n T 6 i 1 i ' ro ffoell Bros., Proprietors Home First, AWoad Next. J r 1r i "'I, VOL. XXXIV ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA,- We&esday Evening, October 3rd, 1917. r V .1 V . ' 're It ... " , . .. .... ft ' Bit ; miVW NT 1 "V v v j C0 COMMISSIONERS jM SESSION MONDAY euular Monthly Session in of Register of Deeds; All Present. Meet Hi I .Y0 SPECIAL BUSIHESS UP th. County Commissioners met in ,il : tvt 3 -,egulai iiiornin montniy meeting muiiuay at 10 o'clock in the offices of Rc-i.-tor of Deeds, with all mem- bers pro?ont. Theri- was no special business to come bo fore the board and they were nv in session a short time. The Hoard of Education requested av boai ! to take some action in aid- . 1 ther: m paying ine salary oi . v, vnomic teacher- for Person -v r-i nlAM TV T yv J m Hon1. junt 0 action us tatvcn muuuay ijuostion, and some decision ivached at a joint meeting of .ill i ii f Education and the Com- .f thi.1 moiTiing was spent and payine bills for the apt ist Union Meeting. --on Meeting of the Beulah .Wcciation meet with Cle ,i;!h. Saturday and Sunday, -IV. Tli . .on was organized by elect K. J. Tucker, Moderator; F. r. vice-Moderator, and James Clerk. were several important dis i the buget and envelope sys- 1 1 ! 1 1 Tht :e re I at ion of the class work, du ties and obligations of each member to his church. These topics are of es pecial interest to all the churches and it is regretted that the weather was so unfavorable and so. few of the churches could get the benefit of the discussions. However, the work before tins or ganization is great. The program will be arranged with the view oJ better fitting our churches to carry out their great mession. The iuture has greet things in store for these meetings. The good taht ean be done through this union cannot be estimated. j AmttiitcetaenfPcrson Cirtult The pastor of Person circuit will preach at Concord Sunday at 11 a. m. and at elose of service will hold a church conference. Let all the mem bers especially be present. The public invited. The pastor will preach at Oak Grove in the afternoon at 3 p. m. and hold a church conference at that place also. , Presbyterian Announcement. Prayer meeting tonight 7:30. Sunday School Sunday at 9:45 a. m. . L. Crowell, Supt. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. i. The public will find a cordial wel "n,i: awaits it at all these services. Notice to Householders and Doctors! The last North Carolina Legislature made it a law that all cases of Whooping Cough, Measles, Diphtheria, Scark-r Fever, Infantile Paralysis, Small Pox, Typhoid Fever, Asiatic Cholera, Typhus Fever, Bubonic Pla gue, and Yellow Fever, must be report ed to the County Quarantine Officer within twenty-four 'hours after the disease is recognized. The report must include the name address, school district, name of par ent or householder, or persons afflict e,l with any of the above diseases. X' physician in charge of one of ta-e iiscas.es who fails to report it ;n tw "iity-four hours is subject to a f net more than $50.00 or im pnsoni!,it not to exceed thirty days. LiKcuise. any parent, guardian or of the- diseases who fails to report ouscn!,icr .0f a person having one !l 1!' twenty-four hours is subject to a foe not to exceed $50.00 or im prisonment not to exceed thirty days. Th'-' object of the law it to prevent lhe honors which accompany the- sPread of these diseases, and I would aPPrec.ate the hearty co-operation of evrybody concerned. W. T. LONG, M. D. County Quarantine Officer. A Kew oHhe Good Averages at the Hyeo. c- guchanan, average $36,00; er Bros., average $37. 0OrAl, Shot- , average. $42.00; Whitfield and 5110.00! AV. D. Carver averace 9.00. - Lots of others done just as well, u tty is the place for big averages, e Pa;d out abonl- SiTftAnnn t.Ta , "ldao n average of ahrmt : Va OOrMr. fo Tev-ything on our floor.; hiori " "iop m pnese at Hvrn ttiv arp; 'r than we over saw them. - NEXT DRAFT LEAVE FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5.1 Twenty-One Ordered to Report Local Board at 4 p. m, Thurs day, October 4th. to OO TD CAffD 1 AOVQrwi 1U AZf JALKoONi Roxboro, N. C. October 2, 1917. The Courier. We are handing you a list of those called to appear before this board at four o'clock, Thursday, October 4th, prepared to