THIS KOXHOO C0CRIE3, OCTOBER 10, 1017. 1 - f 4 I' i! t a. 1 if- t 'i X 4 J i' i h i ! r i 1 1 t 4 i t Si.' L T t .1 1 v i:..; , ' 1 tif 1 !: . v : t 4 -; -M i, 1 1 3 ii 5 r '.4 r .fi r 3 ? 1 - " " .if. Hi--' r1 ,1' i ,i 15 li i'; V - It 4 rl ijh 1 f 1 2 J ' ! ' H"i M 4 I I - ii ii : If Hit I r 1 1" 1 Hi:' J B . t 3 1 1 '4 THE COURIER Published Every Wednesday Evening NOELL BROS., Proprietors J. A. NOELL, JR., Manager SUBSCRIPTION TERMS One Dollar a Year, Fifty Cents For Six Months, Twenty-five Cents or 3 Months. The E-iitor is in no way responsible for views expressed by correspondents. fiend incarnate, is not sueh a fool ely hope it -will spread all over the one expresses, witnour an exception that he does not know he is whipped county; There is only 'one thing in they are happy and are looking for and of course will want to make the the way of this progressive step, and! ward to the day when they will do best bargain possible, but when he that is the lack of good roads, but the j their bit towards putting the Kaiser finds that he cannot bargain with road question will be settled, and set- out of business. Uncle Sam he is going to come down tied right, some of these days, and from his high horse and throw him- then we shall see old Person- take her self upon the mercy of this country, rightful place, and that place is at for he knows he will receive better the head of the tabled treatment from us than from thoss of his enemys. We speak this advis edly, for this country is not an enemy of the German people, but has enter ed this war to secure everlasting free dom for all mankind, and no one knows this better than the Kaiser. Entered at the Post Office at Rox boro, N. C, as second-class matter. Roxboro, N. C, Oct. 10, 1917. THE FAIR WAS A SUCCESS. We are glad for the County and for the managers, as well as for those who have invested their money in it, that the Person County Fair was a suc cess. The crowds were all that could have been desired, the weather was ideal, and everybody seemed to enjoy every day. True, the exhibits were not up to the usual high standard, but there are many reasons which could be given for this, the most important PERSON COUNTY TO THE FRONT The time was, and not many years ago, when one could truthfully refer to Person county as being " one of the good counties but very, backward along most progressive lines, but that day is a thing of the past. What would a citizen of Allensville township have said if, ten years ago, he had been told that in a few short years they would have one of the best high school 1 -iii finality 1 hO TT TT T, ITS , r& -oere CLUB BOYS If you intend to be a member of the corn club next year I am going to It is funny how shakysome are of advise you to seed ?our acre to Crim banksOnly yesterday we saw a 'let- son Clover' so yu wil1 have a eree11 A. . J t ter which was written ta a gentleman manure crop to turn ior your corn, i to whom the writer was sending some A good crop of clover turned under j money. He told the party to whom the has been prove nto be worth ten tons j money was sent to lend it jout on real of stable manure so you can see that estate, but not to deposit it in any clover is the cheapest fertilizer you bank, for said the writer, if Germany can use wins this war the money wilbnot be1 The department htis added Oats and good. Of course, this is all bosh, for' wheat to the club list- A11 of yu Germany is not going to win, but if it should sow as much as one acre in should we know of no place where wheat and should have a good place money would be safer than in a bank, ! for wheat if yu cut vour corn- If and we advise every one to deposit yu have yu'r corn cut 8'et yY nar" every dollar they can spare in some'row and cut yur land two in thre good bank and we have two right' times or more if yu have not got here in Roxboro as good as can be a od seed bed and seed at least four found anywhere. Buy a Liberty Bond Pecks of little red and five or six hniMinc,- in fujo and deposit the balance to your credit, i Pks, , if you seed one of the larger and along with this consolidation of and mt mon W,H be ?afe aganistj varieties about ,200 Jbs of 16 per weak districts they would be hauling robbers' hre or any otner catastrophe cen. r . i-a gooas wou.a oe i. i-: i - . t their children to school in an auto- yuu tau V 1 mobile. Well, that is just what has 7TT Zr I , . j . Esquire W. I. Newton, one of the happened, and you are going to see , , , , . . u . , , . . , v , . oldest and best tobacco men on this this progressive township take its, , . . . , j- i . xi , , . . 