- f - .1 I 'I v V t I i VOL. XXXIV Home First: lfcroad Next ROXB0R0, NORTH CAROLINA, Evening, 19th, 1917. Number:50- HAVE YOUR HOME WIRED FOR ELECTRICITY FOR CHRISTMAS Vhen he family is gathered around the fireside Christmas night, wouldn't jou like to have the cozy glow of elec trie lamps? What is t your family wduld appreciate more for Christmas or would be more sensible gift? Everything is advancing in price but electricity. Everything is getting scarce and hard to get bat electricity. We can furnish it when you want it and at no advance in price. Only a few days before Christmas. Gite us your order today. ; The government is urging and ask ing us to assist in conservation. And what is conservation but doing without needless and useless tilings. Why not help by giving something practical and useful this Christmas instead of, the usual useless things we gite. Prac tically everything electrical is useful because it has a definite service to per form. What would be. a more sensi ble gift than a carton containing 5 lamps? Or an Electric Iron? Or a Coffee Percolater? Or an Immersion Coil for heating liquids of any kin&S? Or aSewing Machine Motor? Or many other Electrical appliances. "GIVE SOMETHING USEFUL THIS CHRISTMAS." ROXBORO LIGHT & POWER COMPANY. AN APPRECIATIVE - LETTER Roxboro, N. C. Dec. l&tb, 1917. insuring Public of Roxboro, erson ana Adjoining Counties TO ALL COUNTY FOOD ADMINIS TRATORS. Gentlemen :- We have had complaints from sev eral points in the State of exorbitant charges for sugar and other food pro ducts. We feel that 10 or 10 l-2c a pound for sugar affords the dealer a fair profit, but until present condi tions are relieved Mr. Page has fixed 11c as the maximum that might be charged in North Carolina. If any merchants in your county arc charg- .Jre... an that rp.ricJeioagttrfTrf- please warn them that they must put their prices within that figure and if they persist in profiteering after hav ing received warning from you please report their name and 'the circum stances to this office promptly. We desire to call ypur attention to another condition. We have had in- o.imonuu xiuxii vim county mat a number of consumers have purchased sufficient flour to last them until the next harvest. The Food Control Law is designed to prevent, and does for bid, hoarding by consumers and indi viduals as much as by dealers, and this office desires any definite inform ation it can securfe regarding this practice. Of course the producer of wiieai oi- any other food product is privileged to have it ground and, keep it in his hands as long- gS he desires but after it passes from the hands of the producer it is under the control of the Food Administration and it is Jmperaive that no hoarding be allow- 1.. .. - ' - o a letter through The Courier; I am sincerely grateful to each nnp of my patrons for their unflinching, wyai support tor the past sixteen years. The SatterfieH Agency started business in 1&01 when there was no regular Insurance Agen cy in Roxboro. Each year since the beginning the Agency has increased its business. The vear'1917 coming to. a close, was the best of all. I attribute this, to efficient service. For sixteen years, day in and day out, we have been on the job. It now seems as natural as going to meals. The Agency represents fourteen nf the strongest and most liberal Fire Insurance Companies in the United States and Foreign Countries. It also represents one life Company. Th JEFFERSON STANDARD, the stron gest in the South, anoHends its money to the community oJHt's policy-holders thus keeping your monev at. hme. The success of the Agency has been beyond our fond - expectation, for wnicn w eare under lasting obligations to our many friends, and I thank sin. cerely each one who has contributed to this success and trust to so conduct the business as to merit a continuance of their patronage. I would not forget to mention Miss Annie Laurie Barnette, my steno grapher and bookkeeper, who deserves lots of credit for rendering polite and cfiicient service to the patrons. wjsnmg each of you a most pleasant CALTOLINA NEWS. Like the balance of this section ou community is snowed under and verv? uwie traveling 13 being done. ThifJ QUESTIONNAIRES Hare been mail d to registrants from order No. 1 to scribe helped the boys catch 43 rab bits last week, and having enough bi It wuld require a great deal of timA an1 Awjn 1 4 , . w write a letter tot i each, of my patrons. . As it i 1? we snow off 9 miles of the custom each Christmas , I am writing Oord. I might do euchvipec. -LOCAL BOARD FOR PER- WL These must be returned to the tocal Board in seven days from date mailing. ..Be sure vou trL vnnr , ---u up , muies to tneN0 excuse accented and' fidlA t fi m upninft iu . , . j if.