. . \ J. W. NOELE, Editor and Public VOL. XXXVIV v BUSY TIMES AHEAD FOR , ROXBORO AND PERSON U ROXBORO TOBACCO MARKET ) WILL OPEN SEPT. 5th. |* Q ? Whh Roxboro Selling Tobacco the f Old Auction Way end the New. 15,000.000 Pounds. , Co-operative Delivery Plan On next Tuesday, September 5th, f the tobacco market will open in Rox-1J boro. This opening will be at the New.,? Hyco, whiclJ has just been completed ]; and is easily one of the most modern, p most convenient warehouses ever. ? built in Roxboro. It is fire predf 2 throughout?that is as. near fire- proof |2 as it is possible.to build a house. The j) stalls will have, nothing whicH can, - burn ssve the trough, and the sheath-; J ing which si^pp'orts the roof is about! At tH.' only things connected with this]1 M mammoth house which can burn. P On the ..opening day all of the big i.-ill bwvA tVjr huvera m j the market, and the independent buy-i4 ers wil be on hand as usual, ^'ftW two J redrying' paints which will handle, so we are- informed, all tobacco carried 5 them, either by the ' Association or K any other firm. If you are going to;8 sell the 6M way and have sdme tobac-'|T co ready bring in a load and try out ? the market! Tib indications are that the prices wil| be 'very satisfactory. The opening: day for the Association ^ has not been set for the old belt, but ? we suppose it will be only a short ;J wh?le until they open and then you ^ will see things begin to fiim in this j J good old town. In any event,'whether|8 you sell the old way or the new wayifj every arrangement has been made * . for you and you are cordially invited to bring your tobacco to Roxboro. > SCHOOL NOTES. . 1 In regard to schools books?be sore1 " to find out how many books will be ] needed in each grade. If there are a t sufficient number of old books for < the class, it will .not be necessary to . change this .year. But if only one! one" fourth of the class Have-books then it- will be necessary to change il and-get the new books.If one or two 1 need old books, he .sure to get ae5s| . * Of course, no teacher . would for a minute think cf opening school ill a; school-l.hus?-that Is net as clean 33 a-new4'pin,''.- and spick and span inj every particuVjj. And-likewise no j committee would for a'moment per- j jnit a teacher ?*'irt school until J+m . . everything is 'shipshape. New in or-. di'-p ' ' i 11* 11 i the -committee, the natrons, and the teachrr appoint a day for cleaning! upv. t)? lipuse .the yard, and above all ?Ke sprnVg*f'or the well. Be surs: every one to brine a useful tool to - work with and lso it. also bring vour, lunch and- make a thorough all-day j job of getting things in the best poss-: Ible shape. We ire hanpy indeed over the good news from tiL* various rural districts i about the good meetings, the fine, work being oden by our young peo- j pie, the larrer plans for better schooV the forward steps taken by our ' churches, the most excellent roads, and the general progressive spirit of | our people. Surelv great things are near at hand. We .Itive a-most cycellent ritizenship in Person County.; > I believe they are much' above the' average in the -state. Our climate, our: . land?.' our reads, cud schools. our I church, our- homes, and our farms; certainly are among the br*t in tH j p v*0m n. each boy and girl, put forth; every effort possible to make our ^ ccurty go forward with rapid stride alone all lines that maM greater folks! Let us n ike tola the greater< ." year we hace ever known for grow til f . in all the good thirgs tha* will make Person County so attractive an1! d.e-' V^Irahle r-? t . draw the fhvst gittzem \ I frciii other counties and other ta*e* into her boundaries and 'nermanent ?