r... - macm/mE^PRmx Ibp^^ ^ ct>>jl' njkAj;y 1 ? ; trPROFfiS*'Q*MLCARi)A<i ~ ?' " r'li ..' . II V * ROXRORO, N. C. ' * iM ', -- ?- II 1^.11 I. ' I . ? ? * ? *" * ' w'lS* i? -DR. G. C. VICKERS * Dentist j * Office in Newell building f : * on North ^lain street, - * next ; door to Roxboro . Grocery Company. > ?oif; ROXRORO, N. C. * , t. M * ?'"? S ' | . ' ' ' * (i * 0 ? . N. LUNSFORD ' - * Attomey-at-law '* i ? Office aver tiarreit's Store *" " ^ ROXBOSO# N. C. T~ m '? ? ? ? 1 * . DR. B R. LONG - ! ; ? Dentist | * Office over Bank of ^Roxboro * , .. 'J# * ?r- J IT ' _.? ? F. O. CARVER * Attorney and Councellor at 1 . ? * Office over Bank of Roxboro j . ' w _ ^ -V- * V t * ? ? *' ? * * ' * DR- B. I; TUCKER ' ' T-l. ... Den tilt * Office in Hotel Jones over ' * Dr. R. J. Teagne's office -.. ly t ' t t, ? 'f t t f t 4'.. "~f"~ "" . ^ Ik: V ' la:' " *?i f JNTjuyin^ a motorca t". 1, ?att?factio%?OT-wjm > \.r.\ss^ssee fc Here s vrhy; /,. ' Its" 50"-Kbfaepower rnt - ample power and ?pe< Itffropmy body is ash, , vefjl built. It. U mac Studeb'ater s pvn ?n' coaebrWork bai been* . 70 years. , It* I 19-incK "ff* ' - ?onr>fort lot fire passei proricUa ro^rn enough -i- geks.to reU*,.wjtboutcr ' _ restfuVgenuine'+eathei t| ' - . It* depfiridability Kks | = --^iit ha?ii> dt AwmAwJ ..' Aid whert you corripi 4?.. ':' " '-^csisiBjywwi VvfAwH! JACK . ' I I r . . . . T^TTTl - i *: yv.. . : v"""? ? *L_ . . ; r .. . _. - , , . - _ ^1 - . t ' . . rfe '-^:r .-. J ?:--' > i < 4 ijp a> ^ ?'i ?< ' BOBEBT P. BUftNS , Attorney at Law PEOPLES BANK BtflLtttNG ' Prompt and rarafal attention giro- * k 5'os sieH.::*: r r-fh'n' ? ? n vijtfl*- >' ">; W- T. BUCHANAN . SURVAYOR MILL -CREEK.- N. C. Route 1. > " > . ? * . * % f Hrnm&rnm Sekeduhr fflfectfre, . Jan,,. Ig. 592^. p. m. a. n*. - .A-.M B-Xi t5:S0l*7:00. lv. Durham at. 11:0019:11 t7-.q9!*S;13 lv. Rokbode ar. ?:23)7iS? t*:58|*8:45'I*. Dtann&totr ar. 8:4817*19 tS:20;*8:05 lv. S. Boston ar, 8:1810:56 t8:351*9:17" lv Halifax ar. 8:02|6:43. cll:15!*ll:30ar. Lynchgvlv. x5:8014:15; p-.n^a- it ?; . a. m. p. m| [ ,r/-9ytr fo^yDaili Ex. Sun. Connection! at Lynchburg with traini eitt and westbound. Parlor tod sleeping care "dining sart^ ;. Thr baa I root* to the ; west and northweit. Rates and Informat,on open application to agent, n Rf. C. SAUNDERS, General Ppsa. Igut. Roanoke. Va. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator jf the estate of T. H. Hobgood, de .." ' . . . ^"3r~ ~3'4' I . I I Ijfl; ,/] | r, y6u eidier &ut/ cars, keep in m fypu had. Yon < - equimrasnt and * iop-wken -you the SPBCtSL-SlX i T SfEClAUSDW - Jcw^?ie^.y ' Cowl ventilator c< m give, yea - f Ump d '4 - Parking Fights in 1< andaamc as it it "ySS& I i . . Onfe-piece rain-pr complete m hioWw.p^ s Ofts Wheri? fine Large jectangiil^r in progress lor f ~ * Tool com part men with lock * insures utmost Triinamiasion lock igers because it ?t??anc? tQ_owtn 10loarhcpd**'" been ^ S^The'S^SaC ire it with other ~y?? buy swy am tfS.Piim.n, .J*tt. sri7Tr t smriftn Jlto, 3*4**. S21S0. Atlpric.