depart for Camp Jackson on Friday, October 5th. This list is comprised of all the white men that have been accepted by our board. We are advised by the Adjutant General, that the instructions for the entrainment of colored people will be received on October 4tlvand -we ex pect them to go next week. Posting of this list at the office of the Local Board is sufficient notice to every one to appear before the Local Board at the hour designated. No other notice is required under the law, although notices have been sent to each man. Yours very truly, LOCAL BOARD PERSON CO. W. A. Bradsher, Chm. J. A. Long, Clerk. List of Names and Date When they' , ti v. a w ii" .oi 19-Hugh A. WHhams-126; Oct. , . ... ! to j. nomas i . uuver aw: vci. 4tn t . . ... james ivi. n.ms ooo; uct. 4tn. 156 Samuel M. Broach 341: Oct. 4th. I 158 William H. Oliver 391; Oct 4th. . j ' t?f T 1 . 1 c y iii I xoa-ira muruocK-ioo; uct. 4m. 186-Augustus Y. Ball-345; Oct. 4t I 207--Ma3or Young Pleasant-392; ; Oct. 4th. I 213 Bunnie Lunsford-705; Oct 1' . . ;229Jesse A. Lunsford-707; Oct. 4th. I nnnr ti 'r tri aa. r "lit' vuver - ;uct. . vl4ye;3L, M2LK ''BIxl205;?Octf "4t vswi vrviu Davis 90; Oct. 4th 265 Reuben Yarboro 191; Oct 4th 281 Alex Adcock 278;. Oct. 4th. ! 300 Henry G. Martin 585; Oct.1 5th. 305 Richard M. Brooks 958; Oct. 4th. 307 Ed G. Long 1343; Oct. 4th. 323 Robert W. Dixon 565; Oct. 4th. 326 Jasper Oakley 715; Oct. 4th. PRESENCE OF CONTAGIOUS DISEASES. Whooping Cough Sam Paylor, Roxboro, N. C, R. 2. Chas Holeman, Hurdle Mills, N. C. W. A. Maddry, Hurdle Mills, N. C. Davis Carver, Roxboro, N. C. Jim Dunn, Roxboro, N. C. Typhoid Fever. Duncan, Timberlake, N. C Infantile Paralysis: R. 2. Alfred Shotwell, RoxBbro, N. C, R. 2 W. T. LONG, Quarantine Officer. Oct. 2, 1917. Announcement First Baptist Church! Prayer and praise service Wednes-' day evening at 7:30 the topic for dis - cussion: "Unanswered Prayer." The Normal class will meet immediately; after the prayer service. The pastor will preach Sunday your son Calvin L. Rimmer is a de morning and evening. The subject for serter from the military service. I the morning service: "Why Go To pleased to inform you that such Church?" The topic for the evening hour ' The Lord's Supper' Bible school Sunday morning at 9.30. J. W. Noell, Supt. The Business Men's Bible Class welcomes men, the Mother's Bible class welcomes women. There is a place for you in our clas - ses Join us in the study of the Word. - T IT T TT C.mJavt n,rnnin 4- R QA u. i. r. u. ounuajr cvciimg av .v Miss Edna Bradsher, president. The Bible quiz will be conducted by the pastor Sunday evening. The public is cordially invited to come and worship with us. We would welcome you. Contributors to the Mr. W. a-Watkins Miss Annie Webb Mrs. W. E. Webb Mr. T. J. Hatchett Mr. A..Lipshitz Mrs. Sam Wilson Mr; T. M. Snipes Red Cross. $5.00 1.00 .1.00" 1.0Q v.- .50 1.00 B. BTillans, Mr. J. B. Wfenn, Mr. J. B. Harris " Mr. C. M. Oakley NOMINATE BABY IN - - It is Not To Late, Nominate Your Baby for the $400 in Gold. It's WortH TAft Effort. weeK we puDiisnea tne names of babies entered so far in the Shower T - 1 t l i t j i " of Gold Campaign. Did you read the" list and see who the babies were? Did you look for the name of your baby? If you didn't find your baby's name in the list, by all means send in its name today and start your baby on the road to a good bank account J Special attention is called to the fact that no time has been lost and it is not too late to enter your baby in the campaign. The contest is just getting started and as it stands now, the race belongs to any candidate who can see four hundred dollars for their spare time effort. Never was there a better proposi tion open to you to protect your baby's future. Think of it, $400.00 in old money will be oaid to the Baby Parent or Guardian and Address and Number of Votes. Lois Irene Black, W. A. Black,; Woodsdale, N. p. 5,200 Austin Boswell, J. B. Boswell, Denniston, Va. 5,000 Erasmus Clayton, M. T. Clay ton, Roxboro, R. 2 5,450 Hemy Jr"p;- H- ClaV. Roo 5,800 Da,ey E, CIayton Hery Clayton, Roxboro, R. 1 5,000 t, Cunnmgh am lwms, aeo. L. . CnnninfrVinTn fTiinnincyrinm K fi?iO Trr. - n - ,r " Yviuie oray viayton, u. i. I l j rj. - x t i f rr I Clayton, otem, in. Kj. o,iou Lucile Gladys Clayton, C. M. Clayton, Rougemont. 