>' citizens. Le* this be cur aim. r.* ' Tt ach ?rs b ? sure tn get He 1th C r? tifire'o befwe onenir.g of ^h.<><d. ' . Who My AttenA Ti-a1 >ro (Iad- . cd School ? - , % In ecnsult i* o v.- *h Sunt Stalv ? Tepresennn:: ijip i .? ya-x: o k Graded School and (' T \V.--.>d n 1 ?; J Sup*. Beaht repsentiujr the i Unt\ Board of K'j-nt n. ?" f-ilh-.wnur g . subject the approval f the ' B^ird 1 wan agreed upon.' Children in B ?:bor - 7 \vn=h?n. pr-> B ' . pare I" to tenter any I'vade from 'me to eight. inclusive_ :r?_<L.V-_u)<g near jo "Robborc th&n aav* other, s^h^ol >f faring instruction in the i >oui e-d trra ! . I* #. may be admitted 1 o *h := hoob of Rot?boro as long jus tHn*r is room f ir theni. Children in Rovbrro Toumshin. or?-; ??. 1 :. ' ' ' enth gradaT tm'l briny k -.v . bore tahn an- other -7-hat.-I offering. K". ' instruction in the required grade, fnay be admitted to "he scI'vjIs of FJixr??1.IUH 11 ..!. " grades miil brove^rmy.ded this year. w A! i chiuUvti admitted uTTTTTT v 'i provb fed will bo Mlfc titled to the -beofi*s of the "ehoci for tW? first six-months frfe of tuition. | Sunt. Stalvev of course, will nave & tn divide v,-h- h ,ipp' .Ti-yb-' ^ full ,tba4 no.one else con he-admitted, f J. A. Beam. I ? .... ; "n :? ' M , I-'- ' '' ' T"'"~ '"'ii! 1 w-vy ' end .wiO frirscU In" DurhniH. f7"' " V L . ? ; ~ ' ?;? ? 8_E iher ' ROXBORO -OLIVER J. SANDS Jelivercd a Winninc Address Here Last Saturday?Greeted by Largt Crowd. ?o? On list Saturday evening Mr. Oiler J. Sands, the General Manager of he Tobacco Growers Co-operative t^sociation delivered a great speech o the people of this section. THj court was fall to overflowing, not nLeant ?cat could be found-." It-was meeting outef' the ordinary n that before introducing the speaker fiteV. J. A- Peam was called upon o le'id in priyer. We like this way^ of'if n meeting is of such importance hat a. house full of people will leave heir'fiusiness to listen to ttta speakr, certainly it is right and propes to sk the blessing of God upon the ueeting. After prayer Mr. S. Garland Viratead introduced the speaker. Mr. Vinstoad, in his introductory renarks, called, the attention of the armors to tlie fact that if they OX ected tMs great movement to oe of my benefit they npist STICK^ for >nly by giving it their undivided sup>:ort could trny hope to make it a access. With?very complimentary rords he introduced the speaker, Mr. )liver J. Sands. In the beginning of his address Mr. !>ands told them he was in n'o sens'* i public speaker, but Ks efforts did tot tally with his introduction. He* could not be called an orator, but he s a very effective speaker and for wo hours he held his audience. Notvithsfanding the length very few but vhat H?ard him_through. He made ust about the most convincing sneech ve. haye heard for the ' Association jlen, making the workings plain tc mv one who heard with an unbiased nind. At the close of-His speech quite \ number signed the Association conract. Mr, Sands, 'crom.panied by _Mess. 3rrshem and Buckner of Richmond, nade the trip in their auto.