>.':f . 7,V ,,r ' *ftj.~W. NOELL, Editor"and Pub VOL. XXXVIV ?? ? ?s? THE BROWNING BIG TENT MEETING. "The Browning '..meeting begins 1n Roxboro the third Sunday, June 18th. WiOj him comes a-party of three associates, all well kn^yaq in tli? field of '-. evangelism; Rev. Miss Oarolyn Hoe-. ^ ' fordt,of Springfield, Mass., musfral director. solpist ami womans' wstrkerj Miss Myrtle ford oUTyeVi'N. Y.. ~"^-<pian}it? and Fred Seibirt, tent .man. dtH^tUree of those workers will be on ' "the~ftS4 next week getting things lined up in readiness^for "the meeting. . Mr. Browning will come In towards the .last rf the week, (next) after having a short period Of rest between til-' closing of.his great Arm, ' paign; in 'Graham with large' jiuihbers - ; of additions to the various churches . The> tent will be pitcl^d on-'tj-.e graded school grounds ; In easy acJg -cess -to- all til* -people 'both" in the). . town and country, with a seatiiVz'j - capacity a&fifimedating thousands, and adequate provision made for additional seating capacity ax demasd; cd. Services wilUhe eondufied -in the tent 'every day. and night; with, the, possible exceptions Qf Saturday ami" Mondstv mr.riiViir., Inr tli.iv. fn'nv i weeHg." A' hirfre' chorus iinJT the luadership of Miss Hosfor.l -.vill occupy the ' pt?tforhi' ?t i-ver.v 'scr-1 . vice. She asks 1 music oomirtittep. 'J bp formed inreach- church coopepil ' .ing ind to meet hpr with all who->tvi!l j help in tUa music iu- the Mcfiluihs^. church Wednesday evening.at 9 .P. M. for the first rehearsal and c'rgpniza-; ) tion. All who can fring at-;a!t are not| only invited but are urged to join thia chorus. ,\'e\c song books arc tp be used and the music will be one of the strong , features of tJJa meeting,?J. B. HURLEY. ^ "^LBSRESS BY MR. ST.OXKT M*. Charles- A. Sloan, editor of tit?? s ... Oteen" Echo, at AsheviUe, will njake an add re b a to tha-puWicin the school aoditorftTfTi TOjVsday craning .Tune 14th. at ^:15k MtV Sloan cornea to Roxborrt under j """ * 11 n i i;f 'die American Legion, but .his T>'rp: ^ interest to the -public at large." as it will be to ex*service men. Arrange-1 . intents are being' piadc foYVapecUtl' <i ?. music- by the Music, club and -ether' ! '/>" home talent in connection with tbeTj i\ address and cver?bo 1y vvif ?>en:l n enjoyable and profitable ll.wur by atPf'-.-i tending. . fr;" . . 'After the exetvisi-v in the ?ud?t; r - ium an. ex-sr-rvr'- men art- r^'vuI .to meet-in the office Vf Ci.OJVf.li-Auto [ 'Company, V wherv iyfVvsh;j;f ;.r^ \v : ' |. >'be "lervc-U. l." MHS DEVI .AMING GOKS ' '* WITH TH? CU-OI'HJ m. -- *, ' * \fc\' .A:, S. Z^Vlgmtag. n f--r be si KffTS.wr. and in' - " . ai i crs^ . on tl" s mnrnet htis ae"eep*o ' a t- '*Hion | with- the jCc-operative Tobacco. Grow-> | - crs Association. U'ii .!o iiot kftcw-what; - posHhon he \Vill fill", tut 'we ?lo kno>v V te Association'ha*'made r:^ mistake [ '" in' **.-.uriiwf?liJ.- services . .f Mr. -:yVlaming, for he rs easily one of the j *t>est tobacconists' rf this section, a' man of wide influence and will mean; t . , iftuch to* the Association in North! t . Carolina. . V K. . -s?