<^p ' w*gg"Bgggg"gw" ' . J. W. JJOELL, and Pul -? '/ " " ; ?volxxxviv! __ ^????p? ? liOXBORO graded; :?. ijCHOOL COMMENCEMENT ' Exercises lie (fan Friday Night, Clos-ing Monday Night The closing erevcises of -the Box. boro' Graded Schoo) is,.of course, an event-in our. little city?, for qjmost every family has some- one In some one of tKe grades It seems this exe raises this, year were unusually interesting,, probably due- to- the fact that-the session just closing has been' one of t?ie most successful,' and both superintendent a nd.. teachers we re in?tenaely irrterestd in the worfc--. vj , f)n < Friday evehing the senior class gave a play and were greeted witH a>| large and enthusiastic audience? notwithstanding , there was a small admiasion charged. The seniors acquitted themselves well and received the plaudit of the house. ; > On Saturday night the cHIldren of the primhry grades had the platform, jj^. ^ and' certainly every father and fond mcthcr wire out to See how their favorite was going to make it. They olav^d to ?n ftvppfinw hwn?' i?nH ' . parents yrere. well paid for their* trouble in getting the little ones in readiness f#r this occasion. Sunday morning at -11 o'clock^ in ~ the Baptist church, Rev. 1Y-. E. Goode . preached the annual serrrtom While the chtfrch is a good-sised-auditorium there was not room enodgh to accommodate the-large congregation. which had gathered to hear this most ex eellent Minister. H'e based his-, sermon os"tHe text: Freely ye have received, freely give-. It was a great sermon and it was greatly enjoyed. Monday .night the exercises came t, a close by presenting the medals, loving cup, diplomas and "literary address. Miss Bessie Daniel presented the Research Club English MedaJ; Mr. J. W. -Voell the Edgar \i-ong Scholarship Medal; Rev. R. ET. White the Wcmans' Loving Cup; F. -O. Career awarded tl.'i diplomas, and Mr. W. D. Merritt presented the speaker, Mr. Walter J. Matherly, "Profeasor of the' School of Commerce of the Univgxsity jif North Carolina. Mr. Math** eriy chose as his-subject, '"Fnar. Hard Rood to Easy Street," and for forty _ minutes delivered- one of the most unique, sane and sensible addressee we have listened Jto for some timo\ He has a -splendid delivery and, best , .Of all,-he had something to deliver. ? pui'1 |H'u;iU' tJi-i'i' .u'HL'i'.m) tt11)i mm. - and we trust we may all Have the ' ^ pleasure^ of hearing him again. The medals were awarded as'fM !ows: Miss Marion deVlaming receiv/< ed both the Research Club English. ? medal and' *he Eftrar Ix>ng Scholar- j . sBip medal; and Mis? Francis Thonrp-L * son the WcrhanS' Cruh Loving cup/ . ? . The following received ;(^lqmAul J-anip _Lorinjr. .Abh'tt, Ruth P > i . j?* JBradahor. Edwin F'hermtm. dr.. !v lake .fhin-f-'nlHilns- nf ;.n' . ? CtiOnty that I'ani i candidate ftfr p _ Sheriff subject to th^arfiorV of Oje ft Republican Primary to b& Meld on ^ - ' Innn lad I .Wall greatly appreciate any favprs'any of my frienda,-may l?..'.. feel' diapesetPte ibow mtTTrTrma-roflt ncction and if I. am nominated and fi elected to this office "I premise a.ser^? 7?7?f Vjfpy reapeetfully. i J. Garland Chambers.." I ""* . * * 7-- ?? ?: ; ' t j mm m j ' ^ . f lBi , ^?J1| blishef * _/\ _ _ ROXBORO.j. STATEMENT EEQM MR. HALL. (Mr. Editor: With ydur permission I will break my self emposed silence of keeping out of . the news papers, to make a brief statement us to what ' my altitude is on a few of the great and leading questions that is agltat- "ing and effecting the destinies of our people .in this county and state. 