-:1ji|MMaBBBB"gB_. 8 ! maciE, fim mm ^-' . ' I 2.: <1^2 l^ROFES^'ONALCAWSTt !? ? ? ? ? ROXRORO. N. C. ? DR.U.C. VICKERS * Dtptiat : * Office in NeiteH^ullditiR. " ' on North Mtio street,'7" * * nrtt door to Roxboro^* ? Grocery Company, | ROXRORO. N. C. i ^ -r- ? w - ? ? ? ? N. I.UNSFORD ? ? Attornev-at-law * Office over CJarrett's Store ? ROXRORO. N. C. ( ? .1 ? v. o.-carver * Attorney and Counceilor at * ? , Law ! Office o't' Bank of, Roxboro v * iff'- ? ? ' ? /?' ?. ' -1 * Z)J?- E. 1 TUCKER - ' . *PV - - Dentist * Office in Hotel Jones over * Dr.'-R. J. Teaffut'* office . . * - * ? ' . | ? ' * '. v * I # ' * fi tt*% * * * - : * DR. r. H. HUGHES . * * Dentist * ; * Office in Hotel Jones, next * , ? door to Dr. Tucker's office. , .. ph t. ,i i';.; . ' t* ' * 1. V*-?.,*- ^ m ? ? * ' 11 < ROBERT P. BURNS \ ? Attorney it U* ' * 1 * PEOPLES RANK BUILDING . * I . Prompt iHid careful attention jirre * i * en U) all busiiBess. <t m a . . . f e + '? ?*.*? ? ? f ; W. T. BIT RAN AN SUBVAVOR- * 1 MILL CREEK. N C. Route I. " j . " |K ? ' ? ' ? V ' ' A * 1 . ' - --0 if - ' STUDEBAKER six-cylinder cai -r-' other roanufactu: > Studebaker builds We can show you s. ; . . points of superio Special - Six over . ' < nearest competitor. In times of close merit wins; Toaiay * "in automobiles is k ever was, because " Touring. $1 * * " 1 Coupe (4-Pa f t" 'I ? ^^ rswifStoS I kM ? Jack :->: i : _iu _ - . T-H I S I S A ' *T 11 _ - / +jafarefc-. *. THt ? m$ DEVIL f kTd^uB? ovj A SWEU- r JPRtMG b> T UKe TWftf ^ffjj W '' ?S2 . ? 1 -: 1 y i v1 1-111 * 1 ~ "We l'icked Bp Seren Large Dead Rats First Morning .Using Rat-Snap. So writes B. E.. Qsrponter. Woodbridge ,N>. J. "We lost 18 smalt, chicks one night, trilled by rats Bought some RAT-SNAP anil picked op 7 large dead tits next morning and in' 2 weeks didn't see a single rat'. RXTSKAP" Is-g65d and snre/' -Cuuiea in cakes' ready for nse.-Three- siict 33c, 66c, $1.25. Sold and" gourantced by . MimfrU 1W BRA DSHER'fe" COMPANY L ROxB&'ro.'S. c:-JL_ *- - - n i ?q-v-X 'O. ; > Schedule Effective Apirl ;u. 1J22 . p. m. *. m a. ra. p. m c5:30i"T:00 lv .Durham ar. Il:00|9sl9 W.09|*?:13'.Wj Roxbore ?r ?;^3)7:o4 *7:33t*!f:4o-iTv.' Cennistoti-ar. &;45l7'.18 >ch;2o[*9:D5 ]v. S. Boston ar. 8:1816:56 p8:36(*819 iv. Halifax ar 8K)2:6:43 Kll:15i*li:40 ar. Lvnchg.-lv."6:30r4:t5 p. tc. a. m " -.Xb?p. to * Daily and x Daily ExTSun., Connections at Lynchburg with trains east and westbound. Parlor and sleeping cars dininy cars The baa. route to ' the vest and northwest. Rates and in lormat.io upro application. to agent >r yi. 0. SAVNDEKS. .v General Pass Aisat * Roanoke. Va. - et Mr a. Mary Qrat'es Tell You Her poultry Rafting Experience. "Three years ago bought an Iliculator, this year I've mn.lo money _ lats'stoic .my bavy chicks. Didn't mow until a friend gave me a cake >f ?RAT-SNAP. Next.morning found i wo Head rata in hennery; Kept ftndmr' Vfteiii. Suddenly they disappeared ; iltogether. Its * he only sure rat kill- J r." Take Mrs. Graves' advice. Three! ires. 755c, 05c, $1.23. Sold and guar Tnteed hy j a\'G BRABSHER & CO.MPA-N'Yrj r.Dxboro, N C. " i ' . -v?i builds more buying more c rs than" any . Stodebaker n rer because 29%in 192k ti them better. as a.whole, sha 84 definite nearly 45%. rity in the---.y 1st, shows a g Studebaker's production. of "V- same period -of competition. Shidebakersa competition own story. T eener.than it hasdeclaredfc people are riority. '5, Roadster ((-Pass.X $1425, Rnadsier (4-Pa U). UU9; Sedan, iff SO. >Ut prices /. c HMOBB ,n ' " in'' " *.