* ; ' . V t \ 5Ui \ bl| in .(.KKENHttOKfV ? k >' y / ' _^D~_ ' Mr. Geo. W. Hart moved his famv fly to Greensboro Inst week. He has' ' ' been engaged in business in that] jabod city Tor several months,. but he J had ot mo7gd his family as he wish-?d to keej* hie daughters in - hool "during the school year. We regret A- - ?ee these good people leave u$, butj > if tl' -y will go we know of few het-| ter cities to move to than Green's-1 bote. BIRTHDAY SI PPER. Mrs. K. N Feathers ton gave a birthday supper last Thursday night K in-Honor of her brother. Judge J. C. Pass. We are now going to say jus! ft how old the Judge is, but sulHoe it K ?to say- the take, .which was a lnrrc K " one, was,not-large enough to > jrry ' all of tfe canrlles necessary, hence ft- the candEga-were omit: I. p;. ~ -SLICHt ACCTDEVT. Br Last Saturday evening as Rev. R. E. White apd family ware on their . way to .Durham they met with a slight- accident- It seems aj^pfcftj Hp--' ?HrlvisfT in front of them came to a jr/.? suddeii stop, without giving any no-. -<L tipe! whan Mr. White'a car. bumped . > ' A?W? from aiRtlt Uniises nnJ pire was Miri .nil in iiln r nf thr rnn BOlfhrtJip* very costly injusy. ^ : "?T"1 I w.-,-" ? ' - . I *" -' ij^ii yv ^ lisher >? a- - _ ^ i hhw >: r" I . ' ROXBQRO, I HENDREX-LONG WEDDING , o - The following nedding in Winston- < Satem will:-be of much interest Id I friends hero:. Tib., wedding of Mi?? 1 Elozsbeth Hendfon and Charles V?s- J ley I<ong solemnised Saturday eyen- t in? .at b:30 fh the West End Metho- t nSr Church was ope of the 'ucst biil- ,i linnt fe^rqt of the season and one of! wide 'interest ytH.-oughout the state. ( Mrs. Long is the eldest daughter of r Mr. andJVfrs. W. M Hendren 'and 1 popular With a 1 ange number of f friends. bJth old and, young through- a cut the state. She graduated from the- I city High school and after attended t school at Converse- eollege, Spartan- b bupg, S. OL and'Gunston'Hall. Wash- e ington, D. jX She i^-"S\young woman of nt'.ractnb~wjfafttrig personality and a one cf the meat -popala}' yong girls a in the city. h Mr. Long, originally of Roxboro. v has made his lb'me^ih Winston for a v number'of years and Tvas.'jftsde many a warm friends. Ho" attended school in a Baltimore and now holds, a tesponsi- p fcle position in the manufaaturrnlnde- -? partment of. the B. J> Reynolds To- p bncco company. --T Mr. M. R. Gbng*-w-ys. one of the groomnmen, and little Miss Oyedajc Ceng was. one of the "flower girls. b -?r- -o?-? . t MEETING OF NURSING COMMITTEE. 3 : a?o? ' . * '-The J^wsir.g Oummiittee of the c Rod Cr/ss -Chapteb met on Monday, tune " l.tb. A good .number vyere Rtas- > cnt. We have oar car now "and nurse . is busy getting around overf-" the County getting acquainted Miss i' Charlotte Smigelow read hdr report, which we think is fine: ' ? R'jd Cross Chapter, Person -County: j * (Public. Heaj[tiJ; Nursing Service.) Ropcrt for-Irfay 16th?3tst: Plrenatal visits 22. ' .V> - - i ^ Visits to babies ander;2 years, 81. |'' Atterd.ir.ee f 5'. ^ (Individual instruction care andj* feeding 76. _ Babies^ i egi^stored witfl State Board 1 G Demonstration in baby care " or i1 feeding .1. > V * Preschool -visits (2 to (5 years) 38. |c Group instruction T: Attendance;"^. if Defects found 8. !.