7" ' - YOU ARi OF CRIMINA L . ' ? Y?y ^ve allowe* other buildings t 'long. Dry rot ha*C: to need die earpeni PA ? - , -v L- Look them P > over now ' \ co/ ^SflWetherill's Atlas I * r>y?: c be swarmine info v?' t;-' v urements and let us fir : . a. WINDOW AND All standard sizes' ar carried in stock, but if yot t.. need'any special sizes ca: E; jnake them to order. W p also have . ->' ~*Watkins < Roxboro, N. C. ? - i; ' UjHUMLu 1 The Greens | Daily News raj is recognized as the "stated j?j news service* unexcelled and _ a c lean, broad and. inicrestinj w presents news and views fi S| On its rapidly growing sul Rl of the state's best and mi :: "H H '^a" ^*ou afford to be witho - 3 your trial subscription. - gj SIX MONTHS, DAILY 1 SIX MONTHS. DAILY W I ^ GREENSBORi X. C. State College of A| I ; Summer Session -Ju Courses for 'Teachers holdii 8 Prospective Teachers?who * High Schools- Courses for" ( F- _' lege Credit Course in Cott L^_ application. ~ ? Apply" for Hun Ml KKNO" Tovr otePERs rnn job pi ' '' \ -rt V. v*.r ' '?,. V* " E GUILTYN NEGLIGENCE! J your home and your , 0 go without paint too set in?they are going fer*s repairs and then 1 NT *pthey should be given a iT OF. Ready Mixed Paint Vifc . Auk Ue to AfffiMure the Hout and Tell You the Quantity Required and Prtcm 1 ) t ' ,UMBER DO I IS~| Your 1. Home m Fly-proof I >til the peslfy tliea will me.. Better get mcaa^.' * _ < : .**; house w'ith > 00R ^SCREENS e the material on hstnd if voir i desict/o make your own < a tfcor and window screens. |i e Give us a ring today. .y ' ? * *" t > ' 1 ' *?r? i feBullofekFnone 94 j boro r best newspaper. It gives..a a I its editorial page is always ,9 i f. Independent in politics, it i om every angle. y ascription lists are the names 11 aat forward-looking citizens. 3 ut this newspaper? forward a AND SUNDAY, $4.50. ITHOUT SUNDAY, $3.50. 0 DAILY NEWS. X X . i Creenshoro. N. C. P ;riculture and Engineering i j BE 13th In July 2fith. X.?-J Ji ng State Certificates and for - J I are graduates of Standard i lollege Entrance and for Col- . | qn Classing, Catalogue upon" ! i vaton at-Once to " i Raleigh, Nori h?Carolina UMINti :? ?: RE BOXBORO COURIER oriTCB. - ; , . y/ ' * * ' > . " * 1 . THE ROXBOltO CPU Kilt K THE coukii:H Koxboro, N. C. April 36th 1922 -Dent,au near them sas^GeLTt ? ROXBORO LUMBER CO. ' Mrs. E. Lloyd Tilley and children of-Raleigh u're lhe guest of her-parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Burton. . v Mr. D. M. Gash,, member of tbj Board of -County Commissioners, from Moriah, favored ua with a pleasant call. Monday. f ? * ' * Mr. and Mrs. George Pulliamj Misses. Ruby '.and Mary- -Willie Hall and Clyde-Hall spent Sunday at Omega, Va., visiting friends. ? : \ * * * Mess. G. W. Hart, Pasco Thaxton and .Tim nay, i)t1 former Rnvhnro citiv tens, now living in Greensboro, spent last Sunday here- with relatives and friends. * * * Mr. Edwin Harvie, now living .in Winston-Salem, -spent last Sunday hate. . ? * * * Mess. George and Hassell Fox left yesterday -morning for Richmond, where Mr. George Fox goes for examination and probably an operation. * * * Mess. P. B^ Jlenlejr hpd J. D. K. Richmond spent last Friday jn Witt" -Von-Salem on business matters. T-r -T- ; : * * '* Mesa. John Brooks and Cliftoif "".. vberts of"Chase City, VaH were Roxboro visitors last Friday and Saturday. ? ? ? Dr.