: ' L ?f? ' v See me and See- Better . r " ' Optical Stir*. " Opposite ? ' "', . . P#gtotTice ' Main St. ' u ' ' 11? ; BBBBBBBBflflllBft : BB -y- BB jj Indigestion | ' B. Ms?7. persons, B . B vigorous and haakhr, . si* r3 ' D .baQnni ocoastaislly wun Q 5 illpwrtetid iloaMk en the 5 g s*atem ore dangerous, on* J prompt feet mi it of tndtoas- B Q ttoo Is important "The osly Q N medietas. I hare needed has we ~ been eomethln* to aid- dlges-. " B lion and uieaih .the Kvor," B B writes Mr. Fred Ashby. a WW 9. McKlnney, Texas, tanner. D "My medicine is S Thetffdrd's S HBUCKJRAOGHl Q tor Indigestion and stomach M '25 " trouble of tny iiod. i hare 5" B never round ray thing that 15! 1 touches the sptji Ilka Black- fe$ B Draught 4 take It fh broken 22 doses after meals. For a long M 'O time Itried'plUB, whteh grip- n S ed and^dldn't give the good. 22 results.Biaok-braaght liver Ka , medicine is edey to take, easy BJg to keem inexpensive." _ ? m />? s package from your g - g . driicgist -today-r-Ask: for and" B ir.F.jet ufton Tbedtord's?the E3 D _jOnly;ganulne: jgj D .Get it todays - , 0| 833 em Rg SSEI3EE3fifEK35iSEHH r.r ? .. . . S nil'"- Kl iJtfJmc | ^ . % t | TJOW human it ii to be | ?ow couniry-iQ time oi pceciaeive thdagU tt?the ? " in lime of peace [? A similar. attitudeis tomet [' .vice# of the funeral directo r7* * --n^frofewiuuelly trained, >n I ' prepared to serve us in th I * .face without him is initsel Ittiy time of need he an j at. what hour of the day ter^tow far it takes him. ?reea(>le tasks it teads hitn, witness and. beinjf human, Then it is thai >oq? find in and because he has been homes wtuJK- sorrow ht r'andsjust what todc !he lust tribute a c Rtf-roducrJb? fjnyjrom ? tipyrichud ad: HWu J5 Jiurdcy L.imtng Post * V : . R. A. SPEN< r?] . r> tXfl Funeral Directota ^ Potmtnr ' ' ?? I? . I Prices ^ " _ jfcji Radical price reduction piits ,'jgjj that no family with a home JSC out this m'ordern heating nl ' II *' tfeT" J? At the-hew. low_price ^5 X than stoves hecesn r,y ;* ra s Costs less than a go< ?j_. X. Costs less' than a go 1C 'Costs; less than twice ing machine; Coists' ress than -twia Ofder a Calui lC rnr II _ K' comfort and .Convenience yoi cause it protects/the-family'! fc__. .... K* ilyis pocketbook. Because it trl ; . . jl Inthis fuel it saves. |~ -7* Sr hecau3e prices ca --? ing now you will enjoy the i i h rentage-of its. cost this'witr i | -DojiaLdelay. Wi ntfer* is he L '3 " an. argument for CaforK I . ?9?risk. Our guarantee?year; ! . -S .' '' ~T~~? XpTiCE LAND -SALE - Under and by virtue'Of tile powers pcntkined in that deed of trust executed by Jotyi E. November l'oth, 1815, to the undersigned | "as Trustee, default having been mado. in', the' paynWnt of the note secured; Uieifby, a:il u|iun tl.ij tequeat of tho| holder,. I will as frv&ee,' on . MONDAY. APRIL 17tV, 1922,. firjffj 'clock' Nboh at the Court K5u8c dOorc p Roxboro , x 1 3?li-to the. highest bidiijr at pubic auction far cash tH' fiffowiiig described lot or paTcc) of. land,,lo-wit: Lying and bving "-in . Htiahy ' Fork.; Township on both sidea of 'rrs-iOvsboro-Btishv Fork public road bjginI'.lnn at- i"rock-rend- pointers in \V. A. Warren's lihe S. W. corner oT Lot No. 4; thence 3. 