gt) L W. NOELL, Editor and Pub ; VOL. XXXVllV ' SYNOPSIS OF Mi KEBR'S CHARGE __ o We Have heard 90 njtny favorable remarks about the charge Judge Kerr delivered to' fhe grandjurjF that we are tfbtd to be able^to give a synopsis .This^synopsis was furnished us by one V our Royboro Lawyers, and while; of course- it does not do full < justice to the address for nothing short of ttlj address itselr could do that, we are very glad to be abl^.to give our readers this -part Ir it., "If I were to"discuss atl crimes, I " would . have to consider at least 4 hundred. There are actually "thirtyfi.vo distinct offenses against the elV action low. Many of the offences known as common law. crimes are now laws in North Carolina, Our form of government is a DcmBr - 1 ccrac.v. The people make ISS7 laws that nrotect our oeace. our hartbiness 7 ~ "tend-tare Iprapcrty. We draw min of character cEghteenTgr- gwiiLjiig, end eighteen for petit jury to" corne here and enforce the law. You, the Grand Jury, are chosen .ecpreBcnta- ! tlves of the people and rn beWalf of the people to see "that the. laws are anfercedr Our fomi of obviment | id on trial before the world. So far "Is an exyUrftrtertt. A few hundred - - years amounts to very little iirvcteri-' tv. What men and' wenien bui&l in ,life .reflects the life of the age.. Athens, Greece and Rome, where civilization was once at its greatest, have?faded away, but we ban still - see evidences of what they built. So. _ ? we are builders in this life. Some says ' a democracy impossibility, that it cannot stand, that men cannot rule tlien^elvea . CJcetro said that our form of government is an impossibility -= 'ew would-get all-powerful nndpbppbessive, and that great mass-1 ea would then take hold of tilings and tear them down, resulting in mob mill II iiiiii 11 modern statesman, I _. Thoujas Jefferson, n reall'llln <isi ! 11 | crat, said it would not go out in mob rule if the people were made un* . iversally intelligent so that one class could not oyploit the rights of an-' other. ' ? J The principal duty of man in our form .of goverment is-to look after r" . the ;tnterests of Uis feHowman." Put this' idea into'The iife of your County. State and Nation. Cijrist gave , but onp commandment: "Rove ope ? another." lY~a ^public Official is not willing .to be criticized, he ought to resign and Joecome a private citizen. -A public official otight to. inv'ite crit . ' Doctors do not waaj to some to the Court House and Wci^i the Sot it _ . function.^ ' , k ' I was one of the men ' in North Carolina who was glad the w6men were allowed to vote. If they realized their power they would do more. "Public opinion is the Emperor. of : ' t the world." Get it right and wholq, ' some and you will 'seei wh'at kind of community and stare we will have. Each cf us should ask "What kind of influence am I ekerting" "Though " - a man is *dcad, yet he. still lives." Paul is more vital today fhatf He ever iVaa. We all~create either a good or a bad infuence. . The people of Person County , are near and dear to <5^ I tvas born in ' Casweli County- anil have kinfolks in this county. I heard a dirty'joke told here when I was a boy about nine years old. and have never forgotten it. I would give $1000 to get this wiped out of my mind. We have to look after the fhysiei?l welfare of our people". I want you to send for your County physjeian and See if the health laws are being Car, ricd out. We are going to lpok, after these things in North Carolina.'But, !'v there is more than a strong body?v>( need the spiritual sile developed. Wc ' want the efficient man and the efficient women. We want our. bov's ait? girls to have an. equal chance wftl tWe boya_'and girls Brother staves In the race of life, our boys ant girls are_ hot going Mr" race wit! ~ against thoroughbreds. There Is nc place for scrubs in this Country. ?