Noell Bros., Proprietbi's VOL XXXIV NOTICE TO TERSONS, FIRMS OR CORPO RATIONS LIABLE FOR STATE COUNTY LICENSES , ' . " You are hereby notified that th new license period begins June 1, 1917 and extends to May 31, 1918 License Taxes are due and payable in advance and if not paid within the month of June, the. law forbids my folkctinp without the addition of twenty per cent. Send to the sheriff's office and pro cure license at once. Following is the list of subjects liable for state and county license tax: Schedule B License Taxes Levied Un der Revenue Act, 1917 Accountant. Agency, collecting. Agents, rent collection, real estate, e-.uisrant, lightning rod. Adjuster, fire insurance. Amusement enterrises. Architect. Attorneys. Auction sales, real estate. Automobiles for hire. Bagatelle tables. Bi.ycle dealers. ?,:!.iard and pool tables. Boarding houses, charging less htan i ; r week, operating as resorts for six ninths in the year or less. Buttling works. Bowie knives, dealres in. Bowling alleys. Bra.-? or metallic knuckles, dealers i n Br -k is. ship, stock in stock, in foreign corporations, pawn-brokprs. Canes, dealers in loaded. Cap pistols, dealers in. Carbonated drinks, vendors of. Carnival companies. Catridge dealers. Chiropractor. ' 1 ' Cigarette dealers. Cigarettes, manufacturers. Circuses. - , Civil engineer ' 4 Clothing, second-hand, dealers in. Coal dealers, retail. Coal dealers, wholesale. Coffins, retail dealers in. Collecting agencies. Commission merchants. Compresses, cotton. Contests, Newspapers. Cotton compresses. Da ggers, dealers in. Dealers in retail coffins. Dealers in horses and mules. Dealers in patent right and formu las. Dentists. Dirks, dealers in. Doctors, practicing. Dog and pony shows. Drinks, vendors of carbonated, and soda fountains. Electrical engineers. 5 Embalmers and undertakers. Emigrant agents. Engineers, civil. Engineers, electrical. Feather renovators. Ferris wheels. fire insurance adjuster. Firecrackers. Fireworks. I f.reign corporations, persons sell- UV. ock ii 'ormulas, dealers in. o-tellers. es, shooting. , with or without name, oper- profit. 'terprises. p . t: .'horses ind mules, dealers in, whole .iiU retail. Itinerant merchants. . Fnur kles, brass or metallic, dealers in. Lawyers, practicing. Whtning rod agents. L;very stables. Livery stables, loaded canes, dealers in. Machines, slot. Malt dealers. j fTanufacturers of cigarettes. marine railways. Menageries. Merchants, commission. Merchants, itinerant. Merry-go-rounds. Moving picture snows. Museums. Newspaper contests. - Oculists. - - opticians. Optometrists. -0steopaths. - ' - packinghouses. - . . rights; dealers in. 'I .7 Pawnbrokers. - V 1 eddlers. - a v RQXBORO, tZZ&HfiL "Lri'BRITISH CONTINljiE art of healing fot.fee or reward .photographer.' " Photographs, prize; ' " , Phreneologists. Physicians. ' Pistolsdealers in. - ' : Pistolscap. Pony and dog shows. Pool and billiard tables. Prize photographs. Railways, marine, "section 3 9; switchback. Real estate agents. Real estate, auction sales. Rent collecting agents. Second-hand clothing dealers. Ship brokers. Shooting galleries'. Slot machines. Slung shots. Soda fountains and venders of car bonated drinks. Stables, livery. Stallions. Stallions. Stamps, trading. Stockbrokers. Surgeon, vetinary. Switchback railways. Tables, bagatelle, pool and billiard. Theaters. Theatrical traveling companies. Trading stamps. Traveling the2 m bm bm bm bm Traveling theatrical companies. Undertakers and embalmers. Vaudeville shows. Venders of carbonated drinks. Veterinary surgeons. Wild west shows; N. S. THOMPSON, Sheriff. SAYS .GERMANY HAS FAILED "So far ashis war is concerned, Germany has been a failure," said Sir Gilbert Parker, the novelist, at Atn lantic City the other day. "Organized forty years, she had everything, with her at tha beginning. Great Britian had virtually., aoamyJeiftisiian" army .was ir chaos. - The French army Vas inadequately anned: " "Germany ' aimed at Paris, St. Petersburg, and London, through Ca lais. She reached none of these. She aimed to destroy Verdun and failed. She amied to take Ypres and failed. Her one success in the war on land has been Roumania. Understand I am not depreciating the German aimy It was probably the most highly skill ed, developed, trained and equipped army, as well as the biggest on earth. Germany's organization was magnifi cent, but Germany's morals was wrong. That's why the United Sta tes is in this war. "If the morale of Germany had not been wrong she would