-reaching lere r*b~ut .1 o'clock, and with Mess. J. W. Winst??ad.* M. R. Long nnd .T. iV. Noell toook dinner at Hotel Jones. ;t was a dinner, wo-th wb'le. and Mr. OTesh&m,: who is a hotel man, taid he Hid net eaten such apple pie dnce he- was a -boy. . ?o?? ? DISTRICT MEETING OF ROMAN'S MISSIONARY SOCIETY rF,' Church. S^u*h Sect; 7th and 8th.. Edgar Lon7 Memorial CVircb Ro^boro, N. C. Thursday Evening } :Orv=-Sr,ec4a! Music. Hvr.n Xo. 4ft8; \r.*r?v?n led hv Rev. B Hcrly. v'.-y.->s rf w.-'lrame. Mrs. S. Win.-Vsd. .R<??nons?, Mrs. 1 O. Henderson. Music China ^s I knew it. Miss Sallie Lou MfKinhon. Hvmn '415. Benediction, Rev. B. C. Thompson, j Friday Mcroinar. 10:00?Worship led by Mrs. W. A\ Wilson. Music. Organization. Our Conference outlook. Miss Miy Rdla Smith' Our District Outlook. S'e-etary. Rc-j orr* of Coun>v Sunerintendent. Alamance Co.. Miss Mary Freeman. Durham Co., Mrs: .1; C. Aneier. Person O . Mrs. B. C. Thompson, j C:swell and Oranrrn not Oreaniiei Diir Auxiliary Outllok?-Delesratos. - r? >nor+ and open-tte^cqsroTi.. Christian Stewardship, Why Presort ???i and How?. Mr?. F. B., McKlnre. ; I Announcement and appointment j rf Committees. D :votionM, Miss Ullte Duke. I Friday After-ton 2:00?P;Mp ics- ". Mis? Elizabeth; Fea*h,*Tsfn*?. Qott if,- Rorbor" BrisrV Jewel?. Prayer f Morrincr S~-a?on *,V... nr7rt,.:rr? Children. Mrs R' -i-'shav* Y?n?r Peoples work. M;?s . TJ.llie, riuke. TV WmiunhoH of J5pan; M?s* v*Hs':r-i T*f.-o f 1 j>usine*?. >->rt f C mm i* tees. C ? t: n Seivi'e, ??lia? Fulls:* '.on McK'nnon. F V>II1 Y REI NION t*? cVMren nt m- a. v/ Moire. <>vv. V( ;.f;yr Hurdle Mil's, urave him 'm'*'-' surprise List Thursday whrr tbr?v all gathered in far n family ? -unin*v There ne? thre? son< an.i three daiTPhtors. all nf wham were nre?rnt ? " tH's occasion. as follow?: y. vv.j- P. H. Brings and four .V'l'-en. Mrs. C. V. Brig*? and two children. Mi?s Marv M^ore. Mr. and L" ^ :.n,rN-i^Mt rhd ^?---.H Mr*?&?p.. MVotc?and five. ' hit '"on. and Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Mco a arc! five children. pi:r \n-;iMr m WAKftKN'riiwvKl o? O ' the- first Son iav in Septembernevt Sup tnr, .. Kldsr Harnrlon. will nrc '1 rt Warren Grave Servlro at 3 o'riock, P. M. All are -cordially iov.. ?i.i this snrrirn MR nvr^ANON AT HOSPITAL. "" tvt A.: it Rrirtiifnpn, foreman . f The r. ' 1-T. i1 n .t at i it il to Watt's KaS"jrrrr?'? .'iv'tn everiiuK-'? *?V'? _?_ ' . ; ' - ojcboi Home First, Abrot . NORTH CAROLINA, HARD TIMES FOR WORKING PEOPLE COAL SITUATION PINCHES HARDER EVERY DAY j * . ' T?0 1 Congressman Weaver Predicts. Goycmment Operation of Mined ?8 j an Actual Necessity. . 1 ?'i i 0 ? - < By E. C. Bryant. ?SSaahington; Aug. 26.?TIL conlsft- 1 uation is pVnthing harder and--harder every day. P^aent indicatiqns foreshadow hard tunes top working people;. The strikiftg miners and shopman will c?ap^thousands of other craftsmen tcf be out-of wbrk. Cominunica tions coming tb North Carolina con- ] gressmen ' tell of ' bad conditions. Here is a typical instance: Messrs. Overman and Simmons 1 Hive received telegrams from the 1 Minneola Manufacturing company, at Gibsonville, saying unless it can get a shipment of coal started immedplant within a week, throvring three hundred employees out of work. The North Carolina