< *' SJfirm ?t j'. l'*r. IMf < + >--- ' -t r i ifni' W. ' " ' - Lrrrrr-V.i 1 i 1 son Motor Gc * - * .. i' ?...- : t " \ KOX-EORO. N. C. ? ' J r .no d estf, K ? * ? : : Mameo* v^r.o: -* i -i )XEowr COC RlSft , .ru: dy "r ' Is, Rut!** - C C>,'at.'<iW.Vv6 &T M looks <> <? ' i ,.1T0W#V AJiD FARMERS. ,/) ,( | What does y(jur town do for thr farmers-who-trade--ia-it? . -* We know of , o(^ (^lage-^-it has only about 400 People?-where there &tt<l tteW eobiptaints <thet farmers Wre- sending their money ?waw tj ] 1J_-aJ-.'-J --1 ..-4??1.1.1 " an viuer reuses ana' xne iirer"- na!H^J (Weido8''tV create a "mfcre - "fSiendiy feeling "b'etwiSeh the vifiagfcra and -trf iart-ouhdrrtg farmers! " ' ''"ffciiy fiMind'-triajiy'thmffs' could'ba done. The first achievement Whit plenty ' whitiahiriey'posts for trims and pi-rces ftr pnrir cfrrs. They eves whit erite ,'stehfa.f theft* Slid- provWfi shettg -fot* Cart Sad nradhines. ' Again,1 itr'was forbid-'-flut fStme-rs often rare." ttr'walT in tray far repairs' and for other tehse'ds. -A room' fS 'bjr 111} right oh the 'tniftij-affertt in an unhsed .bniTdrrg, was fiHed gn_ -iimpIy witTr Tabic? atid chairs rrfrd rest room faollffj^.V-'anln tw that room ia- filled ;tn?st -gl the gay .with i farmers' wrote*, and their children, P'oo brvt-at last jjwt,jprat, th^y hg*g wante^ fpr . J'ears._ That room "is us* m so jjiucV that it witl iooh Kav/e to bfc enhfrgeJ. ' ' ' ~ * But one* pood thing mUdllV lords ; 16 ,'ahdthfer. The fdrnjehs beg?n to. have a definite frTeridly?feeling for die- -little village. If Ore- was serVdc-1 * a-itbeut gov fbtiocii of - rmmeiiate returns." ft ait"-'orders for *gc&ds hegdn 'o falt rff-n dtttie.? ? ?, . ; 1 Thanj the - WiialhtsV-men ?ef the village ddcTldd to bhve" K h?detftiir"3ind ask 'the'fjraers-in- te-tslk- things tie- ; er.- Luncheon -nndhoP'-coffee was ser-j ved." There were ho set speacl.'as. The vitlugers - said they- wanted to meet the fxtenertsj; otith'e basi? r?f genome' friendship. , The farmersen-re treated with the- Utmost eorii . alityr There ~was "no condescension hown. Just i Trienlly basis of tguslity. ' - otT. Thcp. pfomerm* suir^ested -formim/' a -coihTttUjiil.y clvth, villa^era. arid-:ft*r-j rr.c-rs all working tc?et}'.-r. The idea} ras 'iittniedsh'tcrly acebbie.d/ Pn a few' months .?. c&nvnvuntty house vas \rrji\t [ . nrove.d reitsSt'fcab'ty' cOrSy to tret the| Thi ?a*ffters ' tr.tribut-il ,'rtn<l| :here, wdr a -fsr.e s: *-torrother feeling ; ill knjun'i': " * ' . * .. Tfee?i'' . vrLU ;-w< i^evi-trs *?> (Hat Utth?i arefully than ever. vereaseH';its sales lough the industry, we J a Falling off of ~ ~ 1922. up to May airi in Studebaker 143% over, the \ 1921. ' ' " les records tejl'th^i'r \b^f pVblic ?rp fuaehaltersupe ?i ). St fJS; " *. Sectary. ( ??j? : n-* ??] ~ ?? ''''''' ? ?. )-!