F ! 1 J. \V. NOELL, Editor and Pi V OL. XXXVIV ' T'.' ' Courier S Valuab^e Priz Given?N< ^ Lose inl 1> The Campaign Ha That Every Mai and Girl Parti Receive Eiti ble Prize j Divid A Clean, Square, Leg " Intended to benefit the sec1 ? TIOXFi WHICH IT VIS ITS I ' ' . a'V The Courier today makes an anf, ricuncement that will b^. of interest every Courier reader and to the | whole- community of Person and adjoining Counties. There are few peo pie wlJj do not know the strides that v. have been made in popular esteem and L support by The Courier since it was K;;.; established. But the-work accomplishs? erl \% aftpr all only the heginning of I'- this enterprise, which has as its ul timate aim the "publication .of a coun ^^fcnew?paBer cjiTVing tip full nftjfj rffror* as ^ell a* rr'~*. .-tTes.* YJiis j^flnot nSeaccomplished all at once. It has taken ,a.great deal, of i v . work and considerable money to get! " "The Courier where* it i3 today?the i undisputed leader .in prestige and .* news value Of all newspapers in" the ft t-county. This Campaign. v.dteh starts off to-, . day; will bring more than 3000 subscriber's .i!vd i.f r.l! the- friends, of The Courier thro'ighcut lend " ' "their ?.:J the clrse.'of the campaigr ' 'will -ftj.ark -another gtent forward step L. # " in fcl'* dewl mnnr* of Porsin county's v.fc-irtg newspaper. Tliis i-.V a pvajec*- in which ovary' fit . ,fi! fend especially every business and professional ir. n cf Person crunty *i?JiouW 'be vrentlv i at created. The dev:loptr,;:.t of The Courier, the hew? paper which i-tnnds first of alrfot Hfc p: egress <' rvl development of tho city - rnj'ccrrv, mean? the development ; * T" tl<- ^ '*^i' r' * "'1-da f or the Upbuilding of the ccntmunF^~. T^Jvy. . i The Courier therefore row 'lapnefaes ^ i .*_u $2">00 proflt-.shinng, citetlletion 1 ui1 V'.ng campaign with the hearty co peiation ef njany of tfte moa? in flu- 1 ential men and women cf the county f< purpose of which primarily is t<>, further increase the influence -anti f prestige of The Courier through itsj; readers and friends, 'in h of whom >. * v ill he given th? opportunity of be. K " . coming the owenr*'f val'isble pr*ze* without the investment of one penny Anyone is eligibb to /oip?nv-o and t. women, v jng end 1. Once v candt] ite, yc-u ;t? give ; a .rajr? oM r.w * s'; " make use . t ar.y jr.r.vo time that yon m*?*hav? seoure for yotirs.df anv of Jh *230^. worh f *pbw!i-l pr>.e an! cash comnv.^'/'Tr -is 1 ?'e- ptJidfhg entirely upon *ne p. t west .. ^ ? have in the ^ mpuyjn'. JiC?f A m?pr.!f'>ent 1923 model Chr-vro; ' l -? i^edanw-iiv. a $29"> Edison Diamond Disc mfi several rther prizes inrluJ^ ' ing 25 per cent.. Commission?these t ' ~ are ilHWng 111 prir.es off**r*d to keen. L'' coprpo^tors in thijj campaign. Tho plan ndriptifri fau^lK; lbuDTLL? ' -'-4- the gift th? fairest' and most im-1 pfcrtiaMnrSfcTnable. Friends and read-. jf-;,'. t . era cf this paper are to decide the j ??:?in, ' n]} pri/.fM. even fKcT bttTf automobile. j^ree- votes will he 'the j means by which the bi? winners will j be determined. Every candidate will j find tlij fcrojind broken for him ot ' her, ^nd the plan of this entire caftiJ paifU\M? sij ai m pie that- -it wiit-app?jl_ :L^? to you oaca ycfu have read the an nouncement in the. bl<f advertisement 4* iiiln ;??ip Jhe Courier haj prri' j, vided- that every participant wjir , . T ~ tlkCTTlgtiy^mtw^ w U.e -CAnipfliirn . ' . whall lie haiKlanm^ly ^Amppnaaf^d' ^ *nd effort rxptmM. ?