Ji', . . ""I^1 . ? ^ ?r ; 1 '11 " . ^?:?St See. me and Sea Better. JHIISS#8?' ^^^OPTOMETRl^T^^ r Optical' Store Opposite ?osto(fica. Main St. ^ . -S': M , . ; L?.r .... J. ' ' . noraa&sisBKDB DD Bfl g Indigestion g I . Many persona, otherwise B II "rigorous - and healthy, are B I B bothered occasionally with Q . M indigestion. The effects oil ? disordered stomach on- the- !? S system are dangerooa, and " ' prompt treatment of lndlges- 1 B t'on la Important. "The only " B ? medicine I have needed has ? J been something to aid dlgea O tlon and clean. the liver," U B writes Mr. Fred Aahby. a n McKlnney. Texas, farmer. * B "^T medicine to - B Bedford's S s?BtfiMfflMf - vwjj?a ?# , * swill n for Indigestion and stomach n 5S trouble of any kind- I have EE D never found anything" that rw H touches the spot, like Black- R? '5 Draught- I take It In broken _E HI doses after meals. For a long O ' Q time Ftried pills, which grip- Q Bed and didn't give the good H results. Black-Draught liver BZ Q medicine IS easy to take, easy. Q n to keep, Inexpensive." y, 5 * package from ypr JJ B insist upon Thedford^?Urn Ef a only genuine. Get'It today. OB . n? B3H BBBBBBBBOOBB ; , T T AVE you ever I*1 1* never made by fu.irral ^ fg?J . ivev^r hear^ot millionaire un<k, ^}MC^ ' Public need for broaderf?ic ihOjS - have resulted j n large invest mc .' Iftffl ic equip mem, funcraOio.nvOi about ir Kpsvv nnftrftnt?niiftn? ... .. . &*? -v - - 7": 77 " Another reason is that the fi, ? mMu \ over all the^tasks^formrrly l< .;nd friends. He also perfnr *" ni services which modern cQffldi [H fcilities demand. jpw?j In the luncriPdirector'? bill, t' KvC overhead (often A large "prop [Ml usually 1s.included in thetl jP\X ctood items. Such charg 7 ECflu with this fact [. - PJqPj : Rfprodutcd by flertntniort of '1 ' H f tnjf/rom a cabyrtKhtrJ messc f*< Saturday F.vintnt rest ?/ Ma: R. A. SPENCER g*? fenebal DIRE * ' Sv Roxboro, N. j ? ^3 xi twUwi Barter. St ' *<* offluatit IPfl t_Pmm?lh*EmptyCUts. ' U*n*tt ?<? / lift yf flffrf. Ali I .Prices '' 1 ' jjgjf Kadicul price retluction puts t Iw- O'.it this mordern heating plai p7 ' Eg " At the-new low prices I' If* ' than stoves riecessa g Costs' less-than a good jr ; ' jg| " Costs less than a goo; -" Ciista ieaa than twice t gv E -ing machine. jKj * ' Costs teSs than twice | "a Order aCaloriC now 0 c;omfort\and convenience von I " - S1 cauae-it protects The family's -i N jly'a pocketbook: Becau?e*'it p L " |!< 'in the fuel it .'haves. E5 n?.Order nowbecause priccHTam' r~ J c&ntageof Us^Mt^hw^wipta ra Do not'delaiy, Winter is here ja an argument for CaloriC ' g| risk. Our guarant<;c-ryoMLafl i? | ; j-o h x""i " *- | -r aOXBORO, NOR' " . r.' ~ ?. r \ ? : s : -J**? A ni.M:VISTftAf OR'S NOTICE. Having qualified ' as administrator ai^the. pmnte of J.-W- Winstead, dcceiaed, late of Person County, North Carolina;-this is tp notify all persons iliving- diaims drains* the estate of Said deceased to exhibit them- to.tly < undersigned on or before the 25 tn < (Tay of April, 1923, or this ..notice will 1 lie pleaded-in bat ul tlreii recovery. J All persons indebted to said estate ; will please 'make immedate payment. This 25th day of April 1922. , j". T>. Winstead, , K. C. Wag'staff, i '? Administrators. I ' ' ' ' i Gather . Hill, Gladstone, N. J.,' Seljs ' Rat-Sqap. He Say/. ?' , "I sell and use RAT-SNAP. Like { ts look any man ia-tHs face'and tell < it's, the best. It's good." Jt^ople like ' RAT-SNAP, because it "docs" kill rats. Petrifies carcass?leaves no ' smell. Conies in cakes?no- mixing to ! i?. Cats or dogs won't touch it. Three j sizes. 