- - ' i3S?- ' i * -?~t-. 'ir-: * ' F4P?: T#0 . ' i- sMbR" \ - WAS AFRAID TO k - GO ARODT A? ,^U ... ' ynar Well-and Strong Agate Af'- i far Thirty Years- cf Suffering- ' - - 'I'm a believer in Tsnlsefor i t car- ' i tainly put an etjd to thirty yeari of ! stomach trouble for, me/' said tf, E. ' Sarner, 8|fi Miller Sfc, Petersburg, ' V? ' - '. ,'1 don't believe- anybody ever suffered any tnor^ from Indigestion than ' I dfd. Sometimes I' would have an , attack and the cold sweat would run ! down my face I had awful diary spoil*.; too and once fell and broke four of 1 my ribe. After this I was_ afraid to (to around tiy myself., ' ' MEvery tlk-ee or four days I Would 1 have an awful attack of indigestion ' and would .have to. lay off from work ' ad Tanlac has helped me both in Health and' pocketbook. The -fact is it has made a brand-new man out of 't mur1- ? ? ?_ . , r, ' Sold by Hnnitu-ick and Austin. . i Til V OV BDI-TA I ITV t - f i ;i lii a AND FAMINE HEARD. , Many' Horrors, Related hv Cap..... - tain Ran on Hifi Return From 1 Odessa, RustfS~ : "* ' ' ??o?.: ffraKtmotfe, April T.:?A tale of font- .< in?, bnjtalitv >and other horrors was ; rettrted by Captain M. L. Hart of,the steamship Deepwater, which'-return- : jtd . 'to this port today from Odessa < ? tH? Russian relief steamers which left \ here in January. * | ToiNrili the'end of February the Deepwater reached Odessa and was t met at the dock by thousands of chil- * dren. Practically unclothed and show- ) ing unmistakable evidence of starr^ at ion. fhey -swarmed abotit ready to 3 bet? for food as soon, lit* unloading- of - the grain was begun but-only to. be ? driven away by RpsaioQ soldiers. Cap ~ ' tain Hart safirf those'who resisted j were bayonetted. it, tbek nine days , for <50 half strved stevedores to un? j ... l " of Mr crfeir to gO ashorelhut one night j two of the men slipped Away. They ! spent '1 night-of horror before they Werg able to w^rk their wiy back pn ; Hoard, according* tc the'stories they 1 "rt!hi1,o-f*^ntheir ruturn.! Tlby -told of i seeing men stood up-agai^st. wall to j -bo shot by a firing' smlad: hf seeing '? , . men, women and rTTTlrl; irn -drop -iH. the . ? exhausted frcm danger, and a3 ; a cjiinai' te .their night of n:iventure., j they faw. thriTg'; trail loads of dead be- ' ing shipped Out of, tH .'once flourish j .. in?-. ofty# to be thrown-1 into P hole ir. the outskirts:" . . V j . \ - Captain Hart siiri the Lussiau. pqo- 3 pie bad had their.. >;pift-broken* by the '3 W parsfi ami brut ,il\hiefh?ds ot" tlfc Rus" i .7. - sran., ildiery-and w?re offering .pr,v? / tTcajly ' ifo resist anri'. The- people boThat the 1 W. W. has* conquered the. United. ..SfcaWa- snitch-air rhov. ?r: - are pending the grainalso believe Roterhevism . h?i3 gripped the whole worot and, tWV^ resistance is useless. THE COW ' ("Nimrod" in Chatham Record') s . T.he cow is rjrum's mtJst - useful, 77^.7". 1m.1 list',. litfi' golden \pvoduets grace hi? ~ featur A pension she is justly due* and well;doacrv.es a bonus ^tob; for s few a hettar. claim pin wield for gallant service in the field. Her milk qjid batter^ cream and cheese?she^ makes a .specialty of these,- aijd no good cook would ever dare* to drop them, ironv^the Mil of fatfe, for cakes V - t would orily )>e delusive fafces. The sub stitutos tl.Ut* men/produce ar6 known as just a- poor excuse. The cow should have good, things to-eat like toasted flakes and cream #of wheat, and when she rests her .___ ~ -^kv>wsy kead she . ought to have a , .'V* bed. We' need - to watcfr'Hpy. ~ hthMsl ( supplied with lipimer.t hn(V fciriit She's automatic in- a wa^ ? - to eUt th(T hAy: whatever w?v the* fom? to Pa?? she * swats the flie?r ihd cuts .the (trass. T" - On 'passing let u? "WV note, life - leaves the tin cans V"F 'J K?sts. She -fcata^inoat anything u w,s'?? DU^ '?'' .onions town In - osoieat.' h. ? w The" motor cars and tfcictors, tod yjfrtnnn mtm alt thrhnrtd can do. tent-noniie yet lid" told us how >n.IiajL?