? > ; ' < -/ ? ?r?;? ? J- W. NOEIX, K'Jiujrmia -^ubin . - . wl'. 3ocxv.iv 7 / f- 127 pcrgb;s3 kill , ?? Heaviest Loan oi Life Occurred at Cowan. Oiflan- -Where?T2 Were ' jfc?r ? Nrw OrU tnr. March M.? At'least ; - 2? r.'"zcns y.-j-.j. killed,and many ethers were, seriously injured at- a resalt of X series of storni, at places reaching proportions of tornadoes, " which visited isolated sections of Louisiana, Mississippi, Arkansas ahd fc, Oltlahom? last night and early MonBk The heaviest loss of- life reporetd |^T*s. at Gowan, Okla., a village 13 BiSies ' cast - of" Mc'Aldst'cr, whtre 12 BfcHlpa'UU1M hillod when c tornado " BBbpt~tt1ron|jh^tlTC "foreign section of Hne village lsst night. gllg&tly liijmnd. ?: - - ? ^P-Four white persons atiA.Mx Tt'ogT ^^pwcre killrsi when -the ?lmn passed ^ the northeastern .vctMn ITJ" Jefferson county and tilt southeastern section of I-onoke, Arkansas, a_- early today. The storm in this, section . lert a trail 'of wreckage lor 2U milts.- tjeveral were slightly injured hero. Vrt Sulphur, Okl?r, two whtie men were killed late yesterday. Nineteen others were seriously injured and scores suffered slight injuries. Property damage here is estimated at 1 JtlW.OOO. Flftv buildings flteie com- . pletely d?jmoli?hed and 290 people left homeless. t \ - D J SERIOUS DANGER OF TOBACOagPiVERPRODOCTION , * One of tH> most thoughtful men in . . the Work of- .organising our tobacco ; growers "sends us the following "note of warn fug?and we fear that the danger he forsees is tenfold more ser- ] ions thai; most of our farmers, realr Its. He Writeg; : "Many tobacco growers who have ] : ' joined the' Cooperative Association are thinking t'^utly:, "The. VsvaciatiftJ1 #111 assure me a good price, there i'-|il ' ifv .i.). . "Many growers who have not-join-_ k '. w eel '?1... it- a greater menace to the tobacco grow ! '-or than is tlb boll weevil to the cot- ! ton grower." '?Progressive Parmer. fe? * OVR TOWN A CLEAXiptVN. .j f| WHEN shall- we see tills state of 1 will be responsible for" ths P^OV." is-tlvr"; iir.eeif to be performan Up .Week, April 1-8. p?llujjie-iiiahttrg '' ; bucolic na foilio vjrf\' be responsible fc.i?tttr~Uispic'k. and ' span" prefnise Ths thiraelc canjoe achipved by EVETV/flODY ecoperafctag. This Cfban-Up W?ek is-to be more tlian mere' proclamation* Every housekeeper wilt'vie her.hoighbbr in clean* ' Wg trp yr.rtls find" twk lots. Every .'.' tor* ana othnr jplaee 'cf_busir.ess will agt to it that - po- paprt. boxes, op r,JI other trash?infrar thf-u I'-t1-- regardless of wd.i.mec it Corn:si TXcl T*?" Wward an-' rVn-.- v;!' united support t6 tbc: .cnuse. Through; persuasion oraction^ 1f n&ees?:'~7 ' "" p . .... ? lt rffAvr9 -to CrVKRY i r :himself. _ j" r ?>? j?. / Good tnorMii,:, hav^you paid your sub?rij*ttpn yet ffiVr year'r Perhaps' - you owe f or, laat year, maybe fdr'JSb* rig work or advertising.' N'ow, you un,. riemonH, we^dor't TOed "the ' money. . Wfc .havs piilHofis'to (jet; but t*. I* . TtHHy, an iuipealtiun un uui part tu let ptiople-TfnTn earry(nj{ our TjJSitfy nTdund whrr* we nre^jtrong_ "nfr = healthy ?pd abundantly abfe 'to oarry , ^be hasten outatlrrar Par tSfe reagon w?-^ate--CT -has aw aBfefeaSB^SrillT' vvi2iz: to. iwvau-it I'f.ij 'ajget or Bend it by mall. til'lpln. eaJTrS""-" or any way, juat adr.'Jt" "V aM* here. 3'iwr-an t gold ara b"aav< > 'a* fit would he a matter 0/ Kfe-lcmt. - JL_ jft to ua if anyone abouligret bow ?1?-?""* ir'MWHn>*Tf? a*? , V '_ ' -. .- -*. : ._lT". - ?