i " . ' . . "" PAGE FOUll- ~?; THE COURIER i J. W. NOELL, Editor. ^nbliabed Every Wednesday Evening ~ SUBSCRIPTION TKR1I3 fLSQ year, 76 cents tor 6 months M cents (or 8 months?Cash m Ad. ?' ????The Editor is in no way responsible Car viewi expressed bp correspoat-' Entered at the Post Office at Box. hero. N. C., as second-class matter, j J Toreifrn Advertising RpprF.cntntlvr ! I THE AMERICAN PRESS AoSPC 1 AT ION ! Rcxboro, N. C. Sept. 27 1922 POLITICS TO THE FRONT. f The political ball was started to rolling here last night when Mrs. Lindsay Patterson addressed tho "citizens in this court house. She was greeted by a large audience and was introduced by Mr. W. D. Merritt. Her speech was listened to by an attentive " audience, many of them being of the opposite political faith and were anxious to know what was going to bs the plea for the Republican party, but in this they were disappointed for the Republican candidate for Con* rrMoa ilisi ma* fci?ll m.IIU.. I L uu 1IUV IWUIL- UU puaiKS UUV slightly. Mra.. Patterson is a splendid talker, with a sweet, mellow voice and i- beautiful in appearance. Standing on m chair, from which she delivered her speech, under a bright electric light ?'as ilia ladies would say, beautifully gcwied-^wjth diamonds spnrklimpwtih each turn of the head she was indeed a beautiful woman. Really, her speech could hardly be termed aj political speech for alia did not touch upon any cf the great issues. Aa to j the. tariff and the bonus she was, silent in seven languages. Her reference to the League of Nations was amusing, fcr the_ audience thought tram her int^gjluctory remarks on tblis subject that she was in sympathy with it and the audience cheered her with' deafening cheers, being the loudest applause during her speech, but before concluding slta turned 'the tables and gloried the Republican party for causing the defeat of this measure. BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETS IN REGULAR SESSION KENT "MONDAY.. As a- citizen what do I mean to mv - County? . Every citizen of Person County ought to be proud of his county and deeply interested in all matters that tend to make his or her county a better place in which to live. We are glad that nearly all our citizens are of this type. We have a right to be . proud cf cur citizenship. Surely Person County people rank among the in the state. They are thrifty, kin^hearted, noble, and true.Person County's Greatest Need. WWat does Person County really need most of all things? Let each whq^reads this think, pray and ans _i_ wer. Sorely the answer will be school ? hnilHinfT?-.mnTT flnri better equipped school-buiklings.^ It Is a shame tl'at our boys and girls have such poor aecommodations in the way of buildings and equipment. Nearly every school is crowded beyond comfort or reason. Three other High Sctbols, are sorely needed in the rural districts, and Rox- | boro is simply compelled to have tij High School building 'if her people ] are to be accommodated. Let all the | people of tt'a county center their] thoughts and prayers- on this one! 4 . thing?be'tei* buildings and better^ equipment fbr dur. boys and girls. J. A. Beam, Supt. -V TO OUR CUSTOMERS.Tobaccc is selling well and* we want to ask if you won't come in or.d, pay a part or all of your account. We ; feej like wc have very lenient] with you, and you*all rVhlize that it1 - stakes rnont-y tc do business with. Now. if you will do the best you can for us weitwi1l certainly appreciate, ? - it. | Roxfccro. N. C. Srot. 25. 1922. r? gr, !Eiw35t5r5 CO.*; - J ??o?--- FOHSAfcE. ' | We will offer fortile tha Mcthd/li&t, church propci'v ?l H-lcii, N. C. n bout 3-1 pt an acre of land, in center, of ton-it, a fir.er business location. Ap; . ' |rit t? J. R. C:ah nnd VfT SrTnpber- j lnltc, Contmittee. : \ ??" > ' J I irtte'a iplcihdid 2, story, fr?a4 ' - .toda^co s\*r*gt hauy.iu i.;it } ; ;?SHct I"WlUsHl cheap.- Want to intr* <?atc oiiifir-lflt. "-pifttinT? rt^ ^ dyeiu.tig. a. r?i sATTERrrail). / i / . . * . 