US JL W. N'ftRI.I. FMitor ??A PnhH, ' " 'l ' vou xxxy,iv Col. John Cunningham J r ! 1 - ? V \ . - - _ - WflntaeM Greensboro Citizen t^aiilyjrt Night In'* . Raleigh Hospital. * WELL KNOWN IN STATE Raleigh, April t.^-rCol, John & Cujjjiinghara, deputy revenue commissioner in the office of Col. Watta. died tonight at ft o'clock . in Rex ly>apital. where he had been' ill since ^Saturday. Colonel Ounninghnm'a failing; health h,ad covered a period ot. jufny jeart, but hie spirit': had kept him in active .work until the Very /laal. Pernicious anaemia waa given as the . specific cause of Jiis latest illness, He war "prominent many years .ol y Uia "00 odd- Twenty-five year* ago he ' ' wa* df?cuased--as a_gubernatoral poa; jfe; sibiiity more than almost any young man. lie nas pecome nanonauy Known : as a tobacco .grower, being at "one ; ~ time UJj largest tobacco plantar"hv r the world. His farm in Person, county was a jis.t#d_iraci. H? or'genjied the i Tobacco Growers' association, And was president of the organization for several years. ( ?? a He h'jd also' served the state as I - - president of the North Carolina Agri- } cultural association, had been a mem. 'l ber "/ ^Bcesemer. avenue. The funeral (Will 1 be held Thursday morntng at ti o'' ' ! Clwh Ut' Cinmiiigli'min, I'esssn rtu^aty. J The ' remains will . pa as . "through et* Greensboro at noon^Jodayi?tg' A Colonel Cunninj^httkn was'60 years , ~ Of w^B fen own in North i Carolina. -He* had Seen living on the ( corner of Nottl I "JVfencferi'hdll steeet ' ?iid Guilfori avenue""^r the past two c years, Ijjit; at the. tjpoe -of his death t held, a pssition' with "the state ti> ? oemijussion at Salei5h,ige, had bear!...* in declining health for Several yeai-sbut* was* taken seriously' (ll about , r 10' days age. ~ t , 3 I" '*"'?h 'leveril - yearf a membet ^ of the general assembly, represent- j ing Person county in. th? ty>use. He f : . was for "Several- years' president of fc the North Carolina .Pair association, t | . a member a? the beard of trustees oi j JJ. ,the" University of North Carolina. ' ^ l - ' % He is survived by his widow; by ^ f'i i. -?ix children, John WrlCunnihghani', j?. of Mihmi, CUarlotte Cun^ ^ ^ .jiinghaw. af Denver, 'Rjt^jjrs. JohSj. ^ L Hardwood, of Petersburg ' Va.; j mmbGr D. Cunningham, of Greensboro; j P' Miss Otelia Cunningham, a student at the university. He is also survlved bV two brothers,- George- Cnnningham, of -Cunningham,' N.C., and W. M. Cunningahm, pf Spartanburg S. C., and by .three aisters Mps. Lewis ' Walker of Milton, Miss Maude Cun. -ningham, of Boston Mass, and Miss ? a VT "VT.-l, ? . Belle Cunmngnam 01 i?? iW>.? , DEMOCRATIC MEETINGS. Defmocratic precinct meetings will be held at tHsr various voting place# f on Saturday,, April 8th,- at 2 o'clock i p. m., for the purpose bf electing del, egates to the County meeting, and < also to "elect- five Committeemen- te ?' sent *1 till' Pi eum.1 'Bwrsmiv.i Cnm-. J 1 ' jpittee. After electing these five one ? of the five will be selected to act as 1 .chairman of this committee. ? ' The Democratic County. Convention h ?in he held in' Roxboro on Saturday, April lHTTfor the purpose of. elect' >ng> delegates to the State- Convention j > which will meettrrila Leigh oft Thorst > April' 2ftth at 12 n'qlncir. Imane diately after- the adjournment of the' -t7: Goonty^Convetrtion