II - - '44" A " - A J-- A - - ; . "... - - v - ' . A, ?-. . " s. ' . - , -. . " s 1 - , .a . ' - . , 1 - 1& IMAGES-a -A ' id-DAY- PAGES ONE TO EIGHT foell Bros., Proprietors $1.00 Per Year in Advance. VOL, XXXIV ROXBORO, NORTH CARDURA, Wednesday Evening, September f ith, 1917. Number 39. " ' r' ' ' ''' : . : l ' . . , ? Home First Abroad Next. 2 - " ' - . . . m TOBACCO MARKET. Rpinwinnr 1 hpir I n harm Farm trs as ; ji.. .. Prcrvhftllv PliJia. In Kaplan duu .-." j . od With Prices. was a busy time for in Roxboro, for the farm verv ,w ' ,voiv here m great numbers, m ers : , been sold here during any one week. Notwithstanding the large amount being ottered it looked as it the market grew stronger and strong- each day, .1111 T and the buyers more ' er eajrer for all they couia get. looacco is hiph in Roboro, no doubt about that fact, and the farmers are"' selling rapidly- Almost any old stuff will average up in the twenties. During the many years since a mar ket was established here it has never been quite so well supplied with buy ers, all of the large companies now have individual buyers here, and the result is that there is more lively bid .linsr than ever before. . Tobacco is .... 11 m io-ht. though with good color, and the i dications are that the crop willjsident or the secretary and have your hardly turn out in pounds much in exhibit properly arranged. ,-xcess of last year, though the price ' The racing is going to be one of s much better and there many more ' the big features this time, and we iolia than turned loose in this section AU'C nee at tho Methodist Church Last Sunday ; Sponce, Sunday School retary of the North Carolina .i Conference, delivered two .. . ;. stir-g and helpful addresses U1(K church here on last A: A- morning hour service Mr. .vviVf .-poke on the 'subject, ;Effici- vv ;;s Applied to the Sunday School." The standards of efficiency applied to various kinds of business industries vrere very strikingly contrasted with the standards applied to Sunday Schools work and a plea made to that effect, in the great work of saving and reclaiming the young people of- the church, a more thorough ancf efficient standard. . A . . "The Condition and the Needs ofj the Sunday School" was the thought presented by the speaker at the even inp hour. That the field is already white unto the harvest, that the con- dition for service exists in fact, and-res that the great need of the times de- mand trained and cosecrated teacher and workers, was the thought of this message. Mr. Spence is a forceful and en thusiastic speaker, a clear thinker and an enthusiastic Sunday School "worker. The church has been enrich ed by his coming and those who heard him will welcome his return at an other time. FIREWORKS AT DANVILLE FAIR. A magnificent display of fireworks u'ill be seen every night during the four days of the Danville Fair, begin ning Tuesday, October 9th. The fair is sparing no expense to make the display this year the finest ever seen in the city many novel features will ! be provided which are entirely new. Thousands of electric bulbs are used to light the grounds at night so the merry crowds can enjoy the midway 2nd other amusements features. RAID MADE ON STILL Deputy Collector E. A. Hughes re turner! to the city Saturday night Horn Person county, where Saturday at noon, accompanied by Deputy R. - -Morris, of Raleigh, he raided a MockaA still. A sixtv eallon still, vrith eap, worm and 10 fermenters Aa-e iii-uoyed. Ten bags of meal and 01 Lie ity of tomato brandy were tonn !l'ai ( . if, ;fill vvhq WaI-pH -ifh) yards from the home of Tom Dunn, a erson county farmer. Durham Sun. NOTICE. . -1 persons who have taken a .part ln either or both of the last two trades of the Person County Fair and who have regalias will please see e at y'-ir earliest convenience. , W. Y. PASS, Chief-Marshal. D0'T BEDECEIVED BUT LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST rh Planters' Wa rVirtnap TlniViam kst week 324,80$ pounds of tob-. ior 190,J48.91, averaging for the hi $27.91. Drive to the leading Tt where you will find Will Um Z .l Monk' an Dock Allen to you set more more than you ,evr ha v m the past. , If t shoes Reaper. Lipshitz sells them EVERYBODY IS COMING T u t- - me rerson County Fair Next Weeo3?Kory' It is a fact, the people are more; " i i . i '"vnwicu m me great rerson uounty; Fair than ever before, and there is going to be