n . J. W. NOELL, Editor and Publ F :. - . . ' . S; f " * ' VOL. XXXVIV HO MARKET OPEN THE OLD AUCTION WAY *-J MORE THAN 2500 PEOPLE " ATTEND THE SALES. q Nearly Thirty Thousand Pounds Sold . at an Average of Twenty Five .w Dollar*. It sure did look good to til? business men of Roxboro yesterday, for the streets were full of farmers who >. .... l ad come to town to see how tobacco was going to start off, it being the opening day for the New Htyco, .the .only house here that will sell tobacco the old auction way this year. Many had declared it was too soon, that the p.'" farmers did not have tobacco ready for market and few expected thereto Ik, "be such a large amount on hand. Ear 1y Monday evening the wagons began w/fr to come in and by sale time yesterday morning the large floor of the New Hyco was more than half cov ered with the golden weed. The sales amounted to more tBan 26000 pounds bringing an svera'ge of Twenty Five Dollars, the highest pile bringing the handsome sum of Seventy One Dollars per hundred. We did not see a single tucked tag and the farmers all. seemed to be well pleased at the prices, especially considering it was the opening day, with quality always of the poorer kind. True, it was just about the best tobacco we ever saw offered on an ppening sale, and it was decidedly trt? best price for an opening sale. The-price was a little mbre than fifty per cent higher titan the opening sale last year, the price _for that * :*a8e being $16.20. * Ml of the big companies Are re represented and you can oaake the pre< ,iiction that when the sale# are over Rbxboro will still maintain her reI cord for making the highest svorage of any imA?t in, tiji* section, either 1^?in North Cs'r.T.nn Wjvinrtnmr F" '. Moss. XV. T. Pass S Co., proprieP7 , tors of the New Hyco, Hive bailt foi F Ihe farmers ^the most complete, the warehouse we have ever seen, an ] t r , farmers are assufed of, not only tne best price, but the best accommodation they will receive any whore. o .'SUPPER PARTY AT HELENA. I On Thursday evening, August 31st, Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Hall delightfully H entertained at a supper party, at (heir home in Helena, in honor of Mr. an! Mrs. TWomas H. Clay, -Of that place, who were recently ?married. Mrs [' ^Clay, before her marriage, was MLsa Myrtle Pass of Rtoxbcro, N. C. At ne\?en-thirty the guests were invited into the dining room where a delicious four course supper was aerved. The-dining room was heauti| fully decorated with roses and ferns, a cdor scheme of pink and \phlte be^ inK used throughout. A centerpiece Killarney and Brides roses was used on the dining table. Mr. Penn Noell acted as tcast-itiaster for tlfe occasion. The bride was Attractive in an evening gown_of grey and pink crepe meteor. The hostess wore a gown of I black-crepe de chine. Those enjoying the hospiatlity of Mr. and Mrs. Hall were Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Clay, Misses Bessie Laws, Myrtle Gocch, Helen HaM, Elizabeth and Earle Timbertake and Mamie L. Faucette. of Durham, N. C., Messrs ? Fred?Laws and Penn Noell.?T. OLIVE HILL SCHOOL OPENS SEPTEMBER 6 | Olive Hill High School"opened Wednesday* Sept. 6th. The teaching force H this session will he as follows: Miss MM {Treves, nrineinal. and Misses [Fill* TV- ?