r. - ' - : * . ' . . , ' ' " - ' : 7 ,r / ^fA6T SIX j)l*AiSTCOAT ADDS TO S0?Y Accessor)*? Arc Used Alike en Formal j J ?n4 Informi' CiHiili'ni? C?1l?i? HomeipUn Neckwear. Spring l? to see the waistcoat or *ller established is u? i s-Wtltlhl IMS J ceeeory to tite smart.suit costame. i " ~ Tkl* Is th^Suity;~Toin?lasioxJ!*Dne -can- i reach after viewing a number of spring , ; ' SMtmroar Hues, which. are now open* I / ing fast, and which, any ojf-exceptional ] r Inures;. . . - "j Xlut neckwear ' trials Ifc ;-talking , sport neckwear strongly, and cou$o- 3 qucntly Is showing fabric* ot^nppcor j priute weave! and In exceedingly smart ~ color effects. t What promises tv be one of tin.' ( Buceessful fabrics of the season for . tills purpose Is . "cotton bomespufa*" , wjblch" connsi In' .plain cok>,rs and in 3 good looking stripes, and Is smartest , when severely mannish, or decorated , with'hand drawn'wmrfc. } . > Some cm broidery Iri^ colors is used ) tB well. New models In this \aaterliiS | havel&een brought nut. One has" p . coarncterlstlc roll sport colhiT and j pockets in the turnetf up bott om. A collarless model. wiUi'linud drawn | re vers at the front. Is effectively worn with a coot having n black collar. There arfe mannish valttcoaty in > > this same material, collarless . and pocketed. In narrowly striped homeepun. * ' ? c j There are many i*U!ltan collared gilets In. the spring collection, and d: the .materials and' cotors In which they* as vvejl" as' othet- models, tifo ' being sftoxvn are Innumerable. VARIETY IN , SPRING VEILS, Many Interesting Face Coverings Are ' i Now Being SJiown" for tl*e Season at Hand. * .fln the lineup of spring acct?ss?vles and for the season at hand many '. > Intere.silng novelties aire shown. The lofigVnarrow- > urf or panel veil Is *n:e . of the chio bits of foce\eovering. and 5$ '. v- It pmy ^ Warn,* in ever -so many ways. This Hctfrf veil ia frequently drnp" ed acrossvtlie hit and-hUowed-.to fdH; ' oVer the slYotikJers, giving n soft, he- _ couilug. framing to -the face, "Or may " be jftrUped over the- hat and drawn back Ao-he'tied under; or across the . j*k" hair. The ends are finished with novelty of one sort or another. Frijure %'tf lint unusual trimming, , V The Jarger^vells are frequently flhf?Jied with cord or- ribbon fringe. - . Among the new yellsf jaajr be.men?, ; . tldned- the large sijiiary* one with, a tinar mesh f^w-tCon 'woyer/ into one Side, this" suction foriiiing a/tight face veil, while the : veil proper with dv,s Jiiera heroic, rjjtttora drapes the* liar and shoulders. . FASHIONS HtBRIgF Kasha 'cloth makes charming costumes fsf .country wear. y t Black jet naildreads-'are used a great ?deal ar trimming. Conservative -silhouettes lead in blouse styles, with the peasant out* '* !v:niuy growing in pop- .. "ularlty .and ' cotton crone unnears as i novelty hero. . Suede pockets arid wigwam fringes on tweeds;* velvet backs, to p?aked revers collars and topcoats; fur* or dureiyn iniays have also been seen. ' #. Felt' {ints with soft .|>ell-shaped chiwnfi have the'brims slashed Ip one V way or another and, overlapped to . . / , J simulate qutfls, the edges-bound In .ribbon.' J ? . v' Lnoe is playing h large part.in. the. xxftakirig and trlhiniinghats, arid 'some dainty .smart little models of hair braid are trimmed almost .wholly 'lit 'v softly draped luce veils. Chamois gloves . afce made with trimmings ?>f kid. Sometimes the cuff of ? the chamois gahntlSJ ts made with cutf work, beneath which shows u pattern hi Die darker kid.. - CHIC POR*^THE LITTLE GIRL ..f ?