? [VT i i?_ i f_ " ' If you are cootemplati i?S NOW IS THE TIM of all kinda will be bar t1- J' ' -V "C-"?:!* . ? p-i- '< ' , much longer and prices have a moat complete a vances and we are in a po bill. Our opinion is: Price sixty days from now. I ROXBOl Ll Home of Q . i . . In ? 91 Sash doors, frames, ~ Lime, Cemen - . Shingles, I [ " ?' 7? -4~ - ? . . Mantels, Paint * ' "EVERYTHINGTTO Bl Watkir ' i - , Roxhoro, N. C. """"?? PU War DUF 4 " . TOBACCO GRO> . You are in the , value of. the crop Moor. That is the 1 P you should be sun i \Y.arehouse in Durf , shot from the men the doors of the IV Durham manufa ; any other city in th i [ son is the garden s | PLANTERS WAJ and best spot in tf I baCco. The largest comes to Durham yourself the square co at the PLAi where the first bif loss. Our motto is EYE WITH THE ? ?mg all fchance of s The day you sel important day in i s-. _ day you tjan not t hacco. We have tl in t he "State and a i T to has always sole PLANTEP I- - a ; J. DL Hamlin, i ' r! Owners, i r . 1*. ' v" ' 4 " I * " " * * " ' * ,t' ' >5 ..^s > it DW - " log doing: any building or repair* "?Q START. Building material d to get if the strikes continue are stiffening every week. We tock bought before the late adeition to save you money on your !S of today will look like bargains >0 IT " NOW. J: RO UMBER CO uality Shingles ' " IDU1 ~ I.g, Siding, t, Plaster, > . . ,aths, Roofing, ^ Grates, tile, * 8, Oils, etc. JILD WITH". IS & r ft y' . Bullock 7 Fnone 94 inters qvi/\hc/\ ^IIUUO^ IHAM, N. C. .VERS: business for the money > wJ ten?sold on Auction ~L last leaf in the boolc7and e to sell at the leading lam, N. C. where the first behind the gun lands it in 1ANUFACTURERS, . ictures more tobacco than e world, and for that reapot of the world and the REHOUSE is the oldest le garden to sell your topart of your tobacco crop anyway. Why not give : deal ancKsell your tobacMTERS WAREHOUSE i protects you from any SlKlK.ti 1HL tSULL^ FIRST~SHOT'-' eliminatipeculation. ^ 1 your tobacco is the most the ^rop year. This is the ake chainces in selling tole best lighted waTehouse ecord to prove that tobac1 fpr more money here.ts WAREHOUSE ' IT T. Roycroft. and Pioprietois. ' ; L v. " ~ , .... ''\ . > THE raOXBORO gOCTir " THE GOURIE] Fjoxboro, M. C. Sept. -20th 192< Don't you hear them say -Get it ROXBOEO LUMBEB CO. Mr*. L. C. Herring is visiting 1 husband in Richlands this week. . . , Mr. B. C. Clayton of WatrenK spent the week end here visiting i ends. ?. ? ? Mrs. Josephine Parker- spent i week end in Richmond, Va., vlsiti her husband. * * * Mrs. J. Q. Woods and danghi Annie and Mlsa Glena Woods of Ch< City, Va, are visiting Mrs. J. Woods. * Mrs. George Wagataff of Dunn, C, is visiting friends herei e'." Mess. B. A. Epperson and Ail Kent of Halifax spent several da here-last week. - - * * * : Mrs. W. A. Mills and daught Miss Lorena spent last week in Da ville visiting friends # e e Mr. James Thomas was carried ij Watts hospital last Saturday. I was ncdompanied by Mrs. Lu Tbomas and Mrs." E. E. Thomas a Dr. B. A. Thai ton. Miss Millie Jane Brooks left li Saturday for Petersburg where s will visit friends. 