-E. J. Tucker left* Sunday for Winsthn-Sulem to attend the meet' ins of the State Medical As^flcjntion. Dr. Tucker is a member of the State Medical Board. ; * . Mt, and Mrs. Joe- G. Moors spent last Thursday in Raleigh visiting. friends. _ , . . .... " # ? Mr. E. G. Long is attending the bankers meeting in Pinel.urst t>.ia week.. ; ' '. % f*" J* * Urt,?W, 1L' B. Newell is visiting in Bfenford this track: *? *?. Our good friend, Mr. -C. G. Daniel favored us with a call last WednesWTEi i"-- . ?? - - : Rev. J. A Beam left yesterday evaning fo'c Goldshaiu where he w. 11 at1 a meeting of County Sfrperihnmdents. .. r * * * ? T)rs. B. E. Tjoye and W. A. Brad siier ure attending the meeting flf the State Medical Association* whirb is in semion in Wiinaijti-Salem this -week. *. # !*e were' glad HJon: doy- This is the first time we dhave seen Him since His return from the besiutai, and ire were glad to see.him looking so weH. * * * Mr. and "Mrs- H. W. Winstesd, Nr. and Mrs. J. J. Winstead and Mrs. Waiters spent Monday in. Raleigh. ,* * * i Mr. and (Mrs. R. T. Barron spent laat Sujtiioy ft Chaee City visiting Mr. and Mrs. M.- A. Stewart. * * * Mr. and. Jfrs. W. C, Bullock and children and Mr. Dick Bsallooti spent last Sunday m Bullock, Sf, C. visiting My. Bullock's parents. * * * Hon. J. E. Tuoker and Mr. M. C. Winstcad of Milton were Rbxboro rial tors yesterday,. 1 have the H exclusive I I For the JenncT's I.ine of j^H pspi **? IBS wedding Invitations, wed- JS&M ding announcements, 3S I Business or Professional TS?rT?==-r="^ H .Visiting cards, also H social correspondence stac ^?ftrt-teyeer-order I for 400 visiting cards at once. I JEWELERS. B Roabors. N. CX. ^B ? : : :?T? Mr. Edgar Newton, Mrs. I, O. WiU J i^orunnd sen Jaimes Otis, ani-Misa f Corinne Newton are - spending. "the | day .in Durham- ? . r j II ,lfrs. M." R. Long left yesterday for | Greensboro to attend a dinner dance \ at the O'Henry and to be the guest of Mrs. Thomas Hunt for- a 'few days ; r - - r~-? ? a'?'. ? : ? We weTe glad to have a visit .from" | our good friend, Mr. Geo. I,. Curi- jj ;ngham, yesterday morning. . E Mr. H.' L, Carver, a leading, mer- , | chant .of Rougeraont, favored us with I j a call yesterday. I We enjoyed a call yesterday morn- E ing from- Mr.. W. P. Gates of Timberlake, route 2. Mr. Gates is a sure j enough) farmer, for he" has never I -bought but two bales of hay since he baa been farming, and when he sella i his tobacco he says the money it | brings belongs to him. that is, after t paying hts taxes. Truly; it pays' to | live at Dome, and some" of these days r there are going to be more farmers | i:i. If- ? ' ' ' " tiKe nr. umea. E ? ? t * ' I BROOCH LOST?On last Sunday g at the Methodiat Church a BroOch- | cnmeo, with pearls, was lost. Finder E will please leave %t Sergeant & Clay- r ton's jiibt?tfccpc^e reward. ltpl | *,. ? - - ' t ' Parent Teacher Association will g meet ki school auditorium Thursday, | AnriL 9.7th. at 3;45 o'clock. This is an li important meeting and All iliuiubun t nre urged; to be present. , ?' "T * ? We enjoyed, a .ca\l this morning f^im our friends Mr Geo. E Woody of Bethel Hill, He says while there was I ' some frost in his' section. IJj does not i | think any serisus-dnmage resulted. _ j Mr. John. B. /Harvie of Danvillle is | a Roxboro visitor today. ? . Mr. W. ,F. Whitt, wl.b has a .position in Burlington, spent the week end here .with his fapiily. 