the Precinct Lew- mitteemen will meet. and elfct . a i Chairman for the County Executive - " Comm'M"?k ? . J. S. WALKER, Chairman. ' '' 'H' OleifrCluL) wftt be at tHn J&sdHnrhrm on Friday, evening at 8 I Woman's Club. It is worth while. So. I ure your, seat early. . ' ailer ** - t * > > ' . ; ROXBOROV U _' ; : ; ; . HALF MILllON *~ inurnn PTnmr MHP5 STRIKt LEWIS CALL?? STRIKE MACHINERY PERFECT , -O r+- Included in Sixth Big Strike tit History of United States Mining are 400,000 \Vorkers in Soft andjl5,0O0 in Hard Coal ?All Biit 1600 of .7500 Mines (Instantly Closed: . ??o?. Indianapolis, April 1.?'All fool's day dawned silently over America's vjtst coal fields, for tbday collieries tn some 5,000 communities were still, a 7 ,v; j-'.* - - . i - - oy tne wwjte or .more. tHan million miners. / 1N0 "Work". whittles pierced ^the early morning air of the- dingy mining camps; clattering tipples were mated. Miners trains remained cm thei^ sidings and - usually dusty donkey-engines were idle. Picks and shovels were stacked. ' ' ' Strike , of American half?minion and more coal, miners was on in full awing. ; The strike," according to reports reaching International. headquarters lualiy. 100 per..cent-, effective, bidding lair, to precipitate the most titanic labor struggle in history the walkout )f minirs, which began .officially one minute past 12 this, morning, stop' pcd production in approximately 5,000 _ of the continent's 7.560 cosl L- J ' ?- =V j s ; nines. With tha rxcrfrtinn of Ift.ftftfTTThvn Scotia nfftiers not affected by the itriljp movement and some 9,000 .in Western Kentucky wlio decided to :ontinue at work, all the union coal Timers ot the United Slates and Caucda Wete reported idle today. .The Sentucky-workers, according to early ?porta, made the only rift In the' Union's solid, front. URPTTTMr. Of PERSON , . ? "COUNTY REPUBLICANS. v * ?o? -- - r Meeting of the Person County ReViirrt..Hoiiiio nt. "RnvHorrt. Sattirdftv Vp'ril *the. 1st at 2 P. M. to appoint lelegates to-the" follon'mg Conveniens. State,'. -Concessional,-- Judicial mdj-SauaiprMtL Cphveailuns. . r "Mr. R< A.' BurcH was elected Chairman and Edwin Eberman, Sec. the 'ollowihg. were ejected to attend. the. ' Rawing > CJonyentions, ttJo State Vnvention is to be held on Apyil 2th 1922 at Winston-Salem the oth!r Conventions will be called later. These fleeted to the State SjSnyenion-ore as followi C. H;.Hunter, W. 3. Motrin,-. J. C: PhsSj-R. A.- Butch, V<: F. Long, A'.; P. ' Clayton, _.J._ T, Voojy. J. G. Chambers, EdwinTdbornah, M. W. SatterfieM, H.'J. Whitt, Vra. Mcrrell^C, A, Monk', L. n,_Dan- . el, I,. IVI. Clayton, A. E. Fogleman, 1. E. Mitchell, D. M. Andrews, T. G. Ain3fotd and T. D. W-i nstead. . Any of tpo above who are going to ittend or any Republican.wishing to., ft" to' the State Cinventk)re-en Wedlesday the 12th at WrKStoh-Salem, >Jease notify Mr. C. H. Renter on or >efore the lOtU of April. , Those elected to " attend the Congressional Convention areAis follows. .V. D. Merritt, ..C. H. HOntes, T. D, ^instead, H. J.JWUtt, J G. Chambers, T. B. Davis,. R. A. Burch, W. 3 Walker,'Wm. Morrell, J T. Hamlin. Sanks Cotart, J. C. Cates, .-"Ti-Tl. [.unsford, E F. Fqx, Dr. J. I.-Coleman ?nd N. Harris. 