. . . . M 5 , , - v Noell Bros., Proprietors. Home First, Abroad Next ':MO3Jhir yOL. XXXIV ROXBORO, NORTH CAROLINA, Wednesday Evening, November 21st, 1917. Number 147 ( r From A Soldier Boy. Soldier Sunday, Oct. 28th Pea I r.m Aunt:- sav truthfully that I enjoy ed yur letter as much if not more than any lever got in my life. Why don't you write oftener? I had rather er havt' a letter from you than a day off to 0 fishing in Juns. Wish I oould see you and have a good talk with yu tonight. Do you remember how E. and I used to come in late Sunda:' nights, having missed our upper at "The girls' house and slip into your pantry about eleven o'clock and you complained next day that a carton of uneeda biscuit did not last any time, how that jar of peach preserves had mysteriously disap peared, the cucumber pickles, they had no show at all. Why not take aweek or so off let W. and "The N." go wild if they A SUCCESSFUL . ' CAMPAIGN , The Nation Wide Campaign to se-' cure $35,000,000 for the work of the' Army Y. M. C. A. was successful.! The good people of Person county' gave 568.72 more than their appor tionment. The following, amounts have been collected by the township committees: LETTER FROM CAMP TAYLOR Mr. Bernard Crowell Writes From Camp Taylor, Louisville, Ky. ALLENSVILLE BUSHY FORK CUNNINGHAM OLIVE HILL FLAT RIVER HOLLOWAYS MT. TIRZAH -WOODSDALE ROXBORO $187.44 $16.00 $225.00 $150.01 $214.56 $26.00 -100.84 -967.56 SCHOOL NEWS (By Supt. J. A. BEAM) Night School at Your Home 1 TOTAL $2068.72 1 All of the townships except two j went over their apportionments. There I is yet a few dollars to be sent in. If want to, and come up ana see me , the townships that are not up to thdr ouite a resort. Here on Signal Mt. is Old Inn where agood many of the blue bloods come for grief (?) 'tho it is Quite gay now at week ends,a' dance every night and the gallant young officers and th2 soon to be' callant ones, swop wives and sweet-; hearts and try to forget about the! cruel war. You could spend many , pleasant and interesting, hours here! just observing. Honest new, why can't I you come a week or so before camp closes and return with me? They are trying to work me to death, but as you know I am a hard one and it is a difficult task. We spent last weekout at the rifle range, sixteen miles from camp. We hiked back in four hours with full pack which weighs 70 lbs. in the begin ning, and more than a sack of fer tilizer in an hour or so. About oflio fourth of the company fell out. x We are not allowed a drop of va toi.. for. they claim water on a hike 4oes you harm. An Ambulance and threw m the ones who. fainted by so desire they may send in their part this week. The American people went over the top and Person County did her part and even more. Thanks to our co-workers for their splendid efforts. You have had a part in a noble work. J. M. HESTER, Chairman R. L. HARRIS, SacnJtarjr Morton Residence Burns the wayside, cou couldn't stop until you dropped. All this is simulating j tual conditions in France. It didn't get me, so I claim some of my grand fathers craw sand. I did pretty well at the rifle range too,qualified for a 6harp shooter, even if that young -cannon did blacken my shoulder and almost break my patrician nose. Spend next week in the trenches, we go in and stay a whole week with 'Wit sleep and eat in dugouts in shoes and trouser day and night. This is the life, with high hopes that we will get into s action before it is over and make the Huns bite the dust. Well, just four more wreeks and 1 will know ray fate. I b3lieve I will Set a commission. The good Lord knows I am working harder for it than I ever did for anything else in ay life. I hear that tobacco is high and ev erything prosperous at home, I am glad. The people are trying to spend it all as usual, I suppose. When is I. and W. going to marry? He should. 