? . . . t v? .? PENNS P?nn*i. ' ? ^democratic Miso>uTt:' '-?? ; REPORT FAVORS TAXING . WEALTH TOR BONL'S I ."hie minority repOrt on the . &ftdiens' Bonus bill si^ned~by flve^of tl?9 eight Democratic members of the Ways and -Means Committee "favored reporting the bill faVorably bat does not j pfitove of many of "itaprovisions - ' fjve members, Floor Leader Qlaude Kitchen and Representatives "-rA OWfiaJd," CHaflL dire*' iaf'TatttMi ' cali earpordUmsj 11 .who .have plundered ar.d profiteered upontH'd pyople and .the government \ ?since January 1 191,6,-to the extent ?| -? ?*Mwer -liiWlWl.aiMJ.li'lO pf netoprtfits profiteering, These millionaires and multi-millionaires ' and corporations ~; it; were- tlri . rh*l fjpano^l beneficiaries its of the war- Why should they not now ? ' ba (made toipajithis. additional experoe of the war?" - IV The minority report favors .the ref''Too-enactment.of th< suaar on large in. comes and the reenactment of tH>''cxceas profit tax. " * ji| ftfotrifi ; v" ? ? O _> " ; f- | . * A man's job is hia best friend lit clothe* and feeda it* wife and child rem payTTho ronuaw* aupidh^.tSem SWJfl# the wboteWiflml develop and . t,?'j beeouio cultured. The. lea? 3 vim, k eaa do in return is to TlvV ll? job. oiif A molfl joh i? grateful. It isKkB-a :of-p ltWe. ??rdjan <*11 oif'IdW. IS it . wUI^Mt-.doK,.flodret;.1^pvttttt?. VfWtb I i>?li frpihtl" .hi?_to. ehI? '<* inc becaoec ho like* li s v/ork; lnddif bo > teve? it &* beat*, and *wl a< \i. vrcjpped ttp .ih?A^_ " g,cal and m Mi to I entraps -- " od ornt. 'tto love* h4? ijfor>, hb-talkj - KiA WuiOit'ie ?nHreJy in...|.aii>t?fa |j, ,, ,f.om hi. work,. iritMli t"i,^a|y ? every, man worth M*. sak oukHI U =>.-;? ^ If ^e -#wnt* th make M-hia work >-- - *hnt ,ft ?HouUUbe ,and" make of. him - ' eefir Jtbit 1).- >>aht*- to be.?Artrhoi , -.rl^Capper, .C. S. Senator from K?naai V - l ' " - * - i,in !iifROVED UWiHMUl WTttWlONAt - , %iddySd?ol[ T fcesstm' (By KLVr-f. fc- iWSWTtllilcr JJR fkyte CopyplKbt. W^iwu L'Ctog. ^ 1 F?ftAU gAP A DDH Q isf"^^V%f V'"\jT> ' TW^^TTF*i% ' ' '- '"-t Bj| THE LORD PhCSBBVES J(5*6H . ..^yaOK TEXT-11 Kin*? 11:1-17. QC)IiDE2i_J^tXT?Th? Eord. .un?scrv*th 0*1 tc**i thai . lore Him.?Pf-alro 1?;?. REFERENCE MATERIAL*?11 H.ln?j 1 11:IW?; H 2piUU, Matt. J03-K. -, ? ^ PRUIART ^>PiC-4H>a Take* Cat#'of TOiUC-How ..Boy Hec^n. ' . WTKaitBDi^TBjAXp SAVIOR TOPIC i ?A BOy Saved 'fof a Great Career- ( YOUNU ytetu,aH? aPin.TtTOPIC ?TEe' Secret Of personal Sad National. 1 Safety. .' jffri/ ' .() } T. (JJo nth, viewed lij the Lig^t of his an- "i cestors, wusapovr prolrihrcttor a kllj^_ . "HIh .grandmother ?as the wicked < AthalhiV nnd^hlB great grandparents , were AJub-and Jezebel. There was enough bad blood In Ida veins to asaer". ?* ' ''*. ' " . l.'Uet attempt to destroy the seed royal; (w. l)_ In order to remove any rival claimant to?the throne the tried to kilt all the' royal male chH* dfen. ? '" ~~ ' " ' - - i. J . 2-Jnnsh preset i ;d . l>y Ju'fiSjheba 1 ' (tv. 2. MT.