'a' Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Bruin of He derson have been here several da looking after the new arrival of goo at the Rose 5 and 10 Cent Store. ' * Misses Alice and Mattie Scoot . spent the week end in Gibsonvil I . visiting their brotthr,' Mr. John ! Scoggin. ? * Mrs. W. T. Daniel and daught "Miss Gelfa, spent last Friday in-Di bam. * Misses Noma and Nina Rogers I Tuesday * for Greenville, where th will be members of the senior cli of E. C> T. C. * * * We were glad to see an old R Mr. F. A. Brown, who did so muclJ the engineering fob the gcod roads this County, And, be it said to credit, no County in the State 1 better roads. * * * * ?.' Mrs. J. W. Brooks, who has b< ftAnf'.nn^ tA " Vior 1 Kmn fnr onvs weeks, is improving and her friei ' j will be glad to ktn>w sKe^Ls "now* a ! - .<./ - s f * *-Tbis office, was. brightened 1 TlJliUStaf*-evCTring by a visit fr ; Misses Pacle and Pearce, of Alle J ville High School, and Rev. .Toe ] J Currln, principal. THE PEOPLES BANK ROXBORO. X. C. i r Ha3 been Officially designated a Depository for the Tobacco Grc _ . j-r* f?i Operative?AsmJiUMb. Hi .. _yie_ypuf checks tTJroujjh this Ban f PRINCES 'lit . . r . , 'J ROXBORO, ' Advance program from Thiir^i THURSDAY A! OOLDWYN' PICTURES p 1 t pine story of Home "THE ( LOUISE LOVELY?MOLLY i For benefit of Epworth Lea 25c ar.il 50c. Tickets now on SAT WILLIAM FOX presents 1 01 ZANIHAK" A WILLIAM A(itie11 Extra. LARRY SE "THE HICK" two reels. Opet 25c. EVENING AT 7:15 P. MONDAY AND ' JESSIE L. LASKY preser .1 ' FOREST STANLEY and MA ? eL J DIANA" A?Dmmihuh.IIIUII r j ; j . TUBE, ONE OF'THE NEV I The picture was directed 1 , t; t . THE INSIDE OF THE CUP. Spectacular of all Cosmopol j ADDED EXTRA, HARO-LD I i V DANIELS in 'MASSED HO [ I sions. ' ' WfcDV HBALART PICTURES pr SPUtN- VAMP" supported bj The story cf a bride wlJos* ish her until he could get a; ADDED EXTRA, SCREEN J I* j. j jVIovie^ctot^^ CoYniniir Notembcr fith. 7th AND SAND. Watch for dj j ~ Dt*lilik,lii Ki'vaU'sl l to - " ' - " i . . ^ .<*. . r. : , O Men.. Frank L. Woody and Joe ^ Roger*, Mn. George Joyner and > daughter Mies Roy, Miasea Nan ? Woody and Millie. Jane Brook* spent *' a few day* in Petersburg last week. They made the trip in Mr. Frank Woody'* sedan. >ar ' . ** ? ^ lb*,,Pat Nelson of New Bern is visiting in the home of Mr. T. W. MB pima . ? id- ****'- ) Bfer, Mr. Brown of Roe*'Hill. N. C. spent several day* here, last week :Ne visiting hie ihtHer. Mr. A. P. Brown. n?| gee* Mr. Thad K_ Jonea was a RoxJboro visitor last Thursday and favored us ter with a pleasant call. ?*e * H. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. S. Arch Jones a son, John Noell Jones, on last Thursday morning. N. ..... Vines Bradsher, one of the prosperous colored farmer* of this Counen ty came in last Friday to renew his ys subscription to The Courier. Vface says he hsa the Finest crop He has raised since 1913, and is selling the t^r old snefinn wnv in Mr. J. E. Dean was among the pleasant callers at this office last Satto urday. He is one of the committeemen in his district and takes much interna est in the scHool affairs, nd e e e ? We are indebted to our young friends, Mess. J. N. Rogers and E. 