-. w - - ...Mv....uw fwiiuy mo ruing anu. turn means prompt inductiod into ser- $ON COUNTY. thing toward Roxboro if there were not so many holes in the road. Remov ing snow from roads is the best work that can be done during the winterlOLDIER months. . IM' : Willie Sherman "Viivian Corrin arulf Tommorrow the soldier boys in the Grady Elliott have returned fronv thejt?0118 camPa will be remembered Army Camp exempted. The latter isf1 a Christmas dinner, that is th6 1 .!. GENERAL ALLEN, EX'S ENTRY INTO JERUSAXBS1. BOYS REMEMBERED. GOVERNMENT WILL AID POSSESSORS OF INCOME . ; TO FIGURE OUT TAXES. - : v . . rionaon.uec. iz. in th hohraw. : Y6u Wont have to figure out your r Commons today Premier . Lioyd--Ge r: vW w aa Dy yourself Here- rge read the following telegram fxva: - aiier. ine iovernment is going to General Allenby .dated - Jerusalem, sena out men to heln vnu. if will twov .- c - , be up to you hunt up these men, who: "I entered the eity officially at noon will be sentinto every county "seat ' today with a few of my staff, .ike" town, and.,some other towns besides, commanders of the French and ItaT-. to meet the. people: Postmasters, ! ian detachments the heads of the bankers and newspapers will be able j itcal missions and the military n- i t v fr recovering from measles. Ernest Da-t vis another one of our boy is at ,Camp Sevier" arid is connected with the hospital. Ben Blaine and Wil liam O'Briant, sons of Augustus O'Briant are also at Camp Sevier. Car school closed last Friday for the holidays and will open again Jan. 1st, North Carolina Day will be celeT brated after school opens again. W. T. Calton and family are, visit ing tnends and relatives in Cleveland! and Rutherford Counties. We are delighted with the progress of our school this year, and favorable comment is common among the pa lms xboro Baptist Sunday School and the Roxboro Presbyterian Sunday school will send every boy from this county, regardless of church affilia tion, a box containing a bountiful din ner for his Christmas dinner. That is. f the parents were kind enough to send in the addresses of the boys. Ev ery effort has been made to get the address of each one, and if your boy does not get his Christmas dinner it will not be our fault if you failed to send in his address. AN ILL WIND THAT BLOWS NO EODY GOOD. Misses Ragland and Adcock are do ing some good work that will tell in the future. Reporter. Last week the wind was blowing,! snow was falling thick and fast, and of ?1000 for the to tell you when the government's income tax man will be around, and where to find him. He will answer your questions', swear you to the re turn, take your money, arid remove the wrinkles from your brow. Re turns of income for 1917 ' must be made between January 1 and March 1, 1918. "The , Government recognizes," says Collector of Internal Revenue J, W. Bailey, "that many persons ex perience a good deal of difficulty in filhnii out income tVfnTm8 Tf "-- VAiitU AW J.O" cognizes, too, that taxpayers resident at points where collector's offices are not easily accessible "find it hard to get proper instruction in the law. Next year when every married person living with wife "or husband and hav ing a net income of $2,000, and ev ery unmarried person ' not the -head of a family and having a net income yeas 1917 must EDUCATION Faithfully yorrs, S. P. SATTERFIELD Our Educational Governor C B. Acock Said Give Every Boy and Girl in North Carolina an Equal Chance For an Education. To The Editor: Our great school Governor. Charles B. Acock said every boy and girl gloom was on all sides in Roxboro, for mke return of 'income on tha- form hardly had a third of the families in Prescribed, there will be hundreds in town enough coal to make a decent every community seeking Kent on the law, and help in executing their returns. My own and fire. But when daylight came the fol lowing morning it was found that the efforts of the Fuel Administrator had 1 collection district in the natiop will Vtl$l$ f am; ; r - Set an education. j Auce is an urgent need for cir RED CROSS NOTES. ncuiurn that will educate country people, for the country as efficiently as town and city schools.'educate city people lor the city; one that will dirni 1 he workers of the Red Cross Chan-! Iy country life, create and foster a ter have decided to meet at the Crow- Iove for the out of dors, and teach in ell garage - Thursday of Christmas ternls of cuntrv lifeJ ne that is closely week at the usual hour. The ladies of the Red Cross met Thursday Dec. 13th and packed two boxes of Red Cross supplies, contain ing the following articles: First box, 33 sweaters, 17 mufflers, 20 pairs socks, 10 helmets, 30 pairs wristlets, 24 pairs