mickie, the print ?"~ BQSsTvA-'g-: =5p? A UETTXi? "fe P ^^4 ROA^tiw" -TH~ I : j TOVJU~SOARO J '-ft II i*ROFE6<<OHALCAK.DX m * ? ROXRORO. N. C. DR. G. C. VICKERS * Renjijf - OfH.-e in ?*e?MI building " on North Main street, next door to Roxboro " Grocery Companv. ROXRORO, N. C. . w c- - Op * Nr LUNSFORD Attornev-at-law - Office over Garrett's. Store ROXRORO. N. C. p ? '_ ? * F. O. CARVER Attorney and Connreilor at * Law . '? Office over Bank of Roxboro ? * > ?' * p P ? ? *. * ' *; f ? DR- E. r TUCKER ' ..-if Dentist Office in Hotel Jones over - Dr. R. J. fengueV office ' . > * ii'm. * ' DR. I. H. HUGHES " ' " Dentist. , *: Office in' Hotel Jones, next * ??*' door to Di. Tuchei V ulllue.? " + ' * . *"\ * ? ?? - m m 9 9 'td 9\9 9 9K 9 9 9 ' . ROBERT P. BURNS 1 - " Attorney, at Law PEOPLES,BANK BUILDING ' - Prompt and eyreful attention (jier- * ! e en to atl business, r- m * ? ,* > ?, ? "? ? ? * . . W. T. BUCHANAN V ? -SURVATOR MILL' citEEK. N' C. Route X. * '9 %'%9 * * ? ji" ^ . t !I :? Schedule 43ffe?tive-Apirl 30 1922 p. m? a. m. a. m", p. ni i *5:301*7:00 }v Durfca^ a?. 11:()0!9:15 1 , *7.091*8:13 I v. Roxtoro nr &:23i7i34 H *7:531*8:45 lv. Deniustofi ar. 8:4517:1,9 - x8:20|*9U)5 lv. S. Boston ar. 8:I8'(>:%>6' 5c8:35|*8l9 lv. Halifax ar 8:02 0:431 " xll:lS;*ll:40 nr. Lyflchg: Jv. 5:3a4:15 p. ra. a. in a. Is. p. m * Daily and x Daily Ex- Son. Connectiona at Lynchburg with China east and waatbooncl. Pn'rlor ;.:it rtr.-pirc car. jiniii? % . cars. The boat route to the wait 'and northwest. Rates and in formation npf e application in ajsnt. ' ?r W. C. SAVNDERS. General Psu \Tcnt ' RoannXe. Va, Let Mrs. Mary Graves Tell You Her _ 'i'1 Poultry Rawing? Rxpeeience^"Three years aga bougbt an Incp-' T .. bator. this year I've main money. Rata stole 'my havy chicks. Didn't know until a friend . gave me a cake '.v .. of RAT-SNAK Next morning found two dead rats in hennery. Kept find'n8 them. Suddenly they disappeared i ' aKogeth^1* CUlijt juire.r^ ^"'11 er." Take Mrs. Graves' advice. Three elM ahr- fer>c. tt.k.'i. Solrt "and gifST y-,: antead by 1.QMG BRADSHER A JpMPANY. I" """ Roxboro. Ni C. ~ ' , . ' " -r " _ ' PtTBUC TRANSFER. _. . When you want banltng of any kind eair on ? J am -in_ position tosdo it> I have just put. oil two' Ton Truck . business. ' . w' Tlav nhone 85, Night phopp 128c ^ , JH-K.i Ti.'.c.i'll _ ' :v ;|||g 'ER'SDEFIL "We Picked Up Seren Urge Dead ! Rata First Morning Using Rat-Snap. ( I So writes Mr. B. E. Cnrpeoter. 1 Wool bridge ,N. J. ."We lost 18 small I 'chicks one night, killed by rats. 1 j Bought some RAT-SNAP and picked : up 7 large dead rats next morning i and in 2 weeks didn't see g single rat. I RAT SNAP is'gqed and sure." Comes i in cakes ready for use. Three sizes ] 35c. 65c. SI .So. - Solri anH o?tinrartf??ofl by ' i Koxboro, N. C. ' f / I ? r j?i Great Reduction! I ^ ^ ' E ^ Buggies and Surries Write for Special Prices for the ( next ?0 days in parts for Buggies, suclJ as Tops, Wheels, Shafts, and Rubber Tire also at Low Prices. Auto Tops Recovered and ' trimming f work. ~ c Cars ; and Buggies Repaipted at c REASONABLE -PRICES. ,_b It. A. -WARRELL BUGGY CO., f - * ? . . \ > Sorth Boston, Ta. 3 13.3 mos. - ' _ . c ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. c Haying qualified as'* administrator s of the csciate of James B. Carver, de- c. ceased, late of Person County, North c Carolina,/this is. to. notify all persons j. having claims against the estate cfj said deceased to .exhibit them to tHs'j ^ undersigned at FJoxboro N. C. on or* before tho 6th. day of May, 1923, or |r this r.Otile will ha pleaded jn bar of!"their recovery. All persons indebted P ti-sai'd estate.