*r?t?? - ' ? V.A ' f > U 1L.1 1 ' ' 'I hi 11 J. Wl NOS^ .l^hor and Publi . voiijxkxwv - ' nno^LLs AND OffE MAN ' ' ' ' ' | J'y? '2S Tw<f still*. and one msb wu Ttrr Record for fib cflcers -during the?paat week. On Thursday. single; handed. Ife. Mefcbi ^T. Clayton went down near tK5" "Blue Wing settlement and captured One man, James SanforcL , colored, and destroyed -a stiJT "which warrtr. foil blast. His man 'gave him ! alljnky race, but' when Sanford fell ovtf-K trrre fence Clayton leaped U 'jknd felt dri top "yd hbn. ?? Qn Kridar morning about 1 o'clock Jtoi. J, Malvtrr Long and-jMrr N. V. ? "Brocks went down, near.Wepdsdale. ' 'and deslinytd an outfit which was' juyt about ready - to make a /ruti r ' ^iT^ere was^no on* at thia still, hemce no, capture was i^'dc. fop, to this writing these hape been "itpoot twenty hound aver to Court. f'H ut 1 | w- hail j"" sjbout another' rjonth iyet-r before Ana you wjm at?ar-yiunner f "Otn hintvbefore the Judge -arrives. 1 I'AREHOI'SBMEN REFUSE - to lease their houses Wjnstc r.-$a?erA, N. C., March 27.,? Proprietors of wmrejteuses. in WSiir Kton-Salcn: will not tease their estabIHUsients tr. tKe Tobacco Growers'. ' rao?operativr Marketing aaaociataon according to statements obtained from them today. Neither,-si(ill ttacr T* ' S. '. , _ccafer<?ncea with the association announced for April o, )h L>feeuboro and Raleigh. A?*nf pre parathe warehousemen sayy are'being made, to handle, a large croft iWysmrt season. ' r i ;?o i . ~ : j mr. woopt* buys a home. sisttfnt cashier of thd'first .National TrsllU llll i ii> ?inidnnee foefp. arly jownyd' by (Mr. to | Lipahlti. sit* - ?lid ' * " *> i ..ill ' If f ' *** 1 ypi?M yu iwruu mum o&reub, AUU wiij more in on tthe fi js$.' r- -H-- : -fr ...-.? . sever u. arm. smnioft- EXAMINATION -TO be -V I ' GIVEN AGA1N.i The feivi'. Service CotnmUsion in* vites- special attention to tilt. fact i tbut ip-examinations held, recently in-j Geetnibcrojtii' other 'cities throayl\-j mi ~|~T t^i Agd^_St ates for junior en- | ... gineer. jamot-phvsicist. junior tccK'"ttoloyrist. in the Bureau ef Standards.! ocraptittT, in the'" Coast and Gepde-'l tic Survey* and dsraeatjciscfeJice teacher, in tils Indian- Service. apnl\c: -ants were net secured in the-uuiubw! 'desired, and.that these exaihRiadanM ? will. <ycaih he Jueld. The first -Sdijreii . named will he {riven oi? ; ' ?nd the last.two on April 2ti. 1 .Persons interested in these or other " -- escamir.at'.ons sibtiid apply to -the Srcfe ret art at the U. S. Civil Service fch Boar/vat' t<t7"BeS^gd?i i.ffice fin !>-; Bh*tailetj- inform at ion^~s3B~" *r-i"'f'atior.Wanks " ~~~ MRS.7TETTICBEW ILL. v vr. y. ... ' Mrs. W.' J. PetSfrrew has been eery ill for the' past fwr fcy?. Or Sunday evenrlnjc she suffered' * plight -stroke of paralysis, on tlb left side, and has 'been in a critical -condition, - - -Amt we are triad to hear that,her con <Btlon~S~ unwh- JMrrg favorable. in fact her physician aaym ~fi?~wge-n?roasen why she shoult not. fully ro~ az cciifr."