MiCHAELIS. NEW CHANCELLOR. PLAYS ROLE OF LISTENER PERMITS GROUPS TO EXPLAlSf No Indication of His Policy And Peace. Has Given Regarding Reform the have QorAmhagen, July 15.Germany's fit commoner Chancellor, Dr. Georg Micha-lis. a Bureaucrat without even oble "Von" before his name, has as It given no indication of his policy hoarding peace and reform neither Conservatives nor tne uwcuxia ventured to call him their own. The Chancellor & uisv nvcht be interpreted as an indication of an open mind, was to receive rep- reentatives oi me uwb groups in the Reichstag and permit them to explain their respective stand points, the Chancellor playing the role of listener to the conversations-con-ducte-i by the Vice-Chancellor, Dr. rl Helferich, and the Reichstag representatives. The German papers unite in characterization of his energy ana fair-mindedness, but are most re served in their predictions' of-his prob able policy. The paper aligned for so-called German peace are per- s a snaa more euiuusiaowv, ovutv political possibilities under the reuime than the radical and So- rialist organs. The Cologne Volkszeitung, the Ca tholic organ of Pan-German sympath C avs Dr. Michaelis, undoubtedly stands near the right than the left parties. The line of the comment evi dently emanating from the Wilhelm strasse is that the new chancellor re- his mission the restoration oi mernal harmony of the nation and availability through Iongicontinu ance at their posts under the tremen dous responsibilities of the war should be -replaced by fresh hands and brains without any incumbrances oKthe past Thisn the ultimate 'analy prob ably was one of the chief. idera tions impelling the -Emperorto ac cept the resignation of a personally sympathetic statesman, whoaecord ing to Vorwaerts, in his political obit uary "meant well ffceblyj whose wish was to conduct the war as a xlef ensive struggle "and prevent its extension to new enemies; but who yielded to forc es stronger "in purpose han himself and who wanted to base his policy up on the broad basis of democracy, but who lacked the energy and force to draw the necessary conclusions fhere-4 from." - - MILLION TONS OF IS1A1N CAUddv: V-r nuLLwcta'UWiuw Richard-and: family, have been Bee-;LiUi -4ro1ufATVN2- f D T QTCS -- ' 'T'V V 'I :' ing something of t4 world of late. rHIPS IN 18 .MONTHS r GERMAN YSX R I 5 t & Press All: AgreLiThat-It Indicate ny. nra , -t o11 f: iv'frt Ab-": . Tr-f -v -v t - " v:,'rh, ; J Unprecedented" Crisis in Germany, " x--; for we haye been aU the Wnft BiLD TWO SHIP PLANTS' CHANCELLORIIX, NOT JtESIQN : P.;,.il: .X, HOWfPAiaSIEWS. the hap th, new FARMERS INSTITUTE Held under the auspices pf ihe State department of Agriculture and the Farmers' Institute Comniittee'of Per son county, at RoxbdroV Friday; July 27, 1917.- Institute wilh begin at 10 o'clock. This Institute ; will be held for the purpose of discussing the agri cultural situation which now confronts our farmers. v vv - Special emphasis will be. given to the. discussion of food and feed crops, soil improvement, live stock, etc. by T. B. Parker. ' There will be held at the same time and place a Woman's Institute under the direction of Mrs. Jane S. MeKim- mon. Bring a note book' and pencil, so as to write down any particujar infor mation in regard to questions in which you are particularly interested. little Richards; know as well i.::. t that this is a, long way on. We-went f- i,-,: . - . u -p, , A . iiv Steel; Goethals Plans Announced by way otDurham, Cary, Apex, and . ' . - Lake- View. My- Ford did exceUent; Pyg . y service, not. Having a sinkle ba' i5hington, July " 13:MaJ6r"Gen down on the trip; We went to pay ow- GothalS managerof the ship boy down there a. visit. He, Rob anaVp oard's . emergency "fleet corpo Will O'Briant, Green Burch,' and Ldt,ratioii;took full charge of the goYerri ranee Allen are all down there trying t iMw.projman Friday -td make good growing tobacco 1V took ho explaining to convince