|. .Wjwiiiiite i,' r~ *. Ifik iblishcr" ROXBOI . V. >tarts Subs es to Be > One Will This Campaign * s Been So Planned n, Woman, Boy icipating Will iera\alua- 1 or a Cash j' end. itirrrate Business Deal - I As yen will discover .by reading the announcement elsewhere in this issue, you can nominate yourself as i i candidate and your nomination i ccunts fcr votes right at the start. If you-de not w|$h to nominate yourself, \ you 1'aVe'the privilege of nominating 1 a friend and thus helping him or hei *o win a valauble award. It costs 1 nfcthing to become a candidate cr to secure even the biggest of theprizes, tll_' 1923. Chevrolet Sedan. You are not bounil by any specific require- < rnent.^?and it is not required that you 1 be a subscriber to The Courier. You i can devote just as mucfiLor as little < tope as jum ?lease to. the pleasaut e*- ; Courier either with a handsome prize or a sum in geld or silver. All of tho prizes are worhh going tf?1 i V iv simply cannot lose in this pro- \ position.. Our Slozan. "Everybody Win8.*' ?. T1.' priz*> .are' aim e st fabulously \ v :!uable considering the extreme rbf- 'he<s of the time in which they \ will >e Vstrbuted. Imagine securing n prize which would cost you over :u ca -h ?buy f r n few Ir.y's td.'goani effort in voje getting dr\TTQt tins is. i'i. JJ : ^ iv *?'- i Secure : ne of the b??.. aiy vrda?sim-' ply u.Yher ;n JtYs voirs. ... Rut or.? ?f ihc.l'Cst feature? flu- fact rhat (here will be" r.3 lasers. j ?.* a r?-h lommirsion of 23 per cent.'4 (one-fourth of every new subscript! m clUctci) will be paid to the active f ',ne-pme winners, which, c-f itse'f. i* . in excellent business pro?o?it;o" r?? r This is r.ot a "something for f\&h- * ii.g" scheme?in fa?*.'it is a charita-P l>ie undertaking on the part of Th ? Courier. I* is j* business preposition t [jure and simple. Its object is td ad- T vertise nintly- litis newspaper and tl'* aplendM dualities of ?he new 102'? c mtdel car. to secure new and renewal i 1 subscriptions to The Couidcr, to. col i: Irct old subservpticns (and last but 1 not least to win n welcome f:r Th^.v Courier in every home in this com-jl ..unirv. In shtmt. The Courier will i ovarii av-.ny mbiriou? pcopl" rteht j' re ot ?K*'.ne ,-?r; liberally indeed f.irif 'v . ssi'stanee introducing ti's pop- r int?- more hemes in the c;4V and community, instead of cm.pl'vine out- ; side soli itT>r3 at fancy salaries, to ov.rl.-'h th^ same result*. 1 Wilt It Pnv ? Will it pay? That is a ? test ion that will r. tturqjls o cur to all who * yeal an inundement. Yes. it wi'l pay. Not in drllirrs end cents but ( 'here are dividends that newspapers vant and derive other than those ex- 1 pressed in terms of m^novv During T this campaign many new subscribers yhruld he rtddfll ts cui Hblh. Hie f.iii.18 qua re policy of The Courier will be < thorouglUy advertised and there will i be a g?eat_amount of satisfaction in 1 all of that besides the ceneraT irood i gained far thin newspaper will be almost inestimable. Short and Snappy Ttys campaign will not be a long-j dr*wW oat affair of several months f ^duration, bat extends over a -period j of only a few weeks, closing Saturday | I able to secure in about foqr short] I Weeks prite awards'. that, jrould or-1 j d inaptly require months yea even year*, jof self rlenymg ajrKi .-saving to acquire , LgjJd these a^a^given 1 - ' ? *? ' Box! .Home First, Ab lO. NORTH CAROL!.-,' icription ( . changefor your spare time and a little interest in helping extend our subscription list. The campaign will bo more interesting and mere profitable to; tho participants than any other undertaken in this section. Tils prizes are r.ot only rich in material -value an J .'o'lars and cents, but are in keeping with the bread and liberal lines ulong wmcn mc wnoie enterprise nas ueen drawn. Ambition and energy ?re the only requisites for success in it. Why This Car? The entire Courier gift rtistributitm enterprise has been planned with tlte idea of makirig it unusual and un usually -generous. A glance at the prize list is splendid evidence of this rtatement. ^ .