? , ... **" . ?.?o ? PLEASfi MAKE-THKAl Si^tRT. ; It has Keen out custom tb print pg??I'bHuaiiea fica and?art -have -ne ?.? thought r.f chancing this rule. bat we * most'insist thai oflff HfUl'S -Is liiuili.i nisi we van net girt nil af-m>r "space te this class of readiitr mattet. .Ten, twelve and evep fiiteen pastes Is mv? tittly to?' mucli space- ft> ask us tc ;cehtriWlte, - ??# we rewpectfoTtr ask . ? -that all" fruch eommanlcations be boiled dcwfi to iralamable length, or . " . We wfll have 'to' defhne to publish. V +*RH At.H IMl AT THB I - 3. preach in the Baptist Church-heye ' "Hie pulpit committee feels proud of --the SfrdlctHsti..the. people of Baxhoro WUl -have the opjioitunity'Rf bearing: _ > Dl, Gorreit; for he i? oca 7? -the vimy ,suuna'est prnvhtri' la- tHe' . Baptist .1fiv:.minauj?t.' All are (or. S -s'ually invited ~W these, nsavasofc r-o-. > -? ^ " .. sher ' , ' ' I ' w ROXBORO. r T" BAS?Btti" r-O": Wg are : reminds that Spring is here. by tha fact tbit the boyi were' oAt Mommy-ill- n practice game __ of balL So far there has been nA Effort "to secure a bath, team for Roiboro "this season.-: but we'hope-the ball fever has nc/t. plgyetfoifP?simply dormant for thi time, being. Get )*W, boys, and let's have a winner again Uia smmnar. Maybe, it wilj( not be "wise to have such an expensive .team, but with a little help on thy pitchers moiind and behind the bat w? could PBt -PUt. A.. igoad.,.C reflitable team, for llfeie ,i? oh- ahmirianco .of .good talent?andf 'Ifter all, nothing draws See n tor* ehoojflr hcfcie "team. -?d MR. W ARREN WANTS H " . ' INFORMATION. t, y , ' ,. I Roxboro Courier: Gin not you 01 .pomebody^Jafl us .vhat .-iy,wrong with pgr tmMit school system. ?r road1 system and- ww -<4fnmtB^iiv?i?iii > riiu. schools'Are nor lWe?Tri|r the demand requweil Out.bounty roads -Te near5ySra.pass.ible. Our-Cojunty affairs are 'I b?d?Rk(ape..tIi'It ysjljw tlJ> County ' stone!? hnd how we art to meet the "requirements. I notice the Book Comrr.fcsjon appointed by the lastJLejrislatnre has increased the cost of school beaks from tea' to twenty four doii?* per child. la other words Use' la oka that; cost tea dollars in 1 922 win rost'Wsanty foa* dollars li 192ft-V' 'man of'moderate means and the tenants to- meet this great til..11 II "?With?farm products -Belling' below, erst of production7',The tax fe of .J^ereBta. ?Ijsnty ha increased sinoe?iB19 one huSdred and-hffy per. cent oh, real estale?L-unaerstsnd the Chalrrtjfn od Board of ! County Qofir ; luiRaionbrr says there wiU have to be .an increase -of twenty per cent for ,1'S23_ WIVh no- reduction In 1CM eal-" ups. 'There is something radically ? - aerr|--A llaMnmst be railed . we can not . stand it. ?The; people would be pleased to ; h^ar fonwfthing about what our Sen at Jhc last two sessions of the Legis'Our land values -were not jedpjeif and our"taxr-ate- raised fifty per .odnt for 1921. thereby placing a heavy? ibu Jen eti the land -owner'?he [can't - stand much more before be a'sei - under. . j. ? ' ' ..It1 wlH spot, be time for another election.. and our^aipe men. may want. to represent us Spain.' If so. we wtrtsld' like tt> ji.