fuel director states that he cannot promise any encour-Sgnroent. In the absence- of Senator Overman and Simmons, whp ate. in NortH Carolina, A. M. Mclteon .of Senator Ch-erman's office and Prank Hampton, of Senator Simmons office immediately took this matter up in person with the fuel admistrator, and were advised by him that the Minneola Manufacturing company's application for ccal must be recommended by the North Carolina local coal distributor, and that the local distributm is bound by the classific snd Hive accordingly advised the co. Representative Weaver said today that povernient operation of the c^al n . . cr-? r.ccersary. "If a set-element cannot be effected soon." he dpclared, "there: is no otfcer .way oat of it.0' He has presented to Fuel Distributer Snepcer nu appe:-l for coal from the Trlnnsylvania Tanning company, cf Brevajyl ?nd the Rossman Tanning crnroahy* r.f PJossman.?Charlotte Observer. 4-^5 > , o . , '? .;?? ,VVT In a private letter Mr. C. O. Dixon, manager of warehouses in S. C., fori the Co-Operative Association.. says: far as C?-?Pef?Cive Marketing? concerned will say that >e.verv day things grow brighter f&rv?he Co-ops. T v f BUT ! ' 1 a .. U111- ' dst ci marKeis, ana we a'.so receive repc-rts from oaet. market practicallv imv day. wOid . they report;--that -tH ? mciv.1 f.moxs-ff th* members is better. We also raised dthe advance- pai l Inn rvv-iibei'ven tohieco this morning, which I am satisfied will have a wholesome effect. Quite a number ofi people who are nof members are trv:re to smuggle tobacco into tU? As* socistion instead of trying to' smuggle it out as reported up there. A few lays ago we had a part? who is not \ member of he Association to smuetrie tobacco into the Association in the name of his mother. We are sell"g right much-tobacco which* is having a wholesome effect among the member*, in fact, it is hard to paint Co-OperatfVe Marketing? bright enough as some one will think ^75H are i iyir.gr." o THE AMERICAN I.EG ION > AUXILIARY Th^ American I.egion Auxiliary |v-,;!l meet in the School Auditorium roursriav. Aucfyst .11 sr. irr 4r P. M. All members ire urged to come, also , anj person ?hnH be eligible for mm, in *.h? American Legion Aux-j Try who is a wife. motH*r, sister or 1 daughter of a man or owamn wHafis| I a member - f fhe American Legion ori i who.was 'h rhe nav-1 or military ser-; ivi.'p cf the United S?a*es at some | ;n o between AViirl d; 1017. rnd NoVr.l ' 1 11 ldt8. and who died in line"\ h; if-K*nor?hie discharge J er d# rripr .tn Nsvenuber 11. 1020, cr j | re: son* why stand in a similar nosi-j ;t:rn in tH iv various states. PR. DTL1.ARD I ECTURED ON MT. C \LY ARY: j . I On la - W .dv.sdav night at the . 1'r t - rviv h Dr E. R. Dillard 4e-: l ! b's 1" r ire an '' mnt Calvr.rv.j ' * s! ?t<> } I ( f a*? Dr Dillard is a flu-: ert talker and if you fvied to hear V= i >*uire nu surely missed a treat,! r f >r i: was prcnrunw? by many :-s the best. i-fT^r* he has made. since being * :n Roshoro. rry* Sundnv 1 ? will preach for ' Baptises in Milton, and -if the MPtcr poo*d<* f1 ;l t** M?ar hum they j will .miss a rgre treaty - ,! i;r\h. Tim up. j ftr:?hh?W-.?O.ikh-v was shewing I |(;'jte a cuvios'.ty ip the way of a freak; 1' erpato last Monday; I* v.