~7~ :? r H li ih**' . ROXBORQ, -w;k aitt ;.v tkjs-~ _------ ct}t?yntr i.ife problem The Country Woman of today muss take- a more active part in toe com mdcity than ahe has ever done before. Our. wpmert have proved that gayc^ toe chaanocj -tttey c&alda aslghuc work on boards, committees etc:, as any man. But we do not cant -them tc gt> inttf such w5rk unprepared, Bim ply because they are women. They must-get out of their old "rut" ant) know more of what is happening in the world. If they cannot go and see things, tlhy can at least read books, papers,, etc;, and thus- be' prepared tc take a pkce wherein they may be I still think that a woman's, first dutv is Slits home. She. mnst vvTfW a large Thfhience over her children^ so and women, and -good citizens. To keep a High standarJiSt?jwTilo "on our farms. Ill-1' inen r.n 1 women who marry must be educated, have high ideals, and be pure and clean. But our farm girls must marry men who are thc-ir eouals. To have-the kind of form soma wo want,- we must give oiir gijrls opportaffities to develop mentally. -physically, and. morally. Now is tH? tune for our women to "place their best fpot forward", so to sneak. We have hf-n given our rights, Snd hroves that_wj> arc - not "inferior to man in "any uay.' So when opjlorc tunity calls, the-farm woman must bg waiting. In,-, farm Communities women have very great opportunities to -show their abiltty~in. the problems which confront the Country Ccnmrtlttltr, because there are not so many?people. They are needed. The meg are very busy wifh: their; work, and the women are perfectly capable af serving on school boards or committees, doing health work, church ivnrV, sr. I in fact, an..' Wore which is for the best interests of her community, .her family, and herself. "" 1 fitfr TriN TKfelB' TRAIt,. '' i . tne 01 . 'l'l !> im. hi.) liiiii, i..... . life- looking after tlJe blickaders and r-utting up and destroying stills. Last rhnrsday Deputy- Jack. Cothran ntoftght in j negro by. the name of lamas'Lr.Tvson. He captured the still >nc day* lust week but the operator rot away, bat was captured later andtreught ill and at a hcarmf-S? was r ound ever to Court.. " v On Friday Mr. Melvin T. Clayton iture,! . /still down in the Betjjel r..!i neighSjorhoo'd,. right near Bethel iV.-n *ligh'3ch&?iMW got-ihe still and ? it i/nl'nnt of licaoi^.Jout being ilont he \va? unaole to get the ope.-e.urs. .We sappase^he ct/ycted Its TTTiT-c for business bccnuhy this community is recognised as one of the Very best in. the County, and that no one would tKbdrof looking for such an-outfit ir. that neghoorhood. -But such business ran- not bag- be carried on wttBJW some one ri isco yen'ng it. ami of course those ??ec- people would see to it that was s;on put out of commission, i Again on Sunday morning-Be*Jtrty Cothran. "brought; in a big still which he--Ci?Tit"< f rlir?r^***""" ?h and *hb v.dt* also successful in bagging three-men, Garrett, Tilley and Walter Long, all wlJite, who after. ? hearing fferb hound over to Court under a bond. .1 On .'iV?tu.day morning at a hiarlng for hlzvhyfrg^ in connection with- the nui-flf fQund"^ffet north of tQwn'Joke Ctcirt and- AltWfc.' Cash were bound over to Ccrttt-t n $200 hand. Frem a'.l appear3ghns*il' laohs 11s rf the npvt.~U>rm of Caihrt will. be tak art up largely with Jbl6*fctf3cr?, and if Judgf Kerr happens to-ha the r.est Judgfe pre-iiding there ik feeing to be sopieraiglCy strong able bodied mop breaking rojek and helping the State along with' it? goad roads,program. rtm wessfEEL': Come to VVarren's .Grove Wednesday v.vanirtg -Marefc- g2nd a???:30 -o'clock, to' see the RIG--?fE?RO MINSTREL. Admission- 15 and 25c, _' 4J . . ' --V- . 