not have com mitted the atrocities she did commit -against all rules of civilized warfare. That's anothef reason why the United States is in the war. The German : morale always has been wrong. In the Franco-Prussian war she com mitted what the world regarded then as atrocious things, but in this war she has thrown aside the most impor tant rules which countries like the United States established. Some one has said this is a war of democracy against autrocracy. It's a much bigger thing than that. Autoc racy might say, What right has de- mocracy to impose its will upon a na tion desiring a certain form "of gov ernment? It's bigger than that. It is a war of liberty and fredonfto safe guardthose elements of nationality for which nations like the United Sta tes have in the past spent their blood and treasure. "My own view is that the one thing with whichv Germany has . been suc cessful is "the submarine. Her air ships, the Zeppelins, have been a fail- -rn -. -1 I ... 11 . TT. "1. J- C1i.J ure. 11 iiingiana or tne umieu oiaves is in position to curbthe submarine, then the days of the war ,are num bered." Sir Gilbert said the, coming -of peace and the returning of the fighting men to England would be followed by the blotting out of party .lines as now constituted there and tremeridous changes ' along ? socialogical Jines so great -that he hesitated to predict their scope. If Americanxtroops cross the sea and pass through theJire, ne.i . .""-i ? i, ' i- ; .11.' said; changes .01 a similar oruer win f ollow-theireturn to peaceful life of meri who have iearned twhil& passing it : 1' . i it. Xi o c - oTA a rTima1 rrtcifinrt Tin hnf h riA ManoAnnift stnil aire -hfi- had 7f5.X93 Cash On deDOSlt onnt-LPhiladelDhia. Public Ledger: J garia and Serbia, ho said, promise toT handlehis financial affairs and Rev. J . ' - ' kfl-fw,'ni.M.Dntir0' ; - Y guardian was anpbinted for Mm. Bar-1 sermon -V-A good quality fountain Syringe is 1A British patrol Wt in .the North nett luisVnerer accepted-; more .than tist Church. a necessary-part of "every household "sea- has destroyed two, German, sea- ?125Na tnonthof hismce andjnows large cunregauou-ct r;.i cAnMVlamKii'iiP1nTi1'nii- brpVnfnpr ri'fiiont-hi'ttlft intprpst in , tfiV.sizeof ' his"for-t showri; wasevidence ; 'A netin V Time Store' and' save mon-" The pflots of the" two destroed.rma4 tune. tast: year he, paid.- an - income "-he; was., enthusiastically , Hofiie EiEst Abroad iSfext NORTH ?GARjIN TODIGINGEWV LINE IN F R A N C E QUIET ON THti FRENCH 'Bm , On the Russian Front Quietude Still X ian Front Italians-Launch Another Attack - vfp While the cannon are roaring.alotjg the greater portion of the fronton Belgium, from the region of theJNorth sea to the French border, probably preliminary to infantry attacks by the French and Belgians, the ''British troops in the Messines region are giVr ing the Germans no rest. , -y, Not satisfied with - the capture M the famous Messines ridge last "week, Field Marshal Haig's men .continne,j the penal clause of the selective ser here and there to die: further-in; e vice law ao-ainst. all whn 1 hv their territory held by the Germans: LJ-H failure to register brought themselves ! dav nie-ht. and Mondav a?ain vriMMii0r . tV,nca.nm,nC1Vn, w o o - r t- f ed thrusts by the British, south sua southeast of TVlessines, in both f which appreciable 'gains were tmavs, especially in the neighborhood of fia Polerie farm. . Early Monday morning in this r- gion a trench system over a front f department of justice Monday notifi about a mile was captured and lathed Unites States attorneys to release in the day the gain was cohsideraVjly , those already arrested for failure to enlarged bringing the British frq&t register providing they have now re within a short distance of Warnet$i, gistered. the capture of which would give them General Crowded has almost corn domination of the road leading eat-. pteted a draft of regulations to gov ward about three miles to the impor- ern exemptions and exemption boards tant town of Comines. ' - v j and expects to lay it before Secretary The day's operations added to the Baker in a few days for approval, number of prisoners taken by the The general believes no class should British and also gave them sevep be exempted as such, but that local more German field guns. - ; boards- should decide on the circum- Comparative quiet reigns; on the stances in each individual case. He front held by the French, except -for favors use of some device such as the artillery duels