-^ougn Athullali wus "keeneyed hhe-was cheeVmflred he another woman. Her fiitftl omission was-not to get rid of tile' women too. This woman, the wife of the priest, stole ' e*-ay the child''and hid him in the bedchamber tor six years. God Had ; promised thnt through the Qaj^dlc '! line "the* Messiah should coiner' In order thnt'thls line be unbroken Joaah . must be preserved. No pnrpDse of God can fall. II. Jossb Crowned. Klna CTVv'4-12). 1. Jehoinda's preparations (vv. 4-11). The high priest and UU wife were In-' telllgent nnd strong chura'rters. As.' I "the high priest. Jeholada felt-that it' uas lils nuts-to .thwart Che heathen project of Athallah. Gbobtless his cooperation with his wife made possible the saving of Joosh. (1) Secured the eld of thfe military leaders (*. ' Hi khew somehow that . them men . were ..not loyalto Athallah. - <2) Bound them . under solemn.oath Cv. it. Ha took en oath of them In the house of the Lord. Honest men will stand by their word. fi| ^vu(ii Hull, I [ml lull mi (v. 4). He gave them-a. sight of the king's' son. Ttiia. rim doubt, was a greet surprise- No"' luivlng seen the heir .to the throne they would risk every- r Tiling, even v nf ti.I- l.tw, showing that the king ivns. to rule according ' to. the law of Ciod. " Ttte.aet of putting j the law upon file head Showed that J the king fiUnself would be under the 1 control of the Jaw. <4) MadehUn^ king- This jhows that-lie was made klngji.v the choice pf the people., (5) Anointed hfmT They poured oil upon his head. This Was the usukl-uiethod of in-nsecroting prophets, .priests and . kings. -tfif Clapped their hands. This _iyas ? tfiken of Joy: ' 111. AMialiah Slain (W. 13-17). L T"Th^ Alolse of the .coronation of }oash T-rotieh Athalfah to the t emote . (V. 15)., Up't'6 this ticfle'she thought her pluce on the -thyohe'.'Was secure "and" that her heathen religion had free course. ^.j . J. Her dismay (v. 14), Upon Jier arrival at the tfciple she saw "the king wearing the ceewn .and suV rounded by the guards, so that she conld do nothing. In her despair she, exclaimed; "Treason, treasonl'" How prone wicked men and women are to cry out as though they had been wronged when tbelr wicked plots and conspiracies ure exposed and thwarted! 3. Athallnb executed (vv. 13, l&J. The Orders were that, she should not be killed In the temple.. They led; met.uliL gy the wsy-trf TRe horses' 'en. til the klnxr'a nnlnr>o onrt clots* | her. VChat a tragic end for the sinner.' Sip can ogly prosper.for a time. ?V. Worship Of fho 'Trtis God (tr. 17. 18). 'joasb w*S neren years old when. he tens' made, icing. Tire lifah priest made a covenant between the Lord. the Icing and .the people that they wnaH.he the Lord's people, {9. carrying out this corenngt they broke dowja thg temple- of Baal and alow the priest of Baabm/ . T&1 WA-lieiAS jis: : 1 1 ll! .181 i 11 n i n none?helPeae- io GocL- : 'tfaaring bringg na'.to the-dnsr of Hie "Vpenoe, tofT ItydfrtnyripejmywgtjtL.; eUnilsston.?Koran. - j ! The Saddest Thing. Til ?.....H- . -?1? ^TluTviMurirtiM grnnii mm eim t woman.?Aleranrter-SmltlC ' ; WepsillM Joy. ? A v.-fiiEMry to hop* en ll-joy Is reeL r. rlciies-, one to IVor and sorrow. rssV poretty.r -Hvnr. < '. "ie .rutswps:-.