oWonsu(;tmg tne great merchanf fleet Richard Richard that his young son; the United. states hopes and those other boys down there:haye.'to def t the German submarine cahi- been at work- We have patches tvpaign;; tobacco in Person, but around Aber:. importaat steps contem deen they have fields. All -of .these, plkted arethese: v' boys have fine crops and with no bad.: - Immediate construetio of two gov luck, they will have money ; .finpughj ernnnt-owned-shipbuilding plants to go housekeeping this fall with a.;for building m fabricated steel ships pretty little girl to cook instead of;of 2,5O0,000 tonnage. doing the job ior themselves. A pacn elor's life is a hard life and these Paris,-, July; lThe -Paris; presa Every One in ::(ermany, JVants Peace nailg the retirement of Dr.: Von BeflKr;. : and Nation iustNotiate.Fbrj it; mani.riollweg from the Germiir?,V -: Russians Advance to Carpathians ' ru0iivi wTth'' varviTier deerrees : 4' ? of -satisfaction. Some; of : the, com- Non-Combatants Suffered Ilost the ds as . . i j j 1 XT whatever policy may De aaopi,eu. n ratter what else may result, the London, July 15. Telegraphing un der Friday's date, Reuter's correspondent reports the following: "Considering the enormous quan tities of ammunition used and the numbers of troops engaged the casual ties were remarkably small, totalling j Commandeering 1,500,000 tons, of shfnhinD- nnw building for nrivate ac- boys I believe have found it .out and;count in American yards. are ready for; achange thisr.Jall 4 request 'fqr another great ap- Hurrah foirour Person county. boys at nriation for buildine- shios. .: Aberdeen. May God continue to bless , - General Goethals' announcement tnem as ne is now aomg is my wisn.;was in a letter to -Chairman We went to Sunday school and to Den man, of the shipping board, which preaching at the Methodist church in said that the fleet comoration under Aberdeen in the morning; in the af- thg pQWers just granted by President ternbon we took a spin several miles; Wii wnniri an its building ; in an easterly - diraction, a little out- VY0Sra Monday, by- offering con1 sme ux wnat wa once a miiuuuc tracts for construction of two govern forest but the lumberman has laid to ment' ship plants and by-outlining to waste all those fine trees and forest ship-builders the plans for command fires have burned over the land s-eerill vesseis under construction.. often that there is little growth of, ' . - , any kind left. The land is so filled: GREAT REVIVAL AT CONCORD .Amsterdam,-July luount .Mich- ment is m a jubilant tone,-while otn- ael-Karolyi of ,the:Hunganan inde..ers treat the even-, soberly..-. Al.are-. . pendent, Vartyv- spfeakingn tHe limise agreed that it" indicates- ;a jcrisis. in TZ of deputies, s.ays a' telegram from - (nay of unprwedented imirtvr.r; -Budapest"1 declared:. . - 7 Unce; :The phrase,: "scrap of riV; ;0 ; - ine'cenirai pomi, yiwuc. ;iiccui,- irequenxiy crops ou t m-Jiie HuuHivi Geman crisis' is the question Of P&cend tsomeof the journals, traco 'he Every bne'an ; Germany. Van Sack to the early but-it; is The'Pgtit.Pafrw",;.- nation must Negotiate for it. Cunt - isien is one of the newspapers that isT v Czerin ? ( AustroHungarian . v foreign not 'optimistic oveV the developmenCy; 5 minister) ;h ' . " -.-"4!?' Ttipre words. 'but has openly declared ;. "Though the chancellor changes, the : " t that we are readjr for peace with out G'masters femiin the same.. It; ; annexations.; Oneof 2 the perequ site is they and" not the retiring functibn-v conditions oi is tojde&cti abocered theJ"w'ar, to satisfy;; :K zation of every county, r ; their appetite ior universal r aomuia- ? ; said: . .;:'Vr:' :s'-.r . ! changed - their nainds, andre they; .; "xnere is:uu war jjuu,wu; v capauie; .OA Bpeaivms up wiv-vvr.-,:.;.-,,?