-as of thej "i 'rf< r variety sod ooesmtiod of One; jnr*L' ".:?iiV v."'h -rm- -rmW.? errowing out from the large one- They I were- all perfectly formed, only bejr.g small. | . " O I Misses LiBbic :rid ?oba Sat* .field | Ad die >Ia<i and. Vera Rogers returnefl Mr-rvay from Apex -where they i.nvn been at*smi::)g a .Udlae pardy i' t.h* -home ' Me. ?"4 flee. fi. T. Rooms: n v^;.^ h ? .... . .v. id Next. Wednesday Evening Au; GOOD NEWS! f We most appreciatively make our U thankful bow to our capable and exrellent editor-of The Roxboro Courier, Mr. W. Noell, for lis gracious favor?in-yrtacrng our county j paper in every school in the county. [Tow he did send a thrill of foy thro very fiber- of the Superintendent's: t*ing when about two weeks ago thissoble editor told him that he Had de-; tided to do this noble- deed of kind- 21 rest free cf cost to tl\e teacher and the school, ''yes absolutely free." is the way be expressed tit. R Ho .sa^d- he had deoided to do this first of all for the good itmight do, imd sedond as an expression of hist leep interest in education .and the! schools of the county. Really, I do bi not know how to express my great ti appreciation for this fine contribu- li: t'ion to our schools and for tlfe many, c< many acts of kindness ?,y these years, sc tte^sinijgly open* the columns of his i<. paper each"- session, free of cost, to ai all "the teachtHPS and schools of the tl c-ounty. He stands ready and willing pi at all times to lend his valuable aid to the sclbols in all their interests f( with word or pen: Then, too, he does el it so well, sa.frnnply, nnri so construr- l-U tively! Truly we have a great editor, o\ thoroughly alive not only to the best a: interest of our-schools but to every rt good couse for the betterment -of our a: citizens. If there is another county editor in the state who has done and b is doing the some for his county, let T him speak out. b J. A. Beam. C OPENING OF. ALLENSVILLE n HIGJLSCHOOI. is -t-o?- - i- i w . Allenvilie High School will open thetrj first Monday in September. It is hoped bv the committeemen and princi- * pal that this time will suit the great tl majority. We wish to get v in four months before Christmas. tl All who possibly* can do so are urged to enroll the ^first day. Do this 01 even .if ycu f bid it necessary to re-j r. main at home another day or so dur- tr; ing that week Jq gather the rcmaii>-.U dor of 4?he tobacco. On ttb first Sunday afternoon at 2 :30 b'rlock there will* b?"a eonvmun-;" ity meeting at the school. A oa*tor>" hss. been requested to preach for us J* thfat If it should be 'so n he dan not come same one else will 4 J rffferent cHrfen choirs in the com- * . "iritv !tb =ing for us. . P ( v rrv person m ine comnranuy i < be *hr?rp' I.ot U3mr.ltfi our eomtnv--.* Ity ps Hw?1 i-? live as ran be 0 four.'! ANYWPERE. JOE B. CURBTN, h ?. : TV'i"..?i"nl.'' _ ' f DEATH OF MRS. SALKiK UOVSTLRJ - f-frg. ..ivi-ivj ^ .:i ..'?^? sisfte* MYs. J. A. Cp *! ver. M^ndav owning. Mr? . RoyitMj> was. S") year* old and had hf-en a imember of the Primitive Papas'.-.;, Churri* for more than r>0 vear*. Thej furer-1 service was held from the i r Primitive Rapti?t Church vester'a" f y. evening. Elders Henrdon and Hall con- j v ducted the servicefl j? FRIEND JONES REMEMBERS VS.', Mr. Thad K. Jones, one of our very best and most valued frends, gave ^ us a call last* Saturday and left with * us a basket of fine apples. Mr. Jones je ?avs crops are unusually promising jM in his section and everything bright]' for the farmers down that way. | ^ o EPISCOPAL SERVICES Ma-,rnio IT-?11. Roxboro, N*. C. Fuhdav September 3rd.