rAGK "" "XHt 00UB.1ER ' ' . J. W. XOELL, Editor.- - / Every Wednesday Evening SUBSCRIPTION TERMS fLtO a ;wr, 75 cent* for. 6 month* PI eants lor 3 ctiau?Cash fe 'AdT%m Editor is ip co way responsible ' Ik views expressed bp covrexnoiv? Entered at the Post Office St -ftrvrbee 1. N. C., . ^Ssecnp Uc)as* matter. I _Fom-4c vSv.rrttiea'fvT ' . I THEa'-. 1 ??. -- . gpy Boxbaro, N. c7""j'Jr.e 7th, 1922. BUSINESS MEN TO THE FRONT. On Moniay -night upon call by Mr. Barry W Winstead the business men of Roxboro gathered together to talk shop for Jbj town of Roxboro. The meeting was well attended, being op | -- . anair, mere Derng Some forty ox fifty , ct the business roer on .*? . ? %und. Several short talks were ir.aJe, ^ and we are glad to s?y, they were light to the point.'Naturally, this raj ,",f ' ftagttfo&r the best located town"of I our knowledge, bat tire citizens (pive i jy armply been asleep at the switch and ] V, have allowed -athtr nearby towr.S to >?'Nwtstrip us. It is not in irood taste to! call nanu s, but there is mcrre than j One town withjn_ftfty miles which have 1 = laid us "in fU; Sbide, all 'because they I the opportunity and grasped it. J ; while we' were toQ busy; trying to gimcr the co:n in a smllf war to &tch a vision of big: things; But that. day: is _ passed, for ere lcr.g..you .are -fphin|f to see thJpjrs begin to happen . in this gv-yt burg. rhe iut!'"ile; world will "Usaar about 5^." ?: hritn gc-cj iia.is.- good schools? : none better, snd sopiethlftg like fifteen millions 'ppuiftU' of poole^i to-bacco rolling into-this town, .with our; proportionate part of the tobacco j which is sold the old auction way, and a live hustling all' time paid secretary of t**; charpber yaf cccnmerx?e. ~~sai<3, Jest we forget, a live, wide a^ .wake secretary, pushing a successful buoldir.g and loan association?and. Yuti ? * W, . * *?> ROXBORO. I -:;v. ??? . .. . POLITIC VL FOIBLES. " j , "Politics mako strange bed fellows," and in trying to e'nulyze -the results sfter c-ack election bTiji?s;. this to - For instance, iajrin'g the past , four' .wo&Jcs we ventute that twenty-i five, possibly fifty jr.er. -have been ir,' ^ our cflke nr,d jy.ade the assertion tiiit j the fanners of this 'County would not support a lawyer for the 'legrislatun\ for the farmers were - tired di | Roxbcro rammer n'l of the candidates, j Well, let's see what about it There i were two candidates- thTs time, one a farm e r?;sure en'oujri? farmor, . not | a pioftasicnal farmer who lived in town and owned a farm- in the conn try, but a mar. who owns his Yarm. \ several of them, ar.i live-.-! a: hc-fris j \-"j were worked, while the cthLr randi- '< date was -a town ..lawyer?' When* "be j returns cam* :n r was foufid that ! the farmer came A Roxboro pr-eject j with just four majority, while the; town aided 153 rc.the farrders ma-,! ' . Jc^rity? makifc. it 1^1'So. tlfs time -it J was net the farmer who defeated the ' town hcwyier. But-the tovi itMll Aad ! ivow. Wo hcpo'we are done With all ot this pre-election .talk about the town tryinff tor ha me every officercx? T^F>~ no? * r-a tVi-.inr. 7? ? W ' i i f ?'