- > This special attention of our readers is called to the beautiful car. A car of lesser value could have been purchased by TV*; Courier, and offered as a grand prize, but that would have brqken the policy of the;mana* gcnient in making the enterprise worthy : of the interest and thd effort of all, one in whictt our renders would be proud to participate and one' Liuii The -Courier would take prMe At. fathering! * Beautiful, luxurious handy is the i:eal car for the girl, the mother with children or the professional man :rvanyone who likes comfort??rth?* ?hevrolot Srdnn .j FSgure It OutY ourself How long would it take you to *nve ?nough money oqt of your earnings. rtr-m?rohaae any one of the hhtcjgjfts. iwaitmg you in this . Courier^ giftsw listribution ? Figure it out; yotur*^|p k Effort Rcquirw^^^ An I there is so little T.eqqired of l . i t -i \v*n cut in this Courier ele'c :!on, v\'l th.afc you have to do^ js. to V your frjfcncfe; to glVe yoa their ubscripti-u to the Courier. "The main hing. necessary for you to win is hrt. you. let your friends know that u ar.1 in to w>.?ar.d-tibt yii want heir votes. " "u . You- Cannot Lose. *Aftd you .cannot k?sc if you try to. very jetive non-nriiie winner is giv?n an absotute guarantee thaf lie or he will b* paid for theiv time ?one til th of every new subscription- is urs if you i*ail fo land one of the ii> awards. Th.gt is rot a had busic-s proposition in itself for we all i. ve' some moments after work that uld he turned into rash. Information and Assistance la order to give everyone who par-' '. i: )0t>k 7*1 This l1!? tul!HpHm.l I i I ? -? ere nest possible assistance and to, properly handle the circulation so } ha* each- r.ew subscriber, will get his i isper promptly and there will bo no > eonfiusicn. tl'1 publishers have ?eured the service of a circulation eer who is thoroughly experirVu this*line cf work, and who will give I lis entire-time and attention to those | vho desire to take par* in this.(lis | r'butkr. If tl'Te is anything at all-about he entire proposition th"t is not ner- \ octlv clear to you, come t - The ( ier offfee or write ~ct~ telephone to - ur.? f i: * hard info: mr.tior. 4 > ro about -ilining Thr- rrire rf your" koieo. ft:. ; ?r 'still. clip out the " .:rV hi ivk apnr-pring elsewhere in :vl srnd it in. and we will A -.hat yr.'? are fuHv* informal regarding the entire plan. The (le *icn opens Werlnc-adav. October 4th. dominate yourself or some frierd at once. Yen will have :he "jump" on the rest if you start ".ow. Open Evening*. Tiir t i r>r|vpnit'Jice cf those who annCit call during tna nay, me v^urier office, will be open evenings until fi o'clock. ^eiofliKJne 39. Mrft r rypiNrF FIRM. We are glad to welcome Mess. Creech and -*Westbrcoka, two yomjg men who come to us highly recom. mended, in .the insurance business in Roxboro They will repr*?sent the Equitbale. an insurance Company known" to tU as being one of" the' largest and best- in tile business. -Mr. Floyd Hawkins,, one ?f the most popular ycang men of Hurdle MftU, Uas accepted a position' with RktffB Store. (T^ii " *- .* ! * ' " *?' Mffl rjond Next. A, Wednesday Evening I JUL.!" I I II ~"" - 77?r".;.? _ Campaign | SCHOOL NOTES. IThat wus a groat meeting in K'aleigh. on last Friday end Saturday? , a meting o? the High School Prin, cipals of our Division of the state. [ . I had orders from the stife to arrange for tlJo Principals to attend. vAnd I did nnd they did, 100 per cent ' ittrong, as follows: Miss Emma Nocll, "Helena High School, Rev. Joe G. Curifin, Aller.tville High School, Prof. A. i C. Gentry, Bethel- Hill High School, ^Mise Helen W. Graves,' Olive. Hill * High ScHoO), Prof. B, I. Ssttcrflcld, Bushy Fork High School. These