I?- .< . - . * L ? MzM [ /, J. W. NOELL, Editor and Publ * I __ ' VOL. XXXVIV . .? V , COURT PROCEEDINGS Extra Term Called for Civil " Causes June 12th. | . i__ Court adjourned, last Friday evening aftdfr spending virtually the entire week with the State docket, only S two civU causes were heard. The "following^ convictions were entered: State vs Charles' Brook*. A. "D. W. Guilty. Fined $15 and costs. $ State vs Robert Sstterfleld. Horse it < stealing. Plead guilty. 12 months in; jail; to be hired io W. W.. Fox upV on payment. of * costs. State vs Jessie Crabtree arid otH7' era. Diaturbing school. $25 and costs, r; ; State vs Alex Cash, Jake Coxart, fcL Costner and Albert Seamster. Liquor. BjL Cash and Coxart guilty. Cash gpve bond for _ appearance at court and Coxqrt 5 ,months on roads; . j State vs Jake Lea. Pleads guilty as to murder in second degree. 10 years in penitentiary. ... A 1 -"-a". T ,4i.ew r? a-? eg-.- oujic ya /iica -?nu uuvun uoy. ai>' | peal from Juvenile Court, lower Court f affirmed. Luther Day whipped as per p ? lihvor fWrt, State vs Buck Holman. Larceny. 6 months on road, to be hired to W. W. Wilson. . - ' " ? 1 State ys Luther Garrett and Early Til.lpy, Distilling. Not guilty. ?~ .State vs Jake Cosyrt. Hudie Davis. John Shotweli, Lennie Davis and W. t M- Costner. Liquor. Cozart 30 days on .Durham County roads, $25;' fine as to Hudie .Davis, Lenhie Davis and ' John ShotwelL Costner not taken. State vs C. D. Clayton. Bigamy. Pleads guilty. 4 years in penitentiary. Stat*' "Vs .Dolph, Holt: Liquor. 30 p ~?days In JatL to -"-ark the roads and I . $200 fine. " " ' State vs John Drumwright, Milton Pinnix and Mary Drumwright. Murder. Not guilty. State vs Tom Clayton. Liquor. Pleads guilty. $100 anljeosts. State v? Jack ,McGee. Disposing of mortgaged' property. Settled for property disposed and closed upotaplfyiv roent ,of costs. \ J 'bt&U VH'nilfi f juli'. Iiiquui. Ciuilty. 6 months on roadB. ! State vs JameS Hnd Henry Clayton. ! l>iquor. James Clayton fined $50 and i. costs and Henry -gave" bond'for goo-V -behaviour for 2 years, and costs.. j ' John Biackwejrvs Bcttie Blackwell.' Divorce granted. - irr . Ethel Jones Williams vs R. S. lfril| liairifc. Divbrce framed" [ ' MEETING (If BOARD "T H [ ' <>F BDVCATIOX.' KV The Booril ct E luration were in \ ; session *last Monday, AlUi thev had ai __ busy day.' Aside f.fom auditinpr bills j p.- there were several'imp.Qr-j t a lice before the , jftobftbly the most, [*__ interesting beirur *he question of I .. " ..summer school fof this County/ The Board, veigt wisely, we think deeided to hold a summer school in RoXboro will be triad to hear this', for thejgjganj *' . hove fhc nleasiire of attending thei r" school at - jnuch ' less expense and at! the same ' time s.pond two -weeks r! * more in the delightful, tawn of Rox- J boro.Apd Rbxboro'is glj'd to have | them, for they, /re the salt of the earth and roue dan tome in contact! g with these, laborers without beinft j . .. benefitted.* ' * 1 o L A WELCOME CALLER. It was a great pleasure to have Miss'Beasie* Daniel favor us with a call last% Monday. Numerous friends have tried to persuade her to offer for 1 ' the nomination for, jrfie Legislature. she could nol see K?r way cJcar" to make 'the race.'though she. said, nothing would affor.d her more plensure than to have the honor to be the first woman to represent this good , County. Mark our prediction: She will be heard from later and will be ' a power nvthe. political affair* of thft County. ? r . _ o roil NT Y COMMIISION K,'"" -the Board ot County CommissRm| ' ? ert wore in session Monday,-.the lull J .bOtfrd being -present. Uttle save rouJ tine wotk occupied the attention ot . the Boatd. dual here We want to comj pliment the Ooonty upon the 'wisdom ^.1 -jhowfl in selecting the pre tent hfttpl ^ "and^ft U withe regret that they win fc=? to again serve. AC.iaa?t " -?? two of thpm have, ? we hftva hoard, positively declined to aerve another term. and when the votera- begin?to $ *i"r?Took around W wen to succeed litem they"wilj find.they hav;_a big job on * hand.-' 1 . -* ?? ' *";v p. j .. > ?