1 The timet and conditions loudly call for retrenchment from the highest to the lowest. And we should be- j gin by., eliminating all ' unnecessary I office folders, "Lame Ducks etc." and reducing the salaries of many of "our state officers. Our county o file eft should be on a ' Salary so all of us may know , what each one being paid. The sal- 1 ary should be commensurate with the 11 dignity, duties, and responsibilities ' of tbe^ofRce, but not enough to make ' them fat while we are on our back 1 hollowing for mercy. fl It is costing' tho tax payers of this 1 county a considerable sum of money j' to infortc the prohibition law, the law > should bO" change^C? that those who,' Snake up their mind to engage' in the!s unlawful traffic of liquor and thereby:1 corrupting the morals of our people should bear largely the costs of the etministration cf.. this branch of/thel law. and tllat 'in all cases botlv' civil. ' arid crimipal there shadld be a suf- ^ ffcient sum-charged in thp. bill of f costs to'talce care of'tH? jury crista and ' the costs of a stenograhher when one , 1 Is used, in short. tlJise that breakj the law should hear the" ftists of its administration, and not .tsfx the peo- 1 pie fcr itl This is the case in most of 4 the counties of tlfe state. ii The Solicitor takes from our cOun;. 1 ty a large sum of money each year..'.' All Soli'oitors should be 'on a salary ^ and paid by the state, and the vfees a .nrW paid fnem should be. paid into T till public treasury of the county, j t The people of this county know my t feeling with respect to land values. I o made the fight, to have the value re-If dueed. last year, almost single hand-, v ed and alone. You know wlJat tigp-ji pened, because of a local statute lim- 1; iUW.lhO AlA ikp ccrn- Lf missWners were flrjin a 'Auction 1?'$ vtlce would result -in* the empair- s mer.t the county's credit, this stA- 3 tute has'or can- be amended _so as to 1 removfe that cbstiele. As "to the nec- 1 csssry machinery: of igettipg a fair c \ml just V aluation of our lands, this I wvfl?hai*e to -be- vvorked out in the ( next .Legislature. Trve* burden of taxation -should ,j>e. r /nl o r?'r?rl nr?r?n ahflfilrtara rvfi+Vincr* ? most. abl? xto\beaf it,'- therefore,.* I > think that the \iWome tax is the fair-j ( est of all tax. The r&te on largt? and } 'Av-.nH:ticlividu?i 1 s-and corporations tho'itd ho iiicreatid, tM;s would enable f the state jtr %pay mote money into tjio > .counties 6>r .'s:b c ol *purposes,' thus ' making it. possible for*tho state or* n county t? cotftribate very largely ^to- { the. coristjftietTor. of "digit ^chopls. As A the lav^ and conditions, are now j^t is y burdensome to ^tije.breaking point for rural communities to raise taxes to help run their , schools aijd provide jftfhds. t o r rhe' construe ti oh of Higjj^ school buildings, I that /tnUSt. "meet! ^ state requirements. , . !.ci ft * is .1 bum in g passion ct my life',e to see the laws so shaped as to givejr to all of our ppoplp nn repijil nppor-t' ^ tunity in the great sferuggliFtTf life.'"-j When we can nearly approximate tills ideal, we will have a great peo-1 j jflk, eqnally beautiful, varied, and vi- t tal in both\ountry and town. " lT 1 have 9tated as briefly as I co'.ld j yomi* ot the thills that I nee and ; feel, if they appeal to you a*"fceing*j .fair and just, "I shall appreciate yourjj Vote ip the Primary, and jf nominal- j er, I assure you the banner of.Demo-'; rracy will'HHU'i trail in tho dust so . long as ft-is committed to my keep- ; ong; and whether I arti-eleeted.or not < I my voice will eve? he raised ip de-' ] (fenso of the great mass cf our peo-/ | pie. who earn their Mving by the , I aa'.mt ftf lliOir hmw. S' induist upon the watch tower, I shal' answer