V- V ' v . - - .. - - V ' - If wv - IS 1 V . THE ROXBORO COURIER, - OCTOBER 10, 1917. PAGE TWO S4U 1 hi if-5 si 3 'rr j I t 4 V 5 J. 1' ! I' .64 1" 1 . 4' 5 4il .1 5 17 '1 -,i Ml 1'" d ' SECOND LIBERTY LOAN LAUNCHED Fair Volume of Subscriptions Turned Into Treasury; Chicago Started Well; Mr. McAdo Speaks. BIG NOISE IN CAPITAL Washington, Oct. 1. The Great lib erty loan drive started today through out the country with a rush. Tele graphic reports to the treasury from every section indicate tremendous en thusiasm on the part of tens of thou sands of workers and fair first day volume of subscription toward the $3,000,000,000 minimum which has been set as the goal of the four weeks' campaign. Flags were flown, whistles were( blown, acves-of billboards blossomed itno red, white and blue posters and thousands of workers started the cam paign with enthusiasm from New Eng land to California. Everywhere, from postoffic:s, bank and store windows, railway stations, street cars and scor es of other public places, liberty post ers with varied slogans were pasted up and workers began the task of find ing buyers. Towns and cities from coast to coast welcomed the beginning of the cam paign with distinctive demonstra tions. Here in the capital, street cars! CONTROL OF TOBACCO WIJT. has been brought" under control, how- were the results sufficiently encourag- ever, tobaccco probably, may be grown ing to hold out hope of controlling Experiments by Specialist's of U. S. safely every fourth year. Under no the disease, and crop rotation there Department of Agriculture in the every five years. After the disease fore is believed to. be the only practi-Fiue-Cured Tobacco District Indi- circumstances should two crops, of cable Temedy. cate That Disease Is Best Convbated tobacco be grown in succession on . by Crop Rotation. infested soil. - - I CALOMEL SELDOM To keep the wilt off farms riot al J SOLD HERE NOW Washington, D. C, Oct. l.-Crop read'y infested, it is recommended rotation is the only method which will that seed beds be thoroughly burned Nasty Drug Salivates, Makes You give satisfactory resylts in controlling toinsure complete sterilization and Sick and ;You Dwea Day's Work. tobacco wilt, it appears from tests at care De taKen not 10 ail0W sur" conducted over a series of years in face drainage from infested farms to- -Every drugggist in town your the flue-tured tobaccc5 district by rsach the seed bed or ths tobacco druggist and everybody's driiggits has h2 United States Department of A2- land.. Great caution ghouls be used in noticed a great falling off in the sale 'riculture. By cropping badly infested securing .plants or farming imple- 0f calomel. They all give the same land for five years with crops not af-ments fror larms on wnicn u12 Wllt reason. Dodson's Liver Tone is tak fected by the wilt, the extent, of in- present. Tobaccco stalks or stems ing its place. jury to tobacco from-the disease was from infested farms should riot be "Calomel is dangerous and people educed from 80 per cent to less than used as a fertilizer on health soils. ' know it, while Dodson's Liver Tone is 10 per cent. vwy eauu siiuuiu uc inauc w piC- pertectiy sale ana give oetter re- suits," said a prominent local drug gist. Dodson's Liver Tone is person ally guaranteed by eyjBry , druggist who sells it. A large bottle costs 50c. and if it fails to give easy relief to every case of liver slggishness and constipation yo ulpve only to ask for your money back. Dodson's Liver Tone is a pleasant- Old Scrap Iron Wanted. . Whenever You Need a a . - . " lt ' : -TakeQrove's ral Toic to hnv all of vour oTd scran uvc , The Old Standard Grovel t , Chill Tonic is eqtially ValuiaSteless General Tonic because it c as wellknown tonic properties of ommthe andlRON. SiwSllS1 out iMalaria, Enrichea th Si' BuIMa up the Whole System. I want to buy all of your jdtd scrap iron of all kinds and will pay 45 cents'la hundred pounds for it Bring it to me at the coal yard, near the Norfolk &Wetern railroad depot ' ' J. H. PASS. 1 In arraneinff rotations, the depart- vent infested soil or diseased plant merit specialists point out, care must material in any form from reaching be taken not to grow other plants at- 'ie farm- tacked by the wilt organisms. The Symptons of Tobacco Wflt. plants susceptible to attack which Tobacco wilt produces definite ym- should be avoided in the rotations in- l)tons in the leaves th stalks and elude tomato, Irish potato, and pea- roots of the tobacco plant. When nuts. Ragweed, which is very common Plants are attacked the leaves droop in the flue-cured district, also is at- in an unbrella-like manner and the tacked by the wilt and it is important stalk shows yellowish to black streaks tasting, purely vegetable remedy therefore, that this weed be kent when -the bark is stripped. When dis-. harmless to both children and adults. n and if possible, eradicated. The eased staIks are t across with a Save Money by Buying a- HARRELL BUGGY COMPANY, Good, Custom-made Buggy fit with real leather cushion and back ano top with leather quarters, for $65.00 F. O. B. South Boston, Va. Prices will advance soon so write at once for catalog of com plete line of buggies and iurreys. We repaint Cars and repair and re-cover auto tops at reasonable prices. Established 1885. A nee. hand-made harness direct from factory of Llewellyn Bros. South Boston, Va., at a wholesale price of $16.50 with B. C. or H. & T. one dollar "extra for collar. aow crops shown bv the tests to give sat- knife5 slimv ooze aPPears. The dis is factory results in rotations are corn, ease als0 brinSs about decided decay 'cotton, wheat, rye (as a cover crop,) of the root system. The organism res- were stopped for two minutes at noon sweet potatoes, cowpeas, grasses, red "31U1" and automobile horns -and sirens let! clover, and crimson clover. Oats were flat through the root and eventually loose a bedlam of noise as the field ! not included in the tests but it does brings about a plugging of the ves force began its work. In hundreds of not seem likely that this crop is affect- ls thus cutting off the water sup otfier communities the story was the 1 cd by the wilt. the leaves and causing them same, varied onlv by methods follow-i Five" Year Rotation Recommended to PSshh. ed. " j The tests made by the Department the Department of Agriculture veri- Ucy Scouts are Helping. ! Agriculture indicate that on badly In the experiments carried on by Boston repoited a chorus of steam infested land the growing of crops ous acids, alkalis, and neutral salts, whistles greeting the opening of the 1 not attacked by wilt for four or five incloding fertilizer materials, ware campaign. Mayor Mitchcl, of New ' yeft,-'s will give better results than applied to the soil by varying met- only three years of such cropping, hoas and in varying quantity, and a Take a spoonful at night and wake up feeing fine; no biliousness, sick head ache, acid stomach or constipated bowels, It doesn't gripe or cause in convenience all the next dayy like vio lent calomel. Take a dose of calomel today and tomorrow you will feel weak, sick, nauseated. Don't lose a days work! Take Dodson's Liver Tone instead and feel fine, full of vigor and ambition. JUST ARRIVED Announcement The pastor of the Person Circuit will preach at Lee's Chapel Sunday at 11 o'c'ock and hold a short church! conference. All the members especially are urged to attend. The pastor will preach also at Warren's Grove in the j afternoon a t3:30. The public is cor- ELLIS-STONE & CO., of DURHAM, Invites You to Their Store This Advertisement is a Special Message to all the People of Roxboro and Vicinity York, started it there with an address Philadelphia let loose her factory ; -7 reduced the amount of wilt. The large number of germicides were used, whistles at 10 o'clock and two hours ! The three-year period, however, great- Subsoiling with the plow and by use later gazed skyward at a syuadron of specialists believe that on badly in- of dynamite was also employed to see six