- ' - . : * ' K yt ^ lisher ROXBORO, OLIVE HILL COMMENCEMENT - Notwithstanding the inclement weather this splendid school rendered mqst excellent programs on Friday and Saturday nights to large and I appreciative audiences- The plays, 1 opperottas and musie^ were- all of a very Vigh claw, all the pupils showing careful, painstaking, and ski IIful training. The stage with its wealth f>t evergreens, myriads of flowers and many colored electric lights was1 a fairyland of loveliness.This splendid commencement goes to show what a good building, compel tent teacher*, and a co-operative spirit- can do in educating the youth j of our .land.' 1 jr On Sunday Dr. W. B. North of Burlington delivered a strong and masterful sermon from the - text ' Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do.it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, iA the grave whither thou goest." After listening to'this s'oulstirrhig and heart-searching seewton th- ln.^n " all invited to partake (of 6 sumptuous dinner which only Concord, knows how to prepare,1?and they partook bountifully. In spite of a natural sluggishness after such hearty feasting the large congrpjifStion enjoyed" an address by Mr. N. C. Crosby of the State Board of Edueatioii bearing on m any-important phases in communi-' ty life?and his several jokes clinched his arguments. and though the pill might be bitter left a good Caste in our mouths. \ * The success of this fine school is attriDutaoie in no sfnall degree_lj> Itr founder and most highly esteemed Principal?Mies Helen Graves. She has put her very life into it and with the co operation of the people, patrons and pupils has made a school that would do credit-to any community in the state. Her plans for the fufnrtiMna f ir reaching and it is to be expected that in no great length of time this School ~:-h " 1 | " ' ' Mi "-"til of teachers, and enthusiasthl^-Jtommunity: spirit will becotne one of the accredited High Schools of the State. CONFEDERATE MONlb ; UEN'T BEING ERECTED. Tke monument whigh will be erected to the Confederate Soldiers by the! r>oiiarVaf ,>? ? Vila uwrivod on/1 fa Voinrr I ...... . ... ?-? on the court 'house square -o*r| the^hrner of Main and" Court StrbetJ This was rot the k^cation ftr3t select-i H for.the monument but the President*'rays there was so much sentient by the Old Soldiers for the preset]; location that- ?ho > r.o tiic.r wishes. . . * NV one. .'rive the Daughters'^fcnow j hrAV they toiled for this 'monument and to. their untiring energy success ha? been achieved' Almost all, save t)? good women.' would~ fTaVo lost heart anH dropped the matter, but they^ were determined to s?e if j through, and nojy you will have;the pleasure of enjoying With there this j handsome-tribute to tHa Old Confederate!. We rejoice .with them in this glad hour, but it is sad to tWink of the many who have Ibarl the last! tap and passed to the happy land be- I I yond Without a. look at this beautiful' I remembrance, for they looked forI ward to this glad hour witlJ great longing. * . Jhe monument will be unyeiled on ; Saturday, May 20th, and we lok^for ja record* breaking crowd on that date. Mr. T. O. Sharpe has the contract , f>r the iiiui'.urni ill ,?lld nt- is cntnuMi-, fistic over the jolx^/., " UEPt BLlCAN COUNTY roWENTION. _ - j A call is Irereby issued far the assembling of the Republican, County rTuiiVeiitiml. to be I mil at Court House | in Roxboro at 2 p.m. .Saturday May" 113th 1922, for_the. purpose of electing ;a- County. -Executive Committee- "and i "-Tning ypnAirifltes for ITib different i County ^.Offices. The Republicans of each precinct in Person County are requested to assemble :at their voting precincts at .1 pT mTob^S^tttrtay: May the .1 . *. *' *- ";.V ' oxbo Home First, Abrcw NORTH CAROLIN^, PfRSON COUNTY > ' SUNDAY SCHOOL - ' f CONVENTION Will Bt Held With Contord Chortt . tfaWfeday and -Sunday, May y ~ 6th amf 7t(tr r"**" Person Cunty Sunday School Convention will be held in Concorl Methodial Church. Near Roxboro on Sat uruay ana opnoay. May Otn and VIO There will hie two sessions each day ?morning and afternoon, ' Subjects of interest to all Sunday School Workers Will be discussed at the twi day meeting. Miss Hattie jSurch. Secretary