0 . MR. .ClTAw?feRS' CONFIRMED _'-Wr. J. w; Chamiifra-lwM-baen JtpPfirlte i postmaster a* Ke'xboro an'r -Uaa liter. fanftrtned by.tha'Senate. H< ha* fifed h'.? bond and W commieIlBll. Will douuimi^ arrive -m7 Toftt days and he "will take cHSfge. Hi was_on#-.>t the fcfl morning services.^ At night services Will he hHriot "Nfi'-nn ? All ^Baptist churches near, these points; are earnestly urged to send representatives. Rev. L. V. Coggins and Rev. E. C. Deafl'will have charge of the exercises. < ' t - r- ?. v.. SCHOOL NCiTES. Let .ay. the teachers go over their rrc-cord^ also. enquire of all the students and make a public announcement in their- schools ih order to get the -name of. eyery deaf, every blind; every dimro, every ia'rr.e,-. ever;,- brisP11 j, jlliteratcit from twlevs to twenty one wlt5 cannot read, or write, all illiterate's hboCe twenty one- whir'cannot rend .pod wi 'te, all feeble minded siib-iiormal', or' idlotle-^mli these classes and report, them to me. asmocn as TShssible. idfech f cacher-can look over her records ami- tea- at ;r,cc v.'hc? nsCT&e^5.' she has cri ths ceiStuu,, .She n'oed nht report tbsse'agmn but get up all tho othprg, and send-them in .with as much ihfoirnation about eact: individual as can .he had. ^The"-~";~tud??t!V will help ^ reatly in this work Let no teacher sou -sltvhas no't the. tiiriB to do this for it is as touch aT>Trt of the school' law as asiy other Tart. , Hpt0 Toe stele- has gone to great expense to provide wtll 'equippod Jhstif tuticr.s fc-r. th-.se unfortunates and is is not right for any of otto citizen? who used 'tile help of- these institii ttoi.i. to hi' tlep.'lvtd ot if-. ~ < \ct only are the teachers r^sponst hj for this wort: of helping get up thi^ ' infer nivi.irn. b.,t every n-...n a.- I go1 BJCB- m the county" shares in the .ya-. gpcnsibllRy. Tlt:s_ihs. brct^_ncaU,#f (fthpo's, t)\# co-ooerstuin and. sf* Miufiwi: lu^wimg U> we thai our High Schools owe this much' to tbe other I schcpla - ~ ? -/ > llMta ?' treat joy-ta-find swti flS crilent work voinf -C,n in our .sehSob. r I 'iinvi< -neon the d&ply interested in their'yd^fc hex sS entivu atactic to build up their se'innls got^go anxloua to give vafue ? received for evefy rent of the salary i ljiaiil' them 1 ' . tj A. Deem . ' ^ - t-.' road iVextr- Vedne^rhky Evening Marc UMATCjt aiNGff.B - "$T(inv~ Dealers Handing it in Viola- j tion of the La*. -J r-! . To. the. Editor of Toe Observer: ' Xix ^aoS' morjSins paper the attach- , ed itCTa, (seizure of Jamaica ginger , at House's grocery) was noticed, and ; igi?jrffl of thfl ahtiap of H?j sale of Jamaica ginger- and. .. ww, I am suggesting 1 ythat you > bring tills subject forcibM to the "attention of .tbe-propie, first, salesmen, and especially the small merchants, whtr are less liable to know that they 4Sg_.violating tbe law. This prepara- j tion is now being silipped into CSiir^ Jatte_ani_iS3ine other Points within ; Hastate in carTdfs. and every peuiaB. r who is ,selling and handling lit sxetpl Uptm t!>e unis^lll and advice of a < below quSted "statute is subjectL to J severe nenoltics. " , The statute in question is as fol- j lows. ,; - c "4597-rr-It shall be unlawful for j any pel-sou, finn-in (-B.