~*~~ j(, ?? * 8 trilling ?vnn for tfia "littlest girt" ' la a frae'< of whlta o*tand|a, warn f wuff :J'B? g??t w"?? hw-wift long atraamara a eamblnatioi that la al. ? a?ay? coo*. ~ ? ... "Vy ' - JPQfc1 If.; . ' DOES NOT UNDERSTAND GlPi frenc?unan A b*?Jut?Jy . With owl? "catiEh-1 is Unable to E%p**,n ,-MJs Mathematical Powsro. Jacques -In audi is In Paris. Wgfttlyu le demonstrates bis ; extraordinary 'eats of calculation. ' He displays aK vaysthe same u,ssyrauve.-the sauie ae? . urucy, and when, occasionally, lie gets 00 set ft a-quesUou, tor just a seeoOO ; le'presses his hand?-to.his wide fore !iead before Knswering,?-t?xactiy the same gesture^ he ~!mv minute* of the intense abstraction, of the savant- he could solve the most, complex mathematical problem. Wandering about tha world, displaying a trained monkey in cafes for a, livelihood, it Hva* a -custom "to -asIt tils audicqce to put arithmetical problems to him^ and his fantastical easeIn solving thfen fipally attructed' vthe ktteiitlon of a X^arseilioB merchant, svho brought him. to Paris. He completely amflxed the".scholars and. ip a fmv days xsasceumjatcd. He could never explain the mechanism of bfs calculations. fie sinlply possessedthe mysterious power with which certalh human beings are so inanities gifted. Rroca. who'measured lit? slcull, jfoUjiri * the hedd abnormally developed 'pit the rtpht skle. That-was all, ImtucU hr.rf^emaUmd. eyCr since a marveloiia calculating .inacnme,. u !mng*pn>uigyv hi;? has made no new contributions to the progress of njgtftem&ttcs. CAR SEE GROWTH CF METALS Jntercsting Exponents Conducted by Ohio PhpfdsKor Recentfy^Mil^c t -Public Scientific MontWy. Whets a. . pkjhe ofMran wire. is pjneed in ft seintlbn of potassium .ferrlcvanlde (2 to .4 per cfiaY), coUt solution1, made with 20(1-bSVPSTs of the product hnd-mixed In the sjune inannor aaf. plasterers 'prepare lime, was'piped to. the porous* floor, and steam forced through It.. The immediate transition-Into bubbfes began, and these sotn rose to a huge scintillating mass, in- which the' dancers performed, the whole presenting, according to i Mb strut Ion and/ description lh tiie l'opulqr Mi-ciianics .uagaftne; a scene of fairy-like splendor. *THie-C?iint*:y^ of Mothftcs-in-lTaw. 43hina" untlh recently was the country of mothers-in-law, where " they reigned npd used their power to make martyrs of their daughters-in-law. One catmot imagine to what pbint this ferocious authority WW.carried. But their good time Is . nenrlng ay t*n"d; the young .wives have liherate'd "themselves in the t/hfnese. republic. th? feminists of Canton have won a "clorious victor?" : 1 Pirst?'There Is no longer liny marriage code. I Second the wife Ira $ the right to ke$r> all- ?he has earned. 'Th'rd?The dtvorfrc Inns are th> same for the two s^xes. j It wotlld he Interesting to know what| i? thmisht of nil -jhfc by thr ol"HmanYlnrins with crystal or mother-r>f?penrl buttons* , I ^ Forett Flrci In firifK~? j The establishment *>? a permit sys,em. \vhf rct^ aU ^pfcrtijihen, surveyors. trappers, prospectors, lumbermen and others Intending to pires orer. land leased by the piovThclaT^Ro^ertiraetit uo. liinhpr limit*;. he f>hH gClt^m nhtiin a perytlL wits one of tht-sobJects dlB?urmo J ut the tapestry eonfor . the Queh^i^ICItrr-P-TO^Cr* tlve association held At" Montreal 're-' cently. * * ^During the period of 1917 to 1920, 2,.'100 fonwt flre-i In Quebec ware attrlhnied to carelessness of sportsmen a nd workmen. These 'i.oG0 Area awept^oy^ to h?a^oeh^SnVr^d^oiiiK grovel . " . .? . = + * T~ ? I ! CiPROVED UipKORM frTTEXfUTIOJl/U.' SondaySdiool ? Lesson7 - (By nay. Copyright. 