-> '?... . f-' ' I PACE FOUR . . ' ' " *THE COURIER . j< ' J. W. N6EL1.; Mjtor.'--' ^ - * V? . -. :. 3 ^ hftelitid Every Wednesday Evening " sVBSCKIPflON riSm. 1 $u&-* year, 75 cents fOf 6 ,monthi f j 5 muu tor 3 ,inontha?CsiJt T ' r , T die Editor is in no way responsible ' far views expressed bp correapon' v. Entered at, tbe Poit Office at Rot- j . ^N?e. N. C., as seeond-clasa matter ' 1 . .. ( j\ a* Font fro 'AdViArilMnB Reprwacnt ' ] i twamrricanpre3saos<x:iat1on 1 ^ ""-Roxboro7.N7c M~10~192ST7 - ? ? A* we are running n newspaper'we 1 r.re giving botfovaidea of the tobacco situation, and weekly you will find .articles for and -against. We 'think you will agree with ua that this is ' y . eminently fair, for we have readers' j who favor the Co-operative .plan and 1 < we have some who stilV cKn* to tHa y ^ old auction way. For our part we do * f: ;v . v not know the conditions in Kentucky, 1 f* ' ' which seems to be the battle ground ? juatihow. but wr do know, some onaT; j,";: is dolnpr some tall lyinpr, for, the re* 1 . ports cominjr this way ore exactly op- I rf *;-y - pojfta, We are givingyou hpth j^des. 1 '* ^ecide for yourself wba. is doins the 1 ' ly?n*. * j :Last week some of the. friends of 1 ^ Mr. Aehley decided "to play , a fittle. ! joke on him apd'inseried .his t'ard ask- ' ingvfnr in" n'nminntinn, fon.-coroner, r r.' ? . _ wT. , thnt car l stated that he thouprHt i . he would kr'rnv a do id man'whan he i saw one,' but we want to say that*Mr. * " Ashley is. not a dead man, for Ha is | . reallv and truly ore of our best, mostly [ . \ jiwlde-awaic. citizens, and under no r fe.-i '/ cii'cunlstances would he bother 'with r . . the coroner's office, in fact we .doubfc-fl | , if there is an- office xn the County. * ; ' whicU c-oukl tempt him to leave his r splendid. farm. , y, Y- o I f Ajarain our advertisers haare crowds 1 ed U& almost off of th:s appre, but 11 what wt? wanted to say will bold until 0 another time.* Read what/our advertisers llnVP tiS env on/1 -?t?? ??J M..V1 jru nm liaVT lost nothing by the ofnis'si"" 'or * f*"~ _ R 1 . Attonol squibs. ' FROM ALLENSVILLE. ... 1 p- ' .On April the 6th Richab j, with Mrs. J Richard and all-o fthe little Richards, e h, went to a Sunday School rally at ? Sharon church. down in Granville c , "X County-. This was a [treat day, the f ; . * church being small coald nothing like p accommodate the <;rowd. Mr. S. T * t Slaughter seemed to be master of J k , . ceremonies, followed" by Revs. Usry. h Whedbee. Currin,4 'Gravitt, McFar- g p .iand, pavis, Wilburn and perhaps oth. era, "and the speaking was about such ft as you generally bjar on such oocas- 1 ions. The chief attraction being the singing class from Peace Chapel. It was a-rare treat indeed to hear them sing, and the audience kept wanting to hear more. Richard thought when [< he banked over the crowd surely there .~ . " Will not be dinner enough for such a W *. N.. crwd, but here as elsewhere, you can ; always count on the women to do their part, for there was the greate i . eat plenty of the very nicest kinds of victuals. If Richard ever runs for office you may expect to see him mighty handy among the ladies, for they can now furnish both the rations and the votes. What more could a mafi ask fe for? ? ' i Yesterday, May 7th, all of the Richk ard family was in attendance at Surl. and I thought we had a big crowd 4 at Sharon, -which we did, but it was 1.1 fintll n KoKn -' ' ^ will J um: june i i| at Surl. People were there from ev- j u ery Section and "nook of the County,' t and I think in ail kinds of convey ' ancea. This Is a very large church but | could nothing like, ticeommbd ate th'1 '\l . crowd, a large part having to stay l it j on the outside, but Brother Hall was I t at hist -best *an<t held -thrr>'et>ple',intetM |j bound for about one an^ a half hours * f * And. whether, you like him or his E lpanner of dreif or not, ttte fact re- [ M- " Wains the .same, he is a much' strongL .' er preacher.than many who call themft . aetvea some preachers.. B . ' I notice Mr. W. A- Waipren is in r ' the trace ftor the House of HfepresentaB'. three against' Mr. Cooper Hall. Mr E Warren is considered a good man and B' ~ Has -served his generation well hut he belongs to a past generation' wh'lch did not do or eapect thtngs done m - they afe*- dooe today. And while it ' seems a