just about every man,1 woman and child in the County here l during the coming Week. Do not wait f0r any big day, for every day is g0- ing to be a big dav. and vou will miss it every day you miss - I coming here during the fair. From all indica tions the exhibits will surpass any thing ever before shown in this coun ty and we want every farm in the county to have something on display. If the head of the family has noth ing, which he wants to exhibit we hope the good woman, or the daugh ter, will bring along some of her work, either in fancy work or canned goods, anything and everything which the good women of the county know so well how to prepare. See the pre want to see some lively tilts between t.hp hnrP nwnpH Vw thp P.mmtv i And then the automobile races will be worth while, for you will see some sure enough speed during these races. J J he track is in . fine condition, and 1 with Mr. P. T. Freeland in charge of j these races you may expect them to be good. As previously stated, these i races will be betwen machines owned ! bv the people of the countv, no expert 1 A 1 , ; unvers, hence every one win nave a chance to win in these races. Enter your machine and help make things lively. It has been stated that the price of admission would be higher this year: I am glad to say this is a mistake, for the price will remain the same as it was last year, 25c for general ad mission. Now, don't let anything keep you away, for I a mlooking for you. Your friend, JOE H. CARVER, Pres. STRONG DEMAND FOR TOBACCCO There sems to be a stronger demand for tobacco since the first of last week, and the tendency is still for go6d pri wjth a continued demand for all grades. There has been a lot of dark grades showing up in last weeks sales, but the general average has increased, hence the presumption is that prices must be some better on all grades. With the condition new existing we see no good reason why the farmer sould not sell their tobacco as fast as they can get it ready, we will be glad to see the farmers who read this, at Person Union Warehouse with their next load. We will guarantee them tRe very best prices that can be ob tained anywhere. Below we give you a few averages, for the past few days. Hoping you will consider these prices andbring your tobaccco to the Person Union warehouse, and get these prices or bet ter if you have a high grade of tobacco. J. H. Pentecost, 314 pounds for $82.93 average $26.40. Watson & Wilkins 360 pounds for $122.19, average 34. Jim Fox, 542 pounds for $171.93, average 31. Howerton & Mitchell 974 pounds, $273.40, average 28. Rimmer & H. 696 pounds $224.08, average $33.61. C. W. Bradsher, Jr., $204.01, average $30.03 J.'W. Wrenn & Co., 674 pounds 576 pounds $188.99, average $34.54. We want to serve you, ask us. Very respectfully, T. P. Featherstone, Mgr. PERSON UNION WAREHOUSE Announcement Baptist Church. Song and praise service Wednes day evening at 7:30 o'cloek. Topic: "Prayer and .the. Reign of Law." Those desiring to take the work in the Normal Manual will meet im mediately after the prayeservice and organize Bible School 9:30 o'clock Sunday morning. This is a special day. A state-wide Baptist Go To Sunday School Day. We hope to have all the members of the church as well as many others at Sunday, School. The offering will be for-State 'Mission. . Preaching at 11 su m. afr 7 :30 p. m. hy the - pastor. Special Missionary Topic Sunday mornjinr. The services in the evening will be evangelistic. B. Y. P.'y. Sunday evening at 6:30 BABY'S IN SHOWER Now is the Best TWfor iame loday. Win a riandsome bank Ac count Protect the Future of the Little One, Today the big "Shower of Gold" Capaign begins in earnest. Today the energetic parents and friends of bable3 wil1 start doing their level best to Pt their little one in the lead, The rewards offered are substantial and valuable cash prizes and it is up to the ones who want them TO START NOW. The list of babies entered include the best known families in this tion, just look over the list and see who are in the race. A bank account for the baby impels every level headed parent and rela- tive o fa baby in the age limit to do their best to be successful, a ' bank account handed over to a young per son at the right time in life often means a change of the whole future for the better. Give 'your , baby a fair chance. Have a substantial bank ac count to hand him when he reaches