*< ' iv I; ' ? clinaticn on the peft"hf'some to create a fight on the tobacco maketinp question ih Roxbcro Go slow, friends, for it -is of- importance that the farmer ! ? P who has joined the co-operative sys- ; ~77; tew firtd n "ynrrn wrier,T^e here, antf' likewise tHe farmeT who thirties best 1 to kpep cat of the organization: ? ?' ahcutdne* he frowned upon- Rosboro } ? wants the-co opceotivc eteiwew* hod ahe wants the independent sellers business, ?o let-.as all poll together. ? If-yon are a fo-Operative adherent and worker, "When you meet an independ-' fcnj^armt r who U going to sell the ainbetion why, te? MS Rhafeero is going To hav?: aa iriderpehteif warehe can de ep better than v likewise, >oj independent' worker. Whin you meet a Co-op, -lend an en- I coaraging wrra fur hiln t? select Rox-' bojw a* his de)m>ring -point. "To- '' 2ether -wo s;?td,-divi ltyl Hve fall-" jjj. .. ? | r. ~ H'e" fSgyet "to Trsrtl" that another" " e"Tcrt_f> being staged to a)Iow car- n r.'vjii tc c:n? to ::;is town. We are ?tj not opposed to a County fait, bat we ^ arw everiastir.gly opposed to earn;- f, vs!??if what we have; seen in F.'ex- a tcro.add x>tl\er towns is fair samp'p. e They are degr&&"g to a- toxro, and q the physicians testify to the hurt _t ' * a they do in nearly every instance. Wo () woald ljke to see a (food ccanty fair fi 'here, bat if we can not have thim a without throwing open the gates to. e the "clean carnivals"?and did you 5 ever See a'clean carnival, then by all ( means cut cut the fpr. The no si mine ^ oi arte boy for life is too much to.pay .j fbr the pleasure -cf seeing all of the J airty, filthy'carnivals in existence. I ^ . v/n u?^ uis t pjwrt* y?u wiu iina ine j. I full vote at the primary given fcy 1 townships: Tie vote was a surprise (t to nearly every ene, for none ha i ' counted on sush a heavy vote. But \ 1 ' ' c they faded to tzke info consideration; the woman vote,- and^hey votfed?an 3 believe me, they workei-for tHsir re- j 1 effective candidates fri the future if * you want to win you will have to ' count on sd^ie of ycur woTn:n fr: - | ends; for as workers they p.ut th? men I .cp the blink, . * ' * P ??-o??; ic We a;re sorely disappointed ct our ?neieh.ber friends in Caswell" 'County, for we surely thought: they , would be. gallar.t and "send"*our capable and "C worthy frienti. Miss Bessie Toomp-. son, to the Senate. While veturns frorij t hat way $re -meagre jal! indi- J ertiens are tTm Miss Thompson-was defeated. ... Subscribe to The Courier Today, ' ?1.50 A Year, and Worth It.T ! , *?f? % ' ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE. ' |< Having qualified las administratrix. of the estate of W. 3d* W. Comptoni i dwmjwi/um m fgfftjn jaunty, .VM-fhl Carolina, this is to notify all persons! hiving claims against the estate of said -deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned, on or before -the 9th day cf June 1923, or this notice will be pleaded, in bar of their recovery/ All I persons in3efee*i-Vo said estate will please make mn;e-4^te payment. T^i!* tV?A ftffi rtew oh T' I na Mrs. Maude Ccmptorf?' Administratrix of W. M. W. Ccmptori.; ... " ' Cooper A. Hail, Attorney;. ! . -i 1A-' ERRONEOUS ]H It has coine ;g report that the jl the Co-opcrativi 3, =>? solutely untTiie, ? Started. ^ to come out in -?3 by an ad in" -^The '"ET" It is possible ' g Mr. W. T. Pass gv something to do :)? new waf at all, 1W _ the; demand tha way, to take cai to the new way S, Bank's position i it . farmer will find 3- Bank of Rosbor gj ""v a serve you, call c 4. ; ; . . ' THE ROXBORP COURIER' IGNTNG UP " ' J IN CASWELL O . . * The Cootier:?The mass meetihs? ? Yanecyville Sa^urJay of the farera and "has in ess men waaJarftely ttervded in spite" of tRy 'unfavorable 'either ipd the primary. The far iers~a? T11' tf1:? '.eve oiw'by ? h;*"? majority in <feiance >? the fa^se "propafn^i that tie. opposition -are u*in? affairs* rts. fr. Yhrffii iChapman,, a prryer* and caitic.