; MCKIE, THE PRINT Bt, , OB * wear ?i ?? : A MOM Dr. S. Rapport || OF DURHAM. If. C. || || WIJX BE AT ll' II ROXBORO, AT THE HOTEL || || EVERY Nl || FIRST WEDNESDAY || H in each month to examine eyaa R H and fit glasses. Glasses fitted || || tkat are easy and raaCnl td H || we eyes. npaomw num 07 II P || eye atrait. relieved. My oast || U II Visit will be WEDNESDAY || || NOVEMBER 1st. 1922. ]! * DR. H. F? SATTERFIELD * *. ? DENTALSURGEAN * Roxboro, N. C. * * * Office over G. W. Thomas Store. * '# * ' ' *' ' _ ROXRORO. N. C. ? DR. G. C. VICKERS " * Dentist v Office in Newel! building * 1* on North Main street. * next door to Roxboro Grocery Company. ROXRORO. N. C. ? N. LITNSFORD Attorney-at-law * y ? Office over Garrett's Store ROXRORO. N. C. 9; 0 0 0 0 0 9 ? e n Anvrai' a * Attorney and CouneeUor at ? Law ' Office over Bank of Roxboro !? v * DR E. J. TUCKER ' a - Dentist * Office in Hotel Jones over * * Dr. R. J. league's office * DR. 1. H. HUGHES ??-?. .. Dentist _ *. Office in Hotel Jones, next * | . 9 door to Dr. Tucker's office. * IM * ? ? . ? ROBERT P. BURNS a Attorney at Law a PEOPLES BANK BUILDING * * Prompt and careful attention sivr> * a en to all business. _ * " " * * * *" * * * a W. T. BUCHANAN a SURVAYOR a MILL CREEK. N C. Route 1. * Schedule Effective Apirl 30 1922 D. TH. A. n a. m n n> *8:801*7:00 It. Durham ar. ll:00|9:ll *7.09l.*8:13 lv. Roxboro U. 9:2347:54 *7:53|*8:45 lv. Dennwtosi ar. 8:45|7:19 *8:20|*9:05 lv. S. Boston ar. 8;18|6:5? *?81*819'Tv. Halifax ar '8:02[6:43 : : *11:151*11:40 ar. Lynch*. It. 6:30|4:1? ? ? ? ? a.m.p.m * Dally an4 x Dally &x. 8a. CoBoactlons at Lynchburg with Farter and alaepinc . cara d taint cm. Tha boat ronta to tba Traat and nortljweat. Rata* and intaraafini upro application to agaat, ft,- ~ *. C. SAUNDERS. ' , General Paaa t|?ot. jij- ".1 Roanoke. Va - _ BUBSORIBB -TO THE COllfctSET " ,i ' ?1J0 8 ye^t. and^TW? IT . . - :j ' - r , - ' ER*S DEVIL SALH OF LAND! * Under end by virtue of a decree of i the Superior Court of Perton County i in that certain special proceeding en- i titled "Sam Winstead and - others vs i Rosa Vincent and husband", I aa ! commissioner therein appointed and < directed will on i NOVEMBER 6. 1922, c *t 12 o'clock at the court house dooe c in Rbzboro, North Caroline, sell tet< tain tract or parcel of lend situated H A great thing to ha Ve on ice at hoa Your grocer delivers it by the ca H Delicious and Refrei Ml Boxboro, > H OTtCIO UNDID < IICUIIWI UCIMI r*Oa? Ford L . Fordson Oftei In a. Day Thai The Fordson* substitutes The Fordson substitutes legs of man and horse. The Fordeon takes the blood and puts it on stee It allows the farmer's er management, and not rr him Hm> T? There's a big story of a phone or calL GROWF.LL; Roxborc I.' ' - .* - THE ROXBORO COURIER , -...By CWa Soghroe ... " .. i, ,?IMm ?-1 pp v\as ?' oce 0OM | urn ^peEoi. vaw 5??| ^ ^^ ? :he higHsst bidder (or cub that cer>n the public read leading* from Sell ora to Leesburg in Olive Hill Township, Pereon County, North Carolina, ind described aa follows: Containing ! seres more or less, being that pert >f lot No. 1 which liea on the south side of said road, same having been onveyed by H. W. Winstead and it Hers to the lata William Winstead, ieceased. F. O. Carver, Commissioner. ' i 2!F ^ shing y SOIV i ,? r ? W t ffilSBr. F BfeaJ MHll i Does More n Six Horses ( motors for muscles, tractor wheels for the ' burden off flesh and i f! | " iergy to tje devoted to terely to operation. It i ha producing costs. avings made possible xis tell you. wrw, A.UTO CO. :",? ??N. C. ' * ? 1*-?? ^ - * . - . oeroGEjR i8th. iyj2. ' ' ; r ' <?ne J OOT-TRA.V19 wB&BS&P AtMTWlUG S WER. OVJU |_ '. . ' .Si*?.' i : ^3!3E\ IMermoLATUMl * Q NOTICE OF LAND SAL,1L/ Under and by virtue of a decree of ae Superior Court of Person County i that certain special proceeding entled W. J. Winstead, Adm., and thers va James Robert Sanford and there, I as commissioner therein apointed, will on NOVEMBER 6. 