PAGE FOUR * ' ' THE COURIER J. W. NOELL. Editor. Hahed Erery Wednesday Evening S L' bSCIOPTTON TERMS fldO a year, 75 cents tor 6 month* M cents for 3 mc-ntho?Cash ' > Ad. fbo Editor i* m no way responsible Nor rim oxprooood bp oorrospooy y .' ** Catered at tbo Post Offlco at Rot. wo, N. C., as second .data mattar j Fnn> Adwrtirint R?pwnat>tb? 1 TVtE AMERICAN PRES3 ASSOCIATION Roxboro, N. C. Oct. 18th 1922 SEND HIM TO PERSON COUNTY BrotDcr Ccok of The Uplift is wor'* " Sod over this fact that the Cabarrua men who direct the rural school in* (crMtS RfW ntlbpn no t>!P InV* Wo osys: 1 "The men, who direct the rural - echool interest of Cabarrus county, are .elegant, christian gentleman of recognized business ability. They have as it appears to tbs public, permit- ] ted the cause to be largely directed j by the executive officer immediately j in charge. He, too, is a hightoned,! christian gentleman; a graduate of the University of North Carolina, and " ' worthily "wears the medal for the best orator in bis day at that great institution.. It is,. therefore, safe to i presume that he is entirely competent for the leadership?but an efficiency in administration, measured by the achievement in other counties, has yet to be manifested or demonstarted. Yet in the face of all these Hspeful qualities of mind and heart in the directorate of the rural schools, .- we are compelled to face the' fact that our school progress does not * compare favorably with that of a single county in the state, in a class with Cabarrus. There is a reason for this. What is Sure, there is a reason, they aim- , ply have not cougnt the spirit. Taltr ' our adivce and send the committeemen and the superintendent to Hloxboro and let our superlhtendent. Rev. J. A. Beam, take theon in his sedan .and show tbsm the high schools in j tin good Uounty. Let them see what :~'.j i ' . ... . a county, with, less than twenty thousand people, is doing educationally and we will wager a fat Pernon county 'Opossum they will return with a different feeling. \"o-~,ne can spend a day with Sapt. Beam and not catch the spirit. ??.?A gentleman more i.r less interested being a candidate, suggested , to ur this morning that he titoogh it might | , be wise to advertise the fact that | there will be an election held in this ' County on November 7th, for no one < ' seems to realize it.' Ib is true, only three weeks off and yet, we have election as there is in this section this ytar. Bur. really," why bother with poltics when tobacco is selling so high, fcr usually it is only the politician- who benefits by an eleition. Want Ads j SEE HUGH WOODS in bis r.ew ~ store opposite Crowell Auto ComP*Py" :' ' *j it * Hyacinth and narcissus bulbs. NEWTON - WU.KERSON DRUG CO. Kuppenbcimer and Curlee clothes, Kppx and Stetson hats, Howard and Foster shoes. snelfs the 'nlaee for . yonng men to trade. Wttborn & SatteAeVd. * 6EEP OATS, Crimson and old fashion Red Clover, and Rrass seed at HUGH WOODS. p. FARM FOR SALE?130 acrer, 4 ?: room hoiso. stable, mill- sue, ahotit 250,000. feet saw timber, 3-4 mile ' from Rood road,' 4 mile* of Semora. cash, rest "*?y Itnti;.-- Address OSMOND SMTTH, Semora, N. C.? A. t?-27, 4tpn. W* talk Equality, We advertise quality and w? deliver th* broods. Try. ais. Wilbnrn fc StrttenfielJ. J W. - ^ 1 : ! s ?Vslmbl.i .'Oii .?I 'r Sale. f ' Ree^^tpwr. $tc ..e for jricea. J. E. Hvacih'H' ah1~mtr:?qy f-sHw. y;^.,MEWt?N-- WlLKE^.,,k Di}.UG.COJ GENERAL FEED LINE V"" * When in .need of feed supplies such | Industrious men and women want- t ed to retail the genuine Watkins Pro- t dutcs in city territories. Exceptional c opportunity to tie up with the oldest jand largest company of eta kind. Our 1 hustlers average income- is $1.10 an | hour. Are you doing as well ? If not, | writ today for free samples and part- p jeulsrs. The J. R. Watkins Co., Dept. E 81, New York, N, Y,?10-4-3ta-pd. Hyacinth and narcissus bulbs. . ? NEWTON - WILKERSON DRUG CO. Go to Wilburn & Satterfield if you want expert measure for that suit of clothea. Fit and quality guaranteed. CA8H AND CARRY. Will sell you more beef for same money and guarantee the very best meat to be had. Give me a trial at my market on Depot Street, next door to Roxbdro Cafe. J. H. LOY. All kind of Clover and grass seed 1 at HUGH WODDS. ' . , I Little John Owen sold one load* of | tobacco" at the. New Hyco Warehouse i Monday for $533.74. He says it pays to farm and sell your tobacco at the Hyco Warehouse. " it your feet call for' good shoes, direct them to WiJburn & Satterfield. ;?: ; is Hyacinth . and narcissus bulbs. -"Ji NEKTON - WILKERSON DRUG CO. WANTED?Good live colored wo- 5 men to act .as agent. Address, 744 j Pearson Street, Greensboro, N. C. S 10-18, 2ts pd. t FOR BARGAINS in Shoes see 1 Chambers &. Co's Sample Store?in I Hotel Jones building* next door to Big" 4 Grocery Co. It WILL PAY YOU to visit Cham- | bers & Co's-Cample Store before bay- K ing-yoor .shoes. gj DISTRICT MANAGER WANTED gj (or Rockingham, Caswell and Person B Counties. Permanent and profitable gj business. 