_ 1 ' good .cream wsifHjut the cow. And' 4jS wh*n at l??t* her hoary age baa fore- . ^ ed her from the butter stage the .bat< hi-r. ey?r ', nHdfr'-awalta. feill^ carve ' m. harjip in chunks of steak; the' loath- . of mniij wo'mfcH: confide. wiU-ftnti .? ? ttt lldu .AH. liiiiiuis " oTt her humble head the sbcyec at.. wall, alive or dead- r - s* * - ? - - " ' ~ *=* :-vy V'.'\ 1 S ... : -. t . r r? 1* ^ --r j;'' I'ltr.uu l1--'i>AI H AT . i s SIRIRE SOON END.^ ' - J !.a-,v-once, Miss., April" 7.*?.. An. , ywtj'-end f t thfc strike in s?y?n eot ton and .worsted mills horcf which re-i firtly announced a 2t> per cent wage rut, w?s predicted . by Ben Eegere, leader of the one Wg." union at a mass neeting today..He- based his predicton on cybat had beih said at .'a'; conference today nf strike lenrters and . '.hi '^resolutions. committee appointed >y the mayor. Thomas F. SfcMhhon, } re ardent of thp United Textile Work i? of. America. Asserted tonjgbt that nothing had been said at--ihe* confertnce to his knowledge that indicated . ut early termination of tb.- contest. Three arrests of strike syihpathiz?rs were mode today after attacks >n mill, operatives ThePacific mills announced today t had closed down until Monday. Ony a few'mdri.workers than yesterday tppeareth for work to^aji.. The Patchogue-PlymOUth mUl, niana Eicturing fibre rugs; was shot down indefinitely- today the third mill to:ake that, action since the beginhing >i the strike March 27. The plant announced a wage cut last Monday. Arout 400 "workers were affected, Representatives of the' mill owners ind of ;.the strike organization ' met thegresolutions committee- seperatoly today in an effort to advance a "setdement. The DarticiDants were dledg id' TO secrecy ,. '' OBITUARY. '? O-r Snsan Minerva. wife uf S: AT Dixorf-Wia TicrnThear Roxboro. Person County, North Carolina March 13, 184X.' Died at her home near ClaHcsville, Johnson County Jan 22, L922;( ; ;" . j, &he wis waYrwol.to S A. Dixon Jon [3, 1866. To this union was born ten :hildren. Eight of whom preceded her n. death' and Simuel died the" next veek after hia mother's death -wjiislr' eaves only one son Brady, living. She professed religion and joined he M. E. Chursb, SohtiJ, It the' early ige of 13 years and lived a christian ife the remainder of" her days. She moved with her husband from" Vorth -'Carolina in 1^80 >and located near Otarksville, Ark where they ipent most _s>t their .lives. . Sjster" Dixon was a faithful elitist an. Shhe loved her churyii and she ilso loved people!'"She tried to attend ill the. services of the church until about lour yeids .before her death die. became afflicted so that she could sul all Will HI IB#..always had. SbT was vefy faithful to the sick. Visiting them and caring for. "them wjien ihe was hardly abje To do so,' She was f aitbful to'. her husband, :hildren and hpme. Where would we je if it were nertfof iaithful companons and mothers who wrri-cive their I ih'es_to make hcime what it :otigb:4 :u be.? " I \vr>1 say -to the- heartbroken h\l?bind, son grandchildren, sisters and trends to be'faithful to fhsTC'od she rve,i an.L when your .work.in t!'?. ife is dope, you can meet her ovet.i rindt'y, where.there~Ts* po"more part- | r?c-r stay so long with yon. May you! all "submit to His" WiliXis' he doet:3 ail r things well. , Her pastiff,"* '. " : . R. A. Boberstson. CHICKEN FENCE WIRE BANOY Small Gardeners Will Fiflrs\her X$oven Two-Inch Mesh Valuable?Takes Place of Stakes." ' *?