35c, 65c, $1.25. Sold and guar- 1 anteed by < LONG BRADSHER & COMPANY. ( Roxboro, N. C... LAND SALE. J By virtue of two trusts executed- < to me by Alex Sadford, duly regis' 1 tered in Person County, in books 23, pafee 393. and 2 page, 362. I _will on , th<? 30TH. DAY OF MAY 1 at 12 o'clock (1322),.sell on the prem 1 i.ieS for cash all that certain tract of I land, lying in Hollow ay township, Person County, N. C., adjoining the. I lands of W. A. Tuck oh the North Mrs. Susie Neal oil flve_East; \V. N. 1 Haskins ot) the westj and J. J. Thaxton.on the South; containing 46 1-2 acres more or less. See deed from John-F. \Voddy $o said Alex Sanford. This April; 25th 1922. , :? H. W. Asiihy, .trustee. T. C. Brooks, Attorney. , Did you over hear of so' many cy . clones ? A storm policy .will cost yoa but. a truie. See SATTERFIELD. Do It Now. ^ why quick fortunes ar? ' Rectors and,why you IV r ulcers? tVy/J e and improved facilities ^ nt? in motor cars,scicntif- mOpI iu;J chapels. These bring * LDu operating expense. ineral "director ha* taken fO toked after by neighbor* mt scores of additional tiona and modern sensi- ? * jP hecost*of this service and j ortion of the total cost) ^^ targe for befses Under- In es should lie judged t in rrifmj. |j?% 'he Cincinnati Cofin Com- Vj f Q . gt which cpptared in T\e f Ij^^j t taken fro-n Omar Khayyam ? V? V* r ww. Copy**ihtU 1W2 C. C. Ca. kTirl f un^vyjMm ic[ Down 'J; he cost of a CaloriC so low. ||l it. ' ?rrT- *h~' M ' r.Tr-r-ff \ _ the CaloYiC'CQSts less ' ,af ' ry to heat the building. .J|| i, pmno. . . : v -e 1 home water system. **3 a he price of a good wash- H? ' a . It . jS! a the price,ofa "Ihoriograph. * because'a the greatest Hj c^n have ip your liomi Be- |g| realth and thereby the Tarn- ? ays every dollar of its cost ml ? rot be lower ?and by order- tc ~B nTport-gntt-sgve a good pgr- 3 a i m earnest. Every .blizzard |j comfort 'nod.'.'You take no K n| 3tififaction_or money back.,, g u \ - it_E'4- M S 1__M? TH CAROLINA ?^ , * . ..cL THE BpXBORO COURlfeB pro: nisi I'.xzz u aviation Ks^crifs Shot-/ VhDt the United _Sts*es I* Mot? VhanVHoldlng ltd Own In Aerial TraveL During thd year. 1921 the uu of diefraft for clvljlan transportation to reasKl 20 per cent over the previous fear, according to a report, forwarded o the Department of_Conjmerci By the Vei^uaiitjcal Chamber qt Commerce >f America. The reports shows,that fhrcughout he ecu11tjy 1,21X1 clvlllah .airplanes vetv in operation during the year, and hey carried .approximately 275,000 losaengers a total distaace'nf G.SOOJOOO nlles. These figures, aecordlng to the sport,- are based uptm authenticated eturns^ received by the aeronautical 'Iituulfer frmu all auctions Of, the tountry "und tend to prove that America Is holding her own in the air, as fur is Individual effort and accomplishuent are concerned." Evpry pltnse of aviation Js covered n the" report. Including the varlouB ecdrds made during the year, Aiming he outstanding .civilian' achievements s that of the, aerial taull. which 'in 021 made such a record