Jtigh | School Principals are s fine body of .teachers,?most cxrqllent workers, highly capable, well eauipped, co-op-1 [oretive with ell tlH school forces of .the County, ambitions to moke their jwork count for all that is pood, loyal I'and true, and last but greatest of all,, ;cqnsecraica cnristian teacners. j The County Superintendent also , went to the meeting in Raleigh but jv/as sick ?nd unable tc attend but orretge*sk>n, ncveithelcss he was ;ne 11 p-1 py man because his teachers were drinking in and gathering UP *h? good thing tc bring ba %k to iheir qaul, aehcols *nd to the county. Blessings upcn them. We arc indeed fortunate I in living, such noble Principals for; lour High School*. | The Superintendent va?., not well | enough to megt with the Board of | Educ at ion on last Monday hut TP s. Beam tock his place and all things moved on nicely. The members of the beard present had n busy day .of 't; tu anuiige to the uverE5fO'?f<i?d schools to rnaet their alniT'i trable needs. Mure teach!~f-the citizens and committeemen 'from dhe various parts of the county, j Trucks and transportation of students I came in for K bir part of the Dor.rd's I consideration. Ml these needs appeal i greatly to them and-lhey found tlJ.dr clesire?tc help strangex-than thow fi| renc'.nl ability. One thing ihe people : ; f Person County can red assured of '' that each member of tl'? Boar! holds sacred the fesponsihiiity of 4 ing his best far every schdol in the 'unty. I say this with great 'pi ".re. for fee! I >ugh* to say it.? hey ~!sserve it. I And riw what .hatt *.ve do? How i can we take car^t of'all thp students th>t ere"crowding into our schools'?/ A'i many -places the schools are lit- j orally swamped. So we loate again to the greatest need of Rbxboro and Person (?ounty?more, larger. * and hotter equipped ,schorl buildings. 1-et ? T'M,!,. .IV nr'it-ull ;t burr- ::U > "_;r sciils. The meeting for colored teachers will F?e next Saturday. Oct. 7th.. at | 11 o'clock in the yraded school build-' in?. If you want ycur pay don't for-1 I are* to send in voiy information Blank I ^properly filled cat this week. This i(very important and must be attended I | to at cnce. \ The Meeting for the white toaohers I will be Saturday week Oct. 14?h.at< 10:30. in the Graded School bail din?. ; These mee1fn?s ere exceeding1 v ' nprrtant. and your credit in Raleigh depends on your attendance and,study <?t the Reading Circle work. The re -* :wal t4- ytw cr-ifirate and the annual increase- in salary depends on i vhfl'. th? Superintendent sends in to i h' r.bcut yy.:r T -ailing Circle work. Scene teachers have not brcujrht their certificates to have them recorded. Da not. let another day pass until1 his is attended to. Surely you do no* Know now IIIIW nn:n ith.p All who wish to take the Examinations?the last that will be given this year?should be present in my office T. ? .l.,. -inmini- rif. 0 o'clock. -,yi the whole examination must. be taken. No credit is given for croups j as his been done in the past. To se* | (.'lire any crciKl whaTYTTLL^ J* 1 just 't"h? w'Hsle examination must be taken.' "Do not forget Ibe-'itliyu Oitis ber 10th and 11th, beginning promptly at 9 A. M. Tuesday. I - -Sincerely, - , J A. Beam. BETHEL HILL ?? AM.ENSV1LLK. Trier? will be a base ball game be* n rinH.ni Hill ..i aiipnsvill^Bt next Friday afternoon, Oct^flth, beginning about 3 o'clock, on the AITenrvtHc fteWr -fee cream and, cake will be . for sale. Everybody, invited. " , V - *' October 4th )922 SiG PR1LE5 1 f SMILING FARMERS OPEN SALES AVERAGE 935.00 FOR BIG BREAKS. Thursday, Friday and M jndav JfSTeA Averaged More than $35.03 for Nearly (Quarter Million Pounds. ,r' h -o? " i TIJire is a big difference in the movement'of the farmers of this sec-< tioni?and tlJoir faces have taken on 1 ! a different look, an ! why shouldn't 1 there he a nig change? When a man 1 has money in his pocket and is able 5 to meet all comers witlJ bills and sat- , (isfy said centers he just naturally (< feels better-. There is money floating around this burg, and the farmer is 1 the happiest smiling person you meet, j The New Hyco Warehouse sold" jn rcurd numbeft, 50,000 pounds last j Thuisday fcr an average of $$.