- only a peace policy. : me peace rawi just m suclr measure as. xney .reaiizev be honorable, guaranxeemg nuugij-that victory nas esapea . wen. auu, - frontiers, and- her political indepen- ftat defeat is approaching in such- -i- t 4 dence. I measure ' as intolerable sufferings otV.:'; ' -Count Mpritz Esterhazy,vthe pre- their hungry people are.growmg. ' V-j? I n v. - onii tho -flow nun- xunfhmnnn.Hn nrff to ' npinw . iiih.- crTiflTi coveiiiment standsfor the missed becauseof his declarations and c.6ntmuanc6f'-:-:tlie allianeebeteen mistakes at . the beginning of . the war 1 the; dual monarchy : and Germany, as but his successor will be no less boundr: -r am flip pnraiment which it -succeed- bv his acts and words than was uds V$! ed. "We are waging, this war as a de- iS 1 1 1 -11 :i4lC! ... - change will unaouDteaiy uwu. tu . ten nied and twenty wounded among peace program Dr. Von Bethmann-HoilwegV regarding the ultimate, aims of the war from the beginning' has been a personal one, in whichftlie-;clwnelIors above the partielJadfojrmed' gram above parlimentary parties tiie military authorities and the Emperor alike, and he endeavored bypgentle steady pressure and suggestion to im pose it upon a changeful .sovereign ossilating between the vistas of bril liant ambitions and realizations of cold facts; upon the pussiant military caste represented by Field Marshal Von Hindenburg and General Luden dprff. an d a blunderine, UTrbrilliant parliment. The appointment of Dr. Michaelis undoubtedly means a new deal of cards. Berlin papers which were pub lished before the appointment of Dr ATirhnplis: was known, throw their light on the circumstances of Von Bethmann-Hollweg's retirement. They show that the Emperor was confront ed by the necessity of dropping tne imperial chancellor or-virtually the entire Prussian cabinet, the members of which including the war minister, General Von Stein, a soldier, not a politician, submitted their resignation declaring that they could not remain. if Von Behmann-Hollweg was retain ed. The Bavarian Premier, Count Von Hertling, who favored moderate peace proposals but refused flatly to accept the idea of parlimentary ministry, whi:-h would diminish Bavaria's spec: ial influence on the government seems t' have thrown himself into the strug- i" ncrainst Von Bethmann, at the last ii.ituU. The Bavarian centrist mem- !'-! . of the Reichstag started an anti- Von Be thmann revolt within th? party and the Crown Prince made .valid his j killed and a considerable number wounded among the non-combatants. Peking ; with soot and smut that working the - CHURCH land makes you look black and nasty; The revival began last , bunday, and most dehghtful country. We went jn: y,A arb1rp- larpelv in the twice by Lake View, ten miles this f meeting.. Mr. Haywood is leading tiie of Aberdeen. Here is a large, singing with a large horus choir. 1 he of water with a cement. wan.r?mv.. . rostrum built qut: allintea-to-attehdr . , one may go- -The Oalc Grove revival begins with "All of Chang ;Hsuhrs men cap- tureol.sarmed. :-They, willbe banded, y- 4 ; ... ; - ' "The situation is now entirely quiet. The police have taken the strictest precauions and no-looting has occur red. - ' - f A belated Reuter oaspatch from Peking dated Thursday says that af ter Chang Hsun's escape from the im perial city desultory firing continued on the northern and southern out skirts of that enclosure. Chang Hsun residence was entirely destroyed by the republican artillery. This dispatch gives the number of foreigners 1 wounded J)y bullets or shells falling within the legation quarters as seven. side body of water groundj it, with a over the water where f ensive - war." J Our -peace aim conquest. We do not leave our "miesJn doubt about this. On the trary, we --"teSiiBei jrly; Wow the whole world bur readiness for peace. , This statement was 3 i - - loud applause. j docile functionary who never dared to take the initiative. - .Bethmann-tiOUV; "Our enemies know, this well1 con not; Weg would never have been disayiwedV;" 0 cne-' had the hopes of his masters been .e-, . anzea Dy viciory. j "The chancellor