of the County Sunday School Association indicates tint a good representation from the Sunday Schools "of the county is expect-ed at1 the 'Convention, especially thi sessions on?Snnthty.r Basket' dinner will be sferved on, the ground anjl al! are urged "to conWHnd bring a basket." . . VState -Superintendertl B.l W. 3bus of the North'Carolina Sutyiay School Association tyjll be one of the princlpal speakers. Mr. Sims will be remembered by the Sunday School workers-of Person. TSShnty^aud Rloxboro last summer. All who heard him will remember his practical^ humors cus yet instructive addresses and will welcome the opportunity of hearing -him at the convention again this yearj Miss Flora Dayis. Assistant Super* intendent of the "(organization wilT aS so he one-of the speakers. Miss I>ivljj is known, as a capable Sunday scnool worker and attractive platform speaker; : -v" '* ' " Many Sunday School wotkers of tlje county will" participate in the convention" program, among them being Mr. F. O. Carver and Mr. 3. W. Noeli MR. WOOBS BUYS MAIN STREET I.OT. ? Mi lliiii1- Wnnrin' has bought the lot'on North Main Street formerly owned by the F-armerS .Hardware Compkny, and wH immediately begin the erection of a store building. This, with TEe building which Mr. T. W. Fass is preifiring to butkl will complete this .block on the WesTsside ol North Main; Street, and it will be ons ci tno handsomest blocks in Koxrero. If is .? faqt. yoii-can hardly find sach an array of handsome store buildings in any town of this size ae you find here, and not only the buildings, but the stocks carried will bear comparison without hurt with those of any oity in North t Carolina, yet, many when thoy wauT to buy,'], a pnir oi shoes fir a straw Hat will jump in *whoir cat. bu\-r, a dollars, wortlv f gasoline, hie away to sijr.e "*> neigh boring town, buy the same shoe or sale here and pay from'one ro two dollars more for it. Strange world. BUSHY FOJtK HIGH. * J SCHOOL COMMENCEMENT. The BUshy Fork High School Com mencemeot will tike place on Thursday and Friday, May'llth and ?l2th. Following is the program: Thursday, May 11th,*8 p. m. Play "A. Rose Dream." ~T Friday, May 12th, 10 a. m. Declamation and Recitation Contest. 11 a. m. Address By Maj. L. P. McLtndon. 'Following' the'address th'c mc ialt uml djph.in.n* .Tu'a'.'di1 1. 8 p. m. Pjlhy, "Village School- o1 I Long Ago." "by the grades," anr '"Broken Links," a drama in five acts by High School pupils.4 The public is cordially invited tj these exercises. MRS. PENTECOST IN HOSPITAL Mrs. J. H. Pentecost was carriec to the hospital an t)anville laa^weeV {thought best to remove one ?ye, hop ling thereby to save the other. l husband, Mr. J/ H. Pentecost, teili \ TiiortTE is getting on nicely and nope: 'la in able to rfturn home In a shor while. ??? o?? ? NOTICE ' 1 7 . * ' Regular monthly meeting efTtE Cheter Blacltyell?Poet wHl. he -hfil . In the- club rooms on next Saturda "evening at~2>-10 o'clock. ??7 ??All iiteiiibcrs are urged to V>? pre neat:. ' ' ifiES'ARp' - CI50WELL, Commahdei i. ?--vS, ' -4 fa a ad Next. Wednesday Evening Mi UNION SERVICE LAST _ : - SUNDAY NIGITI ?^ Last Sunday nigbt of the cop gregations of Roxboro?Method ia1 I Presbyterian, Episcopalian and Bap tiat joined in a union service at th Baptist church to extend a welcpm r ft) Rev. R. B. White, the new paste of the Baptist church. After an up usually able sermon, baaed on scyip ture. from Esther, by Paator Whits J. W. N'oell was asked to take charg of the service and Rev. J..B. Hurle: was called 'for. Let us say, Mr. Hur ley was at his best, attd you all knov that was going some-, for he is easil; one at the most r fluent, and, timel; speakers to be found. Hp paid si .glow ipg tribute to the Christian people o the town, telling of their love oh? for another,. #regardtesa of wha - .church they happened to belong to He was followed By Rev. W. O.. Sam pie. pastor 5f the Bifesbyterian "church | that he had pitched ,his tent_in ' goodly lahd. His ramarl^ were timelj and were well received l).v tin*- larg< congregation. Then Oame Buiv; J. I Beam, and while he took tHe bther si'di of the question ahd fissured Mr . -^VhitP thnt hp hnd >y hard row aheac ' of, him, fdr nil of the Baptist wen la2y and tHit he would have'to us< Isome sharp sticks.in getting them tc move fopvard. though, he concluded he believed he could do it and tKii brethren would get a move on them It was a delightful service, and hat the rcll been called it "Tijalil lia*< iKnen hard to determine which denom ; Ination predominated.