-ar .whns they did for as. and what, they^pTOPOse to de. I tcness Ji.jrc 'Pats *wiy;sjyfcd;.for reelection; .i.iietjce \flhere they passed one spec[pis'hnI;fcrWhe County which has cost ^e ppunfv. t? ?lot 'of money, hut has [ fajled to Tunctjc-h. Thja-is the AfudbIters' Bill whid! is chapter 577, puplie laws Ikkl, which requires an audit ?f all records .and accounts of thefjeuntiv each year, tv. report filed and 'nuhlishe 1 for the benefit and satis-, jfaction, of the people, so that they [can see" what is being done with the High tarns they are paying*.U't know there were three men sent to Roxborp iis_anditorj,-ot-'aeceontarts, and spent some time at'a heavy cost-to the County in gbihtrcqyer; the- records of the different office**'and as'-ho re-, port has been made -of their finding we want to ask our Senates- Or Representative to explain what has been done ir. this" matter, as they are. famjli?T_with the workings -of ttti bill' -As WeH~sw~gnyfewther-measures' that passed-for the County- they may See fit to comment--on: """ ? ~ W;-A, t^AERElV. ? -O- ?: 'THAMONDS ?l( HKAHTS." last F+tday there wag- a play, ' 1 namtmdH MjU Wuai lit,'I j-tumi-mai: Jalang under tfie auspidea IdFthe'jhiE-' lie-schnoi, 'It ??5 our pleasnreto at:, -tend tlJis- performaSfce, and we wint to say that it was liaridedty good, all of -the dfcayaetars playing their part# well, but we oa not refrain frcrni, personally [mentioning the splendid work' of Mifc, Cay Rynsdny-aa Hannah Barnes, a. mfridan. lady, who lived dri the Taftn, 1? TO- Tapr-Regan. ii ' 'U'h*a^T?!''it^-S.'ir'! haf">r an amaiepa' tMeqaiA of Mil* Bfoad ' W-irr-faa gfe- .S an afnsg'aTij -,f W weH wort 11 the prlp aaa iier in_Jhe part she played. We -'tnidnatMiil ll>W pl?y?oan , ta? 4ng th pre- it, and we ' caa amy fit ii Wsrth seeirjg. If" yon wtmt <> have the rH?y jwaafa to pter tdaSl Un?4ti wt.h .11 .as Uay Itrw.ua, .lalon*. N, <>.-? 7. 7 - ^ - -"'' ? - * *. V- v ^ ' " "Y M - ^ # ^ . Home First, Abi . ' " ^ sIORTH CAROLINA, ^ : win? 1 4 - * My stordjs CLEAN- ^ Front stjte. 'BACK side; underside . -' ' ' .--"' " ' * ' '?*. 1 -My warehouse It CLEAN ' '?? '! Stalls .and all iiy~ market is CUBAN * ! ' Inside and afl -aides 'My shop is CLEAN In every spot My office in. CLEAN . , Eveyg^-ishiH'.'. ^" ' ffl My HOME is VCLEAN ---?:; Bkckyard," front yard, cellar, f-* ccw. lot, pig pen, chicken "yard, privy?EVEfiTWHEBE . K* My church is CLEAN T .iwn ?,Ul ?1I t Mr'rr"ft'OTrA.N'' - ' -Pack- ntrf -fifoht una side . - i. My scMeei is CLEAN ' EIT5 RYW-HERE ABOUND ME IS CLEAN!" /' * v* -f MY WHOLE -TOWN" IS CLEAN,!J R?V. Mi T. PLYLER ' ' ?? : SUNDAY NIGIT. ' '?wilaing Eider, TgeirifTT, TTyler' preacli.'d at the Edgar Long' Memor-; fal ChorcH Ifi^t .Sunday night.. Sjjn-1 day being " WofhtWide-- Saaday" ! witTi the. Methodist his eeruwh was ; "bn the sufcjedt ot-jaeeuag the pledges made; andit Vas thoroaght enjoyed-1 T>V ttl>" large congregation^2"" J " 1 ' " , , . s-r- PERSON -COUNTY x-" -S >" Oiilun--1 ^H'ociation. will i hold - a mass meeting at the Cedar , Grove Academy Saturday, April 8, jgtt- at 11:80 -A: fit T11 'i 11 p IIMII.J Woman and child Is expecldTf' to be j ffresent. < J? " .. j'| Is , P. E. Hoover, ' =- Supervisor '* ?, ' ' - v | school "n Eii's. j Exaipinations fcr certificates will'" lie Held the second Monday and Wed- i nesay.