'> - 9R-- ?? '. -marketing contracts. Announcement that six suits by the Tobacco Growers' Co-operative Association of Virginia and the Carolinas will immediately be instituted against contract breakers in eastern North Carolina and South Carolina, brings! - cut the fact that the North Carolina law ltia teeth in it. Section 25 of this law, -called An Act to Encourage the Co-operative Marketing of Farm Products, and to " Authorize the Incorporation of Cooperative Marketing Associations, reads as follows: "Any person or persons, or- any corporation whose officers or employes knowingly induces or atempts to induce any member or stockholder Of an -association organize! horeunwith the association, or who malicder to breah his marketing contract i iously and knowingly spreads false i reports about the finances or man-) agement thereof shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to a fine of not less than one hundred dollars (tlOOTand not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000) for such offense and shall be liable to tb: association aggrieved in a civil suit in the penal SOW of five hundred dollars ($500) for each said offense: Provided, that 'Hill M 1.1,111! onnlv to a bona fide credr-'.or of any member or stockhoolder of such association, or the agents or attorney of any such bona fide creditor, endeavoring to make collection of the indebtness." The Uws of Nortb Carolina further ri ' ' , ? Day and Ni; ji Octobe 25?2< 27?28 ? WE-ST AND WILL P RAYjOFSPE ER, BROUGITY. ^ A EX1 U. , ST rr-Apr ? ?l 't VJL/V> I _ NIGHT?FRE BANDS IN A CONTEST?K , FER CQNTEi vi > \ ADMII ? H \ X - - DAY AN! ? ^ i I ' v x jv ADULTS I CHILDREN . . ? . * f auto parking ch j| INSIDE GROUNDS J'.'gJB'l-'l."- !i.J upheld t.ha marketing contract ' of the 80,000 organ ixed tobacco growers in which the grower agrees that chonld ho fail tr sell and deliver all of his tobacco to the association, Jsa shall pay the association five cents '' jnidated.-damages for each pound iclNered outajde the assoiacion." The North Carolina law reads ds follows: "The by-laws and the marketing contract may fix, as liquidated damages, specific asms to be paid by the members of stockholder to tta association upon the breach by him of any provision of the marketing contract regarding- the Bale or delivery or withholding of products; and may further provide that the * member will pay all costs premiums for bonds expenses and fees in case any action is brought upon thte contract by the association; and any such provisions shall be va,!d and enforeablc in thj courts of this State. y In the event of any such breaofi or threatened breach of such marSetmg contract by a member, the ^sociaItion stall,be entitled to an injunction to prevent the further breach of the contract, and "to a degree of specified preformance thereof. Pending the adjudication of such and action, and upon filing a verified complaint showing the breach or threatened breach ,and upon filing a sufficient .bond, tbc aecoaiation shall be entitled to a temporary restraining order prehminery injunction against member." Aaron Sapifro, "the attorney for the Tobacco Growers' Co-operAtive Association, who will conduct suits against contract breakers a aid; iiA few men cannot block the 80,000 organized tobacco growers of the Carolinas and "Virginia who have behind them the National laws, State laws and overwhelming public opinion." Although Virginia and South Carolina have similar laws to that of North Carolina upon their statute books, North Carolina leads the way as the first Southern State to protect lbr farmers with an adequate law for the Co-operative* Marketingr-of farm products,?News & Observer, published by request. IN MEMORY OF MRS. CHARLES B. BROOKS. __ Roxborc, N. C. "Precious in the sight of the Lord ic the death cf His .saints/' /We esteem it a precious privilege to Have known through intimate association for four years, Mrs. Charles *htl A . ;r -?jl. 5 a ; i FA 1 j ro: afffi^q^lean wh rovide for this fe ctacular events ! it to roxboro and > r--; .!;:? ... "ra special attra irate display of f :e acts, band cg ttendance "ye oi handsome prizes? 