-f. O. b. SON MOTC iiifriMrtn. 3 ? ",v , ~' _ ~~Z THE .ROXBOTfO COURIER A!'I* o By Q?Hea Sugbroe r tOm l^ooohopi //'. > - '.. .-, ' leased, l^te of Biirson County,', NotA Carolina, ibis is" to notify" all persona having claims against the estate.of' aid deceased to 'exhibit them to the undersigned on or' before the 15th day of March, 1923, or thisi notice' wilLba' pleaded in bar of thoir recove MjfAll persons Indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. Thla _15th' day of' Starch, 1922. J.'T. Newton, Adm. ,p O , r> c: * . " 1 ureat r^eaucuon IN Buggies .' and Surries Write for Special Prices for the next 60 days in parts for Buggies, sucH as Tops, 'Wheels, 3kafU,?H!HT Rubber Tire also at Low Prices.Auto Tops Recovered and trimming Work. ; j ! Cars and Buggies Repainted . at REASONABLE PRICES. ,j -ij R. A. HARRELI. BUGGY CO., Sorth Boston, Va. 3, IS 3 jpoa. ' ' "> ? ~ .1? N T,;-, " ' #' v , f' ,1 3?c. JL" . " ~ -p-r nnL . ^ ; '/--i-.'-j iivd tkese features of eniember tbe prrice?fS $1475 f-o-b- factory: <Wt on instrument ' " " ?j introlled,from instrument" \ * th extension cord. ywer comers of windshield oof windshield %nd windpfate gtass rear window t in Jefr tiand-'fcmrk door ftS-firVEEni which reduces cost of in ? ISg, to 20* T d thfrYake iofk^on ignition non-and tp<Jt<o"rn part moot. ' , 4 in t?ll V(M 1 r-Jt '* ' l points of superiority Slk. Vou - owe SI' 16' ' 1 Jty"! a giodefeAw Leftue.' ? trM ^ - === v-.-, factory >R CO. 1 ' --?' -;tt ' p*4?j WgWfcMiiMBij, v x ^ | - ' ^ ' i * * ' ' mts the crop vi?lks" ~ ., of pf.rsov roi xtv " . profitable ? , ? , ~T? ' By ? David D. Dang, Soil Specialist SOU *f Wtt^' ni?! : -3- ?! ' ' * J' 'Ct Improvement Committee .. , (-> ' M Atlanta: Gs. p< i - - ' ct In this time'. qf itres* when all. ct firmer* are t-ryinq to.,won: oat ol a . ^depression, it is essential that farmI ins a4 a. business, should & looked U*pon/ from a . business basis. " " It- is necessary to diversify, for ,djversificatioft always has been* ..paving proposition even hsfsri?TTr-t-51 JmJ-Weesil caroe^aatTespeoially so in Pj relation' to the production of horad ' supplies: ? " Diversification . however, is net ' ?jtll whole solution unless the'Yields of the crops <re profitable. It csmrot 41 |be expecte#ithar a farm operator can a just dfverslfy and expect to work out ?; tcf this seripus situation,.It requires 5^ tnofe-than thist- It requires, that the -yields shall be sufficiently high to ^ pay costs of production'and leave a M profit. Low yields ate -very often " the cause of complaints that pvsges P do .not pay costs of . production. ^ i? -DtrttKrTSates*-aepartmimcot ,A?ri- Jj culture as well M the North Carolina kl with ujereatSd yieldd the cost of pso- 11 J...*.: I .1 ? Jt a. ?' vuvnun , per uuaneij ur puunu u( a ?' product -decreases and that the profits per. acre increase. It^ls necesi- '* ary tllirefore ~to lock trail' to your H yields r to determine whether or not 1' they' are profitab'- r 1 |f * T ?Aahiuif lor a basis the average."eoet- a of production per eacre of tjie leaetunf*'crops-of the state for 1S22, aa. estimated by Dean C, B. iy.illiam* of { the. North Carohna.Jptrite. College "of j Agriculture an"1 the aver*ge.