Vi fjoell Bros., Proprietors. me Fu'Stprbad Next. $1 .00 Per Year in Advance. iiV - i C - " ' vTvC JTa , VOL. XXXIV ROXgORO, NORTH CAROLINAftMl Number 38. List t t Coun-y ;:Pt:rn ; hnri! rts;, si: sec ovota cAixEDm you jcnow a ! SOLDIER BOYS Members d Cross tnapter. me oergeant, Mrs K A Spencer, Mrs. . - i Luna Thomas, Mr R A Spencer, Mrs Fifty of Roxboro's aoice Youne Men' ; R A RV VrI TI f 117 . . D m. Andrews, Mrs. r. s"n ' w inomas Left This Morning for Camp. Ml. r E Austin, Mrs. W. , "Tn- inomas iVlrs- K J league, stin. Mi. i- r- A Dr R J Teaeue. Mrs Woodson Uftm9s Miss Gladys Beam, Mr. J. A. Beam, Kev. Austi j. Allen tip Burch i. P.nnu Mrs. (Til -f- T nr AlilV TtnTOPt.t.. t a Ream, . n-iyKl orovM) cher. Miss 4'. . j tt; tr. ' "--v,i48 wuwl,luuultt!) while fV.a lao 1 i u:...', .'vi- Mr. J. w . Auguuu, Mrs. Nat. Thbmmon. Mr : vt TrtW Vi tuc ovtutcl f .A1 : j x tuvuiir i - - -!. ....," TO SEE WIN $400. Mrs. A. M. Burns, Mr. A. M. Janie Burns, Mr. Mer- son, Miss Pauline Thompson Mrs y 1181 fr?m necessity be a sadrMOST LIBERAL OFEER EVER Graham Thomnsnn. Mi TiJ accasion still, the send off this monr- Thompson, Mrs. R H Stevens, Miss ?g .coud but bring joy toeir hearts, Ada Tucker. Tr v J Tnt.. tHu. for jt shwed in no uhmisf akable manr Lucile Umstead, Mr James Yancey, esteem in which they are V Mrs. J S Yarborough, Mr J 8 Yar-; V - " ;V lfl?crow?m borough, Mrs W C Watkins, r. wattenda to wish-the boy God speed C Watkins, Mrs G W Walker Mr G.'Tr estet:m a thousand to W Walker. Mi Nrma w.iu. f fifteen hundred. The . following pro- Willie E Walker, Mr J E Wade Mr"1 h?d n aed. m n . . 1 Parade. From in fronr n-f i 11 - W III I VW O rl A lios UfAkk HIT TTT i " v Bradsher. E .w Wi.u c n the Local Board. , E. Brader mt . --'--; , of Police, carrying flag . Ayhur Burch, Mrs. vy . . duuock, w v nvvu, tf, Mr'' i. ir. o t J Winstead. Mrs Tn S Wmf u ! r.rl Bradsher, Miss Eugenia H W Winstead, Mr. H W Winstead, 1 -e?-A' BANK ACCOUNT FOR -BABY Sue Bradsher, Miss Mildred i offiec of m. tan Bradsher, Miss Annie uauiric iiactLr Irs c. B. Brooks, Mr. C. B. Brooks, pr v. A. Bradsher, Mrs. Charlie Beaver. Mr. Charlie Beaver, . Miss Lizzie Bunipass, Mrs. H. G. Clayton, )Ir. H. ('- Clayton, Dr. W. B. Crisp, Mrs. R. C ole R- G Cole Mr Bcrley Clayton, Mrs. L. M.' Carlton, )jr. L. M. Carlton, Mr. C. C. Cunning ham, Mrs. Bessie Cannady, Mr. G. J. Crishwa, Mrs. H. L. Crowell, Mr. H. i Crowell. Mrs. Eliza Carver, Mrs. a V. ( iavton. Mrs. Anna E. Cole,! )jr; KuU'ii Cheek, Mrs. E. D. Cheek, )fr, E. I'. Ch?ek, Mrs. J. W. Chambers, 3Ir. F. Carver, Mrs. A. P. Clayton, ),. V. T. Calton, Mr. W. T. Calton, Calton, Mr. J. H. Carver, Mrs. A. S. :eVlaming, Mr. A. S. de Vlaniir.:. ns Isabelle deVlaming, isS Mar: m deVlaming, Mrs. W. T. DaniCi. .1. A. Dailey, Mrs. J. A. Dailey. Mr-. E. P. Dunlap, Mr. E. P. Dunlap. Mrs. 0. W. Dowd, Rev. O. W. Do-.v.i. Ir. T. B. Davis, Mr. W. B. Davis. Mrs. W. R. Day, Mr. S. B. Davis. Mr. E. M. Davis, Mrs. SB. Davis. Mrs. Edwin Eberman, Mr. Ed to Eberman, Mr. Edwin Eberman, Jr., Mr. John Eberman,: Miss Bettie (Eberman. Mrs. J. M. Fpx, Jr., Mr. I.M. Fox, Jr., Mrs. A. R. Foushee, Kr. A. R. Foushee, Mrs. I. Feather-5 stone, Mrs. Troy Freeland, Mr. Troy freeland, Mrs. E. B. Foushee, Mrs. EB. Foushee, Mrs. R. I. Featherstone, Jr., Mrs. R. I. Featherstone, Mr. R. T. Featherstone, Miss Elma Feather stone, Mrs. R. W. Featherstone, Mrs. John Ford, Mr. John Ford, Mrs. Lil- n Foreman, Mr. J. L. Garrett, Mrs. R. H. Gates, Mrs. Robert, Gentry, Mr. J. L. Gentry, Mrs. A. H. Gentry, Rev. J. M. Hester. Mr. John Harvey, Mrs. W. H. Harris, Mr. W. H. Harris, Mrs. W H Harris. Mrs. R L Harris. Mr R I Harris Miss Marv Harris. Miss -Nettie Lou Harris, Mr Flem Ham let, Mrs. W R Hambrick. Mr. W R Hambrick. .Mr.