; , / ; " i _~ . ?.;" ' ' I ~ BUSINESS LlNJALS ?: ?i?< . .>. . . Plenty Irish Cobbler and-Red Bl)ss ' * , Seed Potatoeaand Seed oats it HUGH .N^ JNOQD8. ' ' _ ; Your attention i> called- to the special fifteen day sale "now going on at ' Raiff's Department Store,. See hit big ad. -r i See J. L. Ua'riratt & Co. for hay, we have * b'-i lot on hand and.going to try and ke.jp. it at .all times. Price shall be right*. ^* * } k?tild yutf' 'hear of so many cy elopes! A atorm policy will cost you* W? trola. Sae SATTERFIELD. Bo It Now t-' Z-- *r f;re insurance more^.kflpor/V* tint now than ever. Could yim-,replace your home without embatraae Y"" ? " punter iin, k fcw^al. lara for the premium^-Get right: See" SATTERFIELD.. Do It Now. . . SEVEN ROOM house for rent, with bfth, hoi and cqld running wa"' ter.- stable and garage, large garden space. Apply to Courier Office. , ' JEFFERSON is a houaei.bld word in N. C. Esrerf ?No|th Carolinian*. is justly proud of . the .Jeffersht, the v'' "" strongest life insurance Company in ' ". . the South. ?a?p your money st Home. .See SATTERlTEtD. He will do the rest. '' Wn guarantee bur 20 cent coffee V ?' *" r1"'' ??tinfnntmn nr i nnr money refunded: J. T. WALKER, JR: It COES^-FOR-SALfr-I hare-several hundred bushels of corn ois ear for sale ait $5.00 .a barrel.?E. J. Robertson, Woodsdale, N. ^C. " ;? '? v ' ? .* " " - 1 " "?~V - I have seed potatoesnbotH-lrish and sweet at the right price. J. T. WALK' ER, JR. ?? , ? - ?: ^ i ?? Sf United States, Fidelity & Guaranty - ' Co., the Strongest bonding Company ?_ -n> the world. Don't ask your friend to sign y'd'JT Imilll. We nill uifln.it for a small premium. See SATTERFIELR, the bond man. ?t-"" 1 am offering at retail, this week - ?Canned corn?tomatoes?peaches? _ beans-of all kinds, and-many other articles In my stock, at -and below j wholeaaleT prices. J. T. WALKER. > ff " * i i ' . * ... ..... .. "* ' J.' L. OaiielL mnl Cam "hen you get ready for "you# seed sweet potatoes. We have' a plenty Naney r-r^h- Hall and Porto Rico . on hand and Mon Cojrjiny. also Irish .Cobbler, Rosa and other kinds pried must be-right. , - t,?,?-i ' r , y. ?t (Tics to 11II rr 1-1 VU/tnils ^?h f'nnnn grass and Gatden seeds. FOR SALE?One Burrougbi Adding Machine. T( quiifc . buyer *v. ij'. , _ . name an ,;ti tractive prlcr. Apply fetoj Auto-Tiro' & Repair Gb., Ro^bofo, N IS -X ' " . ,\W?.y ?ciM your money North wntel .- you.nan do better. at.Dime. A JEFFERSON policy on your" life .wen's* future protection for your loved "nfcc ' Do It Now* Tomorrow mav be toe . ' late. "Sec-" ' SATTEitEIELD, Dis'f "if. Agent. . Ovw S250.000.00 Jefferson sold in 1B20 by the SatterAel'J Agency. Tt will "be'repeated in 1322. SATTFXR 7 FIELD, "Old and Tried". Do U.Now EF :??? "" ?? SEVEN" ROOM house for tent, with bath, iiot. and cold running wa7~"~ ter. .stable and garage, large garden j. ." space. Apply to Courier Office. ^ Mr. Traveler, before you leave town Accident Ticket. 25c a Say. It may - meair 5000.(10 to you. SATTERFIELD IMS. AGENCY, "Old and "j . Tried."- ;; Call at SATTEKFIEbD'S office for all kinds of bonds. No sending to New YorS\ oY other -places. We will write your bond while you are wait-' .> ing. - See SATTERFIELD. "Old and _ - * . Tried." - . . ./ T ?" SEVEN Itl'iOM Imusp?for tern. with bath, hot and cold running water.. stable and garage, large garden sggte. Apply to-. Courier Office. 1 ' . .FOR RENT?Room over Simpson's market, Aubrey Long 3 22 tf. jry . ??? ,?. ^ BORROWED?Small road maclino -t- belonging to Tow-i of ftoxborD, planar yotam- it at Once. J. S. Hailoy. < " . _ ? ?