1 " THE ROXBORO COURIER, MAY 2, 1917. PAGE TWO . south MUST GROW .OWN FOOD STUFF (By John Paul Lucas) "Grow your, own food and feed crops or go hungry." In less abrupt phrasing but in language just as eas ily understood, this is what the rest of the country is saying to the South this year. ' The South has been depending on the North' and Central .West for food and feed and feedsturs to the value of approximately $700,000,000 a year at present prices the figures would no doubt pass the billion dollar mark. North Carolina's part of this tremen- dous aggregate oi imyvita in round numbers $80,000,000. For the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1916 and ending June 31, 1917, be cause of a combination of high prices and poor crops in some section, oar importations will no doubt reach the staggering figure of $100,000,000. This State in common with all oi ifie South has received a solemn warning from officials of the Nation al Government, including the Secre tary and Assistant Secretary of the Department of Agriculture, that the ' food and feed stuffs we have been importing will not be available this year because they will be required for our armies and the armies of our al lies. The Governors, agricultural leaders and far-sighted farmers and business men of the South have sounded the warning also. .So grave is the situation that President Wilson himself has made a special appeal to the farmers fo the South. The State of North . Carolina has been early to take steps to meet the situation. Even before war was de clared Governor Bickett took time by the forelock and issued a proclama tion urging upon the people of our cities and towns as well as those on farms the importance of planting ample home vegetable gartjen. Fol lowing the entry of this Nation into the war Governor Bickett appointed a State Food Conservation Commission which promptly met and planned and is putting into execution under the di rection of its executive Secretary a vigorous campaign for greater food and feed production. A sub-commission is being appointed in each coun ty in the State, to have representa tion from every school district. The newspapers of the Statethe commer cial organizations, ministers, mayors of towns aftd cities, bankers and oth er persons and agencies will be called upon to assist in this campaign, in addition to the State Department of " Agriculture, the Farm Extension Service, the boys' and girls' corn, pig and tomato clubs and otheg organiza tions. In short every possible agency is being mobilized to meet the siti ation. There are several means of in creasing production. Where farmers can see their way clear, they are urg ed to reduce slightly their acreage of cotton and tobacco, specially the lat ter, giving more acres to corn, soy - beans, peas, potatoes hay, and other food and feed crops. Even where , they do not reduce their acreage of cotton and tobacco they are urged to try to take care of a slight addi- tional acreage, if they can do so with- out neglecting their accustome dcrops. Increased amounts of fertilizers may be used to advantage where wisely sppfted. , Pointy commissioners are urged "to use convicts and their work stock on tenantless farms -fo? the ' cultivation of com and hay especially, even to the tenrporary neglect of road work. The people of our cities and towns are-urgd to utilize vacant lots and lands close by for the growing .of staple food r.nd feed crops. When one tries to vision th3 amoutn of meat, floir. corn, oats, hay, pota- - toes, etc.. $80,000,000 or $100,000,009 will buy he begins to realize what a gigantic task the farmers of the State have imposed, upon them, and what a really impoitsnt work the mobilized forces working through anl in co-operation With' the Food Conserva - tion "Commission i?.ve to perform in Jj? j 1 . r . . . getting -me larmers and other pro ducers in the State to feel the serious- ness of Jhq situation ana to act promptly in meeting it. The farmers of North Carolina are v called upon-to grow fojod and feed crops not" 'only sufficient to supply all of their own needs, but to supply the needs of our cities and towns and mill -; communities as well. If they should I - raise a surplus above these require F ments; which "is "beyond the range of ;V possibilities this , year; there will be. a ' ready market for it, because this na- tion ifl nem? caiieri rmnn to fooH ,only the armies but to a considerable w - w , O v AVVVI 11V V Allies, ;prhc$6ducers by the niil . lions have ba?n taken from the fields . to fight m the trenches. 