the best I can the- noestion: Watchman wH ot of the night? ^ G-d hfeljrng pUI I cannot fail you. , "To your tents, O Israel!' "' Sincerely, | | , - ? Cooper lkaH. BASE HALL SATURDAY. L Oi neat SiturAaJT you will- havethe -pportunitr of seeing one of the hes" vamci of ball yoS Have seen on trtw tttamorm, ai-CHirhAM l? going tw* fitay the Ttoaboro team. You want to see this game and you want to bring you- friends witi you. Remember t the lata, nn'xt jjaturday, .Tutte 3rd, 4 p. H. /' ' *'? '" V J tjirs J "" . ^ _ ictfbc Home First, Abrot north Carolina; [m- vote J. Melv l> For S | SATLTRDAY-, SOCIETY NEWS. Itfrt, L. M. Carlton entertained the members of the Bridge club and a Few additional guests at .her home ast.Tuesday morning in honor of }Jjr house guest. Miss Mafy Franklin Graves of Mt. Air.v. Four tables were Placed on the porch, prettily decor rted with .roses and other cut flowers/and after several interesting progressions the cards were laid aside tnd a. delightful elalad course, consisting of frozen .fruit "salad, sandvicHes, wafefls and iced tea was. serv- >d to the fojjowing guests; Jlesdames i- V." Gwynn, A- M. Burns, M. R. Long, P. K. Miles. W. "S. Clary, Jr., ?. A, Jones, T. B. Woody, E. V. Bbatvright, W. D. Merritt, R. W. SteplJ ns. H, S. Morton, Geo. W. Kane\ W. 3, Watkins. W. T. Long and 'SKss Slizabetb Ncell. . ?. Mjss Mary Lee Crowjell -was a deightful hostess Friday afteroon ftbm 1 to 6 o'clock when she entertained n honor of her 'house guest, MSss Virginia Adkins of Boydton, Vs. The lome was thrown together and many ases and bowls or roses made an ittractive decoration. Rook was the lastnne for the afternoon, until a elegram was received by the hostass^ vhich proved to be the announcement it the engagement rfff Miss Cornelia Sample rind Mr. Bruce' Newell, the sodding to be June 15t,h. Tlia hostess i resented the brfde-elect with a,lovey miniature ^bridal boquetr. whg? to , be guests as. tovore were ' iretty little nosegays." A tempting alad course with tea was served by Ira. ,E. V. Boatwright, Nellie Ryrd Vcods .and Mary Shuford Carlton. 3hose present on this enjoyable ocasion were Misses Gladys Beam, "vdvl 1V'" .rol.PnHI Vr.n-nr, Ihrtstine Walker, Annie Laurie Bar-1 ifttt, Helen Hurley, Esther Newber-j y of New Bern,- Annie Walker, Anije Burch, MayLllardy,. Elizabeth j Coefl. Evelyn- Abbitt, Oella Stowe of I ^sterna; Estelle Hay of South Caroina, Helen Whi^h. Cornelia Sample, nd Mesdamcs. Frank Wilson, :.L, Ciradshor. S. A. Jones, Leper. H.. W: s'exvell and Bradley. * . | The announcement of the above' ppronrhing wedding is of muclJ in-/ '/rest here aV'MlSS Sample and Wr.jj Crwell jvp b'th very popular, and' ,ave many friends.* .. .y* | Hiiss Cornelia /ja:uple, %o ' :x5nhtr_ bride-elect-. Mrs.?ft. -V. Boat-1 '.right and Miss Elizabeth Xoell enertained at a sewing1 party~"Tues=-lay mrminC. The guests were seat d on Fhe lawn usder. the shade of riany. eton trees amidst a quantity of Ink arrl jwd'ite rambler roses. Edgar^ lo.atwright, Jr., ' and Libby Smith >resonted the.honoree with a lovely ink and white, basket, which proved o be a hiandkewhief shower. At tWe topn hour sandwiches and iced ten-; followed by pink and white cream lm' l1 the . rucsts. These present were: Misses delen Hurley and guest, Esther New>errl of "New Bern. Isabel deVlant-* ng. 