' ^ -' . -.1 I THE COURIER ' jC J. W. NOELL, Editor. ' ' . 3LBSCBiPti^TfE?H9 =C=. sue year? 75 cents tar 6 monthi M cents far 3 months?Cash >n Ad?nce. ... " ' ' ?l.IXL J_ J U Ii_l 11 ffl? Editor is in no wsy responsible u 9*r views expressed bp- correspon- c tents. Entered at the Post Office at Box. Wrof N. C., as second-clnga matter. ? r .... ? rc fsweign A<fy?rtl*tn? IUR***ejrtAtlve_ 1 _ : V "irx-r PRC?? - J.suri v/'ov / -*-.8 Boxhtvro. >{. C. May" 31 1922" . j. THE PRIMARY.. X The primary was designed to make J It -possible to get the fcHiice of the c peqple for their' different officers, for 1 hp it wdll known that such was not 4 'the'cake often times with the .old ' convention plan, but if the voters fail to go to . the'polli on . next Saturday ( then thtc choice Will, not hpve been t expressed at "the election..- "While we, i do not 'especially-, care, for the promary plan, still it is the beat method l so far tried to find out the wishes of , the people. If you-fail to express your ! wisb-'s by voting then certainly, you have no right to corri plain bcesuse ypur party railed to put out the heat j men. Go to the polls and vote fog your ] preferenre, and' if your man is de- ' feated you have the consolation of 1 yT : snowing, mat ycu voted'for the best . , man us you thought, but -es Ihcui.v "Jnrity were against you, tllen-TonSQle \ yourself With the thought "that "per- ( haps you were wrohg and. did n>t * vote*?or th<* best man/' for, you-Knotf, ' V noife- of us are infallible and most' ' of us make many mistakes. ^ 7* fThe law provides for equal privib eges for all recognized parties, and t we hardly think any one, in either 1 party, will want to so degrade Km- ^ self or. herself by trying to vote to 3 _ . nominate a niajv in a different party from "which he or she affiliates. If you t are a Democrat, vote for the Dom- \ "" bcratic candidates, and ?if-you are a _1 ~r? WlpuUlllHji uutf fl)!1 llni tluiulilR.iu candidate, and do not try .to name . men who are .not of your . political- l faith. Simply because you want to r j vote -^for .some individual friend, on * in? opposite ticket belonging to the * opposite party docs "not . entitle you j. ' to vote against youT party' with 9 which yoikuiffiliate. To be plain, if'"you are a Democrat 1 th&rr you can'not help r.arne the Re~?publican cairtitiste, or if"*you are "a _. 2 Republican then you have -no right, , legally fr morally, to vote in the Democratic box. ' . Congress is again this week wrest- j Ung with the bonus question", and it 1 looks as if it was one of the ' hot bricks, for they will-be damned if 1 they do and' be damned' if they do not. The Republican Cfrnpjress. has put it up to- the President twice already, and sljill He gives them no en- ' couragement. The politicians want to j help the soldier boys with the horius i but thf public seems to be agin then I ?especially the moneyed pubtlc, ant) . I . , . it p'nrira the?puliUuan, . ;m-i .light 'j place, fur tH? boys can vote, and vqto strong, while the moneyed part tl i pays the freight. * j v~ - : . 'o ' ' We. a?e indeed gla'l to have with 1 ; its the teachers of t-he County who j 1 ? are here attending the Summer1 School. Time was whep ii was pOpu- j ler to writer.