was so accustoMi greeted Iwith to let things .be that he seems tor be r - j surprised to find1 himself e at the botrv Report of the Condition of THE BANK OF ROXBORO In the State of North Carolina at the Close of Business June 20th 1917. in bathin at 25 cents a dip and oh .this iiext Sunday,- two services The pas-The-jnusic is fumshed.anrche-w a invited-to rfattend alK these sacred musico keep the devil away we may suppose. We also went to Pinhurst and saw the great Carolina Hotel. Did you ever see a house a mile around? If not, go to Pinehurst and see the Car olina. Mr. John Tufts, the originator of soft carbonated drinks, was the man who first conceived the idea of building . a great hotel here. The owner told us this hotel was occupied only during the winter season. Rich ard asked how many rooms this hotel contained and was" told it contained 575 rooms outside of the health de- 4tom of the abyss.;" His famous exeja--. r. i mation,' A , scrap of- paper,' which "V cynical.. cryLot. It seems-nowv as if Beth- i4.iA..::;an ofontfi'hTft 'arid: .honor- it.rps I11IUVI 1 1 1 1 I "MEW. I I UViLj mM M A.'V v .- .-r - u V W w r A P- ! ,tv entiTA.T crrotit)" of J TMtjnw.Tftllwpiy hfldforseenthe catas- --r tinuance of Wioue,i--W57? f? wfior.winin r myn;; ' 'i; ; Avl y.virtg-chcelter;reti marks the RESOURCES: THE BUSINESS MEN'S BIBLE CLASS. Loans and discounts $221,405.47 Overdrafts secured $2,576.29 . nnsetured$809.37 385.66 AU other Stocks, Bonds, and . - Mortgages 16,500.00 Banking Houses $8,500.00, Fur and Fix SUUU.UU iu,w.oy with Austria, Premier EsteThazconmanyve Action Francaise; ays-. Uipr it'detrimental to interfere :,in that the chancellor's, departure ind!-. AusriaVinternal; affairs He favored cates the depth to which the iiermaM j. i.t:l i 'Anaiif-cr. W3 was convinced have descended in their spirit of vio-. : " 1 ri I 111111 ni null W mmm w- . I rr-tf.. the Austrian premier took the same lent ambition. ' fV standpoint. - I "ine cnsi i& vuc uPFuaxvc , Russians Advance to Carpathian it was" it conUnues. it is not a rev ' Foothills - -j olution, but reaction that has brought On fronT of nearly' 50 miles from it about." HAH other real estate owned 3,000.00 Demand loans ' 0,UUU.uu partment which contained about as Due from National banks 26,039.79 many more'. He said there was 295 1 Cash ijms . . . bathrooms in the health department. c-l p com including all minor TTalicz to the foothills of the Car- I pathians the Russians have advanced westward across the lniesier . . , j. fnrihff - several villages ana import ant enemy "positions. - Nnrtft of the Dniester in . the region The Business Men' Bible Class met Sunday morning at the usual hour. Members present, 20, visitors 3. . ' ': - The following standard "Committees were appointed. Social, Dr. E. G. Tucker, Chainnan, Uiv Drau&uex, A. M. Burns, Dr. K. J. league ana j. W Allgood . ... - t w - Membership Committee? Jri . vv auy, Chairman, J. F.Keams, j. wvv R. A. Clay and A. Iipshita. . , Relief Committee, -W, a. craosner, J. L. Garrett, H. n. mastea, . x. Wilson and W. K. vy.oooy. UncTpra r,ftmmittee. J. w. nam- xxw.r-- - T m iiw,yiivww - i The ioliowing new lacmwcio enrolled, . T. S: Clay, J. 1. capps, G. Cole, W. roe,.. - : Although the present ranKS Qo nu quite reach-the numoer 'oiuuy, w Tim TTM I I Tllll. flVtJ LiU Jii- V""" standing objection to the Irriper- we get our desired membership. It is earnestly aesireo p'"" cuuu'5 ioin- this class. CJome wnn us anu n-f TTifimbers. A cordial welcome VJ. v.v ,. , Jl. awaits you, come ana spena a pruau able hour with us. He carried us through this great building and said it was alright to I look and pass on, but unless I was a millionaire I could not eat at any of the tables. He said guests at this hotel paid as high -as one hundred minor com currency 5,W5.o National bank notes and other U. S. Notes di-XX 2 per ct. Liberty Loan 150.00 TOTAL v 295,840.65 LIABILITIES: Libre Parole says: "The 'scran of .naper' has