BP&"" ^?; -ll_i L MICKIE, 77fE PRIN ^ ||rS^ioSi<. U*SEU\ lH ME* PO?.TM C-tQK. AT ||j|r AMEMosRiua cauesnovi^ ^'UT VMlOW ^ ' ' II PROFESSIONAL CARDS' -* V BQy.ROKO, N. c. * DR. G. C. VICKERS Dentist *. Office In Newel! building ? * on North Main street, * * next door to Roxboro * Grocery Company; ROXRORO, N. C. m c ? ? ? 's fT^srrinn ?* Attorney-at Jaw . . Office over Garrett's Store ? ROXRORO, N. C. . > P ? * r* P. O. CARVER Attorney ajid Ootineellor at ' .Law Office Over Bank of Roxborp * . ?>f . t DR E. 7 TUCKER- * - Dentist Office In Hotel Jones over Dr. R. J. Teainie't> office * * ? * * ? . . .. * ?. ? ? ? ? g. ? * DR. f. H. HUGHES * * Dentist ' Office" in Hotel Jones, next * * door to Dr. Tucker's office. * ' , ?. * ** j i 1 ^is no longer hdcet [pensive automobi J obtain the essentials a the costly car. Studebaker has settled noto buy . a LIGHT $104S,^f. o. b. factory that rivals th% higher every advantage that up permanent satisfadt You want a service! ^.IGHT-SIX has a 40-1 tor which is powerful, j. practically free from vi ? of- Studebaker* s metho the-crankshaft and con You want .good looks. T looks in'We LiG HT-SI s ., You want a comfort ' LIGHT-SIX has a root r " ' body, mounted on lc _ semi-<dliptie springs; ai cushions upholstered in "7? Touring, S1045 JACK . ' " " ' ?r~ ? -'*r* ~:-i ii i r? - ' (msnmm V . ..v - "' . - ' a - '3S* V . ' T> ' '. TER'S DEVIL , , " 7 '-* - ? . ? ? ******* ROBERT P. BURNS ~ Attorney at Law -? PEOPLES BANK BUILDING Prompt antTcareful attention gtvr ' tl to'all buaineaa. I . a* a a ? a w a. a a W. T. BUCHANAN " ^URVAYOR MILL CREEK. N. C. Route i. ' ' -| IMWfflaMBIni1 Schedule Effective Jan., -15 1922. p. m. a. m A. m. p. nj tSiaOlf.OO lv Durham ar. 11:06;9:H ~ <7.091*8:18' Iv. RoxbartJ fcr. 9:8317:54 x7:ij3j*8:45 lv. Denrustop ar. 8:4517:19 <8:201*9:05 lv. S. Boston ar. 8:^5:56 x8:35|*9:17 _1?. Halifax ar. 8:02|6:43 xll:15'*ll.:30ar. Lynchg, lv. x5:30]4:15 p. m. a. n. ' - a. m. p. m Dally and x Daily Bt. SUA. - * j Connections at. Lynchburg with trains' cast and westbound. Parlor and sleeping cars dining ears. The- bta- route to the. west and northwest. Rates and in formation upr* application to agent,' i or W. C. BAL-NDERS. s - General-Peaa-AgisnP 1 Roanoke. Va. : \ 'lAhd There Wasn't the Slightest SmrJI from Dead Rats." ' Writes John Srmpklns, farmer of Annandale, NV J. "Rats were cost J Fiw-panitngcT, 40-hor?epow*T. 33? 112-inph uihtelLate I Cord Tires Standard Equipment sary "To biajf' an You want service le in order to TrOUt complete i nd comforts of It is yot an exj of oyfriers have . . v in' evlty kind oi that. You can SIX for only And you want r< , and get a-car . equipment on the priced ones in cowl ventilator c goes to make strument board; ion. base of the windi , . ? side door hand! car' The plate glass, wine vorsepower jno- iKnit;on ]ock ant flexible and is l^k, rec brahon because surance to LlCh u Mun.uiMiMis 20 per cent; and necting rods. ' You can pay m You get good satisfaction the 1 X But you can't ge , , T-, a value that is able car. The ,he LIGHT-SIX. ny. comfortable , mg. substantial. Studabaker has ad deep, restful " vehicles and selli genuineleather. for 70 years. ; 3-Passenger Roadatmr, $1045; C?up?-/?(V $94mm, $17$0. AU priomf. o. 5, SON MOTO -?' KoxBom ice: ?? ?$ -W- - ^ A: ' " " " I ? . i . - ; >? - * V * .