<vo7 ~rf? > tj rr.n t ~Jk Bi'i >mpany ;- - E R ~ Y E AT ~ 4 ' TF ,1<T, ~luI3*C"'' "" * j-i-cS tt-. b'-'san-jb vr. t'Z VthnTferty"hoij&e. Bailees #$'.! . be VM in' it. NeirfStqrs'wiff visit -ani' ^llHr5n pKytoyetUir llief*. The tsif rreMaa'wUhitt fimn41t.?mtll--?en J*ra ?(H oornit.' -furt thb'vfiliijfwj ssryi the t-rTmcrsl^" lhe-'-linest people in'the |wnrlth Ah4..thr farnoers:sne, ' wlrar jingia# s/Httie p/coe mprFfaiyr-,-,-p We do not believe that' after . a jK.lW ,*!f ?<* there ;jriU>.be many.-n^ail 'orders 'going .cut Jtrjwn cifr^3Ujt^r. ,r -i ,. : r i Tne .sponge jtfhnjg. ,rv; why.^doplt nkre tQwpsfoUpw.the txsmQle.jjf, fhipj i little^Op. inljRbi^apt^? .The" I could, all yrt'th a lifJtic i'pifrftiyp.: :? Milwaukee, JoUpqaL " . ; jj OUR CO^CVBY CllfRCHES . *"'' ' . ft : That xvhich ccrioerr.fc<l,us tit r.nr'years, and- .ccjaern3.ua? yej, if ;,thic gjeat,, And, .unaevelpped, nfrk; <of ifthe country cfur.gK,. We, h?Vg. only,pr-ilso, ior^tUr, fine |Vf?rk thgt.btha ,.3ygthge cbuntrjvelmcji is doing. It is the conn,' try chuirch' that is ssjjcling.the rain'-; isteriul students t? ous .cctieges,. it' i^. the county churci1 thsyt is" .giviriE j the a>]est lead?>s '(o the'Lie-| rumination, to all denominations, and to the wjlde,. naticn. But, wljtfie" this is true, the county church-is not raea3 urifig up, to the great,; opportunity j which'she has. , Magnificent school; 1 uridings; l-'uve found, their w-jy .into practically every, locality. Most of these .schools are. bpiug maimed-liy college and university "graduates. Subjects aye, heiqg taught in., these school^.that a few- ypars ago weye taught in colleges. Community. f>rfi? is asserting itself, .and no man is ac 'v..."' i . V. ". - V : 1 There's No A1 ? 'TF two refiners ha< X' cess to the same i both make ?(><><}?j?a same amount of >ki r , ;.- v thero arp HwteTaria dtrr, jttst as there a clothes, hafcciV'pies ' *,' Yonr motor will run r> j-*- - - -? - , uenvonsiraiea ittul a Or more (TimoitiimlK tiia - Standard" is cnrifuilv founded performance i ' ' mediate and wayV fop starting. lull power aii< To get <be beet 'result! 1 A Polarinc Oil?a rigid g STANDARI i'Y? I. ' 1:,. :;x" jw 5-' .;'a.. :i " i "i * ,ir* hfii'i'jy-.r-? " "'?3 \ f.?prVgi'?*+4 r Pfl!?* "" ij ~ . >r?tfc"q"*Lo11 ciurf pgW.'.V? ' - The ?>(ii(iTi 1 ; _ . _ __ ^ .D '. i f rtffirn THHH* jl * " - | - -r~ : -- -1*"1 - *!" " . ?:. i i i ??? poy&ilf" a9.,'^' ftac^e'r ,to4si'hb' ^9 I ffeWWT/ C,:?' :-v'v,?!,i',L' 1 : But, whaft .of t tli?., poultry church 7 |"Wie -find pt,:- trcaUy ;tho. fauie "tKP?' icp'ortiry tcr a*<5i 'If fs jbfiltl?, a? "4hd6cHi?. ' bui^W ^ ayet not..'a, H'&a* )k\ M???^sS! ill ?S?1 !f iirno;to htid d*e.T?ei>h?;ot heejHMJfig- .j peopla o.hon sHd <toe? aiobdi?t?auce> up ,'j Ed opbe^tdniby'td- hthw (rwrthtautioti* 1 '.ri fife i on-'iitt1^ . ? ' ' .. HI 1 (IVi'.IBI'fli'joj 1?;M fUlCl lii Whete HWes'i tiltw. blame'llie}. The;,! |asera?e community, has f?Hin;'-liter ;jj iitd hib^F bf' twrtbntiAip itabW'arltb" a ijj \ r~c-A-mdnth ytti .'Vr : attf? e'ltrfms rtiot'H sfoT. 'is aTl.;]t;-hai;4Vme .toj-i; . The ifrthtiy''ciniVrt Heh>srt(-j JKIjfift rtifn afr pf jr .'autcniobilcs are parked in the chy'tV.!'. j yiitd trWlb td^hipfeple lt?en;ln;??2t?'' j irrcaober, God e*rtp-? prpsp?o?mo # e fesre .'