x - ....... , ... . .. k 1 "H r'.t? Noel! Bros., Proprietors. Home First; fAbrbad Next.' M Per Yew in vancc; vol. xxxiy 9.?99fl5?P lWenesdj.y Evening, December hth, 1917. Number 49. - - - . - 'i'- - - y'':-y-y' ;v-v.r: v. r? -.vr v-v -w rr?'i I fl i r hl-r TvWrfvk 47l'-i it?---rA:'M if rv Jgzi I 1 I I - v .ill i i i I'.i I y-ri iiii f- uv. 1 I ti.; .1 lii I 11 I I I- ill if I I I . v? 1 - ' 1 . - .', .-j. T i. T 1. ..., -- ' -9T r ft -mW. A A Cituaa CAMPAIGN WINNERS IN TH SHOWER OF , ' GOLD CAMPAIGN The Naitional RechCross arganiza- ; We the undd haye tion 1S now entering a campaigner , counted yQ d the purpose of increasing the member- ghowpr - r f0 O'1; sheip in the nation from five million S Z Gollf,T Bables and u f " ftnd the winners as follows: o fifteen million members, same be- tmnnA n r. I . ing the Christmas ttnbep . drive 1 te8!.6'98? Pprnn county is asked to enroll iv T xxxauenaKe v JrJ tipw mpmhprs . L.--6,646,150 JJUKVlv-- ,.. f It is useless to debate the question of the worthiness of the Red Cros3 5- $50.00 Wayne-Ktiox Moore ,6,135,850 125.00 Newton Twins 4,620,750 S10.00 Arch Pnnn iflwfuw 7 QUO CAA Its ork has been to clearly establish. i10 nn ed to spend any time, making a deci sion. Every man, woman and child in Person county should be a member of the Red Cross. Fathers and moth ers should not be content by joining themselves, but they should have their children to join and become members of that great band that is doing so much for our soldiers and suffering humanity the world over. In this great crisis the brotherhood of,, man should manifest itself in a more sub- LETTER FROM LOCAL EXEMPTION BOARD December llth, 191 jf. i THE COURIER: r": We will begin in the netj GREAT OUR TWO NCE, VANCE AND SIMMONS. otxtVY AUAlNoli AUSTRIA oiriKsxu . inn uiviJb YV An, GERMANY. WANTS PEACE.' To The Editor:- ": To foresee is to succeed. Such has BUT IS FORMALLY DECLAR- That Germany Js -whipped Mdm EU : BY THE VI S by a11 nicatidns. 1 She ; wants sne is eager, dui nanrayy , pNp - NEGATIVE- retn fa VOTE ans some terms favorable to hex-1 - . This, however, the allies are .agretff ' week or ten days mailing to all tKefbeen the career of Z. B. Vance arid registrants, who hW- not entered -.M. Simmons. North Carolina has ReROh t?on. .Rlmilnr ni tma will never hannen. -There wilPbe W . lUTnished two PTtl in pnf lea-dave eirtAo " . J . : nnt.;.n.i!l Y w - April, Jc vretuiaiiy ris aiinmiiixwu $5.00 Nannie May Daniels 138500 Signed: C. C. CUNNINGHAM, J. J. WINSTEAD CARLETON E. WHITE the service and been sent- to cam! furnished two eminent leaders since the series questions called the Queifi e War Vance and. Simmons tionnaire, which will verv mnrh strrirThe career of Governor Vance beerun plify to every registranf And to eacji RESEARCH CLUB" MEETS. 1ke Research Club was entertain ed by Mrs. J. W.'Noell last Wednes day afternoon at her 1iome on Aca demy St. Mrs. T. E. Austin led the stantiel way than ever before. IVe arc i lesson review, Commercial Trance, in counting on our soldiers and .sailors a very interesting manner, "while Mrs. to win this war for jis, but- they can A- S. DeVlaming gav? "a very enjoy not do so unless we do something for '-able reading, from the Red Cross them. Each of us are a part' and par-' Book of Poems. Current events were eel of this great nation, and as such, ! given in response to roll call; after the nation is expecing each individual be program was concluded a salad to do his or her part. Let us do our( curse was served. part in the dark hours of strife and! - - when the conflict is over, the sunshine FIRST FR0M fERSON COUNTY.; in the fifties. He was County. Attor board the work of securm the re t Buncombe, a member of the puired quota for Person County. yHGeneral Assembly from that County; This QUESTIONAIRE is a formif dable looking document, but by-giving careful attention to theinstrucj tions it is