- 1922. at S. P. M. "s . ; Mr. E. D. Pussev . Supt Public; Schools. Durham. N* C . will conduct, the services as the R?v. Mr. Marten! will hold service* i- Durham for tv'*| Rev. S. S. Pott. C:mo and get" thtL layman'd po:nt of view.. MF.BAXK i rOT NTY F \Tr .T}l? Mohan e \ Cr.mty Fair h?* an ,) ad'"u Ihis issue ralUnp vour attor.*' =r- ; . (Brreat fftr. At there it no fair! ( for ?h's fountv this voir th" people! ,c.f -y.s r will he inteiAsto in c the Mehan> F.vr T^<* dof-- ay? Son- . *( mher ,Vh. nth. TS4??ud ^h. *| MARRIED 11.5c- \ h' * Mae r?e?\rv and Mr. W. T. K*rby were m irr-ed yes'er.da** i ;r. Houston. Va. Th?*?e arc. *v.'n of P.. most penult* r vaung nop. do and the best wisfcDs of"all go ivithJ( C.ROWnfiD OIT ' Aora;n \ye he? to apolipize to rur, fine < orffes pendent? "Ttr we are nellerl to 1?svp cut their articles. Ow- -j bur. to the absence of the Editor baa. f-y^ of th.P -anfl :hh foreman I I* " '-> > } readers all of the <'carry new*. rj I LAWN PARTY AT OLlVt3 HILL. J '' TW-f wv; np UIMUM ivi-iv niiu'l' INI Jl?gh SchoA! -n; f-'iiLu- rwiwri, Sept. 8th. beginning *t \?':30 o'clock. < fhe proceed to .go to the sctfool.. The public is cordially, invited to attend: Week at bvffaeo springs. Mr. L. M.,Carlton spent last..week at Buffalo Springs, He waa joined ior. i yuo^ Cfld hy Tlr^ f'itt'lloj), L. M., ( Jr.,. and Misses. Mary Shu ford C^r I- i ULj? iuiiLXll^ahoU; Morri*> . - - -L / " '* ;~v^V/v.- ' *1 ?* ' ' ,r-?Joi-iVr\v0.ryft# , V - _*. VV * * * W- " uttfii $1. gust 30th 1922" * > . . ' > INE MILLION POUNDS , BELIVERED IN EAST-\ ERM' CAROLINA, >0 NEW JMEMBERS JOIN THE ASSOCIATION fioir'np.. Prator ~mA Tkanl-a<riciMi> ft' Featured Day in a Score of S Market*. . ?o? T Xlose to one million pounds of toacco were delivered to the Coopers- e ve markets of Eastern North Caro- n na. last week, at their opening* ac-* >rding to latest returns which de- tl ribo heavy deliveries at WasHlng-jit >n, New Bern, Richland, Kinston,1 nd other big receiving centers where 0 te sign up of the Cooperative is L srticulary heavy. Rejoicing, prayer and thanksgiving atured the day in a score of marK- g Is when the long cHrished hope of t his own product "in a fair, orderly p nd profitable way, became at last a g sality, following * years of struggle nd organization. 1 Visiting Goldsboro, Smithfield, Ze lon, Wendell, Bailey and Fremont, . C. Watkins, Jr., director of wareruses for the Association and C. B. heatham. assistant general manager f the J>eaf Department found al-. J lost universal entHjSiasm and satr 'faction among the grower members, k hich were, .confirmed by telegraphic poofts from a dozen other markets ,. In celebration of the day, the do'ars'' 'ere thrown open "to new signers f iroughout the belt. andV'mcire tHin ^ 50 new members .hastened to join \ io Association.^- ^ At RiehlandjC where more-than 50,- n 00 DOUi^d^ were delivered, 40 new lembetV joined the Cooperative, 38 amp' in at Kinston, where close to ^ 00,000 oounds of fofoaceo were* hanild on t"M* first ddV*. from New Rern< 4 at Washington and 30 at Smitheld, where 100.000 pounds were de- s vere'd. and 7t);000 pounds were raded, weighed and stored for shiplent. * Thro^ farmers->erv<route to Wilson,i i from (aimb eri a nd' ^Cjur. - ive wnreh'paso, At Smithfield. So T leased were, they with the total of t dvnnces and the system cf Cot>nera;-.