5t now. 5SION. n NiriHT _ ; SOct . . 25c. '! 1 +. n * * ? 1 ARGE ? i ~? -j# *? ???? . 25c. Tin; ROXBORO COURlIjR' ; t; MMM .? W^MMjW?*W"M?^"IM?ljl, | If. Brccks. one whose fait'H in the. j love 'and wisdom of" her Heavenly V Father and submissivenesa to hU Will evidenced at all times a life h>i with Christ in God. -I We miss her since her spirit took its flight to a-happier shore but eMj leaves a name-and IShJMSttBT fHUilt v.hich a gentle 'influence will continue' to shine as the years go by. Few people have ever Hved in Brooksdale community who will' be! missed like she will, for she not only| did service to Her family but to the entire community. She was happy when personalty administering to those who were sick and destitute. Kternity alone can reveal the good i she has done. j , It is not ^iven to humanity to be perfect, but if Mrs. Brooks had a fault the writer never discovered it. , Not once' during four years did we hear criticism of Her beautiful life. ""^S^e- was unselfish, gentle, patient frugal, industrious, and- devoid of docepitaoi{. She! mgde Ifribnds everywhere. She was a model wife, mother and neighbor. She had the gift to order well her own Household. She helped to rear nine children of storing worth-. All of whom are loyal useful members of the Methodist Church and an honor to their community and country. Not a more fitting tribute can be paid her tHna the testimonies o^her I children bearing witness of her having lived so as to forever claim the respect and confidence of her own household. She loved flowers and nature which bespeaks her fine * qualities. Around Her cheerful fire side end at her hospitable table all were made to feel at home. She was a friend to the preacher's family which meant strength to them. WKle her acquaintances shall Cherish her memory and her children shall rise up to. call her blessed" her husband, who is known for his usefulness loyalty and unusual faithfulness to his church and love for all things uplifting, must find abiiing comfort in_ the reflection that^ "A prudent wife is from the Lord" and ' that his heart has always safely trusted in her, ttjit she hath done him ynml ?11 J hn Hnni nf her life " ' Blessings on her memory. Mrs. J. A. Russell, Four Oaks, N. nnovir mericai kT T FF XBORO, 1 fll FSOMF 11. v? ^ . . , f "'1.:'Zs. i'''-?** STIVAL AN AR3ELDOM, IF EVPERSON COUNu. f ! ! CTION. V .. "IREWORKS AT iNCERTS?TWO .D "FIDDLE.RS" FIDDLERS?EN- j ; .. I ?THIS GOl ft ?CELCDRj t""- . " - -J W1LI RF AT _ ,. ? s , GR< ? ?a ? . . rzp . V ..... ; ? 4- ' .1 . ::. !LEIf27th 1922 V ?i ' ; N OT I To the Pe< Person ( i * We wish to c Attenti< 1 to the fact that wc Ha est and most comp furniture and house that is to be found (tion of the State. We also carry the Gulbansen Also a complete line bia Grafanola's and You Are Always ^ Our Store. ** Shepherd Fur ~ Opposite The PIONE1 ? ' ROXBORO, icement ? rrT f^dirm :STIYAL s "VT ? Ii? w* ?SPECIAL ATTRAC" ^ | .-T ; " -">?>. " ; , THE KIND YOU W j + ... V "LOOK THEM OV ? ** '-."? RIDING DEVICES ,SHO> SEAPLANES, CIRCUS, ANIMAL GO-ROUND, MINSTRELS, MOTO \v7i irrt i-n/m */-> ? ai t < > * /?? a i wnLLL, r hajjuiv., iviU3lU/\L, PONY SHOW. ?WE WILL HAV1 AUTO RACES BOYS BABY PONY RACES, MUEE FREC RACES, FOOTRACES. TEST, . } | SACK RACES. | BOY: -LOSSAL? II THIS GIGAN' VTION ?^.1 CE MR?-- - . 11 VTj }UNDS. * ~ - . :: __ ll*I ICE TT f bounty; all your 3n ^ ive the.ne.wlete stock of ; furnishings in this spp> A Piano s of ColumRecords. Welcome To . . niture Co. 1 B Wiirpliniicp i J m. m. f w m.**. | ______ N. c. ? 2 t-Day and Night October V 25?26 27?28 riONS? i t. > > * ^ iVS .?' WHIP,SHOW, MERRYn r\ns~\\ a r~* i? r* r** r-* i r* rv. urwJiviL, r lkki3 MEDY, DOG AND E? ' = CONTEST KLED BOY CON- ~ BOYS PIG CLUBS, , 5 CORN CLUBS. nc LEBRATION AKES THE PLAGE - " ? i i :P ^,Ai< '^ n |