* foBADV?1 nave plant haili bumed, wood cot,' and (rood 5 room hoaa? and want.a pyin tor part of cropA d&-"?T tfiOJMXy- tobacco hlltir.?D^ B; Wilkersbn, ffldgavdlle, M. 4 12 2ta . VI* greatly "enflnjred a call from oor -?r friwid Sir. A. J, Blatpck of RougcRvvriiP i ~ ""** ' ? ;?7" v ~ ' i' _ , J* bfrft.'VluSl, ?f I1 M(Al)l i: r I ;ilr. Editor: If-'I were going tt speak of parables it woulil be iii regard to -twp Jtiecea in The-Courier ol la?t week's. nstiir. both of which wen pertaining, to par taxes, and the extravagant expenditure of same, bj Mr. Warren first, and one in regard to'the high valuation "of farm landi by the Editor, both of which sounc | democratic and to tbj poinb,'an32li a. place.on the band wagon. It seema that oup taxes have ceas ed to be money - in the eyes of sora< public officials; they think it a na tional product of the air and lubjee to any land of extravagant use Some ot them In ]nnr. taxes through your.columns call i< paltry dollars -fa- new name' fOt taxes.) I ttflfik a law of justice woulc demand that .the salary prick ol [every public official should be publish i-d.and 'made public information. No [ one fourtlJ of the people know tbi salaty prices that are being paid aom< . Tfsssslsl? IS 115 DA1 I I ONI-.Y iREi r Dl I Tell Yo? 1 Sale. I Millihery! Charming .new S' /.Ladies New Ti Spring at -your I Come'to the Big js Ladies;-Misses ar and Save ?i 1 Lot Hats at r's<- 1 r/rli . r> g x loi oais, uoo< worth $3.50, 1 Lot $5.00 Ha I 1 Lot, this sale iNew*^ Made o'l.' Coiitet, Fte Trimmed, Front aod. 98c. $1.2 | - $4 ; ? I: | For Warm Weatl H event is going I their ridicule MF.N'S OXFOR : WAK ' SKI! / We have spring s [ racpnces are mi SALE . ? II*- ^ ' ~'r;7^S : THE aoxuoao coiiEjEi. -I"--'- t .;' ' the burden of textation.?G. E. ( | WOODY. ) ' SCHOOL NOTES. ' I ' What shall we expect the Olive j I Hill people to do nextT In lea* than ( two year* they erected one of the '] ! lUndaomeat and beat -equipped ruaal , i ?efa??frfcuHdinjs in North Carolina. ! " 'Tiliy voter Id-cents local school tax ron each $100.00 worth fit property. " Finding this amount*' too* small they t called another election' a few weeks ago end raised their local .tax rate from 10 cts. to 30. eta. on the $100.00 ' vrdrtU of property. Not satisfied yet, ' " last..week they had another election p-etthrf same tax rate and voted id a-.!; bout ten thousand acres of land a* j "a)l addition to.their High Sch&ol district. I wonder what they will do : f j next. ,' Nor we turn our eyes to BetHcl H}11 t etedtwli on nert sinnrday, earnestly s hoping and expecting a. great victory ! i by these noble people who for tfywvj E] bar" ID. s ECIDE TC yc Friends a They Will ' Millinery! I Hats tor >pnng SH0 -immed ^ats for Ymfha own Low Prices^ 0f the. k Sale:and buy your Pvey? id Children's^Hats ?ams '> -iany-Doliars. : 986 ^ i Smarl Fashions OneLo lL:_ .-I-- ' .... - . * 7 " *? '^v. _j ? . ; j. 7 ' ' -- 1 " " ' W-' HI tlilh, 1922. ' . . - fr 'i ' p-^"T7T~'" " F cars-have been leaders in the edu- I ^tional- work of our" county. UH.li i L hfction itjao U to provide for tW; . wilding gH? greater school by rais'Ait not less t)>?Ln lOceijts ribr more t :han. 30 cts. On the $100.00 worth at ' aronertyr. . c There will ^be s community meet- ? inft In the High School -Building ?t > Allensville next Sunday afternoon at " 1 o'clock. Everybody invited.- . j. Beam.. < -Qi ^ 1 EAST ROXBORO DEMOCRATS. t ~?