sfoell Bros., Proprietors HomerEirst Abroad Next $lMPer; vol xxxiy RPXB0R0; NQRTH GAR(30,;dnesaay Evening May 9, 1917 Numbed 19. PUNS SUBMITTED FOR BIG NATIONAL SERVICE RESERVE 1( I A 'DKS THOSE NOT DRAFTED IMoposition Made to Council of Na tional Defense To Give Those Who Slav at Heme Something to Do t Broad Field of Activity for Such Workers Washington, May 3. Plans - for a t -..,ot national service reserve made uo of men not subject to draft into the ar.ry. and of women, already ap prove i by the War Department, was sub-nittoJ. to the Council of National Defense Friday at a conference of the council with the State Governors and represeiuaives of State defense coun cils. Members of the reserves would be available for any service they could perform for the government. The plans were presented by Geo. "Wharton Pepper, a representative of the Pennsylvania State defense coun cil and chairman of a national com mittee of patriotic and defense so-J cieties. The reserve would be headed "by a board of nine nationally known..Jnen which would copoerate through a na tional committee of members from all the States. Under the national com mittee there would be State and dis trict committees ancL in Washington a permanent headquarters committee would sit to carry on administration work. .Membership on the board of nine has been tentatively accepted il'was stated, by former President Taft, Maj. General Geo. W. Goethals and Henry L. Stimson, former Secretary of War. The purpose of the oiniiaipn, as outlined to the defense counted!, would be to furnish any military or civic service which could be performed by niisiea men, io aiaT.jeviiania vork under any private employer ;en-4 gaged in governmentalJcfitradliQt on farms, and to supply the army arid, navy. When not irT active service,' re serve members could aid" in home de fense. They would be given compen sation for the time spent in govern ment service. Aid to Officials One of the serious problems facing the government, Mr. Pepper declared is to utilize the efforts of the thou sands who are volunteering for any service they can render. Creation of the reserve, he said, would life a bur- den from the shoulders of government cnicials and give the volunteer a chance to be of real service. The defense council Friday gave the Governors and State representa tives an outline of a program for State assistance to the Federal gov ernment in the conduct of war. They v.vic told that State defense councils could do these things : romote patriotic spirit and educate th--' people to the magnitude of the task ahead; aid in recruiting the na- tiuiial guard; assist in carrying out the enrollment for the new army and in determining exemptions from the dir.fi; maintain labor standards; es tao :?n labor clearing houses, assist v. -cuing workers to use their broken tiie on the farms; assist in getting i -de men and boys to the farms; af- f-' facilities in aiding the govern- lvm: to collect revenues, help float tn.0 liberty loan, organize central food l' iict'on committtees to work with t:'e State defense councils; supply 1r':-"." own food requirements where- ' possible and reduce waste to a J';n;mum. .... r . n" State counsils were asked to n;iuce older and more responsible 1;-en to enter military training camps men going to the first camps prob aiy will be advanced in grade "in the npar future. Iembtrs of the Federal council or ganization outlined 'at length to. the governors steps that the government Js taking to put the country in a state ot preparedness. lL SHY FORK HIGH SCHOOL, COMMENCEMENT , Bushy Fork High. School will close year's work My 11th. The Pro- a-am of the Commencement follows: mi Thursday 8:00 P. M. Exercises by Elementary Department. ' Friday 10:30 A. M. Graduating eercises; Address by Wm; L. Fou- fcnf,e, Durh iam, N. C; 12:00 Dinner; 2:30 P. M Hifrh RpVAni PoiiiT.-n 'nn P Hay "Diamonds and Hearts"; by iln School. Department: -n Jhe public is, cordially: invited:. to' uu an of the exercises. ; .The Pa- W15 ot school are r'cipeciallyyfe JUest to come Fdm- " - - J- BOARD OF EDUCATION Recommends That Each Rnv or r.M of School Age Have a Patch ; Urge -, Committeemen to Call People to 1 Meet'on May 19, at 3 O'clock At our last meeting of the Board , of Education the matter of getting our people to raise more home" sup- pnes was aiscussed. The Board deem ing it so important arid "even urgent. authorized the County superintendent to ask all school children of our Coun ty to do their best; this summer to raise things to eat. We want each, of the 5,99S children or people of school ages in Person county' which! means 'between the