* , ?J. W. NOEI.1l, 'Editor and Ptibl -' VOL. XXXVIV X. Monument In Of Confed mfl R^faj 'R?T'-T ?? Wjm BfPS mat ' * - ,.' V SjmKnn v .IiaSBv? -? -L. .. . :?----? . |2 7HD Soldiers Qf Conf Honored MOMENT BJILT BY DAUGHTERS OF CDNFEOFRAGY. UHVEILFD '?:?? **- ' ' - . .?" THOUSANDS .VTTEND THE NOTABLE EVENT ' " ''tV ? ' "-. V- ' "~? . 1 Sormer tSccjretary cf the .Navy Jiise\ " phiiK Danish DeHvefrw Not/ Address. " ] * O ' v Jr v * . I.ftsfc flnturhw was aday longf to Ikt ' ' remembered b.v thV?'people of this l-+~- Ooyihty, for they were here from evL v?<?ry nook nnri p^rrter. and Tnanv from adjoining towns and counties, 'to $&P? t : * ^ the unveiintf cf t. beautiful morrument r ; , erected through' the''efforts of daughters of tlj> Confederacy. For a ?number cf y?ats the DuughtOrs have rr'-?1 booh at work to secure, a monuijimorr^ i which would be ir fitting remem& ' bianco to the Old Soldier, and bit JiVst | . ^Saturday they siw their effort; Kr. * crowned with success. After many j^' %t-r years of ceaseless labor, and still far p* from their goal two gallant ind pa" Ir.nHi- ,rrV? nf tw?<\n , n m n in thim ? I * rescue of the * Daughters and told r- thetn to "place an <*fHer for the monu - rrrr' s"-"y wynlri cnpt-rihne* ?>.>. ever sum wak lacking. ThOae two. met were Don J. CV Pial and Mr. Jas. A. I t,: T^i\er, ."V " ? * More than adbousand y>l liari wtepl jU-- from -t**'- ->"" ,tr? hnri?d _ ,,-on fWs-. Ml}* of Viglnis, some in'the ? ' Western State* but of those who re?" '. Turned to tli 'r native homie ohy ay . l.nuD;? half a hundred are liying to! : day^bOt moat of those'were hew last I Saturday and it was good to see Heir ~ faces brighten while they listened to r the address by .Hon. -losephda Itan ~ iel*. and th? presentation. by Mr*. F* J A. lyng, president OfthU Haugh~ k .. itenT^i the Confederacy and tjie . . " )e H ????mZZrn?m* Mm - < , ROXBORO. Memory v1'' lerate Soldiers " ; ' ' ' ' 5 ' j ,,<(r 'Y? * , ^ t irn^s 'tl ederacy 7 Person County rpaech c?-acceptance by MrLN. Lunsford. ' It is a facty and not said simply bepaai^Jit y customary 'to |iy Buoil '[nt t^ea-a-xgrrsg-s /at." th? unvV'dviK -weie of.'the very hijrhest orJer. singint* by a splendid choir l!iii Were Opened vrith prayi iv. ^v. J, B. Hnrley, pastor of the'"Edgar Loop: Memorial MtethrtdistChufch." Mr, S. Ci.- Wirtstea'l in introi h:cir.jr the speaker avis" at his best and ' i>a id a meat deserving aulogy fd I vd :oi<iio;V cf this County. He \TA tJ koiJlcved by Mr. Daniels, ar.ci his ad . .ii'Mif urirui ii.jr- an, me-. 1 .a-. n*ix? 'fit? -ie1 ivory, T>ut -n- in ?ii'"i of ' ' ruth ecnrerr.inec. the .% * qf tjte fjeftQers of PfivVrm C *uiY' -Daughters iv.a,-ie ns' AC- .when' they . iyeuved him ; li\- r: n^vesfc v\ ;li;* 'noun bid. (''ir^ "i-0^ Aft:-. ; the -r.1dr..-*a e^.ne. tifte4 crr.U' -iiiff .V.:v.vs:'r{ i.he 'lay. x\\v ' presei'fcr. V.cn Mrs. -J, A. Lonx*, Press, 'end of r' Purson County Chapter f the Daughter* cf the. A-'onfeder-. *~?r?I . " i)-, 'i r.i? th. .imuunii nt. Sirs. . Long. said':. Mfi. L'nns Presents Monument: Daughters of ' the confederacy, veiortuis < f Person County, Ladies artd' Gentlemen: * ^ This is ,a' gbtd day fox cu^r county. It is-, a day in* which the Person Coun'y CI >apter Daughters of the Confederacy' realize their dreams, symbolize their traditions and in a* way preserve our history. ?\ v More than fifteen years ago ourcHipter set for themselves this !iask. the erection ef a confederate monument, and jfc is no t wonder that we rejoice ~i ' 'hi 11 ! 