for elllclcncy >h the transcontinental route (hat it Is ecognlsed us a uiodel. for civilian lerlal transport the whrld. over," the eport says, "Letters have been Uetvered in New York two days after asunl mnlllng on the Pacific coast," t continues. "The service has an av:rage .of 38.82 per cent 'efficiency, that s, in . completed trips on scheduled Ime since it was started in May, 1918. "The air until has during the lust fear completed lis wlrckass communication system, the 14 i.tlons now iavlng radio plants, "three operated >y the nr.vy jfleptirtrrent and the others >y the air mall service." LAND ADAPTED FOR REINDEER Northern Canada, It Is Estimated, Could Support Enormous Herds of Good "Food CAttio. . Canada Is .a" roomy land, and Its back region can. never be used for agricultural purposed' - and where leitlier-siieep nor cattle can ue.raised protitably, comprises about 1.500,000 square miles. If we may^accepC Us fairly accurate the statement of Alas *a reindeer "men that n reindeer yejulres about 30 acres for gnizlflg in [he~6Ub-'Arctic -and Arctic regions'" of fCorth America" then Northern Canntn can support notweeK- 30.000.000. tnd 40,000,000 animals. VUhJnlmur StefaoBSOti, the Cana1 inn explorer, who has been trying o convert .his countrymen to reiudeer culture for several years and has glv?n the. subject, a great /leal of study, liinks that the Canadian inainlafMr iorth of the so-called habitable line* ind the great Canadian archipelago an support 50,000,000 reindeer and rrush-ox, unother ^auk-Arctic animal I i . I.. In TllP * 'are furnish the world with an appre%\ble supply,, of good, Wholesome neat,?John <?. Holme # in Leslie's Weekly. * > .??___ . : ' ' r x mirror in man'* r?ai*r- . X man can ma huge ^omehcfi^ ; to jet along without a powder rag, jut th^re. are occasions when he loee need u mirror and *a comb "or-emergency, use. " To meet this denond, Gustuv Peazernack, of. Tranon, Ni J., has contrived u holder, for >otb articles which inay he conveniently fastened inside of a hat. - It is tewifin, being made of cloth, a recangular piece *of which' is attached o the inside of the Jiat by snap fast?ners at the corners. .This makes the >aek of the holder; the front is prodded by a second piece, of like size, tecured to thet first one by stitching. The two thus form a pocket. A hotfiontal line of stitching divides the >ocket into two compartments, an ipper one to receive the mirror and a ower one \o hold the comb. -One nd of the pocket is left open to, per^ nit Insertion of comb apd glass. A Aldnble catch engaging the end tooth >f the comb retains -It in place, arid he ^safety of the mirror 'is obtained ly -a flpp which snap fastens over .ft. * Woman in Finland. * Wdm^n in Fjnla'nd enjoys almost qual rights with* the man. ttt school he has, in the cpmmon instruction im tiit' mms youth. ?iip'Tiimny m ontend with them! and to-acquire the ame knowledge. After completing he school education, almost all vocalons are -open to her, and she is dund in "all branches of'industry, hut specially In business.houses, In, pubc * offices,, and similar, institutions, he cannot-occupy tne om/.e <n loiiits?r. however, and some high appointee posts. Practically, woman is the" quiil of man. ' She has tlie right of uffrage nnd she herself Is eligible to U elective-oUlces,)* The KLerrrsh