^ Tlpme visits t- school children 21.* Nhiir.ber defects fcuni 12. 7Tubercu 1 os i s. Ihsriictfre hoYpe- Vis- * Miscol'as'?Iti? true:i v?. * >p-1 ( ratiw- t^e . 4!?. . MiiS. T. -f. 'W1XSTEAD. !f Chairman j J SOUF/TY NEWS: Mv3. S, .Vrch JviWa entertained at foura tabl??s i'f rook Thursday nv.oriv^ frng :t< her Kbme en kannr Ave in*G hortgr of *M.iss Ccrnelia Sample, bride i1 elect. The living room was attractive . with cr?'z>ntities of sweet peas, pin.e v and white being the predominating' * color. TDi pla^e cards were cup Ids,n and 4>ri:lqsv/Following several inter- t* es.ing primes a salad course with c iced ioa was served. A silver trnv i ^ containing many lovely gifts from the 'truest* was presented the hoh-j vi>.L'.' bjfc AilfiiV'r Long' Drad.ihrr. Tnor.nj present'were: Misses Ccrnolia Sam-1 pie, Isabel* deVlaming,- Puo and Eg?d bintine Meitritt, Christine Walker, o Helen White, Elisabeth Nbel!,"5.1nry j # Lee Crcwell, Ethel Newton, Annie j Laurie Barnett and Mesiames H. W.'c Newell, Otis Wdkerson, E. V. Bojt-.j wrigl.lt, and guest, Mrs. Giles, P. K. i Miles and W. S. Clary, Jr. . .. , i MEETING OF MISSION- ( \KY SOCIETIES.,j Tha nnnu jI meeting of the Mission- i arl Societies of ttJ> Bculah Associa- ,1 ticn will meet witl' the Baptist church 1 at Etsbcro on th?revening of June ] 22nd, and all dajr*June 23rd. All la-! dies cf the Baptist churches of tho j Asso:iatidh .ire earnestly urged to' ,*ccnu'. Mfa.J ones?of RaJeigh -plans to be w.itH us and a-full .it fen dance is > very n*m?i desired*.1 ^ JUPS. T. 'J* WIXSTEAD. < - ** *"* r SWcrolarjA7 .. ?o - ' t WILL SAIL OX THE 21th. I'M. A. ~ Lipshi^s! has secured I.**passports arid will sail for Qenstantiropje on the 24th. H? is naiag over?: old country fqr,*he- pU.QJO*e of ] briri) iiTy=Wit=?ge?i nicther.-H'o hqpm i to fa? able to make tIJj trip in about throe r-opiris. r' ? ir ? ? ?' . Home First, AEroa jj MORTH CAROLINA, ? V . - ? '?'? ; 4 p^gaaa ' K0TE3. It is hbped that mim* nf our elti- * tens read .that fine 9rticfe"""*in the s'bot and Observer a slArt time ago. t was written by the --Editor, Hon. iosepHps Dasjels, who delivered such l fine address at: the JiJnveiling of he Monument, and Old Soldiers R>Jrlcn. . . He wroto of his trip to Person topnty. praising her people, her oads, horschbclafinci her churches' In was pleased to nate^the "vvondetul progress the county is making, Jld wished that his home people in taleigh -weie doing as welli The Vail, he eUc farm lands, the eautiful country homes, .all appeal* d' to him strongly. "X He certainly gave-Pigson Qoanfy v send-off in.his articW'lt is a fine ' dvertisemeiit'jfor us., many. of us-do. I ot stop-to consider the ?eal progregft i re are- miking, Neither do we know : ,'hnt a great county we have. We re not conscious of the advantages nrf ilnitih^Htlos in nir rflJmfv. Our eople'are ffreat,' our citizenship. i? . 