-wApri! 1,1th" and 12th ir,"' my ; office begmnig qt o'clock, gn,I trill, he conducted sfccprdirg to State pro- . gram, all w'no-ivisk to take this examination - will please notify me -at Once. , . -. - . S Board of Education Witt.meet the i first JTorstlny iir April, r _ . .'All .teachers mast have*-lhc>' Roe^.. -fsters and" Fin si 'Reports-"correctly > filled. cut before their last month's salary will_he paid. TKs is a require-' men! otb-t-he ikW and lire?Dc.ae.1?et? Education expects if to W strictly , obeyed.. Realty" 1t, would" he dasrtrarteous for -any. ttasher to- ask. for last pcymenf without having complied w^fh -the tanr. ' ? ~r" f There will be a, niee/rag of the '* Teachers Aseoftation nert Saturday April 1* This is to grre el! who failed to get tifc recpMred. number of lessons in the Readirg Circle Book a chance- to finish it. The daV| "set for the last_ meeting foond as With- bai weather sad nucny impassaule roads and' we decided to posir'obfe '.thf?r 'iiiii i*"-"'T-itb"''^'n'<inr the above about twenty Came and I felt it would be too hid for .them not to .get off their- expected work. So the meeting was' held. Of coarse, those who did not come are not to he nenr^-"') ^c_Jejgtfor' ^A-VUA? foy them to come. Those who have, completed the | wcrk are not expected to come. .O MMrte, all may cms*. Who <i??jre ?? I tmd nioft of UiJ teachers are anxious to make sore of their work., fii?Uf??hfr glimmer kpol. I . Thi> is . a State InstltotJOB?Nor-| mil CtSlleire rad ii located ibwt 50 i* ?? ; Kclfco1 and a gaol jIMfe to SpWW-" vaoatiiia mo?ttaij?: TSey >1*1-51 tjjT t*?? ?-jdr%mfcs each. Thai July 7tll The second opens July 11 filossa"lAaw*-Mtth ^ . * r |. Mst nulstiens Board 'and Room for _ ' rh* term (if my arfeks.ig.t3h.0Q. i" Write -frjai. W. E. Btwt Gullov. hSo T\Vf?.. "fri*. information, r&opo mtute of : uut lhwuUfb aiu fo \ ? . fn;\*i ?-v ^ w. .* ?: W-t - WWj v M fC x7 oad Next ...;'. ? * v : f. -A?~ ^edrwaday Evening Mat mm. II ; . :. # - -J. "j V! i\ny-vrsps}. . '' Uncleanlmes* suite me I ; " v -, c^' . ] v ' ';* tl' ; ' - ~1 try- . -q 17:.:' . rr H l :_- . 7'"']'.. 7 .'T7-t7 "f '7" H B"r ' ought ? ' v_j I. ; . '.. _ To eu;^ I? 2. '' Everybody -else. ; ~'f *' - ; rHE S. O: S. OF THE SOW . By W W. TLli Office, of Swine Extension i* responsible for- the statement that Sorth Carolina TiAs h- A HfetfEfc MARKET" for' hogs. In fact, this iamm-tin^i m.aile ip' a 'recently print*i chart, a -copy; of whieh-should be n the hinds "nf every, farmer in ttb ~i , '? : . jg It m^y -be obtained from "yoiff 3ornty Agent, and if you raise hogs ror' 'sale, the information - contained in this chart will" he wortfc many ioliirs lt> you. Ash fur our?, f JUSTIFICATION ?- " Etrred to oKove is contaiflndi in the iast-lsstic or the United States Weatier, Crop's and Mcfjketis BulleGf.. Jated IVfaroh" IStW, which gives. ESTIMATED FARjtATfLtTF OF LMPOKTATANT PRODUCTS. FEE RUAHY 15? 