'J'-t "All authorities are agreed that uh yrecedented' pricesirrayba looked for vrhatattiIrisn; po- canneu d'driedgetables:and :; fruits and -in .fact . aU -non-perishable food: and" fel .because'4:jic.s: and f iobaccdi ar? farm" products -we "have, even at their present prices, and farmers who raise, thse - crop3 ,to : the n2glectof suffi ':i8nt""ho and hominy" and feed for their owiuso are going to. be in the :a!amity howling class-this fall. Cot toil and tobacco vill no doubt com manl something like present prices next fall, bjjt there is some danger of ui overproduction of "Ithese crops vvhiie thsre i no,4anger of the South raising too much food andfeeistuffs; The farmers of the Statetogether with business men, andothers who can h:lp, are called upon to perform, a patriotic duty. But that is not as far as it goei. They ar being given, by unusual coniitionse, such an oppor tunity to . profit as they have never had before. The war is going to brin yrosperity to a narked degree to those farmers vho are fore-sighted and wise enough to produce abun3ant jv of those crops for which there is certain to be the hoaviest demands at j the bait prices. LIFT YOUR CORNS . OFF VITH FINGERS Tells Hbw to Loosen a Tender Corn Or Callus So it Lifts Out Without Pain Vnn rppklpss men and women who V V - j are nestar with corns and who havev ful death from lock jaw or blood pois- on are now told by a Cincinnati aa thority to use a drug called freezone, which the moment a few drops- are applied to any corn or callus the sdre- ness is relieved and soon the .entire f man them The mXM of f moving the accumulated wast with mm nr callus, root and all lifts offu, , t , . out griping. Take a pill before re- with the fingers. Freezone dries th moment it is applied and simply shrivels the corn)to hit Thege boats sink sub. or callus without inflaming or even irnuiunK ie urruuuu.xig uI8uc ux ( skin. A smal bottle of freezone will , cost very little at any of the drug S lores, uui win puabivcijr iiu uuc o feet of every hard or soft corn or hirdened callus. If your druggist hasnt any freezone he can get it at any wholesale drug house for you. Adopt Daylight Saving North Wilkesboro -The day light saving plan has been adopted by this city and will be put in use at once. All clocks of this place will ba set forward 'one hour from April 30 to September 30. Piles Cured In 6 to 14 Days Yonr drunrist will refund mosey if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any case of I tenia, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding P!les in 6 to 14 day. The first application gives Ease and Re 50c Faces Double Murder Chargje '. e . . Tarhoro- W. C. Nelssin. white will go on trial'here for his life this week. He is charged with killing Officers P. R. Riggan and Ransome-Gwatnew ven March 3. For Your Child's Cough HerVs a p'easant coush syrup that every child likes to take, Cr. Bell's menace in fact although many Pine-Tar-Honey. If jour child has a thousands of tons of shipping are deep hacking cough that worries you sunk everyweek, it has become evi give him Dr. Bell's Pins-Tar-Honey, ' dent that Great Britian willjiot -be the soothing pine balsams relieve the (coughloosens the phlegm and heals tne irritatea tissues, uet a Dome to- uay at your aruggist ana start ireat- 1 1. J 1 t i i i i mtnt at once. 25c. Youth, 19, Is Missing New Bern Calhoun Batts, 19-year old youth of this city, has-been miss- ing trom his home here since Sunday night. Search parties have been look- ing for him for several days. . Proper Food For Weak" Stomachs ni - i ji Ihe proper food for on? mm may be a.l wrong for another Every one shoild adopt a diet suited to hi3 age i , , , and occupation. Those who have weak i ij j.i. j- l .!! i i sf nmnrllR TlPPrJ fn Vo ocTooialliT porofnl and should eat slwoly and masticate their food thoroughly. It is also im- pcrtant that th3y keep thsir toweh regu ar. When tiey beconie conrti - pated cr when th?y feel dull and stu- pii after eating,- they shouli take Chamberlain's Tablets to strengthen the stomach and rrove the bowels. They are easy to tiki and pleasant in effect. The Friday AItorr.oon Pleasure Club hal a n:o:t enjoyable meeting it Iho appointed -time, with Mrs.