-yi?ida T of. tSe c(?bnty ns giVen by the cen- it sua cf-1-520. ? fair approximation call ? -fee made: as -to .wHsthcr cr not the h [yields'are proifitSble. tl I The aVerage^cost of production sra s; defevmincd by Dean Williams include n rent of- land, fe^tilibera man and hi hnrse"* lab'fcr for preparing ({round, .1 t.V?iyatiap, baryesfiiigr aod"rmrHrer-?* , iftjr. Or storing, the1'crops. . \1 , TTrtiliters allowances were as fol- a i lows': i -h ! Corn nnd oats. 300 lbs. of a -7-3-jr 1 1-2:.;^ '^7 Cottar^ 60?> thd- of an 8-3-3. a: Tobacc#,- ftOOItjf. cf an 8-3-3 b !/' Peanut^- 400Hr?.. of land plaster, i ! made from the' total costs: Such de- rj 13ucticns included7fodder from corn,jo jj--;V ;1 stMw;"3nd peapy^! X |W. - . . i seroc '^ocriyng Ifffp -nsdal? the average net costs of. production ? for the, various' crops per .acre are as fellows: ,1V" -:-.V i.i-' iUJB OatSr?y+^.k..'7.- H-2D'." 1- . 'i^fehniits' L.j-i 3-- 30lT^B J . '? Tobacco - 73.00 . Cotton Li /-wij $32.15 .COjBX , ' r{y -The 'census ^reports an average of c| 15.5 buatl.'ls "of. corn fan Person Cp. ^ At the average'-produotion cost of t; l?.a.? *v- ?ii 3" i Oip.io pur ?czxe?F?n?x?.?vr [ far the county/ would 'be U4?' This ,. cost of pre duction per bushel should Q be reduced bp all methods of increas- p ing^thfe average yield per acre. J ' DATS The J.verp^e.yif'd. "T mill I'm1 1'ei'-" V c.ul bounty was w.a bubhel"pp*r "acre according, to flJa 1920 census. With p |the; aWrsgp'asr'eagd ?p*!6f prostgcjtion at *11.20, the cost per" b'osWT 2would be 1.52 a bushel. 'ol '" ^he "censd# lit iepulis 'sii av" 2 >T?ii^>feWu?:Sa2iib3.cX c' ncr^*5t} pcnpy> celt o^MoitacUon .-as,T>r * r Dean Willtenrs. rit 73,T>? par iclre, the cost per pound vSuhl be> ytp f) cents as against 10.6 cents for the ^ | state areragh.' Wrti'hgelV n hniyerer that tnhifrn IS a-crcn- of ' quayty rstjj^^^m^onc of^yie^^ " 6&lf$( f&ifZJ* 1919 as showTJ ,hj* Ihl Mmz* tefckt ai-l$2fr Tras-tte.- j ? 'bushela pcr^acret - The'an^iysia ot' 'W*L iTt ^ll biiibion. fry 'ftfrn fioygrmgot'1:s ? oAlr^fs th > ???? * '< .1 hi .I i -i a, . . , .. 1 Ear(X>i* cqnwy G?o(5jia~shi5ws that > ic costs of production per bushel ipldly decreases as the yield incnssa U Th? profits.a U6 increased trlth io ia?iJd*-'4t?1d ITarfi*'Ubli1'J i hvereage yleji-'of 70 bushels per ire. coat per* bushel to produce nta end (taw * profitof #14.is per to. With a yid* of ISO bushels ;r acre-the cost waa. reduct.