1 . .. S' Mr. and Mrs. R. -A.iSpencer spent Several dajte?ttfst week with ttbir ' daughter, Mrs. F rank Wooclv. in' Lynchburg, Va. ?,> ?. ttr, R r. Clayton, rashier nf 'the "First National Bank, is attending the 1 njeeting of the Bankers' Association, ' at PihehurSt this-week |i , * x * _ - On Friday night, April tin, the .lu-'" j nior Class of Roxboro-High. School" ! will present "A Perplexing Situation." They premise an hour and, forty .five minutes of High class entertainment. School auditorium, od- | mission .35 and 50 cents. '' - * ? ? * -E P BUSINESS LOCALS .*. J READY?I have plant beds burn-"' ed, wood cut, and good 5 Yoops bouse and want a man for part of crop? ' 40' or 100,000 tobacco . hlHs'?D. E. Wilkersoti, RSdgeville, N. C. 4' 12 2ta : AJ1 kinds of Seed field corn at ' Hugh "Woods. 1 . . i i '?"? ?c 1 EGGS FOB HATCHING?Reds t arid Rocks -15 ?gg? for 4$k00, pure " bred .stock. Now is the time to hatch " your pullets for "next year.?John Q. Yarbrough & Sons," AllensvIUe, N. "C ' 4 20 2ts. pd. ' I COME and get those chairs like your Grandfather used. Price reduced from $15.00 to $13.00 per set, for two weeks?while they last. ? E. D. ? CHEEK, Roxboro, N. C. ? ' ~r~: "" ~ n . Over $250,000.00 Jefferson sold in y 1920 by the Satterfield Agency. It n will be repeated in 1922. SATTER- r( FIELD, "'Old and Tried". Do It Now 1 ; i 4 Mr. Traveler, before you leave town _ call at Satterfield's pflice and. get an Accident Ticket. 25c a day. It may mean $5000.00 to you. SATTER- [,) FIELD INS. AGENCY, "Old and ,t Tried." Sudan- Grass, the "big May Crop, ,n can cut 3 oy 4 times. Sow last-"of j April or 1st i6f _M?yy' at HUGH m [WOODS: y?? . 1 ? ? . .... i c? Call.at SATTfcBFIELD'S office for _ all kinds of bonds. No ' ^ending to ' New York or other places. We will ;n Write your bond while you are wait- u infe. See PATTERFIKI-D. "Old aijd et Tried." , th See J. L_. Garrett & Co. for hay, wF re have a big lot oh hand and going to _ try and keep it sft all times.. Price *shall be right : - yr ?FORI RENT?Room over Simp- F] son's market. Aubrey Long 3 22 tf. to .. D, PUBLIC TRANSFER. > ia i' "t "" ?-0? ' '-** . . ^ Whpn^you wanhgiaujing of any. kind ~_ calljon Y~am in position to du itI have Just put on a two Ton Trnck 0 for public transfer." I solicit your ^ business. I Buy pliune 88, Night phone IBS. -? JAOK BARNETTE' - p o * * *' 'S a _ 7" ' s - " . ' ' ' r' " ; . | After East< I tion On i and Goal ' . ?! S37.50 Coats and Ceat Suits I 32.50 Coats- and Coat Suits j 29.00 Coats" and Coat Suits | 22 50 Coats and Coat Suits - 19.75 Coats and Coat Suits 14.75 Coat a and; Coat Suits We "have a generous assortr somebody will get some bar put on them will move them Get yours before they a ^ : - : - ' IWilburn&, - roXboi Safety D i . " ' 1 . 1 smaIl box p. med1um box 1 " ~ large box f . ^ V ?: 1 i t. e. austin, preside: < >' . 4$?CR J3ALE?One BurfrougWa. Addng ..Machine. To qtrick buyer will mme an attractive price. Apply, to. Vnto-Tire & Repair Co.,'Roxboro, N. : ?