-at these trodH people?LIJ as ft was in y*ars Kone h'^fo vefer to ' >\ LHi-farmaV.'ajt "Old Hayseed," brrt ;jl >^1FinnV fi-n.winr.ti... Ii?nt ,l..y :.p ni>.li 1 ? we are realizing more and more evJ ery day that it is to the teachers of j the pvhlic_athoc to whom we mflot ? look for t4^uing for our future nifetVr F*-i~' VHi women. With good conscientious j j j teachers, well prepared and equipped l for their chosen profession, the Coon' ' Ij'e'fuluie fa sssirrvU, %t aggtrfwa : ; welcome these good folks to ftoxboro, jei < O?1 ?? , ."The gode help thoae who first help ' t -thehsclves" is an old .adage we have g heard for a long time, .hut that old | p aarttig haa not proven true in this -1 _ County at concerning the jroad ques ti cm. Out of that 'fifty milbon doUen : B eo far Ptreon CdUnty has not sa ejt | ttilt. sruf a TV Still pafif'thtwtirtrnc,! ' :O-0PERATIVE MARKETJN.G eoa OeTTinger- Finds "Nigger- Iff Wood l'ile"?Former Kinstonian* Writes.I knew that "you have heard o#thej ccond distribution Of the pool bj I ow but thougl1- a few facts and fig-' res might Interest ycu. The pool Inirri they had. 10 million pounds of obacco turned over to them of which hey claim to have sold over 75 mil* ions. ThiiTTeaves tHim **' roughly peaking, one-third of'it still in their, and.' Mow lets do p little figuring and oa.iaccoMihg to their claims , what hh -farpier will really average, for lis tobacoty that was turned over -to They Wave sold two-thirds of the obacco and hjive' paid the fanner ight. at fifteen cents. They now have >ne third of their holdings left but,! eft la composed mostly of the tail sntd of the crop. Let's say tH>y will iverage for the balance what .they eceived for the other. This will then iet thenf "tgrtween twenty-one and wenty-two cents. But they have Wad 10 redry what they have left and put t in hogsheads'. Now the cost of this Will of course come put'of the farmers' pocket and it-cost two cents a pound to get In shape-for tWt'mark?t. NOw deduct this two ^cetits fftni his total net sales and**you can -get a.r> idea cf whatMie will really get. But here's where the "nigger in the wood pile" cornea in. The pool had t6 _borr5wvfoys mallions of dot-' lurs. tc pay 'off tjiis last distribution !he? ji?ade. If tljey have?bold the tobacco at the price they -clftfm. why jo"iKe.y have to-hnrro'w .mcney to pay farmer for his tobacco? . Is- it because their expenses have oeen tHat amount or is -it because hey have not obtained the pince? hcv elaim -to'diave received. Perhaps iome?of thp pool folWyppiFs Or ?om? if their clerks witfl small jobs might rive you the reXson. -Here they arc loaf and " dumb on the subject.. > But hack to some* mcrre facts. When he pool sells the balance of their obacco will-they take pp these notes r will- tb?jk- try - to fool the farmer | >y declaring another dividend. and itill owe the banks. If they pay the tanks, then the 4 million will* have 0 coipe out of their next sales. This vill cut their distribution in half or ri otBcr words^ the farmer, will re eive about three cents more which vil^make a total of .abdUl^ld ti-ulu tgamst 21 cents, fo* the non-pooled. have >een living in Lexington for learly nine * years and personally mow bankers and business men of ill kinHave become intimate with' 1 good many who talk freely to me :ut I can "hot ouote for business rea n"i i _ii _ _ _ _A una. i imy one ana an, jire ?pa.iqst he pool -and claim it* has hurt Lexngton materially.' TPj* only good that I- hare beenible to see in .the'pool, is that ir gives i goo<t. many men great big salaries hey never have .been able to make IERRQNEOl It has com report that thi ' the Co-operati' solutely untrue ?= ;?suited. As a-ii to come out in by an ad ip Th ' It is possibl Mr. W. T. Pas something to d 1$ ' nejw way at all IS . the demand th way, to tajce c ' to the new ,wa .1 . Bank's position farmer will fin Bank of Roxbo - "Berve Jrou, call |? ?