PAGE TWO <, ?i.-g FARMS THAT PAV. In The* Famous Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, Maryland and Pennsyl-* vsnia Rich, level*, smooth Wue-Krais! Stock, Grain, Dairy and Orchard farms, of 25 to 1000 acres,* with good buildings, on or near National Highways. Water-Power Flour Hills and Business Openihgs. 137 acres, mnooth, level farm showmg up fine, it "room residence large , barn, all kind fruit in bearing, large f \ * spring, water running through farm, in one of the best sections of the Valley, 36,500. s 228 acres, 10 room stone residence, large barn, good orchard, 100 acres heavy blue-grass pasture, with running water, 20 acres heavy timber, i ' ' near R, 'R. and High School town, |"7 < " $16 an acre. w'? 122 acres, splendid 10 room brown stone residence, electric lights, furnace heat, runnning water, large 50 x 100 ft. bank bank barn,,-# large silos, near city, on National Highway. Price, less than improvements cost. Perfect climate, abundant rain-fall, pure water, solid roads, cheap farm Why take Life Insurance with . . * k/?n* * - - u?t at jour aoor, and have the neighbor to aid you year i t. ' V' > ,SE? SATT1 I Prices ? a Radical price reduction puts a that no family -with a home t< a out thi^mordern heating pla At the new low prices than stoves necessj ? IH Costs less than a goo< ? Costs less than a goo Costs less than twice I />?. H ing machine. Costs less than twice Order a CaloriC now 9 comfort and convenience you H ' cause it protects the family's S ily's pocketbook.' Because it ] . . < < 9 in the fuel it saves. a Order now because prices can 9 ingnow^you will eri.ioy the c< S ceritage of its cost this wintf ? Do not delay. Winter is her g? is an argument for CaloriC jji risk. Our guarantee?your si a JOHN ' ROXBORO, NOR f^?l "'-J i T r; NATURE'S OWN METHG OF PROTECTK , I ' ' . r r\MY one method that givei \ protection in burial has eve* covered. This is the "diving bel based on a natural law that the an inverted vessel keeps out all ' child proves this principle by p inverted glass in a pan of water. This principle has been utiliz and made p by the uscof twelve gauge Keystoi bearing steel which positively rt and corrosion and will not leal brick and concrete \-aults allow seep in, and act as a basin to hole a period of twenty years the Clc i Vault has proved this principle j>letely satisfactory results in all . 4 and soils. Supplying the Clark* Grave V accord with our policy of -rend ? most valuable service. I' R. A. SPENCER & SC Funeral Directors, For LIFE INSURANCE see S , r on hand to hel -I* , - with the^first P future premiu W SATTER1 m . fcr?^ - < ? 1 labor, low taxes. Near the largest and best markets of our Country. WRITE FOR FARM BARGAINS THAT WILL make YOU MONEY | AND GOOD HOMES. W. T. BIRMINGHAM. , 35 W. Water St. Winchester, V heat can afford to be with- j| i the CaloriC costs less iry to heat the building. S! 1 pi?nf>. ' H d home water system, the price of a good washthe price of a Ihonograph. P because it is the greatest ? j can have in your home. Be- & health and thereby the fam- p lays every dollar of its cost K not be lower ?and by order- Pj . import and .saw a good per- Sj trin earnest. Every blizzard |gj comfort now. You take .no S atisfaction or money back, tal I f. r e ams th Carolina ?D ' . )N ? i absolute been di?1" idea ? air within water. A (lacing an \ ed hi the ermanent nc copperwista rust c. (Stone, - . water to ' ^Pvcr Civilization irk N VtrVAULl' ~ . P. SATTfiJRFIELD wo is always p you, not only 1,,-lfc **'*0 II 11 -- ? ~ T ? 1 Mil JIlULJiin % - a. . _ . V ' . lELD INS. AGENCY^ "OLD AND TRIED". I', ". '/ ? fgE BOXBORO COI'RIFRiir-TOOKR IMPROVED UHFORH DTTMSATIONAL Sunday School i * LessonT i (By RXV. ft B. T1TZ WATER. O. IX. Teacher of English Bible In the uoodr ? Bible Institute of Chicago.) Copyright. 1911. WwUni N?w?pnwT^nwtos LESSON FOR OCTOBER 22 JESUS TEMPTED 1 L?8SON* 4:1-1*. ! GC'-DKN TEXT-Ktor ta that B* Him elf hath suffered being tempted. He te \ able to succor thorn that ere tempted. -Heb. 2:11* RiFBIlENCE MATRRXA-Lp?Ptiff. 