-Robt. Hambrick, Mr. GO Hall. Mrs. T W Henderson, Mr. TW Henderson, Mrs C H Hunter, Mrs John E Harris. Mrs R C. Mrs T T Hester, Mrs Nora Jones. Miss Margaret Johnson, Miss Kathleen Mnson, Mr. Arc'h Jones, Mrs Step tan Jones. Mrs. Georee Jones. Miss Hallie Jon?. r T T V WUrf f R Lone-. Mrs. M T.nncforH. Mr M lunsford. Mrs. W T Long; Mrs. A wpshitz, Mr. A Linshitz. Mrs W R Long, Mr M R Long, Miss Oveda Long, s- II I) Long, Mr W F Long, Mrs D w Long, Mr D W Lonr. Miss Evie Long:, Miss Annie Long, Miss Emma Mrs .1 A Long, Jr., Mr J A O " ? w" " . Mrs Annie Winstead, Mrs. Ida Win stead, Mrs S D "Winstead, Mr S D Winstead, Mrs J H Whiter 3 H Whitt, Mrs C E White, Rev. C E White, Mrs. C T Wilson, Mr C T Wilson, Miss Mary Wilson, Mr Frank Wilson, Mrs. Roger Wilkerson, Mrs. R L Wilburn, Miss Frances Woody, Mrs J H Woody, Mr W.R Woody, Mr T B Woody, Mrs W A Woody, Mrs Hudh Woods, Mr. Hugh Woods, Miss Allie Wood, Miss Glena Wood, Mrs Henry Wood, Mrs. M. J. Walters, Mrs. L D Veazey. Local' Board. Soldiers. . Board of Aldermen of Roxboro. Council of Defense for Person coun- Sept. 9th, 1917. . .. 316MrG..Bn.: damp Jackspn, Columbia, S. C. , Dear Mr. Noell: , M As I promised, I will now write you about the camp life. We'll you could ' not say that you are in prison or any- f" .$hn.'t you know a baby , that you thing like that. Uncle Sam is pro- Wi like to see come into the pos- ?ms weV "-WTOg?. c - ;3 ; Everything is real . convenient. - We seion of J400.00 m gold money .m only woHc eight hou a day. just ejght weeks: Perhaps you know xhen wean'go up to the Y. JI. CL : seral babies that you Are absolute-. or anywhere else. It is always som0 tyfere would appreciate this nice thing doing at the Y M. C. ASfnigtS Pioneer Leads -with the Biggest rM Sale in History of Roxboro Market PERSON COUNTY FAIR Everything in Shape Get Your Ex hibits Ready and Be on Hand. Never have I seen everything work ing so nice for the Fair, every one is seemingly interested and we are ex pecting a great fair,- with larger ex hibits than ever before, and of course, all of the people are coming. 4 The racing this year is going to be one ol the strong features, there be ing many horses already being groom ed for the races, and the automobile races will be decidedly the best we have ever had. Mr. P. T. Freeland will ESJ&J?harge 6f these races, guid he hai already had entered four machines. including a special machine, the red, white and blue Sammie. which he has recently made for this occasion. If you want to see some real sporty rac ing you want to come every day and witness these races. If you have a car which you would like to enter for these races, for the more the merrier. call on Mr. Freeland and make the entry. There will be no expert drivers, just all home boys and you will stand as a good show for this money as any one. Again I want to call the attention of the ladies to the fancy work de partment. Do not overlook the en tries for this department, for it has been one of our very best and we are exceedingly anxious to see it sur pass anything before shown. I will take especial pleasure in aiding any one wanting to exhibit in this depart ment, and if you will kindly call on me I will try to make everything plain and satisfactory as to entries here. Again thanking jwu for your past efforts and trusting to have your help in making this the best, I am, Yours truly, -JOE H. CARVER, President. ty. Soldiers Aid Committee. Members of Red Cross. -School children of Roxboro Graded School. Citizens. At the station the following pro gram was carried out: Master of Ceremonies J. A. Long, Secretary Local Board. , Speech L. M. Carlton, Chairman of Soldiers Aid Committee. Bible Presentation. Rev. J. M. Hester. The