-W. C. Watkins as thVhost?s3. " The at tractive, home o:i Virginia Avenue was decorated with a profusion of white flowers, the color motif, 'pink .md white was ' carried out in every detail. The guests assembled m the reception room and living room where Boston Rook-was" played at six tables In addition to , t he ' culb members a number of invited guests participated' fn . the games, after, which ! a delight ful ! collation -was served by Mrs1: Pres- ton- Satterfieldand Misses Myrtle Barnett and Breta Noelll ,i:1s Whsaeyer Yioti NeetfB Gencrd Tonic t.Tber OldStaaaiGrxrve tasteleis chill Tonic is,, equally valuable; cs a General Tonic because itvcontains the well known tonic properties of QUIN INE ana lKuiN out ?Jt tcon th l4Ver Drive; THE FIRST STEP: Usually the first indication" of a" lowering of health-is found in die bbwels and liver. ; Something goes' -wrongwe eat too much, or work too hard and the bowel action "weakens or the liver is sluggish That heavy feeling on -arising in the . morning, ; dryness of the throat, with ; bad taste:' a slie-ht headache; dull eyes-all show that ' ioou uas icrmtmeu in ine intes tines, and that, the body; is manufacturing- poisons , instead of good blood. - Clear it all out. Give the nr.mach and bowels a fresh start. Encourage the liver to go to work. Irlanalin does all' of this, .'wi:iioi;tv griping cr vreakening.: It's the . ideal laxative and liver tonic; because it follows Nature's plan, without; cisoDinfort. inflam- f mation or forming a .habit. Con stipationLmay be overcome with 4ts use. Liquid o r tablet form. T h e Tab lets taste like landy. tnein, a n d they are 3 safe. , 10 and 25 cents. FIGHTING SUBMARINES ,TheNBritlsh claim to be sinking German 3ubmarines at the rate . of a day Qr m0re.which is certainly n a them is with small motor boats about 100 feet long which run at forty i mile an hour, too fast for a tornAHr i marines, some, by direct gun fire; &Qme fey but greater niJm. ber by Setting nets. To repair the great ,03a fa ton caused b torpedoes and mines the . Allies are rushing the building of speedy freight carrying vessels. Jt- is understood that President Wilson is using some $15,000,000 of the emergency fund voted by the last Congress to build wooden . -merchant vessels of 3,000 ton3 burden. Jn a few months our yards willl be turning out these ves sels at the , rate of one a day. A great addition to available shipping has been made by the seizure of the German , vessels in the American har bors. Of thse there were 91 with an aggregate tonnage of 629,000 more than could be built in our ship yards in a year. Many of these vessels nave ; been badly damaged by their . - crews t. but j they jpan Je repaired. Fouitesn Austrian . ships also were seized on last Monday when Austria ?.nd Turkey severed diplomatic re lations with the United States. With these ships, for which private, owners will doubtless be paid at the proper mm m . - - ume we sfta be much better equip- Pd to face the German submarine starved out by the German under watei boats. Vessels are still enter.' " a"reuF" 8ai numoers ana harwOCT lO AAminn TIM "v wimug uu apace. When j that comes Great Britian will have food of its own for several months. Don't Let Your Cough Hang On cough that racks and weakens is ( Va"eruus unaermines your health and thrives on neglect. Relieve it at W wither. King's New Discovery. Jr.. tZ 'Ti hedS i fnt; t'lT It' lts .antiseptic properties kill the germ qj Ua , . . " S, - &vii--s aiiivc iiiiu Dr PCinV Npw n" T .1 iJr. Kings New Discovery plea-ant tn A, - nc , p I -n. , . ...... " bo vii vt . i v c. nave a W Z. -ne cnest - .51, ciuuii, anu a:i oroncniai alfections. At druggists, 50c. 1 NSLg0N CASE ,at -TARBORO m "ViV";. " TERMINATES IN MISTRIAL Dcfisndanfr, Accused of Killing Police iicei-3, in- Penitentiary for Safe Keeping Wilson, April 23. Judge Whedbee returned from his' home in Greenvine to Tarboro Sunday morning to ascer tain whether or not the ; jury in the lyelson case for the killing, pf Two police officers' and- seriously wounoV ing the mayors of Tarboro had tar rived atTan; agreement,' and; finding there Was no likelihood of their agree ing, ordered - a juror withdrawn' and a mistrial." The prisoner was remanded to jail and, was shoflly afterwards started ,on his wayto the " pehitentary for ."fe-keeping. ; ' When, the case is called again it will v be heard ' either iri;..Wilsonr Wayne or. Nash county! anoVtt;is believed by fmany it will go to Jfash. V , . t; ; i -V ; Chirft Police, Gulley,of Tarboro, who was in the raid when the tragedy was ; enacted,- - alsoj1 passed through Wilson Sunday;afternoon on his way to Raleigh; where he will enter a san atorium 'for 1 treatment1 It: is'wud Jhatevrr since the crime h been S physical and mental' wreck. '.t . .