-" THE. BOXBOitO COURIER AI By ChH^t Sughro* * - . * W.?, . <y?vir V rowu??o M - ooas.i-4 ^ jkrvmeu^vmh does ~ a ww>? wea* .. I ing me hundreds yearly, tried dogs, ferrets, poison, could not get rid-of them;?Bought $1,25 pkg. Of RATCVIAQ / C 1 V TT_ _ 1 . ?L' y* - ' onrti cues.; yjsea nan, not a live rat Since. Dead one a plenty I like RAT-SNAP because after kfll-j ing rata it dries them up?leaves nO| snjgll." Theo sizes 35c, 65c, $1.25. Sold and guaranteed by LONG BRADSHER & COMPANY I Roxboro, N. C. ' Great Reduction ~ Buggies ; and Surries . Write 'for" Special Prices -for. the lext 60 days bp parts for Buggies, ucU as Tops, Wheels, Shafts, and lubber Tire also at Low Prices. Auto Tops Recovered and trimriiing cork. . - " Cars and Buggies!Repainted at REASONABLE PRICES. R. A. HARREI.L BUGGY CO.," Sorth Boston, V?. 3 15 3'mos. ! . ? . i ... ;.. ', " / j . . The LIGHT-SIX is i n Studebaker plants. jcrimenL Thousands found jt dependable f service. * sfincmcote.,'' Standard s LIGHT-SIX includes iperated from the incowl parkins; lights at I ihield; inside and outes; large, rectangular low in rear curtain: - j, I a thief-prorif translucing the rate of inIT-S1X pwners'15 to cord tires. ore and 'not get the JGHT-SIX will give. (, forv^he same price, even comparable to been building quality ng them at'fair prices ' ,~ aiAttr, $1375/ R CO, ^ - - - -"g ~ isr ?-> - - r ^ PL is -TT? RIL 29th 1922- ' ' ^ JjA X SW&OL 0F\ )(R.eJoieiw<i ow I V UM^EST QPU <3F , J J POULTRY 1 CACKLES LESSEN BROODINESS OF HENS Every Ambltlou* and Enihusiaftia Pcultrymen i riea io Restrict Its Development. - ~*Zjf (Prcp*n?d by th? United Statoa Department i Of Agriculture.) Broody hens, like way yard^Mldron, are ? great discredit to their parents and a source of nanoyance to qil who have to do "with them. That why one-of t ho--greatest concerns of .every* ambitions and enthusiastic poultry man la to restrict tlie npgggiaftee arid ^development of bnioSIiieso hi' Ids .Mock. ?/J he United States Depanimmt of Affliction re dins found--flint firoddl . .n?ss can be- reduced very markedly by careful, rlffld end persistent selection/ ' '? . At the Massachusetts experiment station", where a detailed experimental study of brootWness hns been made, It iPS^k . *fSm ^"* ,oChe Early Hatched Pullet la the? Qoe That Begins to Lay. Early in Fall. . y. was ascertained that* previous'to-The LprsK'tlce of selection tJu> average JienH (ii the thj' U was ig^ndf nines a year. After pain statin; -election was praptir,,<i fpr rive ydars, tliis tehjlency: in ; afUti -.. > \v-is' riducivrsb "thai .theJ w.iy.. d I >; < <- > iily O.SC .t?Utes* a | vVci:. A -ir.-fy m.l' lie c?>* i Uni-o-s J o 1 t|ihfcpuliytstii^iyvtyfan >dyj -fivl :iny .relatively few eggs be-f'.veeh thbir jferfods.' Ti.'f'ie is uq ot;e df'minuitt cause ? -iromliqes* nitron g poultry. iJoneiical-* iy. ttifiv t'Ci-ur (>;[ < * ?f '>'?nhr^i''iirv^>s and oji --> of l>roodino*9. it is I.Hoveri that hir-'o Ci owing only ?j slight r .?; .iileney T>* lo\odlj.ie>s belong la. llie same- class fifc the jumbrondy 'fowls. us each lias' kboiit the Snufe proportion. of. broody, .offspvi rig. The 'Icr^nhinnllon of broodines? Is complicated by the fact that birds that are not bro&dy during the pullet year may heeome broody ^.during their second or third laying season.^ PROPER EGGS FOR HATCHING ?' California College institutes New Project for Improvement of; Poultry Flock*. For the Improvement of ptniltcy by careful selection of breeding stock, the poultry department of the division of eVtension work of the California Col- ( logo of Agriculture lias Instituted a 'new project with the hatcherypien of Alameda County. Previous to this tiniu, the assertion* of the egg deafen, were the only guide to those who bought* eggs for hatching and deult 'in bnlt*y .chicks, as to the quality of the eggs they were getting. Thereavaa opportunity for frequent abuse or coufl-deuce in the business. Cinb'V tbe nroschO-wbin ubonr Lin**) Birds have been inspected by poultry exports, and those which have met Hie requirements decided upon for weight, egg production, sire and shape of eggs. and other points, have been accepted j* e!lKl(>te for rhe nrodnorton of eers for hatch ing. Hutehsrymeo have agreed to use fio eegs except those -from tested flocks. EXERCISE CARL INI CULLING One li Liafela to Discard at p: ^ Good Layers as Poor1 Ones Lata In Wintsr. Be OatflluLaboutculling btrdt:' You" a rfr liable-t.n gaT-rtxLoI,^ aaany^good onee ns poor cn?