>.65: Friday the sales amounted tc 75,000, pounds at an average of $34.25 and I in Monday 65.000 pounds was sold for , hi nteiapt! nf $31.30?nnrmg these } days close cn te a quarter of a nil- \ lim p:3ijds x?f tobacco Viw. sold at | a:, average of better tlUn $35.00. ( Vnn ihn't h hvc tc tike our wor \ fer it, but go look over the . borks J end .then; best cf all, bring a'load of < the weed and get sbme'Cf these high \ prices and go home satisfied. Nc- bet- i ter tobacco raised in the world tlOn lj in Person and adjcinir.g counties afid . no better market to sell cri than Rhx-; f i b?rci-" i5 I AT EDGAR LONG MEMORIAL, j, LftSt Sunday was otaervw] as Meui-j! : ber's Day and a large congregati-vi i (filled the auditorium. It was especial-1 1/ injpiring to see sc many children ind young ~,pecple the ttfgfcn?r ' >. preached on jtWe" ^bb.ill LT^"Tu?nafai^l j.-.ngr^gathen?' This_ was followed' by the. large-*-f^nrnriuntor. service pd minis tared in the new church. h Next. Sunday at 11; A. M. the Pas-1 ' ?r will pwia-h <*r. the subject. '\Tew- ! Is cf the Kitj?.".Tl?' cveiiner hour. .1 7:30, will be c,c-tfpied hv a band of . orphans fram our Orphanage in Rnl-j ?fh, irivinjr a delightful concert in * sac re I music n.i sph ndi.l readme?.. : Evervbo lv is i v * .1 |j the- > ser- < . J. F>. HTT ;.EY. TV -.. MEETING OF WO\j W-WIVB. ! .Th? Woman's Club will hoi!, its fi:?: ve-zular n.ee'-in^r in 'Mb new K p- t ''an buifdinsr. We feel very vrr^teful i ? Mrs. Kaplar. f^r tfjvhttr u? without chajjre th? use f he *Hr i flc-nr. i V {s a fine club r?n, new and there- i 'fare claun and unstirred, <pactoua 1 - :l -A---1! liL-hti' I vnliUit-i \l:'v. :r.ch ere of us rbn nr-r do thi.^ nnrh i for our' club, if we writ do wh&t w? 'gn. and be absolutely loyal to its ev- . *ry interest, w-M.it wonderful 1 may'wlp not accomplish. f >r ve are;' one hundred sod fifty strone. v The honorees fit Friday evening are: our teichers. because we want to. show that we appreciate them: and. sr efficient Red Cress nurse, Mis* Smicrelfw. who proved herself rn jr r.mist a.* bsiTisr icere m her tn* ! -/eft th'imish in her work anil aVcve all f no ml *r*Jrt In-chnrvnter. MRS. S. \V1\\CTF. AO. Pr CMP.OR f ANT. I vint to urje all f uv flirts i pay-tlffir a:c< nt-. I ;:v. ver. much in nee * of mm v. I hn**e-/u*t' - -mplrted my s >r * ' ji'tliis in \"m*h Main ?<* \ k. oop-*tte *h? r row oil } Oat.vre. where I mi o much bettor, shape to care f .r your wants'"than over before. &n<l while i? ! Ins me to jrare for your interests, it trek a lot i cf money, .nd with other bills to meet it is necessary for my friends to pay up Ttreir accounts jost as fast U? 'hfv nr.asiihlv .an. l.ASt year a har t vcr with most-c-f. you and I helped yeu when In need, 'and now I j ! will greatly appreciate it if you will, , IMtum the fa?ep. | Yours truly, j- hitch [ . o ? QUALITY SHOP TO OPKN | i Mrs. Ida Kaplon will have the opening of her Quality Shop on next t'riday night, Oct. 6th. and contin-1 ue throughout SatAr-!ay, *This i? a. new stTe "fa Her new building on ;=hierth Main Street, end is easily ooa ofthe niost- ha.i'tjl >dorv fiulllllm:v in the town. You are cordially invited to attend this opening. See-. tM big' ad .on Motber'page.' ~ / 1 * ; .t-. ~ "'. .rrrr^TdCTJ^r*"' in.n. - tut* -W 'i? .30 Per Yenr jrt Ativan No ; 9 