comparatively, easy. MW urge -every registrant to read thk ATTTinmrnt? i tmi . -i Against Germany Last Pledge All Country's Resources to Sba has violated all rules of civHiartsd : Victory, Adopted After Brief De- wanare sne nas snown ner nand na. bate. v it is the hand of ruthless demon :waifc- mg to aommaie ine woria. i ni cse Washineinn. T)n 7 Wi Ws cannot do. She is "whiDDed already ' - was e eccea to ingress, and he made the United States and Austria Hun- &d she knows she . , is whippet . Jt ' abnlliant record m .the war between; gary was formally declared today. nmay sometime f or her to adxniV : the States as -Colonel of the famous Congress, with one disenting vote the fact, but all he time the allljs' twenty-six ?North Carolma; 'Regi- in the house, adopted and President Sw stronger. America :has yet ment, and as War Governor of North Wiln throw her tremendous force of nil QUESTIONAIRE through entirely ':Ca1ina. A few years after the "war w pTiRw0 1 lions of men . into the; war. Clermartv before attempting to answer ; any sfc ? elected . to, the Unted States tween the "imperial and royal Ans-! 1"8 bat is commg, and so whe;- k,vw AWi a Wu six years, out tro-Hungarian government and, the ever tnere s a glimpse of peace lie, : the questions. .. This is absolutely necessary to doc it properly. : "4 - The Government requires that the. registrants return this QUESTION NA1RE promptly within, seven daji after the date placed thereon. Witti of peace and victory will beam in our hearts, leaving with us the sub lime feeling of satisfaction that abides with every one who has done his duty. We need not expect, we cannot expect, victory to perch on our ban ner without sacrifices. The great conflict is on and it will not end until the Genaan military machine, the jreat menace to mankind, has been crushed. The young men who have responded to the call, are placing their all on the altar oftheir country. Danger will be the portion ;of, them! TUi and death the portion of . many, t the Red Cross will be with them Jn every hour to alleviate ike pain od suffering of , thewoundei., 8tten the pillow of thedying. We all prefer the safety, ani com forts of our homes to tne dangers and discomforts of the battle field. It is the duty of us whoremain behind to soften the hardships of war as much as we can for our soldiers. We have found that the preachers and teachers are the greatest factors that we have in reaching the people, and every preacher and teacher in the county is earnestly requested to work among their congregations and pupils and patrons for new members. A committee has been appointed in ach township to carry cn the work or getting new members. It will b Henry C. Daniels, a younir man 23 years ofage, is- "somewhere in France," serving Uncle Sam, desiring to keep the world safe for democracy. He is the first and only boy, so far, from Person County, to reach the oth er side prepared to "do biff duty." He enlisted as volunteer in the fam ous Rainbow divisioti. He is a brother of A. P. Daniels, of Hurdle's Mills, and is a fine young fellow. waa refusedliis seat, in fte enatefor: government arid people of the United the: reason that his disabilities' had States 'authorizing ,the President to tiot-been removed: The most celebrat- employ the nationVamed-forces and ed campaign ever waged in this state pledging its resources to victory. ras m 1876 when Vance and Settle " The resolution. tW r,, !i . .... . i . . ... - 1.' ' . - . . . . -.,'V..UW V tnccooperation of the residents of; opposing candidates for Gov- Congress to the President's request Person County: we hop to" have this f cttlor it will long be remember-in his address Tuesday, k similar' tn vork comple.ed by January 1st, and b the people, of the State. Judgfe that passed April 6. declarine war tne 1275 men now in tha ,!ocaty; -who; was a man of unusual ability : with . Germany,. il became effective' at have not, been, called' for sewice, an able speaker, and he was warmly 5:03 n. m. todav. when it wa irn supported by the Federal and State by the . executive without formality, ministrations, oth of which were An executive explanation will follow Republican. After his triumphant el-. shortly. ill . .. , : tWn vance assumea tne reins of the-; London Vote Acainst It. ! is ready, But she will Jnd. no pesa until she urreners,. absolutely.