25 deijr^es, W. 2 cha. and 98 links to a ricTc N. W. corner of Lot No- 2; theftce with Lot No. "2 S: 83 degrees, E-S7 ciia. and 70 linka to a*, iron ia the Roxboro road ; thence with said road S. 36 1-2 degrees, W. leh. and 35 links to an iron in said road; thence S. fc decrees, E. 35 chs. to stfcke, S. 86 degrees* East/37 chs. and 5>0 links tp a stake; thence N. 78 decrees. W. 31 chs.* and lO-'Tinks to iron in Roxhoro road; ' tHjpce* with said road: N. 38 degrees, E/J. fiji. trtsd 4o links ta andiron in said, road; fhenc^ N.-85 degrees, >WV 40 chs. and 00 links to the beginning, containing. 39 U-4 acres more, or less ftrtd4- being I;o?t No. 3 in the division of Lewis taWfrM-MVlinHq S iY<*txi Geo. Blackwell ;am> others to Jno. Blarkwell, Bpok 2&, page 95. Person County. V This -the 16th doy of Match, .192*2. v L. M. Carlton w 3-22 4fe. . *< Trustep, ., .. p'??? . t. - ?. . , . t- . . J. - VLBMC TRANSFER. * " Whtn you want hauling t>?_any kind call on jr?fe,: I am in pofeition to do it. 1 hav^ just piit on a twq vTop Truck /or * puti.k-w tftTnflfec. 1 ' slalic.it your t?^sinGs&. . .r : Day phone So,/ Night" phone 126 'JACK BAR\'r:*ITj-: 3 19 tf, r' % , k ip-aleful to the defenders of .lgtj ! war,-and to give scant ap- ' ? Ql aldiers and sailors who serve . fife :?jnes taken toward the ser- ?5 r Yet the very fact that he ' odcrnly equip^d and fully >e crisim we could in nowise jSK , f a service toms all swers evepr c^ll^ qo. matter ^nj or night it corflH, no matto what dangerous or cft&a- JHI or what sutferingf he mutt . mi^ft share W hima friend and Counsellor. called so many times into |A is called hr*t. he under- pr\ . in the way that makes /a 0 ml or ting memory. / 1 Tk<.Cimtnti>Ui Ccfln-Cam- /S ' trinrmtnl "thick op frayed in twf o] March it, l 2. CER & SON $5 Roxboro, M. C. J 9^x tar'.Etyf'Ot Tnam, Cod ./ ikyrtiurrnlicm. JKI CopyrtfhiiJ ipit C C CiI %/ V j^Sy iJERjttiMLaidunrro^^ IF Down J ih" ' i ii 1 'i'.ui( to beat can afford to be with- jpjl ant. '. * -KB '... VI \>> M is the CaloriCj'.oafs less . Jgj lary.to heat the building. v . gj >d niano. ^ ?T od home water, system, the price of a good wash- js] ? the price of a lhonograph. ^ tjg iv' b^ause-it is tho greatest a u can have in your home. Be-.. || v health and thereby the fam-; H .pays every dollar of its cost. Kg * ' ' ' . ' . .. jol Bhsfbe tower ?and-by order- $ :ompprt,arid save a good per- jl re in earnest. Every buzzard |g 1 comfort now. Yoti takV no a satisfaction or rrfoney back. F. H_E A M S R1H lAHULlNA ' ( "~~i * - " ' 4_ ' "l _ - A ^ -I1 " .. . m> ? . * *1' - :. ' -- . y ' ";~jP ' ' : -7'^" V ~v TIIE ROXBORO cQgU'lEH adm TWreOTTAi ~ ENRICMED S0|t VVJLL PI ;W?11 frerthized Plat of Ground, With Giv? Satisfaction to tho Grower Who Wi vitf?\Sufflcient ^roount of Moisture^ >, FROM COLUFfiAME TO YOUR GARDEN! ' . > : . * . ; . ; Plants Should Ec Accustomed .'to ^ thcOHtside' CSft'dttions i PJ5STE0TI3N mmNlMt/ ^ . ' j a >' * * Boxes or^Sprall Boards Wili Save From |j Sun, Wind and Prool-?-Water Bo- <> ftMre Transplanting?parry Con- p tamers to Plafce for'Planting. t if . ' ~ ' ' V*, ' "* it. is ossuhi&i^ that the wlde-awafcej gardener has been busy long" before' y the weather la -wa'riu caough ro^ v , 5.'nv s.'^tls Iji |he grailnd; rHut.