- Entente : Powers Not Empowered To mi V- i i -rr . ... . .jJrait. JLneir.ouDiecis nere - "l ' '- 5 . " ; i'- -' ; Judiciary - Committee," Saturday, said the bill !passed'by the 'loose and Sen ate" toilet ths' entente: powers recruit their citizens or -subjects Jn tjjis coun try iov military f service does noVem power theni - to conscript ; these per sons. t Foreigners residing in - the United States and several newspapers printed;in foreign languages have, ap pealed to the State Department on' the" limitations' of "the : act. ' , Polish 'com-munities- especially have -been wrought up because . of rinisfnf orma tion; 'Mr. Webb says the act means simply a modification of the crimi nal code .which thas prohibited enlist- ments in this country, so that recruit officers u Jiiay Jiidace. if possible their subjects and citizens in this country to enlist." v . French citizens hive sought infor mation as to ; the extent thejmeasure will go, it being erroneously reported that England and France desired the power to compel enlistment of their nationals, in this; country. It. was pointed out in a British quarter that England hardly would" ask of the United States what she had denied to France, Clear Away The Waste. Bowel regularity is the .siret of -i j i i t-i. i i goou neanu, ungui, eyes, ciear turn- i plexions, and Dr King's New Life that regulates the bowels and reliev- ! es the congested intestines by re- tiring and that heavy head, that dull spring fever feeling, disappears. Get Dr. King's New Life Pills at you.: druggist, 25c. ' Germans Urged Not To Quit the Struggle Amsterdam, April 23. Via London. An appeal to the German people not to' give in for the sake of a' mouth ful of bread, bu"t to !hold out only a little while longer," is printed in the Nordeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung. "America s found out," says the statment, "that England will be beat" en and she entered the war to save what she . could of the money put in to the munition business. Shall we let America reap vour teeth and it the profits? Sef will soon be over. Remember alllsat stake." The Association of Christian Trade unions of Berlin, in a manifesto, . - . .- - - - - Ui. ' j : J- - the.German emperor and.empirewith a strong i condemnation of striker which it says "do not provide a single gram of bread f and the ; enemy, like a drowning man, is grasping at the straw, eagerly watching for the least sign of disunion in Germany." "Therefore," says the manifesto, "all must stand .pat. Hard Work, for Women It is a question if women doing men's work deserve particular sym pathy, for it is doubtful if there is I ortTT rtAlr. 4-Vlof ia titvlaii fVian airnvir day housework.. 0ver work tells on a nij,,, j ,u- u:j " are affected one looks and feels old r than the actual years. Mrs.A. G. WellsfR. R. 5, Rocky Mount, N. C, writes: I cannot praise Foley Kid ney Pills enojgh for the wonderful t a.a u.:- use for a sh0rt while " ' v - ' ;' wm Hospital- - Marion-Dr. ,G. S, Kirby, of this i Pce has complete! plans and par- u - j a c n- i- I chased equipment for, establishing . a i her. The instituon win ue ui-enu iri.ay x, ne anaoiinces. i ...:n u j it... -i i. Muscle Soreness Relieved j -Unusual work, bending and lifting or strenuous exercise is a strain on the muscles, they become stiff and sore, you are crippled and in pain. Sloan's Liniment brings you quick re lief, easy to apply, it penetrates with out rubbing, and , drives, out the sore ness. A clear liquid, e'esner than ! milssy Posters or ointments, it does not stain the sk'n or clog tie pores. Always have a bottle handy for t'le painsj aphes - cf rheumatism,1 gout, lumbago,' grippe, bruises, stiffness, backache- and alL external pain. At your druggist, 25c. : - , Boy Shoots Himself Fayetteviile Robert Erwing, small boy of the Manchester section of this county, accidentally shot and killed himself with1 a, small rifle. ' v. r " i "- -1 ' ' . - - " ' , - Trouble Entirely Disappeared . , Fathers.and mothers.; worry over a child .witha. chionic cough, Knudt Lee, JWannaska, Mien.," write j:'- "Fo.; several yearsmy daughter had a bad chronic cough. Every timeshe c aughi a little" xbldj : it aggravated thy trouble We i ried many triednine b it1 not until e tried Foley's Honejrand Tar did anything produce any great "re lief." JnVa few days the' trouble Cen tirelyr felp;eaied and has never re turned." r Foley's xHoneyrand Tar foi coughs, colds,croup, whooping "co'agh, ,' i - j ' '- ',- s r ; ... v.e!Gouiier $lxa year.; J , y ' ! .