1922, t 12 o'clock M at the Court house ?r in Roxboro, North Carolina, sell: > tHe highest bidder for cash that I irtain tract or parcel of land sit-1 ited in Holloway Township, Person j ounty. North Carolina, adjoining1 md of W. A. Tuck oh 'the north, I ind of Mrs. Susie Neal on the east, | md of J. J. Thaxton on the south j nd land of W. N. Haskins on the | est, containing 40 1-2 acres more r less, being that land owned and ccupied by the-late Alexander San>rd prior to Ms death. This October 3, 1922. - ; ~ F O Carver, Commissioner. SALE OF LOT Under and by virtue of that deed of trust executed by Nelson Walters] on Marcii 17lb li?20, duly recorded] l Register of]_ Deed's Office, in book , page 126, to'the'undersigned trust-1 e. default "having been madf tn the ayment of the note secured thereby, nd unon reaupufc of th? Vinldpr Ti rill as trustee on IONDAV OCTOBER 30th. 1922,_at \e Court house doer in Roxboro a% welve o'colck Moon. Sell to tlJa highest bidder at public uction for cash the following lot pr a reel of land, to-wit: Lying in Roxboro Township near le corporate limits of the Town of loxboro, bounded on the North by le lands of S. G. Winstead (formerly Irs. Sue Satterfield); on the East! y the land3 of J. A. Long, (former^ Sarah Walker); on tHa South by J ie Roxboro and Bushy Fork public^ad and on the West by"" the lands f Roxie Cunningham, containing one-1 aurth of an acre more or less, on j rhich is located a cottage dwelling, ee deed from J: J. Street to Nelson I /alters, Book, No. 2, page 471, Regiter's Office* of Person County. This September 30th, 1922. _ L. M, CARLTON. IWe'ak Bade li Mr*. Mildred Pipkin, Of |B R. P. D. 8, Columbia, Tenn., I tav*: "Mv exoerience with HI |S Cardui has covered a number ol SB I years. Nineteen years ago-'.T'W'i in I got down with weak back. I jj I was run-down and so weak and- II H nervous I had to stay In bed. | | I read oi GARDUIS The Woman's Tonic jj and sent for it I took only one H bottle at that time, and It helped IS me; seemed to strengthen and I bulIB me right up. So that Is H - hnw I flal^Jtnew of Cardui. | Alter that,... when I began to 5 J get weak and 'no account', I II sent right fof Cartful. aadHt-^B never tailed to help me/' -1 If you are weak and suffering II tram womanly ail meats, Cardui I may be Just what you need. Si Take Cardui. It baa helped H thousands, lad onght^to^tutip 5| , Orv mhbttbhhhmMHII|| HIIJBk^J **xg^| ^Hh t ,u *P VJWAX6 wW HJ-cl S Wost WA. t\JE? _J 1 \CiOT our I J (l/^=-^~l OP vA??^ r ' .' . , v< ,*| FINE I'ARhL3 FOR SALE. 3 choica farms well salted to crowing bright tobacco, wheat, oata aad stock raisjinc.'No rock, rallies or clay hilla bat I nice smooth land, clay subsoil. Well I ..k 1- -LI 1 ?nwun cmrcnea ana .marset.?J. G. uAVTON, Dunn. Ii. C.? 9-13, 3ta. NOTICE SALE OP LAND FOR DIVISION. Under and by virtne oi the authority eonfered upon ua by an order of ttfc Superior Court of Peraon County, i made in that special proceeding entitled. J. A. Humphries, and N. Lunaford next friend for the infant petitioners Emily R. Humphries. W. M. Humphries. C. C. Humphries, Frances Rumphries and W. B. Humphries.' Exparte. The undersigned. Contmlsrhjners will on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 6th 1S22, 12 o'clock, in front of tHr court bourse door in Roxboro. N. C., sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described lands to wit; That certain trdct of land in Mt. Tirzah Township, Person County N. C.. bounded on the North by tHe lands of Jack Cothran and Joe Caah, on the East by the lands of J. N. O'Briant on the South by the landp of Henry Mitchell and on the West by tHe lands oof W. J. Bakes and Allen Peed. Containing one hundbed and forty seres more or less and known as the Luther Humphries place. Said land has been divided into d tracts, and will be offtred in seperate tracts and as a whole, the court will be asked to confirm the sale making the largest aggregate amount bid for said land. See map at office of N. Lunsford, .o n P tt..?