-porHti-jn lo ; sell the compound known as Jamaica j ginget except upon the prescription r Of a duly-licensed -and regular prae- { ticing physician: the person, firm or -] OQTpOration" sel'Vq?.Tnmaicn' r-bwn t -gpen prescriptions shall Jceep a list c of sa,id prescriptions, and ihall. allow , said list "to he examined by any off- t jeer cf the law, and nn prescriptions j shall ever be filled but once; it shall t bo. unlawful for any physician to give y a-prescription for Jamaica ginger t except to a person directly under hia j care.'and then oniy in good faith for , medicinal purposes only." , __ [ j ' On tlJt iUni, insti I aslted AttOflTCy" j -general Manning's opinjon of this sta , tute and his reply is as follows: "In reply to your3 ot Kebrdaty -23. ^ The statute quoted by you is in full t force in Hopth Carolina and should. c 6f course, be made to be felt by- the , torosecoMtig officers of the various . poults." ' . ! c This subject at thig time is brought to your attention, because" I believe , r creat wnrid can he accomplished.by q Jtivin* some niihlicity-"to. the matter. - AUGUSTUS BRADLEY' - i Federal prohibition Xhspectpr. ( OHarlotte." Mareh 1. "" ?: o*-"?Sr . DIXIE GlRlTA'^tEAT SUOFEg* . The .play, "DSjrftr un- } dec. the auspices of the Legion last t night wa5 at-great success, playing to tlJi - largest paid audienae ever seen hare. The, singing was s.apcrb and the < .prayers-. ait. ?kt Jsfcsir..?iST? well, but I ,?ht star of the. evening das iltss Sal-. i lie Day: We congratulate the boys <; upen tb):ir success and hope they will i hi?kind "er.piij?h to* stage another irf the near future.. " It " V , ' ?~ v7^*yr , . 1 ..-?yy y 0IAV.OXDS AXD HEARTS. . Comely, dranta in three- acts; will j he given'at Longhurst ScboaLTJalong ( X, C, Friday evening, irjarcb, 24th, , -?t-8 oielock., . .. * fha^caSt'pf characters is as /olliws. ? 14mice Itilstead... KiyoM.1 Pittsf ' Annv Kalsteaji-,- ?-Etllsi 'Smidshdw _ Inez Gcay.ur, i-Evelyn Cozhrc j Mrs. lialstc^-i: - - .Susie B. -Broaddua . Hannah Barnes,*. .-Gray Broeddus s 'Dw'yhft Bradley.-.-."Apchle iWalkoT ; ,Df. Burton Malt Dickersan < i ^10 VVVVM ?v r1 OAl*r?o Pf- -.-1 , ~>c-.n li.sy .... W ik y?H j Afcaaham Barhes ?Vom Iteajron,* I . i ?.A, 1 "H?piffrr.Bnrfn ?( ' Sheriff- -2:^-O^obin "Walker ] ADSBB6IO&f. 25: and 35cj , ] . o? *lsie by Lj.;vgl?u?)?t Jaal ? 3 1 PI 2ts. / THE DOCTRtNEr . > s - th? . , Holy Spirit > ' , . * , discossed in., ' j v ' r - - ~ -ft ----- X- r Sk-^T~?h " 1 ' 'Sunday''Xighl. ' ^ Tonft'g. nst^ll, LMjuy II. :? ? * ?C> " * . 'I ' i >' - , ?: ?o i ^ - ?. _ ' -SPANISH AMERICAN f '5" ? KTF" fJfrVri .Mr.. N. Is .very anxious to get in Tml<{h ?-ith every Spatjjsh American War veteran., or UJa vrtd-ases of sii:h veterans: He ssya he has r^fAAA-VAni-iAr. ii-hiYh ni.u'jfci. ,f. ??tvimh. _ Vr nil 3U"I>. i AJtlsoed hiia nr,[ig*Ujrur ~\:. 1-::..^. ' . .J \V . rZr~"lT^> I J -?^=v ? ;L^:-./ v'-$j h 15th 1922 " II. N. -'--T . . r, in' a very interesting session, ;hjoyec! flje usual ir^etitfg- with" Mrs. B. G. Clayton. The aabjoct for the ifternoon was "Makers of Alntricah Humes^-The -toil call ftfl responded I to with quotations from American humorists. Mrs. W, C. Bullccfc led the esson review, withl Mra-_J. -L. W-iB te-ad?giving?? humorous reading.' -eacock.' There were eight. members irejent who wore served a delicious safEcl course, coffee j?Bd_stufIed dates, rhe ladies: present were MescBmres r. E. Augtin. A, M. Burns, W. G. Buliock, E. P. Ehinrap; " W. T. Pais, }. 1. and S. G; 'JWinstcad. --The-WoraanHlctub-oa Monday aftsfnoon ntat-at?:JQPf"' nnni ..