1 am going to as soon as practicle, tho I am going back to school as soon as &e war is over, the U. M. C. I think I am learning lots, but just realize tow much easier things come to the educated man. I feel now that my eet are on solid ground, for I have a purpose in life, a fixed aim, and nothing can stop me now if I come ot of this war alright, which I ex pect to do. Begin looking about for lots to eat about the middle of Nov. for I expect to be home about tha first of Member and I expeett to b rather hungry. Love from your nephew J. The citizens of Louisburg were a awakened at about 2:45 o'clock Friday morning by the fire alarm to learn that the residence of Dr. W. B. Mor ton, on east Nash street, was in flames A large number of citizens were on i v awuc in a oiiui I muc auu mui tiic assistance of the fire department saved a good many of the household effects and prevented the fire from spreading to other buildings except an out house just., to he rear of the residence. While the fire department did splendid work and put out the the en tire building the damage is iraetically a total 'toss,' Wfs-Wittlate'datlA- f eluding the household articles lost, $5,000.00. Dr. Morton was formerly pastor of the Baptist church in Roxboro. November 10th, 1017 The Courier: I enclose herewith a Y. M. C. A. pamphlet which explains the work such an organization is doing in the S181 31 y vcunjjfc. i nope you iwm i:nu Lime xo give it a careiui reading, it hasbecn a source of pleasure to me to note the way you have been so admir ably supporting every worthy agency involved in the present crisis through the columns of The Courier. I am especially glad to see that you are lending your influence for the cam paign that is being waged in behalf of the Y. M. C. A. fund. This is a worthy movement and deserves the support of every newspaper as well as individuals. Since leaving Rox boro I have been stationed at three different military posts and have had the occasion to observe the valuable services such an organization is ren dering, in developing and maintaining a degree of comfort and contentment among all the soldiers, which would be otherwise impossible. I consider the work of the Y. M. C A. to be the greatest agency at work during the present crises and sincere ly hope you will encourage the people of the county, through your columns to co-operate with Rev. J. M. Hester and Mr. Harris in making the cam paign a success. I realize that requests are becoming so multitudeness that people can hard ly keep them apart but this movement means more for the direct comfort and contentment of the soldiers (in the states) than any other heretofore launched and should receive the sup port of every loyal citizen. With best wishes for the further success of your work and with sincer est . personal regards for yourself, I remain,' ::. :" Yours sincerely, I BERNARD CROWELL Camp Taylor, Louisville, Ky. STRONG FORGES OF IN VADER ARE TRYING TO BE AT BACK ITALIANS ON NORTHERN LINE A night school in every home in ALL ENEMY FORCES Person county, is our motto. We want THAT GOT OVER PIAVE thege schools organized by the fathers j FORCED TO CROSS IT and mothers and run by them fori - A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY their children and theirs only. . The session each of the six nights should open .about 6 :30 and close at 8 or 8:30. A recess or a short rest period should be iven -the children In this time. The abye- hours . named are simply sug gestexUas probably the best time for opening and closing. The parents at eaciil home Can arrange this matter as;jey are requested and expected to rur these schools. Of course various excuses can be made for not doing this work and even ohj$ons raised to the plan; But surely no true parents can find enough excises and objections to prevent thei from having a school in their hprne six nights in the week, five for thete school studies, Saturday for Bible study and reading good religious literature and Sunday night for rest. Tjherc need be jio fears about the chimreh studying too much. As it noWjs, they are not studying halfi enough, as a rule, and can never be educated unless some change is made. 1 Th$ students who depend upon pre paring his lesson3 in the school room will surely fall far short of an educa tion y And the parents who expect they children to become thoroughly equmped to cope with the fellows and to !5e able to meet the responsibilities of ife. by the few hours school room each day of the few months thr m school, will be sadly disap- ed. Midle and Lower Reaches of Paive - Held Successfully CANDIDATES REALIZE REAL WORK MUST BE DONE BY NOV. 27" it FIGHTING IS DESPERATE Some important Strongly Fortified Positions Are Taken By - The Enemy CLAIMS OF THE GERMANS Say They Took 1,100 Prisoners; Large Numbers of Austrians Slain in the Repulse by Ital ians at River Near Zenson. - AftAT Thsti.nfi.tft Votes Will! Be Great ly Reduced and Subscriptions Witt Be Fewer and Harder to uet--- Friends cii Candidates are; all Ing terested in Their Success and Erory Candidate Should Not Relax Effort- DR. ALEXANDER IS AGAIN RE-ELECTED BY FARMERS' UNION