diet etv.aHy counts 20 female deputies mong US menders,?blew Verb Trite heT - i sijjl* " *W "CS&yirr. An-beadSduss uf tlie All. For some thne France has Had 1" ew diplomatic function, that 1u ammatador of the air. And for that ellcote function, for which not every as ta flt. a woman. Mile. Adrienne olTand, has been nominated. This itreptd nvlstrli was the first, It will e remembered, who new over (he ] ordllleras of the Andes, This fe't^t tade her famous frr South America. . his renown incited Ihe French govte Bepfthllc of Srgentlna. ii hwt thn IB represent France In sll matters j sneerntef aviation. Wtp_IWttsnd has ft'Ton Uaentis Arras. equipped wtth ! H?dtplomntle powers*?Xew York . HbMW. 7 .* , ' - ; ^ . < ' v / MAY 81, 192i ' . JI i ? uani i ^'" ."' : :? " ' " " " > y , MEi-YON " " ^.'1 J [' Tho message, 'The ;Mast?r gplletb for the*,", c:me to this beloved -dne April 3rd; Jcnes completed at the age cf 54 j;eats a righteous- pilgrimage, b/gun in narly manhood, having been n cana'utjerit member of t}ie Baptist fhurel' fjjr a number of .years. Olive , Branch has , idjt one _ of its' Pi jST H . faithful member for it was his greaf J 'delight to engage in ills ebure!?'work. . and to lend a helping hand to those in need; He v/nj ever reoiv "to assert 18s .faith in and love for his Savior. He was married "to 'Annip Downev about 80 years rgo, T$hy" lived?rfear Red Bank; Vs., for. several years .then moved to Keatuoky and Hyee tB>r?'2(k'y*ora. Hit fvtfe being stricken with paralysis which has rendered her" helpless for about Pine years, he d&f!e3 tc .move hock' to Ndrth-.Cer*' olir.fw tc hi, wittt his people A mote devcted:Miusrbanft could net he found, he .nevei^ired of waiting on his companion. Although his health w&s sailing for several months he was ever ready to do all could for hbr ever* unto thdjaat He cime ta my home.Sunday morning before he wag taken' ijl the afternoon, he seemed as cheerful as he could he, but his soul soort took its flight to be With' loved ones gone be*' foro. He leaves hid wife, 2 brother, , 2 sisters to mourn^ bis lossr Mess: T. E. and J. H. Melton, Mrs^Pattie j Qokley. Victoria 3Ieltcnr i2 nephetys and 1 nie'ee/ G. F>,?and*S. W. J Melton ajid'MUi Corinna Hayes, bct: fcfe a host of- friends and relatives. He was peady to obeyAhe summons .that called him 40 the bcautjful shore add H?a^enty Jiomn. We. , miss him ^ *o much, fop we loved, hfni and did all' we could for h:m fint:l the end. He was laid -to rest iv. the family. I cemetery at Mr/ Brud Gentry's Fun j cral services -were conducted by bis 1 ^ nnstor, Hre. Usry. May we all meet-} _ him in Heaven where we folll jueet to | part no more.?I TJT.A M, 1??0 i IN MEMORY OF .J - MRS. MAGGIE KIBDIn ead loving reatAmbrahqe.'of Mrs. , Maggie -Ki M M ,-h. X; T.. who: "died WednOsray mcVnlng, at 8' o'clock I write this of one who. was so dear to all who knew her. She leaves'three sister^to mourn for her. She was well lister t-0 morn for her. She was'well . known to many friends eve'rywhere she went,'and was gocx' and kind to SB of her neighbors; On May 16th,| l'ii - ? ? ' * More th; a Scienti Fuel for mwhen.? M ^ T T anced ? Y motorists w; brief trial t< sands of nev "STANPAR \ In the manufact desired properti 4 : ing and maximi ' \ ' ' . , When yoi lubrieatio} Potdrine? 1. Chronic overfieath 2. 