'Those electe3~fb" attend the Judicial Convention are as follows; -Hi i, Caiyer, Jessie Yarboro, .O. C Clayton, Robort Long, David Long, Wm. M, Clayton, T. B. Woody. W. A. Clayton, T. B- Davis,.D. L. Davis, p. M. Andrews, J. H. Yarboro, T.. P. Feathers ton. Dr. John Merritt and T. D. Winstead. ' Those elected to attend the JSenatoadal Ccnrtntion we as follows: Dr. PritfhV . " p ^ yf F0 Vi toad Next. . u. .. . . . , ..Wednesday Evening Apr kit ?. ratr 1ft tlttt ?Wti+.:8-fl'ClBC*' < :oms?jnit y -r . . * I 1 ASS MEETING ?r ? y.- ? ' x x u r Y-.'-'Y . '.i. ' LAW ? '". - r - - / r * NIFQBCEMENT 3'iy.j.f;.:,1 . n ^ r.? TO HEAR >'- " V.YOUNG ,E:U - : ' The Duty of the ur" IVNIJUAL MBETING OF * . y'.a 'i WOMAN'S' CLUB. TB first annual meeting-rof the Variant" dab on Monday, April 3td, inspiration. Officers were eIdhrea for the cdmlng year, and everything pointed towards growth in iisefuinees and the,spirit .of service. We triad to hare with -si**!the mlnfatej^of oar. town, ajyd MiSs Pahneri "director- ofTTifeNorth C3T5-" tins Library Commission. also Mr. J. W. Noefl. cfUr public spinted_edjtor arid friend, all of wttom made} talks in the.'interest of a library for our towir. Miss Palmer'made a most "appealing address-showing how a public library has a wonderful opportunity and'privilegfi of uplifting all clfeses of our community. The Womans' CUb integds to doi everything. possible to' pUsh this po.oiT' &ork**?W. ' A I;?'?-4 1 CtlAftGED WITH ... WHITE SLAVER Vr ' J- Gfaham J ones we s. given a hearing, before the U. S- Commissioner an las't..Friday .And Was' ponnu over " to Federal" Court. His bond was fixsd'at one thousand dollars, and beipg. unable'No give bond was carried to ".ileiprlt and placed in jail. At short while since Jones left her and went to. Lynehburg. tv he re he telegraphed the woman in the case. Miss' Rushing, . to. meet him.. There they were taken in custody by the city autbbrities for occupying rooms at the hotel for "immoral' purposes and Jones was fined twenty one dollars and costs.. From there tlisy went to Greensboro where brought them to Rcxboro, with result? as* above stated. CLAYTON HOUNfa OVER ON BIGAMY CHARGE. "About, the first of January Charles Oiayton1 and Miss-Bessie CSiart ran away aad* were "mhrrie'd in Atlanta, Ga. ;Mr, Clayton left a wife and twe ihtldren, Shortly after his second marriage in Atlanta he returned to CramervBle, N. C., and-later cagie to . Schoolfield, Va.. where he was ?pprehended~"and brought here for trial. This case was heard by Mr. W- I. Newtcrjy. Who bound . Him over to_ Court- under a "bond of one thousand, dollars, which he was unable to, give and sent* to jail awaiting the term of Court. - ' . r ,1 ' "ft -- ?; i REV. Br'-E. WHITE CALLED. w . 1 . At a. conference ' of tWi Bpptist Oh arch last Sunday, morning a unanimous call wu extended -tp Rev. Rh E. White, of Lexington, N. C.r tebecoine paator of thft Church. 'We xtr glad to be able to annodnc^ that Mr. jjpiito h'aa accepted the call oed will tab* up tlib- work here in a. short while. The congregation it to, be corrriat'ulund upuil muilug'lliii inaii ut God to~rea1 , ,.. . , I. jn, ii 5th 1922 gggpgegg in -i?ss FORMES EMPEROR ;wi : o. Ill-Fated Successor to Empero Francis Joseph Ruled -But i Short While Before Empiri -Collapsed,With Defeat of Cen tral Ffewer Armies. ' ??o London. April 1.?Formor Emper or Cherle* of Auotris-Huncary die< tcday, at Funchal, Madeira, after ai illness of several weeks, according to a Reuter