11 11 M l parcel oi land oounaeu ana aescriDea o a 1 S F. O. CARVER, Trustee. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having this day qualified as the administrator of the last will and testament of A. R. Cash and Sarah Cash, deceased, late of Person Coun ty, North Carolina, this to notify all as follows: Lying in Holloways Township bounded on the North by the lands of Jos Robertson; on the East by Gillis Copper Mines; on the South by the Old Billie Harris tract of land and on the West by the lands of Robert Yan cev. containine 100 acres more or less. TERMS OF SALE: One-third cash,g persons indebted to or holding claims ' one-third in six months and one-third in iweive montns. ueierrea pay ments to bear 6 per cent interest against said deceased, to present them to the undersigned administra tor on or before Saturday 24th day of February, 1918, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment. This 24th day of February, 1917. A. M. CASH, Adm. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER EXECUTION Notice of Execution Sale J no. E. Gannway & Co. Vs. Reade Bros. Company In The Superior Court. NORTH CAROLINA PERSON COUNTY By virtue of an execution direct ed to the undersigned from the Su perior Court of Person County ijntthe above entitled action, I will, on Monday, the 16th day of April, 1917, at 12 o'clock M. at the court house door of said county, in Roxboro, N. C, sell to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said execution, all the right title and interest which the said Reade Bros. Co., the defendant, has in the following described real estate, to-wit: .Lying and being in Flat River Township, Person county, North Car olina, and bounded as follows: By lot No. 4 on the north; by Otey Ave nue on the east; by lot No. 8 be longing to E. W. Reade on the south, and by a street on the west, and known as lot No. 6 in plans of the survey of Helena in Block No. 9, containing acres, and being the lot conveyed to Reade Bros Co. by B. Cameron and others, executors by deed dated March 25th, 1909, and of record in Reg. of Deeds of- O o o o o o o o o o o o o e o e o o o o o o o e from the date of sale, and title re tanied until full purchase money is paid, the purchaser having the option to pay all cash. A 10 per cent increased bid having ! been made since the former sale, bid ding at said sale will begin at $957.00. This March 26th, 1917. B. S. Royster, L. M. Carlton, Commissioners. O o o o o o o o o o o o. o o o o o o o. NOTICE OF RESALE OF LAND NORTH CAROLINA PERSON COUNTY Under and by virtue of the decree of the Superior Court in that special proceeding entitled "A. Y. Russell et al vs. Arch Thomas et al," to-me di rected as Commissioner,, I will ,on MAnJv A r.i-i'1 MrA 1Q17 at' 19 M at the courthouse door in. Roxboro, i N. C. sell to the highest bidder at public auction the following tract or parcel of land bounded and described as follows: Lying and being in Olive Hill Township said County, bounded on the North by the lands of Alex Newton and George Kirby; on the East by the lands of R. W. Crumpton and on the West by the lands of A. Y. Russell, containing 197 acres more or less, and known as the "Micajah Thomas Place." ! TERMS : One-third cash, one-third in six months and one-third in ninej months from date of sale. Deferred' payments to bear 6 per cent interest ' from date of sale, the purchaser to have the option of paying all cash and title retained until full purchase money is paid. A 10 per cent increased bid having bsen made since the- former sale, bid din.g will start at $6682.50. This 26th day of March, 1917. Luther M. Carlton, Commissionev. ZELL'S Special Com pound For Tobacco Madison, Rockingham Co. N. C. Jan. 27, 1917. I used 2917 bags of ZELL'S SPECIAL COMPOUND FOR TOBACCO on my farms last year and so far have sold about $60,000.00 worth of tobacco grown over it at :prices which are highly pleasing. ZELL'S starts tobacco nicely and ripens it uniformly, producing a fich, waxy leaf which weighs well and brings $he money. I will cer tainly use ZELL'S again this year. J. M. GALLAWAY. Roxboro, N. C. January 31, 1917. I have been using Zell's Tobacco Fertilizers for eight years and have never seen anything to beat them yet. I averaged $42.00 for my crop of tobacco grown over ZELL'S this year on the Roxboro Market. - ZELL'S makes rich, silky, bright wrappers which always weigh well. I had rather cure after Zell's than any other fertilizer on the market. I expect to-use Zell's again this year because all my people are pleased with it. Yours truly, WELDON G. CLAYTON Mebane, N C. January 27th, 1917. I used Zell's Special Compound for Tobacco 8-2-2 last year and made 8326 lbs. of tobacco that brought me $2791.21. I will use Zell's this year and reccommend t highly. ZELL'S starts tobacco nicely, grows it smoothly and yellows it well. Tobacco grown over ZeU's always brings a good price. Very truly yours, f W. MARSHALL WARD. . Hurdle Mills, N. C, February 14th, 1917. I . used some ZELL'S SPECIAL COMPOUND FOR TOBACCO 8-2-2 last year along with ,a 9-3-1 Fertilizer made by a standard manufacturer, and considered popu lar in this section, the goods being distributed by ma chinery the same amount per acre, Notwithstanding the fact that I used a light sprinkling of stable manure ' with the 9-3-1 which I did not use with Zell's, and plant ed the tobacco over Zell's last, I was surprised to find with this disadvantage, that Zell's made the most tobacco anoSbrought me thev most money. Yours truly, D. L. OLIVER, FOR SALE BY: Harris & Hester, Roxboro, N. C. R. P. Brooks, Woodsdale, N. C. H. L. Carver, Rougemont, N. C. J. T. Rogers & Co., Durham, N. C. oooooocooooooooooooooooooaoooocoeoooocoootoaoooiiM o o o o o o o 8 o o o o o o o o g o o o o e o o o o o o o 0 ! O ' o e o o . e 0 o j M SIC eeiry rVOTMTTI TTiTri o 0 0 0 0 mm o 0 0 e must close out our entire stock in the next 30 days. Prices extremely Low - - Machinery at this time is very much higher than it ever has been before and will continue to advance. For the stock we have on hand, we will offer you the greatest bargains that has ever been sold. Everything will be sold. If you let this chance slip you will certainly lose money. Now is Your chance. Six thousand dollars wotth of goods will be sold. Come early and see and choose while you canr L- Our stock consists of Plowp, Disc Harrows, Buggies, Corn Plie&tersF Wheat or Grain Drills, Hay Rakes, Mowers, Nissen Wagons, Churns, Riding Cultiva tors, Riding Plows, 14 Tooth Cultivators, Shovel Plows, Well Fixture, Manure Spreaders, Grain Binders, Acme Harrows, 4 Horse Power Gasd Stock of Plows, Paints, Buggy, Harness, etc. Lot of Bolt, Brass Valves, Engine Sup plies, Land Roller, Tobacco Planter, also numerous small articles on the shelves us stock will go just as rapidly as possible. V , ; 7 (TiTb '. " rv,'.,,:' U ' ' in- " ' " """ '"" "" "'. ' IttM.nn.'.'iu. K i.m K." -0 MP r" , 1 .iiij H.J.IW - .1 ii i I I I .) ' s j .i. n m " ,7 ; -i',.. - -mtrr - mi ,11 iii-nriiinffrwiMi vwm , m"mi . - mfr yi "rr 'r- -i m - ..t. , o (Oi.lL 1 mitt M4