'May _Hardy, Christine W.alker, j nd friipft, .tones of Bel Haven, j 5tie Merritt. Helen White" Cbrdelia' Sample, .and Mesdames S. A. Jones, P. K. Miles,' W. S. .Clary, Jr., Cliff SVlnafceacfr H. W. .Newell, and Mr3. Tohn Gilps cf Reidsville, house gUest if Mrs. Boat^right. ' . * ?o? ? ? , On last Wednesday afternoon,' May _'nn, uuie miss (uveaa i.y WK. entertained about forty of her little friends at the home of her parents, ens in celebration of her seventh HrtMnv Thn gunstn were, rnt.ftf'T'V ei cn the lawn, and enjoyed various' games^aft^r which they were_served' ice cream and cake,. ' and given as \ - _ ..1 ?7 ?r-- <> ,i I Miss Helen' Hurley was a iBsnfling hostess on Tuesday evemqa^at a delightfulcparty and?hower~ lirnorinp her mijsst. Milt 'Esther. Newberry, pf Newbern. and !yiias dbrnilla ! ( I *' ?'* % ? tfo 1 id Wednesday Evening Ma in" Long | heriff s TUNT^TBrd* adv | Sample, whose approaching marriage was announced a few days ago." Invitations as follows, had been issued: "To slJ>wer our Cornelia, with ad-i BO?; vice is my plan." Bring a gift tiiit will help ber hold her new man, ~~ . And to prove that yon know well whereof -you miy- talk. Briny the best man .you know, by 8 of tlie clock." In response to these unique invitations, the girls'-bruuyht gifts for the bride, .while ttir boys had gifts for the frroom. Wallace Woods disguised as a Meiern Sucragette." delivered a -lecture on "How to keep-* a Mslft or Woman when you get them," concluding with - the command that the bride and-groom elect -stand before him; while he presented tthru, from a basket such articles as roiling pin, hair curlers, scrub. brush, dog chain and hand cuffs, ,Fri>m this feature of the evening the guests- enjoyed tH? refreshing fruit punch, dispensed byMiss Nellie Bird Woods, whd served the guests On the tront-porch, which was beautifully arranged with quantities of DorotlJy .Perkins rpscs. the entire scene illumined with Japanese lanterns.. Toasts were given to bride and, gropm elect by Miss Mary Dee Drowell, R'obept Burns and Charlie Harris. Following this a contest on lihony was givenyin which ^/Jiss Annie. Burch and Br. J, H. Hughes made highest mtyjjj. The petite bride was costumed in'lovelj gown of wK:te cjsntdn crepe, an^ wore a corsage, of pink roses and valley -lilUes. At fbe close of thie evening's festivities, the bride-elect toaited the hostess with appropriate words. Delightful Neapolitan creanj and cake, in color rnotifT cf pink and white ..was served the guests each receiving: as favors, tinv W'uh.I uinl iiiumi. M'i.^us ' .'fl'lliu Bird tVoods" and ]yjary Lee Crowell assisted theHostess .in'''serving.' Hiss Hurley's guest? ware JCissos. Oc~nelia Sartiple. Esther Newberry, honor^es, ' Christine Walker ami her gurSt.^l^nh Jones, of P.eihnvofy, Isabel A* Vlafrning. Eglantine Merrj^tHelen White. Mary Lee CvoweJL Ahnie Ruroh, Annie Walker. 'Nellie, B. WtHs. fiuih Newton, and B. B. Newell. -tlb". groom-elect, "Charlie Harris," Robert Burns. Walter Jones, Bernard Orpwell, John Morris,Clyde vBowfcn, Merrirdcn Bupis. Wall are Woods, Clyde Crnwe-ll. rJantes., Vancey. Brodie Riggabee and Dr.-J;' H. Hughes. V ' ?_?. o??? COUNTY COMMENCE-' . V MpST WEEK. Commencement week-was a -great week in-til2 school life of .the County. FouY High?Schools, Bushy Fork, lalprig, Helena and Bethel Hill all had their commencements almost at the same time, beginning, on Thhrsday nigWt* and closing Monday night. And commencements were" sure enough. '.'They, were simply' great" was the expression I heard, shade by several, n?rl T wirtBf hnartily atrrPP with them. Mrs. Beam and I greatly enjoyed eight of The. exercises, two at each sclbol. We were delighted, even as tonished at the*2high' "grade of work of enrh . entertainment.'