-will please make irnme-jr diate payment. j' X-ijs 6th day of.May, 1922. " N Edgar W.' Catveri Adimnistrator of James B. Qajrver; V Wm. D. Merrfet, Attorney. 3 J" , ' ~ ?3:?r?O-r T-* . X I.STRATOH'S NQTICE. s Slaving . this ^day " qualified as Ad- . j mirStfator of "Georgetta Gravity de| ceased, late. of- Person County chis t^s to notify all persons Waving relahtaSj. against said estate to present them 1# |\ the undersigned on or before the 20tn f day Of April, 1923, or this notice Vrijl 1 be pleaded .in bar o'f their recovery? t All "persons indebted to said estate s will plp?i?p maU immediate payment, .i This April 2&th./lC22t Administrator, c -r?? - " ' f 7 t ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. 1 . / i Having .this vjay qualified as Ad- j mlnistrator of Lincoln Willitfms, de- e ceased, late of Person County, this V Lii-frt rtntifu nil Jt .. ./w. juim iiuii i hie, tutlius g against said estate to present them to the underaignel on or before May 8th, 10S, oT this notice wi)lbe plead- s. ed in bar of'tbeir recovery. AU pet;- s ions indebted to ssud estate.; will please mane immediate payment. ' This hi ay 8th, 1822. 3. S. Glenn, Administrator. J ? una sale. : NORTH CAROLINA, . . Under and bv virtue of a deprce of < "the t'operior f'curf made by his Hon-' " or J :bn H. Kerr at April term, 1822, 1 in the proceeding entitled "Rather j Bom i and others exparte'!' I will as 1 Commissioner on MONDAY, JUNfe ( 6th,? 1922, ait the Court house door in Koxhiro, sell at public auction to the ( tflgh st.bidder the following deeerlb- 1 ' t4 i' ' nriitimal nf land, tn wit- ... J ?L; ng and .being in Roxbera- Town? ] ship Jtpunded on - the North by t"he jj ind.-. of G. T. Burch heirs: on .thB~i ' EaSt^vU-u C. IVCiirch heirs; on the i . *'?i ; ? ' " . ~ ?==S THE r.OXBojtQ -COURI-iK ilAVj i B.' Cbria Su|^im . * ^ *TJeb? Urueo v - jS}_\ povwo-| ~ ~=*5y rcs'jesT^ ~~ - J SvGweb/ South by the lands of Charles Davis and on the tVext by estate of S: B. Winstead-aftd on the?-Northwest byhe new sand clay road from Roxboro :o AllensviUe, and beginning: at a itake on, the East side of said road running7thence South with the p)anation road 88 %, East 523 ft, to an ron-stake; thence South with G.'T. 3urch heirs, 8 degrees, E. 530 ft. to i rock; thence N. 84 14 dagreeSWest' srith line of Charles Davis 120 f? to i rock; thence North 5 1-4 East with 5. B. Win stead estate line 100 ft. to l stake, sand clay road; thence, with land clay road North 61 1-4 degrees, last 764 ft. to a stake tils beginning, :ontaining 10.27 acres more or less iccordingl to the survey and plat of. 7. R.. Catea, ' made November 14th, 321. Terms of sale, one-half gash, renainder December lit., 1922. Defered' payment to bear interest from late of sale and secured by note; tile retained until Bull purchase jnony is paid. This .May 6th, 1922. - > A. A. Burch, - Commissioner. cROM BALTIMORE SUN AND WILSON TijlES 5 13 - 22. litirens Buy Warehouse For Independent Auctions. Danville, \ra? May 19.?Declaring CT the ."open shop" principle, a group >f citizens of South Boston have pur-| hased Independent AVareilouse. which | ims recently said at auction, and. L'sve announce! that ^auction sites ' conducted *m it during the^ oming* season. * This will destroy % tha -"100 per' :ent pool',' arrangement which was ioen when the Tobacco Growers' Asipciatjon 'ieased'JLali wareHouses " eX-: Apt the Independent,, which was closid, it is said. , f ' . . The building brought $33,000. Ii i3 Teliably understood -.that -the mperial Tobacco Company* which. ms a o'ant at SoutlJ Boston.