#r-rAg long n? you'rafed th$jn all during the winter, it would he safer to feed them mother feu- werka, w'ftfn. hlr# WHL ^prodtld^'ejfgs; thendo y^nr"oullinfc-4^ tluugqniMii^r. front^ppe to -Seuioafrbor. ; - ;< - rhe 1 pr . \ (^U?ViT W* (X W ' GROOl !' , blag || POULTRY j| CRESOL GOOD DISINFECTANT Added IS Wittr It Makw Excellent Selutlon for Spraying Hoimm. cr Premises. (grifiAWil lij ihm UwUad 8??t? of Asrioilllur*.') The kerosene emulsion which "Is frequently used to destroy mites may readily be converts! into a disinfectant, iflfcording to the United States Department of Agriculture, -The emulsion Is made by shaving one-halt pound hurd laundry, soap into one-half gallon softy-water." - Jfyll theu mixture until:sonj) is dissolved and_th$nL after Poultry House That Can Easily- Be Disinfected, reradVIng it to?a~ safe distance from | the fire, stir into it while hot *2 gal- j ions or Kenreene. This makes the stock mixture. When It is to he tiaed a a louse killer, 1 quart , of the emulsion is 'mixed with 10 quarts ot water. "When it Is to be jised us a disinfectant, stir w^ll i>nrt mill 2 pints of crude carbolic ncHl <?> mq'" , The compound solution. of cresol , is"one of 4the_i?es't disinfectants that ] cai)'be ' purchased xoudy Tto use. It i citoiafnA 50 per cent of eresdl ?n/t i* \ pint%of.lt .in ,1.0 quarts of water makes J 1 the eight' sot utlon to apply ta?" houses i Spw^K^f "the irroiindi A 6 per 1 veijt solution of carholJg.Aclil (1 pint 1 ...rtrholic acid* -11) quarts .wjuer).' -Is V . about i-tpuiMV ttRtntiotlf ESSENTIALS OF INCUBATORS < : Chief Point, Whether Srrgl'l or Large Machine Is Used. t9 H>ve .'. " ,A;r Fresh. /prcp^rM by fbiir> ) S(.itP!i I>pirim?W ? , * ' iif A^rlvUl'.Tjr.fi \ IiKMibntors ah' ."|u>rnTM-Successfully* ' ki a great variety- of places. Small machines generally an' set. In a room ' ir the .eelhir. .of the house.^ A special cellar "r lnrrihathr hou*ev snoujd be ; provided wham the lunihtrtor equipment is extensive or where mammoth machines arc used. The. chief points 4>re to hnva p room whlrtvis. nrtt sub- j . Jert .to great vnrlafjons lh temperature and which Is well ventllkfed, *o. that the tHr is fresh and pure, accord. injr to FnVniers' P.ullotin 1'lOG. Jncuba' tion of Hens' - TCujrs. issued by The ' Unite^J. States Department of Agrienl- ! ! tnre.* . ?. If built above grdund the Walls ofj 1 the Incubator house, should be double I and the entire building well insulated, j ! Tncubutors may-lie operated. In Irulld- I i lugs wltlr^slngle wnUSi especially in 1 ! ml HI (fimairy; but*-tr- welt-fr?sH1nle4-room is preferable. flood results "In ( hatching are secured in incubator celi Iqrs and In Tneuhntor rooms which are entirely above the ground-level. , * The incubator room or ceilnr slifliild be large* enough to allow the nttehrt? - unLJ^-iworlc around the machines con; vehlently. -Many Incubator cellars are provided with some system of ventilation In addition to the 'windows, while in others the ventilation Is controlled entirely by tho lrttter method. Muslin I. screens on the wlndnvfi provide good ! i vourilntli'ii . jarilhunt, oli.tfl iHlil"'Ml Hi# *' | same time keep the direct rays of the sun fropi the tnachlnhs. Many .Incubator cell a to have, cement Iloor?v which ] are easier than dirt floors- to keep clean and neat. EXPERIENCE MOST ESSENTIAL; Mo Great Dlffleulttee Offered in Open* atron or Modern, Improved -! ' Ineutwtore. ' j 1 ^ ?**- ? L*-^V: > I j-. Modoni. ImprovM Inmhitfnr* nffpt" ' iin in order tn.nrhlnve ) . snrcww, . >rt nkr r Hinting 111 in (1st any othgr tnactilne. the hot tor ?ho\ erentj. , demtood b.v The* operators, (fio omiftr they .Van hehrtlp them. This.onee and , slmntTriTy Is jMHy*. wmnnrd afwT" a thorough knowledge tile principles 'DYOlYfd ami g f IUi' ""'v for?ftv.m -a fro?tu>snt J2iuuktiijiii;1_nHllfi.i j Jo I 1 limn lrnril ' r"t lit mi i ... i. - ? - I ?3. ' ?, ^ _ V. PACT 'sgywr ""n~ | " i HI ?rm> Meets His Jliitevloo * 4 antAi^t .' iBJ'Wo*' !;;.- ; ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICR NORTH CAROLINA, ? PERSON-'OOUNTY. _v2_^L? Having thia day quaTfiied as Ad~ "miniairator of Jones Melton, deceased. late of Person County, this i? to notify all persons having claims againnt paid .estate to preoont thenrto the undersigned on or before the 12th day of April. 1923, or this notice will bo pleaded in. bar of tWrir recovery. A'll persons indebted tp said estate will please make immediate, payment. This April 12th. 1922. " ' - SAK' MELT&* " . . ' . Administrator. L. M. Carlton, Attorney. NOTICE SALE OF-VAM AIH E ~ " REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY: ~. Under and by virtue of the authority, conferred upon me'by' tfiat cer lam Deed of "frust executed by Eli- .. jtfh Towns end and wiftsArme Town-. send on the 15th day of February . 1922 and duly recorded in% Register* Office of person -County- in book No/ 4 at 432, default; having been nfiade in payjment of* tlTh notes secured bv said deed of trust,, at the request of the .holder of said note. I will on Monday "May 15th" 1922, at 12 o'clock M. in front of the COU^T HOUSE . DOOR IN ROXBORO NORTH CAROLINA, sell tq the highest bidder ifo>r qash the land and personal property conveyed in said: deed of trust, to v . > wit;' %. . " That certain lot of land at Helena r. bounded thr North by the lands t>? Brud Blalock, . ?? on the F^ast by the lands of Reade Brothers, on the South by the Mam Road or street and on the- West byJ the lands of Andrew . Cothjcan,' said lot frctrthie 75.feet on the rAatf*i#n^ fceisjr 50 feet <U'r'p, .on this lot is sii- ' .uattf -a . nice frsffhe ' ?tdrg building. ' 2.- ' " ' *;i Vv* That :b>fc. n-r Tic'o.ua.' N. "C. yc'u^'if ; as- 'follow*: On Jt.hjrv'X'e.rfli, bjr.; ' tli'o Jai>ds. of Ahdvefr OaJflev. on the ^ s f ' CV H H-.u'iV-v: 'on thb Sooth ' " ' J.. 1'.- 0 .'ii'l oh the* West-, by J. R. Goach';,,0p.ntaining^Yhree acres . . or* rr r rhrs 15 is situated. a nihe.frathe dwelling tyith b^rnsi. ' . TUif lit of land or: .the* East sido * ' .of the W & W. R.J*. at Helena* N. C. bounded on the North by'the lands of C\ P Ashley, on ^he East bv'the _. . lands of C. R. Ashlc-yr <*n the South :" by. the* lands of J. R. Gooch and On ' the West-by the public- road. AU that stock .of merchandise consisting of ^groceries, "harivvaryr~dry goods, etc.. now contained in the building situate pn the lot .described herein as lot No. 1. This April 15th 1922. N. LUNSFORD, Trustee. . . " 0 ?? NOTICE OF SALE OF 7 LAND BY TRVSTEfc . UlTder and by. virtue/of-the power of . sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed to the undersigned on the 8th day of July 1921 by John M.* Wood,. Batchclor, which said deed of trust is duly of record in deed of trust book no. -3 at Page 166 of tHe \t t??--- ?? ui i cLauii.vHjansj, default having been made in the payment of iFi^ Bonds secuned I hereby, and at the re'queat of the omen and hnli1"-' ....;i 1 i t iin.ii m. SATURDAY, APR)Tt, 22nd, 1922. at T2 o'clock noon offer Tot sale and sell to the highest bidder'by Public Ruction, for cash, in front of tlto > Cqurt House door of Person'County ut-Rusbuni, hh* C, the fulluiiiug dua??*?? cribed land: ~" ,i?. . . IT' " ~ 6ne undivided fifth interest in and to-yt' certain tract or parcel s# land, situa'tif in; Altensvllle Towiuld)^ Person CounW^Wte ofr ^lotth <J?i *olma, adjonrihgrthe IdStfds tof Auguytns-O'Braint. WUlfejiii_Sherman,?J<Jin . Elliott, George BuSock, Jim llobgood estate, Doc Lawaon and perhaps. nr Ian and being known, os "The j Wood Tract '* '7. " This ,M?rcll i?5uji. 19f2. F W P*KTrVH7~tD "Trustee. MS 98 '

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