- - % 1 _. Tri. ,.. ? ' x t THE ROXBGRO. COURIER-A; . MM?Ml? J | I I I _ HI! ,1 jllMidr - - GAINS 15 "": * 'LBS. AND FEEJ S LIKE LiffrSf ems Althogther ToFfferTunlac Full-Cftwrtt. ' .'fir."I am like a giH again " full of life and iHOgt 'AM."t'iWBt pSlieve thy fcfealttt icculd be' irap^vef SlfViiM jtlrfc. E. -P.r'wkltl?t'"fllM Monroe St., L.>-nchbuSgr~V?h' ???; * " "I 'attribute^ the wonderful change]' m my condition to TarUac and ;nothpg When I tjegan, taking it I (ad |.beei?-'suffering f?"r' fijfor - with stomach-trouble and was in a;wretah- y id. Estate'of health; ( had gotten so veak a^4 run thai, actually I didn't have strength enough to .sweep s room or make dp "a bed.: " "It is simply marvelous the way t have'been-built up,-1 have gained fifteen ppunds, mv digestion, is just perfect now and I am feeling, better and stronger .thin, in many years." ? i 'Sold by. Hamkripk land Austin.'. Jt- ; ?' | REPORT OF THE CONDITION QF C , in the gtate of North Carolina, st the.close of business. March tOtb, 1922. - , . * 1 RESOURCES * U "Loans and- ' Disspunt3?'r$369.207.80 ' j. Overdrafts, secured, un'sfeciirei,,.-$38f7U f .'1*744 it AH otHrr Stocks, /Bond, 1 ' ? and" Mortgages, 37,610.00 4. BanWnf-Houses,.^,600.00 f - t Furnltute dnd .f ix- ' , ' turei, -15,520.39 ^.14,02039 5. Cash'in vault and net ' ' f Mfv| 4amounts due frcm Banks, l"Biirrtters,'*Jf6i Trust Com- jpt pani'esU... I.:;.:.. 27,948.01 ItrWIiMrtWfWW " clearing, 410.p7 ... .* esem! TotajLuc-^.,.-?-3449.671,11 & LIABILITIES 1 Cf L Capit??5tock. paid in. A 2S;06o!o6 ' 2. "Surplus l and, "25^00.00 . . 3. Undivided Profits, less . -) current expenses and taxes -paid, ?t,.? 3.837.74 . 4? Unearned. Discounts, ' 1,000.00 C. Dividends Unpaid, ---- 129.00 6. Notes and bills rediscqunted "-.l-i? '7,500.00 ? 7. Bills Payable " ' -1' , ". jffittfrlBV ' 6. Deposits Due Banks, Bankers, and Trust? Com-. ponies -i?- Uiu.rt... . ,492.56 Deposits subject to check lIo,99?,ll 10. CAshier's Checks- out-_' *- . itknlftng, 1.? * 867.611 *pi. Time Certifloates oti Do> - J. posits, Due C:& or Alter __ J 30 days, -s--- 139,114.50 :" 13., Accrued Interest due - " depositors - 1.0'QO.Op Total,' - .--$449,57M1 Pi State of Srbrth Carolina?County o?f Person, 3 30, 1922. ?_ I, \y. F. Long, Cashier of tHS above named Sank, do "solemnly swear that the above statement is true to .. the best of my- knowledge jfkl belief. Subscribed and sworn to before me; tits, 30 day of March 1922. E. G. LONG, . . Notary Public, n Cnm. S l . have j arT?lttfbe-year-roun . -v ' ' *n3 V. ?"-'v'^-'^V^Ti "WHAT is more essential to > -to rest their- minds-? The J oney to secure the'West'thai r everyone. If the Home Th< Le public could go for a little ieerie8*, because aH jwprk at -M MORAL;?Spend your i ?? . 1 1 ? THE WELFARE OF TI * BF.CAI KOXBORO: GROCERY CO. Roxboro, Ni C. Wholesale Grocers?^er.d - u your order ?1 ? " 1?' 11 1' '' ' if i ROWELL AJJTO COMPAb .; Roxboro. N. C. ... Home the Ford. SERGEANT, &.CLAYTON Old SguiUis Omeecy Store flone us your- Wants?-prom : . delivery. DAVIS DRUG COMPANY Roxboro,' N; ??""* !ake our Store your headqur - ters ? ,Js BRADSlHER .