^ man: ~f Ken a*rkv. v.*a- the peakgr cf. the - occasion ar.i .'cvlsr* Hi had never attended a more en* husiastic m-eetingr* ard I fpr an endorsement of . the wove bout all present stood up. Aged men echpred that if -was the best speech hey .ever heard in Yanceyville, and U went awry more determined than -ver to press forward for a greater ifrn up. . . Srr; CtUpman arrived in North Carolina Tuesday and left Saturday laving .made seven speeches, on co>e native 'marketing, - and predficted access far hevoni' oiir wildest es >ectation. H"e also told us tHe type >f men that ^re 'writing back here ron* Kentucky saying business was ?ad a& a result *o? "co-operative, mar;eting. They were men who- lost heir jobs under the old system, such is auctioneers and WarehLuse clerks 3ut in the face of all this propagan 1m we are marching op to success. & P. JONES, . Orgamaer ranceyvjlle,. N. C. o- i ?CARD OF*'APPRECIAJIpK. I wish t > express . "my . sinterest hanks to the gOod people vf this "c.unty for the liberal support', give:; DRIP Qw<?& Rrf 5 c * Cascade ? Ginger Ale * Sc Roxboro Be iJRTxi .?iJi&5 5JHU- U3 j 5 REPORT. to our ears that some one is First National Bank of.Roxboi ? Tobacco Marketing .Associatii and we~can hoFTmagine how sue attor of fact,'this Bank Vas the recognition, of the movement. 1 Courier several months since, that the fact one of our most vs , is going to rtnran independi i with the report. Mr. Pass is n out is simply running his house t there should be a house here re Of the tobacco-which had no . But-Mr. Fa.-ia'-ttmiuir in~rro v: as to Co-operation, and,we assui no friand more true than the o. In the future, as irf. the past >n us. - . Your friends, THE FIRST NATIONAL BA1 : ?r ^ReahwrtfcN. C. t '' * ft t - ' * ' ;;r. " ' ' f __r - - '' ' 4:, g v - . . ' "1 4 - ? ' . r JTT^E "TP *"'? : ih tK?: Prttnttrr, ?M smt&nVj li 1 --ope t t huvc t ' :r fnrthe* a up;, r' r" in the "finei- electraa the-comrcy Nov?-Tr,je^XgSlh thankinjt you; I am,itu ^^Pirurs very truly, H; W. T. KIBBY. i\ - -? ? !1 NOTICE- j | i - KutSt._Sor.d?y .;Ter.ii!s_J?ti, 11' at ; 8:00 o'clock. Sunday School, day .will De obeen*}' ai. Brook?Jal# .MotOydirt I ! ; church, ' , The public ore invited to thfl (vice. We hope To render b very in- rj terestinj - progr-?.:jw. The 'Sunday [j. schdl pupils will do the -prencKinsr io- '; itead of; tH? pastor. ' 'i " ;' iO ' i , * v. >. ' ./ . ii Her Qaby. ' h "Tve left ray babe in there to-die!** " shrieked a frantic woman who 'wjii . : rescued from the harping building. |2 Policemen were asking the number w of her room when a 21-stone man In ; pajamas pd'n Jaunty hat appeared on a balcony and called down: "Don't worry. Lou: I'm saffc.** I "My baby!** gasped the woman, thankfully; _ -H Soap and Water. ! Margaret, little rapre than two ! years old, is very much ; Interested in ' j the moon. She had been watching it j ; for ?ome time one clear evening in : tlie fail, wbett suddenly a light tV-ans'narent rtnnrt nnssed It* siirfnce t?!v. irtg it e streaky appearhncv. j "Qh, madder. madder,'' >lu? rried, "moon dirty?mu-kier wash rno'>ii." Sunday at the Zoo.' It vvas Sunday at tiie *<*>. "VThat's the trhp&ie with tho fe!lo*v?37 inqiiUasrl (. the aruug-Otttjuig. of them l??k_ j as if ti*y'd'?eeTi\a ghosts [| f "It's this fcconoavv stunt." explained-1 : I the. r.io?Mc >y. "They*ve deckled . t?? I" ; r trans?