-????*-r ?T?:> ~ : .... u* - - ~ ' ' B-'-s? " :'BS----.: i ' THE -ROXBORt) COLUUER befolx> and' will never make again. ;h: " I am still against it and will be tin- 01 til I can'see where it help* the farm- .tc er iualottti of hurting him,?1 1 w Years very tray, x LEON OETTINGER. pi News & Observer. .Adv. . L ' " S "? ' . ' TOBACCO MARKETING. . iti ' !' (From TKL- Open Forum of Danville I ?(Va.) Register. l|, Editor Danville Register: e Dear Sir:? c Plcaae publish this letter for. me: a As a farmer of nuny that has not a signed the pool contract, I want to fc ask. for information through ' your t papers whero is thesis a farmer that f has got a job witW' the pool ? It iooks to me like the thing has gotten out of the hinds of the farmer before it 3tarts, knd into the hands .. of : the I banker and the H'.ghups andtho ware, housemen. Now I hear that(thay"have t I nmnWoH oVortt niM-KoAlfiw in' a i.-T?? r i ! panville, Virginia market to grade Iond price all the tobacco. .1 thought t tbjy wanted to get rid of the pin- 1 hooker. So if thii is" the man you 1 were afraid'of we non-signers and . all our friends he 1' better stay out l and sell-our tobacco at auction^jthis, \ time and"mot be bothered with him', as the pool has gotten them all.' j , A FARMER. I - Roxboro, N. G., it- 9. Editor Thl- Register: I will thank you to publish this letter for me:; j I an) astonished it the Co-operative Association securing the services , of all the pinihookers as graders, for i our tobacco. Our chief "reason -for , jsjning was to get 'rid of him. p Wonder what will-Bappen next ? I am In it now and..still have my pin~^DRlS Refr 5 c Cascade ? Ginger Ale ^ fWSS^ Lik mLSSmOLCh^ 5c Roxboro Bot ' ~V>s . iyj).y:4 iv tt'isgz h / , ! JS REPORT. e to o^ir ears that some one.is oil i First National Bank of Roxboro ve Tobacco Marketing Association , and we can not imagine how such aattcr of fact, thin Brink "-as thn v recognition of the movement. Th le Courier several months'-since, e that the fact one of our most vali is, is going to run'an independen lo- with the report, Air. Pass is not , but is simply running his house ir at there should be a house here se are of the tobacco which had not 1 y.. But Mr. Pass' action 111 no ival iIts to Co-operation, add we assure rl nn ? ! Ar>/1 TVI/M>O tuiin tlin LTi u iiv x i lonvt inyic nuc tnon cue l J roi In. the future, as in the print, n on us. t 'j. ? 'Yeur ffiends, 1 - A 'j, THE FIRST' NATIONAL BAM Roxboro. N, G. 1 SjC . , r-r - j?ay si, ion .? ; - ' f okers but, believe ijia, if .1 can get I.3S It of this mess when I sign my name ? another pool contrart, roosters g< ill-day' eggs aaJ. hens will- havt fc. eth. N'o more Oiifornia lawyers' go :e wagon for- me with promise oi tre ujury ind a continuous stream of 3 er-iiowing gold, as has been pic- Rs ired to oi by some, of dur aidJcia- B<j ons orgrnisers and solicitors. ' |E:Ji BrotlJ-'r p(!?ler, look out-for over- gj cad expense and krfep your'eye op-- a a., for there is a big ptn~hooker day gi anting in our -assacihtion and our 3 Uction sale beys will be rid of him ja nd yfe will wish we could sell olu g<j ibacco at auction, get all our money ? he day we nil. and' go home free g rom bondage. :g? Hale Ford, Va. . IS The Danville Register.?Adv.' IB LAND SALE. . |gj As agent for tWs heirs at law of. jg he family I will sell at public auc- j |g< ion to the highest bidder on [5 TUESDAY JUNE 13th, 1.923, . | it 