13'az. W^erii' AifcwspsJjer Union. ? ... ^ .. . ??? i ' LESSONVOR 1UKE 4 JEHGIAK1M TRIES TO DESTROY CODS WORD fcgS&OM TK4\T^>rf!!:!ah M. * ? GOflfrK?? TKX'f-'i hs Word of our God bJ':?. REFEREXCtt 'MAT LljAL?IktLAtS&dl Mutt. 5 ^lUilAKV TOFlCr?yhe Burning of* ? Coo l Hook. JUNIOR TOPIC?v'eholaklro Bum*' the Prophet's Bcok. INTERMEDIATE AND SENTtfR TOPIC ?A King .Who--Scorned Cod's Word. ;__.YQUNose of * (V. 3). The grand object of the Lord fn sending this message bjr the prophet was repentance. . . _ ' ' ' 4. Method of (v. 4>i Jereinlah dictates! the words of the.Lord to BarU^h the Scribe,,who wrote llre^upon a roll of n booh. ' I II. The* Book "Being Read'tvv.:5-21). Jeremiah was unable to speak the .message of the Lord to the .people, us he'was "shut up" (v. 5). "Shut up" most likely clean? a royal ban against JCrouiiah'p proclamation of God's* Word to the people or ugaihst .his. entering the temple. 1. To t^ir People i\r. 6-.10). ' The n which brought the people together' wit 8 a day of fasting (v. C)^ : TfiWfttse of the - 'threatening of " the Babylonians-. Jeremiah directed liaruch. to rend to the people the words of the .Cord winch he. had dictated to hinj/.NVith tlic hope, tfifet the people .would present their supplication bj? fdriC the Lprtt prtd return every, one from his mil Wiijv "2. T.o tiiA l'ri'nees* (v^i 11-10). While the leading of the book unto -the. people. seemingly created no great impression; "yet Mlchaluh was so deeply moved "that he went to the scribe's chamber where the princes were assembled aP'V declared unto tliero all the w't ls Which he had heard Baruch Tv..d. The princes^ sent fox Bnruclv ly come and bring the*, roll with theni. Baruch came and read tc thexn with the result that (1) (hey were aroused with fear (v, 10). (2) They Inquired us to how he hifd .writ ten the words (vv. 17, 18). To this h replied that he had written In ihe boob the wor'|g Tnrrmii li liml dictate'! . to him.(3) Their concern for tlifc" safety of Jeremiah and Bararh (v. 39). They were Instructed to bide themselves ?foin man's tight. - / .. . .8. To the King (vv. 20, 21). The princes regarded' .the words of the Lord to be of such importance thai (hey. should be read in the hearing ol the king/for lie was mainly involved in the judgments f>rononnced. Upon .their report of the matter to.the king, he had .leKiifli bring the roll and read . It to Wni In the presence of the princes. 1 * III. TH? King Destroying the Roll (vv. *22-20). Instead of becoming penitent and afraid "he became enraged and cut. the roll leaf by'leaf awl *hrew it.tnto the fire until it was consumed. This he - dlh nga'Ihst 'The intercession-of srmtf of the princes. When the roll was destroyed he ordered ^Jeremiah and Baruch arrested. IV. The Roil Rewritten (w. 27-32). The burnt- roll was reproduced by tTie' coin man d of the Lord, and many Tike* words were added unto, them. We should* learn from this Incident? 1. The Indestructibility of God's Word. Men may cut it io pieces and .burn It Nit* the Worcf of :pod . shftll fttnrirl'forever. It comes to light again wiih woes added to be tlslfod upon Its would-be destroyers. ' "2;-The reason men attempt tor de. gtrpyGod'S Word. .It Is befequn^ of. tlm aujtioritutlve rebifke of?tlieir sins. Th*, ' Bible arraigns man foe Ws.pride'.ainwifkedhess arid nss^erts sovereign po\yer over man and his Teavar7. - 31ro^V-Tne. U>e#nmo \\ha .wouifl go to Tthe 'win nevna ba admitted ?tber*.?JfrTlfoni,. . ^ : _ ^ ' **? Rett smutted weltrirad leave others to talk of Von fca they pl^a a?P jrtti n rora fc. .,! ? . i. , I- _ ~ DampQ>M*ef Er.i^r. ^ TftSrf. Is nnthltiK go tf8S Ih<* 'tfis iwiynM ut OITOT has n?t wsrpea It. . V -.. ,-i?...?? ?: , . .. - . MAY H. 1932 msM THOUGHTS WAS OF ^ HER LI TTLE GIRl | Mr?. J. 1. Alley Telij Haw' Afr/rmiirv . Stomach Trouble FronrWhich Thej both Suffered Wis.! Completely (KertrnC By Turilac. 