-i v/, w. i^uHipnrcries. TlJis September 29th, 1922. ,T. A. HUMPHRIES; N. LUNSFORD Com miss doners FOR RENT, Several places, good grain and tobacco land. If you can not furnish your self for the year you need not apply. Have corn at 15.50 per bbl. J. R. GOOCH, Timberlake, N. C. WE HAVE a big lot of flour, meal, red-dogi ship stuff, bran and cotton seed meal on hand which we are going to" make close prices on for the Cash." Come in and see for yourself. J. V. GARRETT & CO. A close shave 1 I MENTHOIATUM 1 Vflanfartland healsj BUGGIES AND ?URREYS On account of the large number of cars in use are lower, according to costr of production, than ever before and as soon as the stocks op hand" are jjispo.aetL-of?will be considerably higher?probably in the next 3 to8 months. ^?: * Write for Special Prices for tlfe next GO days. Parts such as tope, wheels, shafts, and rubber tires also st LOW PRICES. T"P? f-fiuproH ?t,H TrimmingWork. Also- cuts repainted at_ very Reasonable Prices. R. A HARRELL BUG(?Y rn South Boston, Va , J J? YOU HAVE I ? RJ^.-aWt-ZK raa liva,"^s wfll las| Tutt's Pills I wtaty^KM. Tlav tsMttewaik i I r^Ufh. ?>p?wi ??p TT*m PAGE SEVEN ille Has a 1917 Ehwagon y i ? ~k . ' " ~ i jJ/VWWl? " f- ?? \ '1 You can get back x uui grip uu I / - Health, V' - R I ?o__; "You can just t?U the man or woman who may think Tanlac dopa not do good and lasting work that tlto medicine set me right fire years ago and that I have been in fine shapo ever since," was the statement'made, a few days ago, by John W. Groves,' a well-kn^>wn merchant of Lowell, N. C. "Nervous indigestion had almost completely wrecked, my health," said Mr. Grovee. For a long time I could not keep down anything I would eat. Often wlf.le waiting on a customer I would get so nervous I had to call | some one else, and fially I got so weak. I simply had to give up work altogether. When I did get a little light food to stay on my stomach it I woyld cause gas, smothering sheila and headache. "I took seven bottles of Tanlac and _ gained fifteen pounds and have never had any troubles since. My nerves j are as steady as a cloA now and 1 | eat anything I want, and iny appetite never fails me. In fact, I. never feli better in your life than I do now | and H's all because of the good Tanlac did me five years ago." i Tanlac is sold by all good drugi gists, i. i ? or UODAS IN MT. TIRZAH | TOWNSHIP Mr. Editor: | I saw in The Courier a very, interI esting piece from AUensville towni shin in reuards to their roads * and I ' " * n the number o* .miles they have of improved roads. They have Mt. Tirzah township skinned so far that we ne^er Hope to catch them?they have several miles already built ^and are ! building mere. Mt. Tirzah township | has one half* mile of improved roads, i that is all she has, and voted Twenty Five Thousand Dollars for this town- -I ship to build her roads, and have J b?en paving thi s heavy road tax I for several years, with no roads , vet. Sc. men "what are we up against? ! With the condition of our roads, es- ? ~ I pecially in ^he winter, we can't hard- ? ly get to Roxboro, and of course this forces the farmers to carry their tobacce to Oxford and Durham and also takes lots of trade from Roxboro. Men, we haven't a word to say against our road Commissioners, for they are certainly good business men and no rcgus. Mr. M. R. Long is one of thli best men of our County, but we are just oply asking the question as to why we are neglected? We^Mt neglected We are free to admit for | the last two years pur roads have had more attention than ever before, but we certainly do deserve some improved roads in Mt. Tirzah township, for there is not a township in " thb County but what v has seme improved roads, except Mt. Tirzah. " We know Mt. Tirzah township is entitled to her Twenty Five Thousand Dollars we vct.ed and "the Legislature hasn't the power to change the vote of the people. New, we are not mad witW any one. We do not believe in gathering around at some cross roads and back-biting the people who are in oince. we love our uounty. We do believe Person County is. the best county in the State of North Carolina, and tye would think Mt. Tirrah tc-wnship was the best township in the County if we only Had good roads in it so we could get In and out. J. T. NEWTON. NOTICE Having qualified as Administrate* of the estate of J. Samuel Rirruner, n( P.m. County this la ' to notify all persons having claims lu ealiiUit llwill ID Lhe U'nilPIIlHIIWl on or before the 14th day of October, 1928, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons iindebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. e^^^^AdmimstrSOT: 11&-I4r 4tl pd. L -I J|

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