- beoapie r'rently concerned over -the;'proshOot if fx. ^auction sales, andthreatened o withdraw from, the local 'held. The ? ictiort taken by the ci,tizefcs in buy- j pg^in the warehouse-is said- to..have j ' id conciliatory effect. The> motive ) r. obtaining the warehouse issaid t?j iave baejvToV the purpos^Tof ghrtrig; rrbjfeTu who hr.^o not signed* the; taoiing agreement an opportunity to ell. nt auction there, instead ef com p.? to Danville. . -v ' ?1?~ FACTS AS TO TflD BURLEY . . SALES. ? . - *>i. _v . /ft.'.'.; i . Br. Clarence Pos is sending but tb? j Hewing" ? xcorpt"reieiVert from Byanr rh^nntai" Cocpey of .the Kentucky Ag-1 icultura! college and experiment i tatioif^rarii an official Announcement! ?y tha state commisioner of agricuVj urc * of. Kentucky: '** 'r.-K^po scld bV the Biirley Co-op-*ti ve T'obacco Marketing ' assodaT. ion -brought an average of, $29 A'j U NBRED POUNDS as compared: rith an av-rage of $21.25 FOR TO1ACCO SOLD INDEPENDENTLY, ccoxding to an announcement made [Ore today by' IV C. Hanna, conimisioner of agriculture. x-~?__ ?Tobacco?Sali?isy the co-operativo issciattrnup to MarcW 1 totalSd 90,iTo.-t-vv p?ua4?_B\hi!ic broujLbL__ ^i*'" | 195,961.54: while, the tobacco sold in-! U*T)f; ndently amounted.. to' 59,857.048 >cunds. the safe value of which was I10;588.I>79.16, f Since March 1 approximately 40,>00,000 pounds of the' association tojacco "t'ave been marketed, according "o Comms3:oner llnftffB, ill (HllBJ fui'i Ibov8 thpae received for.tobac.n .s v I ; tidnnahdatmy, ' gn?air b??^ 'id -notice," , writes Dr. JPoe, "that llii1 nentlenun whs -are lighting <thp :o-operative marketing are Spending Is lot of "money- the fact .r.atba certain. Mr. Oetingef <wfctr formerly lived in North Garotna and s now in Kentucky is-nof it Hit. pliujid witfl co-eperative marketCftg.. < "Now it just- happens that -Mr. Oet:ingor ia not very widely known in S'ortVr Carolina and there is nothing " lindi'c^tO iV"* "* \Haws may not be eiglSy oeW-red by his personal- jrreJ'4iices or by business affiliations unfa voribte ttr cn-operulJVH marketing. jti the other - band, Deaa Tharr.is. ' ~ ? "v- ' * j *> . ~i- " ' . I ' ? * ' . qA ^eu., \ue. pour Letters -' >< -> Cooper of the* Kentucky Agricultural oollegp and experiment" station and Hon. W. C. Hanna, state commissioner of agricultuVe, are men known not only in Kentucky but air over Amer-, ica ,?or ability, patriotism, and. for carefulness) and'accuracy in all their statements. > . "The gentlemen who are figbtihg co-operative marketing ought not to be so much annoyed because the! farmers .of JJlftrth Carolina. prefer to accept definite and official statements made by such. outstanding? aulhoritifcs in preference to the unsupported criticisms in an advertisement paid or. by interests fighting co-operative marketing." . - ' We have seen Mr. Oetinger's statement, which is a positive enough contention that the co-operative enterprise in the hurley distrlsts is 3 failure and is . unsatisfactory. On the other band, (in addition to the . testimony of Dr. CoopeT and Jlr. Hanna. THERE IS THE UNDOUBTED FACT THAT CHECKS AGGREGATING NEARLY TEN MILLION DOLLARS WERE DELIVEREB^O. THE - GROWERS SATURDAY,, and that tha distribution of these checks was made a festival occasion in the tobacco centers. vYith speakers - of note, band concerts; at one place, din. per and luncheon ; served hv the King's daughters.; free burgo for the farmers and theijr families et anotheri town?the dictionary^ advises that | burgoo is a sort of oatmeal pudding. From Lexington comes word that the monthly report of Gommissiner of Agriculture Hanna; mentioned above.' issued last week, was in the nature or n bombshell under the opponents of tH?j association. Wp believe that Mr. Obtinger's -uwianttable observations were issued- prior to^this repott.?j