Hgife >. -.' . L* " - ' ?* "' m ^ ? ' > ~~~T""' am courier ? : J. W. KOELt,, "Editor. .. ipMatlsfcied Every Wednesday Bveutof "' "suii.sc'iurrio.v i kr^s"^" ' MM a year, 76 centi for 6 monthi i 46 caotryfor 3. months-^Caah in Ad ( - i- * . far vdaws expressed bp correspo* Sabered at tbs Poat Office at Box. hero, N. C? as secopd-class matter ?a?a? _ mi an I | i IIM???.'mmmmmmm. i . cr^nm AdW-runna H?T' Ventwtivd' j : . J rHP.AMERICANPREaf X^SQCUTJOy J """j^oxboPoT"N. C. April sth 1922 , ^11 ' J BACK HOME. SfT " ' . ^ I ' ' .far nearly nine years we havebeoi searing Uhclo Sam," and at the sapu \ tithe try inn to look after Tfhe Coii rier. Naturally, as our governmen duties required" us to .give at leas eight limits a day to that service vri bare had to slight the duties at thii j-19f2l ^ V *: - * ?o? r'7~ " On the seventh in this issui f will *be found an article headed. "Ar< J; ' the Crop Yields b'f , Person .Count; K-- Prpfitahle." We hofe every farme: [ . in the County will read this nriicU I "j: fo it shows what many of our fram ; era do not kiifiw. and that is. the I art- losinr tnomey,'*Of- course, ?{1 r. a- you know at Mbe end r'f the year tha F- - you tip not liiTt- mu,;h to show, fen U- 1 the year's work, hul f, n i f reu 1 imn Br just where you failed to make good i * Read this article and see'Just '.Vila at > it costs ybu to produce the?werioui crops, and gee what shU remedy' is |L_:. ctir.p: proppsumn. and hope it'is-got * - invr tobe of 1 jrreat help to every one . "but the real tHntr is to reduce ,th< eosf -of your crop by poducing inSfi . jier aero. On your tobacco last yeas 1 yott Met about two af hfln " drnd; nn your com you 3oat ttbeiil rr 26 cent# a'bushel, whife on Vour-o3 , ^ ; , . " crop'you lost cloacr Tb 60 dents a hush TarriiSr or merchant " "dan" "contmui f]: ~ losing money on'his-salsa without (tor . inv to t.h? Wall. " pettainTy,., eyery farm& d^ -noI , * . ,Z-2 /ii^' ' -- y . r <; y -, > " :,r , ; y'y : 1 Inw monpy. either on his tobaccp, corn or opt*, but tf?a average Jar me 1 | did, and most of.our farmers are on' ly average fanners. Read"lj>e. article , digest' it, and then > make up youi . mind that yon . are going to be one who will' prepare the seed,bed bet* ter, nse fetilizer more intelligent1 ly, rnd more thorougrlj cultivate after using, the seed and , fertilizer San? and sensible farming will pay . and *we believe we have sane and sen "! sible men -who are awakening to tlw fact that it taltes brains to rum t farm just as .-jt does to run a store cotton jnil) ar "lawyers office. ) Now, that the Co-operative Maket i ing has been put over w^j*wish w< * "had'the power to convince*'the plant tj er that if he expects to. deceive anj 1 benefits from this movement he masi ' not produce an unprecedented largi ' crop. tbr~ just as sure as he does H. 1 will get a very small average foi his crop. One of "the things we hope 5 the Co-Operative. Marketing Assocm J ' V. v , . tion- will do.js to keep this idea be fore th'e farther, for it will be im ! possible for the Association .'to-main _ .lain prices if a bumper crop-is raiset y_ t b. s. year.1^ T I ? f- - 0 1 ' In tija.death of Ci>l. Jno. S. Cun i ingham Persda County-loses one ol zens. for, notwithstanding- that hi , moved *>\ our neighbor County 01 t Durham about, twenty years ago h< . always claimed ..this (Jounty as-bit , home,, and was deeply, interested it '('he welfare of its peoplet^ttte wa; j bom and raised in this County anc | was honored many times by""The citi . liens, fewraeh have wielded a'Target l" influence in the County?than did j Colt Chinningham, and his death wil bring sorrow to many hearts.-*? ANNOtjXCEMteNT. 1. 1' hgrgfty aiinosnce" my self a. candi ' date "for the nomination of Sheriff : subject" to' the DemoChatic primaries > I Was born on the farm and have liv , ed. on the farm ever since, Sive foi y.'r time I'"Was in Camp and oversea! jn thB'late world war. I will appreci ate any kindness'shown me. and.es* pecia'liy yaur 'vote In Hid 1'nin.u,-.' Yours truly. ? ' SAMUEL P. JONES. , March 28, 1922: 4ts. * ~ 0 s ''ANNOUNCEMENT" ' j I desire to announce to the voten of this County that I am a CandidaU for nomination of Register of Deeds 1 subject tfi^the-Democratic Primaries > Truaflt^gj tHut the good pfr?|?te of tbh r county may see fit to favor roe wit) :l|^ .'-Thfi.1 c I A K. N ^ : !. ' . h I r - - " ft.. . * x -???r^-. : 1 * '. " "V : r- *v:- "*'* . - 'J THE BffXBORO^CQIIBlEB?Ai {heir hearty ?iyi> loyal support. And ' . eil to the said Office to render, to the people of, this Coupty the best ser[ Vice there is in my ability. Thanh- < " ing you, .1 am . , ' , Yours very. truly; ' Willie T. Kirby. . * . j ' ' , , o? ?