11 r\\ >V?tr any state" would be jUStiy roud of. All over the county our pea- ; leave reaching cut for bettor thinj^j -betteT farming,. better marketing.f cra^i; "better roads better - schools?:. etter churches, and better commUniies in.which to live. V 1 Last and possibly the greatest >-of .11, is the great constructive* spirit Hat is being rapidly developed, in our itizeps. *~' . purely there is a bright future bleed for Person County.-Let-us work, ope. and"prte that each citizen miy o his part in. making Person the eading county, in the state. A letter, from Miss Williams, the lealtjj Nutse who- examined the. : V :1 children in Ih^. county for wnrthr,-adenoids,-1 j i elfl^/idu ? hat the Clinic for correct ins? exia1rtg troubles in regal fco these wilt V<? *14 > fuuly. St>3 urges that air pa verarhrse chidren need attention alone hese line^T^viU 'please heir in* mind he date or the Clinic -and have their kildren ready for treatment. She erself will come to Ttoxboro'about ii 1 t f Tnlv iy:il he gin 1 to alk with any parents about their! hfldren. .. .. Donvt put this off. It may* mean the jalvaticn of your child. See Mis3' Villiartis as soon ?ho yets hcrei j _ .v. A. tsesrii. , iiNT EXAMPLE FOR ' THE TEACHERS, i ?5? ' 1 \v:sh is Submit an exartiple to the | a.-bers f tbis. G;unty who are new . i sohcM htfre. * If. j*tti can work it fi' r.\\ sv? that. Superintendent 'Bo-iy | .ivos ypu-n fiist A*S3 cwtifiw^, a*-, : ft it c ?*: m a:! v fhatv?. If etie.. 'tf , Thu ar\\ I li^vt 80? applet each ] "sir go up street with* yours and I ?i|' _\vn street w'th mine. 1 seilmy ap-. lei 2 f,r a cent, and you sel yours for a..cent. Weomert and we find;1 i*e* have received 25 cents for both i1 ransactions. You take 00 apples tbt' i-xt day and soli j.s you gold tfro dayj* efore, 5- for/ 2 cents, You .receive 24 ents. How did ycu lose. 1 cent:?C. V. BRADSHER. - ; { ' LATE ELECTION" RETURNS. With the cfLcist rcrfnt Maj. MeLeiy !cn lefeats Mr. Gattis as solicitor by i majority of 244. Mr. Gattis carried! every "county in the district save Jurhajtf,1 Maj. ^IcLcndon's home | gunty. For .corporation eomptissioncr Lee', lefcats Avery hv a vote of about 1"?,. ,% ' | Probably na vote outside of this, 'puirty was watched witlJ more in-\ ?jr.c?t than that of MP. W.L. Fuualiee vho was running for the legislature n Durham County. He lost out by t majority of 581. S.EXT SUNDAY AT THE METHODIST CHURCH ' x. PrcHchtnsr- by Paatocl _11 M. Sermon, subject: "Our >bt3." jr - - Tbore will' be ns?^servTce* at night sh account/ of th? revival services wing'gondiltte.1 .it tliv- Pi eabyterian . hurch. J. B. HURLEY, Pastorf 1 ??rr-? ? : ~-L > i LICENSE TAXES DUE. 'SAU license^ taxes are dutf Tune *st ?Puctuis,1 litwyom,?automobiles, for lire, etc.. Penalty of 30 pee cent on ??d .after Jni?'. 1st. 1 1; -J. yi. O'BRIAWT, ?- ' " - - ' SllM'iif. ', _ e ~ttt? :??e-i ~ ' ' - - " . , ffo $ J Next. Wednesday Evening Junt Official* Go-un UNUSUALLY HEAVY VOTETTi 5 i li " "u f-W<t * H 5- < o E w < ? os- 5 - x > ? -ps .3 E&L.-- :*. ' ; 1 t ' t I AIV i 7; 52: 19 44 AflenavjHe ~ J 67' 26] 68 27 Bushy Fork ,| 9 157 lb8 59 dates 1 411 Q0| 4j6| 61 J' l?{' 2| 15] _5j Chub Lake ' .29, 18: 22| 25|. c:umtw^an\. 