12 o'clock in front of the court J muse door in Roxbpro, N. C., the ; uime pUcei known as the Mrs. Emma 3 lohhson. Home. This is a desirable B tome, situate on Reams Ave., con- j alning one half ap acre, being h ? rorner lot ?m Reams Ave. and Mor?an* Street. a?Terms shade known on day . of sale. E This May 30th, 1922. g > W. I. NEWTON, Agent for Heirs. ANNOUNCEMENT. | t hereby announce iiiyself a can- g Jiclatc for the nomination' of County Commissioner, subject to the action 5 at the .Dcniocfaiic primary on June g Irl 1922. , . . *. t ' ' | ' . Respectfully, D. MrCASH.-' ' ?[' ' iB ni cious ,In Mm eshing jHj r IN Bottles To*" ~ ? ?'?- i. e the . r*~ ttling Works culating the ^ ' If " is opposing, .This is ab- |g a report was V^*".1P pry first, one I _ |?: ? is is verified lable officers, t house had , p fighting the 1 response to >. p illing the old i . ? jten pledged. t nffoctri the Q you tnat tne rat-National pj rhen we can _ S| " ~ 7 : " "*?. rT".' * . , . y. ' .. y * -7'* ' . ' '"5 ' . " r - ~ T~T?" ^the'best'r . For Trading in Not because of pride in your home because you want' to keep your m< to build up your own surroundings set credit here when you have to-p because you .owe Roxbbro merchar to show your loyalty, to home and h are 'all good reaaohs, but the bes Koxboro is filled with good store good merchandise in all lines, that lower prices as you can buy the sa 7,; ... -. A THE BEST REA FOR TRADING W1 Because we have one of the best .i with the highest class- merct\andis |\at as low or lower prices, than th bought in any store.in Roxboro. B< service from an experienced and we j.'people and merchants who have | life long study and work. Still then | who go to Durham 'and buy theij i looking at a pair in any store in. 1 j for a fact often pay from SI to SI ^ identical shoes than we charge. ai I Our stoeks ate complete our p | with us because you get-the best J by, it. We are always-pleased to" s Harris & j- ROXBORO'S BES . * * jom '- m, w-?. ' Satety Ue Boxes for SM ALL BOX PER Y1 MEDIUM BOX PER -1 . LARGE BOX PER Y J' ' ? *> ; . . .a T^^USTOJ^RE^ekt!1^ 4 's- *. ' ' I BANK Wit**1 Vk Young man! It is your BANK found your habits and character a % - .. .. . ' If you have a Pdas Book, keei ery time you have money. If you come in and open an account and AfttLY add to'your balance. The r paes book is the beat recommend Come in. We \yill Welcome flic Peoples . . . f EASON _ J _ J Roxboro I | - . . ; ' , v.I .. towft ancTcounty; not 1 irtey at home and help f i; not because you can ? ay cash elsewhere; not- ? its your allegiance nor 3 ome enterprises. These ? t reasons are because ? s that are filled with p : are sold at as low or1 i me goods anywhere. '. gg SONS" | itores in Roxboro filled ^ e, all of which are sold ^ ; e same goods can be p asides, you get the best . g ill trained force of sales |j maue meir DUBiness a /g. e are good citizens here H r shoes without even '|j - *? M toxboro. And Me. know ';<3 .50 a pair more for the la . ; re you one of these. ft? rices the lofrest. Trade gj gooJs and' save" money, a icrve you. H Burns\ T STORE. ' ' -'.j ia?????i>? *> t ' j ' . ;j :poitS Rent . 1 :^s | ' i. EAR $140 i'EAR $b50 x" - . . . ? EAR $2 00 ' kV ^ ITj ga^So^ . rTTo\GTASHIER is the .; _ .. ' 0 r t st Book for fe "Ybu. ? PASS BOOK that is ind your own Declera-- !? rv." " \' ." 22JW? > up your deposits^**: ? haye no Pass Book, srerxine and REGUL- " egular entries in your et'ron you ean have. iBank

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