J. W. NOELL, Editor and Pu VOL. XXXVJ V K - -T-. . Gold and Exti For Candidat Mammoth Pr ? - New Offer Announced Whkh Givoo 10 . Will Create Great Sensation Among To Weld Claim To One of tho Aut< HONO MRS. O. H. WINSTEAD, SI MRS. COQUELLA MONDA MRS. CLEVE WAGSTAFF, ' DR. COLEMAN. HURDLE W. A. WILSON, HELENA. MRS. LUCK LEVISTER. I MISS MAUD MEADOWS, EUGENE CONN ALLY, LI MISS MARY SUE SNIPES f MISS MYRTLE WILKINS. i rw a i-irr ?_Tnn*>-ve |i mx\&. LAtA V)iiA.nu?, J J Not content with lavishing $2500j in prize* on candidates in Person | county at the close of this big Nov.: -4th, the Courier Has decided to makeji this epoch making classic even more j ^ interesting by giving ,away $25 in -gold to the candidate Who turns m the most .subscription money next Tuesday night. To the one turning in the largest amount of subscription money next Tuesday nigHt we will give $26 . Besideds the gold we will also award 100,000 extra votes on each $24 collected over and above ?Eh? Candidates may win gold Tuesday. They can do it. Is Real Sensation i'y THU XJold Offer wttt no doubt prove the real sensation of the campaign as it ends abouf two weeks before the campaign ends. Just two weeks from next Saturday night .the last ballot j will be cast and the most momentous rj P campaign in the history, of Person County will be a pleasant memory. 1 Any candidate caji^be in the_ motor calss if they will but take advantage ' of this extra vote offer whiejd'starts ?..v today. No candidate should4 overlook the importance of getting in all Oic clubs of $24 before next Tuesday "night As there is no tslling .this very ji .100,000 Vote offer may he the very one to place sotne candidate back of steering wheel of the coveted Seian. It is expected that tHi offer will set the entire field in a turmoil of excitement as $23 for one week's work is not to be passed by lightly and then again all candidates have% the v"*". same chance . Only one wrrker will win this Gold?but every candidate .has the same chance because they all , r. start off witH nothing on this offer , and any subscription money turned in . before today Wednesday will not count on the offer?this gives all workers an equal change to carry "ff _ . the gold regardless of where they may reside. " f : , I ls> Important To AW . i j^^,. The 100,00 Extra Vote Offer ? is j vitally important to- every candidate; The race is ncaring the final goal. | and1 already the splendid array of ; $2500 prizes looms on the horizon. | Just two week from next Saturday! and some one will drive Home in their, own Chevrolet Sedan. Just think what you could do with j $25. For cne. thing. it would ?uy a! nice new suit, with plenty left over,^ with frills and "dew dads" or it would! Start a nice little bar *?eount, Tt j would also buv gasoline ."or ?hc handsome automobile for pome - time to | come. Anyway, it would be nice to !; " have. Anyway vou look at it this offer is a beautiful one. If you want the gold you will be getting tftousands of extra votes at the same tihe to .win an automobile. If you* want votes x you will be pulling up your total . to win the-gold. It is a case of Fifty-) ?* " * Fifty. [The Courier is inrioed appreciative) Of the keen anticipation being shown | ~ by the hustling candidates. All.'* oft them aire looking forward to tHe int.-' menae prize distribution with the hope of being a participant. And they are * hacking up their hopes with votes. " " Fvery su&vedlng day flmiH tin- mif 'standing heavlei ami It'uuli'i than I lie preceding day. Ersiji day is eapeetod. to show an increase. H?w Second Payments \pplv .mind tHat second payment apply qij ?^ , thia Oqld Offer. New subscriptions fralgil tdliv IW'J.' in i-ait'i.ilui! nil* Hie *' " - J . . r ' - ? kiC y t : ROXBOR i-^-1 i " a Votes es in Courier ize Campaign 0.000 Extra. Votes and S23 In Cold?Active Workers Is Splendid Chance ^mobiles. V'i " ? -1 R ROLL ; DMORA. Y, CEFFO. " CITY Route 3. MILLS. 