- T t' . ANNOUNCEMENT - ~ - l hereby announce myAelf as can' did ate for the nomination for Register of Deeds subject to the demo' cratic primary. My " record;* as 1 worker for the party for t)ie past "thirty years is well known and ' will appreciate -the support of -my friends- . ^ 0. D. BAILEY. . Woods dale, N. C., B. F- D. - | ^-ANNOUNCEMENT. To The Voters of Persop Countj: I take (Mis method to. announce ' that I am a .candidate for the nomm[ ation of Sheriff for Pel-son CohntyT , subject ttf the Democratic primaries. ' T Viovp hnon pnnnru?fagl Oka. iff's officer for some time and how* Well I have., performed .nrx duties, yop all know. I think I know wWat is required to fill this position and be- , lieve I can fill it to the satisfaction of the good people of this County. If ' ybu think so, I will appreciate your . ' vates and if nominated shall try not "to" d-rsappeint?yiws, ... -Very', truly, ', 'U'. -\1ELVIN LLQNG. ANNOUNCEMENT. ' I desire to annouce to the voters - uf this" County ItTnr 1 am a candidate 5 far .the nomination . of. Register of f Deeds, subject to . the-Democratio Y primaries. I will, greatly appreciate . anything you_may_di> for .me. I am no sSrajiger to the moat of you, hav- " ' ing beeii. raised on. a. farm in this ' County, and spent all'of my life with I you. r ' . Thorkine those "who have so gen. erously tendered their support and trusting you'will give me a- liberal vote, I anii~ J-' Yours very truly. >' - JAMES H. WHJTT , ANNOUNCEMENT. * . , - I beg- to announce to the people of . Person County that-I am a candidate - for the nomination of Sheriff, sub c joct to the Democratic primaries. i -This is my native County, and while . I have, been living in the adjoining . County of Durham, I am back home, .any,' M.mtr of ybU | know me personally and to those I who do not know me, as almost any qf your friends. - In asking: for thiif nomination I feel that my < ? iv . i. i aas, v li-e president i. G. Clayton, Cashier,., _______ . , , ft Fhoa, B. iWoody, Asst.. Casi H. Wilson Asst. "Cashier. - -?i.-. i . ? UC, ' < ' '' I ?Jf * . ? ? -"i ? i.; ~ C * . . - " ? - ' " ~ . ' PFuiu .Mitrr-nwy - . Hanaro lis and Frequent Sprayings n?.? ;7 * Naoaeaary to Insure Returns to _ ' ?' immmiuui m,iugrnpj. . ~ OM c{ the principal of tbe numerous slogans of tbe successful cottag* tardener is "Get the ,Bug^?and (Jet Em Eerly!". V ' - | Unless (he bugs aie killed .'before they: have time to breed, the gardener has about a ninny trountM ounds; quicklime, four pounds; water, ^0 gallons. = Dissolve the Mue-stQne in. a. woodon or earthenware vessel, using hot water. Dilute with half the water. Do not use in tin jor other metal containers, fis they~'v>YOuld be spoiled. Slake the lima by adding. Water, a liU- ; tie at a. time: When reduced t*> a milky ffuid,'dilute with the. rest of the water and strain, through' doubled cheesecloth or a br^ss w|re strainerof IS' meshes' per inch and "pour Into It the bluestone solutlOD. Stir well T and npply nt once. This is best when pcepa red j fresh. for .each uslQg. . OANPFY AMD CbAV G01L i The chief virtue of sandy-soli, says the United'States Depart- I meat of Agriculture, is that .the roots of piaats c an pass through It readily ;Tts"Tfilef. fault Is that it drlc8< ' \' S3W IS HER FOl it' the, StiiU Coat, Dres hat"will be booming tc n. Our, Spring l,ine8 of Piec'eGoods ahd~??ovel re as low as can be foui r is just around the cori one wants tb. be well di a ler. ine best, (tressed folks tha a ir\ Roxboro. and most of them 1 get the best and save money. 1 \\ ? i.yp itlvvnv : nlorjncr\ ith on'i a ' 1 nit. tiiTTfljO yiJDaiJtiL yvz__3xjr J Harris ^ | RdXBORO'S B Safety C Boxes f oi SMALL BOX PER MEDIUM BOX PEI > *- LARGE BOX PES T. E. AlJSm PRESIDENT lib ' = ~j. Jtvery man wants to provid drenrnot only todjatrbtrt-ahnrfi however, are carele.ss.and alld\ to prevent the.rri frft'm giving.-^! * ore^'THis brings-gadness and Start aolAccount irv eur Ba fast-resolution to ACCUMULA* and#oocJimily^9 future. It will atftihyr. y-> ??^ "XAAA H '^Tilrn _l . TTTTT _ VToTCV .> -1- *" : aT 7 V * v - \ ? . f . - . "' - -J ==????? > . r 1 h't *> ' * " . *"? f. , ? - ritig ; ' - i] , : Outfit I E M S YOU l ' s. Hat, Shoes anjl Hose t6 @1 i you is here awaiting' your H| ReadyTo-Wear, Millinery, sj ties are now comnlete Our 1 - - r.. - i r id for equal quality. Spring -.y- , ly. Easter is not far away. P ressed for Spring anji Eos- Ij j t you see buy their clothes m buy from us, because they f B Come arrd let us show you. Ja ve rob' !' B ^ fcf Burns 1 V' EST STORE! . II deposit r Rent v ; ; ' ' YEAR $1.00 V t YEAR $1.50 " - | YEAR to.nn " I - . mm r ~ ..a. x'_ 1 . ' . "' -. - . ,.-f ' - :' ?I Bank | your Money I fetymr 1It is your ... II ^ ' r-'?? ' gj& , i - r " V . ;J .... a ie'for his wife and CMt- - " r"'-J of'tlw-FUTURE; Some,,f?? ' " v -The pleasures wf today oper 'attention to the furrtisfer*Jater>on. . 7*' A nk to