-rBv rytnmg. - . -v - -, - . , X SOME FACTS ABOUT .WAR IN- SURANCE. Any man or woman of any age in the active military or naval service v VMM- w cu- uwu.ca.ciui. UDUtm ..i.-.v.. -. -.- emment insurance. It .has been rule4f l&e man ynfied-jivTi membei-s" of Officers' Training Camps' are under the ict and can ob tain insurance. The cost for, each thousand dollars of insurance is from sixty five cents a month to persons at the age of twenty one to one. dollar and twenty cents a month to those of the age of fifty-one. The beneficiaries are limited to . . . . .... ..-' wite, nusband,, child, grandchild,; Brother or sister, stepbrother or step sister, adopted brother or adopted sis ter of th? insured, as well as parent, grandparent, or stepparent either of the insured cr of his or her consort. The insurance is not compulsory, bat the cost is low and the protection placed in their -respective class. The Government , has appointed three local attorneys, W. D. Mwrittj u M. Uarlton and F. O. Carver, as advisors for the registrants. The Local Boajd will keep its offices open to assist registrant in filling out the QUESTIONNAIRE. We would like o secure the volun teer services of three or vfcmr girls to assist our present office force in this work. It iaour desire o aid the registrant as much; as we-an and to expedte this woirK :r ; ; LOCAL BOARD FOR PERSONOO- unty. : a: . ; WAa 8AV1NGS:: CERTIFICATES j urrjsK NEW CHANCE FOR; t SMALL INVESTOR, After but one hour's debate"" the State Government. He established the mocrauc party in power and a ' resolution was .unanimously adopted tj ZtiZ V- p v01 ot b7 tne senate with an affirmative vote NoTrohna. He was elected to the -of 74. It waa approved by the house United States Senate forthree cpnse-1363 to 1, Representative London, the cutjve toms and w a member at. New York Socialist, casting the only the: tune of hia deat,h. The people ! dissenting vote. A few minutee later fflonedin his leadership, cnoN his Vice-President Marshall and Speaker splendid record in the- United Stores Clark had signed the document and popular aent H to the White Bouse, where W throughout his life, thster liv President Wilson attached his signal ed m the state. hr vift. fio isu. .j I ?r other leader, FV M. Simmons, sistant Secretary Forsier as the only vc wj jxjmj nation witnesses. , fgsble aa imemtr ofCon-h The resolutio fallows Report of the Condition of : THE BANK OF ROXBORO, AT Tloxboro in the State of North Cafc ' lina, at the, close of business Ndvejci ber 20th, 1917. RESOURCES ;V Loans and discounts v $366,134v Overdrafts' seeured. $376.18 . unsecured $370.90 3,746K Ail other stocks, bends and ""mortgages " 27,6000 Banking houses, $8,500.00 ; ; lurn. & Fix. $200. 10,700,00 V All other real estate owied BfiW(i0f: Demand loans Due from National Banks v Ca'Itoinyi,...;- v" lEtSgt Gold Coin i; lJld1.' Sirv-m;;inh all v ." A"S- minor coin currency; , -X68123: c f National bank notes and other U. S. Notes - ll&Wf : liberty Bon4 for customers Mv ' -rJ- -- V . 