=*- L The mteWjSf of- the Denjocrsts 61 Ebst Roxhpro Precinct was hold "1n the office .of Mr N. UunafonjL. the I Hyco Warehouse, the regular meet- j ihg place having been destroyed-by 1 fire. Tlil f olTowuig " were named aa the executive coknmittee: N. Initiators, chairman; Miss Hattie Burch, r) secretary, and D." 9- Brooks, Miss M Bessie baniel and J. yt. AH Democrats in good ]unin( Wjre au- " thorixed to attend-the County Convention aa delegates. RY RA] SALE TUDT, ) SAVE i S . . nd Neighbor* Thank You bargains! bargains F SA1FI At OM-fime Price*, the ou did not meet with in the days ' gi ve tlje choice of one of -the largest ;ind of shoes you want. _ -Below' v u .only a few -brief jottings' of the man ou will find when ypu cotne. Ladies Shoes bow-Gnt"PumpS andrStrap MJfc ># 5, fiigh and Low Heels at ^ i 5 t Ladies Punips, High A Low Heels at V .' Kid Oxfords, Military Q j s, worth $4r50; this Sale * . , Brown Oxfords and Strap {T? "O ps, worth $5.00, this Sale it Ladies Ox. and Pumps, ftV'yl Strap, high and low heels _K/| Worth $6.50, this Sale *? S $7.50 ONE - T - fr STRAP PUMPS^ CJJKD.' COME w You Can Stretch Tfie Buying Po ^" YOUR DOLLAR. ?1 - ? ESI Pg erit when she ftotes the n J TL i ^ 1 _ -r. 5 1 ^ acntju. i ms 101 mciuaesi EN'S HATS, MEN'S HI 3ne Lot QC,,, One Lot QQ, Waists at OOC. Waists at *jO(. rem atbE 'Al'S ANB ie small medium and larg re unusuatty-attractiv^i ' _ _/_ ' i * SftttfATiK w iVWffi Wnwittrirrt 'tin' njrnirrnf . , \. " ~ ' " " v;;. v*. ~ w -?* - - -** - i. >. -r .. " " ... r ' - ' "l"-?~"V" ^'?.-?* - ' .l _i.. _.i".?! iSJIOCRATIC COUNTY -' * i CONVENTION. The Democratic County Cbnventon will meet In' "Roxboro on next iaturday, in' the Court hobae, at 1 >'clock, for the pucpoae of electing lelegates te the State Convention, vhich, will meet Jn RalClgH on next Thursday.. " " immediately after the conventidn tdjoTni. the, precinct chairmen will neet and elect ? County Chairman. ANNOUNCEMENT. (The following announcement hah >een received In thla office and will x: of iiitet^at' to the many friends of soth, oartief In ,'ttilg~'gouBffc: /' v < j' j Mr. and M.fa?J, 'Martin Long knnounce the marriage of their daugh * tec t . ?-?' Brk"- : ' to Mr. Oscnr J one* Saturday, April' StlT, 1952. : r? [FF>S Hf "1R VND CA1 > About Hai for your K.i II Mtfn'c on< WW AVAVli U U1H lsort oi Prices are 1 ^ that you can nnc stocks _ c " re: can BoyS Suit& vW $12.50 One Lot Men s Coats ai m -at $16.75 Our Price | 75 .One Lot of $25.00,Y ' Suits, Nice Range ^t*C5 OneLot Young Meij's ^ . NewesLmnkes, Good tZO $35.00 Men's Suits 48 ?r? Now Goin ao Extra *0 Women's Houst 48 Percale and Ging ONE LOT OR LA? RQSE, BLACK __ ONE LO' "er of $2 50 to $3.00 Full R I Extra Good tESSESI -thai: every woman who larvelous variety of bear he Most Up-to-Date Style s. *> " ' I re HirMin r? ? W-Tir. MEJLN 3 rAl\ 13 at One Lot tleorgette d?l QQ L. . Waists at ?pl.yO REDUCT1 ??N ^OATS Si e sizes, in styles suitable >fic^ fror?m.?0 fo^ 1 ." - " ? ~ -?1 '>'f-?" 1 ' . 71 - ; . - gy- _ _ ' t ^ J " *'. " * -0? ;'' f ? . ..UT, -4-- - - - ' '965.000-IvpsJtED TO-PFR. 5* j. -.. . 8QX COUNTY FARMERS. ' Mr. Krhort P, But:j. secretary and -? treasure! of the Person County FarmLoan Association tells us that thy > farmers of this County .have secured from the Federal Land Bank the sum of 986.000. This w an Ideal method whereby to borrow money and we are clad to see the farmers taking advantage of the opportunity. ' AUTOMOBILE BURN JED. On last- "Saturday Mr. Guthrie . Bradsher and a pafyt of four ladies . e were out on the road leading to Leas < burp when the car* he waa driving, a Studeljcker Si*, belonging to Mr ES-gol ~D. Morton, caught fire and. born fed up. It semis the car had been gfetihg trouble vd-'n . in some way (Bars, waa a short < >