ages of 6 and 21 t ohave a patch of something. The Board wants the school committeemen in each district to organize their school people and push the works of-f making something to eat. The chair man of the committee- in each dis trict is urgently requested to call his people together at the school house on next Saturday week for an agricultur al rally. Let the meeting begin prom- ptly at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Let thf tfnmTit.f wmpn crof f nvofVtai at ! - - w -1 once and arrange a program for the meeirig. It would be well to;have some Speakers to set forth the ufgent ne- xessity of Person county people rais ing riot .only, supplies for every man woman and child in.the County, but some to-help feed others. : Our school people should be thoroughly saturated, with the idea and desirel of making everythinfr pdssible fit home for man and beast This certainly is a part ' of an education. The Board hones that all the. parents will take special ports were intended to inspire tbe pose into effect The country is na care to direct the children's efforts work of Tecrtiitihg and the hasteturally interested in the speculation along these lines. Surely: there was never a better time nnr a tim wKah f. this work was so much needed. Our . children- must b properly taught along industrial lines.- T ; It liS; vei-y probable"fthat the1 time study. It is hoped that all the students in each district or nearly all as pos sible, will be enrolled at these .meet ings and the names sent to the coun ty superintendent. Some one in the .wiuwsoon cprne- wnen sraonisrffiii i iraininsL' -caiaps are rwivius JscZr?fZzz ? -" -m i PATRfOTTn ,'SPFRrifKR1" MATHS deihoIilwr" a-tfatleoi.4ewdon iitthe1 Arm yan'the Navy has gaipeft im-j-organization to fight in Trance was : '..t' ' felof and'in-elometand credit be petos; and Congress has been working A .universal desire on part ot Ameri- -Monday was k' busyda f6? :Qie given in school on their course - of , under full steam, and in active accord can soldiers to getinto active service Boartf"df :CoitotyNComm1sslbiieis, "bir district should be appointed to look ' erative. The details for the organi- organization wmcn tne United tSates after this matter. A hustling person ' zation of the first Army under selec- is arranging for participation fri the (or two ifdesired) in each district tive conscription have been made pub-' European war will be the finest in. would do a great work for our county He, together with the number of of- the world, for it will represent the and for our children. j ficers and.men it is to include and the finest in America, arid there could be- We hope every parent who reads composition of divisions by states, and none finer that that Charlotte Ob this or hears of the meeting will help I while nothing has been said as to the server. work it up and help make it count ' preparations of thhe Navy we are to for much. The necessity of planting ! understand that the co-operative sys-, WHEN THE GERMANS FOUGHT more, corn and less tobacco will be j tern of warfare against the subma-j jjgJ discussed. Remember the day, May rines is in an advanced stage of pre-; 19, at 3 o'clock at your schoolhouse. parednessJ The visitinr British and ; Undoubtedly Southerners will be Plant corn, plant corn, plant corn French represented in any expeditionary and then plant some more corn. And their wants known in detail and have . - don't forget to plant potatoes, beans, received hearty concurrence on part Jorce that may be sent to Germany " - i ... ... , ml 1 1 ii "11 j 1. il j- i i j i -all things to feed man and beast. of the Administration, - ine peopie Should Congress cut out all cigar- are beginning to, realize that the coun ettes which is probable, it would cer- try is getting closer and closer into tainly cut-the price of tobacco, while actual war with Germany, and the all food supplies will doubtless be ex-' pepole are aflame with their war ceedingly high even if the war should come to a speedy close. On last Monday our County com-' missioners considered me can oi me nation, the call of our governor, and - the call of our great leaders to help fight the' battles of the world-wide war by helping feed the world. The Commissioners call upon the people of Person county to see to it that ev ery family raise plenty of air home supplies and some to spare. - ine Board deemed the matter of such vast Importance as to issue a call for the citizens of all the county so .far as possible to assemble in the court house on next Saturday at 3 o'clock! in the afternoon to thoroughtly con sider the matter and to organize a Person county