-ItVi thn argest* representation of its memjert that Has j-M; responded to roll :a!l. The meeting was presided over >y the president. Mrs. S. G. Winsteadp ind one. of the firdt business matters ;o come before ?h>. Huh w? tt" nation of officers for the coming rear, the election to 5e held nt the lext meeting. WitH few exeeptions, he same officers were nominated, cho business -hour'was hurriedly brnnd In nr-W'thnt thp Music club ould give-the program that had been issigned them. However, prior to the endition. Revs, Wc-'ih Sample, J. B. dnrlev and J. A. Beam, came be'fore he club with, a question of a reading. nntYi and nititlir ffrt* trlP rmoperftlive ot the .women in agitatng the needs of sncb a venture.' It res decided ti have Miss Farmer, of Inlrigh, to come before the ladies te_ne*t meeting in April and discuss he public library idea: Followng this a very interesting ind mjoyaoie program of five mini >tra was presented by the Music club, onsisting of piano solo, quartets, duet ind two choruses. At the close of tilo urogram a lelic on r. salad course, ioSbc and home-made candy, deiighti.li tht. guests.?iTlfc aiiiiuql mwtllli; 1 rill be held on April S, and all mem?oro arc urged to be present?Thi?.. ime will also open the "clean-up" veek, afri- other important matters vill" Be discussed. . " . _ ."V % Z , . 'T*"T_ ~.H ? . .. " <* .;! ?flr very. dchgljUfl -rHiMren's party v#s given Tuesday afternoon fcy. Vriley Satterfteldr" at the home of! lis parents when he celebrated hisl eventh birthday. For Seme t-inttrthe. hiidren enjoyed games in -tHi yard, hen were invi?>.i i-> Kr. : - rr~?. he contest of pinm'Bjr the' dop;ey's fall was held, tattle Miss Annie loriun Bra3sher war the la. ': v~_ anestantV pra?ant.vl - wi- ' f t" ' irire: The little folks .rtore then tag-, n .jhfl? the dining, mora gpdd ssryed". . 'cam and cqke, with ii'ional "Esiliyo riVs."Th1 o hs-irot its-can-. ral d: rnratUn the..birth-lay chke with " ng liny "banni-is," wltih were given it.favors, before leaving each guest vtis given -small bouts of candy eggs.' fhe tittle host received.a nwnfer.of :ifS~mills" his frTcoda. The childTcii ircsent were:, Helen ?ni Tver sister Miss SiyrthS McPa-te sail' invited into- the sitting room. inhere a gaanttty' ?f~J9trtluils and hyaItrrths' lent ad' attractive glow. Si* tables were pfaccd for rook and conf-lndiny tho mm -a dainty salad tourse with ooffte and "fBtnrs~wers Mjdad tnt-fEa fnttnaang- guqtfc Ustdsmes -B. E, Ijovey A, H. Hitaji>o3S? r. -T>..-n.-t,--x, -no?t?rrr t-r DUIIDUA, ;i.?i cj??liuiavuii, ? ? N'oe!!', J?., W* HL Long, n.^r/aMjvheiiii' it, w. nmi j.^^viji(ttndj-Jg ?* I < .? icrree,- >,< . P. .'intuit. Inn. W. P; Mc-'-ritt, If. (Jr Claytonv WT T. Long, 4. C. Ca^inWV ttlW. Weals, . J. iC_RicbmoiTfI7 II.' G. Long, E.. g^Ffman. ^M^gnraj^ gtrfty? ttrr. ?*a - Miirirj,- HVirns, nrd MwrnHBoTnottr f ?_ ;fc > ' ? ? ? czrrrz V . . ,C . .'I . . ., Sfc ? -? ? i . . . * B - - ffi* . .. ... ... " _ ' Ji ' M . ' - ' . ... ' . .r . ' - ; , _No.lO ' GROWERS TO HAVE I ANOTHER: CHANCE -Tobacco Association"' Hepoens Campaign in NV c.?T(J-Add 75.000,000 .. Pounds. North Cbroliei tobacco grower* are to have one more p h an or to sign up for cooperative marketiltT^aceoTd- - -j tug tJ TiTrannouneertufit rrgm n'.Meinh ? .J." headquarters of the Tobacco Grow- . . era Cooperative Association. The rum- _ ?r,lgn lor signers reopened tHls week- -? in North Carolina^T.'ith the state-di- ?' vidfd into five aign-ute cftatrirtm in charge of experienced campaign Tie association now dms f?