dispatch received hare He ~ had been reported - as sufferini with doable pneumonia. Death came after . a nigth.whicl gave "a false hope -of life. The Inflam mation in the Langs jiad subsided Physicians at his-1 bedside stated a dawn that his chances were battel than they. Had- been any time sinci his illness become' critical. Then came a relapse?and the end Last of Ruling Hapsburgs, The dethroned ruler was- prey t, the ill fate that ' for. centuries hat hovered inexorably over the Hous< of Hapsburg. Although -no longei wielding n scepter over the now dis membered empire, yet he died stil the legal King' of Hungary. The wave of democracy that swepi over the Central Empires after tb. war had taken his. Emperor's crowr from his head. but io thc cnl Pf stout ly?eefnsedMTo abdicate the throne ai King of Hungary. ' MR. DAVIS CRITICALLY" ILL. A measage was received here Sun day night announcing the serious ill; ness of "Mr. E. M. Davis, who "Oi ij StJLeos Hospital in Greensboro, Thi latest from bim is tHat while hie con dition is critical the chances are goo< for him bo rally.. Mr.. R. P. Michaeli was .with Mm Monidsy. RETHtLVR MONTHLY* MEBflfrNG ?The Beasd of OuuiiU Ouimnlsiluii era were in session Monday in thel reg-ular monthly meeting, all ol tin members being present, Only rontfni business' came before 'tbem at^thn sessiea. , r . V i , IMPORTANT MEETING. Prof. C. C. .Ziniraerman/jQf-Raieigl will address the farmers ..of thilsjCoiun tv in Rqxbore on Saturday. April 8th at o'clock, in thf .yourt Hlus?.' Ev erjt farmer in the County is argent !y 7 requested to hear this address.^ C. T. WOODS. . Secretary.* PR. GORREI L, HERE V y ' LAST SUNOA* Dr. 'J, H, Qjorfell, easily, one of th,< most gifted preachers Tn the Baptis denomination In this State, filled tin pulpit Hare last Sunday. He was Ifreeted by a large cobgyegation, a) of whom will be pleased to ha w bin; visit us oftener in the future. ^ N O ?' LEGION NOTES. The, American Legion will ^ hole iheir' regular monthly?meeting- Saturday afternoon, 2-o.clock p. m.,Apri Sth and all members are ureed t; b'e present as- we. arc now in our new quarters and have some very impor trnt matters for discuasiqnl Pub. .Officer. . J ' A'"' ?. > ' . NEW POSTMASTER . On Apri) 1st Mr- John W. Cham bers "was cheeked in as -Cqptmastei nt Tljr*KA*n Hn V>?o nAnei<4ftMU1< husfneai experience and will no doubi make an acceptable officer, giving. th< patrons" the- best service possible. s . o i . TRINITY 9t?E CLUB. . Coming, Friday; April 7th,_Trinit; Glee Clurb, Orchetra apd "Mandolir C-lbb. 26 male voice*, 12 piece- orchea tra and 7 piece irAgndolin club. An ev inrng of rare pleasure. Do not miai It. At the Auditorium, 8.o'clock, . ICE TIME? Yea, and -1 have prepared for . you Ak a matter of economy and pleSI urre tt wilUpay you to see my line 1 M'f!?S;~T i!?rj club?ttij very best. " -> ' " ?<, t ?- ' . v , r ?? . - * .50 Per Year in Advance - ] ' -ft . ; - ' . No-*3V BESPONSIBIUTY - Why should we^ be jdeluded into sending oar money away from horns T because of the fulsome and flatteri ing descriptions 'in a 'mail order .eaA. alogue ? WYiy should we prefer the _ Questionable qualities in. merfchsndiafe, ss exploited by a catalogue writer, to the honest, dependable goods which we can see before us in our oWn lo- * ' J cal stores? ' ' if Do we nrmr money bp- haying from. 1 the. msll order house's ? When the f matter of* -freigi* "and express ^ ' rhirers Katrn Kmi. fii.ii.,J An* ...I. f the question of delays, unsatisfactory ' shipments, breakage, damaged goods,. etc., has been answered, where is the profit, if any? _ On the other hand, til; local raer?