CO-OPERATIVE'S BIGGEST DAY. Mere than One Hundred Thousand I'cunds Delivered on Last Monday. Last Monday was the best day the '4* Co-roper Uivk Tobacco Association has h3d,-^*J:Te being more than one hundred thousand pounds delivered on that" day. They have had good deliveries every day this week, and we ire .glad to -knew the farmers are hiirhlv nlraaofl nt T?n>V? tlh mnnnoi* a# handling their tobacco and the advances they are receiving. On Monday there were buyers hero from several <:f the big companies, :he men from' Higher up being here in person to look ever the situatiam, and they made some heavy purchases are are informed, taking all of certain grades. This is very encouraging md the farmers are happy" over the prospects. \M ERICAS LEGION FALL FESTIVAL' PROMISES TO BE GREAT "FVENT. ' The American Legioi Fall Festival to he held in Roxbcro, under the iu spices, anl direct' supervision of :he American Legion of this city, will >e held on tlir FAIR GROUNDS. thu latos-aicw selected are October 25?to inclusive. Mr. Edward K.. Stanley, who si " successfully prrtncteH and directed he Shrine Exposition, held at Duriau I aft fall, hps bo.cn engaged to promote and direct the Lepion Festival here, ' Mr. Stanley has already begun work ,11 the promotion of tltis big out door festival and states that he will give tp Roxboro, and the people of Per ii Omity, a Femvoi long to rjJ mombered. . This bigkevent will be promoted akne the lines of a festival, and fair .cMumm-n mm wiinrmorHCW ?wny xeafrfcr r~wv<-<. pi,j< dttew -hc?.^ ^ Amet lean Peedon "to brin.e no vmuM5ichT~liers for their restival that is not i.f a clean. whalessme> nattire and t"it'ii -this on i iw mind, Mr.. Stanley h"r<s*V'ucreetf&i in booking a variety of iitrh class attractions sel lom seen in ;r.w;,s the'size rf .Rrv'xhnro.' The festival will van fcr four days, *. ym.meneirar orf.' Weinesdav. October 2r,rh. atid. ..terminating "cn Saturday, October 28th, inclusive. S\Y XTHMORE CH AI TAl'QirA COMING. 'Ph? Swati h'.oro C'hnutnuoua Asso. iation will M hsrr fsr.. three days on bc^aber 30, 31 and ^November 1st. This f h.nut uoiio is hiirhly. recommended and the people of Roxbbro and Person County have something to look forward to. It is backed by^ :he Woman's Club, and tUat ofdtself is fruarint.ee that it will make goon. - _ We fuel sure our people will orive the Association a hearty welcome , ani . thus shew their appreciation to the Woman's Club f :r bringing this splendid Chahtauqus IHre. WOTHFR HANDSOME STORK. One cf the Handsomest and best arranged stores H>re now is the new < r? and Id cent store of Mess. Chambers & Co. They have just moved inta the stiwo building vacated by Mr. Hucrh Woods and Hive overhauled it from t n to lof*rm, using a goodlv quantity f pom*. . nd now have on? f *ho mo?t attractive stores we know. Mr. W P. Ashley i* the popu i?r mar.?7(T. EPISCOPAL, SERVICES. f*l) St John'.-5 Chapel. CumngUam, 17 h. Sunday af "r Trinity fOct. 8th.) Morning Prayer. Holy Conrvmunion j*nd ?ermon. by the Rev. .T. L. Martin, at 11:00 a. m. (2) In ?he M .'scnic Hall, Roxboro, 17!h Sunduy after Trinity: (Oct. 8th) Evening prayer and sefnon, by the T?nr ,T J. Martin, at 7:80 p. to.- Subject of sermon: The only cure /or the wide spread pessimism cf -tUa day. ?o ANOTHER GOOD SALE. Mr. RT I.. Evans Mold "another load it goo-i tobacco at big prices at the \>w Hyco last Monday. Tfw sulil nounds' for_ $46.95, being a part of his last cutting^ He says Roxboro is narely the place to sell your tobatfco. __ Miss Mollie Mfilkesron of Mayo/Va. is a guest in the barfte of ILrO. 0|*y? / . ' ten.? " * " ^"T^fesa. C. lT.~Hunterf C. C, Critcher and- S, Arch Jones are spending a few days, in -Richmond. =*- '

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