.: .at... each school. ? \ > r J. A." BEAM. o -.a . ORGAN RECITAL. Mr: "'.lack Griffin qt Durham will Fivc an orprarl recital in the Methodist clJurch "Friday night, June 2nd. Mr. Griffin" its well known here and anything (riven by him in the way of a rm/aical entertainment may be expected to be first class. His selections will hi iiillispoisMl Willi i. mill?Sli'jees rendered by some of oar best voices " rrrhndy invited. and it is hoped to give hiril a . good audience. At the close_a silver offering~will be made to meet expenses. XT CABUUIE THA-Nh> _ We wish' to- thank- odr iretgiGari and friends lot thair -many deeds ,oI 'kindness shown as in the sickness and death of oar dear husband attri H K. Vtttincs -aipI-SoTr ...._ .i...?.. : Ibtifi - i .1 i ii i ii. -i n i ? " ' >. .. m y 3Ist 1922 NOTICE. ^ xI' _ A meeting will be held in the. Presbyter :in fhnreh beginning Tuesday, i June 6th and running through the 1 foHaartng Sunday.,Rev. H. E. Gur- 1 ney M.MatlJowa, N. p.,-will- 4o the I . preaching. Dr. Gurney ir a man wf i fine teaching.ability, an able expound' ] . er oi the :Word. .1 Our meeting ia the opening of a i eerie* of meeting! to be held in Rox- i bbro ?iq the commit six or seven 11 weeks.' The Presbyterians, Metho- p dtsbs, Baptists and Episcopalians 1 have meetings scheduled, tlii laft one ! probably ending in July, This is an i indication that- the leaden of the c Christian forces ia town are anxious 5 for revival cf religion, a deepening < ,cf thS spiritual life of'OfifisFians and r for the ingathering of souls." In full, 1 lhart cooperation these meetings, in c prajjkr and effort, surely God will not deny ,ua a rich blessing. I We Presbyterians therefore, earnestly request the hearty cooperation of our sister churrhfls in our meeting, and we promise the same in theirs. 1 We desire your presence;, and make v special mention of your help in the 5 song Service. We stvant-the singers from all. the clirirs tp ccme and join li our choir and feel' perfectly ?t home. f The first s.erviee 'will he heid by V T)r. Gurney on Tuesday, 8 P. M.,-June If Cth. Two services a .dny through the c week/ 8:80 A- M. and 8 P. M, Regular services by the Pastor 1st e Sunday 11 A, M. and 8 P. M. f W: O, Sample, pastor. ii SURPRISE MARRIAGE n ANNOUNCED. I South Boston, Va. June 1st.?The |, many friends of. Miss Edna Mar- I guetite tee-, dnd Mr. Fountain William Allan Mills wHl be surprised to p learn that they ware married April v 'IQW TKu w??. nnlaitlv soleVnnized at the parzonzice. 'of the First Baptist Ohurch, DorHim, N, C. j Dr. J, ?. Welsh offleiatipir. ~7 The bride is an attractive and pop- ( ulpr ypuni; luiv and ;< the eldest daughter trf,Mr. and Mfi. Joseph Ward Lee. the groom is'the son of Mr. and Mrs: yt#A. Mills of Rox- j, boro, N. C. - ' . a A host of friends extended con- 1 srratulaticns' to tbis happy couple. T Thev will ' wake their home with .the ; grccmi'a parents .for the pi-earnr. "" \ f :????0=^ : *' v MISS. CRAVEN WEDS. . v, \ ' * 1 ! ; - o-~ c The many Tr lends of Miss Jcsep- ? t Khe .(JraveW well .be interested to j know that on Saturday May' 27th, j she was married to .Mr. Cjri P. j P Ivhson. Jr., " Wadeeboro. ,The. [a cerenjcny was performed' in the Tr.-n" ~*t: ity Methodist'r.hureh in Durham-,''and y oijly the felatiyes-and" intimate fr:end*10i be?in)? present. After the i4t!! of j Juno Mr. and fcbbihsoh will be j ^ [at heme in Raleigh. N". C. % TOWN WELI. >00 FEET DEEP: \ ' . .. :S ^ Mr. Peoples, superintendent, of thO drilling: crew, tells us the town well i s now pi ore" TttHfl-1500 feet tieop. One? day last week he tested it out, but to t] our sorrow, only found a capacity of u AO gallons a minute. While the con- p tract witll the Town calls fcr 600 ^ feet, he jfolds cut very little ericoirr-, v agemcj)>t?none in fact, of the supply being increased,-This is quite a disappointment as the authorities had