his majority. And how much better it will i I K l-C 4-U - "ii uc 11 LUC muu wa5s won wim sPare HERE THEY ARE All babies start today with the nocination credit of 5,000 votes. The voting will begin at once and the next list will show the coupon standing. Nominations are now open. Senr in "a baby's name. Baby Parent or Guardian T ' t , Lois Irene Black W. A. Blacky Austin. Bos well Erasmus Clayton Patrick Henry Clay, Jr., Daley Earl Clayton Willie Gray Clayton Lucile Gladys Clayton Nannie Mayl5aniel Arch Boone Gentry Mable Hobgood Lillian Clarice Jones J. B. Boshell M. T. Clayton,: Pat H.Xlay Henry , Clayton O. Y. Clayton C. M. Chiton Hubert Daniel A. H., Gentry Logna Hobgood . Mrs. Lilli an IJones Jim Lee Joe Montague B. W. Murphy J. W. Oakley Austin Riley Thomas Regan Luease King Maxine King Charlie Ellis Lee Harvey Montague Clyde Murphy John Westley Otflcley Willie Riley, Maggie Regan Obie J. Slaughter, Harrison Tillman Virginia Ann Timberlake Mrs. Lula Mrs. H. G. J Frank 15 YEARS AGO TEUTONS DECIDED WORLD WAR Prediction Was Made By Captain von G(;etz to Admiral Dewey in 1898 Mr. Lewis Refers to It. Washington. Sept. 24 Prediction that Germanv would waere a war for. world conquest in about 15 years was j made to the late Admiral Dewey at thig morning was preparing to vote Manila in 1898 by Captain von Goetz, . j. r, -i c A on the question of breaking diplomatic of the German imperial navy, Senator , M . Lewis today tlod the senate. ! relations with Germany, an official Quoting a report fro"m Admiral, communicaiton was received from the Dewey to the navy department, the 'Berlin foreign office. The note dis Illinois senator said that von Goetz approved of the ideas expressed by told the American naval officer that' Count von Luxburg, the German Germany would capture Paris as the minister, regarding Germany's "crai first step to subjugating England. ser warfare." The taking of New York and Wash-' The word "cruiser" left some doubt ington was to follow in order that n the minds of government officials Germany might secure an enormous as to whether Germany intended to cash indemnity. modify her submarine campaign. A The wiping out of the Monroe doc-! declaration of war by Argentina on trine and the control of South Amer ica by Germany also was predicted by the German officer, declared Senator Lewis, who was discussing peace nego tiations. For some reason the government . ,. o . t i u j. lation, Senator Lewis continued, but; in the face of it now, "any senator who . speaks here or elsewhere against any measure of his country lends hinself to the enemy." Characterizing the German reply to Pope Benedict's peace note as "Prus sian peace hypocrisy" and an affront bothto the pope and President Wil son, Senator Levis scored what( he termed "laggards in patrotism" and those who argue against the war. "The country guarantees free speech to every - American," the speaker said, "but that man who uses free speech against America is not the American to whom free speech is guaranteed. In this coun try there xan be no free speech to any man t4rxlestroy the , freedom of his fellow man. AThere can never be liberty of speech to an American citU zentcjdestroy the liberty of the American Nation." . "-Another BWpm-ekfebfrtfSilB:M; OF GOLD CAMPAIGN Big Votes. Enter Babys time effort. It gives a .feeling of ac- complishment that 'will follow the' child's efforts through all the future. The COURIER is presenting an op- portunitv for parents to make their1 spare time efforts net them big divi dends in "The Shower of Gold for Babies." ' IT IS NOT SPECIFIED THAT THE PRIZES MUST BE PLACED IN THE sec-JBANK. As soon as the winners are chown the money will be turned over the parents or guardians of the little ones to use as they think best, Remember that work done now will .count eleven times as much as later, ' Thisris explained in the advertispmpnt m! this paper. Read it carefully and be sure you understand it. . Below is the first list of popular babies. Is your favorite's name among them? If not, send in the nomination at once, and start the lit- it n.i i . 