- Gjrrie Watrstaff, Blanche Winstead, llfltal 0l> pham . ana. Haldah Heater. FALL SHOWING OF MILLINRRY .. .We wialiiia announce oar first " showing cf Fall and Winter uilHin~ -cry. the 8th and 9th of September Every ana invited. WAGNER & CARNEY. ' ' LABOR DAY. Labor Day waa observed here b\ the closing' of the post ofhce and 'the three banks, otherwise ./business went ton a? uwal. . _ . * ^ ~ . isher . ' Hhrt < i, - ,'T *. k i?"'l ? '': "? > - ' ROXBORO BETJEl HILL ... HIGH SCHOOL Mr. A. C< Gentry, Superintendent, Doing a Greet . Work. The Bethel Sill Bftgh School open-1 ed tHis morning, and while we. have ] J Had -no report ay to the.. opening, we ' ftjel sure. it. was a- success, for in I talking with Mr. GanJry, the Superintendent, he expressed himself as well pleased with the prospects". Few schools have a more enviable reputation than. .-Bethel H&ll High Scliool. Last year there were 8 who' received diplomas, and all have entered some college, 6 of them ' goinj? to j standard colleges all entering with|out having to stand examination. . Bethel" Hill lacks only two minor points of being an accredited high school, these being a shortage of the necessary number of volumes in the library and failure to make the average in attendance in tHe high school igTades. It is expected to correct both ' /v# fVinan rlofnnta imfkin tVio nnvt thir. Ity days. They will give a play on next ' Saturday -night fbr the benefit of the ' library fund and enough pupils are J guaranteed to remedy the latter. | We doubt if there is another scMool | In the County which will surpass them when it cqmes to the faculty. Every' j teacher and member of he faculty is experienced, and eVery one, save one, , holds a college diploma. Naturally, the people of this good section are ! proud of tlteir school, and "we rejoice iwith them. o AN ERRONEOUS REPORT i It has been reported on the streets .here that several farmers were so dissatisfied with their sales on tils opening "that they took" their tobacco off of the floor and carried it to one cf the co-operative houses and signed | contracts joining the Association. Now, this is absolutely without- foundation for there was not a single pile of tobacco moved from our floor,! save one load where tlh landlord was a member of the Association and the, tenant wa- i.a: " i ad was'diss I ide'd and theilandlord took his fourth and carried it away, while the tenant sold his part' and was well pleaseu, In Truth, we did not hear a single - ct.mnlaint from any farther and the Mill Ml [II M 11111111 |i I 1 I '|K~" W. T. PASS & CO. M. A. .WALKER DIES IN PORTO RICO. P. R. Winston-Solem, Sept. 2.?M. A. VN alker. Sr., who foj* -many years was ' engaged in the tobacco business here and who for some tim? later was with the American Tobacco company, died Thursday at the home of his son. M. A, Walker, Jr., in San Jua*n, Porto Rico, where the father and aon owned large business interests. Mr. Walker*-has been in failing Health for year or mere and a few weeks ago he went to New York anil consulted specialists. They advised him to go to Pcrto Rico for treatment. Besides his wife, the deceased is survived by two daughters, Mrs. W. A. Lambeth; of High Point and Mrs. Leonard Blackburn of Saginaw MicH. two sons, M. A. Walker Jr., and B. B. Walker~the' .. *v:?; pn? ?is.t<*r, Mrs Nancy Burton, of Rocky Mount, and one brother, R. P. Walker, of-Ashe-1 , ville. (The deceased was a brother of the t late Mrs. T. H- Street of Mill Creek. - Ed.) TEACHERS ASSOCIATION. i ??o . _ TU, . L^imf oaaainn A f f H-> 1 Association will be hekt <m next Saturday week -"SFpU'mtEC I' 16th, No person who expects to teach in Person reunty this year can afford to miss it. It is absolutely necessary for all teachers to attend. The session will open at 10:RO, A. ? M. t- The Committeemen of each school to . see that their teaeHjrs come and we 1 111 he delighted to hare the committee meaineel~WTth??aap?_______ ?Jr A. Beam. NOTICE. TU young people of Helens invite you to come Saturday evening, dept. "9th, to Helena Church, M. E., where they wilt aerve a mysterious luncheon from eight to eleven o'clock, for r the i.enefit of the new church. A s good time is promised every one who t will come, -also 'a lot of nice eats. forgot t! If date jnd^ place. 