Bibles were presented on behalf of the Baptist Sunday School, which had provided them. Speech F. O. Carver. Presentation Red Cross Comfy Bags, W. D. Merritt. Speech Rev. 0. W. Dowd, who al so closed with benediction. At the close of the program Mr. J. A. Long announced to the boys that the Board of County Commissioners had authorized him to state that the poll tax for all soldier boys would be omitted while they are in the army. The following are the names of the young men who left this morning: Chas. F. Gentry, J. Z. Wilburrf, Bert Wilson, Lex Calvin Bro wrr; Joftrr svlnv of money. No doubt you have sbr-a baby in your home that is un-d;ix- years of age. The campaign announced last week ispa bonifide proposition in which jveh babies will share in the eight hundred dollars to be awarded in a vry short time There is going to bs a lbaby in this community Who is go- toget $400. in gold. Another baby baby will receive $200. in gold, and another will be awarded $50. in gold. Fur other babies will be awarded! smaller gold prizes. 'The wanning of these gold prizes isfriot going to be a big undertaking. Irttfact, the work will bexpleasant and congenial. Suppose you make a list and preaching on Sundays. We usually have a sermon each night. . ' All of the officers are,, as possible to us, they have the patience of Job. But we boys feel, sur that we have the nicest officers in camp. All of we fellows are making it fine. We have drilled two days. I guess we will have our uniforms by Monday p. m. I will be glad -of that, but you all must remember this is some camp, it is seven miles long and four wide. I know I will never see all of it. We have seen right much of Lieut. Last Monday the Pioneer Warehouse sold $11,429.00 worth of tobacco at " an average cf $27.25 for the entire sale.' :S V -,:-. L Tuesday another big sale day, the V pioneer paying to its customers orer $8,000.00. The new floor apace is now ready" making our warehouse over one-third Jarger tha before. Bring your tob acco on to the Pioneer, you can't orer- load 'us now. M a 2-"-' 3-- COMMUNITY FAIR Hurdle Mills Will Hold aCommunity .-. " - Fair on September 28th. today of your friends and you will b2 surprised to know that you have so many who will be glad to give you a subscription and vote for your baby. Iow is the best time to get started. Bailey. He told us to remember him to all of yoxi people back home, when we Tote, so if you will publish this it will reach all of his friends. Wil b glad when trre other boys come.' Te!I them its not so bad, you just can't see ur girl, that is what gets me. . I havn't seen but a few since I left Durham. But I write all of my spare time, so I am afraid I will break Uncle Strt today before some one else gets bam to lumisn me stationery. Must stop now as I guess you have heard enough about camp life. ahead of you. Phone-or write to the Campaign Department, the Courier arm the campaign manager will be glldMto come to your home and ex plain ihe'eampaign in detail and show easy it is going to be to $400.00 for your baby. wi .jUse the information -blank below .on. W J.OH'J J'A Lon EG love, I) Wllo. W M;;;-; Merrier ! Max Bickford Long, Mrs. Sr.. Miss Sue Long, Mr. Mr T A Long, Mrs. B E B E Love, Mrs. J. W iss Mattie Morton, Mrs B Mr R B Muir, Miss Sue . Mamie Merritt, Mrs Mr W D Merritt, Master ritt, Master John Mer- K-rt Morton, Mr Hubert ; llelen Morton, Mrs H i H H Masten, Mr Joe W Morris, Mrs. W A I-orena Mills, Mrs. Otis s. Fannie Morton, Mrs J . Mrs. J W Noell, Mr Miss Breta Noell. Mr. e A T -1T TT T XT "11 - iss Bertha Xewton, Miss Ethel New- ' Ruth Newton, Mrs J M 0'- v -'100 It cBrov.'," M(in- 3ruc in.' H. Garrett, Arthur F. Perkins, John H. Rudder, Dyaf C. Blalock, Edward Lee