airplanes that circled the tower of! fested soil a good general rule is not if such treatment' would reduce the the City hall, dropping loan literature ! to grow tobacco oftener than once in amount of-wilt. In none of these tests dially invited to attend these services. While 5,000 boy SCOUts Started collect- wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmKmmKmmmammmmmammmmmmtmmHmmki ing contributions. Secretary McAdoo opened his trans-; continental speech-making tour in Cleveland, where Tris Speaker, star outfielder of the Cleveland baseball club, purchased the first bond. Liber ty bell at St. John's church, Rich mond, where Patrick Henry uttered his immortal, "Give me liberty or give rne death," led the bells of the city hat the drive was on. At Atlan ta, the president of the Georgia fede ration of Women's clubs, called up the chairman of the liberty loan executive committee before breakfast to get his subscription ancl got it. A flying squadron of nearly 1,000 solicitors -stormed Chicago as the bells were ringing and whsitles were bltwing. Minneapolis started with a program of meetings designed to reach every man, woman and child in her reserve district. Prominent business men of St. Louis Put on overalls and pasted up posters. San Francisco began with a luncheon attended by 500 men and reported a similar spirit of enthusi women and Dallas and Kansas City asm. Spectaular Features Succeed. The spectacular features of the first the treasury department indicate, in day succeeded everywhere, reports to arousing widespread enthusiasm. To keep alivethis enthusiasm and swell its volume till every person who can buy a liberty bond does buy one, is the work to which the volunteer army is now devoting its attention j Officials here, were no tinclined to minimize the tremendous task. A vast amount of hard work must be done during the next 23 more working days by every person in the ranks of the great organization. An average of $125,000,000 a day in subscriptions for the entire period would bring the to tal only up to the minimum. What offi cials hope for is to make every day a $200,000,000 day, or on an eight hour basis, $25,000,000 an hour. This would brjng the total t owithin hailingdis tance of the $5,000,000,000 which the country is expected to subscribe. With $10,000,000 subscribers as the goal, the average daily subscrip tion list should show 400,000 names. Again, computed on an eight hour working day basis, 50,000 men and wo men would have to subscribe every hour to bring the total up to expectations. I have just received a load of horses from Vir ginia and now have them at my sales stables in Roxboro. If you are on the market for a horse twill pay you to visit my stables as early as possible. I have had many years experience in buy ing horses and I believe you will find that you will profit by my experience. T. J. HATCHET T, ROROXEO N C 5 ! 'i T 11 2.1.1 1 - i K lib- - ' ! t ' '. MM'! . , 1 i r 11 r " y s ' Croup If your children are "subject tocroup ' get a battle of Chamberlain's Cough' Hemedy, and when the attack comes on be careful to follow the plain print ed directions. You will be surrised at ' '21 -4 rv-' ' the quick relief whcih H affords. ' 'H I Uvt r : , - Methodist Church Notice, toy subject fdr next Sunday 11 a. hi. is: "The One Foundation." The service for 7:30 p, ni. will be in charge Of rof W. W. Peele, or 'Rev. H. M. North. Sunday School 9:45 a. m. Read 23rd 1' 11 'SJ" mt" xwi TTumicBuay mgni prayer " !ii.i-;;:Crnleeting-. A lar6e attendance is ex ; i I 1 1 " i ?ectes at this Pyer meeting. Pub- 11c is cordiallv invitPfl n v ' - wu Mil Ul v Jt. 5 1 ii PERFECT COMFORT PERFECT FIT To be reasonably warm our grand mothers resigned themselves to the bulk and shapeless old-time Flannels. One woman rebelled she saw no reason why to be warm" one must sacri fice daintiness and the result of her inspiration is "MERODE HAND FINISHED" UNDERWEAR FINE GAUGE RIBBED Feminine in every detail, these gar ments are as dainty as any woman could