The following offer has been re ceived by County Food Administra tor, Dr. E. J. Tucker, Roxboro, N. C. Mr. J. B. Ivey of Charlotte, State Merchant: Representative ,in v cooifc Deration with the Food Administra tion; has offered a prize of $50 Li berty Loan to the North Carolinian who submits to him by December 1, the best article on Food Conserva tion. This article must be limited to one fools-cap page of typewritten matter. It is hoped that th ' prize will come to Person County. You per haps will win. ' It you have not signed d food Assures Union of Loyalty, Urges the Purchase of $10,000 of Liberty Bond Winston-Salem, N, C. Nov. 15. Dr. H. Q. Alexander, of Charlotte, to day was re-elected president of the North Carolina Farmers' Union over T. B. Parker, of Raleigh, by a barge majority, and the election was later made unanimous. Dr. Alexander as sured the union of his loyalty to the government, and said he heartily fav ored the resolution that the organisa tion invest $10,000 of its surplus funds in the next issue of Liberty bonds. Other oxcers elected were as fol lows: J. M. Tempelton, of Cary, Vice- e isoard oi Education meets on thellst M&yJn sesMoiu All -whos have matters While the Italians are holding the middle and lower reaches of the Piave river successfully against the Teu tonic allied invaders and even have thrown back the greater portion of those who crossed the stream and gamed the western bank. The enemy is trying with strong forces in the north to beat back the troops of Gen eral Diaz, pierce the line smd force a retirement westward from' the river from the region of Vidor to the Ad riatic sea. ;. In this endeavor the invaders have captured several important points of vantage notably the village of Quero and Monte Cornelle and have compelled the Italians, under a heavy bombardment, to" evacuate their strongly fortified position ' on Monte Tomba, almost the last V giironghold barring the way to the "northtoi turearerepored:lbllie tjertnan No candidate mayhope to; win one of the competitive ballots unless' a persistent hustle: is kept up from now until Nov. 27th. ' . f " y : Candidates aTe face; to face with the - fact that all real worklmust beicnerjM by No. 27th, as after that time the; votes will be greatly reduced, besides subscriptions will befewer and harder to get., Candidates should be optimistic and. overcome i all the discouraging ob stacles thrown in'their way. The op timist is never rebuffed on account ct the weather or. rumors of what other candidates are doing.. Winners will V put in every spare moment securing subscriptions, because they know the winners' vote will run up in the mil lions. Winners will npt waste their time fretting about the other " fellow, nor will they allow any little matter to disturb them. ; The candidates at the head of the list are those j who have kept up a persistent ' effort since the starts r No' candidate can hope to win an automo- ' hile who ; will, make a strenuous effort for a few days and then allow their competitors who keep after subscript tions;to beat jthem, out. r " ? Ae ybu doing your best to win one o he prizes ? j: Are you doing yoxrr ' ta win the Grand ConipetittT ? Bailed t Whenjyour baby; was noinwa ted yoWfriends did 'so with 'the vfiSt- belief, in your ability to win the Grasi' f - : WOOD DAYS Wodd dys for schools. All the patrons! of each school district are requested io be sure to haul some wood to their school on next Friday or Friday week the 23rd or the 30th of this month. Please try to get plenty on these days for the session. Every teacher should have a copy of the List and Prices of the books adopted by North Carolina for use in public schools for the next five year?. ,They can be gotten at the dv-.i-r stors of Messrs. Hambrick & Austin! Ucris-1 stiffen and bringto an end, the ter and blank reports can be fonnl roads of the .enemy. there also. All are free to teachers, j AIL the enemy forces which last , I week crossed the river Piave near Colored Teachers' Association ! Zensn have been swept clear of the had been known for several weeks they were hurrying ' southward. The Germans announced also the takins: of 1,100 prisoners during the fight ing. - Nothing as yet has-been heard of the arrival of British and French re inforcements to aid the Italians in holding their line, but the "few days" that it was announced last week would have to elapse before they could reach the front have now pass ed, and it is not improbablethat soon the front in the north will perceptibly in- " .i 'J-. 