7 en - the 6hool boy or girl with a few pennies to spare now an then-rwho wants a safe and profitable Invest jsient which at the satne time will help the country, finds his opportun ity in the new war savings certificate plan. During December, 1917, and Janu ary, 1918, war-savings stamps will be sold at $4.12, each, at post offices, banks, trust companies, and . many business houses and factories through out the country. At the beginning" of each succeeding month the cost of a stamp will increase 1 cent. All war savings stamps issued during 1918 will mature January 1, 1923, when liard for this comittee to sae ' every ne in the township, and "for this 'reason, I hope the people will make ft convenient to see the committee and aid it all they can. Th 2 campaign begins December tne loth and closes Drcenber 25th !H7. Ihc membership fee U only one xh. si. Pay in his 3a.ii: fee mid om the Rt:l Cro-.-s it? heif.; t e ,r.at I beg of you, good peopl i of Per son County, to keep the- lamp of patriotism burning in your hearts m order that you may so? your duty to your eountry and to humanity, not only here, but in the remotest cor wers of the earth. Enroll now. For get self for awhile, and think of the soWiers in the trenches and the suf fering women and children, whose Homes have been destroyed in the war wasted- countries by a, people deaf the cries of humanity, and who Twve bo sense of pity in their hearts. W. D. MERRITT, Chairman Campaign -Committee" Member U, 1917. - - , f ! great, and not only are all persons they will be redeemed at $5 each. Thej eligible afforded every opportunity to obtain this insurance without trouble or extra expense but they are speci ally urged to do so. Gen. Pershing .and thousands of other officers and tens of thousands of soldiers have already taken out insur ance have been issued aggregating $1,032338,000. Sale of Valuable Land! inference Returns Rev. O. W. Dowd And Rev. JA. Dailey By virtue of three trusts executed to ua by Moses ' Winsead andwife, duly registered in Person County in Bks No. 4 page 291, N617 p. 236, and Ndvl p. 110, the conditions not having been complied with, and at the re quest of Aidses himself, we will on Tuesday the 15th day M January, 1&J&1 expose to public sale for. c at the court house door in Roxbor th? tlaee known as the Sattorfieid place, lying in Roxboro Township, Person County N. C. adjoining the lands of S. J. Dickens, estate of W. E. Morton Sol Clayton, Young Winstead, Mandy !"Tn4x6nrnd perhaps others, contain ing 147 1-4 acres more or less, fee deed from W. T. Bradsher, Trustee, in Book 4 p. 288. For any further in formation, see. T. C. Brooks attorney at his office. This the llth dav of December, 1917. J. H. HESTER, Trustee. r; T. CBROOKS Assignee Annouseefflent It will be good news to thelrmany "nds to hear that there was no nange made in the Methodist pas- w Hoxboro, both Rev, O. W UWQ. Pasor of the Edgar Lng Mem ml Church and Rev. J.' A. Dailey, asor of the Person Circuit were re- tlTIMl. J MM. 1 f Aftev r 7 popular and The First Baptist Church, preaching -ui continue the good work; theyf Sunday 11- A, Mrand 7 P. bun here, Mt,Tirzah Cir- ifiihle hocSud morning S: w was divided and Brooksdale Cir- j. w. Noell, Superintendent.fr u;1 wrmed, with Rev. J. A: Rus- . b Y. P U&muy 6:15,;Migs Edna pastor m charge, whilRev. L. Bradsher, President omitn comes to the Mt. Tirzah l The pnfrlk , boTdially V-invitedvto Jllmx- J. A." Martin; for the Worship with us. Psfc four years pastor .of Leasburfc - ' ireuit was removeoVto Branson;' Dur-L vw- selI;theL, shoes vbecause we. sell Um and Rev' R. "T. Xtlrin'W the rirfit. kind at the right price; This ? U asbwg. : ReyJ.;.iBwneVwa4 Ttimr.of jiJS&oe, Service f?t to Conway 1 neVJwirjwntonjCbsnts;-- TrysJrafeW :&t'5ftti- t. . J V v-;,: , terfieldfVnA:, -"!r-- difference between purchase price and the price at maturity represents the interest the Government will pay' the homer, 4 per cent compounded quar terly. ' The entire wealth and security of the United States is behind the war savings certificates. No person may purchase at one time more than $100 worth, or hold at one time more thin $1,000 worth of these securities. Thrift stamps costing 25 cents each may, be purchased from time to time and aftlxed to a thrift card, which is supplied without cost. These stomps. will, not bear interest, but a thrift card when filled at a cost of $4 may be exchanged for an interest bear ing war-savings stamp by turning the car in and paying the difference be tween $4 and the 1 current price of a waving stamp.' Witfe.'