1 * '"' ?7., - j" 7IRGILINA. MORIAH. 1 EASBURG. 1, ROSEVILLE. " 1 PROSPECT HILL. kL.UINU, ! 1 ?-y_?_ji payment may apply toward winning the extra votes and Gold. Under the i 524 scedule candidates should be able j to obtain many of tHcse extensions i from subscribers who helped them in i the beginning. If Mr. Jones gave you i a subscription for a year earlier in 1 it!,- campaign and he wishes to extend < his subscription for a year or two ( more by paying you <1.50 or <3 you < get the regular votes and this sub- | scription money counts on the <24 which gives you the 100,000 extra < votes. 1 ?Many subscribers have - become so -1 intensely interested in the fortunes of ' some particular candidate tHst they Bre voluntarily extending their sub- n Any person wishing to enter this 1 campaign, now and try for the <25 1 CJtW1 Offer should send at once far subscription receipts and full particulars. It is not too late to enter until two weeks from next Saturday^. snd if the rigHi kiivftw off tiff Is rx"tended. now entrants can easily out- 1 distance the -others. Address all letters and communications to the Carti-paign Manager. Roxboro Courier, jl rroxDoro, J*.- u,. fnone ay. ? ? o?-?* J TO THK Vol 1 K< OFPERSON COUNTY. ' -o- .|< The following is the itineraryy for * the cnmpaicn of tH.? county the!* Republican and Democratic candi-C dates for the various offices at the ^ iirpcral of the voters. The candidates * c*m both parties will meet the voters I at, the below listed places on the glv- 5 on ia'es and hours. It is earnestly desired that large crowds meet the \ candidates at every place and Wsar * their respective claims. It is probable f that outside speakers will address (* the vcter3 at each place. The program,( follows. Cunningham 11 A. M.) Oct. 23. rvffz 2 P. M.I Oct. 23; \J|?nstead Mill 11 A. M.) Oct. 24. Chub Lake 2 P. M.) Qct._fc4. " . Bushy Fork 11 A. M.) Ok. 30. j Hurdles Mill 2 P. M) Oct. 30r ! Timberlake 11 A. M.) Oct. 31. | Mt. Hrzmh 2 P. M.) Oct. 31. Fogleman's Store 11 A. M.) Nov. l.j Moriah 2 P. M.) Nov. 1. n Allensville 11 A. M*V Nov. 2. Dixon's Store 2 P. M.\ Nov. 2. !( Bethel Hill 11 A. M. Nov. .1 H Wrorfsdale 2 P. M.) Nov. 3. !1 Roxboro 1 P. M. Nov. 6. | < R. A BurcB, Republican Chairman. ' R. P. Bums, Democratic Chairman. 1 ?o ' NOTICE. 1 The voters of the county will please :' take notice of the following appoint-.l1 menta for speechos in behalf of the j' Democratic party. * I f Major L. P. McLehdon of Durham. I Winstead MiU, 11 A. M? Oct. 24th. Chub Uke, 2 P. M., Oct. 24th. > Timberlake: 11 A. M- Oct. Slat. Mt. TirzaH, 2 P. M.. Oct. 31st. 1 Hon. A. Hicka of Oxford. Foglemanls 8tore. 11 A. M. Nov. lat. Moriah, 2 P. M., Nov. 1st. Allensville, 11 A. M., Nov. 2nd. | Di*cn'? Store. 2 P. M.. Nov. 2nd. - 'Hun. Walter D. B'lor of Pittshnrn BuehyT?ork, U A. M.. Oct. 30th. Hurdle Mills, 2 P. M., Oct. 30th. TP" Is eSfflMtly hoped lint . lame prowds wlil be present to hear. these r.ble speakers. Other announcements ^ Hi P. DTiens. Ohmi Pent, KM. Cem i>-.; y ' . . 4 : ~ .:y? Dgtofl Home First, Al O, NORTH CAROLIN/ CO OPS RECEIVE NEARLY 400,000 LBS. CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION HAS BIG WEEK. -ur farmers will be wise, pay their lebts. spend their money frugally and jet on top. , ,' During tHe past week the Co-ops ifllivered at this point nearly. 400,000 sounds, ' and with this , big delivery serdlje -a- complaint did yon heaa a? o adviaces made. Th#S are two graders.now on this market and ycu will not have to"ajjj se-long before you can get your obncco graded and receive -your adrago ?