on various sectors, ea- jury wheel for drawing the names of the region of Mont fGanJrJ those to be . examined by the exemp illet "The Berlin -waroffieeasseris tion- boards. The regulations will thatira theChe in detail afterSecre gKltbezinaninnJa f snrprSrtary Baker and" President Wilson ap- attack' killed the occupants of French prove them. trenches and returned to their own! A few more states reported regis lines later with prisoners. J tation totals to the provost marshal - On the Russian front quietitude , general's' office Monday but-the indi still prevails. In Macedonia artillery cations were that all would not be bombardments are still in progress at completed for nearly a week. various points, particularly in the: Cemabend region. . What probably may be another in- tensive attack by the Italians has j several states in proportion to the started in the region southeast of Tri- j population as determined by the bu fiste, where King Victor Emmaneul's . reau of the census and not in propor men have captured several important tion to the" registration. The result positions, notably the greater portion: of Mont Ortigara, which rises to a height of 6,902 feet and the Agnello pass from which there is compara- "It is requested that every effort tively level ground toward the town j be now made to detect and arrest-per-of B6rgo and the Brienta river. There T sons subject to registration who have has been no renewal of the Italian of fensive on the Carson plateau, where the objective of the Italians is Trieste The Austrians several times attempt-! ed to take the initiative south of Cas tagnavizza, but were completely re- pulsed and lost prisoners in addition. ! Following theh example of the Uni- tabulated records of political organi ted States, Great Britian has replied zations and other local records should to the Russian government's request for a statement of war aims. The reply concurs in Russia's purpose not to dominate other peoples or take from them their national patrimony or forcibly occupying foreign terri tory. The defense of the existence 01 countries, the enforcement of respect for international agreements and the liberating of populations oppressed by alien'tyranny," is adhered to in the note. rl he note says Great Britian joins with Russia in acceptation and approval of the principles laid down by President Wilson in his historic message to Congress. The situation in China, continues extreemly tense. A mandate of dis--solution of parliment has been drawn by the president, as demanded by the military governor of the province of Anhwei, but Dr. Wu Ting, Fang, the acting premier, has declined to sign it, an action necessary to make it effective. A dissolution of parliment would make impossible a declaration of war against Germany until a new parliment could be assembled. t The Bulgarian premier spent Sun- day at Homberg castle conferring with Emperor William and Field Mar- 1 .1 ' 1-:-rr J 1 : -i.V;J. snai von mnuenourg, anu-taier-Aier j parted for t Vienna.,- In an interview he spoke ; optomistically" 01 Bulgaria s - frnnts THw mint ir ' Ttnl. Mav 1 last.lKiit he was unable " to Last -; y ::; frrcre adTiris-oner; ' tax estimated ' :- ' XK jail- of the members. A, Wednesday Evening LENIENT PERIOD FOR SLACKERS OF NATION ENDED N. C. RANKS, FOURTH IN THE PROPORTION OF REGISTERED j I rZ 7.! " 7 nZ r "1 i lrtivp flrtift f w" TU Tna1.. ' tions From the, Provost Matshal ! w w v mr m-m m 11 aiiu ahj kirn General To the State Governors. Washington, June 1L The period !of leniency ended Monday night for!ain to the men only,' and the large men between the ages of 21 and 30 inclusive, who failed to register for' the war. army lastTuesday. I Provost Marshal General . Ciawto sent to the governors of all the states a message asking them "to inaugur ate from tomorrow a vigorous, ag gressive and effective enforcement of v. vuvuv. ui u 1 laiuiia r j - wtevv. , r on June 5 is imprisonment for a year and enforced registration, but immed iately after registration .day reccom mened that local boards provide fur ther opportunity for delinquents. The General Crowder's message to the governors said: "Quotas are to be assigned to the ris' that every person who has failed to register is seriously increasing the burden of those who have registered. not registered and to bring each promptly posted and all registrants should be asked to assist in bringing non-registrants to the attention of the police "In case of doubt as to the age of persons who have not