111iri 'hnnrh^ntr delayed tribute 'to our Confederate sol-" diejs completed. Through manv discouragements" and ' drawbacks, we Have nu:ctly_and patiently worked on; dii.d even now, the fulfillment of thi3 ask w>;iut net Hive been pSKC had r >t our .townsmen, Myasrs. J. C. i ar.i) .1. A. IAI"S, Kcnn JUIty came to. cur ail. making up the deficiency, giv.ini? A larger amount than any < ther contributors. TWs ni? been a labor of love, and the joy b^m of set-vice in a causa so w< rthy is compensation. Two sigIilllea iuh nf this act does not lie ux tpe coat or beauty of tfcgs memorial, hut'Tar Toi JUII ?ju?ty deserves this mom cent. r is a monument -Ur thtr twaveit of . lha hrava and shows- the pride we fee', in the valor and hero isnv f our Confederate soldiers and the -r.oration, love and affection in whlc" tne ,Oaughters held,them. The. rccoA 1 of our Confederate soldiers we leak upon with pnde. It 1* a re?jf nien and of deeds. JFirst at Beth-1, farthest at Gettysburg " and last" 1. Afaumattmc-ia-Noctlt Carp. llhph boast, hut it~ ii'BgrsoftsCoua(v ?\ isiory, unrtjw Llie uuvellltg-of nt'cnutN^. : <!sa r'r":f "11 1 Home First, Abrga* NORTH CAROLINA. 1 l65 is bo^n. an insptiiaXluu andh^t-tha same.time a challenge to our younger generation, and we present it first to 11.'3 veterans of our County and then, to you an an example fSr Jife.- Follow jt to noble aspirations, to> faithfat service and. to high and -lofty -ideals. There is and always will be enough in the .old South to make prdud the new North). Lot us then move for- . w.-11-d-with a victorious H;Urt and exalted purpose to unite our section an J nnr nation into a league of love and brotherhood. L't-t us in the evening ehede of our pwn, lives proclaim, oar faith-in the cause of a united-country. '.Ve love the South: Xjfet us translate t; isJlove into a devotjog to'onr an* Ion veterans of l^rsmc Chanty. TJ.'d, is. cur gift to your'cause. Moy_ it tyg pify the best, preserve the noblest in .the sodiers of '61 and '65. Trrwpe nt-lcve- and life and might; y J Teach us O Lord to do th" right And let thy tender; love to-day K Rest cn the men wlJ.i wore the grays In words, touching-anil tender, MiUl N". Lunsford accepted the' monument) in behalf of the -Old Soldiers. Iff sbowpd hc'w deeply he felt' tj.b wdrd| he was uttering naci at times he writ eloquent. Irvdruth we hqve. heard no finer gem^ than this acceptance by-Mti Lunsfcwh ! ? * When Mr. Lunsford had finished his speeeli of acceptance the nadmu ment Was unveiled by Mheter .,Tantes A. Long, 3rd, a #randson of the pretsident of4the Daughters. And' oveay one stood uncovered and " the band played "Dixie".. \ " -4 Of cSurse the- choir sang the old songs so dear to the Old Soldier such as "Dixie," "Tenting tonight on. tifc Old Gump 'GrounrJ'' "Bonnie Blue jFlag". otev The splendid band front Jslong .was on hand and lent no lit; tlii to-the enjoyment cf the", occasion. Aftet the exercises of the' un'veiling were' over the soldiers' and- their } wives, with a .number -of invited euests, were marched down to tlh. j plica* where dinner-had been preptvrl' ' ed. and again the'"Daughters delightfl t hnnnr fh.. fiftl \V. Viewed the table before th'e party arrived, and we thought surety thor are hot enough here to-eht ajl of this repast, hut when we saw. the. hoithc- after the dorrs hid been thrown' open, we wondered. how in 'tiJj world the 1 Daughters coujd ever feed* this trrb'at i concourse dfi per*pl?t?jrat .the Daughters, jrnew. 