7~T - ?? - . tgjfig p. First, Abi NORTH CAROLINA'. CO OP MARKETS >' OPEN IN WES1 CO-OPERATIVE AMOCIATlMr TO OPEN ABOUT SEPT. 11 Probability of Second Cash Advance1 in the Near Future. I The Cooperative markets of Wit tern North Carolina will begin rocetv ! ing tobacco of the members of th Tobteco droWefS' Cooperative Aasq cintion about September 11th, accord ing to the announcement following I last week's meeting of the director of the Association. While Durham, Henderson and th markets of tile Tobacco Cooperaltv lying beween the Eastern and fa Western belt of North Carolina or scheduled to open next week the ofh I Or CO-Onprative Wfl^hAnua ViMm is and the old belt will open a bod September 25th. The successful operation of the Co operative Market in South Carolin and, the east, where tHe Associatioi has the smallest- membership, indi cates increasing^ success in the ol belt where the sign-up in many coun ties rtlns oVSi1 -50 per cent. IFrom all parts of the belt, expres aions of loyalty . and satisfaction ar reaching' association headquarters a Raleigh. ''I would not sign the Co operative Marketing- Association' con tract, thinking I would stay out an; get some of the money the Independ e''? had led me to think I would ge b> s.iiing my tobacco independently, writes "G. L. Seals, of Dillon, S. C who adds: "I sold my first load a auction, it brought $16.65. I was no satisfied at these price#. I turned th 1 tags, signed the Co-operative Mark eting Contract and delivered the sam ! tobacco agnin? they advanced/ m $15.08." ' ?| | Resenlcnent over rumors to ujc6 xozi growor-memoers ci nj.hew BMoebtien # offices \vPh letters. an affidavits to the contrary. I Probability of second cash advance | in the. near future to the'South Care j lina members who have delivered to ! bacco is resulting in heavy delivei ' "*rtl f'??* *?? fi^pnlina racket I an inhere is general satisfaction ove the success of the association. S. B. Frizzejl. NOTICE I I! TO THE PEOPLE OF ALLENSVftLE TOWNSHIP. If is our idea to begin work very soon on a road north of the main Allensville road and .! east of the present cross road connecting the Allensvirie road .and the Virgilina road. We deI sire to build this road in the ' most practicable plbre and1 ? wlJ>re it will benefit the most I people. If you have afty interest 1 as to where this road should go please see us at once. I . centfjai. htgvtway COMMISSION DR. K. M .WAGSTAFF RETURN! j Dr. H. M. Wagstaflf, who has bee sojourning in Europe the past twelv | months has retumel, and it was ou | pleasure to hear him tell a tittl something about tWa condition exfsl j.ing at this time in that country. W recall the Dr. delivered an addres |her? just 3fter this country declare j war on Germany, and it was a res j gem, and we suggest that some o our clubs get busy and have him ad dress us on the things which *he obser ed 'whilo in?Europe. If. would be treat indeed. 2 o DEATH OF MISS EMILY POINTEI Miss Emily Pointer died at tfc home on North Main Street las Thursday night. She had been ill fc quite a while and was very despond ent. She was a member of Roxbor Baptist Church, the funeral service being held at Ihti MM und bin il i services at the cemetery, conduct* by her paator, Rey. R. E. White, <u iisted by_Rlev. j. B. Hurley and Re' w o. a?r1* ? ? Th? following out of tohrts friend were here for the funeral: Mr. Jc Pointer of Raleigh; Mr. Will Point* of Warrerrtcmr Miss Sallie Pointer < Petersburg and Mrs. Gee of Rid Ynoud - > Subscribe to The Courier ?