1 M-:u. 57;...aL East Rosboro 87 170 1CV180 1 Hollo^ays ' 46: 15i 381 24 . Moriati ; - . 82' 10j 12 80' Ht.iTirzah ""V 5i 2i; 301 5i West Roxb'oro JlQO' 176! 151 J17pt" Wihstea'd ;.- : -J 92| OTfl'l. 7lf Wgodsdale |- 461 6' 20 31; Tdtals 681 794 844'690l FOR CORPOR ATI ON COMMISS Lee, 568. .. . Averv, 888. MAJORITIES: Warren *K NOTICE?MINSTREL, Everybody come to Oak View High. School next Saturday night Juno 10 to the Busky Fork Minstrel. - Plenty' of good music and dancinp. Beginning at. 8:30 o'clock. Admission 15 ?t)d 25 cents. EvSrvbcdy come and help us laugli. ' J MEETING AT i'RESHY TERIAN CHUHCH. . A series of meetings began in3t nigbt at the Presbyterian church, Dr. Gurneji of Mathews, N. C., doing the preaching. Titse services will beheld daily a^jiiSO A. M. and 8-P. M, The public is cordially invited to*'all of "i it ___ INVITATION FROM DR. WOODY". W c" beg. t o acknowledge reeel pt "of, an invitation to the KigttN-?Ann 11 a 1 Commi-ncer.t t,f the Tulane University of Louisiana from Dr. W. H. Woody, who g?HiduuL?* from this institution this year. Dr. Woody i-5 ft Prison County w boy. being- a son of our gocd* friend, Mr. -.f. Sam Woody cf Be bed Hijl. ?t-v.-.nh- high . man. tii-*" mo iicai profession. " 1 OFF F01t_ GREENVILLE. Mr. and ' Mrs'.- *7. Warren, Mi*.? Ophelia Warren and Mr. Jule War ten f Hurdje Mill*.' X C.. left for GreqnvilUv X'. C. where they will atrJn.l tlJj , commencement exercises. of Qreenville East Carolina teacher College, where 'Miss Gladys Warren* .daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Warren .will graduate. After the graduation exercises the party will continue tlve trip to Morel.had City. MEETING AT GRACE CHURCH CLOSES. The meeting wlJicn has been in progress fcr the^past week Grace Churlh* closed last* Sundan. Rev. J. W. Fitzgerald, former pastor of this Church Nosed last Sunday. Rev. J. glad to Jcncuv they l>\d a splendid meeting, fifteen joining* the church. up Bishop Kill go Very Weak. MempKs, June (1.?Bishop John C. Killgo, of the Methoriist .Epiapical church, south, who is ill at a hospital here, is in a very serious condition. acoorttmg to a bulletin issueu ev nia phyicians. He passed a faid&. comfrtable day, tHa bulletin states, but was extremely weak' tonight. ? ?0"' i i. ... BROOKNEAL. WINS. The-HsM&ttKr feam tried it.oo~-A; gain ye steed ay with the strong Brookri?4t team," the score being 5 to 3 -tn f^vor Rfookneak the gattie standIn* 3 to .3 at end of tlb rtlhth inning. The beys say it was one of the very heat Rumos of, the season. O : ADfiRRSS TO THE LADifeS Mrs. Gyroey will deliver an add.-esa to^thh-ladws -at the - iPftabytprnin church Friday eveniug at* 4 o'clock; All.of the ladies are cordially"^nvit'cd tJ address, S! - -r- * tout ' . r 5'7th 1922 .V t of Person Cc -THE WOMEN TAKE AN A CI HARP FOR THEIR CHOICE^ % 2 i i . > ! S 'a' < g a : as d3 > S 'S <* J .3' % * -foJ ^ ^ i2 ^ ^ ; 2 < on: S--5..W < t -a! 03 -4 p. ;S S O C7 10 37; lbl-W-isf ' A 1-i' ' 12| 65| 26[ 76| 13| : 7[ Oj 2 _ : 10 122 13 50: ,83! 17j_lt ? 29|_61 'l0< 621 221131. 1150 2| 18|; 01 10! "&i -01 .01 32 . 3| 481 . 