--Iy i? fact there-is the most beautiftil-'Chrvstiai fespirrt among the different-denomina toons IJ^re we have ever sefen anywhere, and with such a spirit th< {welfare of the town is safe. NEW PASTOR AT, BAPTIST CHURCT s : }" 6 i Rjav. R. E. White filled the pulpi * the Baptist Churcfi Sunday mom inp for his first service- as Pastor He came in Saturday night and hi r..vii.. some time tojav Before coming the members or tb church filled his pantry with a gooll; -amount of'things necessary for th inner man, and-Ite wiil. find a welcome for he and his. Roxbo.ro feel I! thatj she has' drawn a prize is thesi j gcod. people and we extend to ther " a nearty wtncpuic, ! - ; _ . EGOS ARE EGGS,. ' U Yesterday when Mr. Warren hand ;i.ed us the little ad for Mrs. W. ( i Warren he-stated that Mr-s. Warre was going,'to but*., a setting .of egg which woulij cost 1 K-r $10.00 for 1" He said <15 efcgs mi p. hi - bo, wort *10.00, but he could not ?ee. it, fo .'ysrps were eggs." But v?e cor. gram) ! ate Mrs., Warren for it is such as sh i.twho will see scrubs driven from thi , | goad County, and we congratulate he j upon her sound judgment. MOTHERS' DAY AND MISS HASTEN UNDERGOES AN (>PERAT10> On last Sunday evening .Miss El zabethf M-isten was carried to the hoi f ! In I ^ IM LC>I jfll' jdip Wflff l>? . F.vo. ... ... ? ( i Vated on for appendicitis. The opct e; jit ion ffa? very successful and she i i getting on as "well as conlri be wisho" r Sha was accompanied" by. members < > the family and' Dr. B. A. Tfi&xten. tr ATTENTION VETERANS. The Annuel Reunion and unveilin our Confederate monument will 1 Saturday May 20th. Hon. Josephi n.mei. will deliver the address, ar 0 we t.bpe to make this a great day I' 1 Penien' Cotmtv. Dinner will be ser y ed,to the Veterans and their W1vs? i - uroal. ' ' .? 1lot everybody rome and help -e* * ' i In III I III! ' Mrs. J. A. LONG, Preaiden Person County Chapter U.. D. < _ > " * ^ 1 ' ??^ $1. ly 3rd 1922 WAREHOUSEMEN IN " J ' ANNUAL MEETING:! e ' .?O? ' :'; ? Number of Speakers Voiee Op r position Tit Co-operative . Marketing System. 1 ?.?-o?? ' i, Greenville, April 27.~^fembers c e of tWi Eastern North Carolina To- 1 j bacco Warehousemen's* Association * . met in annual' session at Amuzu Park ' ?* here Monday as guests of the Green- a / ville Tobacco Board of Trade, elected * f officers for the ensuing* year and \ - heard several men closely allied with' c f the tobacco industry discuss condi- 8 s tions as they actually* exist today. Tot bacconists representing ^he states of n * Virginia, South Carcflma and eastern -r - North Carolina attended thy meeting, A barbecue dinner Was'served at the - noon hour. - . * . * 1 In election of officers, J.: F. Brinkt ley,-of ?re*n?511e was chosen as preJ sident, succeeding J. N. Gorman, '' * whose resignation was-rfrsd and ac cepted; Gecrge Fleming, $f Kinat'on, ^ * rwas elected vice-president anrt rs. ,*s. L ^nprgr, rf Gyppnvllle, secretirrv n'ri.l |_ treasurer. - The meeting was. opened by Jim * Staton. of "Wrlliamston, in the ab* sence of Mr. Gorman, after'which J. 3j F-- ?rink)ey -took the chair and out-. J *' lined in ah interesting wgy conditions p * in this sec^jp'n of ttt3 State. He spoke ? ^ in an interesting way of the plan of a " tobacconist to keep the markets open ? * this year for the sale of tobacco at 11 1 auction and urged the hearty co-op-* v * eration of every one jn making thi3 11 r possible. ~ ?- : ?