Agricultural Associa tion. The organization of a Food Conservation Society- may also be considered. Al lthe school committee of tfce county, all the farmers, all the merchants, all the bankers, all : the lawyers, all the doctors and all the other folks are urged to' attend this meeting. i" - - The commencements or closing ex ercises of our schools tiiisyearliave been of a fine; order. ; wjsh I, had time to mention the three whichjeame oz last week, Longhurst nensvnie and Bethel Hill v It was a realjtreat to attend these commencements and - " Mr. S:-T. - Puinam;, of Omega, Va., ' J n Tin nnfhl1CI C1G is " spending xew t.'i, rt nPakmore ot them' later1 iort on tnesuoject, tnaugn unaouDieu---im ociSie. njm vy vuai a nc '-A n.d-,anWEAM .' I so'-'mucWs beinr Kearf W tbe -StonaJacKxVbriiaai' P'oyMt-tty. 1 vet, aa. v; . -. - i. nrM w k Alien. - - ' Person if ' ' x 5" ft 4- V-S- l fc. Hie above is a picture of .a pottion of the farm exhibits at last year's Persoif County Fair. This year thlmanagement are anticipating the largest exhibits of Farm Uroducts that has ever been known in the history of the Fair. The one slogan of every farmer in the County should be to raise an abundant food crop. The secretary;and president, Messrs. J. S. Walker and Joe. H. Carveare working now one Premium, list Book for this year's Fair and same! will soon bein the bands of the printer and later distributed to the farmers of the county. ,Ther; are making especially handsome prem iums in the farm exhibit department and every farmr should start out NOW to plant or grow something to be exhibited at the Person County' Fair to be held in October. It will be well worth THE WEEK AND THE WAR J? During the early part of the week there was a spurt of alarmist reports i out from Washington. If these, ra-, ing ot war preparations in" generaUj the v had the dsired effects More real - .military - - preparations -; have - been -'ac J complished in the United States dur- i ing the past week than duririglanyj wweekf since war was declared Tlje with the plans, of the Administration. The . United States is being jrapidly lnH nnnn n WAr f nntinc ' It is to be supposed that plans for sending the first Expeditionary force to Frari ce have been completed and are op- spirit. The week's nws, from the European front indicated a lull in the fighting tVi o lafpr ior a jiciiuu w u;o. nuU resumption on what is said to be a than hpfnrp. with con- tinued successes for the Allies, but with, gains of lesser consequence than featured the operations of the pre- vious week. Much uneasiness has been manifested over rebellious demonstra- tions in Russia, and while theseap- peared to have had a serious aspect the reports at the dosing of the week nidicated that the -hand of the new Government was strong enough to cope sucessfully with the situation, The trouble aDDears to have i)een pre- cinitated by the action of the Govern- me'nt in sending a note of assurance that Russia would not, make separate peace but ', this taction, when finally explained, was accepted by the dis- grantled element ot wormngmen anu soldiers. It was furthermore-backed' up bythe Government, Which declined to make any modification in the note, out women and children and practic taking the firm position that Russia allydefenseless towns rto encounter, must stand by' the United States and It was a different, tale when they had other countries to the finish-, in Gerthe Confederate 4rmy to cope with; many what might; be called . a peaeel sentiment has --com to i what extent j developed cannot be said. However, that; couniry'appears -to be onHhe verge of ja: serious jdivis (WCCA, VUU AO, V. v V , . ( " 7 o I ' , factHhat-enemy 'craft "has - not been ter toe meet' the .' Germanr soldiV, f -ny9ne ?ms 50s wrr,,if,fi ionrfthr. w-riiw tfv thr, new cxnerenee tor xne soutnern iicn- i .VJ?- lauite so easyof lJcatidnVi ; : tCharlotte Observor.- ' r -; " - : A. jacKson. - - taty: Fair' i t A V; r 4 1 rv"V ! v his time. The weeks feature of overshadow ing interest was the Washington Gov ernment's announced intention of sending troops to France and the well calculated plans for carrying this pur- as to when the troops may set sail and What troops Will constitute the 'Jirst expeditionary force. On part of the ' soldiers, themselves, the ruling disposition lis Jto,be-among the 'first to go. An, unmistakable development with the Allies. There is not the fev erish haste which characterized the raising ?of 'armies for the Civil' war, but rather &- quiet calm detemiriation to get over to France. It is possibly not to' much to say that the milftary end it will not be