registered, the be consulted and data may be obtain from the bureau of census." Among the states reporting so far Ohio stands first in thhe proportion of registration to the census estimate, with 113 per cent. Illinois has 104.7 Wisconsin ,iu4.t. in orin Carolina iv6 per cent. Iowa 101.3 per cent and Connecticut 100.9 per cent. Washing- ton is the lowest state with 50.9 per cent. INDIAN BUYS HUGE BLOCK OF LIBERTY LOA!! BONDS Washington, June 11. J ackson Barnett, reputed to be the wealthiest I iian in me United States, Monday subscribed $640,000 to liberty loan bonds through his guardian, -Carl J. O'Hornett, of Henrietta, Okla. Sec retary Lane's ruling that Barnett, who is- a ward of ; the Government, might do this-opens , the way to many Indian subscriptions. Barnett, full blooded son of a Creek chieftain, derived his 'fortune from oil wells near Tulsay Okla., which he at first indignantly rejected, declar- ing the tract fiU)nly for coyotes and jack-rabbits and in no'wise suited td anl Indian who merely .wanteds to fish "and hunt as hepleaseiv The" dis- ; covery of noil and -the lease pi: Bar- news iana maae ...met inaiaa snuuon- $L00 Juhe J3, -1917 TENT MEETING "i The Meeting Now In Its Third Week Large Crowds Attend Daily The meeting at the tent is now in its third week and the' attendance is to Rev- Mr. Browning is upholding his reputation as a 1 J I 1 ' !i.t tendance from the uezxuauce iruni vae wwn is large it is . - gref throngs ch daUy come in from the country", which shows the great drawing power of the speaker. I n 1 . o j , , ! On last Sunday evenine he reached ti,tni was aiin0Sl iuiea 10 us capacity, The men responded .to. his invitation t(? better lives, and if all who slg-1 and do more for themselves and. their f.ll U - J . j.t. . . t 1 .. 1 . fellowman live up to the obligations there will be a wonderful change for the better in this town and communi ty. There will be services on next Sun- day evening and mornin at this writing Rev. O. W. Dowd informs us 4-U4- 4-U 1 1 , 1 for any special meetings on that day. SUGGESTS NAME FOR WAR Writer Thinks "German-World' About Fill the Bill Will ' Writers are already discussing the name which history will give to the present war. Can anyone suggest a better one than this. German-World War. The name of a war is like the title j of a Pennsvlvania statue should specify clearly the essentials of the!glass to nine of boiled water 'Mf I - sameT Thus no one is left in doubt by the American Revolution,' Crimean, Indian Mutiny, Civil War, Napoleonic Wars, Franco-Prussian, Russo-Japanese or Spanish-American. "Seven Years' War" is far less hap P3t than when we say "French, and Indian." To -call . the present ' one merely ."the world war'inot enough. xJPosterjtywiil -want." instantly to re call who faced whorn hence the term, Germany-WorldTWar fills the bill admirably.- More than half the human race is now at war against the Kaiser. "Girard" in the Philadelphia Public Ledger. - - Meet To Clean Off Graveyard . Members ofMill Creek Baptist Church' will meet at the" Church on Friday, at 8 o'clock, before the 4th Saturday, in June' for the. purpose of cleaning off the cemetery grounds. All "who have relatives buried here are invited and expected to help in this worthy effort. - I Services at Tirst Baptist 'Church . - -1 1 Sunday Preaching at 11 o'clock by the pas-1 tor, Rev. J. M. Hester. Bible School at 9:30 oclock, J. W. Noell, Superintendent. ; i B. Y. P. U. at 7 o'clock. i There will be no preaching service in the evening. All are cordially in vited to attend these services. 1 To Give Away $50,000.00 in Liberty " Bonds j As announced, in their advertise ment on Page 6 of this issue of The Courier the Maxwell Automobile Co., will give away $50,000.00 in U- S. Liberty' Bonds in Gasoline Economy test. $25,000.00 of thiswill go to Maxwell owners, and all who i own j is one of great economical importance Maxwells are entitled to enter this at this very critical time when wej;:- contest. On May 23rd the Maxwell j positively know that food is bound to';; people held an economy test and usingj be scarce this winter. It will -enabiekv; owner's cars the average of 39.67 .all to have plenty pf eggs for homeVj: miles to the gallon-was made. If you fuse through the winter and some to, V are a Maxwell owner you should ' see-sell. We wiKthen use more eggs at Freeland Motor Co., for full details: jhome knowing that they were put,,-j. The Freeland Motor Co., has al-; down when eggs -were, low. in :price ready delivered five Maxwells this ' We can then sell,. all of our fresh laid -Ifr; ; seakn, and every one has proven en- tirely satisfactory to its owner. Death of Mrs. R B. Woody 1U13. Mm Jm 1 I SSU W U1VU W VUW was" a much loved Christian wotnan, had beeria member of Bethel IHill (.Baptist Church 'for a, number of years. She -""was". 