Long, Crawford C Yancey, Simp son Vaughn, Richard Oakley,, Will Landis O'Brien, John D. Lowrey, Wm. T. Day, Willie E Wilkerson, Robert Lester Blackwell, Calahan" Mangum, Ira Burdock, Wm. S. Cates, John C. Clay, Joseph N. Allen, Wesley L. Wil liams, Alphonsus Gray, James N. Castle, Lee Oakley, Hubbard Bray, Willie M. Hargle, Wm. S. Pleasant, W. A. Painter, Charles Harris, Ken neth L. Long, Joe Thomas, Ingram T. Scoggins, Lornnie T. Riley, J. R. Day, John T Clayton, Leonard J. Long, J. T. Brooks, R W Bowen, J H Whitt, B F Wade, J C Evans, Joshua Pul liam, J G Oakley, Roseoe Tuck, W T Gregory, Jas B O'Brien, R J Oliver, and Luther L. Blalock. totf t ull particulars . As ever, MERIMON WINSTEAD. 4 I am interested in the baby campaign and would like to know more about "Ithe proposi tion, but it -is understood that I am not under any obligation whatever- Sept. 9, 1917. 316 MM-G.. Bn. Camp Jackson, Columbia. S. C, On Friday, Sept 28th, there will be a Community!; Fair at Hurdle Mills, and if you think this is nothing to he worth while you are nursing a de lusion, . for this prosperous section, easily among the very fore-front of any section of the County, will pull of a stunt which will,surprise you. We seriously doubt if there is a section of the county which can show more real progress, than this section, and we sincerely trust there wilL be a large attendance from all sections of the county. Go out and see what these good people are doing along all progressive ' lines and then go home and do likewise These community -fairs should be held in many sections of the county, for they are educational as well as inspirational-, and no one can attend them and see the exhibits without be ing enthused to try to do better farm ing himself, and then the worly the Canning Club at this point is doing will be an eye opener to many of you. Remember the date, Friday Sept. J28th and make v it a point to be at .Hurdle Mills ;for that: day. - " ". i-i I)airCMr:oellr- f?iftr MmW$u "p'tecklhome reL- ; ' 1 - IS. t . : , tit.! I j - T. wU- Z MAni- nwnKA ,J'-f ' ' ' wondering - now we boys are liking i It came as a "great surprise wheti our home home and the service of i Ave learned last weeK mat Mr. i. w. Uncle Sam. This is a fine place and I want to assure the boys that-are to follow us that they need not dread it so mush. Now I am sure .the major ity of them are dreading '. it and had Services at the First Baptist Church. MILLINERY OPENING Everybody Invited, for I am Going to Show the Best Ever. . j almost rather do anything than come Name . here, and I want them to come here feeling, that we are doing the right' Address i thing, for what is more noble and patriotic thanto serve one's country and defend its flag when assailed. The surroundings of camp life I know is quite different from what most of us have been used to, butswe have the Y. M. C. A., here' and believe me they are nice to we boys and you can hear On Tuesday and Wednesday Sent. I Preacnm almost, every night, some- 25th and 26th, I will have my millin- where in camP- Lieut. Bailey sends Contributions to Red Cross Chapter. Mr. A. W. Clayton: $ 1.00 Mr. T. B. Davis 10.00 Mr A. M. Burns - 5.00 Mrs. T. W. Henderson .', 5.00 Rev.-and Mrs. J. A. Beam 1.00 Mrs'. T. P. Featherstone ...... 1.00 Mrs. J. T. Blanks 1.00 Mr. W. F. Long , . 20.00' Mrs. W. H. B. Newell ... 1.00 Mrs. A. R. Foushee . 