- chant is?responsible for anything he ' sells The purchaser jmky examine ! any article for sale in the lochr store and buy only that'which is satisfac' toiy. It will be delivered without deJoy If there is any imperfection It, * wilTbe quickly remedied. If there is | any shortage in the; delivery it win" ' be supplied' at once. A personal call r or a telephone message will arrange " everything quickly. And When it comes to prices you' wiH always get full value for your money when deal' irig with! the local stores. Thejgcul-- ! dealer buys his -merchandise" in' the - opeTT "market and he sells at a profit' * ' ' to us. , . ' ', .. , 1 iHe asks only" a modest profit and he ia entitled .to it We should be perfectly-willing to pay him a profit tor his investment, for hia labor and far . his ability to save us time, trouble , and money. If we are not willing to , do tlks we lack entirely the co-opera- ' i tive spirit and! we shouk} not be ejfc. titled to the "advantages afforded us I in turn by his business enterprise BL&DKADE tJUTFIT DESTROYED ? ? On last Sunday evening Deputy. Sheriff J, Melvin Long and-3lr- &3 A. * Oliver "destroyed a .blockade nutfife I - J ?-- "-t?i 1 ersx, Jf 1UUUU UCQL . XI'UUy? IMJV *' opefator Had made his run and roov- t oil the stiH.-Th"6fe was no~one at the *t place when the officers appeared on the scene. The officers ^yere "notified 1 of the existence too late, hut they - .have their suspicion as to the , and^aMy get tV.'it '-jstiH yet. " TRINITY GLEE CLUR'? ^Coming; Friday, April 7th, Trinity GleeS Club; GTchetVa and Mandblra : ~ Clii'j. 2.5 mate-iukes, IS piece orehCB-?I?i'ra and;? piece.rmand.olin club. An cvening of rare pleasure. Do not mint , i:. AT the Auditorium, 8 o'clock. ???? -. " NOTICE. j The annual stockholders meeting" ; of the Person Union Tobacco Com- *f l party will be held intlJa office of tha . planters Warehouse Saturday, Aprit 'sSi.- at 10. o'cock, a. mT, 1922. - .* The manure in the warehouse stalls will be sold just 'after the meeting- . C. B. BROOKS, i -?: o? ? . , . CARD OT* THANKS. , We wish to express our lid art-felt thanks to 6ur neighbors and friends > for their kindness during the sickness and death of our dear wife and motheii? we assure you that your kindness- will ne'ver'be forgotten and may Gods, richest hlessipgs reat upon each one, is opr earnest prayer. r . J. A. Watson and family. . ? evening at 8 o'clock?Trinity gR _ Club?tHe very best. , ' . ? . jr. <- - ' . APPLICATION FOR PAROLE OF LEE STONE. | Application .will be made to tho .Governor of North CaroHha. for th? " parule of Lee Stone, eowirictad at thn._ | August Term, 931. of the Superior ' Court of Person-County for-tlte crime of ' manufacturing. spirijajcus liquors, and tehtenceS to jail, and assigned work on the roads of Person. County ^ ?All persona whm-sppose the granting of said parole are invited to for* ward thohr protests Tfa. the Governor _ ; without delay.. * . ihit.ABrn.t, ?7 o" -l~- ' ?' Auditorium Friday evenhvg at d " O'clock. COME. ,-rrr . vp?-?-r.?; ---- - ? - -4?" ' ml/ - . -