1922 f ' In this .Bulletin we find that only the-five two' crna! S'&rth *'Carolina ?n . eitiniated farm value of hogs per ; one hundred pounds. a . , Farmers iVT tSs .state WUST NOT prostitute this adrsr.tape ft:rue the sele of oily peanut, ahd soy l>t?ui fid hogs;tstudy thi following,abbreviated table and learn.whsf such hogs have done for Other' states, then get. and study the'cbart referred to and learn how. to moke real matey with USgs. DO.IT NOW! PER .100 LBS ' STATE ?r 1.8?? 'Off Chkon $10:50 $10.00 Rhode .Island* . . 8JO '11.00 Delaware* ' O.50 11.20 ' ''b.oO . 9.7Q 5fcw. Jersey 9.30. '10.50 Perr.sy1van.ia 9.20 111.09 Washing tor. 9.20 9.90 North Carolina $ 9120 $11-40 Alabama 6.80 - 8.00 Texas . . 6.80 7.S!t) Louisiana ?.60 940 Georgia " 6.10 1840 Fiordis ; r^? Average-last six states $6.48 $8.23 V I .I " ' a.fr *_ ,? Average United States $8.24 $8.58 a- - . BACKERS AND BUaiNEBS YTEN: Axe you whose busiwfii wceii oepapds upon th? pro?|ierity of the fmroer, jpetng to si't/ cahnly bju while partly*'"* influence of niinoos prices poll* NORTH in the wave of th* turn wwll Buimwutiim ali possibility of profR.trr port froDBetlont. W !U i'tn )n4|u>* ii aaa-.L u, ' iasc your hnaiarns ?inny m;|i ihr taxrmr' . , T Every Banker, Ctnnqber of Cprnttterce, 'Ret&ry Cmi^JUwaitis-~Ctntr, newspaper and County Commissioner lfi tWf CStttpp BeH wrtii^wfttrm tWi Says; secspjcific iitoUveitbni pa ic.'^yr ^riy'mes. iwj; ?n? .I..SI ill III ? > -= :?! ? ' T' ? ? ?> , . '';.' ., _'-? !" " '."! ?: ?a , v : : -1 ^ f* ch 29th 1922 600D FARING ?o \ Intense farming is the kind of firming ..that mates' it. possible for a landowner, to become. wealthy from tha products of.a ten acre plot, while his neighbor who owns -five hundred acres, goes hungry. There are lessons in plenty So be Teamed from this intensive fanning. A homely-old saying cjie often' hears in the: cohntry i*7 1 live at hom^ ind hoard at the same place." That is-*he farmer's way of expressing his independ ence. intensive .cultivation of the resrsrces. and advantages of a snyrji city wiii, in time, make it . vers wealthy, city. Of courag, each-a; city will ra^viair tmUl hl.t if it does,-it will be a.great cityf Gary, lnd., is not the largest city i5 the T'nitedp States,-by many thousands, "bitt- its public, selljals .have taught the tvorld lessons. The good farmer puts: everything -back ifeo the soil that he. can. He does net feed , his hay or ^rairv. to ,hia stock and then ?spend money for commercial fertiliser. Kbxbcro.. is nOi a~tgrgr*rU.v ihul rsr'not yetj-bnt intensive cultivation, apj-lied to . what-the cit^ has, can mfke it one of' the most prosperous cities in the country. The one big thing in making 1 city witere hard timea Willnever be known is.to-.keep K ox hero's money in Rv xboro. this is- a figure - of speech which applies to" the entire Roxbors territory. Chicago is a great metropolis." Stock yards, wholesale houses and mail' order business, bulb up Witt- money from the south, the Weal and tffi cast, -have made Chicane what it.is. If the tfemey which has gww lmc Chicago caffgHi eaaid. hat pnt m.a lump stun it would be suf-i ficient to guarantee tomfortable lie-' lugs fin -piactkalh every person irr the. cjty, mere the city, vwi& ns large . aa it is. Here is our farm' waiting fir cultivation. Plant the dollar hare," and the Harvest will conie in a surprising short time. "Buy -in'feorcboro". Spells 1 ,mlLp fui Sill?'it nigaAs miurl Jobs, bigl 11 r nalariee more homes anal THE.