*:? the keeper ofr the elVphauts j J'tO. tlie Insect hon**'and they >! .n't H f-ojv jo hresit the t? 'hint"1' j s'K | ^ icious I *-| threshing j||| :n in Bottles ke the _ Mh I n 1^1 _: I >ttling Works I . v fif circulating the ..... '^. ro is' opposing ^ , an. This is ab- 1 * . jgj! :Ti' a report tvas " " ? ?* ;i very first one a j rhis is verified |l j iluableoflicers, o S, ent house had tgi ot fighting the , |1' in response id gjij selling the old 3,1 . t been pledged ? * . I ay affects the 1.2.1 e yoiHthat the , - " - Ht First National, H, when we can ' ll ?$ ma*' .iwos' <-*c ~~ r s? ^thebestrea.son""! .; I For Trading m Ro^boro | . t^ot bikiaule'of pride in~yoaf"Rbnie^oyn and;eounty;.not. 9. [because you. want to keep your money at home and help ij ' to build up your own Surroundings; not because you can -. get Credit here when you have to pay cash elsewhere; not ? ,i because you owe. Roxboro merchants your allegiance nor ;;3 ?, to show your loyalty to kom.e and home enterprises.. These g ?' are all pood reasons, but the.best reasons are because g I Roxboro. .is filled with good-stores that are "filled with js ? good merchandise in .all lines, that are sold at as-low or v lower prices as-'you can buy the tame goods anywhere. J % TOE BEST REASONS - ; | FOR TRADING WITH US. I ' Recausetwe .b-ave one of the'best stores in Roxboro filled ! with thfe highest class merchandise, all of which are sold j| 55 afas low or lower prices than the same goods can be J J tM bought in any store >n Roxboro. Besides ybugefthfebes? * . .8 service from an experienced and well trained force of sales ' people and merchants who have mad.e their business a ? iffedo'ng study and work. Still there are good citizens here 35 whp go to Durham and buy their shoes without even ^ looKing ai a pair, m any siore m noxooro. .*vnu we miow jg for a fact often pay from M to .$1.50 a pair more for the a - identical shoes than we -charge. Are yoa one of tfcese. p uur. stocks are complete our priced Ike lowest. Trade ; ? ? with'ns because you get the,best gjoods and-save money ^ by it. We are afwayspleased to- serve' you. I Harris & Burns f 1? ' ROXBORO'S BEST STORE. : J .. , ^ * . " % Safety Depoits Boxes for Rent V. - ' i SMALL BOX-PER .YEAR $1W SlEtfVM. POX PER Yi?AR SJ-50 ~ ' LARGE DON PER YEAR 52-00. ! * T.E. AUSTIN. PRESIDENT. W. F. LONG CASHIER. ' t ' _____ _ . < v- ^ _ .. . ( j . He banked bis Mdn.^r; ~ " He became a Partner. . 3ig -business men are always on the lookoiifpfo.r young merrwho have the qualifications for big positibns. The main thing they want to know is: "has he MONEY SENSE?" That question can only be anSWered tp oneway: by a Pass Book showing REGULAR deposits.The routine of ttje business "a man can be taught, but the value o7~money he must learn for himself .with his own .?money ~? :? , ? If you haven't yet started to regularly deposit some' of your money, come in and open an account and start.J -? You wjfl be on-tbe road to prosperity when you do. " ^ r^*? We will Welcome you. . JtOXBOBft K. c. _J j_ - . ' .. . } \ : *V ' N 4* ! '

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