finished- 25.000.00 dollars per dy and as much as fif- SnJma FunQ 10,00.0.00 teen dollars a day for phone service, Undivided profits, less current alone. He said it was nothing un expenses and taxes paid 5,003.64 usualr them to spend one thous-, Notes andMls rediscounted lM and dollars a day for champagne. He j Deposits subject to check 79,917.21 invited us to go through one of the Time certificates of deposit 131,845.69 millionaire's homes, the first time Cashier's checks outstanding 80.53 Richard had ever had an invitation , ue io state u. - rii m m i vv r 1 no JLTUSt Vyuipai"co of this kind So he looked just as U.1 t-. ,;'U1-.rNrt.nl arA ITTCTlf ! right on throfth with Mrs. Richard State of North and- ail lltue rvicnaiuo iwuvii"6 2,525.74 . . Tl -1.1 XT nllnM ft "V The Gaulois concludes its rather - vj biographical articles with the words:. '"; is the war machine.!. of Hancz, says he war omce s state-. long onea anu uuiin&ucu, iw . . ment, the Russians cSpdred f mport- ( rjhnmg . as it had been expected ant heights and drove the enemy back would; and there is the Reichstag it--V 0 northeast of Ehilus, occupymg two sef are tactless men aemanamgi inainv villages. I j the: promises of .the government6 Southwest of Kalusz the Russians' not treated like scraps ofpaper. pereV captured Perehinsko, west of pohora- J was : terrible f atef ulness in these r dozanv. " N . words, and finally the day approaches Report of Chancellors uesignawon is wnen nis simpie uiap w-... . riYi t n u n 11 u v 11 1 1 1 1 1 ir . . it. 1 1 11. .- i-t Wii Vi Bwv - . '' " I i '11 i4-1-P' iYivr.fJ VlITl S.'' nmfT m wpiirn .11 1 v lLncix 111UJ.Q' umw.. .'v.. lilllg fc-V V. - - - fho pnHrp.rrp.dit of Germany '' .. v- i - v;'r; Denied According to a " semi-official natch- received at Amsterdam Eerlin 'Friday the report of signation of. Dr. Von Bethmann-Holl-weg, .the imperial chancellorL is un- di.s-from the re- TOTAL $2y&,4U.oo j true CONCERNING REGISTRATION; Mr. J, W. Noell, Editor, . j i i Carolina, County of! Chairnum of Catholic Centre Party , Roxboro-N. C. I V. F. Long, Cashier of the above; At the Taken III meeting: of the Catholic Dear Sir: We" have ihe .following commumca - w 1 . a 1 i. rMMAAi z a i Try . j. 1 - -un non ' . 1 : - . -i-i -v i - k . - j ; t-M - ist-smv snnnn i Tinri 1 i 1 1 r 1 1 1.1 1 r xlu i u vv -" - - . alter. ' we were men mvneu w occ . named Bank, ao-soiemniy swear mwv centre party rriaay, .uir w. j " . r- rf .1 ' .. J - J" - . . 111 T . 1 J . t !on ial Chancellor. 4-U cnn ViaT.r) a n ri f i ri7 rlpnnrtm Pnt J t'Urt nkvtra ctat.AWIP.nt IS trUC tO then Richard has never seen a finer lot, best of my knowledge and belief TNFANT HEARSE. Mr. R. A. Spencer has recently com- Field Marshal Hindenburg and Gen- . . j ( nil Ludenderff were again summoned to Berlin, not to interfere, according to the unanimous accounts in the Ber lin papers, in the political side of the situation, but to sidetrack the propos id peace resolution bv eriving encour-l , . ' 'OVr.pnfirnallv nice looking afrinfy rpnrirtc nf tVA tnilitarv sittia- v.-Pant VjAJirsp- .f (fj his Undertaking ji i. ... .li- i n-f nnrfmnnt inifi is suinewiiii " -wa ana 10 msuire me uiemuwo uciioii;w - . , the Reiohstae with the" belief in, the tirely new for ? ? ' ' V . - - .s.n . nnin III I.ltm IlCLIUXJAAV4ir "w possibilitv of obtainine that "German o' TTnrPrtakine establish- r - i ivi i .miciivj. w " . - ment - It is hanasomeirw""?u is painted with white enamDiea. BE of Berkshires. We then-went to the dairy barn which contained. 