-TO*ptAMS CLUB. J TIJ_> Woman's Club will boldtheii flm, annual meeting next Monday. April 85b- the parlor of Jones Hotel* The following nominations have 6eei ma-1% forofficer*:. " Pres. Mrs.. S.- G. Wsnstead. First Vice-JEtes. Mr. M?<r i, JJeT ' 'ritt . _ | Sec,-Vice-Prps. Mrs. R, L." Wilbtrrn.' ^ Secretary. Mrs. J. G. ..Moore^ . Treasurer, Mrs. tt. A'. Wy^tead. i Chairman Civics Dept?. Miss* HaP-f Chairman Education Dept., Mrs. | ' J A. Beaut. 1 I Chairman Literary Dept., Mrs. B.. . G. Clayton." Chairman Music Dept. Mrs. <H. W. Newell. r All members are urged to came i l,.r-{ iv.1. fnf 'r. ether inations.wHl-be made.-* TTn Aprils. a home Tnlent ptay ] Orchestra combined. from Soatli .] Boston, wi 11 '"entertain our Roxbo4?> ' peopte""ar.3 give' the Woman's Club jhatf the proceeds, which the -.clnh I wishes to invest ill chairs for use irt tput re scalar meethursi Let us patrcmj ire this and help out in" this (coed j work! ' . ' J ? ?Q , 1 - .. ' REPUBLICA-N OOtTJTTT CONj VENTTOV MEETS SATURDAY. A call is hereby issued" for the a>- j wmbiing of th* Rvnublicap County j Convention, to be-'lJ>ld at the Court . rtouae in the town of jfoxborbat 2j P. M. April iat, 1922! fc.' the purines# of electing, delegates to the Male- -CuiAautUMF- ta ini holt ' *. Win ston-Salem on April 12th 1922, delegates -and alternates dp attepd t^f Congressional,- Judicial' hnd Senatorial Conventions' to be failed latter and to elect^eiunty Chairtnart^ and Execu! use" Cmiimttee. - ? - - The RgpnMlcang of each-pfwl net in ftnon. County- are requested to uuemble at'-thgy voting sxet:nct$ at;, ';r ?, yiinirtay ??tu wad 1 'then and there- to eiectT delegate# W] -attend that: Ciaaty* jjawiiaifticc, ~ ? Each -precinct la" entitled to Otic . ty-five'v'otea or fractional T>?n* dhetef trt casl ton Hon. John J; Pwrker. Se=E publican candidate for trfrrr-nffc m Iftfdl in arid nrhciaet, riwoi.., Chgrman. iigc ? Roxboro. N. C, 2.24" liu_ . . ? ? -r- - -y ? r-*. - . * - -- , .' / r ' f^.'.. J, / ' 7-. . . . t, < 50 P?r Year in Advanca ' -1 N?,J2 . PiipFfEcco " . DEALER DEAD Danville, Va., March 87.?John T3A"ward Hnghea, 51 year* old. prodfa?> errt tobacco merchant of this city, died this "evening. Mr. Hughes baa been in feeble healtlJ -since the sob1D1D ?-J If - ? ? " t x vi Miw uiiu, ,t\jL wcr ? yew, nu been practically bedridden He was head of the fhrm of John E. Hutches unT!- company, one. of the' largest firms of leaf tobacco'Healers and exporters operating..in Virginia and'the Carolina*... - _ 0 ?r ? ? .* * * <r ** SOCIAL NEWS. ** " ? " *'**. .. t*. . .?. *- * . *' j The Research club met .Wednesday ' ' 'afternoon with VMrs. A. M. Barns. ' TJie subject was "Makers of American pjtticin.'