pajamas, 50 bed shirts, - -r i yeen rewaraed and two cars of coal were placed on the side tracks during the, previous night. The coal was turn ed over to the Town authorities and it was distributed to those most in need, so, that notwithstanding the ten inch with the werBcomp 1a1alJ 4.1 1 - t '"" "it; me ana needs oi larm boys and girls, and whose practical benefit is sufficiently evident to hold the majority of children in school be yond the legal school age and enable them to leave the elementary school with the 'fundation for an education which will lead to the intelligent pur 5 operating gowns, 2 nightin-i SUlL whatever vocation they may gales, making a total of 110 knitted : r " articles, and 81 hospital garments, j . This kind of education must be fur Second cox 203 rolled bandap-P or ; nished'to the farmers' children with. fourtailed bandages, 120 T. bandages, I ?ut the necessity of breaking up the S80 abdominal bandages and 185 tri angle bandages, total 1245 bandages. The ladies have worked faithfully and were delighted to get this nice ship larm home, as is the case when child. ed. Food commodties, where held by ment off. Appeals are coming in dailv warmers or dealers in amounts greater than their requirements for a reasonable period, are subject to confiscation and we do not hesitate to say to you, and you need not hesitate to pass the word along, that those who attempt to hoard foodstuffs and to disarrange the whole food situation m the country will be dealt with promptly and vigorously. In any expression regarding this matter be careful to make it clear that the actual producer is excepted insofar as those products raised by himself arc concerned. Trusting that you will keep your- Self J n f aiw , J - i i , . s . -utlacu ana seep tnis oince in formed of conditions in your county with regard to food prices and sup plies, we are, The Food Committee fr Person County ask that the peo ple read this letter carefully, and es pecially the merchants, and gover.i themselves accordingly,7 E. J. Tucker, Chairman. U. s. Very truly yoavs, FOOD ADMINISTRATION. John Paul Lucas Executive Secretary for the knitted articles, so anyone . ... ' wno can help us knit, m town or coun ty, are urged to do so, and we assure you it will be very much appreciated, as we are anxius to get off another lot as soon after Christmas as possi ble. We were late getting in our wool and all these articles shipped were knitted in six weeks. All the sweaters they can get at headquarters at At lanta, are being sent to our own boys in the camps; six thousand having been sent to Greenville recently. A new supply of wool is expected in a few days, and needles can b efurnish ed at the work room. We want to be gin work with renewed energy after the New Year, so let everyone rally to the great cape of the American Red Cross. NORTH CAROLINA DAY. Announcement" FIRST BAPTIST ; CHURCH Reaching Sunday morning. The B- Y. P. U. will have charge of ' the evening service. They -promise us Sod program. Bible school Suri dy 9:30, J. W. NoeD, Superintendent. Prayer and praise service .-Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock, v : , v The B. Y. P. U desires to "give the J of the community something for give you art opportunity to make ciiii jrui may,-aiiHj-,ior, mus PPose.' ' BrmganVthfe' toys, tto''ete:':t;1tivoShrins Hhirg fur tfcerwr. ' - Last Friday evening the Roxboro Graded School celebrated North Car-! olina Day in a very patroitic manner. The exercises were greatly enjoyed by a very large gathering of the citi zens of the town -and nearby country. We are very glad that the Superin tendent gave the town the pleasure of attending such exercises, for no one can listen tothe patriotic songs and loyal recitations without being more m love with his country, as well as bis State and County. towns or cities or town high schools or the family moves away from the farm during the school sessions. The farmer should not be obliged to pay ior two school systems, one at home in the form of taxation, and one in the city iorm ot tuition. The kind of organization, administration and guid. ance of public opinion which brings aoout such results demands that the county Superintendent and teachers-be well paid, and receive proper salaries. The county scool districts should have high schools and graded schools as well as the towns. As Gov. Chas. B. Acock said, give to each boy and girl in North Carolina an equal chance. Unless this is done, Mr. Editor, the people will continue to leave the coun try, and flock to the towns, to get equal educational advantages with the city people. Our country sections are being de. populated each year. Give each child an equal chance in North Carolina said