^tist type of Anglo-Saxon American It |? AhlboiilsLln sSetieiki?shew "tha ? "J Jhrtrr, t( LUC JJlVjlUlUR/H y* " , | " native Americana fa te?a m Nort ;* ^ Carolina thaa- ia any ateta in (he un ~ Tafli'k* we aee that^-Naetk Caroiin a?3oC*t .the-head of'-the iUt- in th vjoUli'jn uf thgltinar UvO. Thia-ia. tP' rtiaimi" and diamine, and <hc poepl r ' ctn--hT"fc ?P ?thf!if.'.wggt m ?= _ -. irib lisher * ROXBORO, CHURCHES UNITE IN FAREWELL TO REV. R. E. WHITE Lexington gave Rev. Jt. E. White, j pastor of First Baptist church for .the past-four years, a great.sertd-off Sunday night in hpnor of His early de| partune for Roxboro to take the pas, torate of the Baptist church there. A i great congregation from all the city ev; ' ening services for the unidn meeting, j overflowed the auditorium, arjd balcony of First Baptist church and i made it necessary to open the Sunday : school room back of the pulpit. An inspiring program, marked by mafijr touching references'; to tH> departing minister and much" praise of Ks fine works here, was rendered: AJ1 the ministers of the city churches toot part in the prograpi, the principal address being made .by Rev. W. I,, Hutchins and slJort talks by'Rev. | P. J. Bame,; Dr. -L. T. -Wilds, Jr., R'jv. W. S. Holmes and Dr. J C. Leonard, the latter as the dean ?if the- Iivmi I nltnisli.i iiU?liniim-prpxid-i ing over the service. "A most exo$!1enr 'musical* program yjas rendered," feature d^iy the singing o- ..the. Letting| ton Male" Chorus, a large band of | trained men singers under ttye direc* j Hon of Prof. B. F. Sirtk. To those who Had not previously . heard this chorus*its work was a revelation and j the organization bids fai? to be one of the most popular in' the city, [ .Rev. Mr. White briefly spoke a few words of farewell to the people of I Lexington near the end of the service, j At the morning service in his cHirch his sei)non in t^e nature of a farewell and Ahe congregation then formally took leave of their pastor, who during the four years of his, sptv vice has seen a remarkable growth in the chuych. Several splendid presents wereypresented aj*l other touching' testftfctoni&ls furtished of the regard in which he is Vi'ld by the congregation as a whole. ?. The following r?ntutiTiw -wMi?fli|( "In the providence. of pod, and the changes of human relations, separations are the common Tot of mottals. ! We are now as a churcH called to a separation frym on& who has.- been (cur guide"and -leader for lour years, j Alwdyfif ready and ever willing in any I undertaking for'tte growth And development of-the high anus hnd the true-conceptions of life, .our pastor, Brt>. R. E.- White, has been a real' tower of strength arid entUasiasm tothis church, ' Coming tcr us in our weakness, H?. i.has'led us witii faithfulness, fixity and vision to a true realization of our duties* and privileges. In these i-fouy years cur., growth m numbers and vital" activities has been-a source i f i pride and encouragement to our e-rftire s membership and enabled us to vision more clearly the possibilities ; that lay out before, j "And now that H is Brother White's | conviction that his work and future I shall lie in-other fields this church , bids him good-bye with regret, appreciation for the love- and affection which he has bestowed"*upon us: An earnest wislfr that Qod's .richest blessings may follow him and ^frts splenjdid family in their now hoine gnd that ! the comAig year3 may hold for him (full measure of honored- usefulness j and happiness. "We ask that a copy of tW? above ; be spread upon the minutes o'f our church, a copy be sent to. our city paper and The Biblical Recorder for publication and a copy be forwarded to the- Baptist church at Roxbbro. L. A. MARTIN G. F. KANKINS Dr; CJi. SHARfl?E "^Lexington DispatcH. \ ,| ^ o ? ' RANK OF ROXBORO ENDORSES