-, r a window bos or hotbed has been pro- pa vided, and that a supply of plants j>f^ a tomatoes? peppers;'early cabbHTTS7~and} 1 ' eggplant are undpr way to set In the r j garden as soon as ganger -of fjrost Is t :t past. . . __ j < if plenty of south Window spare1 Is J "* available, the Tutted Stntpa. ru?nni*-t rnent of Agriculture advised that such ; * frpps hs snap heaps, cucumbers, musk- j * melons, and. even corn juay ;be >j started, In fUpver ~ppts7~pa~per bands or% fcerry bose* -filled, with good, soil," and 1 tney, will be o?. considerable size by . t the.time the air is warm enough to- < plant , thejn o\kdooil Plants?that / grow in the house or in -the hotbed | .must he hardened or.adapt^d toputdoor , J 'renditions bbfore they are set In the open ground. This is accomplished ^ by 'gradually exposing them to the open air during the warmer part of ? tS?e day aj>d later' at night, care being takem that they are hot caught !?y a trodden cold snap. j Hardening ?arty Plants. When the plants,are growpJp^oies i, or trays, the boxes inayJje-tSfrried into v the open eaclfjl^y^hntl the plants &1- # lowed^a-heCome gradually ac^mtforaed r . outdoor conditions. If they pre- t in a hotbed or coldframe, the sash or v other cover is lifted off during the.day and replaced at night. -> I>eter the cov: f ering Is left pff entirely; however,, it n Should be kept close at TiBftd^Tt^b& put 0 on at any time thgt the weather should y turn cold. < K Plants set in the op-en ground may p . be protected fronv frost by'turning b small boxes over tnerti andE covering d "the boxes with a little-earth. Old n berry boxes are sometimes, used for this purpcfee, but should be covered completely with sotlrns the plants will frHeze just as readily- underneath the exposed boxes as if left in tKe open t< wttnout any cover whatever. A good method of protecting plants isj>y set tl ting, a common roofing shingle .or a u small piece of board at an angle over rr t>arh plant. ^hese shingles can be set c< on thg side'-to protect the plants from cl , ihe>^ffb-'duffhg tin*" dayfifiiPrnw they "Fi '(Unay bo placed "on the opposite aide In f< "order to protect the plants from the si rtYlpd:and allow the sunshine to reach !B t-crj.' . T * l.'l > .-in soma-.raao* ? Cdener* ha VP pro-"Joi itded small -frames, on the top -Of which ore;TOed-rtnj!TB"'t>anesTSf~Etnt? f eaoh plant or bttl to p rot art K. The j * - (rtflSs ?tiont(J he-ao arranaed thnt It"* * can be parttally removed" aurtfljt thr- \ * ??rma- peat gf.-magy Inprder to # prevent tlie temperature becomtng too J tnea-gtve garni peeults over^ J hljla of eacowbwa, mnnkmelona and J! "lummar muitHo. aa Welt ar over a plant! af tweet pepper, Eggplant- ami J . ??9to?~ . , ^ _45 Vowta to _1 I There-are a few pdlnta In connection with the transplanting of hooae-grown t plant! to the garden that are worthy J : n at aa. m the (hat ptaf . f the ptanta to b? tranaplanted ihoold J b? watered a few honra before taej - r j -are to. be bandied; thla will'haoee tba ] v , 1 FTODUCE 800D CROPS Rcaeon-ablo Attiwtioo,?U ^6uq>.'.l4\ rllKeep the-" Weeds Out su^rPrF .. . V'--. ' ?' f t Irt to adhere to the roots, and give teui." a ^better *91 irt when fhey are faSf^Tfrdut; ?it' the plants ore grown iflawor V91S, in impjjr hhuds, or' ?try boxes. tho^ shoui#..bc carried to IP ^arrfop^ln their containers?*' PW rown fijanfe- chotild be lobsohed by rvertlhg Them gently and knocking Je.edvrs wy;Uln:'-sniiib. ^10 plants thpn' arelft$t %ffll .the-toW f earth-Adhering,"to their roots" 1 It the plants have been grown-In po--| pc" bands pr? -ry . boxes. the sides ? tHe hands or bdses shoilld- bp ^Ut i dth. a knife nn'd removeci a^ the plants re set. ?