87 years of age Among' thej:hildren are Mrs.';John"E Harris and Mrl W.' R. Woody, of ;Kox Wo. ' .' v ; First Service for the New Pastor;" Sunday morning-at-il o'clock SfHester preached-his -prst" of her son, Mr.' W., A. Woody (last!. Knowing this to be a project of Wednesday and was buried at Bethel great economic value the Animal In-,yk Hill -Baptist Church.' Urs.' Woody .dustry Division of the North Carolina' as Pastor of the Roxboro Bap-,not ;V He was 'greeted , by "a; l!-2 . it." " T-li conclusive . that.. wercomedby present.- : - -'V- Per Yeb:in: Advaftwl Numfiejf'24'. HOME PRESERVING EGGS BYTHE WATEfc. GLASS. SOLUTION By the use of this process Jsjoffetedr- mean3 0f preserving eggs when thcjfb ate plentiful and prices W to'lbej , -" . . UOCU nimik E.. ik . m r-,m.. . ..... success u we mu wiwyv :u?p 9- gestion3. v- i.: y . . t NPiArrimr ptrora 1 nose to oe "usea? n... A , . , . k ' iT must be tiean, fresh, not over three r - . ' rr:- days old, and absolutely sound m ? sneu, vnau is, iw cracjwsu egga Eggs can be put in each day just ai" we wish and can spare them. This Container Any suitable sizedivVsc earthernware jar, galvanized tubs; , wooden tubs or buckets. These must , , be thoroughly boiled and cleaned be-i fore putting the-liquid in. " . - Size of container Any size can be '; used. This depends on the number of ; r 4 eggs to be preserved. - The following .table will help: r. r gallon . 40 eggs - r ' 2 3 4 5 10 . 80 120 160 200 400 u ( M u it Water Glass or Sodium. Silicate can - v be had at any drug store at a cost of about 35 cents a quart. If the. stores do not have it ,then have them orders- it for you. - Mixture Use one quart of water or one part to nine parts Boiling Water Water must-, be boiled at -least fifteen minutes and ' - . sh allowed to cool. V - "Mixing Solution Mix , the .water t'y glass and water together thoroughly as above-proportion.:--Then put te-;, . eggs in the bottom ot;ihe container 77: " and pour the water-glass, mixture; in.' of about :two" CinchesAs you jCdd :; : more eggs 'put1 in." morawater glass solution. If the 'mixture becomes jelly like simply add a little more boiled water. Keep the surplus mixture in a sealed jar, as a fruit jar, to prevent evaporation. ' . . Testing eggs Use great, care by;!:; testing every egg before placing in container as one. bad Jegg will, -of"? course, spoil all in the container. The v testing is fully explained in your bul letin No. 562 which you have. .r, -V Where to place containers Con- . tainers should be kept in a cool place. and the top must be covered ; with t heavy paper to prevent evaporation " " and keep dirt and dust out. ; . Quality of water glass eggs 'lhey v " 1 t . 1 - mi:.- ..-r-:.- can oe used in any iorm except xor .v v. poaching. The jeggs can be fried, :; i boiled, scrambled and for generaL: cooking purposes. Before boiling; ' the big end of the egg must be punc- tured with a pin to prevent cracking.- " When you take eggs out of the so lution they should be washed in cool : Xr water to remove the jelly like solution -. ''f on the shell. Eggs can be taken oof'Z t just as they are needed, another great advantage. . Sefling Eggs put up in this way.( -can be sold as such and are equally -kf-i.-; as good as most eggs that are put on "iSr--' the winter market. v " It is our duty to our country to put" this projecct into immediate use as it -' . C eggs and get -the top of the market (for same. - They will be verv'higtt'C: :' tms ian ana winter, aim ou veijfwcu. ji n j ' x . 1 --;-' ..T''v.r... knowwe'do not use as many eggs"at;;vl. - " W" . , Experiment Station offers the foUow- Ing prizes open to bona f ide. Poultry : Club members: - To - the b6yr girl whopreservesp: r the largest number of eggs 'by above: prbceisr' 'V J : V:"'-v IS' "ast-fnzen.zna mze.jra jmze . ; $7.00 -?3.00 - Above prizes to be awarded, by the County Agent. sThe ' Canning ,'Club: Agent and one Mother authenic- witness;--; reiaxea.xo ine. compeiiiorr . .-t - V --Very truly yours; ' - ATT TTM fiT TWP ''V - Scientific Assistant in Poultry Hus-'. bandry- In. "charge .North: Carolina Poultry uut;s. - v " : . - i -

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