'iLi ' < ' ' " CHILD RL:N OVER BY AUTOMOBILE-1 Last Friday evening there came I near being a serious accident on Mam Street. From what we can gather it seems that the 'little five year"*6ld on of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Hall started to cross the street just hs big car , drove up, the car hit the child knocks , "g it down Ttipro i? n Hiflferenre of] opinion with tlJoee who witnessed the 'accident, some sa^ the front wheel ran over the body while ethers say it did not. However. Mrs. Halt, the mother, picked up the little' fellow !' ind carried 'nim into Davis Drug ; Store wbare a Doctor was soon secured and'it was found he was not I | seriously hurt. The street at this j point is very narrow and one In I crossing can not be too careful for even the best driver is liable to run you down, for with the street full of maehines, as it usually is, crossing i is dangerous. I o j REV. R. E. WHITE AT ROCK C.ROVF. I Owing to the fact that the pastor jis'to attend a. meeting of high school 1 principals in Raleigh September 29 , end 30 Rev. R. E. White, pastor of , the First Baptist Church of Roxboro will preach at RfocK Grove on Saturday September 30. Every member-is urgently requested to be present. Services wiH not be irt the Iste hour that-they have boon . for the last two meetings but at two o'tloek. Be.there on time. On Sunday we will celebrate the Lori's Supper, The pa3tqr will be back in time for. services Sunday. Joe B. Currin. Rev. George T. Watkins of Durham was a Rsxboro visitor Monday and ..remembered this ofiiee with e pleasant hall. For many years he was paster of the Baptist church here and few men were more pcpulir with hie .perple. r- ' . , " f ?i o? WAREHOUSE NEWS. To. Our' Friends of Virginia end North Carolina: * We Wish* to state that the South Boston Tobacco Market Opens on October 2nd, 1922, with all the big Companies and Independent: dealers being represented with two full sets of buyers. Our market has floor spaoe enough to keep two salea running each sale day of the week. There may be other houses larger but there is NOXfc BETTER LIGHT-) ED to show your tobacdo to every I possible advantage than the "THE I OLD FARMERlS" WAREHOUSE, and we Wave. men of many years exl pbrience to look after your welfare." FREE PRIZES Given on Tuesday, October 3rd, (The reason we offer these prizes on the 3rd. is to give those who live ! at a distance a chance to compete.) To tlje one who comes the longest distance with a load weighing not less than 1,00*0 lbs. $5.00. To the one who makes the highest average for a load weighing not less than 600 lbs. $5.00. To the one w\h gets the highest price per pound for a pile wdighin? j not less than 100 lbs. $5.00. Remember these prizes are offered : at The Old Farmers Warehouse and cnly for tobacco' on our floor during ithe sales of Tuesday, October 3rd. In addition to the above prizes we are going to give to everVone who in- _j trusts tH?ir tobacco in our care a guaranty of the highest market dol- 1 lar. Ycu cane-readily see that ybu j have all to gain and' nothing to lose ' by bringing us your tobacco. Hoping j .to see you on the opening day, or at any time ydu^get your tobacco ready for the market, we are, L Your friends truly, Old "Farmers Warehouse. Clias. M. Loftis & R. E. Pblliam, Props.,' South Boston. Va. Notice of sale of land and PERSONAL PROPERTY We, the undersigned heirs at law of the late '.John Day, will offer fari sale to the. higKtst bidder for ctsh cn the premjses on. SATURDAY, OCj TCBKR 28th, 1922, at 10 O'CLOCK 1A 31.. the following, described tract of land and personal" propety: (1) Th^t~tertain tract of tpnd in Alfeheyllle Township, Person County, Ncrth Carolina, bbunded cn the North by J. J. Ashley nnd ..T. H. .Y'arlioro; cn tits "En st byi'. E. Day; op-tho South by 7j. Day, and' on the West ' i ?.?i .i-ini. ' r i ; ; :r lers. and being Vncwn 1 s the honic j place of tit' late >John .Day. . " (21 2 horses. Deity. 2 hogs, .1 bug' gy ar.d a. lot it h'cnsehola and kitch-' er furniture. The saie wfU he cn the pmnis?v b=>y::-ndng at *10 u'rhj-'lj At' 3d., and (So. p?T.sdail 'pr.r pdrty wMJ-ba solf 7Tfst, attd ihe sale of tl.i?_ personal rty tit? ia**.T wdttf-fae. sehj, Tr-k'. , t "3^,u... ' Titcf :-e;?L. -ii'.r;-.