1 there was plenty- and To' ppore. * * Vfter dinner t ho boys of 'til were f ..? i ,.t |t^v - ?rv?f,su ivr } the- cemetery wh'ert, fle\^?ts. .were, piacod on,tho graves-, aneFtmi&j enrlyi .preb-1 Sly i\h most notable lay !.in the history of the 'County. * X : / u 6T-T? . ! statbmfcnt bv ok.". "? / " ' " w. A. RTlADSfiEK. 'PI1'* "" loll' eel situation a? it concern? the recant" auditing report. i- - . ^' About cne" month ago a. friend of nitne <?amo to me and stated tWat* my . father ought to get this report sent in .? at once that he ought to find ut if these .accountants are CERTIFIED accountants, and that he ought fd be* prepared to cheek up their report.. This informant stated that this woijM not be favorable and at the psychol < ogical moment tt would be bretfdcact- j ed when there would be no time to s making oxplontierfs or counntenact its i effect. # J I saw Mr. Carltcn and told him of I this inromni.-on. lit' lead mil ji Trf f tcr from. Mr. DurhHsm which led |? to. think this delayed situation wa9ii an innocent-one. % , ' .a ' ; h 'My, informant friend, in spite this letter, insisted thaf there waft" i w* sane reason why such sr* report | < should* be so delayed, that tfrhre was! j some ulterior'reasort which'time would 1 reveal. - < TK'Hn ^rn i a tK^y fti'PiirrP \ , What significance should he" attach- ] ed tq, thpm 1 .cannot.S9X?- I do know 1 | that it id not fafir to the individual or th'ngs to- a-vitally aoute point wh n j emflanaticns capiat be m?d?, and ?TITr -IfTOTtl^mr opfrms formed. f1 mil it HiahnemU' then nn ona shni)U-. j vote for him. If ijot" guilty " Of'.i | these things .be ougiit to "have an op. P^nnnitij erpinjp any discrepancy, and auditors report might 'show. W.A. BRADSHER Thta May 24. 1922. ^ ?... . __ jJJY.'fariH Mr*.-A. Lepshltz and children-Sylit Sunday with friandi?in_ '! J..Ill Obstoii. . w - - . Wednesday Evening Ma] Cont racrTs A Oftice-Bi Stands * _ V 1 v - .. : , v - . "\ v.'-y-g. ' " ???. ? mm ri f-IJER COMPANY awauded contract ? , ITIII U.iioo.nnn. :nnin, READY LN A BO IT A YEAR j . . -r ' .} JcfTerscifl? Standard Will Reserve Sev- j en. floors of its New Home Home j For its own use?Atlantic Bank j To OcCupy Fir3t Floor. -j TIL* 'contract 'for the. construction; of the 17-story J.effarson . Stanr! irJ ' Life Insurance Co, bhilding to be con- J structed where the old Courthouso' now stands on-the corner of Elm and ; Market streets was last rdght let tOj the Gecrge A. Fulter Construction j mrr.r>nnv of Washington, for the sum; of approximately 3-~.nOd-.1Hw,- this mftv .-including heating, lighting plumbing-. 4 Ti h building will be of steely and reihforced . concrete. I Wilter (I DiStlcr. vjre-pre anient of the company to whom the bid was) iwarciea, statea iasc nignr yiui wtt* . will begin in teeing down the old | ;ourthcuse either tofnomw or Friday trQ he will have the buiiiing ready for occupancy in about 12 snpnths. . To* Rush Construction. _ III addislcn- t?--eoaiancing. the \u ld_ihg couwfiiUee of'the insurance-company that with all. the be sources at their command they can sj^ed up the work o? the. bm lding, the Fuller cciepy-y ylhmittcrt the lowest bid. .Thift conatnialUll oujapany is one nf-ftfy largest in the United States' and engineers wiith the company Uave had much experience in consiruuUg l'**e buildings'. Mr. Distler stated " last night that between iSff and 200 men will be in' Greensboro- by the tipie the nil courthouse da"lorn down ready tal begin excavating far the'new'afa-ac? , ' (Continued on Page Flight) ' --w- rl x *; imi? Slifl *t?w?wmi ?