pirier ? fm! len&Woi REE NO> |d Prize Ht $975.00 Authorized Agents, Hkure in announcing the Iicnption Club" Voting section. An appropriasecuring a magnificent B, together with dozens . g a $295 Edison Chinitches, etc., will be p'reand women, who, by' y the L.sa!es?nanship im* ??????????? votes value of subscrt ifcfc subscription rate and'number of votes given cn eac pcus voting: power <>f ten year subscriptions. regular votes on, $1 ;50 .500 votes 5 years Subscr Ition, $3.<)0 .2,000 votes 8 years Subsc fction, ^ $4.50 . _ 5.000 votes 10 years Subsc NO SUBSCRIPTION TAKEN FOR MORE THAN T Incerning extra votes o Irho brings < r send in $24 in subscription collections, r pg TUesdiy October 17th. These extra votes are givei | one year or longer. Ib Of Wednesday ber 18th, and Tuesday October 3 collected besides tW.? regular votes. * R of Wednesday, November l?t and Saturday November I besides the regular Votes. See r"' ?r vote schedule 1/ IANK.S, ETC. RITE OR PHONE . UB" MANAGER L 8 O'CLOCK. r ? Courier __= ?TM CAROLINA. s- ? ^HL. ' H I H B * S > ' * ^ W wm -MlJ. " i BSi lH^ Hw ||3|^H -' BB^B HMnl 9B^fl in?j^ VMPAIGN men of Person /. 4 f / , ' V'-.V- '' \; .> !' 1 Nominate yov Campaign Closes. SATURDAY i NOVEMBER 4th, 9 P. M. SHARP t ' ; ' HOW PRIZES' WILL BE AWARDED ' Ml-cut .the Entry blank witlJ. you name or the r.amt? | person to be nominated. Bring or mail this blank to the | j. Manager and you will b.e credited with 5,000 votes as a starU i 1 Any man, woman or child, ejther married or singe cf i j character, may become a candidate in thi9 campaign, and is I to cne nomination credit "of 5,000 votes. j The Campaign* Manager reserves the right to reject objecti 1 nominations. There are no obligations attached to* entering this campai; it costs absolutely nothing to., try prize. .1 m ! ! No candidate will be permitted to transfer her votes to 1 ;. candidate after receiving them for herself. } | j ' Subscriptions cannot be transferred. All " subscriptions n paid in caslJ befcre votes are issued. * -? . J No subscriptions for a period longer than ten years will * ? \ cepted. In accepting nominations rll club ihembers abide' by t j (litiens named. The- Campaign Manacer reserves the rio-ht t changes and additions that are deemed necessary in the intei ' the campaign to tl)i conditions or t)je prize list. The Jtoxboro | reserves the right to.place additional prizes on the list. , All prizes wpH be delivered to winners rrt Rcxbiro,-N. C.t soon as the winners are announced by the official- judges. In case of a' tie.fcr any of the prizes, the candidates tiei receive prizes' identical with the one t*ied for. TKs campaign opens Wednesday October 4th, and clos ttrday Nuvonibcr 4th, at 9:00 P. M. 1 Xc agreements or premises, either written cr Verbal,. ro sol Attars, otl.'.r than those published in The Roxbcro Cottri be recognized. I Xo employee rf The Courier will. be.allowed to compete : contest, her supply coupons to any contestant. ' PTION PAYMENTS 9. fi 1) subscription according to the amount ^ !|j J | | ipti-^n, S7.50-. 15,000 votes jgt jS ription, $12.00 25,000 votes 9 3 fe^c00'- 50.000 votes H 1 An appepriation of WN i KJA KO. Ha m FFER . | ? THIS CAMPAIGN-* eccives a ballet good for200,000 extr ;g, ? receive 25 per cei i besides the regular votes given on S M . . . g'. l"mains aitive until t I et 4n/?lno!?- i/t/t nf\i\ 1VU,??U exii 3 vot?s wjH ? 91 < mpaiffn. Not only . LW :!V 5S ... ' i I1,-' ' : rem opt bp r the luck the early bird h&d-swhcn ha- it looalntf for worms?be an cbrly bird. , * 7TT;;- 'A?"' T H|h h jgs gi Hs^H HH HKS ^5 H| |^Hm SBHSB^^I^HH kq HiC|i K9 I HI BHJ^B I B B ^B ^B h g^BBH flH^Sgg 9gBl n^B B ?- - u ? jtL? ig ' . : : .% . ' . fl [i. * I l & adjoining Co's 1 I S Awards | irself or a friend today. _| ~ [EXTRA I m Vote Offers 1 Pa,Kn 1 UMJWM." !!' " j i ?oo?i 200,000?EXTRA?On every $24 collected entitled j j the first two weeks of the campaign. aonabl* I ' J " * 100,000?EXTRA? on every $24 collected ^ the second two weeks of campaign. ^ '3 another 'IT... - '** ? i |fj l| 50,000?EXTRA VOTES- on every $24 col- j st- ? II ? ' . ;? M L i J .cvlcu me imi ween, new suDscnpuons ana 'IThG ?e- renewals will count the same number of votes. f^Tl r These EXTRA VOTES will be given besides rests of [ the regular votes you receive on every subscript I Courier i " tion. . ' lost n* ! I--!'-. ' .. . ' I M , i1' ' YOU CAN ;tet n* 'v;" : L ' : I- . w Sot.- .: . WIN THE SEDAN _ / idC-S : ~ THE FIRST TWO : 1"" WEEKS-,'" t' |\ 00 Cash Commissions |_ - * ESTIMATED K ^ || approximately $1,100 has been set aside -to pry cash commissions. YOU CANT LOSfi INK ra ou're bouild to win something:. Every active worker who fiiils to -win one of the rrcultrr-nrtee&K'' jjp |9 \t of the amount in new subscriptions i." or she has turned in, providing:, of course he or she* S Rp he end, and turns in at least one new subscription a week from the time he t r -lie enter* the 10 cs the Subscription Club offer you an nnpaTalted-nppnrrunity to obtain a handsome pri*?e for aying job as well! " m\ FIRST SUBSCRIPTION COUPON r.oon FOR >0,000 EXTRA votes By using this coupon witTf .joijr fTrrr;subscription (Ivor) you will OET ?| A P.ic; START. Return tjvs coupon to the Subscription Club Manacror. The 1? f'-iirkv, with yvl.t firs*. subscription ;a\r.'.rnt. either rid or now. iir.d you M will receive votes in ndtlition to the regular number of votes given' ' flj rr.ord.t.g *o the it,ular schc.r.r-'- T r. ( Nowh^vc. sr rt ti".cement. -co Name Subscriber ; . . . . ,Ca_Club Members Name. . ... j?f : ' Address . . . ? . . i". ....... . g^-. ' Amt. Euc. $ . (Old or New Sub.) m - ' 1 ;..ia casiv;.. Wi- v tl. -i:NTl:V.l.J_t':iC- ^ iff i -t.-ir: V ? rv,.,!"." M 1 'y i- dL!- r . I ' I.. ' aH.v.-'d on the subscription Or. 1c.nc : !" these 'cupons will be credited . tc c "ft h member'. # H . "r ^'j? T^i^^^jlfiJyr7L^^ r-j^i jT" : EC./r?vry.7i;?~A^ ... ' * - ** ' ' ^ . '