(,; , ' AN OPEN LETTER. Rougcmont, Mr. S. P. Satterfield, Agent, Jefferson Standard yfe ins. Co., ,Rbxboror N. C. . >aer Sir: . Some , eight or ten years ago you >rld .Pie a Jefferson Standard Life lolicy for $2000.00, with disability bsnefits. I am drawing montllly $20.10 On this noliev and have been for :wc years. In addition Jo this the ^" mpany i? paying the premiums on he policy. Also at my death my family will draw the entire $2,000.00. [ don't want it any better. I only re:Tet I didn't take $10,000.00 as you tdvised me to do. I wish I could sneak to every man n the community. I would urge him ;o take the .Jefferson policy and tW? same that I have. If I can be of fuiher service to you you have only to cmimand* me. Very truly yqurs, Walter Cothran. ' 0?: ro THE MEMBERS OF THE PER^ SOX cOl)xTY GAME, PRTECTIVE LEAGUE AND EVERYONE INTERESTED IN THE PROTECTION OF GAME. ?o? * The open season for hunting game .yill soon be here and as the weather has turned cooler we wisH to call >n everyone to watch very carefully for violators of the law. We have a special game warden employed in adiition to the regular warden and ev^ ?ry effort will be made to apprehend i .it t>i v :_ j 1 HI viuittLurx. riease oenr in miuy ?it?u "he Association has employed an at-1 orney to prosecute all violators and jfler a standing reward of $5.00 to I anyone for sufficient evidence to con-; rict a violator of the pme laws. PERSON COUNTY* GAME PROrFCTIVE. LEAGUE D. W. J.EMETTER. President. SK SPLENDID SONG SERVICE. The service at 'he Roxboro Baplist Church last Sunday night wai turned over to the visiting choirs from J along, Providence; Rock Grove and AUensviile. Rarely hsve we attended a more enjoyable service, for the singing by these cHnrs was exceptionally good, and-tHsy were greet-. hy a large cdmryegation, every ov.-iilahle ?ei^. was occupied both-HV the main auditorium and the Sunday School room. Misses Katie- Lee Mathews, Clara Edwards, Data Bryant. Bertha Clayton ajid Mrs, Parker gftsatjpat Saturday In ... ...f, ... Fcr 3 v; ' . Droad Next. " 1 7- r~? V, Wednesday Evening C NEW WCO SELLS 450,000 POUNDS | ? LAST WEEK . lAVERAtfE FOR THE WEEK NEAR $33.0v einesday the sales at the New; Hyco were nearly 100,000 pounds at an average of $35.85 for everything on the floor. . We have Heard many times that we j woul3 nev'er see tobacco sell again like it did in 1919,. but sales these days remind one very much of these I days, and when you see a farmer get i his check fdr his load you see a hapi py man. The crop of 1921 was very poor, and consequently tHi price was j low?with a short crop of poor tobacco and low prices it does not take much figuring to see in what condition ? ; I The first meeting of. tlie Review j Club for year was held last Thurs-1 J r J. !i.t- T I uay uiieruuun witn mra. A. U. -ADDHX. \ This is a new organization and belongs to the literary department of the Womarv's Club. The subject of tiJe lessen at the meeting was"Rbmantic Ireland". The lesson was most ably conducted by Mrs. R. L. Wilburn. The? beauty spots of Ireland and the char-ecteristics of the Irish people were interesting topics for the afternoon's discussion. Mrs. Albert Warren read an interesting paper on Saint Patrick fcnd Mrs. Wilkerson gave the Kstory cf Limerick, the city of the violated treaty. Mrs. Burrows thep read sellections from Goldsmith's Desertecf Village.-The program was closed by Mrs. T. C. Bradsher. Dainty refreshments were served the following members; Mesdamss R. H. Oakley, T. W. Pass, J. A. Beam, I. 0~ wnkersen. T. B. Woody,?S. O. Winstead, James Burrows. H. L. Crowell, E. E. Thomas, R. L'. Wilburn, T. Bradsher, A..R. Warren and B. G. Clayton. GOOD SALES AT THE NEW HYCO. Belo# is a few of the many farmers who have made good- scales witl-i^ us this week: J. P. Day, one lead $551.70-; Jno. Owen, one" load $517.60. Rbger Wilkerson, one load $600.00. G. W. Thomas & Walker, one load' $590.00: J. H. Hester & W., one load $602:80. J. Mc Long, one load $532.00. B. W. Gardner, one load $1670.50, and one load $924.00. L?oe inomas, colored, one of the reading and most prosperous colored farmers in the County, sold one loadfor *$1559.20. lW. T. PASS & CO. lAKUOF IH AUKS. We wish to thank all of our friends and- neighbors for ttfeir many kirul- j nesaes -shown us through the sickness and death of our wife and mother. We assure each ope of them that their many kindnesses will never be forgotten. -' - f He. tiOMC, SIDNEY N. LONG.NOTICE. There will be a lawn party at Providence School House Friday, Oct. the] 20th". 