Greensboro News. ' I hereby announce myself as -candidate for the nomination fore Register of Deeds subject *<f the' demo cra>.ic. j>ii;ji-ary :>iy. rovora y worker for the p&rty. for the past thirty year3 is w.eil known arj,<J 1 wiTU?ftpr?ciate the support Jst myffrcnds. , 'J N ' . O. ri.' BAILEY. the paw^js.Breaking ; vr'rr>...haTt<*i*s, bein^" issued* almost dail"* !.h ?. crcilirdists 'n T'h>. san Ihiil, country, where .a kind North Caroliti r.n sunshine-is waiting to" kiss the i l5om tnto the ripenirfe peaches: with' the mountain region artiund Ashcville' preparing to market snap b;dn? in Flccdia after w.f growing, season in tlb; hbt: country ha3 ended and vinos have, withered; with hay mor.fac'.ur?ra 'beginning to close th'err door because "their beat customers the farmer, h.fts learned to grow his owq feedstuff o"ii his own land.-With* Governor Morrison's campaign makicj rTpifl imaadd into the obsolete one-crop syStpui on North Carolina farms, the. OldlN'orih State is assuming an economic ndepndfuctr that has long been the An am' of the great mpn whb had the# welfare of the Gommonweafth at fr?rt. ' In the years to* cojne IlrT>rth. Carolina f armers are going j* drive th&n com to market in the At sides' of succulent porkers. The fAds of smwy cotton are going to hwreplaced by sufr^iCnt g M-eris a nd&T livestock _to feed the- farmer and f!*0 urban .cobs- j Imiunitiesdependent^Mpon him for 1 thieqr livelihcodf . '^Kacco and the] fleecy staple will bMfcultivated only i as.a aide line and n?onev crop, -and] only in quantities JErat will assure] to the grower o*bA|rr upon hia in-' vostrrpgnT and ht*^ ftnr-. Millions of; 3otIjr3 inaftyloufIlia' pothefca of tlt? people in tlW North and West! ill '.uli r?111',it Nuitt saayj Have the neotapi'i'HFof We. wilT he rebook the phnter and to (five hit wont ^nfcHt flTTm?of- the eaae to yWich tlijy entitled. 'The (tawp of the new day is already creeping through the clouds of despondrtioy. The faiynf r is no. longer shackled with the fetters of 'hia own forgi'rtg.' With.ttb'finest climate and soil" under thfc*. canopy oV heaven as his-MioHta^p, be is going ' to eon-.'ect hia farm into 1 ga. ieb ifiH." watSH' hia cattle browsing one. thod-.ind biljs?Vet a few sears, and?bl'rtll Carolina will Bk sufficent unto her> ' .i'i ii.. -1 \, / ' ..: v *. /JB -$S * r - "- . 3ggT gwff" """ ? j ddress "Mr. Axtovyjvous, ;* PRlUT v\\.% mho cl'^- ; .Tuei^^^E " " self, arid able to lend.a helping hand ! to those poor fellow creatures whom ! ;Vi<* 4s? ?# u.~- * ' , --? vi uic i:jyc i_jr:cu to cast their let under a Iras benign environment. The. voice of wisdom Is i penctarting into the far 'palce and j.titt people are heeding the call.. Surely the Creator reached the an! me cf His epdeavo' when He spread North Caroliri across the hills and dales?w'hen He dressed-the mountain slopes with'forests: wKien He gave u} the piedmont, the sandhills, the strain cc'untry arttf the rich valleys : in the haills, watered by many living streams witij power sufficient , to turn the wheels' of ccmmgrce for 'a Nation. Surely there is no fairer region inr all the world than, this, pr one more' prodigal in its fruiting. A little human wiedooi injected into the labor, of the day?to braak nwav from the old crier and to embrace tR? new?will ithake NORTH. CAROLINA blossom like a green bay tree and lav her bounty at the feet of the toiler.?Charlotte Observer. BRIGHT PROSPECTS ' . FUR TOBACCO The Merchants Journal and Com-, merce official crgan of the merchants of the south, believes tljat those merlants doing business iri the tobacco regions have a good fall's business i w iwiv, lurwam to ? uie journal as- | cribes the bright* outlook