118 aanmg on tne road to success Address Woodsdael, Denniston, Roxboro, Route 2 Roxboro Roxboro, Route 1 Stem Rougemont ? Roxboro, Routed ..Roxboro, Route 2 Roxboro, Route 2 Timberlake Roxboro, C Jalong, N. C. Roxboro, Route 3, Roxboro, Route 2 Roxboro, N. C. Timberlake, Rougemnot Seniora, N. C. Votes 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,Q00 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 '5,000 5,000 5,000 Slaughter, Tillman, Timberlake, Woodsdale, Timberlake, Timberlake, DECLARATION OF WAR ON GERMANYJDEFERRED Berlin Sends Note "Disapproving" Luxburg Ideas Regarding Ger many's "Cruiser Warfare." Buenos Aires. Sept. 23. Just as Argentine chamber of deputies early . , Germany, however, was postponed by the receipt of the German note. Satisfaction Given. London, Sept. 23. A dispatch from Buenos Aires to Reuter's (Limited) says that Argentina has received a note from Germany which has giv en government. SALESMAN WANTED Lubricating oil, grease, specialties, paint. Part or whole time. Commission basis vuntil ability is established. Man with rig preferred. RIVERSIDE REFINING CO., Cleveland, Ohio. If its Dry Goods Lipshitz sells it for less. If you. want a, fountain pen we can please you. $1.0 up" to $6.00- We sell """"J4"8 " - i I FOR SAT.! On horse, two COWS. five pigs, one one-horse wagon and plows. See MrsV Alice-Gentry or Z. T Ontrv - ' & 26 2tid DONT EXPERIMENT: Get it from SATTERFIELD, 16 years of success J THE PIONEER. j Coine 1. ihe Pioneer with your next load and sell with the leaders, when it comes to pounds sold and amount of 'money paid out we are far in the lead. And when looking for well pleas- ed customers come to-the Pioneer and we .will show them to you by the hundreds- Below you will find a few of the manv hi?n averages made in the last two days- . X Bob FouShee, average $38.72. C. F. Adcock, average $31.33. J. A. Clayton, average $35.57. D. E. Berry, average $39.23. C. F. Hester, average $34.13. J. D. Harris, average $36.40. Lucy Day, average $34.27. Lea Clar got a check for $930.20, Geo. Vincent got a check that gave him one of those come backsmiles. ANNOUNCEMENT FOR EDGAR LONG METHODIST CHURCH. Subject for 11 a. m. services is "Go." Sunday School is 9:45 a. m We had a great Sunday School last Sun day. Come and maKe Sunday a record breaker in interest and attendance. Prayer meeting to night (Wednes day at 7:30. Read loth and 24th Psalms. Children's choir practice next Satur day 4 .p. m, Choir -practice for church service Friday 7:30 p. m There will be no services in the Edgar. Long Methodist church next Sunday night as that is the time for the regular fifth Sunday night ser vices. This, service belongs to Grace cnurch m East-Roxboro. The public ! is cordially- invited to go there to worship Sunday-night. We are under moral obligation to see that this church is honored, and may God be glorified m this last fifth Sunday night union service. O. W. DOWD, Pastor. NOTICE. - All men who have been, drafted and not discharged will hold themselves in readiness to go on 24 hours notice. If your address is not already with the Local Board so that you can be reached quickly you had better notify the Board at once. J. A. LONG, Secretary. COUNTY TEACHERS MEETING. The first meeting for the coming session was held th Roxboro on last Saturday. The attendance was good and the enthusiasm manifested graet ly pleased the Superintendent. Dr. Jordan, of the State Health de partment,, was present and addressed the Teachers on the "Preventable Dis eases." The address was timely and will no doubt be of lasting benefit to the teachers. Contributors to the Red Cross Mr. G. W. Thomas $35.00 Mr. J. P. Meadows' 5.00 Mr. U. Y. Drake 5.00 Mr. T. D.. Winstead 5.00 Dr. C. W. Bradsher, 5.00 Sales Tobacco $244.33 Mrs. Lou SAWinstead 1 5.00 Mr. J. C. Pass . 1 5.00 Mrs. R. C. Hester, 2.00 Mrs. T.' T. Hester L00 Mr. W. C. Bullock 1.00 Mr. J. L. Garrett 4.00 Mr. W. F. Long,; . 25.00 New Members of the Red Cross. Mr. Penry Hester, Mrs. Henry Hester, Mr. W. R. Wilkerson, Miss Addie Hester, Miss Bessie Hester, Mr. Floyd Howkins, Mr. F. J. Hester, Mrs. F. J. Hester, Miss Eula Hester, Miss Ina Williams, Miss Ivey Williams Mr. J. H. Pentecost, Mr. R. F. Feather stone, Mr. Robert Erwin Long. MARKET. NOW OPEN I have opened' my market on Main Street, Roxboro; N. C.-and you will find at all times a fresh supply of meats, pork, fishr and oysters. I have ahjip-to-date modern refrig erator and, will always find meat, etc. from AiAys market in tne best of condition. If you have beef and pork for sale, seeme ;at my market in Roxboro. Highest inarket, pricey paid for same. Mr. Walker? and myself have open - Taa. f vv?.?t .xcawurani u vac tf&jfe ? 