5.00 Mrs. J. T. Walker 1.00 Prayer and praise service Wednes day evening at 7:30 o'clock. Preaching Sunday morning by the pastor. There will be no services in the evening. Bible school Sunday morning at 9:30 o'clock, 3. W. Noell, Supt., The Business Men's Bible class continues to grow. Why not join with us. We would welcome you. B. Y. P. U. Monday evening 7:30 o'clock, Miss Mildred. Bradsher, Pres. We cordially invite yo uto come and worship with us. - - SALE OF MULES. ery opening, and will show all the latest and newest models, including his love and best wishes to the peo ple of Person county and we all an elegant display of the well known want to assure you that we expect to and popular Gage hats, Stern hats, Samuel Achs and other Parisian sty les. Come in and ee them. Remember, the early bird gets the worm, and the early buyer will get the pick of the stock. Very respectfully, Mrs. Pallie Yancey Pass. Fresh Meats. Mr Henry O'Briant uvir Mr G. E. Harris .50 5.00 Land Sale. r'ant. 1 r Hubert O'Briant, Mr ?nry K. O'Briant, Mrs G A Pool y - ""i, mrs n a rass, Mrs j ' I will on the first Monday in Oct. 1917, at 12 o'clock, noon sell at the Court house door in Roxboro, N. C, that tract 1 of land belongings to-the estate of Jordan Yarboro, deceased in Allensville township, Person County, known as the Allen tract , containing Jss, Mrs F W Pass Mr T W Pass one hundred and twenty acres, more ? w V Pass Mr xxi t tm w or less, adjoining the lands of Dr. W. 1 rass r: t . d V.fl.TJriow fanns and Others Terms of .sale x ne half .cash, and one haK in twelve -months. , v GEO. H, YARBORO, . ForTieirs of Jordan Yarboro W I. NewtoiTAipn ; y - . 0m . . , " We have been Tequested- to ask that all exhibitors Please have-theirexhi- bits . for Hurdles Mill Uommunity; x air p ass, Miss Lucile Pass, Mr I H s. Mrs c F Plybon, Mrs C E u " reuigrew, ml a id San c Jlxn otanveid,.Mrii.U! Stafi ,7 ' 0 c eams, Mrs. Jim Miieia, M terfield, Mrs. Preston Satterfield, Satr peSt0n SatterneW -Mrs. S P terfieia, Mr S P Satterfield, Miss Mrs a p rfield' Mr M W Satterfield, W f t Stanlvey Mr ATB.Stalveyf JtriVoStanfield Mm-k B'Smitfl, ilarv c mith' Mr Earl Stewart," Miss On October 15, 1917, same being Monday of next Court, immediately upon adjournment of Court for noon recess, we will sell at public auction to the highest bidders, for cash, eleven good mules belonging to the Person County road force. - CENTRAL HIGHWAY COMMIS SION OF PERSON COUNTY. M. R. Long, Chairman. C. A. Hall, Secretary. We have re-opened our Meat market on Main street and from now on you will be able to find the best in beef, fresh polk, sausage, fish and oyesters. We have a thoroughly sanitary market and our meat is kept in one- of the best refrigerators made, thereby guar anteeing you the best meats in the best condition. Prompt service. Give us a trial. J. H. LOY. Sales at the Poineer. Nat Warren, soldat the Pioneer this week and received $40 for cutters, made an average of $35. .. Carver & Carver 610 lbs for '$192.62 Maude Evans made an average $35.50. .v . ': P. Ross, 588 lbs. for- $188.33, these are just a few of the many-good sales we have made jhis rweek.- Iadyour wagon and come- to the; .Pioneer and we will show you how. lary Spar. in-on,Thursday-Septem beforeeffal : To my friend and customers, I want to rejoice with you. over the good pri ces you are getting- for, your and also ask;ihose?that ome; around and help; me At ti t Planters. The following are the names of some of the men that sold at the Planters this week: E. D. Morton, R. a Hester, J. M. Brewer, S. T. Dam eron, WiUiam Clay, col., Daniel Clay ton, James Allen, Sidney Wiley, Smith & Mitchell, Mat Jordon, col., Hestej & Clayton, Satteffield, W. Per kins & Parley. ALL OF THE ABOVE uphold the honor of Person County and shall cmoe -home proud of -the fact that we have been called upon to help ''establish for all time a, world's democracy. All the boys join me in thanking the Red Cross for their remembrance and all of the people that were so nice to us as we severed, our connection with homelife and those that were so