C. B. Acock. Signed "Observer." Miss Margaret Borden 'returned Monday to her home in Warsaw after a visit to relatives here, she was ac companied to Durham by her aunt Mrs. S. G. Wmstead and Mr. Sam Merritt. The many friends of Mrs. S. P. Sat terfield will be glad to learn that after a very successful operation in St. Luke's hospital, 'Richmond, Va., she is recovering rapidly and will return to Roxboro in a short time. H 3 t itars. J . Jti. Dixon and ro. T way left today for Chatham spend the holidays with relatives, Mr. Dixon will join his family the:? -;ho latter part of the week. , Misses' Louise v Thompson, Orphie 'iigood, of Randolph Macon Institute to pi: L.ii -x ii ,. . ren are sent away to the neighboring dD2in oen ot Averett College, towns nr o.iea v fTTTv. . i 'Danville, Va. will arrive tnmVhf O-- " v v Col. Jno. S. Cunningham left lien . day morning for Raleigh, after spend ing sometime in town. , on business. In a talk with Col.Curmingham he stated that he had enjoyed Tery much mas, and Sunday, evei5'mi they I theettera of Mr. A. R. Foushee publ lished in The Courier from time to time, and auo patedihat thege letters should3 "gt5tfe'up''inlook form and preserved. r 1 "It would be a onuinent to ?Tr. Fcrfe's r:?w ".' For Sale. At Hambrick & Austin's Drug store Adcock, Warn and gold leaf tobacco seed, cleaned by "a new machine. Sell for fifty cents ah ounce. Raised eight years without fertilize. By J. W. Ashley, v -Timberlakc, N. C. Red Cross Campaign i - The Red Cross Organization is wag- mg a campaign this week for new members. Five hundred new members is the t portion for this county and ,if there is any one who desires to join, see one of the ladies in the Post Eeo;or; the peoples Bank,-, wherei .theyj hive booths to solkit new. members.'' orjnizea lor ssrric? m spend the holidays with home folks run aALJi ro nice pigs, York shire and Berkshire cross, $5.00 each at 6 weeks old. E. G. Slokes, Box.152 ivenonoge, Va 11 1 4t pd Buy building material of quality and bank the cost of repairs: Get it at ROXBORO LUMBER CO., and note the difference. ' H NOTICE-A meeting of the stockhol ders of the Person County Fair Asso ciation is ealed to meet at the Peoples Bank at 1 p. m. Saturday December. 22nd, 1917. j. s. WALKER, Sec JOE. H. CARVER, Pres. Lieut. Guy Winstead left last week for Camp Green, Charlotte, N. c. at which -place he will be stationed, after having received his commisssion as first Lieutenant :at the second officers training camp at Fort Oglcthrope. We are in receipt of a letter from H. H, Painter of the U. S. Marine Corps of Paris Island, S. C Mr. Painter says the boys are looking for ward to the Christmas boxes to be sent to the boys from Person. He also states that the Marine Corps is the one to join. 8 ( Mrs. P. T. Freeland Jr. and son BHly accompanied by her nephew Gus Thomas teft Friday , for Charlotte, where they will be with relatives for some time. IfLtfc early part of ihc ya.Mrr and Mrs. Freeland will "g$ to Henderson, N. C. to make their fa ture home. It is with regret that the people o Roxboro' give np this family, they;have made teir home her or a number of years and have made many warm . frknds: . v :; - " be divided into districts, county as the unit, and a govern ment officer informed in the income tax assigned to' each district. He will spend hardly less than a week in each county, and income counties a .'.lon- e-'ISJSJ5 the.-Coutt: rroase af the county seat town. In cities where there are collector's branch offices, he will be there, and in other cities possibly at the city 11 m jp mm. . nan. my ottiee will in due time ad vise postmasters and bankers and send out notices to the newspapers stating when the officer will be in each county. It will be unnecessary for prospective taxpayers to ask my office for forms on which to make re turns. The officer who visits their county will have them. "It may be stated as a matter of general information that 'net in come is the remainder after sub tracting expenses from gross income. Personal, family or living expense is not expense in ,4he meaning of the law, tha exemption being allowed 'to cuver &jcn expenses. The new exemptions of $1,000 and $2,000 will add tens of thousands to thfi nnmhov rsf irnn i. yi. , uiLumc taxpayers m taches - of France, Italy and' America.. "The procession was all afoot and 7 at Jaffa Gate I wife received by the ' guards representing England, Scot- land, Ireland, Wales, Australia; New1 Zeland, India, France and Italy. The7 population received me well. "Guards have been place! over the holy places; My military i governor ' is in contact with the acting custoV dians and. the Latin and Greek rep- , resentatives. The "governor- has "de-' tailed an officer