8,erve ; ot b froin ock injthe morning , ght at;xiighC-You will find -i cms a very cqnvenienv piaue to urop , in and get. your meals, at reasonable i - 1 prices. Every.; thing absoluetlyr clean MR. R. W. MORRIS APPOINT ED DISTRICT DEPUTY. Hon. J. W. Bailey has appointed Mr. R. W. Morris district deputy col lectorsJIe was sworn in on last Fri- day and began his work by capturing a large still on Saturday morning The outfit was located in the south eastern part of the county, and with the still and 'fixtures he took in ten sacks of meal. Bob Morris is a terror to blockade er3 and blind tigers in this section where he has; brought many of them before the Courts. Now that he will 4 give his entire time to this line of work the blockaders who attempt to keep up this nefarious business will live hard, for all that is necessary to bring them to law is simply to give Bob a little nod as to where one is doing business and he will locate him if he is in the community. While he will be located here he will do general work and will not be confined to this County alone. His friends congratulate him upon the ap- pointment, arid Collector Bailey never did a better job than when he appoint ed Bob Morris' to this task. He is well qualified, fearless and a tireless worker and will make good. DEATH OF MR. A. B. SCOGGINS. Ar. A. B. ' Scoereins drooped dead at the Planters Warehouse on yesterday morning. He was at work in the I war ehouse and while rolling a truck with a pile of tobacco on it he re marked -that he felt very funny, but did not take much notice of his feel ing. Just a few minutes later he put his hand up to his throat and said again that he never felt so queer, and almost immediately dropped against the side of the wall and would have fallen to the floor but for those stand ing near catching him. He died in stantly, neevr uttering another word after falling. " Mr. Scoggins.was a familiar figure Larxmnd the warehouses, having been affiliated with the tobacco business hre for a number of ears. He leaves a wife and several children. His body was taken to Durham on this morn ing's train and there the burial will take place. ANTI-DRAFTERS DYNAMITE POSTOFFICE IN PAMLICO . New Bern, Sept. 20. Belated re ports reaching this city this .afternoon told of the dynamiting at Lowlands, Pamlico county, at an early hour yesterday of the building occupied by the postoffice, this being done by a mob consisting of 50 or 75 men who are opposed to the selective draft law and who have been doing everything within their power to evade it. It is said that the men who com posed the mob are disciples of Tom Watson and that they have been lead to believe that the draft law is un constitutional by the Jeffersonian Watson's publication. On the after noon previous to the dynamiting, S. J. Clark, the postmaster, it is alleged heard open threats made against his life by a crowd of men who had gath ered around his store and as soon as darkness fell he made his escape from the building and was not in it when the blast occured. Today the sheriff of Pamlico coun-. ty was to have gone to Lowlands to arrest two members of the mob, who, it is claimed, were recognized by the assistant postmaster, who was in the building a short time before the ex- plosion occured. The people of that section are con siderably worked up over the affair and more trouble is expected. AN APPRECIATIVE LETTER ' Mr. S. P. Satterfield, Dis't Mgr., Jefferson Standard Life Ins. Co., Roxboro, N. C. Dear Sir: - mis acxnowieages receipt oi yuur check for $1000.00 in full and satis factory settlement for Life Policy held by my 'late husband, Daniel Duncan. The Jefferson in my country has the reputation of being the best and most liberal company doing business. I thank you again and again for this- VHiyv VVVUI IfWWS. ov VVWM..W w.M greatpleasure in commending yoo and fVio JtTrAn ! f a all Urhodsir Lifft Insurance. ' ; With best wishes for you and your company, I am, Very truly yours, MAMItfE. DUf5t3AN, Beneficiary, A Mamie EL Duncan. Let Lipshitz clothe; your f amiljv ) . , ' . ' rl,1.Al- KMricHpr r FTPS. suiiucuiv; ims, vwu, - - . o'clodc JrrSi "PTfaW Suits and. Ciats fftfe. iul Insurance Service means SAFETY.' and saai,;, welcome you. . : . . ... ni - . v, tu, .. nr.,.,,:--r,--- -v-. . i " a- -rA;. v';' v' S i S7T?' SS- -a i : :: " ; , :A- i a'T-a; V'a- -Atf A-TAU" ! A H.: AT J-A " . -- , 'f ' A "A ' ' '