X fa t . I H I ,R is a tonic that will give you new, vitality -and "nerve force. I thltt? rnTTn TT?n- , i . CJarlr f r,,,. t-ttt t. n Roxtoro,Nf. C, - May 2, 1917. is:- 0 I - Laxative Alterative Compound A tested and recommended preparation that'cleanses the blood ,in j feeds the nerves. : .v . ., .... ( .... ..--. . , IVnslar Laxative Alterative Compound rids the system of' im )U1ities and tends to build up new tissue which .means more vigor for vou. . n If you are tired and run down, if your nerves need' new nour ishment and you want the glow of health in your cheeks, try this" remarkable tonic, the formula of which is printed on every, label for your protection. -Price $1.00 per bottle. Everything to build with. i WATKINS & BULLOCK. 5?-"f sigh Hambrick & Austin Druggists Service Spells Success Our aim is to render to our customers, in all matters pertaining to insurance, security and service second to none. Let us prove our ambition to you. Cunningham r Long Fire and Life Insurance. EVERYTHING TO BUILD Windows, doors and frames Aplha Portland cement, Turpentin, pintqil, jtc.,y Knobs, shutter and door, Inside and heart flooring, f) Nails, sash weights md cord, Screen doors, windows and wire, & Boxings, blinds and brick, Umber, burnt and raw, Lime, laths, plaster and lumber Locks, hinges, roofing and grates, Oak, pine and mahogany mantels, d col "1 ; u ., - f - . r - John Cash will repair. your shoes. , 3f. r3f. Mrs. J.- W. Younger spent a few days last week in Durham. " - --V; if you have anything, in laces, to buy, see Wilburn & Satterfield. - '. ' . . -..v.. Master 'Jesse Thomases visiting Kis grand-parents 5 in TTIorence, S. C. " -h -v., . : " - v v BONDING! Before you sign "an other, bond talk it over with S. P. SATTERFIELD, The Bond Man. Mrs. W. A. Sergeant is the' guest "of her parents, 'Dr. and Mrs. Wharton in Ruffin. . i WANTED Two shoats 3 or 4 months old, J. W. Noell, at Post Office, Rox-boro.- " , ift rfc if. Master John A. Tucker, of Yancey ville is visiting his aunt, Mrs. A. R. Fousjiee. 3$ ff, J 203000 No 1 and 2 heart pine and No. 1 sap shingles. Lowest prices. Watkins & Bullock. Men and Little Men are .learning where to get their furiiisings. Wil burn & Satterfield. . jj For all kinds of Bug Death and In sect Powder see Hambrick & Austin, Druggists. Miss-Clara. WillsVn who" his been ",tea:hirg in theiShTSchooiy at'Al- son - for a few days before .leaving" for h:r'horeat Summerfield. - WAR DANGERS! Whole coaimun itie ar3 some times destroyed by fire in War Times, "insure all yuor hous- es. Db it Now. SeS. P. Satterfield; .'Old and.-Med." -U " 1 " Mr. John L. Pentecost has accepted -position with the Satterfield Insur- II Peiple whdidnt think thy Ranted .to. buy a Suit, are buying our Goat Suits-'when be 'glad an:e Agency where he will to see and. serve his friends . :;'"t' ' " .. " Swat the fly with Bee Brand rand Black Flag Insect Powder,! Tangle foot and Poison Fly Paper. Get it at Hambrick & Austin's Drug Store. -V ' .:. ..." LOST In Roxboro, a black Shepherd dog witlv-white neck .and breast, 4 white feet, named Nick jfinder will please notify me. Roy E. Wrenn, Roxboro, N. C. 3fc 4 The Juniors of the High School entertained-the graduating class, Fri day evening in the Graded School building. Durin gthe evening, various games were enjoyed, after i which ai salad course was served, j fc What you fail to get out of your garden just call for Sergeant & Clay ton. They will furnish you with fresh vegetables. We notice in a clipping from The . Enterprise, of Mullins, S. C, sent us by Geo. H. Yarboro that Mullins has they seejio wj3iey:are priced! We are giving some; geniiin bargains. iBy gettinithcw the full sea son's wtoa "All'i this Reason's Anything you want in ready-to-wear, any ' hing in dress goods, and shoes for the whole family , Clayton, Long & Long's old stand,; Willbixcn & Satterfield a, fc 'it ' MrT. C Bradsher spent the first of the week in Roxboro. Mr. Brad sher has. been stationed at Richmond until recently being located now at Goldsboro. if, rfc rft Get the BEST It cost no more than the other kind. 16 years Fire veiling, siding and columns, Knives, putty, and glass. owest JfTiees I wish to thank the Board of Edu- ft FOR SALE Good second hand bug- been selected as a Military Camp,. A. M. Burns ' - Miss Mary "Harris has returned from Selma where she was the guest of Miss Bettie Edgerton. i Have you noticed that front at Wil. burn & Satterfield not completed; go on the inside and you lose sight of the fact. 2fr 3f . . p Mr. T. W. Hendersonspent a few days in Richmond last week, on business. cation for the five-dollar gold piece, which received Monday as a prize for writing the best composition on "Good Roads." Fay Jones, Brooklyn School. 