-? A SI. y 24th 1922 warded For li nildiiig Of the rd Life Insura fT"~;' : , . m' ' fc , ii .11 BROOK S'EAt vs ROX.BORO. j . On. next Wednesday., May 31st-r the fans win have an apport.uivit-y *6t a>fc?yij what we nav"-1 '.V. t"T -a ball t*arn. The* rfia Paget" assotes. us :. tijit;the teAm wfll be x credit to the' o'wn; rtr..I will t<?- c i u gtdy, cf home^iient-T?and this' is right;; for , yve .all enjcy . seeing our own boys, | though they do'.not always win. On j Wednerday, May 31st, the strqng | BrcokrtSaJ team teill cress -bats with j the Roxboro-rteim.- Let everybody 1 vome cut* and give tBi boys a big j send cff. Remember, you are not asked _ta contribute a'- penny, only patronize the ghme, and surely alt will do. that couch. <Tame will be called promptly "at 4 p. m. - - . ?r Av.tni.ranfo.T I wish to take- this, moans of announcing to thti people of Person County that I. am a candidate for' Shot ilP subje-t to I he -aetion of the Republican Primary tp'bQ Mjid on June 3rd. I shall greatly appreciate shy. favors 'any 'of my. friends may feel disposed tc- show mo' n fhis conin'ttinn and if I ?w muninatail -nn-T elected to this office 1 promise a service .the best of which 1 am capable. V?*rv rf?snpnt?aUvr ? ' o f MOVING UP TOWN.. VMM*, ii. W. Pass &-Son7. wH> havei been jToiny buStljsys on -Depot Street) near the - depot, have moved _up town i in the new building Temrtiy-eetnptot-4 ed by Mr. T Owen Pass. Prior to the fire which deatroved the en tire; stork of this ftttm they cat-Ted a line' second to none in this part of the State, and now Wlit they have commodious "quartern they will have just |as large'and"varied stock is before.They are located -on- North, Mamj Street. 5 - . vJ * _ _ ^ * tt. /... ; . ji ...IL : " j.\ ? 50 Per Year in Advance No. 20 fc*????qigp F-S#nrv ' r_ w. .. ,* . a Jefferson nee Company I ... . ?? .. . ] Irla^vd1ffi8!iill?l^n . ?-?^-^rr. " M-E Thank XQp. . . - .?? \JV ? k-<ipl;,v-ir.:eJ>??l'--J ?ur friends fcr.tfte. intrust *th;-tr- tra takink _ ?ili i:aP"~ i-vtr publishrl iS tV' County. More friends have railed to telt us-cf some r?T-.?.,.U re-vi niij.' correapOndviits are sending us noway items from tjre diffefent sections than at "any tiliie in the. hi?tcry of' the paper. ' Friends,., keep it up, and we promise cut utmost to, see that, ss Poor Richarl siys,-it. shsH irraw ^ better and "better" every week. REV. W. E." GOODE. NEXT SUNDAY. Rev. W. E. Goode of Kerdsviile win. uating -class on next Sunday morning at?11. -.Vlort- in the -Baptist CParch here. Mr. Gcorle holds warm place in- the hearts of all $ie pdople^Ff this section and it is/baly recessary to oiake c.hia .*;.nou.icemeht - * : te assure a full house. -j SEN ATOR . THOMPSON. -rA?e"Tnay be premature, but we feel so?sine that we make?n-s ^polafriog for saying ' that .Senator Bessie \ Thompson of Insasbursr was a Roxboro visitor last Saturday. MEETING AT GRACE CHURCH: \7 : There will bitgin a series of meetings in Gnce church on next Sunday day. Rev. J. W. Fitter raid former pastor, HOW a mlsslouaiy?is , Cubs. ' ,?? will do the preaching'All arerinyitedd rv VAIN. LANOUAGB. . Esquire . Newton had a case before him yesterday where tlJ? defendant . Was-charged in" the warrant-with usliyp "in- vsiii language in-the" pre*. enre hf Tadtf*." Surely this Is noth f r

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