to the co-;j f operative *' malsetimg plan; which it ! | save, has been successfully tried out in tV>n hnrW KoH ariJ Yi'T]] l>e equally ! ?s successful to the bright leaf belt". ! The 'Journal's- remarks On the outlook for this "year's crop follows: '. := "It. is pbobable_lhat very foVv merchants have given much attention to the activities, of . the" tcbaeco pools l.buti e'rese hwcstjgation shows that j'thhy are meeting-with gratifying sue. cess "whkth means so niuch for .the prosperity of the. *tbbaccc-section and | of curse the prosperityof the mer ?h*nls Ipc&ted therein. !. . The1 Barley ? Growers Co| operative osociation' reports, the 1921 ;crop at. 160*milUcp'pound^?.this high'? I cs trainee 1908, ar.d-90 percent of ivi ^ontroljjcd by the association. ^ei?_ marketing' season has been' y-rv . -essfhl. heavy salc-s at siV.^factory oriel s reeenrlv having l-.-en made at\i -little d'iffvul-y .r:^ expiftriept 1 financing ihi.?? enterprise. 'In Virginiu "land !}*>? is the Tr-Sfcatf- ; Tobafccc Grower* t/rOC;c:icn has ;d up "'tier cent or-the planter pr : fhse yefir^^cfitract has been m'aliiny ..n purvey of W? tobacco 'growing sea; son of the three, staffs. Success in rthis section seems to ha. practically, vasaurgd . ? .. . . . "There are also movements la organize the tobacco growers in Con-' 1nectiout and Wisconsin, .and even pa cific coast articles of corporation haye been filed 'by tho As30CiaT^~ r *d Tobacco Growers. | .a a^ryey of conditions show3 that i leaf .market during tMj la^f frw weeks has Shown gradual "imf>roye-J event, and large purchases Have been made by the big'imanufactiirers which r.o doubt will be followed UftcrT>n by j the "gmaller ones. While their# Has,. been talk of curtailment of .the crop in Connecticut preparatfon* have g">ne_ forward for Ian?e production in-tlje! foutir whicll will no doubt ..provo profitable to the growers due to tb.c 0 rrangemcftts, for tHi marketing which have already hern completed with a'decree of co-opera ition And efficiency heretofore unknown. . I "Oon'Sideptng the proposition from every angle we believe that thdsei 'merchants situated in tITtf 'irbacco |stowing section of the soulTTcan ^ count on prosperity due to their prinjcipal crop this fall."?Durham UpraET ! MEETING AT GRACE CHURCH. 1 "TSeire vnll .beginT^ariea'of meetings in C.psce"church on neat Sunday 'evening. Service* at 7:30 p. m. each j.day. Rev. J. W. Fitzgerald, former | pastoV, now a miaaionary in; Cdba.i wiTl do.the preaching All are invitgd.' : . o * , I FI&B l^SUfeAbjCE nsb'e importaut now than .ever.. Could #pii rc| phyg.yeaa hen without ca.hart.aasPmentT You can muster up a few dollars for the premium. Oat right. Bee I SA'CTERFrELD. Do It Now. * '. f:' ; ... PAGE SEVMC' Somewhere in America" \ . ^ MK> nou wfevte. *v?> jl - v ^2^U_jth? <ouS SO \ 3g| i MACHINES NOW OIGGING^COttX^ Inventions Have Wrought Great Changes in the Methods of Bringing "Black Diamonds" to.Surface. ' . With the rapid development of If* bor-sav!ng metho<ls, the coal miner, to cording to'Popular Mechanics Magazine, Is being. transformed Into ferkeei* ey ed operator of- 4 powerful muchlp* * which not * only mines and loads thn. coal, but 'does it In a safer and morej eeoaondeal ihhhner; s&fer, because thnf coal is broken down without the use Qf^ElptBStYBS which tend to shatterthd * - ? rodf and make- it dungerouar -*nd more economical, because it prodqpes c;ore Jump icbaf 'ilnd fewer fines, and does it niorer-apkllyl Oue machine developed for this work Consists __of an undercutting ,f raliK? with ci\tter chain . und a shearing frhmd on each s hie of the mncbine. Jn, the under cut tint; frame is u conveyor. There Is. provided a