1*41; < Heb. 2:14-1*; 4:14-1*. < PRIMARY TOPtP-Jesua Orernoniee c Tea p tattoo. . JUNIOR TOfK-jM T*mpto4 M D* ! Wrong. ) INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR TOPIC I v.YOUNG PEOPLE A.NO ADULT TOPIC ?What t;tuitc*? Victory Uomnm to Ua. . -? , I. The Place of (v.. L). The wilderness of Judea. The fleet, man, Adam, wee tempted in a garden with the moet pleasant. surroundlnge. The second man. Jesus Christ, was tempted, ip a barren wilderness surrounded by wild beasta (Mark 1:18). it. The Purpose of (V. I). He was led into a wilderness by the Spirit. Christ's temptation was Messianic. Though He was "tempted In all points like as we are." we are not tempted as He was In this Instance, but the same methods are employed on as. During the eighteen years of retirement Satan sUrely tempted Christ as he tempts us. Satan, no doubt, would have gladly escaped this hour, but the time had come for the Redeemer to enter upon His mediatorial work; therefore He went from the place of anointing and heaveni? recognition as the Son of God to raeet_and despoil the arch enemy (Heb. 2:4). 1. It was not a preparation for His work, but rather its tirst conflict.^ In baptism we have the symbolic act of dedication of himself to the \vorl? of redemption through the cross?the making full a righteousness. In the temptation, the strong man is spoiling the enemy. 2. It was not to see if Christ would stand fast?would fall under the most crucial teat. Christ could not fall. To no poetulate would make God's li scheme of redemption to have been & unsettled until after this temptation. "and" would have iiiade?Qod_ guilty of setting forth a scheme of redemptton ? .on the basis of a possible overthrow, a 3. It was to show Christ as an ob- a Ject upon which we may rest our Mlh c with unshaken confidence. He came aa the aecond Man. the head of a new c race, Its very source and life. It was a a demonstration of the Inseparable- t ness of the divine and human natures in the Incarnation. I III. Tha Method of (vv. 2-12). h Christ as the world's Redeemer ^ gUKtmmMi a ihrwHir reunion?mm uf -t Man; Son of Godj-^nd Messiah, there-' fore Satan made each one a ground of v attack. . , fc 1. As Sou of Man (vv. U-4). Satan made his tirsf. assault upon Iliin as j a man by appealing to the Instinct of hunger. Satan urged Him to use Hla dfvlne-power and convert a stone into bread. Hunger is natural and sinless. ~ The temptation was in satisfying a right hunger In a wrong way. To have yielded in thls?case would have been to renounce the^human ikaIrations which He had taken for ovr I sakes. To use divine power to satisfy human needs would have been to fail as Saviour and.Redeemer. 2. As Messiah (vv. 5-8). Here the temptation was to grasp His rightful dominion?by?false?means.?The?j devil offered to surrender unto Him the world if* He would worship him. The force of this temptation was In the fact that the kingdoms of the world ure Christ's by God's covenant 1 with Him: God's method by which 1 Jesus whs to possess the world was the cross. The temptation Setarf is 1 pressing upon itie church today Is to get possession of the world by. other means tlmn the cross. | 3; As Son of God (vv. 9-12). Here J Satan tries to induce Christ to pregrime upon God's care. He quotes a | Messianic Psalm to Induce Him to so I nek To do the spectacular thing in 1 ~"ofder to get notice Is to fall into Satan's-temptation. For Jesus to have ( placed himself in danger In order to f get God's special help in delivering t Him would have been to sin. To put one's self in moral and spiritual peri! In order to test God's faithfulness is ( to sin. Satan Is never quite so danerous as when he quotes Scripture. IV. Christ's Defense (vv. 4. 8, 12). ' , It was the Word of God. He met and repulsed the enemy with "It Is j written." Our defense Is God's Word. May every Sunday school teacher knOW hOW tg O?r ltt . v. S Iry (v 13). Satan is vanquished. If Hi! a 111 liul trust God and use His Word we too can overcome. ' - i Sup.rtor end Inferior. -VPU limy fait to ahlu. hi the utltiilwi "ot other., loth in jour crinveriatloti and actions, from being superior, ai well aa-lnfertpr te them.-MJrevtlle. Faith. ?