- ~y.. 1 ' f ,I."C Ike, the.heiia.nt law. V - *-.t; 7?;? y*' - 1 " the boxbojro covin eh wa W arel Bel will ring in Danville at AUCTION SEASC TUESDAY OCTOl All the Companies sa ers will be on the spot r( business, October 3rd, market to "GET REA good for satisfactory p To avoid conjestion run at the same time ins j|- tofore. Sell your tobacc your money fhe same c Yours for si ACREE'S M. C. Nelson, W. T. Neal, Ma BANNER W; J. C. ROBERTS and S Mana CENTRAL W; Jas. H. Wison & GOLLANDS W j ! J. L. Tucker, W. D. f Hutcherson, | [ v 7 ! , PLANTERS Wi C. B. Davis and J. K. 1 I I UNION WAF it Geo. A. Myers and | Manag SAY FEL Had you heard about it? ' Wo wonf iA ,. - isii juu sno And ask yon to speak a w< As 011 your way you go .. To a friend who is in neei And soon expects to buy. "Some Groceries he must h At prices not so high. Such as meat, sugar and Cotton seed meal and bra Flour, meal, and Reg Dog , For beast as well as man. So stop and ask the prices Compare them where you Come on back and loa<J up We prove just what we s We say we save you money This we certainly will do Only allowing ourselves a Thus dividing a portion wi i* . So stop in to 8 a. . We hone von w At FOX'S CAS On THa Hilt 1 Safe, Sane I 1 PERSON COUN' CO, IT IS THOU AVERAGE 45 TO POUND FOR..T1 CROP. THE . FI2 . EVER. .'FOR 51.5< DRJSD POUNDS II - ' " PROTECT IT A M FOR FOUR MON' g- NOV,-,' PHQVP 1: !f| A CARD. * ' 1 ? tf II Ml _ ,?| i I Satterfield Ii f, . ' "OLD and ?-----1 . . ? - .. " " - 'V ,r--_ MIlKKlfrllTth 1922 V louse lis the opening of the >N AT 9 A. M. BER 3rd, 1922^ iy their regular buysady and eager to do I no wajting for the DY". Prospects are rices. FOUR sales will be read ot three as hereo with us and get all lay you sell, ervice, Fowlkes, and J. E. inagers. ^REHOUSE AM ROBERTSON, Lgers. ^REHOUSE, Co. Managers. AREHOUSE, rowlkes, and W. J. Manager. \REHOUSE, Dunkley, Managers/' j 1EHOUSE, H. C. Swanson, v-4 ;ers. LOWS" )rd i ave coffee, n? , may u. ay. small profit ith you. ee us ill . H STORE 1 . Economical I TY'STOBAC- ^ GHT, WlLlT 50 CENTS A ? KE ENTIRE... ml >Tnom xEarr uzror ) PER HUN- |i YOU CAN BSOttTTEtY THS. DO iT 3* OR DROP ? ~ " " If ~ 1: is. Agency I TRIED" | V - -JaB5?r. 1 EARLY I MEANS LOW We are anxious to s< chandise and are maki with our splendid st prices, but no matter \ are lower now than the not trying to scare, bu high tariff bill has ljeen in effect, wages have a manufacturing, desira and the demand is grea n . ?* is rnces are sure to advgj j| facturers and jobbers F considerable advances >1 woolen goods, heavy i vanced slightly and ot I follow. Therefore we NOW IS THE T We have complete s IS we handle, all of whic] g| any advances and .the 1 S passed on to our cust? stocks are exhausted j ? Our store is "uller now i? -this season, the prices a now. save mopey and g igj out of your purchases. | Harris ' RQXBORO'S I . : | . Safety C I Boxes fo ; - ~ S5IALL BOX PE MEDIUM BOX P LARGE BOX PI I , T. E. AUSTIN, PREglDEN i . mm Spass lip book g? V- Sickness strikes most of if we iive. ' Saving and banking mori things, also for being thrOwr : Are VOU savrng as muql " , Answer this question for deposit some money. - . ^ We -wili welcome L The' PeopE . s not/ioi -jfiT: \ ' - ' I __ I $uying | ER PRICES. :11 you your Fall mer- I ng a strong bid for it ? :ock and reasonable | ~ vhere you buy, goods | y will be later.' We are ^ t to inform you. The a passed and is already | dvanced in nearly all 1 ible goods are scarce || t all over the country, ^ race, in fact the manu- ? have . already made | in both cotton and | shoes have been ad- ? her lines are sure to |j say that IME TO BUY. I tocks of all lines that |j h were bought before ^ benefit of this will be !g Dmers. When present i ^ prices will be higher. | ^ ^than it will be again ire at the bottom. Buy 1 et a full season's wear y fe Burns j, 3EST STORE. J - >epoits , r Rent ! . :r year $1.00 ER YEAR. J1.50 * :r year S2-00 BSnKanHpHKTHHpBBppilB 1 5Sbo5O""| I T. W. F. LONG CASHIER. ~ " It is WISE to alwflvc Ko ?- ?? ?fv 'REPARED us,rold age overtakes us all * .. 1' ley prepares us for these i out of work. " > i money a? you should.. yourself ard come in and your account. -

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