98 as fine cows as I-ever saw. They were also doing fine farming at this place. There was perhaps 200 acres in one pea field and a- like amount mcorn 1 W. F. Long Cashier. ' Correct Attest: i .. T E. AUSTIN 1 D. W. BRADSHER R. A. BURCH Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 9th day of July, 1917. Mr VV. batterneia, according-to. a ming via Amsterdam, adjourned at once. - The GENUINE HELPS peace worthy of the sacrifices' made,' to which Von Hindenburg oyer and over again had committed himself in his published replies to the memorials of Pan-German organizations. - -Before the selection of Dr. Michaelis became known the papers generally agreed that Vnn 'RAthmanh-Hollwee'S retirement would be accompanied' by sweeping changes in the imperial:"and Prussian administrations. VTh3eel ing was general that a large part of the secretaries of-stater and 'oninisters who had the v? PREMIUM TO t were t1d thqt. np.jtp.hp? was their bffst r - i . - , t-l-i:-. 75 bushels to the cre. This is a . JtC great peach and grapecountry. I was m commission told many of the orchards contained! . -' - at4east l,UU0 trees ana;great, iarxn&.; - mwasttrf. IS FAVORl A V lii X lUi iiijiw seem to be. entirely settovgrapeS, but r was' told tha" peaches was their best paying . crop with tobacco as second. If you want to raise finet6bacco, go to the sand hills around. Aberdeen, POOR RICHARD. ; Ably reported I. Washington, July ISThe.admin- gout,ae j.: '- n,noinn Wll: rarrvinsr at)-, it. r - tnVpn snddenlv ill ' North -Carolina : Mie-ciimxritti, - ' - . . t. i - 00fir,(r: DOaraS lS,tO Dwy amviv vv - . " is to be' no oraL argument,; noorai evidence and there will be "no neCessi- tyf for . representation Dy couuaei. . addition to the lack of necessity for - counsel, the appearance-of counseL, - jliMr Wa YAirnt.ion-of the law IS-'. 'Will UCiaj ViJ. s-, v ; of verv great importance and jipotrr considerations together , it - - has been decided to yexclude the-ap-., pnrance " of coimsel ;c before these--;, t j . nn.. va hflT ntcAif - svmna- .. UUaiUO. ' iuav .wv,..-"- V'j'r cream aid plenty . of ,. Jr5KSSElfit' WVa5 an excelent morning disn. t 1 1 : Iau -rAntw tp- -r j Sare" your empty tin can FrAirr The Florida Times Union. " rjnn't. waste anvthing--eat the pa- thp lnaf nf bread- it is aS nUtntlOUS as SUUie wcaiv , j . And speaking t)f cereali, - an . old v - hrnom chopped fine, covered list books flTTT. SOON. "Vn r f ho Premium List of the Zn-.nT, mrmhr -Fair: has'heen-f- turned over to e prmter and will be lay for rthe;publi Mesfrs.-Carv'ei!iahd: tiineTge -i.i.jl4-Urw Tirprn nm list.- and altno sde th nk the book-should have been it. u hard for-the-'manage- ment "to contract ior bbuwb, r3 J in .tha summer. -It" is gomg PRESBYTERIAN '-JCNNOUNCI: - ments.- K-.:- Mi i .. ' " An t fft tlt 'rns 'Q ropriations . oi $04u,uuu,uvu -ww. ported favorably oy. an unaiumuua vote froin the House MUitary Com- jmittee. At the reouest wr-we; tAt nn details of the propos- Sunday School, Sunday, at 9 :45 A. wooci1 . debate on it will be ire- Th Bible: Clasa'taueht hy 3Ir. Paul ncted - td generaV Herms s when Henlv invites all men to join'it if not comes uo Saturday. ' - in Sunday.Sehool elsewhere. The class Cnefetarv' Baternd French Britisli will.elect officers at the morning nour v svitors -appeared before Rev Carlton ErWhite.willr preachoitt-; hi xecutiye; session at Allensviile High School - sunaay -nT,rr iiTsed , the immeaiate- neueit y the it uwaaj,;4vv - ; - ...... i, wp are n eased to aavise aio m and trocksf may be;.made .10 eother- churnlpron i$rtztt com- . , -i' A. at 11 A.:M:-and.at;CaltolinaJn been in ofiice siricJnd before nice book-and "good-premiums aiwin r ;: , - ,:. , , V Jt. " J i j-- -r- - s I COruiaiiY' invneu tu au wieae oc uuso.- :--v i SERVICES : CONDUCTED, BY -THE. lete yeime of steps to be taken-by. nOiUiastJSunaaytnigflt pc Bcr i li" - y Tours very at the Baptist nurcn were touuuttcu hv lirll Y P. U.. and it! was decid edly 5iiccessful,theyoung people;ac- j nnittiner themselves in manner hign-i Iy creditable;miehurchtwasdepr atedwithTJ4;.Sgseiject f.nV?er- discussions being . xatnotism. lastor HesteBn? afevl chosen .rmv? a : rnnlimented - the HyouhcrS men : vt T TT--- v , . - t ' J-ufe-and instruction, AW ABradsher Cnm; 2 t T,D.:Winsteadi . - . v. v. LocalBoard SWAT, v . ,-5 Tutrix) hFLY! r

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