.the people 0HU & :4^1pvget ihcmjto church, than that , ?y the pteaxkvr who ?Ug?. speak. tc s t ? Tifla.fe' no tirade ^eamat aitoaSo- s bijets;Te believe in the modern ^a- * tsytnes!. hot we should bo. wiffinjf 'i: rajrje'.belp t(re.church adjwr.crhfcne wJaSrpther thiioa. T8; -churttfc ujjln demand the tfsjiect of fh^ would o*j?y. membership. of tie elwrch pe*s 'the clfurdl Let usifcnye po?dj-f s(fior. is and 'feood teachflray btu lef Us i e'.st>; lleve gco4 church ta^msaaad ij cbW j^aohcrs.- hei ujs h4v^ o.ttjohm bllesyijKit Aet us rpiy four {uetllBiJIht Mystery****?^ ?out Gasoline . . ..' .. Ptmldili) . w V-j 1 the same <-fptip?ierit ami nc-u|>|jlv of crude oil they Could l^oIoii) IF they ln>lh had the 11. But the faet W-mirin* that itions lit the gasoKiid'sold to re good, bad aiul indifferenti and .autoimvbile tinw- . . n musl am j:s?oline< It boa been ilnnrni fiifiWiil run it better and n piiwlulc that la haphazard. refined to ftivo o l^jgncetl MlIi . in "?i>nr motor. It hns light. inter diluents that always insure: quick. 1 inaximtrmmilrago. I from "Standard" Gasqjiiie use yade .^1 ) OIL COMPAN* : ' "J -it!i ft; .7tTattoj -i vd W JERSEYV . ,:w I i-r.-c-t /o:M lhn;i I? -m. ; -n *_ . \ ' " . />?t 1 j r"f - -AJ, T .. j I \ * mm m mm mm * TOARD" *?ti? I'artslo j-iirt-inf#* cell;# iced GasoUnel iFili* ,:?a/57 1 Mttloaifi J TTTTI?:? ' H. Usaxjei "d?coD.-.towi.Ju!'- _ :iujiw hiifi saMioi >o yhfHR'J ib i>fij | ^ g>'?ll '-m? ? ?? : \m .. 1 "' .. r" y.r """" , Q ' . \ ' i PACT SEVEff hct Bureau-Pays Better ^ ST." 3 y.-eauu> ^vw tv'tw ; "%? -tin& vt \9> Ctcnu* xo ?| i if jSUUVl, DO XOU ?%POSS I ^ S YO fcfc ViOUMU! WERel ?L rWt*^VWV??#.\<? I - i ^ - ' : V --* tj,. . . : ' y study, and to -senfe a* their .bAst? I'.e Qhnati^tL^un. : , M'; ^ .' ' *vJ-"Ci- I lo? ',1'jTb'hhi -:T Dr. S. Rapport OF BURHAM. N, C. ,', . || WILL BE AT ? . # RATRnP/1 IT Ttir ti ? o,?i. SUU MUiCtU II "rtr . :'-n -on *?<W? jfc ' EVERY H. i . i 11. i;8> FIRST WEDNESDAY- # in each montn to examine eye# |l , and fit . glasses. Glasses fitted J|tint are easy a^id resist! to -\f - the ?yes. H*tde-jhes caused by || eye strain relieved. My next || Visit will 1> W'edrysday July 5tH [f 1922. '' V . :..ft M?MtNISTIt.\TRl Y NOTlfcB. . Bavins .qualified as administratrix f the Estate cf WV M. W. Campion, leceasbd. late of Perse a county, .North hatxilna, this is to notify all person# hying claims against' the estate- of aid. deceased to exhibit them "to the mdersighei, ori'or before the 9th day if .Tilre IftaS: or this notice will be . 'leaded 'm bar of theit recovery, AH 1 'ersons indebted to said" estate ViU, lease?nialee immediate payment." Thift.the Cth day.,of June 1922. , Mrs. -Matrie Gompton, "Administratrix of W. Mi W. Gompr Otn * -.' v;.'::' . V c. ./ : >.U ' V "Cooper A. Halt Attorney. I ?o ' .' i" ': Did yon aver hear of so many cy :lonesi A atom policy will cost yon iut a trrie Sec SATTF.P.FIELD. Do ..... i, . ....... 1 -jm ag good-frill an J rr|)llUjiju fui? ??? akiu? dependable products lich this coibpgny h'a's arhoitg l e great motoriris. public has \ ken years to build np and is to- ; y iw greatest ass*- -* i - % * r- "* *;' . i ' ;" "* >{ < , ?

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