=~Now faith la the substance of thln(( to be hoped for, the evidence of thlnga that appeal1 nut.?Hebrewe Hil. The Lord-, pay. errnce taf aanrtuary; 1 en the lord.? l.iiltl ma tQ -iA . " L*VItlCU8 J.U .?W : r ' n . - . - ??-? ? lith. 1922. - A THC PARADISE PISH "We're eery popular hi the acjuapam," said Mr. Paradise risli to Mrs Paradise Pish. "Tea. they seem to like urn." sai< Km. Paradise Pish. "And they say nice thlnas about it. too." saM Mr. Paradise Fish. "It Is not kind to keep pleasant homrhta >n o**'- k* ?* D?n?, M flab I cannot go about apialnlqg everything I think and fad, Mt 1 thorn what I enjoy th? tmat way ! can.- " "T *how that I enjoy my food. I ibow that I am a bright Hah. "Oh yea, I ahow what I can aa aa a let othere know wheu I am enjoyng myaetf. "For example -they all knew that I rill eat anything a gold Hah will eat ind that my deelree In the way of 'ood are not heed to follow. "To be suae I do not lake little Mtet of food. But then why apeak >f my table manners! *T neree Ml it i lahle and an I am lot supposed to hare table manners. "And any way 1 may take Mg hi tea, at I. have pretty nice manners. "Tea, my aquarium mannera are ery good. "I can change my color. From.bent a brown hah with handsome tripee I can change Into lovely hades of red and bine and greyn. "Good food, or ittfferent -ktmla -of Ood. happiness. excitement, pleeanre rtll make me torn a pretty shade. "That la why I am called a para Use fish, I suppose, because of my ?vely coloring and beauty. t "I can breathe the air, toov though , do not climb up out of the water aa ? he climbing perch does when he la bent to take soma air. "Mr. CllmWag Perch'* tins ere each bet he can climb Man the land. "Mine are net UuTuat. j "My family lira UjUlli and Africa t nd they eat fltai^^U Insects while , bey live In swamj^ffiuccs "ITaw Jos* becgpMRl km beautiful * i no tease* vfcl^Hfrould wet be 1 "And I am a beQ? Bah. tee. < "t don't see why I should aaake j veryene W urer me Jual lieteeer 1 4 m beautiful?Tm not delicate aad 1 t m net going to pretend to be dell- | ab ye?, i ininK ire toia pratty early all about myself as I've been s sked to do. Ami I must telB about * he little ones, too." c "Of course, you must," Bald Mrs. ( ararflse Fish. "And all that you \ rave said about yourself is true, but ou haven't told about the neat T?oild- | ? "That is most interesting: to those trho- do not know our ways.. I've leaM many a person speak of our ' "You're a-Nice Flah." lesta and of the way we build them is being most Interesting. "The aquarium people love the way sve do this." "Oh yes," said Mr. Paradise FUh. 4I wHV explain. *- ~"Well, first of nil I blow a.bubble j :?est at the top of the water and at-' I ach It to floating plant. "Then you come undei the nest and j you put the eggs down and they rise j1 right Into the nest! ll "And you wear such u pretty white j costume when you are looking after j them. I-.guurd the eggs carefully too. j and I keep the nest In perfect condi- \ j Iat. t.llt u-hfln tYya little n"" 1 imough to swim you have to take them away from ina for I may eat them up !u my hunger." "Yes," saUl Mrs. Paradise b'isb, "-It j \ Is so strange that after you hare 'done j everything to prolect and care for | the little eggs, and have gone without t food so as to be ou constant watch, that you will then turn around and eat the'ones you have sacrificed so ranch for. "Tee, It Is curious." _ ?I-Pio thnn-rf .-nirse we are not peifeet. Sometimes Paradise Fishes may " be cross with one another anil greedy about their food, even eborlng their neighbor away. well. Now there la Mr. fionrnml flab He will kill hU mate In bis excitement over guarding the eggs." "Oh, I've ne complaint to make," said Mrs. Paradise Fish. "To me you're a nice fish; yen, a vsty nice Bah, Indeed." , .. , t. _ Park HHfiiass. Mother?Sop, I don't believe yen wnliug j out fees at alb '?? 