CO-OPERATIVE MARKETING. Jr The folio WinJet solution was passHed by Board of Directors: fj That whereas, the Co-operativt Marketing Association is format,. foi i and is a movement looking: to tht i welfare and interest "of the farmer! a view of tils fact" that the asociatior contemplates in tUs pext few weeki to-ant-oa-an .mteaaiyedriy e to gel ' signers, we therefore, aa a bank, offe t our iiearty co-operation- in this g-ren ' movement and wish to extend to thi h association and to the famers of ou - county our best wishes. We believi - always that the fairmers* welfare i: a tlj? public welfare arm iti considers a tiod-of this tommou good we want t n -our P.HTDORBEMEUT" anil ic a j f luehce" TO this yrcnt -miivemglit," j : > BAM K UK K-UABUKU 4 ? "* r , * .- ' Mcbot . Home First, Abro NORTH "CAROLINA, 1 PERSON COUNTYOUT TO LEAJ). j With more than seven and a half million pounds of har tobacco signed up with the Tobacco : Growers Co-operative Association, Person County , has adopted the. slogan of "A hun-" drcd percent sign-up" and is oat to s North Carolina in the percentage of tobacco. signed. * > H. W. Winstead of Roxboro and < other leading citizens of Person b??- t$ announced at tjiefleatfquartera of ' the Tobacco Growers Association at Raleigh last Monday that they wrfe out to lead the State in the sign upnf their County. With the strong barking of bankers and business men as evidenced in \ tWi support of'E. G. "Long and other busirfess loaders of the couiity, follow- g ing careful investigation of the splendid success of the Kentucky?Surlej1 "Growers Asjjreiation, the clti?sn*~Uf PeiSoij aim to carry on their intensive campaign for signers until they e reach a hundred percent siffmup arid the State. ~ Tin mi i liny at whicH the citf- j izjns of Person welcomed rtr.~T.~nT * Joyner,. Director of the Association and Chairman of the committee oh warehouses, last Tuesday was the o'pyning signal for 'a .renewed carar paign in."-Person and adjacent coun- j ties. ' -. 5 J That the average price for tobacco was 13 per cent hjghet- in 1921 tllin in 1920 as announced this week j by the North Carolina. Department Of Agriculture, is, unquestionably due in part to the Tobacco Growers Cooperative Assn. ) Anyone' who compares the eight1 cent averages.of the South Carolina "markets tapt Julyi with .the average b ptice finally obtained by the~ofganii- a en, growers of NortH Carolina whioh b was $24.57 for the' entire State,- ac? V cording to these official figures will c note the benefit gained for all tobat- v co /growers by those who had the ilia ' eotfrSge to "organize. # The smoke screen of misleading S 11 ii 11'lHi Hiii nil i1"t-ly thrown out by H certain interests can no longer <ic-_ v1 ceive tobacco growers iri the face of P the recent report of tbe Department t of Agriculture and statements- by a such leaders of the -tdbatco world as James G-Stone and i R: R. Patterson v ^ad other big figures in"the tobacco e trade who are how supporting the v movement of the growers to apply c scientific niSthcds-to the'hspdling arid tsale of ttloir crops. ' t ; 'o ./ ;,; , SOGIAlr NE^S. # 1. The" Friday Afternoon Club was enj tertamed at ilia regular' appointed meeting by Mrs, J. W. Ncell at*.her*1 r home on Academy Street. The dfccora-|c I tions and t-ajlv cards were suggestive 1 lot spring. After several interesting * | games of Rook a salad course with * 'ecffee and home-made candies was ( I served by the hostess, assisted bv hef 1 daughters. Mrs. Whitfield Clary and 1 Miss Elizabeth -Noell, to this following 5 guests: ftfesdairf&s M. R. Long, A. M. 1 Burng. J. D. K. RicJ>mond, W. H. ( Long, P? K. Miles, B. E. Love, George ' W/ Thomas, W. C. Bullock, J. W. 1 Dixon, R. N! Featherston, R. L Steph- 1 ens, H. W. and J. Winste&d, L. M. Oarlttfn,. W.* T. Pass, R. A. Pass, W. ^ C. Watkihs, E. V. Bbatwright,. J.