the first time the Southern soldier has met the German. In the Civil War there was a large enlistment .of Germans from Ohio, Indiana and other western states, and in addition to that many Germans came over from the Fatherland to ioin the Federal armies. It was not : , that they had any real cause for en- tering the war against the South. The impelling motive was simply to get into a war. It was during this war that the German soldier gave mani- festation to the same brutal. instincts that has characterized his fighting in Belgium and France. Next to kill- in gsoldiers in battle, his chief delight was to burn and destroy property and, to terrorize and maltreat women and children. It was the Jnfteenth Corps which swept through the South which went "Marching Ihrough Geor gia," with Sherman this corps that much inhumanities which characterized that that march were accredited. They were known as "Bounty Germans" "" wmuvi. "? were very "brave" and destructive and rckless when there was nothing It was at Chancellorville that the GerU how he fared was famously, expressed in the -statement by one ofSeigle's mra;.tbat:Vfifirhtit--Snrz and s and v i X - V i m COMMISSIONERS IH -r SESSJ0NrMONDAY To Pay Railroad Fare of All Confed- aerates of Person County To Wash ington in June Appropriate " $1000 for National Highway ; The county commissioners met - in regular monthly session- Monday morning in the office of Register of Deeds, with all members present The commissioners appropriated $1,0000 for National Highway work thru Person . county. Sometime ago the colnmmissioners agreed to furnish $10,000 and -United" States govern ment to furnish $10,000 for this work. The above $1,000 is a. part of the county's $10,000. ' Messrs, J.,Long, J. C Pass and R. A. Burchvappeared before tiie board to request the commissioners Jo pay fares of Confederate soldiers of Person county to Washington, so the veterans could attend the meeting at Washington in. June. The board de cided to defray, the-railroad expenses of the -trip. It is more than likely that a special car will be secured for veterans of-Person county -that will take them straight thru to Washing ton. The r commissioners will meet; May 28th and appoint a man, to look after this matter. ''...-., .- Rev. J. A. Beam, Messrs. Wi D. ;Mer- ritt, S. P. Jones and W. T. Calton ap peared before the board and made short speeches on the importance of the farmers of Person county realize ing the need of raising more food pro ducts. . It was decided . - some weeks, ago to form an Agricnlturai Associa tion for Person county, arid ; the-tisso-ciation was supposed to jiave been or ganized Monday. lit ;as 'later de cided to postpone the organization un til later. ' An announcement "to that effect will bef ound elsewhere- in this issue. . not too much so to devote a f ewaniri utes of their time listening to. the pa triotic appeals of some of Person connty's leading citizens. These ad dresses were not so much for the pur pose of arousing the young Jmen of our County to volunteer for military service -in the allied .trenches, as for getting on foot some local organiza tion that would cooperate with our State and 'National government in bringing to the attention of our far mers the part they are expected to play if we are to render the. greatest possible assistance in the great world war into which we have ' been reluc tantly drawn. It was vividly shown how the deficit in the allies' food sup ply was 'increasing with alarming ra pidity orti accqurit-of the operation of the German-undersea craft, -and how with this menace- riot ' yet solved, we would, - in meeting this, demand, have j to resort to increased food production, j -1 he farmer between the plow han dles helping in ; this cause was pic tured as serving his nation as patriot ically as he who falls ' beneath the stars and stripejf in the allied trenches The Commissioners could .not offi cially effect an organization for this purpose ; but they individually ex pressed their willingness to foster any action hat might be taken to stimu late greater activity in this direction. SCHOOL COMMENCEMENT The . 1917 commencement of the Roxboro-graded schools will be May 11th to 14th inclusive. At 8:15 Fri day evening, the 11th there will be an entertainment ythe children of! the primary -grades; ' -t the - same 3 o'clock Monday afternoon, the 14th the '-.aduatmg dassill havWtheir class-day exercises. At 8:15 that '- ' .is-. , . ' ... . . evenmg the . final eXerc1Ses, w:!l be held, atwhich time Dean H. H. Stacy of the 'College o Liberal Arts of the i universiiy ai; vnapei nui win ueiiveri the address. ! Medals will be. awards ed, honorsvand distinctions announced and diplomas givene Iaduates at - The public iscordially invited to all these exercises . , , " . harboring; said Cousins. ! will beprosecuted.