1' 271 7j H)l 1-2, 0 8; . O.J32. 3.-57 7; 1 0 o; I 15 2-1 14 183'. 79: 25; 13' 81 U 4;'"s 49' 45 11 | 1 | ] > 24 8 0 01 B 6- 29 . 0 18 0. gj ( 97'205 "101179' 81- 747 14 29 34 116' '6120^ 24' 8[ 21 _l\- ! 2| 14[ 37 4> 3 "V 0; li ' .61 928 187 950 391 134 "44 162 7 ionerT &8. Bracteker 1-54. Klrbv 080. Lon . * DIPHTHERIA -AND C!U)Vl\ j . \ Bfc&aaisfc there' has-bet;n an increase in the number or de*ath'sv<jhj? toudipthria* within'the Inst tlJ.ee years from 242 in 1919 to 2S6 in 1*920 and 365k in 1921. on appeal is being sent out l>y the N. C. is t ate Jlonrd to ; every physician in the State and , the mothers in many section*, by leti ter' and through 'the presst to* begin immediately to take steps to lower ;tr? -fats Tr.-n diptftW-a iffl crcup. * ' ; Xh'eie lias been i gradual increase in the number cf deaths frO-jn -d?phtheria an:Vr croup in the registration av'ca. the' List* few years, but that .should'be no coirsolaticn to the dIL* sicinns and public' who have , placed ? ''' ' | *'""Ti *Vf' -'?a: 'ha.l drt-'ut the hijrhcsr 'eat!, rate frcht ?.typlvid in the South tb "almost^ the \f children that \villdu ase^'ip 0-'2 -4c penis pfoess of parents in in suSftBtptcd o ises* of ppcrtintr of case's and -trir% -.hr't-i': ap:-e -?f . .juaranmu-. K?r'tv?Vi r, t he "best- irteasure to eon: -.J. rV.t- Ikease is 11 sriye e very; child hc-tweeh six months ' six year? ..c-vs- of toxin-antitoxin. As r lakes* Severn;. "vin fns f r the- -fleets t* this treatment id" be eStablislJ.jd, ;rfar is thejO.mt for the mothers and loctors tc. ' act:"^ * y\>i> truly . ' ' ? W. A. Bradaher, Quarantine Officer. -? o LETTER ()E"LHA*N*KS. ' ' -?6;? To the Democratic Voters of Persoi County: I wish.it was possible for me to sec ' caMl i |U' of ;>ou wlia.L'o kindly ami fnithfuliy I kdped me* in securing the nf'hiinati'on Jir Sheriff of Person j County and thank you pers6nally\fot ; your efforts. Rut tins is almost im, possible and I take this mefchc:! of i rendering you my most profound i thanks. I appreciate fully everything i done for me. and believe that it mean* ! :-All infrtn.l A 11a if a a - 'A"? " a ?* | Sheriff, and if so, I promise faithful-Uy-4 ! > my vn-tea. u^muUuyaurrci 'officer in which you may take pride r With many thanks, and relying o: your -future tefforts at the comini Lelectiorv I sm, Your <<l^dient servant, x ' J. MELVIN LONG.Rcxboro, N. C.. T June (j, ?? . a - 4 SOME FfXE VEGETABLES. We are under obligations to obi " good -ffteralg, "Mr, and Mrs. I. T Glenn for some very line vegctiblos ' In the lot was a cabbage which weigfj " ed jUlt 7 "poUlldsi tmd some of th< lagest arid finest potatoes we evel saw for this time of the year. If ant one has any finer they will have t< show us?word -of~~moutlj ' w i|i rwX fcpunt in this eontest. " J Subaoribe to Hie Courier Today I $1.50. A Year, and Worth It. ^ ? ? - -y - * t vr - w ' j j m .50 Per "Year In Advanci~ . ! No.22*ncntity Primary ; IVE INTEREST AND WORK , " ^.'v * . ? f. I""'-'" " I | Is ! . i8 * ? ' s *-ta r ? t - c* . P*.- :>-4 < -95 ,'d ,23 ^ Is f>! fll' S&! fcl ' It II <jfi' 95!" -r f.n 14 70f 93| 1! 23! 30! 