'market, predicts that before the sea- jjicicc at uie neau ui me procession better still. Then in March broadcast from 50 to 75 pounds of Nitrate Soda. If you want to join either the wheat, or oat club please send me in this county. one being, that the farmers were busy stripping and marketing their tobacco, chased and will be used to convey the Never in the historyof the tobacco children to and from school, thus market has a crpo been marketed as making it possible for the child who rapidly as this one, and you can not I lives some distance from the school blame the farmers for this, for never to enjoy the same advantage that th m the history oi- the oldest person child who lives next door does, and all has tobacco sold for as high a price without cost to the pupil. Our pro as it has this season. And for this gressive Educational Board has not reason ine lariuors nae lti evny- a wiser stop, to our wav son -is over there will be a sale here ' your name. wYi 1 will aucra iro fvr nraMrfl-iviT v I An autoombi e truck has been pur- the f,oor We . , W. C. WARREN, County Agent. Oi thin else o ana given tneir enure) inniK marketing their tobacio, and! than in adopting this mov, (;omu' this thev had no time look after exhibits for the fair, oi an thing ehj. But the President and Secret:" vy iievu no tfeel blue ooi this phase of the maite-, for with another crop th;s i-.iay not be the ease and with a little extra urging by the friends of the fair, they will see the exhibit halls tilled to overflowing as on former occasions. will PROSPERITY, WITH A BIG P If there is any one more prosperous than a Person county farmer it is the Person county woman who has had a little patch of tobacco all her own this year. For a long time it has been an acknowledged fact that but for the women the churches would have a hard time to live and many a preach er would have given up in despair but for the good women of his con gregation, and now it is beginning to look like these same good women are going to show the men how to really farm. Take this case: Mrs. R. G. Slaughter had a little tobacco patch which she looked after herself. Her fertilizer bill was $1.85, which, with a load of stable manure supplied by her husband, was her only outlay for cash, and when she sold it here on last Monday she received a check for $185.85, which, wise woman that she is, she deposited with one of the banks. Yes, if all we men folks went to the w&r thr-je plenty of just such business women to take our places, .111 i we lords of Creation would not b? hail so badly missed, as we imagine. u- i; i ii. do inuc i 10 k:n ( own th rietve opposition to consolidating tlv w.-nk districts, thus enabling the dis trictr, to have more of the two an three tea, her schools, and never our p.".;ph n:ive the schools to which Uie children are entitled until there is mere of this consolidation. However, as stated in these columns before, it will almost take war to bring these things to pass. Noth within our know ledge has the public schools been run on such a business basis as at pre sent, and we are still banking on this board to bring these things to pass and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up the Whole System. 60 cents. Dr. E. J. Tucker has been appoint ed Chairman of th- Food. Conservation Committee for this county and will ive it his b.ti.ention for the next few v.ejks. This is a big job which will require much of a man's time, all of which is gratuitous, but the Dr. will not mind a little thing like that and will work just as faithful as if the job paid thousands, and the work will be well done, too. easure to us Allensville township has set the pace' u u u AT,j r . , A. K t it has been quite a pi ana if it work out. Kntisfnnw- a if . . 1 wilU there will be others who will' "T frm " "'Y' T -f f 4.u jwho have reported to the camps for Want rn inm tha nmnai-.c.l-n f 1:1. 1 r XKJl J v WIV ki UCV.OOIUII. III! I Ik p . . . .... ! ; , , , ' 1 training and we are especially frlad measles, it is catching, and we sincer- rtf ... : r , . . , iu iiutc Luc iiuK 01 priae wnicn each when we heard him make this predic tion, but it begins to look as if he wasj , right, for already there has been a Whenever You Need a General Tonic sale which averaged $34.65, includ-1 Take Grove's. ing everything on the floor. This sale' The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless was made at the Person Union, and i?111 T"ic ?3 f11? .finable as a , . . , ui , I General Tonic because it contains trie probab.y there has been others just j well known tonic properties of QUININE as gooa but they have not been re ported to us. Forty dollars for an en tire a;e is a big price but we hones tly believe the Sivuir.