- 1 1 - 1 Children . V." - ' r 'i: V vfc - , , r , 1 '( . . ?!Th& Kind You Have Always Boughli and which has been . rla use for over over 30 years, ha borne .the signature n : All Counterfeits Imitations and -".Jusas-gqod,, are but Experimentsithat trifle .with rand "endanger the health of infants ; and Children Experience k against ; Experiment ,What-!sCASTOR1A Castotia is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric 'Drops and Soothing Sjrrups.' It is pleasant. It contains neitiier Opium; : Morphine nor .other narcotic' substance. lts vage is, its guarantee. For more;than thirty years it has been in constantxse for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency Wind ' Colic and Dianhoea; flllayingCPeyerishness arising therefrom,' and by regulating the Stornactf and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. I GEwuiNE 'CASTOR1A always 5 Bears the Tho Kind You .Hbvo! Always Bought 3 - MAGNIFICENT STEAMERS 3 The Great Ship "SEEANDBEE "CITY OF ERIE'-CITY OF BUFPALO,, f BUFFALO- Daily, MaylSt to Sfovi lSthCLE VELAND Lwt BuTTXUi 9:00 P. If. t EIbtebx LTe Clxtilakd . 9:00 P. M. Arrive Csyxlaki .-. : 7:3a A. JL I Btaj asd Tmi f Arrly BmiM " . 7:30 A. M. 5bUom jmlud fo ;Oedr Point, Pnt-ta-Bay. Toledo, Detroit tad ell polnti loiitkweet. Bellroed tlekete reedinjc between Baflelo end Clerelead Jff treneporteUon on oar iteemen. Aek yonr ticket eent for vv Biekete tU CAB. Line. Hw bvrbt AmUaeWU Bt -fi.ee .4 Tri . ' - tadeyeretnrnllmlt.iorernoteTeeedlngl371n.trlieelbege. eentifUy colored eectiojiel pwrie chert of The Greet Shlp-V biaitobm .' teat on receipt of flTOscente. . Also ek fof onr 34-page pictorial end deseripttye booklet free. The Qerdand dc Buffalo Traatit Company Ik Tfce Crcel 8UV 'SIXlIBKr vatnmwr!4, Slwelif , ;60000OOO000C0090O000C3 o o o o o o o o o o o o o USE ZEBL'S pound For o o o o Jdadison; Eockiftgham Co. N. C. Jan. 27, 1917. I used 2917 bags W ZELL'S SPECIAL COMPOUND FOR TOBACCO on my farms' last year and so far have sold about $60,000.00 worth of tobacco grown over it at prices which are highly pleasing, ZELL'S starts tobacco nicely and ripens it uniformly, producing a rich, waxy leaf which weighs well and brings the money. I will cer tainly use ZELKS again this; yearc -CALLAWAY, j r1 Roxboro, N. C, January 31, 1917. I have been using ZelFs JTobacco Fertilizers for eight years arid have never seen- anything . to beat them yet. I averaged $42.00 for my cop of itpbaccd; grown o er ZELL'S this year on the Roxboro Market; : ZELL'S makes rich silky, ' bright wrappoi which always weigh well. I had rather curator Zell's than any other fertilizer on the market; I expect to use Zell's again this year because all my people are pleased with it. Yours truly, - . " WELDON ;g. CLAYTON ; Mebane, N. C. January 27th, 1917. I used Zell's Special Compoundfor -Tobacco 8-2-2 last year and made' 8326' lbs o( tobacco 'that' brought me $2791.2L - I will use Zell this year artdeccommend. it highly. ZELL'S starts' tobacco" nicely grows it smoothly and yellows. itwell.".: - ;W x -v Tobacco grown over ;ZellV always ;bring3 a good price. 'r; .- - ' " - Very truly yours, . , -f : ' : MARSHALL WARD. .r ; Hurdle Mills, N.C, February 14th, 1917. T used .some; ZELL'S SPECIAL:, COMPOUND FOR o o , o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o e o o o o o o o o V o o o e o O o e o o o o - o o o g TOBACC8:2-2 last; year ;gvar,in;thisliec by ma- " o : chiriery:lthe; sanie" amount per, acre. Notwithstanding :g;i the fact' that I;useU ligliVsprihHinJ.oi stable manure .;g-; ith the 9-34,wHich I did not use' with Zell's, and plant ;ede;tobacpver Zell's' last J. was surprised to find 'owia'; ZeirsWde the most tobacco o; brought meHhc mwt moneyu Yours truly, : X D.:10LIVER, S O o 0 .0 o 0 o 0 ;FORSALE BY:r ; Harris & ; Hester,: Rdiboro, K: C- R. P. Brooks, Woodsdale, N C. , . 1 - H. I;. Carver, Rougemont, N, Ct" J. T. Roarers & Col TJiirhnml-NiY'- , 0 r r C C M? Fioteher's IM ana nas oeen maae unaer.his per, ! eonal supervisiosince its infancy 'Allow no one to deceive vou in Sigriatufe of COOO0O0O0O9000OOO0000tlU t ! i Special Com- Tobaecc afong with a 9-3-i Fertilizer m. 5 H'i . 9 D 3'CC - C C C ZZZ tZZZO CC30S

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