69! .. lj Oi 20( 01 " W 0', 19! 20) > ?2 91 0165101 ^ : ; . " . )i Qjmiioar ... 1 t . ; K ;0| 321.27] *.. - . ' ' mwm ?i ' ' ' " >i _0] 17! is! -' - y . ri _gii63140] . . i! ?I 57I102! " : 7 ?4 35 17 . . ; i- -12 320-636 ' i * V 'a - :y;: g 382. Chambers 16; Gattis 164. _ 4 ' INDEPENDENT WAREHOUSE WILL CONTINUE TO SELL TOBACCO AT AUCTION. * r Beljeviiig t^at the peaent method cf auction sales is the beat sp$~ t*m that 1.U3 been devised forVTTlu marketihg, of tobacco, t\h INDEPENDENT-WAREHOUSE wlj! "continue to use the auction system. Indication at preset are that only two warehouses on the South Boston V market for the comrri^ waeon 192223 which means tDut With two sets of buyers, yve will have a firs.!; sale- . every d?ay. . " "s ' Our 64000 . square feet of sales flobr -which.is one of ttye best lighted .floors in the BRIGHT KELT can accomodate encttgh tobacco to .occupy *. , the entire selling time during eacH T * -With an experienced force which* tuts been in the warehouse business ' for cpitV a number cf years, .-and Creo. Finch us n'uctipr.eer, in suras tho best , service, likewise *>he iirhesfc ' ? possible price for your tobacco. ,Tib . aocomddi;!i-.<ns a* the IXDEPEXDEXT for man arV.l ot are i unt xcellc .1,. whir h; '; mir.a; 5 i posts ible trouble and inccnyeti:t?n:o when marketing your i :j j :? . By 'having - T our employment a live sales force of almost life time experience warehousemen we feel that we are in f>osititi) tor furnish The very bes? sexvic obtainable for tthe marketing of tobadcc. | . To this end we have expended our energy and thought, likewise oUr money try make tfcT5 INDEPENDENT , WAREHOUSE the .best .pLiee in- the BRIGHT BELT* at which to sell or market ydur tobacco. We are assured two full corps of buyers by ati of the tobacco companies, with Jrhe promise of additional buyers provided they are needed. We cannot predict what the price "of tobifi'u wi'1 be 'J'Is 1 full, but tlur-?7 size anci qua'ity cf jthe crop will have 1 more effect on the price paid than all the buying anjl selling organiza- , . ; tions in the world. To the farmers who' have patron1 ized any of our force in the past when they were in tlte .'empolyment f of warehouses using' the auction system fcr the marketing of tobacco, we\ want to say with confidence and r>:nCrrr-r; that wh eft better prices are paid or better service rendered, it will -be at the INDEPENDENT WAREHOUSE. With an experienced sales foreo which .known thlrcughout Halifax and adjoining counties, and with the latest modern improved facilities- for thr-marketing of toharrh we_je?peetfully solicit your patronage promis* . ICR ycu our every effort to make the marketing of your tobacco hothpleaa ant and profitable; Yours for service, REAVES WAREHOUSE CO. P J. 7 2ts. * ^ ?? i r _ ' MULE Lost?One black mare mule. 7 > years old, turns her head a little side , t ^rays when you npprowh her. Hood E condtHBrr when she strayed -from Iter stable, and weighs'aboi? 1000- bounda T . Motify R. H.fvte ft Co., Rogboro; N. ** ' - . v t. - ~?f 1?-- ri ? r- ? - ?-?LV'S*w5i^

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