dear to us for the life, in camp. Tell all of the drafted boys to come cheerfully and with the determination to follow Old Glory wherever called upon to go even unto death. With best wishes, Sincerely, SAM P.JONES. Henderson, the very efficient and able i (buyer for the Export Tobacco Co., had 1 resigned. . Ever .since the dissolution V pf the tobacco companies and the Ex- port was formed he has repersented this Company on this market, and for a number of years before that time he was connected with the American j Tobacco Company here. We regret yery much to see him comejoff the i market, for he had seemed a fixture i and meant much to the market, L though he will not leave the town for j he fias many interests here which will j probably induce him to remain as a j citizen, one of the most deserving' in j the town. Eyer since coming among us he has looked with a steady eye 1 and an honorable purpose to the build- j ing up of the- town, both materially ; and morally, and we know every one will rejoice to know that his resigna-H tion in no wise pref aces such a thing as losing him from our midst. . Prebyterian Announcements. Hot Meals at Any Hour. Prayer meeting tonight at 70 o'clock. Prof. Overcash will make the address. . 7 Sunday School Sunday at 9:45 a. m. H. L. Crowell, Supt. You will find a hearty welcome at . all tjiese services.- Rev. C. E. Whitewill preach at Allensville High School next Sunday at 11 o'clock and at Caltolina in the afternoon at '.30 o'clock. aw..- - - Our first session of the teachers association for 1917-1918 will be held o!n next Saturday. All teachers are ex--pected to be present. We, want to lay rilans for a ereat session. The times We are serving hdt meals at anyl i nn nroressive-stens and earnest i p -i i Tr-. ... j. n I V tr nour oi uay peiween o a. m. ana 5, -m mT schools j call upon every p. m. The best of meats with expen-,teacher every committeeman, and enced cook and moderate prices. Come every citizen of PerSon county to ren- to see us. j. i. i,oy, at ioy lvreat i -u asa:afaTM,p nnthlP. to. make i ViA Mil - Market. I rttTAWTT MAlt AaI 1TI cess. We plead for the most co-oper ative and loyal support of all our citizens. Each man ows to "his school the best service he is able to" give. Therefore the patrons of each school are invited and urgpd "to be present on next Monday at the opemngr of 1 the schools: It is : very necessary to get a good start. And it isexceed ingly important "for alK students -to start the -first day. ' - . f J. A. BEAM. Miss Maggie Painter Doing Her Bit Miss Maggie Painter had a little crop: all her own this year and she sold artthe Planters yesterday a small portion of; it, having 342 poinds on sale ;f or which she - received a check MEN AVTCRACTsn nvFtt an HTOTft -1104.72. Miss Maggie is doing her - , , , f2:l.: .1 i-T L FOIl EVERYTHING THEY " SOLD. j . ' snawing wnav reon cuunwy. The-Planters is the-placeto sell your caniW -u, wmc Ui tobaccco, they all agrees ; - At the Hyco Warehouse. The .County schools are asked to take part in the'; Persons County, Fair, and I am asking ;and p urging each Old Scrap Iron Wanted - tit. n. j." fparliAr tr pnd th bpst of each kind I Want tO DUy ail OI your urn vrap this week for eveiything.sohL on our or the exnipits irom mzi scnooi snown 'JV -T vSVf tobacco l"Oor. Xtan you Deal it..' werininK no.f " y"1" 9 v . - 1 "iti f - " looaccot . . . . m'iU h-k- A.nA t to me at the coal yard,. near tha . -;c owe ,me to graaesot. toDacc areeumg. rr ,J - - - A,w,stern' ikilroadepott , toieice. high at.the.Hyc -.-;".v ;iload to Headquarters mt; n ituwvc. -. t r ::- ; z-j r : . V""- i ' Nil if '-' 4..T.-.- J i rr on, Mrs Jiafiar SLray-:

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