f. . ' 1 y .} I.r ".r-X: ... " ?- . 71 AV,hm ; I ' SI * L? fmB a: Perin's spoils quality..' jiT r_ ' Why? ? ' Because Penn'a 13 packed air, tight in the pate-t-.ted new \ . ' '' container?-the quality 19 ; ..yled io. . ; ; So Pcrtn'oia always frssh. Hovo you \ . ^ - ever realty chowed /rosh tobacco? - '"BbyPvnrr's the nodrltimo.'Try hi No- tics tfaoftne condition?frosh^Pwrn's. FEME'S ? tniswmsr TOBACCO _ * - ?. -*i :?^ V- ' 1 ' ' A LESSON FOR ' ^ 'ADVERTISERS. (Yilba City ( Calif.) Sutter Independ' ; . -i __Ju^lher other -day we saw an~&ra. which read sometHing like * this: ice upon a tine, a man hid. a ace which was not heating hia home with satisfaction. One day he became angry and going down to the basement -etood before^ the' furnace and exclaimed: " Not another lump of coal will you get until you give me more heat." Tth jotr follow froze to death. . {* Herein is a lesson fdr advertiser*. ?, Raoi.i nion- wit ? ???^ 1* 1 el ? I 1 ill ! I . I ' II ?'? "** , and if it doesn't -bringOhe results that ho "expected he says:- "I wont *7 ' " - ^MitiH/igsw. mint ilw: other an " brings results." So the - poor fell&w freexes bp death; ?? If. you- wntf.1 fui lliyt |'luu( of. this, ' 3?Laak?up-star )-i'?i?5_ 'and compare tH-> A fienres ..f failures '. ltnoi-py,.-V1v^rtiSers r^r.??? with the- figures Of failures of non*. ? advertisers?those who freeze 1 to 'V - '. 'death. / -./. " * - ; \ v'" THAJ" MJJU V l.vi: ' KSS '* , If you ar? lariif, *)* .1 ' , -spells with my kidncyp'which put me ' out of fix. My -back was sore arid ; , irmio r:nd mi - nipgii 1 fi.lt .ili.T'.uiu>s ~ - the small of ifiy^ack. It was hard for me to pet'up after' sitting as ~ . sharp piuhs .pttibbjd through my kid-'.' rieys. My kidneys acted too freely and 1-had to get up several times during the night to pass. tW; secre:i'.i ?L Atomy which burned- in . passage. D&an's Kidney" Pills cured this weaknew and put me in good condition again. I procured Doah's" "Kidney ' Pills at Hamb+ick & Austin Drug Store ond whenever I feci a symptom Of kfdncv wpnknetta, TVpop'. n*rr?. ilia *' 1?* 1 60c, at all dealers. Foater-Milbum Go., Mfra., Buffalo, N. Y. THE PIT WITH ' ' NO BOTTOM . ? ? 1 -.u- iiL I ni I man?ie merely _ ? machine-. He has a body whieVsearr * s, * """but'"a man's, body Is as useted** as a brute's body* except when under intelligent directiop. Mstn can be more *'~ * desthustivc than ii brute if he has __ ?*- no conscience to roetrtii htm. The mind cart direct the body to that its * energies will be employed along use* " ftd - lineg, provided the mind Itself i, iin.ii,.- spiritual-control) and that Wppn belief if Uod , fast *H the ? uplifting influences in life?ponacInnnnnse nf Vnsp""siniliH" ig . '--^t>e- -asdeianiso of 'iod's. presence; prayer; through whicH the heart-ds . opened to divine suggestions and the ' f-iSife life with its rewards and pune ?* jshmente. When man's hold upon tini ia lossened he falla, and these. is no* ; bottom to the pit' into which Ha ?-? ' - -erh?w"<- Ilry.tn. | 1 " / i r \ - - ' . I - . .* V . i ^ 1 ' 1 - - 1 , - - ' . S--f. . [r' ?'* . r _ -el i X " - ~ ^ : V POULTRY \ I [ FL.GCKS;.': \| TURKEY eggs fOR HSTCHINgV -Xhay AhtyilH n? Baily MilTst* ? > Thera' is 'Danger of Them Being Destroyed., ' ? 