j V" ; -s-\ -f - - ' fa'- " ItmasgsaTOBHPCT^^ mjwMwv ^ Iv Wednesday, October 25 CHILDREN'S DAY All schools in the County will be closed. Thursday, October 26 I ROXBORODAY Friday, October 27' PERSON COUNTY Day ? Saturday October 28 ^1 EVERYBODY'S DAY i FIDDLER'S CONTEST Open;to All j j -1 Wednesday Afternoon In front of Grandstand | BAND CONCERTS I 3?BANDS?3 [ Daily in Front of Grand. | _ ,j ADMISSION Adults, % . . 50c r-?;l| Children, under 1 2 I"'' f | years 25c Bl Grandstand ! 5c II ; Field Stand 1 Oc . | I) 4-BIG L| Horse PI Races 1 Auto | Is Races 1 Mule r | ; Races j | | DON'T FAIL TO SEE I THE MAGNIFICIENT 1 MILE-LONG STREET Lis parade on L.j WEDNESDAY, OCT 25 jj PONT MISS IT! I 1 DAYS & I 4 NIGHTS - 3'.-' ; ; 'iNcu'ri.vt; ??4 ^??T"*" '? aiuE&?u^AgftjM^.a58nnrg|g^ The Americ ^Bhhl. v.Ma;^^HL - ^m: apfe;. I II ''I m "r an FA We are Re* j The Most Gig Amusements I to the Peopl ?? ?Car< _ _ j 1 EVERYBODY i ? 7- 1 ; A Festival and Fair tl have never seen befor EVERYBODY in HI i?1??a??P?g?^r? ; DAYS-4 ' ' ' ' ' ' ; *?. ^ ' $3,000 Amuse FREE TWICE DAILY BEFORE GRA EVERY. DAY AND NIGHT YOU CA arvelous THIS ( THE MOST POI OWAi Festival DISPLAY"EVER*" r estivai JN pERSON COUNTY! and ThePE? THURSDAY IN FRONT OF International F-I-R-E-VV IMPORTANT ALL EXHIBfTSMIJST LATER THAN TUESDAY, , _ ^ ? Come One! Come Y?yr> * .. 7 . ' ... - x, ?-?1, ? .1 tir^r-. ? / : - ^ :an Legion's L|_ liK, l^''' ^B- B^H H| id- ? JR idy for You | antic Array of j ?ver Presented j e of Central Ul . ^i: ; ;| jtiuu ?-?-??4U " ' A-- ' . . '? ! 1 IS INVITED - __ ae eqflfial of which you L: e! Event of the year! oIS WELCOME -BIG NIGH :ment Program ND STAND! SOMETHING NEW N'T AFFORD TO MISS! , Fireworks . . FIREWORKS THIS UNDERTAKEN Opportun? ? MAGNIFICENT! .. GRANDSTAND? ?fiHDAY- - U -O-R-K-S The Best Ever! BE ON THE FAIR GROUNDS NOT OCTOBER 24th, 6 P. -M. h i All! Come Early! 1_ ' == ; ?-?? ? n* , if ' r ? '?? , was ' .GREATEST POULTRY 1 SHOW! | ' - "? | FARM MACHINERY I and AUTO SHOW! | v '> DOG SHOW! I 1 ^ " Complete County School Exhibits! 1 ~J . _ B: ;| FARM PRODUCTS! Ka . ?-. ,^5 CATTLE vSHOW! | 4 Days of Horse Races! 4 >| ^ 4 Days of Mule R&ces! 4 | 4 Days of Pony Races! 4 | !" Great Open - Air I - | HIPPODROME! Two Preformances Daily. J | Day and Night. | ! MONSTER MIDWAY M v jg " ->3 | WEST SHOWS! || , ? 12?BIG SHOWS!?12 | i S :1 n I " 1 5-RIDING DEVICES--5 | * !? *^3 THE CLEANEST f '"| SHOW ON EARTH! | ? 4 ITS-4 I NOTICE! "I ( hildren Admitted to the , Fair Grounds va 25c . ?.. I Free to the Grand Stand Day and Night! fj T ~~ 1? I1 ^ don'tfail I p TO- SEEL | THE MAGNIFICENT '? mile-long street" 8 parade -j. ?on? 1 "* wednesday. oct, 0 25. I . " - ' OCTOBER 1" ^ * . v . / ti 25-28 ' ' in iis 1vk 1 . ;|g- ??"t ? ?-?? ?- i j.'j - . v ?-< ' :m