-d to 28; ntp per bushel and ,tH- profit in- 1 chSed to (Jlif {ijf1 acre. But when' >he avyrage yield was 12 bushel the cost per. bushel was > centa and -the orofit per acre in- < eased to $?5j01. n From the above' figures it aupe&zi. -it rge'it that^<^an?a0r*yfsfi ofTati- h 33SE~BiZ}*resir4 to a- profitable t jint. TH? fargter weR -knows 'what- ii taJceS "ft make Mgher^yislds pet v :re, Hs knows the valuf of good q ed, buildingt tip the soil with^crgan- a matter, the. intelligent use of fer- t Users, cultivation et?4 .and now is g good time'to practice these; meas- v res to put thg farm on a profitable g ield basis. J" ~ i- J-j.' a Some reader has In mtnd the opes- li on ct. markets. Allmarketing nssoc- h itioiis well managed will certainly C alp in the imatter of distribution and i rices. However, no msirketiiig, assoc- 1 ition will (in able rrrTm7ilii|ii cost f bushel pt pound -orr- *ee?unt-?f--g iW acreage yields into a profft- Mar-, -f sting is no substitute , fbr low acre ields and high cdsts, nor.is'it a sub- . :itute_fot goo!i se?, good ^fertilisers : good farming. -Bub above all, consider carefully. ,, your average yields ase profiOablel t not. plan to make tbemprofjlahle.?t thev ari nliin lit Iinl'|T*i]*ii ni pro- I! table or to increase the profits peT t] :re- - . f BJCKETTS EPITAPH ?- .. . L Could former Governor sThomae J] Taker Bickett have selected his cp-V' a sib-he. would nb'-d(Aih>"hate agneedj nth .'.Roland F ' BeaSk-y, who" was! i is devote^ friend.fcr(iff yea'-rs,' that! , le following from' or.e .of;:;is war! peechcs Most fittingly expre ssed the I ' ijrhest aspiration, of his mirri and j j. eartv !. ''The time .shftKfrfQme yjjpn a . * i Jhiigfttveai fulcrum ih the world, r?3Ttho cry of''a little, child ?hall be ; . eard.farther than the Hudps: can-1 oil's '.rcar..^ J: In. this sentence- he sum;., i rgun^ent fcr a* league of Rations. { a t)h midst fof bloqdj. v/ar, ho look" ' t 5 beybn'.l to -the <Jav whetk there louicl he po?(fh iw tho wixldk ightfv held : fMYT the >?reat conflictj' ] f world forces that came daring hia f j Ministration "wftif a iraf t<y pud war \ * -v>i*ews ai^ddl'Observer, ' f g ARLY HOGS TM GET THE MONEY reducing Hard Hogs and: Having j ?hem Ready Before Prides Break ?s Profitable >' 1. :c'>iu? ; g"f . t That it pays i to feed, hogs'? so they an bh-soW _jmh+7 ar+knti port is c town i by tha. res alts pi demonstru- * Ons,conducted b>-W\W; SB ay of ;fe, ^ vCy Agricuttaipal jeXtepahia- S'errioe. Fjifnemb4r," We say?, "that, a d'ryp . t two cents 4 pound jn < market pficjs p leans $4 ph a 200 pound hfrg.'* PSgureir "froh^ a recent. lilimuliali?-" . mi" iin mi Til if) II i iMint;' fjrtn j<i proper feeing a. lot of hi" hog4 _ air.ed 1264 pounds in 48i}ayd. "BhPte ^ age were pastured- on oats dpB.tepf- , arts ifcr ?l..days a?rl on altal'? f<Jr' . 7 days. ttJjy consumed* f>8J? husfyeHhjt r corn and . 214 pounds of tpnkagu J J1 A ^ f sold Julyj^ tfrWrA pjii'As hard hoKsAveraf- J, |R 22fl ^oundi^ oh Marcji 1- -at ,elt? yiMtnd tWw^U^r?'^inM i_il^fcaiKl 9 .pfdng imi.WWJtHUIIII IIIWI lL LI nijlfcjfl't sy?'Pif.*wlgy,fp>Ksj^lch^wiT^tat- .j _J > ! '?r . i; . . r. ) ; , 7 ,r - u. , . * 'T. -?i?i?- * - PM\frkv,\K\ . c Vferfect gentleman! ' I u" . - -r-~ ??1 ?- . > Vitality! Vitality! Vitality! rou Most Have It to Keep Youf* Job, Your Friends, -Your Happiness Thousands ot thoughlesa people-?