.' tttoen) -with roll call responded to withi current events. Mrs. E.' "P. Bantep. led the lessbp review. and Mrs. T. -EJ. Aosjin read se- * legflSM trtjn "jMih rharTes" McNsil'a ) 'Lyric* of Cottonlard,' After "TKS ' 1 study Ifopr the' hostess served fruit salad course, coffee and mints. TUe members present, mere Me%Luce* B_ G. Clayton, 1. J. Winatead, F. T. Pais, J. B. Hurley, E. P. Duncan, ?W? G. Sample. T. E- Austmr*S. G" Win- . stead' and H. S.- Morton. A delightful but quiet 6 o'clock dinner Was given Thursday evening by Mrs. Mamie JlSn'Hl, honoring C * Mr. and .Mrs. Pi K. Miles. The tshin ' > was pretty ' with its centerpiece of jtvnqtrUa in rtrt-pl.V. hfrwl with ay paragbs fern mingled with_$h?n.' A turkey course, salad eotrrse. with' bloOt -cream Mijl cake irffyelloxf sssf . white were served' te Mr.'" and Mrs. Is. K. Mlfca. Titnor gnats. Mrs! Hi. J. Teague,_Mr. and Mrs.- W' T. Pass. Mr-juad iirs. H. W. Winstead and H. G. Winstead. ' ai one oz ine most. (leufrjitttfl jtaj&t* * of the spring when she enter? . taifred t4*e^rid^ Afternoon Clah and' additional ' *ruaats? at 'jtej* hcttne on South Main . Street*-' The t-?oms were attractive with "asserted 5I?ryipr * flowers !?nd tlb Faster' irift* * * -vrics?riTrij.i i ely tavvied - Lfy*'1 ir-. jthe. ??* srbre-^arda' und 1 refreshments. - AaF " -? faycTS, .quaint mi^latiire chickens; desi?n<?d-and made.^try MiSS'es 'Alio* ' ' >f?r,fr3K W^dmK ^ " Winsiead, WTf, (riven the iruesta. A J three course collation with mints was served h;.' the hostess. Mgsdames H. ~ IV, VVilisten:; and W. T. Pas^-ta the | ibUfleAt gnosis: Mesdamee -ij. E. \ ' . t 1- vf, G. W, Thomas, E. G- LStig, AT" M: Bums, P. K. Miles. Wl# CtJiullock. J.- W. NT6eJl, W.. St CJar.v, Jr., T. B. WdadvdT. W. Henderson, Margaret Strayhorn, R. W. SteplJenai W. T. Phss, Hugh . Woods, G, W. ' Kane, W. T. Lcn*. W. Trrrod-W. FLortjr. E- V. Boatwright, Edwin Ely- * emtdh, VT D. Mi-rrlU, ?!., W. W-in- . stead, E- P. Duniap and Miss Myrtle SldDllte. ... ?: ; ' Mrs. U. S. Morten entertained a number of (tuests Friday afternoon in honor yf the eighth- birthday ?1 her daughter Helen. Ap hour was soent in aiavincr trames -on rhr. lwS_ after wlich a donkey contest was held, Sophie Lipshitz winning the prize, a basket of caster eggs. ' The dining room was Lovely in the. _ color scheme of pink and yellow. A play cloth nf attractive lleaiy.ii was used on the table, the centerpiece was the birthday cake "sttrrburtded by pink roses, and many pirjk candles lent tlleir glow to the pretty scene. Ice Creagn and cake in . the color : seh'erae.; was sprved, while% mints in MafciBsrnett, Ahne WatkifiS, Wiry 'Jane Ldng, Afary Marshall Dunlap, Sdphie and. Matilda Lipshltz, Alice ,--Snpth. Jatrk- Allgood, Anna Wooding | Winltead. Alice Virginia Stephens. ' * ' '(Susyina - WinsteSar Anne forSn?r 1 Bradsber, Margaret Criteller, Tinssn ; I,a Woods, and Earl BraSiber. L. K. ' Ggftton Irs Reginald Harris ait Aid* ~ ? 7 OR.. SATTEEIELIV -COM- ' r ~V IXL TO ROKBOROt \s Dr. E. H. SatterftejdTwhp haaAeeii ' ' ~ located In Tim-ham. rbr ~S ftuuibof of years, will pveb -to Hoxboro on April tsr~ H1e offlrr will he rrrer the si em yr-^TT nod will pe welcomed to apr town.

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