to supervise the holy places, me mosque of Omar and the area around it have been placed un der Moslem control and a -military cor don of Mohammedan officers and sol diers has been established around the Mosque. Orders haye been issued that -no non-Moslem is to "pass within the cordon without permissioif.of the milir ' tary governor and the Moslem in in charge." . The telegram also stated that a -pro-'-clamation in Arabic, Hebrew, EngT lish, French, Italian, Greek and Rus- ' sian had been posted in the .citadelV ' and on all the walls, proclaiming malrtial law and intimating that allj the holy places would be maintained.' and protected, according to the cos-s'-toms and beliefs of those with whose) faith they are sacred." fvV r if 'rV In Memory of Jamea Calton Duncan A 4 191T the death angel visited the homeMr- ' - - of Mr. and Mrs. James Thaxton and claimed for it victirii their little grand son, James Calton. Little Calton was sick for about six weeks and what he suffered no one knows. His suffer ing was gret but he bore it patient ly. He had. always been in declining health, suffering form spinal trouble. Little, Calton was six years nine months and a few days old. He was a bright, cheerful little fellow, loved' by all that knew him. Surely little Caton is resting" in the arms of the Saviour. His funeral and burial ser vice was held at Providence Church and was laid to rest by the side of his mother, Ida, as he called her. His re quest sme.time before he died .was to be burried by his mother who pro ceeded him to the grave a few years ago. Funeral services' were held by Rev. C. T. Plybon. , The bereaved grand Barents wish fn h0ir n this district, inasmuch as practically being so nice and kind during his every farmer, merchant, tradesman, sickness. A Friend. proiess:onai man and salary worker ;v 1 and a great many wage workers will be required to make return and pay LctX. xivc law maices it the duty of uie taxpayer to seek out the collector1 Many people assume that if an in come tax form is not sent, or a gov- eniraeDt omcer does not call, they are relieved from , making report. is uvciueaiy-m error. It is the other way round. The 'taxpayer has to . go to the government and if he doesn't within the time prescribed, a violator of the law, and the government will go to him with its penalties. 4 . Two Hogs Weigh 10S0 Pounds Ben W. Pettiford, colored, a sub scriber to -The Courier, of Bushy Fork informed us thathe killed .two. hogs this week that weighed 530 and 500 pounds maaking a total of 1030 for the two hogs. Presbyterian Announcements ALL FORMER EXEMPTIONS CANCELED BY NEW SE LECTIVE DRAFT RULES. "cw regulations every person registered for selective draft is restored to his original statusT sec- ' tion 4 stating that all exemptions and aiscnarges made ; prior to December 15 are revoked. : - y ' The offiee of the Provost Marshal General declares itlls imperative that every registrant Itnow his "order or should have registered oa June the r 5th is charged with a faiowleire of ' the selective service law and addi ¬ tional regulations, and failure to per- rorm any duty so prescribed is a 1 misdemeanor punishable by imnris- onment for one year and may result " m tne loss of valuable fights 5 andr - priveleges and inimmediatc. induction : iaw military service. . x t if i K - At. Roxboro Sunday School 9:45 a. m.-Preaching at 11 a. m. The night service has been called off. There will be no service by Rev. C E. White at Caltolina or Allersville Sunday us previously anaounced. A woman 9G years old has written 4 the woman's committee" of the Coun- - cil of National Defense askm-fbr : war worx because, she save "m a. w vw uiu w oe a soldier. A girl 9 years' old wants to go Jto France asa messenger in the Red Cross service. v. , "":- r ;: . 7 Announcements The fuel administration is authori-& ior vne. siatemenr that, while the ,4 annual output of cbaLhas bcen'in-: I creased approximatery 50000,000 tons, t - x;. i- r" . .The pastor of Person Cii siii - thfeincrease In consumption eaiised fwr preacK at ;Oak tGroveSuriday a--lWOOO' tons.. An mr': o'clock and at Woodsdale in the after-- 8taice.cied is tha o'thV BethUhem- r noon at3. He wUl. preach at .Lea's P1 Company, which: demands';.an rwjry.'. Mwj 'VMguiHiay-'in'.uus: month -r - rvri,vyi,v.; nppxuxiuiaKe-' V Nit U elock. THa t,ttw. iJ,uw,OW tons -avear. Th Vnr: V : ly invited to all these services. ' mandsof public utility; plants, ?;par : ; LOST ALavalliefe andsrhaiW haye. increased 'a thirfb. l-.- - A;Seir;i& three" pearls 'one pearl droa and' msTj3asbeen j to Frajsar;ti cno-sapphire,: if found! please return ; Drhre3 TnVSyltzn . 1 hospitals jmnt;to(Kfe Hirs-Hcby Hc3-nf.d -rcrsiro re. HzAfr v'l f 7r T' ' 4 , -