'Valve seats pitted ' 3,_ Gummed valve stei 4. Uneven running,? 5. Contamination of _ . crank case (6. Necessity for frecp -;?- /7. Vile odor from the . . plete combustior ( 8. Spark plugs fouled istnk ottlfor th**e tym Gasoline u>ui help Umk a good oil?Potat STANDARD1 . (.V . ' ' r - . - L K ' - '' * r .. .* ... ' ' * ?- -v - _ ?ILL.1".' .t^TTr rlrr , * ,' up --rv-s -*... ; '.- =iK ' '. A ? .1 A year ago? almost unknbwn Today ? a leader c A sweeping Verdi 192?, Ood saw fit to take her to Heav n wittrbrm. She was nek only a &w lays and" patiently anU". peacefully waited tHt end. She was forty one fears old. We loved, her but God Ieved. her best,' so let us mourn not. at God's yill but" bow in humble submission to Rim who iocth all; tMngs-well, for jlesscil are thcy who die in'Vhe liflVih ;f the Lord. We miss list sweet face tnd kind'disposit ion, ami those k ind Slid cheerful canifertina words., She was , laid tp rest m .the old. family bnfyiric ttronr. f Thursday evenimr. with 3 ivord of eonifcrt for all of [far friends. She leaves to mottm hefc sol depth's Rood, kind and devoted husband and seven sweet little yfcays and {tirls. and a host of. fyiondi and loved ones. Weep not1 depr loved one, hot now-but iR theJ convnu years in. a better land we will read the .meaning cf cpr Tears and, there-we will understand. We (1c not feel that she is dead hut asleep in Jesus to await the resurrection -morn. &o sleep on dear Jlageifi.far blessed ate they who- die in Obi Lard, Written by one who loved her.?Evelyn Peed. 1 " I " L_C , _ _ - ? ' an a Gaseli fically Bala Your Moto e introduced our in gasoline last year the as enthusiastic. It n rtecome establisliet f friends. They have D'V;- ? ure of this gasoline co: es from the crudes to-give im mileage. T"*8'*"'',-- _ ix gasoline is rij % properly eared you should not urith Carbon * CDS Etused by cylinders missing the lubricating oil in the' lent carhurt?ter adjustment exhaust caused by incomi or wasted power ' ptot^STAND^HD^MOTOR you in dvffiding them. Hue. x Jersey) v - I s. , ct for QUALITY ? - >- ' j DOES YOUR BACK ACHE7 Its usually j fii^n of oick kidneys ^specially if the kidney aciioti is disordered, passajtes aiknty or too'fre-' qruent. Don't, wait for mottr serious troubles. Begin using Doan's 'Kidney Pills. Read this ftoxboro testimony. . ; R. U .Lows, carpenter sayja; "My kidnteys acted ..-tob^ freely and . I had. -w, T6 get up seeenl times,at night -be-" -V c dtts e of tW ri r we a k'n tiss. Th e secre* t'ons burned in pas? age ahd wete ft-.H11.ifl| \Tx- hq#4< gnh tn hurt-' 1_1A ing ri:rht bad and when I bent it was-,., an effort to straighten back again. Shirp twinges shot" through my kidneys and morning my back was stiff * f pr&wtfri Doan's Kidney [ Pills at the Davis Drug-Co., and t)i?y IheedVrffe up in "A-L shape. I haven't j been troubled with rriy kidneys in a .number of years." i , ,._v. 'Price. f>pc,,-fet .vli...thealers.- Don't simply ask'for :f kidney remedy-f^-get * .( Doar.'s Kidney Pills?-fKe same Uhat tMri-iaW-'Rid' F?Ker-Milburn Co., mfrs., 'RBffalo, N. Y. j4~-% - l ' " " ? . . . ne-? meed Y ? A ' ' .''"V ; tiproved, balf response of ceded but a 1 with; thous stayed with mbine the most '! you qhick start V rhi?*an(fr\ ' for by . ^ find * ? ' i' - / * - r >. ;.

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