^ "* 5 Among tho- speakers ,of the occa- 8 sion were representatives from DanviUe, Lynchburg, South Boston and J3 other Virginia markets. Lake City, 1 I Manning, and otH?r South Carolina r markets were well represented also, ^ - as well as a number of the large * ~ markets' 'ofc- Eastern CarOUua. ' I Af r. Edmundson. of SoutSi jBbctoft.l * 8 Va-, the first speaker trf the day.; * 1 >*rlpflv discussed conditions of hia * 2 section, and said* the majority ot to- "" bacco would be sold on the-open mar- * e ket. , 5 * G. Rw BoWen, cf Lake City, S. C.. * s said he. joined the new* marketing s e. movement- in its early stages and4*s 11 turnedhover his-warehouse interest to them," but "later ''withdrew becanse of H fraudulent means of tVb association 1 ifi /Jetliner with the public, * the .majority of 'farmers in S*>uth C Carolina were in favor of the open! ] p. .market plan, and felt as-.he did about: 1 s the association. y. Mr. Bowen declared "that from"'h thirty to .iVrty warehouses., of his ' r State.'would he open this'season 'for If $ie sale. of tobacco at auctions andjl 3 } that tobacconists were antieipotvpe l A s ! the meat successful season in years r ^ George. Fleming, of K-inston, '.quot- \ 1 mrr* a Mr. Crisp who- has.- beep on the ; i . M iyp-,tinip1 He said he had been in the. ! r- warehouse business ?niliat Stdle a^d " is that the plan of - pooling tobacco i,kw*>uld not be a go. He explained how >f the farmers felt about the issue, amf ^ predicted the warehouses would still sell thie greatest portion &f the State's protection! ,g A. E. Garrett of Danville stated* all Mi Warehouses In Dany il i' ~?1?" - ? -v*"~ r^rT^.f . .' * V vV* *?-> j 50 Per Year in Advanc# - No.17 ^ . .* >" ; ? . nits. AUSTIN ENTER. TAINS RESEARCH CUJBL Last Wednesday afternoon Mrs. T. E. Austin was hostess to the mens? Jera oftiJa Research Club, with hew lister, Mrs. J. D. Cochran of Colorado >s honor guest. Thin was the last neeting of the year and was in the lature-ef a -social end business crept. ?1 ' ilrs. W." Tass was elected ' preailent, and Mrs. J. A, Beam vice pre-, lident, and Mrs.. A. M. Burns secic- ? ary and treasurer. Following the tusiness program each guest was isked to write an original toast "tar he 'Research Club," and Mrs. Carand Winttead. was the' winner in this ontest and was presented with a erytal cologne bottle. THa/home was thrown ensiute anrl -v>uany vases and bowls of tulips and ese? made, a pretty.decoration. The meat# sorvod ?a* tlelightful - three ourse luncheon by the hostess and ' t\ Irsl" Preston ^atterfield. Vhe mem- * ers present for this enjoyable event, rare Mesdamfes R. L. Witborn, j. loam. Garland Winst^ad, L. M. C*rKcn, A. M. Bums. J?%. jEtprley, A. &. ___ eVlaming, J. rfa*inst?'&d7- Br SI.-;-** Jortan and W? C. Bullock. ' . ROXBORO HIGH SHOOI*. Athletics as a whole in the Roxboro lraded*3>ehool ra's been a. success this ear, although the team has not been iven the support necessary to put # . ut a winning team, it has won about smany games as it has lost. By supiort I mean financjal aid* not mater?1 strength for? building a' teain as re had plenty of material for buildop. a winning team. The out look foe H* coming Bsfsket-BalB season is not r o bright as Oakley one Of the beak orwards that has ever doomed a Rox- ' oro uniform graduates this yJfr and t is rumored that some of the other . ' nen are* thinking of entering co liege v ; Ve have others to take their places tnd very probable vrill develop hits rood players after haying experience, take time to gain ei|Ki?i* ^noe and we will be losing game? vH'.le they are doing ^o. "S ?& "r1 1 r^nn - p'"y he auditorium Friday night April fb, 1922.' Although the weather ^ras ififavorable <3 few of the schools bksf > iupported braved the wind i?Jd raip o as 1o back up the school with what inane}*!- support they couW? offer irt rder that the seniors might be made .appy with a big banquet- * * The small crowd ?ee?ncd well pleas' "i with - the play especially. with Sue :'re !rickvs and Annie Belle Thaxton's , iart; in "Not A Man Ik The House*'. Ph.o; second -play.; included, a arger . . .timber. i>f actor? ar. i hctr-x^es. The adiurr role of 7*1'neb Ep was very ? jrjy. -?>y Tr. -^i iB Bobbins ind proved. to make a hit; especially vith the .younger> children. As the, days g?UE~wim , the small >oys bes^in to shed their shoes and t makes the older ones wish they vere only 'barefoot boys. As this r>n school is rearing t close and time comes when you are put to the test, to see if your years tttendance has'beep any benefit >e