5,000 Nannie M Danie, Rubert Daniel, Roxboro, R. 3. Arch Boone Gentry, A. H. Gentry Roxboro, R. 2. r t rr . i t ur 5,950 6,100 ard, Jalong, N. C. .. 5,000 Mabel Hoberood. Loetia Hob- good Roxbor0f R. 5 000 Lillian Clarice Jones, - Mrs. TJllifln T Jon. Timber. 550. -.K' ' 7VKin" - 1 pvWrt N C. r Ann Mavir,- t r Tfir,. jaiong n. C. 5,000 Charlie Ellia 1 ""jim 7 " ' Lee. Jim Lee. Roxboro. N. C. R. 3. 5.000 r - Harvey Montague, Joe Mon- tague, Roxboro, N. C, R. 2. 6,000 Wayne Knox Moore, W. K. Moore, Hurdle Mills, N. C. 5,000 Clyde Murphy, B. W. Murphy Roxboro, N. C. 5,950 r w - 7- John Newton, R. D. Newton, Hurdle Mills, N. C.,.R. 3. 5,000 Willie Riley, Austin Riley, Rougemont, N. C. . Maggie Regan, Thomas Re gan, Semora, N. C. Obie J. Slaughter, Mrs. Lula Slaughter, Timberlake, N. C Harrison "Tillman, Mrs. H. G. 5,000 , 5,000 5,000 I 6,350 Tillman, Woodsdale, N. C. Virginia Ann Timberlake, J. Frank Timberlake, Timber lake, N. C. 6,250 Felix Wilkerson, Fletcher Wilkerson, Timberlake, R. 5,000 CALVIN RIMMER NOT DESERTER f: Spvipr rtrppnvillp s C. Mrs. Sept. 26, 1917. Robert Rimmer, . Hurdle Mills, N C. Dear Madam: . I have your letter of the 22nd in stant saying that it is reported that ; a report is untrue and that it j.oc j both you and your son a great m- justice. Your son is here on dutyj 'and has never been absent without, authority. He is a good soldier -and I am very sorry indeed that such a j report should have been circulated. Aj soldier is not considered a deserter' Until his name is published as such 1 l j .1 i i .,,. ana people wno circulate reportssia this sort ought to be punished for j sucij siander when there is absolutely nothing for them to base such a report1 on I sincerely trust you will be ble to correct this false report about, your son, with bighest regards, I, am, Sincerely, ; w.r., JL P. McLENDON, Capt. Commanding Battery "C.M w ' j - . ' " .113tht ;E. A. New Members of the Bed Croaa. VT?r Mrs. Ida-Berm Mrs W. H. "Woody, Mr. Clairborne Woody, -Mr.,3- . , ?T , w 1 nn ' - . r - m lT. tijong, iUiss U)ra- Loy. JVlrs. w. w Crusoe Burton. Mrs Cleave Wagk nri m 1 nn. I. r w-' I - j- zrlLawsonj Mrs. Sam WHson, Miss Mag 1.00; atT: Mr. C. M - Winstead: Msa vKatiei . - . ' . , ok Z. ' :,.;rf. L1ii jgie Jones, Mrs.; tiib Loy, Miss Kame ue xvusseii,: iuns. iv: at uasiB,.. 0 L. G. Garrett. ' ' CAMPAIGN TODAY 4 - pareni oi some DaDy.m just aDout weeksTIs there anvthinff better you i i t a - can turn your spare time to, that will n$t yon a" larger sum than this? f Don't stand back and let some one efsr;win the gold prize that was rlallyintended for your baby. With the ; proper determination on your part, you can win one of the prizes jQSteasy as, anyone else, especial ly whetlour baby is just as popular and jyou are knowffby just as many P?ople; - IVeJurge you to heed the advice of yfo;-friends and put your baby in . Many of your friends are ing to see it you are going -to pt your baby in the contest. You kjlbw who ara in the race, and who i you will have to work against, so get now. iETTER FROM t MAJOR SCHUCKER "i Person County Men Who Have Res I ponded to Call will Servr in i 321st. Infantry. if. COMPOSED OF N. C. MEN Camp Jackson, S. C. f - September 28, 1917.' Roxboro Courier, i Roxboro, N. C. Dear Sir: iWe wish you would publish the fol I cowing. in your paper: The men from Peraqn County who have responded to the eall of their country, will serve in tbV 321st Infantry, commanded by Col. E. A. Shuttleworth. This regiment i$ composed of men from North Caro- una, ana win ue a liorui wiiiuw Regiment.- The First Battalion will be commanded by Maj. Max L. Bar sbury. This,- battalion is I Mi ineii'fromHhff indle part MWI35i JLoeorowt: uavbauvu, commanded by: the writer, Louis E. Schucker of Qreswell, and in this bat- talion the men from your county will serve. The Third Battalion command- by Ca- w- dals of 01d Fort N. C. is made uiKof men from the ...... western part of the state, and we looK iorwara ro a regiment mat ixorui Carolina can well be proud of. The .writer wishes that if at any time Parents and wives no not hear 'from the men who have left tneir homes, they will address a letter to m i A. J.1 A. T him and he will be glad to inform them. r LOUIS E. SCHUCKER, Major, 321st Infantry, Camp Jackson, S. C. Unable