'A. wt Brooks of Timberlake, route 1, for a he pleasant call yesterday morning. They had just, delivered a load of tobacco to the Association and Mt. Rogers stated that if he did not get but fifty >ys per cent more for hit load he would sis be more than pleased. ' Mr. Osmond Smith, one of the"real fin good farmers of the Semora section. ie> favored us with a call yesterday. U ? We enjoyed a pleasant call from our friend Mr. W. . F. Timberlake last c. Friday. t I iey I WE SELL - {I 1BH WM I and ox- 9 REPAIR R z\ JEWELRY hf WATCHES i*iI CLOCKS I EYEGLASSES -"9 JEWELS GET b i HE B I The I I Newells 3 s "7 ' 1 THEATRE - : ' N. C. lay Sept. 28th to Wednesday O'rt. 1?h. SD FRIDAY 28th 29th. . resents Rupert Hughes' heart ycripJLD NEST" with MARY ALDEX? NALONE. ' , icue of Methodist ClJjrcn. Admissions sale. Open at 7:15 P. M. I RDAY 30th. .VtLLIAM RUSSELL in "THF. MEN FOX PRODUCTION in five acts. MON (The kin}? of Comedians) in 1 Matinee at 2:30 P. M. Aim. Hie and M. rUESDAY OCT. 2nd. 3rd. it* MARION DAVIES Supported by CLYN ARBLTKLE.in "THF VOUXC. TMUdlldh. A PARAMOUNTPIC IT FORTY ONE. >V ALBERT CAPELLANI who made litis is one of the mort Luxurious & itans. ' i 1A.QYD, SNUB POLLARD, BEBE 'NRYMOON". No advance in admisE3nAY~OOT. 4 III. ?essmts MAY MACAVOY in "HOlUEr GUVOLI VKW and CHAS. OG.UE. e husband promised to love and cher- | n "annulment. SNAPSHOTS. See your Favorite . ROUDOLPH VAI.F.VTTO i'lVBLOOD ttes on MANSLAUGHTER Cecii B. , date. : " j x . - ~ .:?? tr ~~ I It Pays to E Goc We hare taken on the Kt and with people who know, Ka good clothes. Good Clothes look bettei make You feel better when yo others a better impression of.] fer you the best and at reasor wonderful improvements on < and you will find here one of in the South. Come in and tak * trade with us. Try It. a < LT T uuvu m.jl UL> k ROXBOR |r~J. W. Fea || .... -. ' With' Banner W ] - DANVILL i l' DANVILL1 EVERY FARMER KNO) LI L-JUUARTERS FOR THE SALi safe in urging my farmer fri< Counties to bring me some of COME TO SEE ME AT T1 t I f Banner W DANVILl s 1 "NE | in ; | i * ' i ' j Ware! F} ROXBOI I h j - . i.. Is now open and will | Saturday an$l Sunday, Tobacco the Old Cash I * is the best constructed j ^Carolina or Virginia-? a house can be built.,E | for man and beast. : Our sales the past w erything on the floor be I j if you want the i iir- urci niunco j jti come to 1 he New Hyc< Remember, The Ne ery sale day regardless say. Try us with a load home with' thef CA$H your prices. Respect r?? I?W. T. PAl . * - * f AGE yPTBT Juy I id Clothes | TPBNHEIMER CLOTHES M . ippenheimer Clothes meafij BL 1 1 r and lasts longer. They f| u wear them and they give fjl rou. It ts oar purpose to of- B| [able prices. We have made g Dur Gents Furnishing side H the most up-to-date stores ?j e a look. It will pay you to |j Satterfield 1 .0, N. C. manawwwwuarawiiww \ ?? i therston The rarehouse E, VA. 3, VA. (VS DANVILLE IS HEADi GF^F0BA GO, antH feel ;rids of Person arid Caswell their good tobacco. HE '* arehouse, 1 :e, va. v :\v ? co ' house ftO, N. C.' be every day, except for. the sale of your way. The New Hyco warehouse in North as near fire proof as j .very accommodation ( [ ' reek averaged for ev- I tter than $25.00, and r PRICE a, at Roxboro. w Hyco will sell ev-'~ i of what others may and we will send you and satisfied withr fully, . SS & CO^- -ir . ..." ^^, ;n ri ^ i 'j