5 o'clock. Public cordially ivr-1 vited, r * ? ?? -; -i - --3 ?, tt. ' .50 Per Year in Advance No 41 tALL FESTIVAL ' EVERYTHING READY GREATEST EVENT tN THB ANNALS OF THE COUNTT. o f Net a Charitable, though Worthy, Occasion. Legion Boys Want to Build Home. Wijin the Lester Blackwell Hem-" , orial Post decided to put on a Fall Festival they did not even ' dream they Would be able to offer the people of Person and surrounding counties such a show? for indeed .it will bo,a show to many ri the good.people of this section. Just read the announcements they have been making '.Rough these columns and see what stupendous' attractions they have booked for the occasion. And, they have given us their most solemn promise, there will not be a gambling feature in the entire layout. The school children are coming in tllrongs, nine school exhibits, and this alone will be worth the price. It is to be educational in a large degree, with the thought always to both interest and educate, not only the cW Jren, but the grownups. Remember tRj dates, and come, not for one day but for the week. Prises worth while are being ofTered, and it will pay you to look well about these exhibits. And best of all, every dollpr made out of the Festival will be used for the betterment of the Lester Blackwell Memorial Post. It is the ambit:on of the Legion beys to build them it home, and we jylieve they will soon see this ambitidh reSHaSdr . IMPORTANT NOTICE. ?Miss Smigelow the Red Cross nnrse wants to agaia rnmind att thr noils , era in this county to bring their babies to her "Weil Baby Clinic" which she holds every Saturday between two and three o'clock with a doctor in attendance. . '' . Free Toxin Antitoxin gill be given, tc children from the ages, six months to six years. Brliig them ih. DEATH OF MRS. J.Mc.LOXG. Mrs. J. Mc Long died at the home of her husband near Loch Lilly last Friday evening, and was buried at Oak Grove on Saturday. The funeral services were conducted by her pastor, Rev. B. C. Thompson. Mrs. Long was S9 years old and k^ves n husband dnd one son to. mourn her departure. She was a splendid Christian woman and will be sadly missed in Her community. BARGAINS. When you want real bargains you are invjtd to inspect the line cf clothing shoes, overalls, underwear, etc. _ at the Chambers Sample Store, Mr. Charlie Wade, manager. You will find thfem in the Hotel Jones building, next-door to the Big 4 Grocery Co. Bargains every day. ' _ o? FURNITURE. You will not find a better line of Furniture" in this County than I am offering, and I will convince you that my prices are right if you will price the other fellows^line and then come and hear my prices. Try me, and be convinced, E. D. OHHEK. " COVPE BCRNEP. _ ? . Mr. .lack Wrenn, one of the uopular young men of Roxboro Hid the mixfortune to have his Coupe burned last Wednesdya night. He was drivinpp along a few miles south of town when he discovered the fire, but was unable to extinguish the flames. BIO SALE. As you have doubtless observed from these columns Mr." V icfor Kaplon will nut on a mammoth sale on the 19t.h at 9 A. M. He is offerinjr ? I Ill llll I I I I I iftl innb "*? his ad and see all about it. THs sale will be under the direction of M*. Clark, one of the best known salesmen of the country. MAYOR NEWTON OUT. It wiU- be .acceptable news to the friends of Mayor N'swtsa to 1UWS bo In his office. The Mayor was confined to his room for several weeks and was greatly missed. .' I Mr. and Mrs. Jim Winston of Nol'son.Ya.. apenf FfidHf Tfcrc shopplag. vJ?e ? ' j .' . ' ' is