&e first war savings stamp bought the pur chaser will obtain, without charge a war savings certificate containing space for 20 of these stamps. If the 20 spaces are filled prioto January 1, 1918, the cost to the pur chaser will have been $442 for each stamp, or $82.40 for. the filled certi ficate, and on January 1, 1923, the Government will redeem Jt at .$100, giving the holder a net profit of $17. 60 for the use of his money. Money derived from war-savings investments will be used to meet the expenses of the war. The greater part of these funds - will be expended witiun tne united States. yew aartronlhiaBdisirict. V 7omt Tl6tiony v flfa 0-i J . .-: : T f .. - "fn ju ui9 wuj xor tne most wonderful industrial progress our tate has ever known or enjoyed in Austro-uungarian government and the goVernfcent and people o fthe Un ited States and making provision to all of ita history. And he was a lead- j prosecute the same. "Whereas, the imperial and royal Austro-Hungarian government has committed repeated acts of war a gainst the government and the peo ple of the United States of America: er m improving and enlarging cur educationl system which has grown, and is grbwingv along all lines, both our private and public institutions, as 1 well as the State's charitab!o institu-! nuns, ne is nowserving Jus third Therefore be it tern in the United State, Senate, "Resolved by the senate and house and -is. Chairman of the Finance Com-f representatives of the United mittee of the Senate, which is a r.io?t States of America in Congress as important Committee in Congress, sembled, that a state of war is here and during his tenn as Senator, he by declared to exist between the U has reflected high credit upon himself, nited States of America and the im- Mww. iias me contidence penal and rova Austm.Wnnorio , u abilities: .w. lpitl toek.id:'lnv:. -$25.6t50i)d: ! Sarfonof" r lO.OXWi Undivided profits less cur- - ( $ v rent exp. and taxes paid 33,7 Deposits subject to check 3327345r Time certificates ojdeposit 2015,;,; Cashiers checks oustanding 1,864.3a " ljue to state banks, bankers ' v' N and trust companies 3463.00 and esteem-of the public men throughoht the Union, and stands closer to the people of North Carolina government; and the President be, and he is hereby, authorized and di rected to emnlov the ftntirA naval man any other living man. I nredictl and that he w;ll be elected to sdeceed him-. States and the resources of the .r. o- ' self in 1918 withort opposition, to the united States Senate, and I will add that as long as""he lives, for our peo pie feel justly proud of their two "il lustrious leaders, Vance and Simmons Yours truly, John S. Cuningham. . December 10, 1917. SCHOOL NEWS (By. Snpfc J. A. Beam) eminent to carry on war against the imperial and royal Austro-Hungarian government; and to bring the conflict to a sucessfuli termination alf the re sources of the country,- are hereby pledged by the Congress of the Unit ed States Signed "Champ Clark. "Speaker of the house of represen tatives. " "Thomas B. Marshall, -: "Vice President of the United States and president of the senate. , "Approved 7r December, 1917 "Woodrow Wilson." . Total $58440i5st"; State of North Carolina County if:;,. -Person, I, W. F. Long, Cashier of the 4 : above named bank, do solemnly 'swear thmr the above statement is true to ' ' the best of my knowledge and belief; I W. F.LONGCasbier. Subscribed and svorn to before me, -this 11 day of Dec, 1917. , ' ' 1 M. W. Saftterfield, Notary Public.-.: Correct Attest: D. W. Bradsher, T. E. Austin, r-R.-A. Burch, Director? 