^J ?V. , . . .. road N?t. :as^Ofc J-LLl'- 1 r _ Wednesday Evening Sep BANKERS ENDORSE CO-OPS. if Kentucky Bankers Association Strong-' ly indorse Co-Operative AsJO? ; . ciation. " ' - - 1 " ' " ' - j Committee on Reaotntioni of the; W I Kentucky Bankers Association sojt- , j '' hltta.1 the following resolution which J was adopted by the Association t t Tfhat the Kentucky Bankers Asso. j-Sftion apprpvesrtoilecttyely and tndf. I visually of the- Tobacco Growers Co'jrperativo Association, a -movement p " i fbwards scientific selling to meet the u M scientific buying of the grant -tobacco e ^companies, and urge upon the grow* ers of the dark tobacco belt of -Kep- z ' "tucky to perfect their organization." s ?j "That we thank the War Finance 'Corporation lor its ready tender of t 8, assistance and for its timely loan to a e the Burley Tobacco Growers Associa- c o I This was copied from the Septem- 9 * j ber edition of tife Southern Banker t " published at Atlanta Georgia, the t i largest Bankers Magazine published r j in the United States and titer* is pti- v "itively no question as to th* correct- t *i ness of this statement. t "j^-Every Grower of this Association ] j!composed of the three"States, North c and South Carolina pud Virginia^ r j sftfiilM Vnow tHat the Kentucky Amsp-', . Jelation was a complete success r|d ( h, to throw aside theif fears as tdd their t'Own Association. It Li In cijHfale > hands and the possibility Of a fail- s j ure 'is'practically nothing. Make up j j jsaur minds to abide by your contract 1 _ jand stay in the ring for your ulti- l "urate good. j ,i ' o-. . t . MESDAMES BULLOCK AND CLARK ENTERTAIN. > t Mesdames W. C. Bullock and W. S. e Clary, Jr? entertained at seven tab- j -jles of rook Friday afternoon at the V -home of Mrs. J. W. Noell. Varied t e-colored asters formed th* decorations i the house. Concluding the gam**"1 PRi- salad .course with tea, ice cream and t was served, tbo tha: following f fiSleste; Itosdame's'B-. E.'.Lo.ve. G. W". FflKSHT'S. 'fitirfis. M. ft Cong.^ ' d j. D. K. Richmond, W. F. Long, E. jO. Long, R. W. Stephens, T. W. Hen- i s derson, W. T. Pass, W. D. Merritt, E. ( '* j E_ Thomas, I 0. WiiKerson, B. G. I. '- Clayton, H. S. Morton, J. J. Win.\t?a.i, j t '-.I- BL Carlton. Will Chadwiek cf New } ft. Bern. Bruce Newell, H. W. Winstead*{? 11 ii m 11 iiiiih i>r rrir^n^"*4 W- t. j I Long and Misses Ethel Newton, Lvie I ' i Long, Bertha Clayton, Sue noell and J [Mary Harris.. -1 o 1 BETHEI. H?LL ITEMS. Here I am again after a weeks j J absence from your popular paper. t J The farmers through our neighbor| hood are very busy trying to get | their crop saved, the tobacco crop is very good through Here. I There will be a play given at BethI el Hill School house next Friday night, | the proceeds will go for the benefit i of the school. J j Bethel HHU School will open Here j on Wednesday Sept. thef 6. i Mrs. Bettie Brooks, keeps very fee- , ! ble." [' Mrs. Vasco Woody is suffering "jwith Rheumatism. Mrs Samuel Hudson of Elizabeth f ' j City is spending some time with her T n parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Woody. f e j Mr. T, B. Woody of Roxboro is i r seen passing through our town right t e often going to see his aunt Mrs. Bet** , tie Brooks. ' e j Miss Elizabeth Woody left last j 3, Thursday Jot Woodland, N. Cv, | ^ where she teaches the copiing year. ^ ^ < Mr. W. R. Woody and Miss Annie , Laurie Bafnett of your city were * | visitors in the homes of Mess. W. A. v 1 and Geo. E. Woody's Sunday. a | Mr. Ralph Cole and family of Roxj boro were visitors irrthe home of Mr. ; Geo. E. Woody last Sunday, eating L j watermelons and ncuppemong gfapes. ] ' Mr. and Mrs. Pat and Mrs. Geo. E. ? Woody made a short business trip ? T to Roxboro Monday evening.?X. Y. v . |' J MOVED IN TO NEW STORE, d; y tA all of my friends 1 d an<) rusiomi-n. !twl '<*1 ni.hem -who _ I" ^ wish to buy groceries st the right i ' prices, that I hare moved ih to my ,! new store on Nortii Main Street, op-" i 1* posite CrowefF Garage, and am bet- 1 ? ter prepared than ever to serve you. !r line is larger #nd my prices are >' just right. Don't forget the plaee and cotne to ns for what you may need , ih the grocery, fepd and :seed lines. ?J Yours for business, I, ? HUGH WOODO. . " _* " *? 