1 _V\'hpn. theye la danger. tlutpturkeyTCgr-may be ch'lUed or destroyed they sh'Ukl b?"-ss?horcd, ev/jry iluy., anij a ucpt ft| left In eeck^pi^t. . Skunks, OjrtMCms rata.- rtmn, >i?r* dogs'ar^ Jlh? greatest destroyers-tfft turkey t'Kirs. litTioCTEIi .f>ecitS(oualljr urtpika.' raccoons, , coyotes, \w8ve3, foxes. cutsTand T?ttttt? j large snakes' also eat eggst-When a j turkey* Jicb hns ifetnr disturbed* by'one of these'peats, ibe maj change Iter nOat to some other place and abandon the dggs. , ' " Kgs.'j for teaching ehotrttl be kept 'yd a temperature of us jMjnr 50 degrees or 00 'lectin's K. as possible, and should be uwncd over every day, say poultry specialists In the L'nlted-S^ntes De|iartrnorit of Agriculture. Tlicy should he Jarred as little as possible wblht handling and should he lncubated''tvhlle" fresh, nrjvw holding more than twtr weeks If..It can be avoided. -It Is an, oxcalleat plan to mark' the dure'on "each egg as-It Is (tattered. In order to be certain that no eggs are kept too ong be/ore the.v are liicubSted. PICKING DUCKS FOR BREEDING /. ** 1 ' Aett??; Healthy Females of Medium Sire Are Recommended'?Use Only Mature Fowls^ * . Prepared by the -yen#.! state* t>*pertm*et of Africaner*.) Docks are nsiinjly, gated In flock; >f irbont thirty females tvlth Gve or six duties, ns the drakes do not fight, one -mother. The number of nudes may be reduced to one for every seven females about the tlrst of March, and again changed a month; later to one , male for eight to- ten females. Active, healthy fdmales of medium sire should be used for breeding; thn't Is,, weighing about .eight' pounds when mature. Only mnthre birds should b&' used as breeders. - Select ducks with shot? necks, medium long bodies, flat backs and' of good depth to the keel bone*. Watery eyes usually aye a sign of weakness In ducks. The'dcake Is coarser and more; masculine In ilppearance than tpc duck, and hds_e "distinct url In hla tall feathers'. Ducks should, , Duck6 'Should tic So d After. They Ar. vr Twp^ Years Old. be sold, usually, ^nfter. tlie.v, are twc years. ?-14r t4thringh.--thr lO oVtobk' Iirthe- morning. If allowed, to roam, earlyr in the morning they ruay-hiy In ? pond or strejiin_aad_. the eggs may be lost. SEEK VACCINE FQR CHICKENS Field and Laboratory Tasta Are Being Conducted at the Kanaas Agrii? cultural, (jpllege. Etxpermrenra involving, piaiiy neia -iiid laboratory testa are being condlir>twl Ht thn i'?w*rig Stut'e Agricultural college to determine the efficacy of a vaccine for fowls to prevent . chol-' gra; typhoid nnd roup. It tms b&n determined. that cholera nnd -roup are caused by*'.thy same organism; In field tests a vaccine produced- at -the college b.v ITof. P. -It. Randette has jftycn^soroe vefy satisfactory results npirtMr- ' ' 11 111 ' f" "lfl " laboratory. ^ If- these' restsr jiwcsn?Ceasful. inorA field work wtll Jx*. dote , rntlpiL-e r snort*. -lNo vaccine Is being gWtn cuFliF thist?me^fW?uacJLh.e^ chemists are tfUtjT* a position yet t<> guarantee If-_ ' t PRODUCING ?GGS IN WINTER Palatable Mailt Cam Be Made From Mfetur* of Bran, Meat