-; . - 2tS pa, NOTICE-rl hereby; give; notice thatl mg posts wiu be erected and the peor . one' WileyoVsiri,;coI.; fsJhy lhetpleVoming'to'town willihave' a placed name of Pars Cousin)' has;leftmy em-tiitch; their: horses (and Ieaveieir r: pldy Avithouttmy conse under contract, I herebyforbidny - - TTTTT FRENCH ADVACEON V FRONT OF TWO AND ONE HALF MILES- WIN STRAGETIC POINT FOR FURTHER GAINS Attacks By British On Arras 1 jfrOnt) A Stop, Both British and Germans 7 1 A Apparently Being Worn5 OnjLBy T.- Continuous Fighting1 of the Last-S'" ) '-Two Days. " ' " ' v J -Af The French troops in a new offeii- Ll . sive : along the Aisne have, captured " H the; village ; of ' Craonne and thetfirst'V' .Vv German Jine on a front of 2 i2"jnile A"; . northwest of Rheims. . , ' '".Cx ' v - The French ,riot only. Btnughtene4;1V1. . out their line . and gained a stragetie 'JAAr" position " ior lurjner ,aavanceon-ne, -Vanclere -plateau,-but jlso topk. ?nore than fl50 : prisoners; , - ,.rzt- 7 - 7 A Advancing "northwest of Rheims on; "tv, ; a front of two and one half miles, the Ar French carried the first German- line' v and took six hundred prisoners Ber- A- . im - asserts that? the. rrenca8(tacic.,v-;i . - . . . . . . . . - -" t - was repulsed between Berry .At Bac and Brimont, about six miles norjth of Rheims.- j i ' . 1 ". -v- .Attacks by the.Britih on ?the Arras. front have stopped for the moment whil -Field -Marshal ;Haig's .soldiers strengthen the positions , taken on 1 ".; Thursday Both the British and Ger-; mans , apparently haVe been worn out by continuous attacks , and counter- lrf " attacks -of the last two daysand the-vf iissociaia , press -corresponaen jwiinv the-British armies reports -that while, -Yz the infantrymen rrest ;the- artlery'-. "'V contmue their bombardments 1 - -"V'V'-. , London reports the capture. of more,- v ' than, 9900 prisoners in the attacks oar r I the Arras' front Thursday and f arly " 1 ! Friday which resulted in. the capture of Fresnoy and otier. sectors o thef;;;. jljennan-.-iine, . Berlin, admts loss of.A. FresnoyIbut ; ays-theBriUsher. 5; 1 .7 repulsed elsewhere andthat .the jGer ..V , f mansttpol,0)Q .pnsoners.; 7 7 rwniWther Jbattlajf rdnU;oxne C reports ;ofconng;and recoriiiJnter-'. -ing' raids- andrartilliryrtduels.v, - U&liXA--and "China Are pn thf verge , pf "enter- -ing the world jvar against Germany; , i President Artiguenaye, of Hayt has "71 called on Congress to declare war -, against Germany and a commission" - ' 1 been.apppointed.toon , : question. ,A dispatch from ; Peking, V..' -passed by the censor after delections -i JA- says that China's entry into thewaVvy . at an eany aaie seems ineviLaQfe . Diseontent hasbrokfen out in Geri many over the government's silence wA" on Germany's war aims. Many po- 5 ; 1 litical parties, widely separated as to.--' their views concerning- Germanvs ainis, are demanding that theIm perial -Chancellor make a statement J.; on the governmental policy., . At; Sixty-two' British- seamen, ,'mclud-:, ing one officer, are believed to ; jiave ; .1 1 been drowned in the'destraction-if-'si-. British destroyer in the English "chan4 jnel by'strikingTa mine. Presbyterian Announcements Prayer meeting tonight at 8 6'clocki : Rev. Carleton E. White will preach -",v- Sunday at 11 o'clock ; at Bushy ;Fbrk . High School next Sunday at 3:30 in the after noon. The public is icor dially invited to attend these services - An Act To Extend Aid to the Confed-? . "erato Veterans of North Carolina' - . -(Published by Request)" 4 A A The General Assembly of North,. 1 'Carolina do enact: - Section 1. That the boards of coun." ty commTssioners ' of any county' 'inI Ncrth "Carolina r.iky appropriate ont " - 'of the' county , finds a sufficient Blount of1 money to-pay thertrans-'. yAA pbftation - -.cost to indigent Conf eder-7 ' sand; nine hundred and severiteenr; Sectfon 2. That no such fund. irill , be appropriated tp any -veteran 'Jrho'? i,.u i, M.- .Aii.iT:.-r is able to pay hu own transportafcon cost and Ihat in decidinrwho 'may fee : entitled to such 'aid the coumty .A": : - wvu v;F"oiy"" " oo.uiwu-auu - - recommena io wnora sucn aia'snau be given.5 ,- - r - v ' -:t:.: For Park Purpose A ' The fioard; of CountyrC6mmis'Uon-- ersat their last meeting set asideHhe - jail lot for-parking 'purposes. - tlitch- - Miss Alma. Hall . returned ?'r home Tuesday night kfte-a pleasant vidt ' - iu ineuas &v vzmega, va. A - -r