7*-'- , V. . . ' ' :F.$1.5 a. * . ^ 1 tcrtber 5th lOKBlMfiflADED - SCHOOLS OPEN - wm ?O? gp [ondat' a gala day FOR^THE KIDDIES. . Ivery Grad^eflave Possibly. the Ele- ?t venth. "fJl to AvefH-jwiag. *n .. Laist if dnda y* mo rnfn g rat 9 o'Clbck oxboro Graded Schools opened for Ro be fall eterm? TMsre . were opening ? xereiaaa, with unite a number of hort addresses By^ome of the eitlens of the loam which were attended y tnany of the^psrents. It was an ey? opened to most of sei hose who wefljPfri sagnt, for the large ,cl uditorium was packed -to ita ytraosl 1:0 2pacity, and when Prof. Stalvey; -.ade. t hs. s tatemant tHat every grade.- >. ave*i>o?aiblF the eleventh, was more nan iuii ana many wouia nave to i)cnrned away. It made thoae present ealize as never before that something have to be done to care for hese boys and girls. Just think, more " ban fifty in the first grade, witH ony one teacher, and yet, there was a lel ryrftr admission from those who j ?? auld hot be accommodated. And th; N' condition exists In all other ~ trades, save poseiWy the eleventh. The full corps of teachers were on at isnd ready for bnsiness and optimism eemed to be present with all, with ^ irospects for the best session ever, g, Ve did not team the number enrolled ca mt it was decidedly more than the a >resent building was ever expected ~ ,o accommodate. > . 0 ne iIEBANE MARKET TO OPEN l?th. * to Mr. D. D. Satterfield, who will a- fa tain run one of the independent warn- Pi .ouses in Meba'ne gave us a call >e?- if erday and stated the Mebane market j R, vould open 05 Sept. lgtk. Mebaoej ? ias? stood in the front pankS as ?: o'bacco market and prespecta are-| jcod for a big bnsiness: ? We wish to thank* our neighbors J? ind friends for their many kindness^ ? ?s sb^wn. us during: the sickness and __ it fhe death of our sister. Your houghtfulness will ev^n-a be remem- se )trei ant appreciate!. _ MISSES KATE and SUE POINTER : ?O 2C RRIA.SVMLK STEW. On last Thursday night Mess. Halli?r Bros, and Mr. A. M. "Long gave a W jrunswick stejv to their friends at; MIC 111 LIJsMI IVUflttO UJUI3 Ileal LVIWI1. > was a stew worth while, and more J han 200 partook of their hospitality.. nf 0 | ht IEV. H. E. WHITE jd? SPOKE AT THE RAbLY.,W; Rev. R. E. White delivered an ad- ier Iress or! "The Relation Between the'' dome, the Church and the /ScHooL", " it the Allensville School rally last Sunday afternoon. There was a large ~~ :rowd and some very fine singing. J . o ' >ca IfR. ED WIISON THE FIRST TO DRIVE IN. Mr. Ed Wilson has the distinction' if hainff thp first farmer to dr^ve in Q, he Mew Hyco with a load of tobacco w, 'or sale the old auction way. He came | \y n Monday evening witll a good load' d, ind was well pleased with his prices. __ SERVICES AT MITCHELL'S "" "bf CHAPEL. j|i I will hold services at Mitchell's hapel next Sunday, the 10th, at 4 P.'to A. The public is cordially invited to ittend the service. W. O. SAMPLE. o , ?n IMPORTANT MEETING. |jn ? ?