& GATES Roxboro, N. C. 1 ring your automobile troubl -?tu us-.? ir~ ? " MOB GOODMAN White Front, Court Street Our prices win?try us THE PEOPLES BANK, Oldest and Strongest ssets over One Million Dolla * i 1 BANK, OF ROXBORO. afety deposit boxes for rent Your Account Solicied. FIRST" NATIONAL BANK, . Capital 370,000.00" "" trphts and profits $80,000. ?u I ,i ...... OMMERCIAL PRINTING C ?.? VMiJ ? lUttiKlg*! n??. Shop That Service Butt i i i fi ' : lietter Subscribe to ... . _ ' r~-' " ' ? S'">' > " ? ? >?2us ^ - '*?? ? PF" THERE 15 THE SPWt P mMe&rcm. AND OT A MUCH LOWER ?'YES.irwtHfln wwrri rr DTHOME PRICES fl? SAVED A. NECESSITY?AMUSEME V ' f ' 4, "' . the average person than amuaet lome Theatre furnishes "this' net the market affords in order to p ?tfe were to. close its"doors and diversion, the whole community tf no play makes very long and: c money at your Honte Theatre a ifiSE ME^AaNTS l^Hqt'LJ} I JSE YOU .RISE' AND FALiL W1 ^ .-jEl'i-1- ><;. - . " fy' .iry*' J . ' ?' ?-xr. V To bny rigfeTT huv atTherlj place WILBtTRN & SATTERElEL ?X.; Roxboro,:N, C? . . " . , - , ?*C IV . GARRETT & WILKERSOPi Roxbprfl; X. General Store?anything; an j. i everythingROXRORO -COTTON MILL pt 1 Koxboro, is. c. I Fine?Yarns THE-PBJNCESS THEATRI i t" Rnxboro, N. C.- N Lr" Amusement for the-entire ' .. family ~ " HAMBRICK & AOSTIN es ' Druggpat * " Block's Candies. Fine stations ?:=Shd Toilet Goods?? JACKSON1MOTOR COMPAP Studebakers. Reos, Maxwell Overland Gas and Oils. % W. L- MOORE rs Fresh Meats and Groceries _ Your trade Is solicited?sal faction guaranteed U, } R. A. SPENCER & SON, Undertakers * ? . Superior Service?best j>rice S. P. SATTERFJELD Insurance -- ___ no "Old & Tnetfc^ You know. UV/ ?.<*?* fOfUJ^j *J tffl ?? ' 1 I x HARRIS*& BVRNS p iw" Retlw?!s . BeHt, Store > jj Every thin* f?* the comfort,, t" the fam?tv ' affile txeiM^a day Sl.50|ye? . * .7^ BljuO ' *,N;' if '. VI ^ ' * r-r, '*' * * < ' Y ':,^ .. '. ' ' -'v "V i ? ' " ', f.rr A ,v; V ' IftY BiUJEO THAT WESWIN THL PRICE THAIt (T COSf USTQ 5CE tTT ) A FEW OfffS WE COULD HAVE SEEN 'is-, * OURSELVES ATOESOWC TRIP." * * v,.??w V ';>11 .-V* J fc nent, A place where ail classes can essity apd spends much time and lake their place of business a roecca there should be no place to which would soon' become siuggishand KlH dAyst'. ' f :> ;in MVii ??,elt^rtatned, \ -?:?: 1 ? *7 TBE YOUR FIRST THOUGH?/ l^./r t *,T- '.*? ?- **f? >'?vsr'-f?' ITH THEM. \ ', 'J ':" "'T'' V J V i" ' " ?: .V.., A-r:..--.r. 1 V. 1 1 ;ht NELLOT..TBER, > ?T Tload Contractor, & h RoxbOro. N. C. : ? ' JOHN F. REAMS,. General Contractor, Roxboru. N. C.d "| Figure wl% me before you build , . : .. THE COURIER ~i Sl,jQ a Year. ? " All kinds of Printing ' i- " i ' i ' urn '** ROXBORO LIGHT &- POWER _ [ Cf). , # Roxborb, N. C. *' J "DO it the electrical way." , BLANKS & MORRIS, ? Roshoro, ic C.% For best Groceries. Ph<^ne t} i ~~ G. W. KANeTT^'iB Contractor | IY _ .V I & Ta Purchase The Right Goods at I the RIGHT PRICE, Come to k / HARRY RA1FFS A 'OPPOSITE COURT HO?8*. m KOXBORO LUMBER CO. "* la- Roxlforo, N, O . . Buy from us and bank the dif? ? deference . 't WATKlNS & BULLOCK, '< Roxboro, iN.-.C. a Everything to bt|fld with. ~ 1 A. L1PSHITZ Roxboro, N. C- ' 1 rt?e Store of Quality ? - ? - SPOON & LEWIS 3* . Consnttin* Engineers Roxboro & Gre<*Tboro. fft. C. "I ir and worlK il