to Attend. Rev. J. A. Beam, Superintendent of Schools, requests us to say to the people of the County that he regrets it is impossible' for him to be pre sent with them on today, the day! when all of the school children havej been asked to attend the fair. He' is attending the marriage of his son in the eastern part of hte state. We verily believe we can vouch for Mr. I Beam, for no man is happier ir working among the school children than he, and nothing short of a fune ral or marriage could keep him away. What's Doing at the Pioneer. We have been telling you how we were leading a tthe Pioneer, if you t "W-l t 1 T 1 ; were in town rriday ana Monaay, guess you saw ior yoursen, wnai w. were 0ns Friday and Monday we sold 104,603 lbs for $31,732.77. . ""HJJ1" tj.e Dast week " J. A. Paylor of the Concord section sold one loa'd at the following prices: a .l2iL 2i Lat i0' 4U4 ai ; ia at p t nnT, 09 , oc. 14 t oo. 74 at $32; 100 at $36; 80 at $59; 66 at $40; 100 at $39. 1 Bj ' 2Q9j ffti When selling tobacco be-sure to come to the Pioneer we- will make it to your interest when in town, come Sewing Circle Formed. The following ladies have formed a Red Cross Sewing Circle at Hurdle Mills. " - . n . m,, Rimmer, Mrs. Charlie Long. PERSON COUNTY FAIR IS NOW ON Today is Person County School Day; Large Crowd in Attendance; I Two More Days. EXHIBITS HIGH -CLASS PURCHASE FORD TRUCK The Fourth Annual Person County j The Board of Education met in re-' Fair opened Tuesday morning with a guiar quarterly session last. Monday.' big parade :of .marshals on horse back,!morning in the officesof Supt. J. A. automobiles and buggies, with theBeam all members : present, red white and blue, leading colors. Mfes Mary Splirgeon Home .Econo--The program today includes that of mic teacher for thjs county, handed in , the school children of Person County resignation, same being accepted and even now as this article is being! written they are pouring into Roxboro by the hundreds, both children and their parents. From the looks of the crowd this ; morning, and with the weather fair and warmer, .the largest j crowd ever in Roxboro will be hero today. The exhibits are all of a high class, and considering everything, is large, and a wonderful exhibit of what Per son county farmers are doing. The races each day at 3 p. m. are attracting, a large crowd. Horse rac ing and automobile racing is of ...the best. j The midway this year is far better, cleaner and a" higher class than ever before on the Fair grounds. The management of the association pro mised the people of Person county that nothing indecent nor would gamb ling be allowed at this Fair, and after a careful examination by the writer, we found that the association had keep its. word. And too, the attractions are good, and well worth the price of admission. . The Fair will continue through Thursday and Friday. We hope to be able to publish the winners of pre miums in the Courier at an early date. NOTICE SHAVES 15 CENTS Owing to the extreme advance in everything that goes to make up a barber's supplies, and also the-higher cost of living, we, the undersigned have- advalficed the price of shaves, to l-eictaiaci&hcaire FJftiEer price remains the same dn hair-cuts; tonics, massages, etc. From the date of this notice all bar ber shops will be closed every night except Saturday night at 8 p. m. On Saturday night we will remain open until 11 pVm. W. B. ALLEN, ED. WILLIAMS, J. W. BRANDON. OVER 200,000 LBS. SOLD ON MONDAY Last Week Market Sold 436,974 Lbs. For $131,408.43; Average Entire Week $30.07; Prices Good. OVER MILLION IN SEPT. The Roxboro Tobacco market sold from September 5th, date of the open ing of the market, to September 28, 1,317,673 pounds of tobacco for $357, 335.00 averaging for entire month $27.12. The month of September was the biggest opening sale month for Roxboro for many years. October came rushing in Monday morning and so did the weed come rushing, on the Roxboro market. The biggest day for the warehouses ever j known in the history of the market ! over 200,000 pounds being sold, sales lasting from 9:30 until night. The banks on Monday paid out over $75, 000. Roxboro has. five warehouses, and each warehouse has a force that lsl always working in the interest of their customers. They are all well