=? ' j in The stockholders wiTT meet with the ^ director! of the Person County Fair ar Saturday, Sept. 9th. at 2 o'clock, injwj he Court house. All -members arrt'B{, :rj?ed to attend as there is some im-' ^ >ortant business to be transacted at w his mentin*. ev o E ONGHURST SCHOOL TO OPEN. P> The Ixanghurst school will be fin d< "n MnrtillMi i ' "fh fl^ j'h ) o'clock. Parent* and friend* of the; b< ichool are invited to be preaent at " :he opening exerciaea. LOUISE THOMPSON. ? -Revival aerrices are being held at Red Mountain,- near Rougemont, thia week. Paator si. H. Baas ia being ss- ei listed by' Dr. Bowers, pastor of tH> di First?Baptist Church, Chattanooga, ct ; :?1?1?-?? *r ?' i ? r4 0 Per Year in Advance No-3 s Want Ads WANTS)?A "Cropper for next >r with good forces, L. C, BRADIER, Roxboro, N. C. tf ? ?;? FOR SAKE?-Corn tt per rrcl, also grain drills, corn binders. nsawossrwr J, R. GOOOH, Timberlake; N. C. ?? <s-? THE ONLY American Cafe in xboro, the Roxboro Cafe. Give us trial and Be convinced.' , ' Buy Flour and Feed stuff at Hugh oods,' FOR SALE, Good choke Little Bed ;d wheat at $1.75. No better can be ind.- Apply to C. G.' Daniel, Roxro, N. C-, route 4, 9-6,2tpd ^ FOB RENT OR SHARES?Two rae farm one mile from Roxboro. ell improved; Dr. B; E. Love.'96 tf. ?? j-9 i WANTED?A copy of the issuea July 5th and 19th, of The Co utter, you Hive one of these laying aund wo Will greatly appreciate your tting us have ?hem, as we have lost ir files of these issues?J. WOELL, Editor of The Courier. , . .. %. y Alt kind of Clover and grass seed HUGH WGDD$. I have a splendid 2 story, frame, baeco storage House on Lamar Teet I will sell cheap. Want 'to vate the lot preparatory to placing^ dwelling. S, Pt SATTERFIELD. ^ DESIRABLE Hombs for Sale?Two w residences, just outside the cor.rate limits in Southern part of the red road. One ready to occupy, ricea and terms reasonable. Sec ma you want a home.?J. L. Garrett, >xboro, N. C, CAR OF LIME MARLE About- September 10th I will have car of Lime Marie on hand for sale. in the ounty and is sold t>n its reputation. . 30tf. I, O. ABHlTT. Plenty Seed oats, elayer and srrasd ed . at HUGH WOODS. . FOR ftpNTr?jjsoi 2 horse farm, :od uraih. and tobacco lend, with -"* ' irliiin"" Will .furnish teams renter can .furnish own teams, apy to j. A. Wade, Leasbure, N. C. 9-G,2tpd. STOLEN at the colored association ar Mayo. Va. One big dark brown >und with white points, white onr breast with rather coarse hair, as lame on one hind leg when stoli, reasonable reward for any informion as to where lie is, all infonna:>n kept secret. H D. JONES. Mayo, Va. 9-6-2pd GOOD MILK COW, yearling or If for sale. Price reasonable. Apply A. J. Pheasants, Hurdle Mills, NT. Cute 3. ltpd 9-6. Sell the Original Watkins Products 3od city territory still open. Get oar onderful offer and free samples, rite today. The J. R. Wajkins Co., ept. 80, New York, N. Y. 9-6 3tpd. WANTED?Man witH car to sell st low-priced Cord Tires made. 00.00 *per week and expencea. Graim Tire .Co., 3263 Pipestone, Benn Hprbor, Mich. notice to bird lovers. We are requested to call a meeting he court house for Thursday eveng, 8 o'clock, for the purpose of aeeg if some steps can not he taken make the game law of. some force id effect in this County. An effort ill be made to form some kind of an aociation of the hunters and farm's to arrange for a game warden hose duties it will be to prosecute ery one who violates the bird laws, rery one joining tHe association will edge himself to report every one ) tec ted violating the law. We hop* ere will be a good attendance of r i > ?. , Yrith ie cooperation of all much can be me towards protecting the birds. COMB AJ<Dr>^iuGH. There will be a negro minstrel givi at Hurdle Mills School on Silui* ly nigHt, Sept. 9th. Ever/body >me. Admission Hi cents. ?r "? I \ ~ ' '

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