-??eedlassly let _tW3Jnselves - ran -down t-heuttRT^fhe^iay comes when, with terribe-shock they suddenly realise 'J* ' i health- For- your own, sake keep 'el!. If you feel weak or' run down jr do?not sleep well or ape nervous hd have a poor color, deq't waitunll .it is toq late Gude's Pcpto-Man:an taken with yqur meals for. a few reelts^ will .restore J'opr good health, ive."you renewed strength; and v*-^~ Jity for your daily work. The healthy ife ia- the-onlydsappy ilfc 'dp'not >t it slip frees you. FersiliVrty jraia 1 lude's Pepto-Mangan has bean. ^help-^. ng people who were run. dcrwnbeqkr g, good Hsltb. It was made famous by " he, rrfedical profession- Sold by drug-* fiats in both liquid end tslili t feese. Ldwertisement. . ' ? .. Dr. S. Rapport l^| Q|F|DURHAM. "JJ """ ROXBORO. AT THE HOTfct II " ! EVERY I . . R . b? FIRST WEDNESDAY ' ' i a I- in each-month-to examine eyey J|. and fit glasses. Glasses fitted jf i that are, easy anS rerlJ'.ii_ to |[ ' ~ i the eyes. .Headaches caused- by )) eye strain raltoped, My nejit. |f Visit will be Weifrresday. .APRIL If I nth. 1922, . . , ,v.< ' : |t C ' - . '.-rvrl M?* ? ?r-' Aird?Titers?-Woart't the :-Slightest . Smell from Dead Rats.'* Writes John Simpkins, fahiw-vof I'l-nanriiia.' X. J. "Rats were costnjr nie ^nridnvte yrirlyy ^triod dogs,- . errets'v poison, could not gel rrd of " hem, EV Jghif $1.25 pkg. 0f RAT>XAP (5 cakes.) Used htjdf, not a ' rte rat since. Dead one a plenty ' I ike .RAT-SNAP because after filing rats it'dries them up-?leaves, no ' moil/1,.. i he.e ststs 35c",""6^, $T25. k>M and ^ruarante^d by * 'fe'* ' f. -OXG BRADSHRR Si COMPANY Roxborc, N. C. , , THE TRUTH AT LA^T ' . ?r- * i . . \ . Vinston-Silem Journal: At- last one Republican "advocate of he four-power treaty hag had the ourajfo, to speak the trutii about itienator Edge, of New Jersey says hat the new part is like tbb I.eaerue if l^ations with reservations.'' _ And this leads . Senator Hiram ohnson to < declare that what i wma ? itpis DftniAAr?HA nftliev If? ? m>- -? r lU'puhU a?7 policy. . -Of cmrrae. it 1 rtQW ?pp?rfnt_ that tUi .Repuhlioait eaders~are only aeaking to Urnct, s well, as they may under the circwm Un'ee??_ the terrible mistake, mad* , y them wh'on {hey killo^ the Treaty 1ft Vereaillea. T^ey have forgotten li^vcut entangling alliances.. What heyfw$nt-.jt>a return of proi^brfty ' 4 t> CTle f^rmari-aud'buaiiifii UiMteeW ?", t that United State*. And they Warts hU..B?nnnt,Tbe Accomplished to liing j_ o_i I' ?_j n;..,. nniiahhV |ka iaile_ ?..timj?nxcn -atatcaLiairgigg,>J?y:B9s*r~~- r ?s y selfish' isolation . fdrmertyv*d?. ousted by lodge and his feltovr-wm- , , plrators. -*?* r. The spirit of Wilaonlsm t? tritiflSfJw n* >u, WasbipfSon toSay. x dig step along the pathway (nihil d--M? feer ha* -l>y ?d?iiWnt Wileien? _ ? i-mr-tha tdirytjon oJ_^in^ernatia?i?l - ..' p-^rp^callor 'tincferstandi n? and- world :*? . -y-c

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