hoped to get at least lOJh gallons a p minute. ' | BROOK NEAL THE WINNER. ?0? - . o ' Roxboro base ball team" plrs^M the (] rrst- game -of the season at Brookneal cn last Saturday .evening, losing by Hir iiiii tin i f 1 to 3 in favbr cf Brookneal.' Tha; second game between these, clubs will be played this, evening. ? e- about three feet, and as large as i. water bucket. . aV it continued ira U path, it Increaseihrn length, and ihowefed off as a targe sky rocket, Heptaying all the colors of the rain? >ow, but changing to a vivid green is it fel). Beautiful in.description, it vas well worth seeing, and from ac-' ounts of imeteors, otie wap at first tossessed with tbj idea that we were xperiencing such a sight. From lewspaper accounts,- persons in other daces saw nearly or the same light m Monday evening. j r 0 iOTICE TO .THE VOTERS - OF PERSON COUNTY-. In the primary -to be hold Juno Srd 92?, all voters will be asked with rhich party they affiliate, that is are ou a Democrat or Republican. If you are a Republican you Only lave tl'> right to vote in the Primary or sheriff, if Vou are Democrat yoit lave tlio right to." vote in the three ' iriniaries. Ocunty, State and Judiial. .. t . We respectfully ask, that all votrt will vote only in' the primary,' or the pa^ty tiht they will support If flit November- Klection. , If you are a Republican, you have a legal br moral right to vote in a lemocratie primary. If ycu are a Demcrat you have no iga! or moral right to vote in the tepublican primary. Be a man, and stand Out for the arty you consider best dont try to . ote in bpth'primaries. - * This May| 30 1922. \ J. S. Walker, Democratic . Kaeeuiye Cam. *. . - " ; ' R. A. Buret', Republican Fxecutrve k>m. ' ', " SVM.MER SCHOOL. The Summer' ScBool, which is to ast six weeks, opened Jaat Monday ,\ lcrning with 37 teachers present, *his is the. largest attendance ever ecorded here for the. first , day, and Ln riiiinhi i-' will jiit'i* Mi. ?J. G. 1 Plants cf Meb'ane is the director, ' rith Mrs: Sassier in charge o f tHe rinjary work, and ?Mrs. *.T. A. Beam f the grammcr gr&des. Sunt. I. CrrifTTrV of Salisbury was -present and' rganized The school. WIUJAMS-XICHOLSpv 'ards have beeh receive'' -nr i)icilig fie .marriage cjl'.Miss ^ir.xn ' - a triced Pi 11 iams to Mr. Jcne- F.; r. NichIson on' Wednos.lay J j,.. V '/.h, at ipeX. Miss Williams is well known ere, having been a member of tBo-# rafted school .-faculty for several ears, and one of the. irioat popular nd successful teachers who has dono ch'col work h?re: v NOTICE TO MEMBERS. The Ameiiimh - Legion?will?hold : heir regular monthly * meeting I^atrday June 3rd, 2^0 o'clock prompter and all membersearnestly-ratiested to attend as we have some ery^ important business to attend to. T7 C. Cv Garrett, Pub. offrcer. : ; O-T-r-i : tOARD OF EDUCATION / MEET MONDAY. Thq Board of Education will mpet n .next Monday, being the first Monay in June, > J. A. BEAM, County Supt. . HO>". S.'M. G ATT ISHERE. Hon. S. M.- Gattis, iybc_ is a candilatc ^or the nomination for Solictor, arrived, in towm this* morafnft" ind is shaking hands with his {rinds?and that includes just about very man in tHs County. , 3LDER HERNbON AT ?WAnnn'i'n nnovft. Elder iHerndon will preacH at W?#? ^ en's 'Grove otr' the tst Stmdayftr *77 lane H o'clock, p, m. All cordially inrjted tb attend thlB .seryice. ( We?enjoyed a plcaoant call this nomlng fwfff Mo. J. B. WagoW ot ?V. dillsboro. Mr.' Wagoner said fie tuuf tot been in Rbxboro for fifteen yean, ind. there was nothlngl about tjt? ' own which reminded him of the old ciiofvtUing-was new. \ . . ' . ' . . '. ? ' ' ' ' C ' ?.*, ' . . , ? , ? ?j,; . V