't .s Make your Christmas Gift' a JeweV ery gift The Newells. $100,0?0.0t) AUCTION SALE! .Teachers Association meets next Saturday. All teachers are sure ly expected to he present. Wm Kelly of Raleigh will be here to pre sent the work for; Adults illiterates or Moon Lisrh't Rhrvnl Tu or. A o WkMV Wl : 1 . v - hear hr. CAtir a Al noro Sunday School Sun The 21st inst. next Friday week isSTy J'T m Mr' E' L' Crpwe11' PreBbyterlan Announcements i A. - Send us the Names of Soldier Beys The'Ro'xbord Baptist Sunday School is going o send a Christmas dinner to each; one; of the-white boys in the camps and to do tnis it is necessary to; have the names jand addresses of the boys. yPlease' send these to this office without delay. , - " pect; Va;; spent Sunday ynth :telaw,iwBW-to:tttJto of on. handbill tVtoVnnish tbeVd Lewis rent .Hr., ay4- Hrs.; A.: P. North Carolina Day for Person Cooa ty. The regular day is tho 14th hut pur literature failed to reach us in time for that day. A moVtxeeibnt program is prepared in bookie form forthe occasion. I'm mailing copies to each school so. far a thi test. I want the teachers to assign "the parte, at, once to - students and carry out the program in g-ood .style. Ihe information given in this . booklet or program will be a graalradditJon '.to the knowledge of both stndehta and wad. eitizens. I cannot lay to aiuch stress on Its value. ' ' Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. At Warrens Grove Rev., C, E. White will preach at 3 p. m. next Sun- day. . r " " , , , ' ; Rugs ani. pictures make nice gifts j for housekeepers. Good stocks of (these at Harris & Burns' and the prices are; reasonable, v- '. - i LOST A gold bar pin, set with sapphires and pearls, finder return to - The Courier office and" receive re- The largest and most important h Real Estate Sale ever held in Hali-r r ' SATURDAY. DEC. 22nd, 1017, V at 11 o'clock a. m., Promptly on the-V Hour, Rain or Shine, At the'BIC u ' 4 WARgHOUSE Cornerllof ifa:A streand Wrnl AvenueI ' Sottth - , The Troperty-.to be. sold "at AVC- r'l TION to, the HIGHEST y BIDDEIlL crosisw 01 tne following: " U Afl if the Big, 4 WarehouM 'Pri. perty, including warehouse anjlonr stores on Wilbarn Avenue - ,V 55 per cent of the Etrmunds War , house, ProDerty, including two stores QnLJJpjr "Main ' Street,Vaiid 60 'OrX- : centof e Farmers Warehouffe,PM.t ' I perty; Including two stores - on tower- : Main street; - ' ' " ';"". The aggregate value othis Prty is , around $100,000.00. and it will positively be sold for he High"' ri DoUar on the'date given, above. ' Eroyone knows the value-of Soutnr- "wocv" iusvatc.as an lnvestmsst . WATCH FOR ALLISON'S SANI- bcnools close on tte 21st for Christ-, tary Shop's big ad next week's raasv I issue of The Courier. Service Couts I'm happy over the . progress of and . they give the" best in their line, most of eur schools.' They are dobu?' Have your, clothes . mad nw fine -work and many of them ares--modern way. " ISendf them to Alii- !y f be 011 time.; LIBER AL TER1IS, '' ing, money "for the- improvement of s6n h T. Kirby. MgrT K , ' :- & be; announced n dayf sale.C"; Cr91 wiuujij, ouutc tw.vu, some f ' .- - 1 1 -. . - and over; np to . $130.00:. 1 f F -Y "3 1 Sment W00W Articles 1 B-tay God's richest blessings rest TtOros wilf-ship; aibox of vpon our faithful teachers and dti'-iif'''HU erisJ-AVBEAM: : V fJirneatlr desired. that those who have Sergeant &;"Oiyn ne.d loaf Thursand refurn"then in to uresaror. - tl.e i:u Cr?ss hsadq-Jart'ers especkllyMain street vnroexiv-,; - and this; sale offers the chance ot ' lifetime to . acquire-Valuable ; Hcyi ings right hUhe Heart of the -Busi-'H ness Section, t " ' tr V''--v "- ilememoer.'the sale starts promit' rxiB, asoUTH;. BOSTON VTkltVL . i.r.Afft Nanette, H.,C;'Lacy I. Committer 1' 4 . t Mr. Geo. -W. .Stone sold -one of tobacca1 at The 'Prcnecr fodaf

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