pity that step like him ever B - grow old and incompetent, yet such I B is the case and thare is no denying it. I , I Have supported- hirr\jn the past find f K I assure you have no illness towards | hint now but tips tin* I shall vote |f ' . for Cooper Hall, a ydung man "of ablL , B iter Sttd jftogrity, ont yho has stood ; nmuui pir uM ilmefl w'H " ?pulfa?I iward ctr the hope of reward and Uai reeked fcr-the Democtalio party al he while, .arid while he has gone doyrr n defeat IHMwfM'inU he coihlt lot win afcoinsh, such odds,' Yet, I* taa not lost faith *in the Democrats isrty of the people,, fully believing hat, acme day they would see the er their why nn l -wph a Democra roni this County to Hoip moke lawi uitable.for the common people, a: ti'H as. those of wealth,- to live under ind' I believe, in .this he was right, fo f all indication* do^nefc- fail I -thinJ rou are going to see the largest Dem ratio vote-ever- recorded )n Persoi iounty this Pall, Some ID w, Coope fall seems to stand extremely wel vith the ladies and I <feel sure he i rcirg^ to get almost a solid vote iron Jem "on Juno. 3rd.?POOR RICH \RD. ANNOUNCEMENT OF WITHDRAW At I am taking tfila method to an jounce to my friends and supporter :hroughoUt" the county tflat i~am?rr oitger a candidate for the office o wcrui.^tu uic wmioj^ primary, an WTint to assure ybu one and all th*t \m very grateful for anything yoi may have said or done tt> helj> nre se jure the nomination. J*L explanation is this: I have ac :eptfcd a position witn tne Co-opera tive Marketing Association and be ;in my work for them at once. I hav seen interested in this great moj from tho beginning- and believe I ca: render a great service to my count; in going but-in,_$he,Jnterest of thi jreat.csmpaig-? to'elevate the fatjne to a higher plane of Jiving. I hav -onaidCrcd my step from every stand point amt feel' It mj duty to go. To my opponents I would say this Phat you have shown me every conr tsy dua me and I want to. thank yoi ill and wish' all could be successful loivpver tHat is impossible, so I thinl t. will be host for me to remain heu ral and treat all alike, since-1 havi vithdrawn under these conditions, 1 nay attend the primary, or I may lot, if! db I shall vote for my choice if criiiry., otherwise I shall he neu ral. " _ . .. Again, I want to assure you of my ppreeiafion of the cortesy'and: kind ess sliown me by the good people o1 'erscn County and I shall ever b< pady to. help in my' feeble way any nove 'that is for the upbuilding ant irogress of the good old County f Person. Yours very truly, Samuel P. Jones Rnvhore C i May 8- 1022. JEWS FROM ROXBORO, ROUTE 2 Mr, Editor: Will you allow mi pace in your paper regarding oui lpnHrtnB fttia IT nil il? _i_i w...m a on, co^cviauy me pri nary election on Jlne 3rd. First, ow heriff. We need a man who wilLper.arm his duty and who is a Christiai tentleman, the man who. will continui a do "his duty. It seems to me thai Ir. Melvin Long, end tba deputies c will have, will do our County more ood than any one.glse that we car t'i" ERRONEO It .has con report that tl ^ the Co-operat . " solu'teljrtintru startecL_As a to come out i - " , by ad in T '/ ' It is possit Mr. \V. T. Pr T something to new way at ai a * l \ the demand tl 8,- - -*? way,-to-take-1 to-the "new w Bank's positio a farmer-vuilfiij Bank of Rojcb serve .you, cal / . . + ' ' - J.1 " ' 7 . , r " '"-T'rT < .. ' ^ __ _ 3> , V. THE ROXBORO COURIER i > elect Do your-.best at the election 1 ttf elect "thia..srood man on Jane 3rd. i' With all due respect to the other men I wfb are trying ta'get the same job. s SecondV With all due respect to Mr. : Clerk ot the Court. Mr. Bra'dshier is t .getting old arid we need to learnan other man how to perform the duties t of the Clerk of the Court's toffice. We > all,, perhaps, know our food friend ' Mr. Lester Brooks,, p good old. *Methr udisl Cl.'iistiap KeuUmiian? ? [ . Third: I km not veryu^eTl acquaint. ' ed with-our MriTStarten. but perhaps you know hirer. Prom what I can learn >' abolt him hlPwilL be the best man we E can send to take a seat in tBe "next 1 .Central .Assembly. He is one- of the ' beat farmers in'old Person, and he 4 knows what to. lo when Be takes a Beat - at Raleigh. Gprtien to Oie' polls June 3rd and '. help Mr. " Warren?a good | man, we must say. >v FoTifth: I have nothing to say about fi* Register of Deeds, only our * man who holds the offlte now -has * given good service*?C. C>. BUCHANB-AN. ' ? f ' ? ' | " ||i Map Of now have ready f?r \ , .