- B% Woody, George W> Kane, W. T. Long, T. W. Henderson, W. D. M^rritt and B, G. Clayton. The monthly social meeting of the Baptist Philathea Class was TJald Fridah evening in the Sunday SchooJ^ rooms. The meeting^was opened with 1 a prayer by Mrs. J. J Winstead. thej teacher, and w"?9 presided over by the president, Miss Edna Bjadsher. ' A . very dclightffcl course dinner was served at 7t30. Mrs. T> C. BradstLr , and Miss Elizabeth NoelL entertained ^ . the guests with songs and recitations, , artd a very interesting contest was fialab-held. Those present were: Misses j Hiving Wins Lead, Hilda Mitchell, _Ru, t By, Alma, -Mary Wittio and Mary s Bell ItalJ, Celia, Beasie aftd Ethel t Daniel, Hallie fugh, Miljie -lane r Droolta, iThalfira flfimpaaa Filiaabath t Noell, Edna Bradaher, May. Willaon. 71 Mar??Ola Wuwly, Beam r gykea, ' Anni~Gregory, Sallie Day, 8 Meadamea T. C. FradaHrr B.K'Bpen* cer, E. Ei Tho'maat O.^J. Cuahwa,' Vt. S. Clary, George Thofflaa, Oarr Tijn*! berlMce,' Herbert Clay, " E. V. Boat'twrlghWr, W'o6dy, J, J. ''TIUlMMjf T'uml R.. f. Bui lun.? ? of ?4 Next. ? , ? . Wednesday Evening Ap PROGRAM \llensville Sunday School'Convention " Sunday, April 30th 1922. ? Sharon Church. _. 10:30 Period of Worship, Eddie entry. "t ' lO:4a?The Scriptural Basis of tHo Sunday school. Rev. E.. G. Usry. . 11:05 Song. 11:10 The Fruits of the Sunday School, Rev. J. O. Whodbee.' Tiao1 Sum: ?? 11:35 The Advantages of Class Oraniration, W. T. Buchanan. . 11:55 Song. :. ' 12:00 Business f Session. 12:30 AdjoGrnment for dinner. 1:30 Period of Worship, Rob VBriant. 1:45. A Ten-minute Talk, by Each iuperintendent on: ' "Our .Sunday SclJool".. 1. Things we ljava done, recently. 2. Things \yt especially need. 3. Things we hope to_put'into opration soon. , . 2.:2C>-Song. ' - * 2:30 Sunday Sthobl Music,' L, B. IcFarland. 2:25 Thc.B'uL.v ef the Church Memcr to tWa Sunday School, T. JB. Davis. 3:15 Song. r 3:20 The Needed! and Possible ]quipmcr\f of the Stnuil Country Sunay .School, J." M. Wilburn. 3:40* Song. - ? 3:45 Grading the Sunday School, be B. -Currin. w ' 4:05 Song. 4:10 Business Session. SCHOOL NOTES. About all the schoola in thin county ave cloaed. except the Hifeh Schoola nd their commencementa are near at and. The commencement at Alleqsilie last week was a splendid ^lieess. We regret exceedingly that ?s . ere unable to attend. Olive Hill 'TTSXWimitM afnday. Bushy Fork, Jalong, and icthel Hill will announce their later. r(ri1"rt YP*r's work- has heen done and upils and teachers desWU a'unuion which we hope will be both pleasnt and profitable. -TiJj -Person County Summer School rill not be held this summer unless nough teachers desire to-attend to ajrant ,the Board pf Education in enducting it. Cards have been sent r. some whom we know might desire o attend. There- Pre.-.others \vh*o have ignififed a desire. All who wish to utenil Suritmer School iii Rcxbpro, dease let me know in .writing no\ p.ter than - Saturday. Another most excellent County leeting was held at Bethel Hill High' School last Sunflay afternoon. A large ir.d representative attdienc* from e\> n'-y part of the county were amply cpaid for their attendance by a most xcelleht speech from Mr- Robert ^urns, a rising young lawyer of obr cuntJ.' Mr.' Burns Ts an unusually veil ecuippfcd' and talented . young nan and judging by this thoughtful ipeeolJ' he is to become one of our >ry bast lawyers. The music on this occasion was fine^. The next Carhmuni:y Meeting and Singing will be at Bushy Ferk at 3 o'clock In the aftexloon pf the first Sunday in May*-'All ire cordial^/ invited to attend. Qome. ft does us all good. \ ? J. A. Beam. ANOTHER HONOR SUBSCRIBER. We-Uad the pleasure of a visit from another one of our "Honor" subscribers, th'dt' is, one who has beer taking' The Courier since its' founda+j7r?T "\Tv n W K one of