1 rr"v'.! Vrmw?l. Prize. Yori witt ot dinnoint then, A:"'CmilS i l?for , vipiislbyomef that um Z .mmm 1 c I - . i . , r i msinv ni vour menus are 1 inierenea' 1 . - a i m seeing tpu win? You steely wot I not disappoint them by the lack of little honest effort until the end of the Competitive Period. , Get busy! Stay busy while your many . votes and later. efforts amount to "spare your effort FOR SALE We offer for immed iate private sale the dwelling and lot of E. L. Webb situated on Virginia avenue. A nice dwelling with all mod ern conveniences at a reasonable price. For further information apply to Cunningham & Long. meets next Saturday. All the color- western bank in a brilliant attack pledge card, sign one toay -mmrHj reUrytreasurer; Jz..Green Marsh; to Dr. E. J. Tucker, Roxboro, N. CIlnM,a rA.ftr,flT,:f; u, r. m VJ wHIU(AtVt( VM-A. Vi I Ala Let everyone do his bit. Save and help serve the boys who are fighting your battles. J. M. Hester, Charirraan, Publicity Committee. Notice to My Friends I wish my friends to know that I have just returned from a three weeks trip in Tennessee, .Virginia, West Virginia, Ohio; and -"Michigan, going to the largest roller-mills, see-, ing and learning - what was the best j T11.. Mill r-nonViinowr fVlPV WpVf UsinP1 ? . , . i i i m ' cordially invited. and bought the same kind to make 50, J barrels in 24 hours run of the best ! grade flour and will get it in our mill I as soon as we can get thework done Basis' chinch and we feel sure we will have the best 1 ROLLER MILL, in rerson ouniy Glover, Rowan county, conductor. G. M. Luke, Franklin county chaplain. J. H. Henderson,Wilkes County, dor keeper. Executive, committee: W B. Gibson, C. T. Weatherlc, W. H. Moore, C. C. Wright and R. B. Dixon. Dele gates to national union: Dr. Clarence Poe, W. G. Lindsay, Orlan Crews and M. R. Bailey. A Box Parey There will be a box party at Al lensville Schoolhouse November 28, 1917, at seven o'clock. Everyona is Announcement First rrearh Jury 9inn-latrt nrn i r o choir will no. o cioi WnOTmmp '. when all of the machinery is installed. Sunday evening at 7:45. Bible school Sunday morning 9:30. Prayer and Praise service Wednesday evening 70. B. Y. P. U. Sunday evening 6:30. hu are cordially invited to these Unices. CARVER & READE Notice Saleof Personal Property! ' A Box Party. A box party will be given at Brook lyn School Wednesday evening, Nov. ember 28th. Receipts will go for school furnishings. The public is in vited to attend, 7:30 o'clock. Teach ers Misses Bera and Banner Garrett. ed teachers of the county are expected tne Italians. Large numbers of to be present ' them met death along the eastern bank or were drowned in theirhur- The North Carolina Teachers' As- ried attempt to ford the stream Oth sembly meets in Charlotte next Wed-ers were ayonetted or forced to nesday and closes Friday night. It is . surrender, and it was only a small hoped that a good number of our!Portion th original force that was teachers will attend this meeting, j alle to make their way to safety. Those who ge will not have to make! No infantry actions of importance up their time. ave taken place along the western fornt in Belgian and France, but in- Execntrix Notice dieations piont to another attack by Having qualified as exe. of the : Field Marshal Haig in Flanders and estate of T. C. Ellis, deceased, late of possibly by General Petain's forces Person County, North Carolina, this near Verdun. On both sectors ex is to notify all persons having claims tremely heavy bombardments are in against the estate of said deceased progress-that in Flanders extending to exhilit them to the undersigned from the region of Passchendaele at Moriah N. C, on or before the 19th ! on past the French positions on the day of November, 1918, or this notice British left and up to the Belgian will be pleaded in bar of their recov- coast. ery. All persons indebted to said While the bolsheviki elements in estate will please' make 'immediate Russia are threatening to make a payment. peace on their own terms and thence- This November 19th, 1&17. ! forth remain neutral in the war, dis- INDIANNA ELLIS, 'patches form Petrograd are to the William D. Merritt; Atty. Executrix effect that the. German emperor has . made it known that he will negotiate Presbyterian Announcements ..Sunday School Sunday at 9:45 a. m. Mr. H. L. Crowell, Superintendeat. The men's Bible Class cordially invite you to attend the session of Bible