\Vhore .the plants are grown: arrays v-.' -"* it always a good Idea' to have a ew-raore plants__fhan are required ror llling \he'spare in the garden. In orler to renlace ;mv *u?? ? ?* treyeil ky Insects. SOYS AND GIRLS' GARDENS 'oungsters Gain Valuable Knowledge From Tilling the. Soil; Increase-? the Food Supp -Junior ga?dent*rs and members, of beglrlfl' clubs have been rfiportant. factors ih Increasing Amerea's food supply. In. many cities this rork has ;been joined with the schoot arden movement. This kind of wort lot only produces more food but teaches he youngsters self-dependence and the alue of work. Teachers have reported that the efort bnv* rrtrl? hn? bean lore than repaid by the knowledge f Nature gained by the pupils. Both he hureuu of education, through the cjfiools, and (he United States" n?F artment of Agriculture, through the oys and girls? clubs, are giving oifllal help to the4 junior gardep movelent. ' i J dUNFi-OWERS AND SHRUBBERY Sunflowers have not received the at- i motion they deserve. The tail-grow- I ig. large-flowered sorts, as well as j le dwarf many-flowered varieties, are i seful when skillfully employed In i(zed plantations with other herha?ous annuals. The golden yellow Isks afe like sunbursts-^mnong the trubbery. The' tall habit and dense >linge of some varieties make them iltable .for backgrounds "rind screens, ecouse' of their * long stems and ex aorcttnhry lasting qualities they are J value as cut flowers. ,vkV -JJ . .. ."*?f U ? % ?'*m ^ ^ ti FUiNTo amuinc m^iaturi * I P'?nf? tdlr* In "molnturt J theougji their email feeding root- ?. \(*t& unci fllBthnrfr^ | mirf&t* of thalr leaves. Aia re- $ rolf of ttlg tmratrtng of the root* In ttpneplanttm, the fcnpply of f moUtura i> cot oft and (he plunu J >rut.. .'To 'pee*?m_tho. ejltta<: of i t}M> iavn tun* the United J [1 ,Jrmr>n-.,.nt rif A yri/nifl. < tone: water ehouW be poured J are and the root* TieWW Uie dirt > U filled la: alau.the tope of the ? i-lanf* -deuiM be eBSaefflrwl i.r<> ' "WWd TFMB ir.f It lTid for * da/ ! ee two tlrwlew tW e reparation [ from theVearoe.. "? * 7 ~ n ?_. . ?. IT"?? ^DMLall > O-UV A a-JS 4i nH * ?* fyini s.^qTr=" SK Peon's is packed - air-tight in the pat- ' - e?ted-new co,n? fain^r.?It is always ft ' bacco. Try Penn's ' next time. Clean? / .>v n csu?ancci. Vv ? /?- ^u^ran^e YnJty ^TtC&ri \YAREH'Ot;SBS # EAST CAROLINA' DE-TUPN.ED . Jioto ; cooperatives . " -P- ; r Go ^ Operative Tobacco Growers Will Erect Houses in Wilson and . ? ?Xl^envjile arid n?*ht "Old lepers. Raleigi4 .'April 7.?-Warfchouserne? from" mapy sections of,Eastern STort'1 farolina ruel: directors, an i officers o the Tcbacro^rowers Cobporatryt as socidtiott here today, apd* signed cot) tracts delivering:- tij -'.ii> .'nonyfr.tr. Tfa asSocthtkm. -^ThorG were 'probably SO wiirfehouStem9n and others* interest? ->*v the- move merit in the liall of th house of representatives when th meeting was caiiod to order by D J. Y. jpyner and Aaron' Sapira, httoi iiuv J?oi1.1*iu ll.MOl'l:ilidii,'Av!iy IJUWI ed to rhi warehousemen, for the pir pose of explaining the contract th association 'wants to enter into wit the warehousemen- fsr the sale ( lease of their" "Houses. v -~v Mr. Sapiro told the warehduseme thair the association expected ta c these-things: .