our most faithful and besl friends, was the visitor, and he" was kind enough-to say that he had beer reading ttl'.a paper ever since it wa: started about thirty five years ago hid if by chanceihe missedr an iddue he felt that he had missed an oli friend. The frost, he says on Mondaj morning bit the potatoes and snap ami Uj feared, killed much of th? frtrit. He ggvg us glowing account o the Una wheat-and oats in-his section MISS THOMPSON HONORED. of our townsman, Mr^^^S^ThCmp son, who is a senior in Randolph-- M> con College, LynchtdTfJT, >Va~., won th Phi BetaJvgppa. which' is a iiterar fratetnity based on scholarship. Oni one other person frorp Roxboro hi had this distinctive honor, Mr, >! k 7* *wv . - J _ . W ^Ulf . * 9 . attfii y .""S ~ $1.! ril 26th 1922 Mi II in COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES At Olive Hill' High School April 28 ?30. . , Friday Evening, April 28th: ChoruBi*"! ainor Iiacjiiikc T Iova tn ?3n? Trio: March. Duet: "Over hill, and date. Duet: "Jolly darkiee.1' Spng: Hats of other days ' Trio: 'sIn tHj arena." ; Trio: "March and trio" Duet: "'Tea party nocturne." Play: "An evening with Mother . "JT . . Goose." Duet: "Rose petals." Duat: "Fairy dance." Chorus: " Dixie- land." Saturday Evening, Apirl 29th: Chorus: "Come where the lillies bloom," Trio: "The Contented fairy." Trio: "The leasdon of ,tWs birds.' Duet: "Sleighbell pplka." CpefStta: "Thc-fiower nymph's surprise." Biiet: "Tea party polka." DOet: "Rustic dapcc." < - _ Duet: "Tea party march." Trio: "Tripping through the heatHjr." Play: '"The girls of (Jlen Willow." " Sunday April 30th, at Conpord Church: "Kliapsodic Houngroise." ~ Doxology. ' Invocation. ^ Hymn 2: "Come, Thou Abniglliy King." . Scripture Lesson. _ Chorus: "The Lord ih My Shepherd." Annual Sermon: Df, W. B, North Hymn 106: "O, WersHIp the K^ng." P. M, One Thirty O'clock: Hymn: "American the Beautiful." Invocation. Choua: Jesus Name of Wondrous - 1 /IV, " Address: Mr W C "Crosby. , Hymn 77 r-"Holy, Holy, Holy " meeting of countV ne??r> The. county board of elections com)>oBed .pf: K. L. Harris, '6. T." Woods and T. B. Woody met Saturday April in lw,i? iiinti 111^1 ^ rc }ir- Harris Chairmap and. l'. B Woody Secretary. TR^toHowing were appointed registrars and juiges of election fox' the various preciicts. The firsl named- is the register in each nrecinct, and the last two respectively, Democratic and Republican' judges, . Ai: D. Ruffin Rhew, NT. T. Clayton, Frank Rogers. ' " %* 't ? Allensville: B. G. Crumptcn, ] E Montagu^. -T.'B. Davis Bus! JFork: R L Hester. Bradsher. ;W. H. Long. Cate$:. J. O., Polree, 8. G, .Hamlin, C. G. ASh'ley. Ceffc: C. A Long,. Z' V. Barneut, u. S. Oakley. Chub -Lake, W. Q.. Clayton, Nat Jordan, Claude Carver. . 'Cunningham, .Geo. ?. Cunningham, J, R. Franklin, L. ?1. Monfgomer.v. East Roxboro: J. W. Diton, R. P, Burns. R. N. Featherston. ' Hoilcways: A. C. Gentry, G C Barrett, E. Y?. Johes. Mt. Tirzah: J .W. Noell,. C. C. Burton, L. M Clayton Moriah; J. T. Newton, Jaok Cothran, A. E. Foglemfln. ' ^ r West Roxboro: Fred L, ^-fasten, R. 1 Eeafberston,-C D Clayton rr n \it TIT t> wuisu'uu. i. h bkaiw.i, it.. #v. Wilkerson, 0 Y Clayton "-^"Woodsdale: C. T. Hall, B. Q, Robots. B E Mitchell.. ? Th? primary election wilF be IJjW Saturday and the polls shal he open from sunrise to sunset i j The . registration- books are to be -open from Friday April 28th. at 9:0( . | o'clock A. M. "until sunset Saturda; ^ May 20th. The registrars shall at ? tend the voting place each Saturdaj >' during, this period. * ' Saturday May 27tlJ is challenge daj ? and the registrar ahalL attend the vot . ing place for the purpose of enter 1 ing any challenges that may be m3d rjbut not for the purpose *>t registerirtj s votes. e 1 The Winstead Warehouse 1U? bae f designated aa the voting place fo I. East. Roxboro. The above is a correct i'ed-Bbtysome of the former having:jdc i j to Tic fcllmwiiK rielogaten y d this' County 'at the Democrat y JState Convention in RaleigW la is Thursday: * ' " ' . ii.' Or. K. J. Tucker. R. B.'Bolma Wi jr.