-Many vegetable. antf- floXwrTris vines' vim be successfully grdwn on Chicken' fence In the *ffdl the \ i|?!iu accounting vf themselves eu'ib?. wine. {" -HOW TO GROW PSPPER& | Seed* of pepper* /'ahould )>e < I weu Iff a^htrrbsd" or tora Ikj* In the house about 8 weeks before | the time for seeing the plants In. ; J the garden. TtHfplants are ten?der and-1 shontd wrf- be traps3 ' ptuhted until the ground Is warm * and- all danger of frost-lb p?st. apart In rows 2% tp 8 feet apart. The cultivation and treatment of peppers ahould be the ianu.- as for tomatoes and, eggplants. 'There are-a .large numl.fr of ' varieties Wflfftipers, Including ' J : - : 7T ? * ' ? ?. ?? ' . ; II IH - in II .. - ' - n-FPrAl.-VuWfCM tVTDQUTIOlJi"' SundaySchool ' LessonT (By WL*j? *? B. Jr'tTEVrAXJh*. D. PTt&chtfr "hf Krifcltah Bible in the Mo04y * B(bi* institute of Cbicaco.) LESSON FOB APRIL" TF 1 EASTER LESSON . ' i r? LESSON TEXT-=*John 20:1X1^?' {30LX>fcN TEXT-Tbe Lor4 is rlten 1?. klcoO.-Luka 24:34. PRIMARY AND JUNIOR TOPIC?The Flrv fcjEStec. INTERMEDIATE AND*SENIOR TOPIC ?Why We Observe Easter Day. TOUNG PEOPLE AND ADULT-TOPIC ?The Eftect of Belief- in the Rehirrec- ; tl?L I "I. Ja?inrHSMnHMU tflmself t0' the ' discipiea, Thomas Being Absent tvv. 1D-23J.a u? uppeared to several ot His disciples at several different'times during Uiat day. Tbis Is tile drat appearance to the disciples as a body. The rumors of His several uppehraucea on tbat day caused . the __ disciples to assemble to talk over the matter, for fear of the Jens, the)1 uiet la u private room and barred tlje door, Whlle'tbey were discussing the strange happenings of the day, the Lord. mysteriously appeared before them with the greeting oS good cheer, "Peace be ynto you." He did not come' with censure for their full-' are and desertion. At His birth theangels announced "rtgee.". Just before he took His departure. He said: | 'tteace 1 leave wttn you; my. peace X give unto yuu" (John 14.27): "Let not" your heart ho uoubled"-(John 1T:1) ; uud riow the first word utter Hts;resurrecrtott Is "Rcftce." Having cslmed" their fcnrs, He girve tlteui ah unmistakable evidence of Hia resurrection. "And when He hud so sulCb He shorted unto, them His' hands" uiid His side. Then were the' disciples'glad when I they saw the Lord." Their doubt*, needed to be scattered and Hia peace needed to berupnn ihero. Consider: 1: The disciples' commission (v. 21). "As my Father hatli sent Me, even so 1 send I you.". This commission w^S'Siot simply to a class, as the eleven, hut Is to sll Christiana ' In Lake 24:33, we find that there were others there in that meeting besides the elevdn when Jesus showed himself to them nod commissioned them, showing that the commission la not confined to e class or order, but Is wide as the Christian body Itself. All Christiana therefore^ are envoys and representatives', of Christ. Thfr?eserclse of this great fpnctlon Is ntSS merely optional Vith the tndlvlduif, but la obligatory upon film. The Lord, placed It'upon a plane i with HI. >nmn,l..ln. I ll j Father?"At oj Father bath sent gre, so send I you." * " ' .1 2. The dlSclples' "equipment (v. 22). "He breathed on them, and salth unto rhem. Receive ye the Holy Ghost,? The mission of the illsciple Is a very 2 rest one. fcul every one wtap ^goes forth-tn-lts eie^uilon He clothes with tho.porier'of a new_life by the besfhwwtent'of Hi* spirit. No "he who hn<" this equipment ybtrfl?etoi fail. The Lord's represeniiitlves have His lffe in_ ihcm. .Thy bnrreogpss of out" efforts is doe to our failure tb take by faith our equipment. J..4 ' e 3. The disciples' authority ,(v, 1ST; | "-Whose soever' ?)ns ye remit, they ace. remitted unfo them; ami whose soever sins ye retain. they are retained;" This | authority wire not by virtue of office.,! hut by vfrtnfe of* having the Holy i Ohosf. This wouli give the spiritual discernment to know who had or who had not repented, and consequently, *o....pr.onounc6T pardon or not. J'ckus""Manifests Himself tOath'e , Disciples,- Thomas Being Present (CVv.