*r?r*?r: *h:t they drove their loads} ouses. signer! *he contract and have : eturn?v! to Ctiinbsrlaild Counts, on-! u.,s:-c>;, ?f -y A^vin;r>p. wHW their first ndavnces in cash. y Heir r.ar*' :' n*dov rnvi *s r.n-' '" * * wMl, r***\\me fur-j" *T-T. ?'U).!*|4-'i . U'? ill' ,'!. ! i'M* ~ Vfor '-ach pound ->f tobacco which* H'v Wt with the Association.^ L Menvbers of thn_As?ociof:on are be-jl* *>g urged to save their fodder to de-1 iver at their convergence and in ar. t rderly manner, and sa'.isfa^tron is ^ icing expressed on all sides bv those*. ho do not fed obliged-'to rush their j <*baceo to market and do not find it, J ;ecess3rv t~ drive long distances to ecu re the hiehest price. ' The cooperative markets will be oen for deliveries on Mondays 1 fuesdays. Tl+irsdnvs and Fridays un-; 1 il the machinery is sped ur> at a lat-j s r date to meet *he increasing deliv-l ries which are expected as the farm-' r,< cron is prepared for market. 1 j Th? f 'ct that present payments are. j >ased ro a- conservative ~fca*h value' vns made clear to members delivering> dbacco en the opening day. "Finn! 5 "nvments. according to Aaron Saniro, < \.44,orney for cur Association, will a>a ftror 3 times the first casv* idvince. if the first successful sales ] f the Association are an indication 4 f the n? ices whkh i'.s leaf depart-; j1 nent will rontlnue *o secure. sEXT SrNO.VY AT THE METHODIST CHT'RCH. , 11 \. M.-The doers Nf the Church j1 Lfill he crened. Then a sermon of ieii , before fhe Junior. c-r-:cfroe**-1 ?>. * Towel bv Saw? merit of T.ord's i uoper * P. M gsrwnn hv the P |?nr. I ;uj-."V r c-lj^vh's Message Con't-v.irg Loh-r TrtuhUs. . Snr.-j. Me*s. Pat.-s ail 1 ! -v . f -Or ?rsbr.ro w.'.l hing at! | f. B. Ill ! IL.T. l . r:v=ior. MUX BI RNED. On Fridav pv:?in? p.* nbo''!*" '2 <* 'lofl: tbn flnyr nvU, saw mill etc ; ?r.]onci'.i* to 3Jr. H. F.. r< IVp^U-'iIp. ""is htirned.. Mr. Mit hci VM absent, hnvjficj gone owr'int^.' Virginia cn business matters. e.rdj >j?vs b? has no ; Ip? bow tho fit* * <~r3rii\ntel. The'.!'** is estimated a* i fi.bOO, with no insurance. soTirife | ?Tbr Hoard?*+??C<nT>nvfHngion<?r>> xi?Li floxbcrd will adoot fi< "municipal bullet for the -ensuinv fiscal year at i*s regutir meeting op September -A-j ".rrj, vi-hi'-.'i rnfteVnu ail r^"'1"! >! "-< r'?Mcv \ \ TTf. 'hoflfd UW Inv'1 r! fA srt" rend.-- ', . ?" Wv I. XEWTOX. ? , ' Mayor, j j I.ECrON MEETING. I The AtneMcan Legfttm meet1 ne\t Saturday-afternoon at %;30 o'-, ?toeV: Thm is an important .meeting < and all,members aw -urged- to be "preu-nr, .. %. . . ?;?s!?: ' ' < _ , . :-T. % ... ^ tt.? 50 Per Yfear in Advanc# No,34r BAPTIST I',I N 1)1.1'. DAY Sunday September 3rd, will be ob- , erved as "Baptist Bundle Day" for lurope. PleSse every Baptist bring' r send a good servlcable bundle of ' , lothlng or good shoes to the Bap- - ; 1 st church on that 'day- . Pres. of. Woman's Miss. Society. :;{ ?1 o .i.'