powerful . ram which breaks down the. coal onto the cowyeyor. This . rum' can be dire, ted ut any height of the euitv faca. The machine is mounted In u pan and ted forward by* means of a steel rope. When the cut has been ruilte. the machine is pulled back In the pan. * by means of u rope; tlfen this rope- is . hooked over a sheave on .the forward side of-, the machine upd the. eye fas- ?77? tened to. u Jack at the face of the opposite rlt>- By this means the machine is pulled sidevfays othe width, of the cut. This requires about threa minutes. , The machine Is' then ready to take another cqt. The machine can be used In combloat ion with a movable. storage hopper provided with a loading conveyor.. By tfds system the machine opi; iff. continuously during the time -the loaded mine car is being removed und fjlacctl liv no uti-rtv t>n<* NEW YQRKE&8" LATEST SLAMS Word, "Quai^S" .Has round Much. Favor Amo^g Those WKo AfLsct The Artif tie Life: , . . . :^ "Quaint" Is the latest -^-ord. <>f the \ world tluit ihn.st'TiaVc. a r.ew-ai.d un . common adjective. > It -has tiuiti* out trtoded)"SaxuusIpgk>' in the shuipc >f th< studios and' among those \vh.> a:; .t tht v . ttlitlc life... The dftctloinvry ni 'urtup of the 'Yytn'it?rVcombinin.: ; ?' ::nUque appoaran.ee...with -a ldity, fancit'u.'in or x^'.tiiioioul:. * >: ^has * ; jrr -J. . sin# * L ."? craifc^rits ijtse?AVHfen r. hor'e VV'-"i rinut,'lTte!'.In "The" T;v.-. : n" .l o the 't r.gaUtmdi "You ere. the rj m'an. I vol* lir.Vw'-; V*e e..:! :V. '.mean-. >' "urttar the dtlcflofiarfs * f. word* she -.jt-xri . .>werg:.\. ' or deduction. But lire latest" word ' had "been worked into f lie''speech and V '.thai* vmk.jiii d?\sircih The. tone ' always connection "' with ^quirririfS'lfc' patronising. Avhether it is" applied to n human belter. n picture, or what not, ,^'h? nrer.:-InVnHably trios to...give the ihrpression that 'the ' object thus passed upon could have heeii done-ever -sd much better If he* Or sire; hotl Qrad a hand InmrrtdTTg ttL +* ?? To be "qnivlntr nowadays is to be ever ..so slightly -damned.-?New Herald. - v Huragp Fact6r Counts. Lord Telghmouth. in a,letter td the Lmrricm Ttrrmi, wrUea; "Ih the contro- ___ yersy between the .advocates; of'battle -or* surface Abips and*admirers', of the" submarine, one factor, and that a' very important one, has been .altogether* ? >^uv>c^?iiauicrj, iitv ijuumn ibc^ tor. Ships are built to carry human beings: and. as far as present stattotlca enable one to Judge..no submersible "vessel baa yet been- const! lifted in which men can lire for more than.'. . ? a few weelu, continuously, withoat ricfBTtfrrntlpg. nrtmtallj .inil phya*' ??cfilly, owing to the abnormal cniaa lllini pinnllllji Mil III 1 fun la? -r?adaptable creature. and possibly, U> the course of a century or so, a- rata of hnman beluga may be evolved which can exist, comfortably, without freah" air, exercise or change at scene, - 4a-the meantime, aJirfaaaeMgd } will be voted the most habitable. Doetor -"drely. hgve had a r-boat in mind wis tar ha declared that 'being In e ship Is being in jail, with the chance' of beincdrovrned/"- .. ter?~~ mrmauroy: : TTp to within n century bf the preeent time, raw fnra* were one pf the . moat Important products 'of this cbnmtry, commercially speaking. Iinmenaa qnantltiea^of them, were exported to Knrope. where thei were dee seed, dyad and manufactured ffrto garments. ' Thtg- natural resource baa baas ' ~ largely deal roved by the killing oft at oar fur-bearing animals'. At the pre? ent thne see nre largely dependent nnua-fetelgn enaini'iLJ .far i'Hiiillatjj^^^ ' ' > k . ~ ft TpaBa. ,i?&" -m .

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