100 per cent profit.- Small 0 Investment. "Exclusive territorial pro- ? tection. Expenses aHbwe5?i HOURS 2 " 5 P.M. 'RV g It DR. S. D. COLEMAN I f CHIROPRACTOR S? ip % gi * POST CEFICE SLOG, ^Si ROXBORO, N. C. |gi ! rM W -ftl* ?~~r"rvZ n "::T 1 i M -: '? ' ? i I f - ? " . * I I ' j 11?- "?- ?I ?: , ' ' T ? . ' ~ ^ THE ROXBORO COtTRTBR OCTOGER 18th, 1922. 11 L- - - - . i ? 1 When Did You Have Your ' I Picture Made? J Would that picture be satisfactory to your lovei ones, should anything happen to you at this tiftle? Photography is.not taken with sufficient seriousness. Its main value is in recording and holding tUat which memory cannot re- af tain. Give this serious thought. You owe it to your family and (Si friends. f HI Come in and let us make a picture of you that you will be m\ proud to give your friends. . 31 MISS KATJE L. JOHNSON, Portrait Photographer, 103 14 E. Main St. Durham, 3L C: ?3! Mail your kodak films to us. Best results. |j]| Wc Are Climbing j i As up a ladder. Our sales are daily increasing. Why? Because one customer tells another and they Compare prices and quality. . 'jMR' ' j We don't handle cheap stuff, but we do sell Good Stuff Cheap. ' - r ; I We sell for the CASH only, thus assuring each customer that the profit added includes no bad accounts or i unnecessary expense. If you see-fit to give us a trial we shall endeavor to prove what we say, and we say we SAVE you MONEY. r ,v'i a otv ruA 3 LASH a l UKU I ON THE HILL. .t ';r I Turn The Cow Around I <9Tou have made the North-rich with -< C ' ... *-. I LIFE INSURANCE' -PREMIUMS. - ' ' .' I 1 Why not keep it in yonr own beloved l; Scnny Nbrth Carolina. No better pol- a :ry on caTth than ttto JEFKERSOX STANDARD. See s: P.' RATTERU FIELD before you,buy life Insurance. It will pay you. 2si! ' ' ' I . I ! Satterfield Ins. Agency | "OLD and TRIED" ' . * ' 1 - * ? *OR A SOUND BANKING 1 [NSTITUTION THE FIRST NATIONAL I BANK OF ROXBORO. r?/\l ?r?*tnri '.j v trciNiviiiiN i - 'm\ SUPERVISION GIVES IT A POSITION OF SAFETY. ' I WE WANT A THOUSAND NEW ACCOUNTS THIS SEASON. --1 WE SOLICIT 1 YOUR BUSINESS ~ '/ FOUR PER CENT PAID : ON TIMF. DEPOSITS . _! I YOURS FOR SERVICE' FIRST NATIONAL BANK, P THE FRIENDLY BANK. ?1 " .. .. .? - ' , , > ' ; ' & u>- >1 ^ u m ^^RSS3P ' ' .. ' ^ r :.* ; t 1 * ' '; * - " . v- -k : > . - , "k ? ? .. w Get Ready | For Cold Weather g Dont let this summer weather fool you.-Old Jack Frost js is just around, the curve. Unless you are prepared you (I will wake up some icy morning and wish you were. Get' 9 in a good supply of wood or coal, fix up the cow shed and horse stalls, make the hen houses a little closer and shel- v| jj. ter the pigs well so that all the live stock, may be comfortable during the cold days and nights just ahead. But 0 , m above all provide good, warm clothing, dry shoes and g J other necessary things 'for the- comfort cf yourself and m 3 family. Anil whiJp von prp hnvtnv tVpofl fViinnro wV?w ?At Si ? get them in good style, good looking and make the best 1 jS -appearance possible. We are in business to dress you with I ^ gj the best goods,' that look the best at the lowest possible 1 prices. Our Fall and Winter stocks are complete with'the I '?1 -^est *? ^ount^' <>ur prices are the most< reasonable apt! 1 >Rs?we are ready to render to you the best-of service. We are "Br la. alway^ple^^d^e^e^oU^ z . Harris & Burns I % ROXBORO'S BEST STORE. s ^ . ' _ ; Sklfptv rjpnAeit ??^v|/vaik | J Boxes for Rent "1-. " - I SMALL BOX PER YEAR $140 MEDIUM BOX PER YEAR $140 LARGE BOX PEI* YEAR $2 00 ;: ';v-""vk ' .' - II i 9J!f?FQQ ? ?? They go together! Arc you the pLU.t.ess.ur Ufa pasa bookV ?? If not. we shall be nlrase-rl tn k=..= ..?.. * t-?- -- - , ... .?> ..?>? JVM wine iniu our bank and opan an account. - Jhe-money you deposit wilfgive yon greater confix denle in yourself, you will earn'more and soon have a nio#bSIance to your credit. We wil! welcome your .account, j. ? \ ? > - -I ' ' ? The. Peoples Bank jk ?-?r?jtovaono, x. c.??- -?_==^H