'M "r-r t'Tinlac ha'? dene much fpr. me in sbe-nrs-1. jusjt can't praise it enough,' Fair! Mrs. J. T. Alley, Box 448 Schoolfield. Vai "1 suffered so from indigestion and stomach trouble I ccudn't_eat a thine without aptense pains. Gas formed and caused'such awful pains around my heart" I could hardly stand it. If I ate anything witllacid in il like tomatoes, it -aimcst drove mi to distraction. I didnt know what wai to get a good night's sleep and coulc find nothing'to .help'pie. "My little girl, nine'years old hat been suffering so dreadfully from in digestion Td-trfod Tanlne in hee cas( rad it to completely relieved her : .frf.l tl ?U C1, ' l.i , w.? ?<. "i.Tinrii. oiiice taxing 1 bottles I fee! .well ant Happy all th< time, my apppfTtiKis jast fine part Have caincd ten no5nds*I thfjtk Tan !ac. la tk'j prandoat 'medicine Yn' fh< WCTld." ' Tanlae is soli by all pocd of" Reugemcnt. N; C., and Miss ffelei B. Elliot of B&rea, route ?1. Mrs.. S S. L. V?rughan of'Bereft gave".? hotiB< patty la^t* w'*?ek.' ?.I?ss Day and Mis Elliot ere charming y'aung ladfe $%?/ith a Host of friends and admirers l JMiss Elliot being ih exr>fcrt pianis j and' Miss Day with . her won derfu | trained voice, entertained their fin , I enjs end visitors with'* numerous tnu i rieaV'selections.' TH* amusements o ? the day were m^tor rides, ? fishing [kodaking, aAd visiting, arouse ments at night being: social partie \yith refreshments served 'by-the. hos tcsft and her. daughter, Miss.Magno lia.. ' . Tb? young people of the communi ty were delighted to have the charm I ing young ladies in their midst an ' they regret very "much- that the par ty. Is overJ The- much enjoyed part: wasVndel by 'attending' .Oxford Cpl t lege--Commencement exercises. Miss , es Day and Elliot having friends i r w-luul llk'Pt1.?D. f; ' T~~ Tfl fill? nt?\?A/>D irrn "nw *w j ifuniwnAiii/ yui* . EKS OF PERSON COUNTY t I respectfully announce ray candi dacy for ^he nomination as SoliCjto ' of the TenthDistrict,* subject to th ! action of the Democratic primary o: 1 June 3rd, 1922.' I appeciate the sup [. pot givetn me heretofore by the goo i people of Person County and'J-trus to have your continued favors. I Very respectfully, S. M. GATTIS, -V 1 HI i i i r* * L.. ~ V~uj?r--? r=w. .. ~' *. ? . - r/Dr, S. PLappbrt y OP DURHAM. N. C." II -A WILL BEAT . II | ROXBORO, AT THE HOTEL -:| id-' ? I EVERY It - -... l> I nnsi WEDNESDAY ~ j| || in each mSnth to examine eyes || | and fit glioses. Glasses fitted j| || that are easy and rest-M to it tj the eyes. Headaches caused by n |i eye strain relieved. My next |l - -Visit Xwill be Wednesday June I 31| 7th 1922. . . || tHEUNlVE i I naatujutk ti**< supplied ^ H ? J "^- ^ ; ' Dfrf I II ! CROWE! COM 11 I ROXBORO, NC *b for y Ice-cold, d wot - ' ' - V--? '?. X, G!!' . .. .. f) DlAV.C^O /**('? ? . :C . - rAOteai ?-r ~ A.Y ,o.r t>r?,rl?? (/> CUt I?I !,r.fs for tWctVr-fitc year# *fcg-J|rdc4 ns flc. i', Cutcxt, Afcvaya'Rciiabla. SOLO BY ALL DRUGGISTS jBft EVEr.YV.'HE^E ? We guarantee. our 20c coffee to give' eatfgtauiou. or your money re funied, J. T. WALKER. JR. 2ta v*c?> DGll MD The President "of j the Ford Motor Co. ] | Mr. Edsel B. ! Ford, says:1-" J /77 V ; "We are taking ad- J; > vantage of every jh " known economy in ! the manufacture of (I . our products in order iji that we may give ' them to the ptiblic at t v the slowest possible j| price, and by so do- j. Ingwe feel that we j ' are doing the one big [ ; thing which will help. ! this country info. || more prosperous || times. People are Ij \ interested in prices, j and are buying when j ; , prices are right." Q) The enormous de- j|; mand for Fords | _ nroves-that Mr. Ford JM ?'isiiyiit: ~1 I For reasonably J . prompt delivery, rvl o**o trrvn e nrdoi* illl " pj uv?> / V/?** ; w? MV* . i nj)w. Terms if desired. ~ ' LL AUTO PANY )RTH CAROLINA ou? j elicious sshing itr? -ii;' Y