8mall Son?If yeu^e^ believe ton -r?: ?? J? -; A mi Hi have tu One L Cigai ?a firm v : v'ir 'r^r-" superior ls^m. ; S'OTICE OF SALE OF LAND AND PERSONAL PROPERTY.' Under and byyjrtue of the authorty contained in a certain mortgage, executed on the lltU day of March, >919, by Robert Noell to Rusaell, lones & Company, which said mortgage ia duly recorded in the office of he Register of Deeds of Person ~ounyt in Book of Mortgages No. ?, >age 11, default having been made n the payment of said mortgage as herein provided. I will on SATUR^T 5AY, the 28tM day of OCTOBER, 922, at twelve o'clock M'. offer fbr| inle and sell for cash at public auc-j ion to the highest bidder, at the ourt house door in Roxboro, North! Carolina, the following described' iroperty, to-wit: One acre of land, bounded as folows: . On tH? North by Mr. Iludgins; on he East by George Freeman; on the south by Wiley Bradsher and on the iVest by WTJey Bradsher. This land' i in Eoxboro Township in Person ?-oanty, North Corolina, and the fol-; owinpr personal property. One dark say horse bought of Ruasell, Jones, Er Company. This 25th day of September, 1922. T. L. Russell, Assignee for Russell, Jones & Co. YOU |?NEVER ^ j REGRET I THE DOLLARS SPENT AT THE ARMY STORE. Honest to goodness j ' good shoes. Regulation Shirts, Pants, Coats and Over Coats, j Army Blankets from i SZ.5U to $5.00, Get a good coat for 1 $2.00. ! , GOING,FAST. A CALL IS CONVINCING. NAT V. BROOKS Manager. I ; o? GET RIQ OF THAT "TIRED FEELING" DO you feel ruh down and haltsick all the time? Are you thin, pale, easily tired?no energy, no ambition, no "pep"? Pento-Mansan. It will brace vou ud. give you a delightiui. teeung o( VlflUf and ambition, enrich your blood, build firm, solid flesh. and bring the healthy color btfulv H3 VOllr sklii. . Your druggist hat Guile's?Liquid -ft solid, asyou prefer. (judg1^ Pe|JtO-Man?an Tonic, and Blood Jinricher _ . . i ' , - . 11 * >. on men rned to It even 'ettes erdict for quality. Iff . cigarettes NOTICE SALE OF VALUABLE" LOTS ANR FARMS. Under and by virtue of the author ity conferred upon ate by a judgement of the Superior Court of Person Co. made in that Special proceeding entited G. L. Cuningham, J. W. Gutaingham, et al vs. the unbor. children ' I of G. L. Cunningham ( R. P. Burns Guardian adelitem) I will on Saturday Nov. 11th 1922, beginning at L.' P. M., sell to the Highest bidder the ToITowlng desciibed landfe? * One hundred acres in Cunningham township Person Cpunty, N. C., joining Jack Franklin the Bray estate* et al. About fifty nice buildincr lota nt Cunningham station. A tract of 27 acres about one mile East from G&ft-? ningH&m Station. Terms one half cash balance in six and twelve months interest on doffrred payments and titles .retained until purchase price paid irr foil, pur chaser has privilege of paying all cash. A map of this land can be se'en at the office of tWe undersigned or at Cunningham Station. Sale on the premises. This Oct. 4th. 1022. N\ LUNSFORD. Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND AND PERSONAL PROPERTY We. the undersigned heirs at law of the late John Day, will offer for sale to the highfcst bidder f$r cash ITn the premises on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28th, 1922, at^ O'CLOCK A M., the following described traatffejj of land and personal propety: (1) That certain tract of land Allensville Township, Person County, ;.1 North Carolina. bounded?orr MnrA J by-J. J. Ashley and J.. H. Tar bo to; on the East by L. E. Day; on the South by A. Z. Day, and on the West' by A1 Lea, rontaining 146 acres, more or less, and being known as the home place of thfc late John Day. (2) 2 horses, 1 cow, 2 hogs, 1 buggy and a lot of household and kitchen furniture. The sale wilt be on the premises, beginning at 10" o'clock A. M., and | the personal property will be soM first, and the sale of tlte personal property the land will be sold. The sale to *he at public puction. VThis Sept. 26th, 1922. I J. T. Day for the heirs at law, I Sept. 27 - 4ts. I I ^4 new entrgyucins? frafrmnce F T-f? Hkb'l^u" 1 i I 1 THI WATKiW?yDgAl.?Jt^l I 1 ? V *" 11 - 1 * 'B TO nT-TrrT ST(TMF.RS. I" Tobacco 11 in I liil|| Willi llinl "ill B want to ask if ypu wont come in'nnd I pay a part or all of your account, Wo- U feel like we have been very lenient H with you, and you alt realise- that it I takes money to