( boro, showing I* streets, hou K ' , stores, also the names of o< e This map is drawn to a n ; ( ?~?J? . | : .. _ . . .. y printed on stropg paper, v s '! j t ! jr-fi lines, and is 24 x 30 in size. Oil'" - v. i " Copies can be secured of ^ 1 1 & Long, Roxboro, N. C, or f ] ,in'g Engiiieeiw, Greensboro, i 'i . < " .. r,lL- - _ __ _ DRIP G%?(i>c2a Del 5c ' Cascade ? Ginger Ale *TjjjjUjjji ia ffiVTi r~' mach " y 5c *- \ 'J- ' -4 ; Roxboro Be . ~-r . I S REPORT. le to oiir ears that some one is ( re First Rational Bank of Roxbor ive Tobacco Marketifig Associatic e, and'we can*not imagine how sue matter of fact, this Bank was the u recognition of the movement. T he Courier several months since. ile that the fact one of our most va lss, is going to run an independr dp with the report. Mr. Pass is nc 1, but is simply running, his house_ lat there should "be a house here :are of the tobacco which* had not ay. But Mr. Pass' action in no w n a'sto Co-operation, and we assur od.no friend'more true than the : ore. In the future, as in the pas# 1 on. us. Your friends, It ' THE. FIftST NATIONAL BA? Roxboro, .N. C. ,'C ----- ; -:.T . -i? a . . : - r . > ' , t _ . . W r . Jay 10th. 1922, .. ?-a?1?i UKPI BLICAN doiSTV . , CONVENTION. A cill Is hereby issupd for th<f ussenibling of the Republican County Convention, to be held at Court House in Roxboro at 2 p'. m- Saturday May 13th.tari, for the purpose of electing tA County Executive Committee and tnam/ng candidates fof t)>J different [County flfflres 1_ - | The Republicans of each precinct in Person County are requested to assemble'at their voting' proeincts at 3 "p. - m. on Saturday May the Gth. then atid there to each ' elect their precinct Committee of three and, to elect their delegates to the" County .Convention, each precinct is entitled | to'one delegate to the Cpunty. Cpiiven; titnr-for each 75-votes cast for'the Republican Candidate for Governor 1920. ' ' . 1 , . ~ J. T. Woody, Chairman FHwK. ,Eb?L man. Se<L Rofrboro. April 25th 1922. Roxboro listribution, our Map Of Roxse^?churches, schools,?and -. :cupants 'of houses. , scale of 1 inch to 400 feet; k'hjte background, wifh blue" Mr. J..S. Walker, of Walker rom Spoon &. Lewis, ConsuitN. C". Price $2.00. ; 2ts iPlll? Icious ||-i Nm reshing Miin jyjJ ; in 5v Bottles ste~ ie the .. Jgk erry: ttiing Works nrculating the ft is opposing .0 in. f&s is ab- " . P h a report was very first one1 'his is verified lur?ble officers, int house had p >t fighting' the 5S iiwesponse tQ . P aefling' thie old ^ fit I been pledged _ '. ? _gj: ajT\ffects the tj|l e you that the " P Fijrst Nartional j|j when we can ~ - S . = " ,.i : ? ?? -r~ c~- . ? ' v . ' . I (Prices of Reai - REDU I SlqehingL reductions have h< all bpfiriK Coats and Coat'Suits < - ***. . ' ' cheaper'anywhere. We still Suits. Tt _is-tHifv.tinio.fr* rn<vUn xrr% Bargain I] !. We have put out a large bar chidlren'B Oxfords and-pumps Krusly'loV prices, $1.00 to $3'0 jp $10.00. ; . J)oTrt trade with us because - .Iflj because you got better goods ft | . LET US PitOVE IT,. I Harris & I ROXBORO'S BI / -77? 1 - ' * ?Safety D D _ r : JDOXGS IOl -.11. | t 1 ; ' ' T | ' I SMALL BOX PER MEDIUM BOX PE1 ! - LARGE BOX PEE m' , y / T. E. AUSTIN, PRESIDENT. ?????? t> . .. *' * - i.'1 You can'J go aio'ng spendin pect to get ahead. IT CAN'T fl But tf .you will, practice" a some m<yney in the bank, each i can stop you from becoming y*' ' 'Coihe into our Bank and o to it regulanly. ?j.' We will welcoi Jhe Pe^U , ' "' . dy-to-wear | - " CED | .^en-made in the prices ?f ^ .. !, You' cant, buy them any i| ire some'dandy .Coats and f? - " " is "v . ' * Ux money go*'a long ways. &j -'JS, _i * 59 a Shoes 1. ?- ? 'gain"tabid of 'women's and |S vhich are priced ait ridicn- |j 0, Original prices were $5 || we live in Roxboru, but S ' >r leas raoney.^ .. a : Burns | LST STORE, ' | epoits Rent ?f : "*T . . ' l YEAR $1-00 . . Et YEAR $1 50 \ YfiAR J2 00 JC.JJORO I. nsa W. F. LONG CASHIER. l^k | | me ?J?[ t all you make aijd ex- *, E DONE. . . little ecohomy. and put aay day, there Is nothing eaithy. .. pen an Aceourtt and add " is Bank LN.ci 3 ; J-i '

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