study. Preaching at 7 o'clock by pastor. Rev. C. E. White will preach at AI Tensville High School at 11 a. nr. also at Caltolina at 3 p. m. next Sunday. The public invited to all these services. fiazaar in the Newell Building New Members of the Red Cross Chap ter: Miss Helen Graves, Miss Eugenia Ponder, Mrs. I. O. Abbitt, Miss Mary Hoyle, Mrs. R. P. Brooks, Miss Vivian : On Saturday December 1st, 1917 at 10 o'clock a.m. I will offer for sale my farming equipment, consisting of hor ses, harness, wagon, plows, harrows, The Ladies Aid Society of the Rox- feed, corn, household furniture, cooipa lo; Mi Cq r Misg Begsie baptist church will have a rJa- ing utensns, e. oc Daniel, Miss Ruby Paul, Miss Annie irvthe Newell Building on. Dec. farm I now live, located one. mile and claytoh K 1917. The Bazaar will be open, at half west of Roseville on roadleading iWiu oclofk T?frABVmPTits will be-out to aquire okk nvW r.v.. . . rmm ru m.ws.m. Ktm. - - , m fwrntu j I UU I.. 1 Vf IIA 111 llir IkrU m ,w KM U W for peace only with the cuccessors to ' the sweet thought is they cannot come the imperial Russian government or j to you but you can go to them. Loch- with the Russian constituent assem- ie Regan. bly. Thieves of Stolen Car Captured 'rved both noon and evening. Sacred Song Recital Remember time and place. ROBT. L. PERKINS ter: Mr. S. R. Wade $1.00; Mr. H. X. 300 sacks IVORY PLAR, 130 ;MHchelL $1,00; Mrs. W A Hunt 50c. . -- , rt,otT timp K7 flEM- me ea uross vnapter wm meet Vnurch will give a sacrea pos rn ng recital Sunday evening Novem- ENT, 2i,000, LATHS, 12.0W HAKiJ 25th, 1917 at 7:45 p. m. A collec- BRICK. Do your pUsteyig and, ay . ' win De taken for the org?n luno. , M?cK,f 'r- iCA(XTXiAmiVmimi mtemting programi consisting pt . WATKIXS .& BULLQCK , A'(jiffmniSSaSSi: Executrix's Notice j Having qualified as executrix of i the estate of J, H. Rogers, deceased, late of Person County, North Caro lina, this is to notify all persons hav ing claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the under- siggned on or before the 20th day of Mr. W. T. Kirby had the. misfor November, 1918, orjhis notice will be tune to have his car stolen from him pleaded in bar of their recovery. All one night last week in Durham. While persons indebted to said estate will attending a performance at ''a "local please make immediate payment. j theatre the car was left on the street This November 20th, 1917. ! and when they came out to claim th j MRS. S. E. ROGERS, car, it had disappeared, IJriday two Executrix youths, going under the names of Ce- cil Craabtree and Cornelius Gregory Notice were arrested in Charlotte for steal- public is cordially invited to ing the car. Mr. Kirby accompanied a box porty at- the Wilkerson by. Sergeant Alvin Perry went to Death By the request of her mother I feel it my duty to ehroniele the death of little Egeline Shotwell, daughter f Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Shotwell. She was born May 21st, 1916 and died October 19th, 1917. Little Egeline was first taken with infantile paraly sis, and she began to get better for awhile but soon several diseases took place and the Lord saw fit to call the little darling home, but.so much better to be with Jesus than in this world of trouble. Little Egeline had been in the home long enough to win her way deep down in the hearts of mother and father, but I say to mother and father do not weep for those little ones that are. gone, for they are so much better off than those that are left behind and The attend School Saturday evening; Nov. 24thu Charlotte to claim the car and bring The proceeds will be for the benefit of ' the prisoners to Durham. the school. ; Lillian Barch, Principal. , v I , ' ' . Person Circuit Announcements Since the Methodist Orphanage at Raleigh is in urgent need of funds to make comfortable as well as to keep alive the large number of dependant children in the institution I will hold Thanksgiving services at the severar" preaching places on the charge and take an offering "speciaL" I shall preach1 Thanksgiving jsermons at Oak , Grove, Sunday at 11 a. m. At Wood sdale in the afternoon at 3 o'clock and at Warren's Grove schoo) house in the evening at 7 o'clock. On Thanks giving day, Thursday of next week, I will preach at Concord church at 11 ' a. m. andat Lea? JQhapel at 5 30 . p. m. The public is cordially invited to attend and urged to brrng a libtriJ ' ill. cfTerte.' A. DAITY. (llHt)

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