- w:: ii"-ht in hi nrediction. - ! i SCRAP IRON WANTED wniy mat wmcn is honestly got is gain. The highest market price oaid for Iron, Metals, lubber, Rags, and Wool. Bees Wax and Tallow, I also buy run down auto mobiles for junk. W. J. PETTIGREW Phone 54 Roxboro Our fall stork nf O xii vuaiitv .hrv. has arrived. The styles are beautiful, La dies who like pretty shoes should see these before making a selection. The prices are the most reasonable of any high class line that we know of. Some nice styles at $5.00 They come in Gun Metal, Kid, Shoe Soap Kid. The colors are Light Grey, Field Mouse and black. On lasts C, D, and E We also have many styles in other good makes-Valk-Over, Ziegler's, Sherwood and Qodman. In fact we have almost any kind of Shoe you wish for any member of the family at the most reasonable prices tainable. ob- iSffM'isyiMM llllt . i PEACE TALK. More and more do we see rumors of peace coming from Germany, though of course, so far it is all talk. But the old saying, "where there is so much smoke there must be a little fire" and with all of this talk there is evidently a strong desire on the part of Germany for peace. There are two significant reasons for Germany want ing peace, the first being the fact that sheis aware of the great preparation being made by this government to en ter into the war, and well knows that when an. army of millions of men fresh from the training camps enter that she will have a foe which will be worthy cf her mettle; and second ly, the great drive which the Briitsh under the leadership of General Haig is making on the western front shows conclusively that the Germans are getting by far the worst end of the drive, and they can not continue to stand up and take the punishment which General Haig is giving them. While the success of the British the past ten days may not mean a decid ed victory, it at least shows, plainly that the British are the superiors in this great war Nearly all o u!s severely criticised j the British because she did not rush in and lend a helping hand when the French were being so-severely punish ed at Verdun, but the British are a slow moving people, but when once aroused there is only one nation which can surpass them the Ameri cans, of course. Like the balance of the world they were ill prepared for this war, and Germany knew that bet ter even than did England, and she "had to prepare herself for it, just as we are today preparing for the great work which we expect to see our "Boys do in France. The Kaiser, while he is alK kinds of a brute, maniac and A Good Bad Resolution is Not a Thing even though not fully carried out, It shows that your aims are in the right direction and that your vision of right is not entirely ob scured. Resolved 1 st. That you will visit our store, look and learn that every COAT, COAT SUIT AND DRESS is this years stock and style and up to the minute. Resolved 2nd. That it pays to trade at the place where you get better goods for the same money and the same goods for less money. SHOES. Our Shoe trade is growing by leaps and bounds. Must be a reason. Service counts, Can fit them from the cradle up. Any price you like. COATS AND COAT SUITS Daily coming in, daily going out. Your shde, your style, your size. Prices $10.00 to $37.50. - MEN AND LITTLE MEN Continue to come here for their furnishings a reason. Ume look and learn. WHERE DID YOU GET THAT HAT? If you doubt that they are coming here for them ask the next lady you find under a pretty bonnet the above question. IT WILL PAY YOU TO LOOK AND LEARN. IT WILL PAY YOU TO TRADE WITH US. TRY IT. PRINTZESS SUITS AND COATS Another shipment of these high clas garments have just come in. We have tli Skirts, Shirtwaists that we have ever shown. PIECE GOODS. 1 his department is never neglected by us and we always keep it in good shape. We have given it special attention this season and you will find our shelves full of the best to be had from heavy brown sheeting to handsome silks and our prices can't be beaten with the same grades of merchandise. Harris & : Burns Roxboro's Best Store. . There is Next door to Peoples Bank The Man Who Cannot and Does Not Save Else Worth While. Andrew Carnegie. Money and Cannot Will Not Do Anything No Man Can Succeed in Life if He Spends al he Makes. Strathcona. The Valuable Book in the World is your Bank Book. Mark Twain. Those who Sneer at the Saving Man end by taking off their Hats to Him. Nearly all of Success is Found in the Sim ple Principle of Saving Money. Girard. A Boy Who is Taught to Save Money Will Rarely be a Bad Man or a Failure. Glad stone. The Seed o Success is Not in You if You Can't Save Money. J. J. Hill. First and Last Keep Out of Debt. Begin by Saving Money, and Once Begun, Never Stop. Marshall Field. Save, Young Man, and Become Respect able and Respected. Franklin. Begin Saving and .Buy a Liberty Loan Bond. - . w EOPLES CAPITAL STOCK $40,000 ---SURPLUS $4,5.000 A ROLL OF HONOR BANK" flf Roxboro. Hi iS " WANTED At once, 100 colored boys at least 1 6 years old; also cab give employment to colored men to work in tobacco factory. d pay.L Apply at once to plackwell DlirViam Ri-Qr.V,k fk AmnVan Tobacco Co., Durham, N. C. X: V. ;( t. J -7. .s S

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