-com- ~T*~ 5>in ( -; misnbership of more than 65,- , 000 growers and many oF thgse have~ vnlun t ra r<4-4.o-agsT3trlfrthe final e^T . "~"x ^ti to muf (i>,?uu^iuO pgpnda of tO~~?? ' : Hnrtrn t .i rH^ fotnl-cfcne-l nri in Mn^t Carolina. , ~ Reports ehpwmg-how the Kentucky bnrloy growers have solvod all their problems and made large sales at satisfactory prices, have stimulated __ interest. in rnnpgeativn mn-lrntipf. t-?.?? N'orth "Carolma. >hd. several countiea wlpch were not actife m the past are now anxiocs to "sign up for prosperity" ' Tits fign-pp district is n charge of L. V. Morrill and includes the following counties: Person, Caswell, AIS-- - ? mnnso, -Orange, Durham, Chatham, Franklin, Wake, Vance, and GrsriP ville. ?-r~ - ' . The biggest thing IN THE SOUTH. Announcement that more than 65. 000 tobacco farmers from the Carolihas aml-AMLfginia are now member* ~ ' of the Tobacco" Growers' Cooperative Association, establishes" this organi- i fitirvn ?larggst n?re~rt''"? Marketing Organization in. the ported States. _ . > Tha first step towards the establishment of warehouses and. redsg? . .iking' plants for the Association was ? i.i'iu.,1 in hie d!m.imra Whih u EMB-V mittce was appointed to make a sureov of the tobacco ! marketing cumin mcnt_ in the three States, at the recent meeting of Directors Deld In Raleigh. This committee' composed at Dr. 3. Y. Joyner of North C.ucotina, . . Chairman, N. Williams of Vifginin and "t. 13. Yours of South Oarow-Ul cjeu'fjiiii.e those properties ? tB~the threg^States which seem essmttial to the.farthentnee of til; plans' if : He.Association. -. * Becapso'-of thtr-ianze- numbsr of ap I'cr.ticiis .which he.vc reached the Directors of the Growers' A anuria-* in from warehoBsemen, Boards--'or ~ Trade and- . Sarketinc Cenlgrs ex?^ a" tr-. catiiii.n''the. Viiti> t'? lie humnena .with , the Association.?no difficulty "is an- ' tictpated in securing nil properties, heeded for the marketing of the ban- ' drcds of miljions cf pounds mow tm- . -- vro.t- if, ill.. ??, The' appointment o^ trie Gormjrittee-to prepare far the lecsa or pur- ? chase of such warehouses as are heeded for marketing t)'?. 1022 crap of'-all Association Members, was made alter.'!.hf leyon'of those Pireetors "who returned from Kentucky-as eye witnesses of the successful op- ' e'retion of the Kentucky Burley Growers Marketing Association. whiaji controls and- operates over 100 warcVnasps in Kentucky, West Virginia, Ohio and Indiana. - ' First hand ?tudy of the successful' *, methods: Or, finance and marketing 1 i n used by tWy organization of 55,000 i' .. Kentucky growers who have made ? ?profitable sales of millions of pounds ;of their crop of 1921 is ai Kng the Directors Qf the Virgins-Carolina- ' ? Association, in preparing . to market? the crcn of 1022. . ' While praising the operation of the Kentucky Buriev As&nfi.-i'iaSh.T thn ' _ V; rgip fir-Oaipi iim Directors - say that ?-1-? the'fotfndaticn of success for tWa Kentucky growers lies In their abltfty to y . make Tobacco pay by ralsfng' suflfct?i?t grain, hay and lire 3task "to sop-' ports' theiryfamilles aifd improve their lands. The-Directors of the organln- , , ed growers of Virginia and the Carolines are earnestly urging .their man- -:? >^g^UajrIthfr--gnmc'"foundation for Growers by -raining'their food.. feed . ? apd meat at home. ' *? f. . "" "T. o . *-** -^TT. _r rnEApgiyc AT BAwrtfeT/?* _ ?; i''ii ?t IJT'I i?snivni* V U?I< 1VVTT i3\JZ]%\Tni X ? Revr ff. E- V^'ite. of Lcx/nsrtor.,.* C-. .will preach af'the Sapt/st Church ^ "^%i?'^n'1,ill. - rn/TTttf" I^IM - ' 7> r