_1 , . "EGGS AND STOCK reduced. Prize >ens S. C. Reds, 112 prizes. Cockerels cad pullets for sale.?Mrs. John Kerr, latli-im, N. C. , ' 2tpd FXJRt SALE? . . Corn on ear $3.00 per bbl. Two ood mules, at low figures. Also i'ar^j sins in tractors, harrows, plows, ragons, Derring and McCormick and' Food jnowers. Repairs for-all imple-| lents.' Wanted, tenant for crop aliady started. " J. R. GOOGH, 20, 2ts Timberlake, N. C. Did you ever hear pf so many cy ones ? A storm jralicy wil) cost you, it-a trlrie^ See SATTERFIELP. Do[ Now.FfRE INSURANCE more impor- i ,nt now than ever. Could yo\i rerfce your "home without embarrass- 1 ent? Yon can muster up a few dof- 1 rs'foT the premium. Get right. See i VTTERFIEfcD. Do It >Iow. " j J . m ; 1 JEFFERSON is. a h'ouseljitd" Word" i N. C. Every* North Carolinian is i stly -proud of the Jefferson, the-J rongest lifp_?surance Company in e South. Keep, your money at Dome. at. Why send your money North whan iuT chn do better at bbme. A JEF- ( ERSON policy on your life 'omana < ture protection for your loved ones. < 3 It Now. .Tomorrow may be too 1 to! See SATTERFIELD, Dls't. i l?t. ?t . ' =- . , United States ^Fidelity & Guaranty ?.j tMa strongest bonding Company ' r the world.1 Don't aalt your- friend i sign your bond. We will sign tt iiLa- small -premium. Spe S^TJiK-; IF.LR, the hfljgl man. . v-v "T ; \ ;; ' ' ^ \llCo"ats | " Suits 1 Reduced to *___S29.00 g Reduced to- ?$26.00 ? Reduced to $22.50 1 Reduced to - $17.50 1 Reduced to $16.00 | Reduced to S12.5G j3 nent of Coats and Suits and gains. The prices we hav.e P re all gen*. Satterfield ? RO, N. c:' . B a * ' - ' - '' r I eposit r Rent if? |?t| j | . ER YEAR $1.00 ^ " ?Ett YEAR#/?0 ER YEAR 52-00 v, ! j| . XF ' }\t jmrwWmmt > gUyK : DXBQRO | . * fT. W. F. LONtJ CASHIER _* CRITICALLY 1UU- ?i; ^~, We regret to hear that Mr. M. A. Stewart, one of the machinists at the Ct ijwell 'Avrto^,(Jti., ' la critically . ill at the home of his father in Chasp Cityr Va^Mr. Stetvart is suffering with1 blood poison | ' _ ?o? ?. COME IN an'look at a refrigerator ' ; that has bc^n placed in - 1,600,000 ' homes,, built by,the oldest factory in ' America.-'?E. D, CIIEEK^.. Roxboro, N. C. ' ' . * V i . I-'ttR SALE, Coca-Cola barrels, $1.50 while th'ey last. Get them early before they - are all. sold.?Roxboro / Bottling Works. , LAND SAUE. . N. By' virtue at - two trusts executed to me -by Alex San-ford, duly* registered in Person County,'in books ?3, page .393 -and 2 page 362. I will <0T the " 30TH DAY CtV MAY . at 12 o'clock (1922), sell on "the prem' ises for cash all that cerfain tract of land, lying in Holloway township, Person County, N. "C., adjoining the lands of W. A. Tuck on the North Mrs. Susie Meal on the East; W. N. _ Flaskins on t.he woof* -* T *m ~ ?-V-.f BIIU UV(I. 11UUE' on on the Sopth; containing 46 1-2 lores more or,leas. See deed from (ohn F. Woody, to said Alex Sanford. This April 2jth 1922 ; H. W. A?hby, trustee_ T.Akjrney. - - ?-r1 ? . ' i 'n *J 'I .ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICR , Having qualified as administrator if the estate of J. W. Winstead. de eased, late of Person Ooonty, North "erotfrm, this 14 to notify all persons raving claims arainst the estate of lajd deceased to exhibit them to tho ?p? jndetsigtoed on oy before the 25th lay of, April, 1928, or this nuUa'trttt . ^ lie pleaded hi-has of their recovery. . All persona indebted to said estate will pleaae make immedate payment. -TWs 28th day of April Him.1 ; ~ J. n v-r. K. 0. WagstaS. " 7 " '; " ; Administrators. . s