- euw. i* r""y,"'N<wiju* = - ? _ \ 50 Per Year in' Advancr N?.KT / i /"llSS CRAVEN Ta Durham, tf. C.,"i*pril 26th, 4922.?. Mrs. RtafuB C; Craven announces the engagement ami approaching rnarri am vi uci uaugiitui ifusepaine ijijse, t.r Mr. Edwin Capp Jlobinson Je, ?f* Raleigh, N. Q. v ' POPULAR EDUCATOR CALLS..' It was a real pleasure to hare Miss Helen Graves," principal of Olive Hill High School, favor ua with'a-call Jaat Saturday. Mis#- Graves IsTone-Of 'jy J, most, prominent. and successful teachers in the County, and the people at Olive Hill fully appreciate the value of IJar work, for she has repeatedly > turned down flattering propositions < to-go elsewhere. She tells us that the Trustees have just decided to make the Til* rate for that district 30 cents fof" the next year and-will have an. 8 --'2 mouths term next session. * t DR. JOYNER IN ROXBOROTli.'re'have^been a number of speaktrh-liSre in the- interest of the Co-, operative Association but none have held Ibi'ir audience more closely than' did^ICon. J. V. jgynn, U'liu - .' the farmers in the court Mouse yesterday at the noon hour. He was greeted by a large crowd and we do not believe there was a man preaent who did not -go way feeling that ho had been well repaid for the time. SERVICES AT BAPTIST CHURCH SUNDAY. On Sunday morning-at 11 o'clock * Rev. R. E. White, the newly elected J:.-, pastor, will preach his Introductory senmon at the Baptist Church. In,,the evening at 9:30 o'clock there will he a service in the nature of a welcome serviee. The congregations of'the Methodist and' Presbyterian churches i^e % evening service, ah hw ift.vu6<j w fhese. services. . 3 - A' GOQD DAY'S WORK. Over one thousand-acres of tobacco c^n.wl ? | > Hi II I | C6rQl>erative market in Person CouuLj No . ? | better tobacco county in the world ? ^md Person-County in going to lead' in the most progressive move of tho' present day is^ihe prediction of Harry Winstead manager of this market h^r M R/'flfefC.' J Alt' ROT IN G. ' Thp friencis cf Mr. David Long are y j indeed glajJ to know that he is on the ; road to recovery. TI. j family bad' very I little hopes for him on last Saturday, but lbs recovery, is ncxv,assured. Miss Mattie ^ebster left last SatJurday for Durham where she will spend some tftne>?C. . j AT THE METHODIST - . ' . ; t'Hl'RUH-dvFAT SUNDAY. 11 A. M.? Sermon. Fellowship with Jesus. Companion sermon to last Sunday ; morning ^sermon. At . night tUe Methodists will worship with oar good Baptist friends, being the occasion "of the" first appearance of Djp. ^ R. E. White, their new pdsfor. ' * ' h J. B. Hurley; pastor^ ' ' ' - " UNION MEETING. Rev. M- B. Martin will preach in ^ ( .the t'nrmuve Baptist Church here on | next Friday night, April 28th, and , . ^ during the TJnion Jileeting on Satur , day arid Sunday. ? * ) ' ??0 ?r- " ' . r VpnCR?BIG MINStRKU There will be a Minstrel at Bushy r Fork High School Saturday?uigfch April 29th. Also singing by Allensf j vllle High School, beginning at 8 -j'o'clock. Admission 25 and ,15 cents. Come and laugh with ua> e 0 h X NOTICE OF TAX LISTING ; ' FOR ALI.ENSV1UJBL " a ? - . j 1 At Henry Haghcs old' ttoro or old ' ~ Yancey poft office place Tuesday " May 2nd. ? ? : - ? ?Henry Denny's store- Wednesday MaySrd. ' ' ? --At Claytoa-A .Ssttrrfinldla storee I. Surl,.Thursday May 4th. At Allensvilla Friday May% 5th. U>?At I.?k.? icjday May 6th. _ " ' "l&j it Come. prepared to give a crop ,1*' ' port Ss you arc rtqutred to do.' "5.' T. SLAUGHTER,?~^ T" ' " XTsV.Tafcrt. i M r ?:?""? ??*??77?-?~ ? ? " " T" "% c *. i ; - -j- - -

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