Scrape, Oats and Meal. t ?? " ^jUjlntnTifer Jpaali which mould proour-*7r to produce shade, but they can nit do both saHafaetorWy, and they are not: well adapted to the production of shade ,as nafry plants.. ' Climbing', roses*1 anoulu ne pi'Thi?."after Jjb>upIJtig" by having ihe wwat7oi thi' "prevlouf year's growth removed. , Cuf-fiower ro$es need elcnn-cultdfe, yvvcrp .p'^gjg.nrifi *pc" and helped nith the making ~of~ple? reason aftet Sjison, with -very lltHC ' ust or allentftiu. auuwlig|ily inqolre more, care. But they furtrtwi the first ripe fruit. In tlue spring, and a very , small plot -9f ground In one corner of the garden WtU supply me family. says tlie Cnlfed Stales Depart1 |i HI i P ' " ' ? . / ' .. ->WATCR- FOBt PUAAIT LICK If yon ^ would^ty loupef., as well as other garden vegeJnhlei. ivatchjor plant Hoe. A nicotine spray. all! get them, but don't wait "pnCi: X under sides of .tho leaves are covered before you tjcgtTT the treat!?*? . ; _ ? .. ... ' *' . . t . ; >;y ,-r ' ' :y-" v * . ...V A V - .. i ? DBT ^ Atafly.-suopeN MOVEMEN HALF A MIND iSflNOL B Keep yo > IIIL j?EUARE OF 1HES BECAUSE CROWELlT AUTO COMPANY Roxboro, N. C -" 'Home of the Ford . SERGEANT &r CLAYTON The Sanitary Grocery Store^ Phone us \our wants?-prompt i delivery. daviSHdrug Company -? Roxhoro,. N. C,. ' ' Mhke our. store your hcodquar ; .ters ' BRADSHER & GATES- ' Roxboro, N.-C. Bring your automobile troubles to us ' . MOE GOODMAN " ] White Front, Court Street . , ?;?Our prirtfr win?try "us THE PEOPLES BANK, ? Oldest and Strongest Assets over One Million Dollars BANK OF ROXBORO. Safety deposit boxes ftJr relit.. Your Account Solicied, FIRST NATIONAL BANK? . Capital 570.000.00 Surplus and Profits $30,000:00 hpHMEKUAL PR1 N ILS'(TTa ' -r- Pat^H. -Ctav, Manager , "Thie Sluap That Service Built" } ROXBdRO GROCERY GO. -Roxboro. N> C. Wholesale Grocers?ner>d us^" your order' Better s Subscribe tod ' \ . . ./ *?T ; 3 . ' I* Z.J&?;:^ pm%i; I tv> -*=* <> *-'." *'J ? 1 "~ ~v"' rs Of THE MIND OFTEN BRE4 JQH FOR HIM WHO NEGLECTS ETTE1 ur eye o E MERCHANTS SHOULD HE VATT DlCC tMlllMIl n'lTI; AW TV I X XI "garrett & wilkerson Roxboro, NV-G.General Store?anything and everything UOXBO.RO COTTON MILLS Roxboro, ,N.jC' Tine "Yarns- . THE PRINCESS THEATRETi Roxboro"; N. C, Amusement _for the entire '; family v HAMBRICK & AUSTINDruggest _ Block's Candies, Fine stationer; ~ and Toilet uoods JACKSON MOTOR COMPANYStudebakecs, Reos, Maxwell & Overland Gas and Oils. w. lTi&oore T Fresh Meats and Groceries _ Your trade is solicited??atisfact longnarant eed R. A. SPENCER & SON, Undertakers .Superior Setv$efc-^5IsF"prices S. P. SATTER^IELO insurance '7 "Old & Tried." You know. HARRIS & BURNS TtdxbSro's Best aiori Everything for the comfort of the family : ? To buy right, buy at-^he' right place > Roxboro, N. C' e ind better eac . ,x u ____ ^ ay Sl>5() year " r -~r^:, ' - * ? : i' '' 1? ' ' . - .I' . V 'V TO > ' , : i ^;! v. . " ^rS-;'? " . '. , .-' K OUT TOR GREAT GOOD HIS HOME TOWN. '4 . . " - '. Y-*-v?_^ v . . 1 R ** ' ? ' ' ' ' "' YOUR FIRST THOUGHT I 'THEM JOHN F, REAMS/ General Cortractor, . Roxboro, N. C. "? Figure with me before you build ~ - THE COURIER - > S1.5