^i #?& \ ' Thomas >vas absent ut the first up- i j>eiu'nnce of Jesus. His absence de- ' prlved him of a vision of the Lord. Ab- j sence*. from the assembly* of believers alwafj loss. The other disciples go to Thomas at'odce "with ;'tfre glad news of Ihe resurrection, but he j will ^ot believe. His stubborn disbelief is such that he doggedly declares i that unless be, sees the prints of the I nails, etc., he will not believe.- It is j right to demand evidence, but to prescribe terms Is rank unbelief. Note:, j L K The Lord's kindness to those who have difficulties. Thomas deserved rebuke. but the Lord'kindly supplied the evideuwwhlch hq.-demaqded. 2. The revelation of the Lord transforms a doubter into a possessor II*. The Conclusion' of the Gospel I (tv. 30-81). < In these verses John's arguments are . summarized, and .an explanation is given as ,to why he wrote t^'a Gospel. Many.- other things could have been, wrltten. but_ i_hese_tJink-he .tvnxi !> Judged adequate to prove his point: To prove that (1) Jesus of Nazareth was the expected Messiah; (2) tjiht He was divine?the very Son of God: (3) that those who believe.on Him as God's -only Son?the Messiah?wo did ,-ecerive eternal life. Eternal life is In* HUu andumlyAS Ha Is appropriated by faith can men be saved. T-TT ' What. Christ 8sw In World. Christ saw much in this world ta. we^p over, cms muen t?? pray oyer: hilt. Hp Kgqr- nothing In It tp 'look Jii?on wUlx comeropt. ? . ^ ,Happinaa? BRADSHER & CATES rr Roxboro, N.C. Bring your lutOmobile Oioubles to us B ' _ - . t J MOE GOODMAN ' rJ. White Tront, Court Street Our priees win?tyy ?S | Si THE PEOPLES BANK, Oldest and Strongest Assets: over^One Million, Dollars [_ ' ' Y I BANK OF ROXBORO. Safety.deposit boxes for rent.. Your Account Solicied, ' _ 5 FIRST NATIONAL BANK, rj ? A ' I T . Capital $70,00/M)0 Surplus and ftrro'Tt- i ()0i) n I " 7 ' ~ "v . ' v v "; . v. v ..-a....... ... m . Better ai Subseri be io4a ^T" ?*4 ? ? f - .'.; .J \ MAT PIN lir enduqh to cau^ J ENEMV IS HALF BEATEN iABD. . - ETTE1 . i^a -i \ ' MERCHANTS SHOULD BE VniT DlCt? A vn D A T T xxrrnrm ?. w i?iau V I' ALiXj TT11X1 -.' 'r 3ARRIS & BURNS ' Roxbobo's Best Store yerything for the comfort ofthe famtiy ~ o buy right,, buy at the right pilace" ? ' I VVILBURN & SATTERFl?LD Roxboro. N. C a : ! ? ' GARfiETT & WILKERSON i Roxboro, N. C, p General Store?anything and everything j ROXBORO COTTON MILLS Roxboro, N. C. Fine Yarns t"HE PRINCESS THEATRE. Roxboro, N. C. Amusement for Jhe-entire family ;* HAMBRICK & AUSTIN Druggest ~ 7* lock's Candies. Fine stationery and Toilet Goods. \CKSON MOTOR COMPANY tudebakers. Reos, .Maxweii & Overland Gas and-Oils. W. L MOORE Fresh Meats and Groceries our trade is soiicitcd-^satisfaction guaranteed . R. A. SPENCER & SON, . Undertakers Superior Service?best prices. Si P. SATTERFIELDTrwnranrp ^?ld & Tried." You knoW.. COIR ad better-eacl iv SlfSti year i ,?-? ^ - , . ?: ' ?! BHpr ,?ji * ^ f $T ' .-._ t.-.'y*- - ?T~ '* ? . . "' . ^tt.,- ; . ^?? A SCALY TRCC . n v ___ * * " nil ' -, ' :-Ji . - . vt ''.* ' ' . I I 'V .. ? =- - . . . ' I. 1 ?.' "1 YOUR FIRST THOUGHT ' THEM. ' SPOON & LEWIS Consulting' Engineers . Roxhorrt GrPflncKorft XT f NELLO JL'TEER, . "~(r < Road . Contractor, v \ ? Roxboro; N. C. JOHN F. REAMS, v ... General Cortractor, ?r .:> * 'Roxboro; N. C. Figure with me before you build THE COURIER ? '? 51,50 a Yeir. " All kinds of Printing , . ; > ROXBORO LIGHT & POWER CO. Roxboro, N. C.' "Do it the electrical way." JBLANKS &- ^ Roxboro, N. C. - ^ For best'Groceries, Phone 25. ' G. W. KANE. Roxboro, N. C' Contractor TdV Purchase The Right Goods- at the B RIGHT PRICE; Come to ? T-TADDV DATCCO * n iivix i . rvrvxi'jr iJ OPPOSITE COURT HOU3E. h ROXBORO LUMBER CO. B