wish, each ' one is cut by hand from an individual pattern, which in sures perfect fit ; every seam is the pa - tent Flatlock, giving one thickness of material, and each garment is daintily 'finished bv hand. Union suits, Vests, Drawers and tights for women or children, in vari ous styles and sizes, high neck, long or short sleeves, knee or ankle length, -in cotton, Merino or Silk mixtures. All are very reasonably priced. Ask to see ' 0 these beautiful Under-garments when you come to this store. NEW HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS For all the House-keepers of Roxboro, we specially invite you to see the splendid line of fine Draperies, Gre-: tons, Reps, and handsome Velours, in' very new and attractive patterns, this store can do much to help you solve the problem of fixing up your home for the Fall and Winter months. NEW CURTAINS FOR THE WINDOWS- It is quite likely that-this store is showing the largest and most select line of handsome Curtains, and; hang ings, of any house in the state, every thing new and up-to-date in pattern and style. White,, Cream and Ecru. ' The prices range from $1.25 to $7.50 the pair. There is also a large, stock of Curtain materials, for those who pre fer to make their curtains. Autumn Exposition of Fashions In Exclusive Styles WOMEN'S AND MISSES' OUTER APPAREL THAT CALLS FOR SPECIAL ATTENTION A most important and attractive display of New Tailored Suits, Coats, and Wraps New Waists and Skirts, Every gar ment in the store bears the .stamp of approval of Fashion's by severe critics. NOTHING HAS BEEN LEFT UNDONE, TO MAKE THIS ONE OF THE MOST SUCCESS FUL SEASONS THIS HOUSE HAS EVER EXPERIENCED. The splendid new stock of Merchandise would be a credit to any store in any city of America, and what is more : the entire stock of new Goods is intensely practical, and yet very smart in style and quality we will say for the people who are not acquaint ed with this store that nothing but the best and most satisfact ory goods are shown. THE NEW AUTUMN SUITS Exclusive new models of unusual elegance, in Silvertpne Cloth, Suede Cloth, Soft rich Pom-Pom Cloth, Broad Cloth, French Serges, Gabardines aid Tricotines. The colors are African Brown, Navys, Dark Reseda and Hunters Green, Burgandy, Black, Taupe and Plum. Many of theaew models have broad collars that can be worn low, or -fastened high up around the neck. Trimmings of. Fur and Braids, some have very smart Embroidery designs in. connection- with Silk Braids The prices re $2500;: $27.50 and Others at $35.i$39.50;$4;ndupto$59,75. ( , . services. ' " v..;v. . I . - - i . THE NEW SUITS FOR MISSES' French Serges and fine Gabardines are shown for young women in sizes 15, 16, 17. The colors are Navys, Cope, and Greens. Priced at $25.00 COATS AND WRAPS . Wraps of rich Silk Velour, and Velvet. Some are plain and others have broad Fur collars and cuffs trimmed with Fur and bands of Fur around the bottom. - The prices are $25.; S30. ; $32.50; $35.; $37-50; A genuine Hud son Seal, is priced at $125.00. A good Cloth Coat for general we? v. especially for traveling, is priced $12.50 LOVELY EVENING WRAPS Broad Cloth Soft Liberty Duchess and Charmeuse Satin, In Rose, Cham paigne, Taupe, Plum and Silk Velvet, these have rich Fur and Velvet trim mings. EVENING GOWNS AND PARTY DRESSES ' Beautiful creations, of Silk Tulle, over foundations of soft San, Cloth of Silver. And Dresses of Crepe Georgette, and;Crepede Chine. In the dresses for street wear and calling, will be! ftfund the practical V i. models. in Navy Serge and dark shades of Charmeuse, land Satin, also Taffeta Silk and Serge combination dresses that are-very smart in appearance. All very reasonably priced. , . . EVERY WOMAN SHOULD BE FITTED IN A GOSSARD FRONT LACING CORSET :, -; This is the; original and best Front Lacing Corset i on tre .market. This store has an expert fitter, and every Corfet has toH&e Sted. None sent on -approval or: exchanged. s ; WE HAVE aLAR6E MAIL ORDER BUSlKESSrV'SEND US YOUR 1 ;i)RDERS. , 3 V' h w