.'s :."i 1EETING OF WOMAN'S ~ MISSIONARY CONFERENCE The woman's. Missionary Confer- _i_ nde kof the Durham District will leet. at Edgar Long Memorial Church ept. 7tb and Sth-^ . / " 1 O CEMETERY LOT OWNERS r * Those who wisH to try White Clovr for a turf, on their lots Will please otify the Cemetery Commissioner, liss Hatt;e E. Burch, AT ONCE huF . arsgniramnnf man Ka mafia s ijnmediate 'sowing. IPENING OF OLIVE HILL HIGH SCHOOL Olive Hill High School will open ' ept 6t 1J Every patron is requested o see that his children are at the pi'liing.-Tliia'is necessary that there? tay be no delay in ordering books. SO 2ts Helen "Wr Graves;-? RIP THROUGH THE " VALLET OF VIRGINIA. Mrs. Laura Long Mrs. Margaret, 'eague and Mr. .T, A. Long loft last.'aturday mPrnine for ? trip.^hWtegh he Valley of Virginia. They will make he trip by autei *" MOVED MEBANE ; r^j Mr. and Mrs.Jule L. WYrren and amily have moved to Mehane. Mr. barren, who formerly worked fcr Mr. iello Teer. has accepted *a position rith the. Eigle Oil Copnpnay. Their uany. friends regret to see tHom leave Mr. R. A: Burch was a DurHam viator last Thursday. ?! Mr. Joe 0. Moore soent last week ight seeing in. New York City. Mr*. T. f). K. R;c*fcnond and M3afr!/ >uo Bradsher are. visiting friends ia tidgecrest. * * * '.MUM W;s^.f. At &o'*n and Miss ouise. Thotinson <v?re Raleigrli viai- ?. rv crs last Thursflav. \* *.* *V I Mr T W r?Bihnp?tnB ooni ?. :tvj in .Baltimore last week.. 1 >_>king > fter corcIX5"1 business matters. ?"4r*?^?F ?' !! ; o i '?t on 'va in ? M ' r.r nd In?* wc,^ an business* af'iSrs. ' ^ if. x . Mrs. T. R. Sullivan rf I;vr-hborjf k'a is sues* in. the horn* of Mr. and tfjrs. K. I.. Street. ^ ' -i i m * Mr F O. Carver ar.d s-h-. F. O. Jr, '.r.d Torr.-? spent the fast in Norfolk. Va. ? * * * |K Miss Grace Somers of Burlington ? visiting on-route 1 and 5, seeing "Vrson County, V * Miss Myrtle Bnrch cf Kenansville. ST. C., is eniovinp once familiar tcenes on route 2 and 5. * * * Miss Ruth H'nrant has returned to ler* home, in Wilson aftsr speniutg tome time here with friends. Mrs. D. T-. Ream*; of Anex is visitnir her narer.ts Mr. and Mrs. RL I. ? itterfiell. rear town. * % * * * Mrs. W. C. Bullonk. and children ft last Fridav momin? f r Bullocks .vhore *hev will spend the week They nsde *hp trip in Mrs. Rulksk'i se- ^ Jan. * * * * Miss Ka'ie Sue Russell of the Rose ille section ha? returned fr^m -a proceed stay in Western Morth Caroit.n. * * * *Ir. and Mrs. EuTor.e Wilson of Fr.Vetfcev3l)? nr? visftinor relatives of Mr Wilson They mad? the trip in heir car. :* * -* fir isi; - ''v *rc :rvi TarrHy" ana M". Rnbc'V4, T.r>r'r .-.n-i fmv.ly' spent Snn n " \isi:'.nyj r Stives near Pr:sport Hill. Mr '.'ti'l/li's. R. G. CV.o and two uvkGr?. . M-issc? ' Alice' ??nd Edna, -pent sever11 ('av# last \v >'k .in Richmond . and Verfrlk, Va. Judee and Mr-*. TV W. Braisher, Mr*. F! P. .Punlsn nr>l little' Miss Mar*' Marshall 3n?i little Miss Helen Rf.i-Hher metered to Richmond last week, where thhy snent several days. Mis? Mnjrjrip >Trrrkson i? snenjimfe _ ?- .y thn ..MrnalUA: mT hoe , ? she will tro to Mebnne tr> spend some 9 time with hejC-sister. M.s. .Tule'War-wran. 1 i K _ fci * ? < t- t ?-?* ______ T"- and M*-? W T?ftf|(9 Children of Mr. and Mr?. TV t> Lott of R; -mi n phanj* -Al*.. end M*as Herthn New-t^n of, Bluefield . West Virginia, have to their ^ respective homes after speftdihsr some time here vr\*h their T>n)*o?tei, Mr. and "Mrs. W* I. Neirtrn* j **. ^ SUBSCRIBE TQrTjTP .'>QJ**T13L' J,-": . $1.50 n ye nr. jv* :i Ay-'rth ft ' . #

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