** :. ' "br " Vw 1?Rent lease- qr "buy ttaureh o?s< for the cooperative * association ft thV co-operative lua^&^g tobacp 2?Pay-fcr the warehouses in-not< and bonds secured by the cooper at i\ associations3?Buy fedrying plants^oj^-rrTiytrai with the^re^ryingu-pia^sja the stat to' puV^tha--ttrbacco through fhe redr; ; i^sr^rocess, retaining: this business i the smaller communities u scatter^ ever tho-atqte as far as it was poi sihle to do' this. . _ -?4?eMake preparationsJto fight tlwarehousemen and others oppose to cooperative marketing throug the purchase o?' ereCtam of warehju es in Wilson. Grfen Villi' Bf any c" "Meeting Or. Joyner opened the con. ference for & general, discussion of .tin whole proposition and a number ot -wareMjusomHii from different seclipi fluid tliambei uf i uniting) it' miit a .1 preeentative- to tail the' asaociatior dlwctpra that all the wsfrehousee ? Smithfield would be available, aik - "T "a> - ' - ? 'M.I ' 'it-'I i HM B B fl |W9 ? > C.O ?^0M ?*? ' ; -,- ' ; ...; s ,ihat ff mbre. space was nOeded that wrulJ cilao be available, The.vrepres- ' -..'j j^ptative was r^i'ly'to srwnr^ip. S?v- $ ^ ^gflTof th<. siiaiier places a$rou*uf:WH- ' *opAwhj). .said thev- hadr*beena .choked' ' r mjt ivf a Trtprket i?y the- -market.* '* sent resresehtatives to tell the as^K-., i at ion that th'ey 'wort ready anfl r\vili- , .' ^ inp to put their housV-s at the cffitfofc- f.. . *'>.3 :>v^-raT vv]; )f ark(>ting- plan for 1 it n d Unp / ' ^ 0 * tha tobacc-- c : t ^ j # d i At the olofie of the- "P* e Jnyncf invited the ware}; )U^.eu^i ic \ if> s:pn the contracts, .and a Tarpe htifet- \ r; her \ f them-.^fowied. ai oand .the" desk . , ^ r- in the fiouse chambeV to deltrer ^heiv ^Imi -[fiUMJ-l ,tiTiu'ju tmii vliu?' ' r- cchtraots home with them, and- pro>e .mibed to consider/the jjiropoaUion h more in detail. They were asked ' ' < ir ' rot to sign if they had any doubt as . . - r fyout the. ability *of the association tq v in meet, the obligations. Mr"~Sapiro toW * ,'M !c the warehousemefT it would be better . b^uf iiUi> >v aiKU umvsa ?s|lieved in the association as the cor-^^.? tr Met method for handling :he.-tol)*ec5C^\.... -1 js They werea^ked^p send ift sJt oon*- 4 re trn^jjrisS?rva\vay. by the whldte ..of . . ^-Amriland guaranteed* ! u'fiy ' . " . ' ' / - $ LONG BRADSHEF. & COMPANY tT ? ~~ koxboro, X. C. h " ^ -T-^g ~ <, THE HA.PSBl RC.S " I 1 ^(From The Philadelphia Record;) e . ; The loath of .Charles brings avio'th- ' i- er Pretender into existence. THo mon'- " 7^ .'arcH!sts of Hungary are proclaim-* '* r ing Otto age fO. the heir to Jhe 7 - throne. But then, there* is thq quefl1 tfon of the Regent. It might be h>? k mother, Zita. but she.>b involved in t. war politic? ami is not particually ~ 'I -' popular It mijiijt be Archdbke Albr reeht and then it might tot be any- ' I 2 body; Admiral Horthy resisted Char- . - ; lea, nntl he would prolWbiy resiBt ."the Supporters of tHto -though there - ?-I j has long "been a story that the Act- I jmiral would marry .his daughter.' to I a Hapaburg .and then help his son-m- ? , law to the tb.>one of Hungary. Appar- _ ,?. [.aptly Austria. tti? homeland 'of tho " __ ^ IKpaburgg. cares nothing about them Fdund Seven Hats iioad in Bfn NTyt L r- ^ : -jj .J Robert Woodruff says: "My prem-' . ises were infested with rats. I tried . _ RAT-SNykP on frieiyFs. recommends 1 tioni Next morning found seven dead ' 7 rite iri bin, two near feed,Ibex three _ > i'n stall. Found large nambdr since.. . f Nf smell from