lighted with good accomodations for . the farmers and their horses. ' There are more buyers on the mar this year ; than ever before, and more real competition. Every com pany wants tbbacco, and from the pri ces they are Spaying they intend to have it Bring your tobacco to Rox boro you will be satisfied. No higher averages made2 ANYWHERE than here. .. -' ' - Hurdle Mills Community Fair. The cmuniiair held at Hurdle ,f ar exceeding the 'expectations -Of all, though we had expected much, of this live 'community. It' shows what the good people of any community can do when they get together. The ex- from-Raleigtt?said it would do credit to an exniDit ar. toe great ouive iair. This is4 but a beginning and we' look for the fairrextyear atrthis place to be much larger than even this one was, and it is hoped the other sec tions' of the County will follow the ex- j ample and "have a community fair thf t - EDUCATION MEETS Miss Mary Spurgeon, Home Economic' Teacher for the County Hands , in Resignation. by the Board. Miss Spurgeon has done good work in this county "for the past year, and the Board stated that the work; would be continued. The Board securing the services of. another The Board has purchased a Ford truck to carry children to school in Allensville township. This is -a new experiment and it is being tried out for the first time in this ;county. The people of Helena are going to let contract for a new High School building to be loeated in Helena, right, away. This school will hard ly be completed for this year's term, but will be ready for next year. Notice of Change in Fee, Bill. Due to the increased cost of every thing pertaining to the pratice of medicine, the poctors -pi Roxboro have been compelled to re-adjust their fee ." bill, effective on and after September 18, as follows: 1. . Day visit in town, $1.50 2. Night visit in town, $2.50, night being the hours between 10 p. m; and 6 a.m. 3. Day visit out of town, $1.50 plus twenty-five cents a mile. 4. Night visit out of town, $1.00 additional to day visit. - - 5. Dffiee call, $1.00. 6. Confinement uase in town, $12.50 i 7. Confinement case out of town, $12.50 plus twenty-five cents a mile. 8. Fractures, $10.00 to $25.00. - Tf WatinWa: ifi'M in -t1 ft AO COUNTY BOARD t)E tnnkaaoait.' ssr. xy??:-.X v il.S Proiessional advice over phone,' 50c. 'lr- Dr. C. G. NICHOLS, DR. R. J, TEAGUfi, DR. A. F. NICHOLS, DR. W. T, LONG, DR. B. E. LOVE, DR. & S. MONTAGUE, DR. W. A. BRADSHER. Sept. 18, 1917. GERMAN SOLDIERS HOPING FOR PEACE Teutons Are Resentful because Their Officers Remain Well Back from the Fighting Front. OFFICERS LOSSES GREAT Canadian Headquarters in France, Oct. 1. Reports that tne rank and file of the enemy troops have a great longing for peace is confirmed by every prisoner captured. One of their chief grievances is the failure of their higher officers to take risks. Even company commanders freely depute to the under officers their duty while in the trenches, and remain well back from the front. This is so different from the rela tions between our officers and mep that it is freely impressed on the minds of the Germans on every oc casion when there is hand-to-hand fighting, in which our officers invaribly lead their men, while the German offi cers jseldom do so. They are not acu ated by fear and it must b6 assumed that they are' obeying ordres in thus hanging back. Very great losses of the German officer class early in the war may have made it necessary to conserve their leaders. Whatever is the reason for their failure to take risks as great as those to which their men are subjected , the latter discon tented, c BIS ENGLISH He knew his Latin very well, He also knew his Greek, And German, French and Spanish all With fluency could 'speak. ' yvheti he essayed his. native, tongue ' : ' si""' '.. nis learning went amis?. , He rattled .off a jargon that ' r Went very mch like this: "Watdo I know erbout that guy? Say, tisten rto'.me, otSlX' No" kiddinVnow, the gink hsa "got 'A hogshead full o dough.w; 1 WANTED Tobacco . grader, a mait i that Imows 'tobacco ;-at once. A. L5 Bass, Semora, N. C." ; : - - 2t-pd - - - ivS- " A. I r S 4 .. Li V . - v. S '"3 1 ' if'' j. A- - -",7 - i if; V', " r 'tf 4 ,V i 1 1 . 1 "" - - r 11 I . ffH-

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