3ft if, ifr Te Quarterly Conference for Mt. Tirzah Circuit will be held at Trinity Saturday, May 5. Presiding Elder J. C. Wooten will also preach at Webb's Chapel, and Allensville Sunday. J. J. one, Pastor. 3p if, ifc Why spend the summer "swatting" the fly, when at a small cost the Rox boro Lumber Co., can furnish the screen doors and windows to keep him out of the house. Get our prices. 3fr 3f 3f y Mrs. W. T. Pass spent last week visiting relatives at Cedar "Grove. Mr. Pass accompanied by Rev. and Mrs. O.W.-Dowd made the trip through Insurince. Service. See S. P. Satter iei-country on Fday, and Mrs. PassJ returned with them Sunday; Rev." an J Mrs. Dowd went especially to attend 4he district conference of the Method ist church which met there. Quality is our i 4 our first consideration in buying anything to offer our goodi customers in the building material line and you find it through our en tire stock even the smallest mould ing is made from lumber of quality. Let us show you. Roxboro Lumber Co. field,: "Old and Tried." - ' N. " f 3f, 3f 3f, Mr., Edward Ebberman and family have moved into the home of J)r, B,. R. Longon Academy, formerly the Reacle place, which has recently been remodeled and painted. " 3ft 3fr rft AUTO INSURANCE! Full cov erage by fire only. I will insure your Machine, or Ford right. See S. P. Satterfield. Get the Best. 3f 3f, 3f Mesdames. R. J. Teague and A. S. deVlaming are attending the meeting of the State Federation of Women's Clubs of North Carolina in rw,o o-mnc o ripWflt.PS There has been some confusion as from the Research Club. i to just when the town election would 4 ic be held. A number contended that it Misses Lelia Marcus and Rossie I wm& be held on next Monday, the Preedmoor are the guests of Mrs. G. ' f irst Monday in May, but as a matter W. Thomas for a few days before , of fact it e held on next Tues leaving for their respective homes day the first Tuesday after the first in Florence and Gaffney, S. C. j Monday in May. Next Tuesday is Election Day Nor Summer Dresses Our line of wash fabrics cannot be sur passed. We have them in great quantities and the most attractive styles, They have the smack of smartness and newness: You will find just the thing you want for that summer dressandyou will be surprised that the prices are so low. " Neurly everything is higher than heretofore, but you will find that these goods are just about as low-priced as you ever saw them. - This applies especin ally to Voiles, Organdies, Sport Dots and Plaids Suclt staples as Ginghams and Per cales sure higher but our prices are as low as the lowest on these. Cfeme let us show you. We have the goods you want ad will save you money on every till. - Roxboro's Best Store. a Job wor k Wash fabrics, this season, are more interestingly clever in design ana coionng ian of th gorgeous beauty of the seasons Silks; the daring of futurist; block stripe, and plai ddesigns and at once you have the idea for all these have been reproduced in COTTON, and in many instances this is so beauhfully done that they rival the effectiveness of their more costly neighbors. 1 - - Come with us for a brief review of some of the new HI GH CLASS WASH FABRICS; -fashionable,' of course, ; but which are already proving immensely popular. - NOVELTY VOILES 27 inches wide light grounds, with stripes in Persian effect, that come with spotted and tinted grounds. Very fashional 18c a 40 inch Voiles,' dark or light grounds, with yarge and small figures blue or green lilies, VERY PRETTY. 29c a yard Yatrd-wide :R& 1 green, old rose, pink, sky blue and 'cadet - " 50c a yard .? -v -! P' Novelties, and, Sport-Skirting ; Gaborines Golf ine, Suberhiah and other f abricsT with ' rings, stripesblocks.'.and dots from' C Wiliucmrm IMies spring Stiiti tTT'-v - j -i '-'1 ' ;v . - " '.. " t, " - tj2 ' 'V r - 'i. t' Jjt, 5 "U V - - m ' 4. K i " - - - -3 ' C.fc-Cr.-.- iiv.. J: t - if v, . - iji w - " , - i , . r . .,' if. - s " ' -t - " - . ..; I'-.j....-;.. . -tr r - '--X".'; ' , ... f V : -a Si H -.; ; , 's-i -.4 .- r.. .. '.v. . - , r " ' T - 1 ' ' "' 1 '.. : " : - ' . r - II ' - - - t- - -r